Endling - Extinction is Forever

Endling - Extinction is Forever

28 Achievements


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Let your cubs eat every kind of food in the game.


How to unlock the Omnivore achievement in Endling - Extinction is Forever - Definitive Guide


This trophy is mostly missable because a few of the food items only appear for a limited time and others only appear once or twice. You'll get the majority by simply playing through the game since you need to feed your cubs every day. There are 18 food types in total, but only 17 are required for the trophy (the Easter Egg for Easter Egg trophy_gold.png is not required). The list of the required foods is as follows:
  • Apple
  • Berries
  • Boxed Food
  • Candy Bar
  • Canned Food
  • Chicken 
  • Deer
  • Egg
  • Fish
  • Garbage
  • Mouse
  • Mushroom
  • Pigeon
  • Potato Chips
  • Rabbit
  • Rat
  • Worm
The Apples, Berries (bushes), Eggs, Garbage, and Mice are found in every area and will be very hard to miss. Just remember to check the trees for Apples (in all areas) and Eggs (in the Forest Area). 

The remaining can be found in the following areas (make a note of the Deer and Fish since those are time-limited):
  • Boxed Food: In the Southeastern area of the map will be a chicken slaughter factory. On the outside of the factory will be some containers and platforms you and your cubs can climb on. The blue box of food is found on these platforms.
  • Candy Bar: These require one of your Cubs to have the "Squeeze Through" skill (see For a Better Tomorrow trophy_gold.png). In the Northern section of the map will be a factory that gradually opens up as you progress through the game. The Candy Bars are found within small holes in the wall that your Cub can crawl through to retrieve the Candy.
  • Canned Food: These can sometimes be picked up out of Garbage Bags, but for the most part, you'll be needing a cub with the "Squeeze Through" skill to get them (see For a Better Tomorrow trophy_gold.png). The easiest one to get will be at the vending machine in the factory in the North (the top leftmost icon on the map below). There will be one in the vending machine before it breaks and two on the ground after it does.
  • Chicken: There are two main locations to get Chicken, the first one being the easiest since the Chicken is quite literally dropped on you and your cubs. In the Southeastern area of the map is a Chicken Slaughter Factory (marked by the chicken icon below). When you enter the main slaughter room, a chicken will drop from the conveyor belt above you, allowing you to simply pick it up with cross.png. The other location is a caged chicken and is provided under Chicken Dinner trophy_bronze.png.
  • Deer: This is the most time-limited food you'll need to get. During the introduction of the game, you and an unfortunate deer took a small tumble off a cliff. While you lived, your deer friend did not. Its corpse will only remain for a maximum of 3 Nights and will only net 1 piece of meat. At any point during the first 3 Nights, return to the Deer to grab some dinner off of it. If you're going for Peaceful Instinct trophy_silver.png at the beginning of the game, collecting the meat off the Deer will not count as a "kill" and you'll be good to still get the Deer and that trophy.
  • Fish: There are a few fishing locations found in the River Area, but the max they'll last will only be 8 Nights. The Southern spots will disappear first, at around roughly 5 Nights, but the Northern-most spot will disappear last, at about 8 Nights. Make sure you fish in any of them before they disappear to get your dinner. If you're going for Peaceful Instinct trophy_silver.png at the start of the game, don't fish in any of them until that trophy unlocks. If you don't have enough Nights left to get that trophy before Night 8, then you'll need to get the trophy later in the game.
  • Mushroom: This food only has one location and requires one of your cubs to have the "Squeeze Through" skill (see For a Better Tomorrow trophy_gold.png). It's located in the sewage area of the Western entrance of the Northern factory. Your cub will need to squeeze through a hole in the wall to retrieve it.
  • Pigeon: You'll find quite a handful of Pigeons as you make your way through the Dumping Area. There are actually two Pigeons located on the roofing area where you need to learn the Dangle skill (see For a Better Tomorrow trophy_gold.png), but even if you miss those, there are plenty to be found around the slum section of the Dumping Area. They sometimes appear randomly so do note that not all the locations are shown on the map below, only the firm ones. The leftmost Pigeon icon is the two near the skill location.
  • Potato Chips: This is another food that is pretty scarce. Its main location is in the Dumping Area, within the slum housing (marked in the image below). Outside of that, it does appear randomly in the Northern factory after you rescue your cub (Nights 29 and 30), but the locations are not firm. There would just be random bags lying around that didn't appear across playthroughs. 
  • Rabbits: Rabbits will appear running around in the River Area, then will randomly be killed by the Furrier in the Forest and Dumping Areas. The locations of where the Furrier vary so again, only the firm locations are shown in the image below. If you're having trouble actually catching a rabbit, try hiding in a bush and then quickly pressing cross.png when it runs by you to catch it. This is seemingly the only animal that runs away no matter how quiet you are when sneaking up to it, so hiding is your best bet. 
  • Rat: The Rats will be easy to confuse with the Mice, but just keep in mind that the Mice are brown and the Rats are more of a dark gray color. They're mostly found in the factories (both the North and Southeast). If you're having trouble finding one above ground, look no further than the sewers to find plenty running about.
  • Worm: The Worm will require one of your cubs to have the Dig skill (see For a Better Tomorrow trophy_gold.png). Throughout each area will be small patches of white dirt that, when the cub has the skill, they stop at and stick their head in. Press triangle.png when they do and they'll dig into the hole and pull out a worm to eat.