Dragon Ball: Raging Blast

Dragon Ball: Raging Blast

50 Achievements


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All Ruined

All Ruined

Destroy all of the objects on each map in 1P vs. CPU battle.


How to unlock the All Ruined achievement in Dragon Ball: Raging Blast - Definitive Guide


This is really what I followed. Go map by map, use Freeza with paralize up and no dash ki cost decks against Videl with health regeneration and androidize to limit her ki. Make sure you are in 1P vs CPU set to very weak. If the comp destroys anything, you have to start over. Once you destroy all the items yourself on a particular map once, then it is saved, ie the 5 blocks for the tournament stage, once destroyed by you in one match, will always count towards the achievement. Indents on Supreme Kai and Wasteland stage do not count.

Mark each item off as you destroy it. Multiple items, such as buildings are multi layered, if you destroy the bottom it will not count as destroying the top, therefore always go from the top to the bottom. If there is a tree on top of an island, destroy the three first. This is a trail of patience. Achievement will pop up during the match once you have destroyed the last item on the last map(if everything has already been completed). Good Luck.

Cave: 40 Objects
– Ceiling-breaking Stalactite x1
– Ceiling-breaking Wall (Hidden Room) x2
– Ceiling-breaking Wall (Main Room) x5
– Dual-layered Column x1 (2 objects)
– Rocky Mushroom x9
– Stalactite x4
– Stalagmite x13
– Tri-layered Column x1 (3 objects)
– Wall x1

Supreme Kai’s World: 21 Objects
– Boulder x14
– Main Mountain Breakable Spot x4
– Rock x3

World Tournament: 5 Objects
– Crackable Ring x5

Island: 18 Objects
– Palm tree x2
– Main Island’s Rock x9
– Island x5
– Secondary Island’s Rock x2

Cell Games: 25 Objects
– Breakable Ring x8
– Crackable Ring x1
– Ring Post x4
– Tank x2
– Rock x 8
– Dual-layered Rock (Horizontally) x1 (2 objects)

Abandoned City: 39 Objects
– Air Walkway x5
– Crushed Building x3
– Dual-layered Building x5 (10 parts)
– Green Cubic Building x4
– Light Post x5
– Main Building Spot x3
– Round Shaped Building x9

Ruined Planet Namek: 24 Objects
– Tree x8
– Dual-layered Ledge x4 (8 objects)
– Ledge x5
– Dual-layered Rock (Island-like) x1 (2 objects)
– Rock (Island-like) x1

Planet Namek: 58 Objects
– Building x4
– Capsule Corp. Space Ship x1
– Dual-layered Island x4 (8 objects)
– Dual-layered Rock x2 (4 objects)
– Main Island Mountain Breakable Spot x4
– Rock Bridge (Land) x1
– Rock Bridge (Water) x2
– Rock x6
– Table x2
– Tree x22
– Underwater Rock x4

Rocky Land: 44 Objects (Maybe 42)
– Dual-layered Ledge (Vertical) x2 (4 objects)
– Dual-layered Rock (Vertical) x4 (8 objects)
– Ledge x2
– Mountain Breakable Spot x1
– Penta-layered Rock (TT shape) x1 (5 objects)
– Quad-layered Rock (Vertical) x1 (4 objects)
– Rock x 2
– Tri-layered Rock (Inverted “L” shape) x1 (3 objects)
– Tri-layered Rock (TT shape) x 2 (6 objects)
– Tri-layered Rock (Vertical) x3 (9 objects)

Wasteland: 24 Objects
– Boulder x7
– Rock x10
– Tree x7

Total: 298 Objects

credit goes to Cloud AC

11 Feb 2010 08:22

FUCKIN A i finally got this achievement, it took me around 24 hrs of non stop game play, for the ppl who dont give up easy when the going gets tought, keep at it with this one and ul'l unlock it eventually, i ttook me hella long time to unlock it, i used lssj broly since its easier to hit objects, any ways GL !
By Zorc freeks on 25 Nov 2010 01:47
Could this achievement be obtained in 2-Player Versus mode rather than 1-Player Vs. Computer?

I don't have this game, but I am looking to get one of the Dragon Ball (Z) titles that are out there since I enjoyed them on the PS2. So with that, I was looking at the hardest achievements for each title to see what I'd be getting myself into.
By Wanderer128 on 20 Feb 2012 17:10
Do you have to destroy every object in one match or can I destroy 10 finish the match, destroy another 10 in a different match until I get them all?
By KilledThriced on 01 Mar 2012 01:23
By the way, using the videos, if you don´t screw up too much, it´s around 5 hours.
By KMetalmind on 17 Mar 2012 20:41
Ive done all levvels twice now and nothing, this is driving me to the wall
By PlanesWalker 97 on 17 Oct 2012 18:50
Got this bad boy, so many hours into it, the trick was to do planet namek (a 3rd time) but this time I broke all 58 itms in one go, it worked for 2 others and now me as well
By PlanesWalker 97 on 17 Oct 2012 23:59
I started it yesterday, freezers 100% paralyze with extra duration from items works sweet, much better than broly with videl dancing and messing all around
By Ilindur on 14 Mar 2013 09:58
man took so long but i finally got it after doing level after level i finally re did ruined planet namek and destroyed everything in 1 go and it popped
By noth1ngness69 on 15 Aug 2013 07:17
What a painful achievement this is. You approach the final object, you destroy it, but the achievement just doesn't pop. I'll keep at it though.
By HermitXB on 30 Jun 2016 05:00
GOT IT !!!! smileheadspin
By HermitXB on 30 Jun 2016 17:43
I hate trees
By neoncat on 29 Sep 2022 00:07

By neoncat on 30 Sep 2022 17:01
this achivement might be the one thing keeping me fore playing this for achivements
By BioMegaBear on 08 Aug 2023 22:49
I can 100% confirm that each level has to be done in one sitting, as in, getting all the destructible items on a level in one go. I'd gone through the videos in the walkthrough, and made sure I had destroyed each item once, at least. No achievement. I went back through the levels where I thought there was a chance I may have missed an item. No achievement. Then I went back through the levels I knew I hadn't done in one siting, until I did them in one sitting. The achievement popped as I broke the 45th rock on the Rocky Lands map, whilst still in the battle. I'd gone through that video about 5 whole times in total. Restarting when Videl broke an object, and carrying on from where the video left off etc. So the last item I destroyed for the achievement to pop was one i'd definitely destroyed about 4-5 times prior. It wasn't until I'd finally destroyed everything in one fight, without Videl interfering that the achievement popped. So yes, you have to get a full 100% on each level once for the achievement to pop.
By IHeartParamore on 17 Jun 2015 17:35
I would also side with IHeartParamore if you don't want to send yourself crazy getting this achievement I would recommend doing every level 100% just to be sure, Videl with Trunks and Andronize should not pose too much of a problem on most levels (I honestly very rarely stunned her). It took me about twelve hours of solid play to get this achievement and would like to point out my personal tips even though it's an old game.
Rocky Lands map I played on countless play throughs due to the map design, I found it impossible to follow youtube or any map so try and keep a note of how many things you've destroyed. I'm not sure why but I could never get more than 43 (although most say there are 44 and some 45)
Be careful on the cave, I'm not sure how reliable you can break two things at once so try hard to Stalagmites individually. I also found it very difficult to hit the 5th wall in the main room (for some reason I had to use legendary saiyan I just couldn't hit it with frieza).
As stated if you give videl a lot of room with the andronize she shouldn't move too much, if she does just kill her and start again (I found this quicker than main menu + plus if the game remembers some things you already broke you might be lucky)
I redid every level until I was 100% sure I did everything, after a while you start really picking up your speed completing the levels.
Lastly, there seems to be a bit of a randomness about this achievement, I hammered Rocky Lands and Cave and decided to do a few others, I did Ruined Planet Namek and decided to get all eight trees first. I then took the ledges out making sure I did them separately, I then got the last ledge (which I am about 80% I've hit before....) to get the 24 obstacles and then it popped. Hope anyone else ever trying this horrible 10G has their luck with it. ^_^
By Eenieakane on 17 Nov 2015 14:55
Ok, some more info I´ve learned by looking at all the guides I´va followed:

First, there are some AWESOME videos here on Xbox360Achievements, by Starlight126. They show you each and every part of all the stages (except World Tournament, for obvious reasons :P). USE IT. It makes maps like Namek or Abandoned City A LOT easier:

Next: You don´t have to beat all levels in one sitting. I did the World Tournament stage months before completing the rest of the stages, so if you are 100% sure you have gotten the entire map, write it down. Don´t forget to end the fight by killing the CPU, so it saves. You should see the "Saving..." text.

Another note: You don´t need to break all the objects in one sitting, but there seems there´s some kind of special rule about that. For example, I did the Cell Stage in two parts (ring stage in one sitting and the rest of the stage on another), I lost a multilayered rock on Rocky Lands that I got in another different fight, and again some multilayered rock on Islands. And I got the achievement.

But in Caves, I´m sure I broke all stalagmites, altghouh I lost a mushroom and a wall. I had to break all the stalagmites again for the achievement to unlock. I don´t know if I just mistook one for a wall, or there´s a special rule for the stage to count as completed.

That means that yeah, you can break the thing you lost on a sitting on another one, but just to be safe, write down each stage where you are 100% sure you have broken all, and the ones you didn´t broke on one sitting on another one. That way, you will know which stages you don´t have to repeat at all, and which ones could need a second entire sitting.

Personally, use Freezer with both paralyze parts, and no ki reduction for movement (there are other two parts for that). Be sure you have paralize ray on all your supers, as you will use it a lot. Videl should have andronize and Trunks type. This combination makes her move a lot less. Just to be safe, paralize her every time she´s close to something.

I would leave Rocky Lands and Caves for last, as they are the hardest ones.
By KMetalmind on 17 Mar 2012 20:35
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This is one of the frustrating trophies in the game, knowing you have to destroy everything in each map. You can fly around using Homing Dash to destroy things, or you can use your attacks to destroy them. In the Cell Games and World Tournament stages, you must destroy the floors. So make sure you've destroyed everything before finishing up a battle. Use Cloud AC's All Ruined Trophy Guide thread to help you.

Despite the online trophies, IMHO this trophy is the most difficult because it is unpredictable and there is no exact information on how to obtain it.
Conditions that must be met when destroying objects:
1) The trophy can only be made in 1P vs CPU mode, which makes it very difficult to obtain, because due to the enemy’s movements the camera rotates like crazy and you want to kill the developers for it -_-
2) You must break all objects “with your own hands”; if something is destroyed by a bot, it does not count.
3) If there are trees on a rock and you destroy the rock, the trees will not count towards you, so destroy them first. Also, if a rock consists of several parts, you need to destroy it from top to bottom, step by step, the same applies to houses.
4)You don’t need to break all the objects on one map at one time, the results of your breakdowns are summed up
5) If you break something by doing Smash or throwing a bot, it also does not count.
6)To get this trophy you do not need to break through the ground.

Small but important tips:
1) Use Videl as your opponent because she doesn't have Ki Blast attacks and won't accidentally destroy anything with them.
2) Give her such items as: Androidize and Trunks type, then she will barely move and will practically not attack.
3)Try to use large characters like brolies because they are easier to destroy objects
4) If you are sure that you destroyed everything, but you were not given a trophy, turn on the World Tournament map and destroy all 5 objects on it yourself, there is a chance that the trophy will open.

12 Feb 2011 00:16

Regarding point No. 4, it is not entirely correct. maybe the trophy isn’t even glitchy. if you want to get the trophy, without replaying, you need to destroy ALL objects in ONE battle.

if you are not sure that everything was destroyed, or that the object was destroyed by a bot, restart.

have no doubt, there will be 3 hours of painstaking and super attentive work there follow this video guide - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...DBDC6CC88C2648

To be sure, play dojo to better remember all the objects when the enemy moves; it’s better to have a less recognizable picture in your memory than to look for them from awkward angles.

11 May 2013 12:34