F.E.A.R. 3

F.E.A.R. 3

51 Achievements


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Man Mode

Man Mode

Finish the Campaign on INSANE difficulty


How to unlock the Man Mode achievement in F.E.A.R. 3 - Definitive Guide

Main warning/requests:
- If people leave dislikes please leave a comment why so i can improve the walktrough
- This walktrough can be used for solo and co-op, but it is mainly written during
co-op gameplay and thus it is best to use this guide when playing in co-op.
- Currently F.E.A.R 3 contains a MAJOR difficulty bug: when you continue
from an mission and select Insane difficulty, then the chance is big that the
game will just start on Commando(or any other) difficulty. To confirm that
you are really playing on Insane, you should start a/the game and pause
your level and goto to options and check the difficulty there. If the game
states any other difficulty than Insane here then it could be solved by
dieing and selecting the insane difficulty here. But please aware when
this bug happens and you need to switch this way then there is a possibility
that the game will not count you entire playtrough as Insane and you will
need to replay a couple of levels. If this bug happens please do not
down vote my solution but make a statement on the F.E.A.R 3 forum
so that they will finally fix this annoying bug.

I can tell previous F.E.A.R gamers that the difficulty Insane
on F.E.A.R 3 is ALLOT easier than the previous F.E.A.R
games in the series, you can find help/info about (possible) difficult Intervals
underneath the Main Gameplay tips.

Main Guidelines for easier Insane play-trough (Short Version)
- Complete the campaign at least once to unlock Insane difficulty.
- Level up to level 21 before starting on Insane for several reasons:
* - Double health
* - Double regeneration
* - Double slo-mo/special ability
* - Carry more ammo and grenades.

- Play co-op for several reasons:
* - You can revive each other so you don't need to reload checkpoints.
* - You can backup each other.
* - You can take on enemy's together by techniques explained bellow

Important co-op revive TIP/NOTICE:
When you revive or get revived in co-op USE slo-mo because everything
will slowdown but you revive speed will be the same as when you revive
without slo-mo, giving you a large advantage against your enemy's.
technical seen you revive will speed up by 50-60% compared when using it
without slo-mo. because the enemy's will still move slow.

Main Gameplay tips for Insane difficulty (longer version)
To complete F.E.A.R 3 on Insane i do advice to play it with
a friend and that you Level-Up to level 21 first because you are
way more powerful when you reached level 21.
You get double slo-mo time, double health, you can carry much
more ammo and grenades etc. One of the things that is really important
that you take allot of cover and let you slo-mo/special ability recharge
allot. also use your ability/slo-mo allot!

And when you play it on Insane with a co-op teammate it is
way easier because you can really help each other out,
Fettel can hold-up the enemy's while you shoot them, or he can
provide a "shield" for you so you can take WAY more damage.
The other advantage of playing Insane on Co-Op is that you can
revive each other so you don't have to reload checkpoints all the time.
If you want to collect all dolls, Challenges, body's, kill related achievements
etc then i would recommend to do this on a earlier difficulty, i must say that
it is fairly easy to search for dolls and do some of the challenges on Insane.

Interval 1 to Interval 4
For these intervals isn't really a guide necessary, these are still quite easy,
but please keep in mind that you need to play in co-op to make it allot easier.
Because when playing in co-op you can really backup each other like mentioned,
in the Main gameplay tips for insane. If someone needs help or a walktrough
for one of these intervals please let me know by a comment or PM and
i will make one for the desired interval/section!

Interval 5
SmorgasBorgnine gave us a extra very useful tip for the beginning of
Interval that we missed to point out, so thanks to SmorgasBorgnine:
"For the first part of interval 5, you may also want to point out that there are
a lot of shock grenades in the crate that will stop the mech dead in its
tracks. I used them to stall it and unload on it. Made it much easier, as I
was playing solo. Thumbs up on the guide."

On Interval 5 near the end you'll have to fight a "blue-guy" and after
him a PA or EPA "robot" this could be a potential obstacle for some players.
The technique for this one in co-op is that one player (Point Man) shoots
as much as possible at the EPA while using allot of slo-mo. And at the
same time Fettel needs to take care of as much as enemy's as possible
by possessing them. When he does not possesses an enemy use his
Fettel blast as much as possible on both enemy's (Blue-guy and the EPA).
How longer you will take to take them out, the more enemy's (human) will
appear, Also keep running around in circles in this area to avoid getting hit.
The weapon (for Point Man) i can advice to use is the Arcbeam/LaserRiffle,
because this weapon is quite powerful, doesn't overheat and doesn't need to
reload clips. Later-on in Interval 5 you will encounter a fight against 4 or 5
Blue-guys with Penetrator riffles (Nail guns), to make it trough this fight,
Point Man needs to use allot of slo-mo and Fettel NEEDS to possess
body's especially one from the big-guy. To make it possible to possess a
body from one of the big-guys you both need to damage it enough to lower
his blue shield. After this Fettel can posses his body. other tips for this
section are to run around allot and play aggressive here, attack allot and
try todo this as much as possible in slo-mo. there will also spawn some
normal human enemy's, the best way to deal with them is to melee/slidekick
them as fast as possible (preferably on their spawn), DO NOT waste any
ammo on these humans if it is not necessary.

Interval 6
After the section underneath the railroad and between/in the broken train-carts,
you will encounter a fight against a blue-guy on a old bus, he will spawn
"normal" human enemy's, the longer he lives the more enemy's he will
spawn, so get rid of him as soon as possible. You can do this as fast as
possible by letting Point Man shoot him non-stop in his head until his
shield drops. At the same time Fettel can suspend him and posses him
when his shield has dropped. But don't forget about the other guys
you will need to take some down from time to time else they will kill you.
just stay in the back as much as possible in this section (on the stairs where
you came up.). Immediately after this fight you will go trough a building and
fight another blue-guy, at this part it worked the best for us to be as aggressive
as possible and push towards the second building across the field. When
you get here one player unlocks the EPA (from within the building) and the
other player can then take control of the EPA and start kicking some ass!
BUT don't forget if Fettel wants to use the EPA he must posses a body,
and this must be a NORMAL human body, the body of those blue-guys
do NOT fit in an EPA/PA! Further on in the chapter you'll have to fight some
smaller power armors (PA's) and some helicopters, if you did well both
players now should have an EPA and you could take turns on firing missiles
on the helicopters while taking cover behind the higher allocated bridge/highway.
If only one player has an EPA or in the worst case no player has an EPA:
then use Fettel blast on the helicopters, this turns out to be highly effective.
(Thanks to HonorguyXNL for the Fettel blast find).

Interval 7
This interval isn't that difficult at all if you use some tactics but there are
some tips for some areas. At the very beginning of the Interval just rush as
fast as possible to the interior of the terminal and fightback the Dog-wave.
Near the end of the level you will encounter two big blue-guys again. The
trick here is to take out one guy as fast as possible and let Fettel posses
his body. After that take out the second one (they appear together at the
same time, so be careful here). Short after this fight you will go outside and
you will need to fight a big EPA, there are two smaller EPA's (PA) located
outside, both players need to get a PA and circle around the big EPA,
this way you can distract him and fire missiles on turns so the other player
can reload his missiles. Directly after this big EPA two blue-guys appear again,
but these guys are a piece of cake (if you still have your Power Armor off course).

Interval 8
This interval isn't that hard either, in the hallways between the memory's you
need to destroy you just need to melee or shoot at the "Ghost" appearances
in order to stop them before the grab or hit you. when you destroyed the three
memory's all you need to do left is to take care of the Big Ugly Creep as
fast as possible, you really need to shoot him three times in his throat before
he attacks of spawns another group of Ghost Soldiers, if you manage to hit
him multiple times before he vanishes then he only will spawn two groups
of Ghosts soldiers. Manage all of this and the 100G is yours.

Other achievements
To take away some "stress" while playing on Insane I would advice to
completely ignore all challenges and other achievements on insane.
The only other achievement you really need to worry about on insane is
the achievement to complete an entire interval on insane without reloading
checkpoints or going into last stand. I posted a guide for this achievement
F.E.A.R. 3ExtremistThe Extremist achievement in F.E.A.R. 3 worth 68 pointsComplete any campaign level on INSANE without reloading checkpoints or going into Last Stand

But if you manage all of this, then F.E.A.R 3 is really a fun
challenge to take on Insane, its not that bad as F.E.A.R 1

25 Jun 2011 03:04

For the first part of interval 5, you may also want to point out that there are a lot of shock grenades in the crate that will stop the mech dead in its tracks. I used them to stall it and unload on it. Made it much easier, as I was playing solo. Thumbs up on the guide.
By SmorgasBorgnine on 27 Jun 2011 13:41
Thanks for your comment, i will add it as a quote/tip from you,
By VenomXNL on 29 Jun 2011 00:01
Does anyone know if you can play each level seperately or mix and match between characters and solo/co-op? I mean, if I beat level 1 on insane using pointmant, then play a bunch of different levels on recruit using pointman, then go back and beat levels 2-8 on co-op using fettel on insane, will i get the achievement?
By Xenodolf on 29 Jun 2011 15:38
@Gomelus Not that i'm aware of, but i would not risk it if i where you, because if you read my previous post.
there is a large bug in the difficulty system when selecting a level. So until this is not patched i would not
risk it to try it. But if you still do this (start from replay and continue on Interval 5) then let me know how it ended up
for you please. But i can give you one tip: run trough it now the last 4 chapters are not that bad and long.
Then after that "speed-finish-run" you can play it anyway with your friend because there is plenty left to
go for in F.E.A.R 3 (Challenges etc)
By VenomXNL on 02 Jul 2011 02:54
I have a question. I beat the first 3 levels on insane with a friend and then he had to go halfway through the 4th level. When we started up again the next day, I made sure it was on insane. However, the game (this isn't the first time this has happened, the game loves to fight me on the difficulty level) put me on commando after I started it up. I noticed this and switched it back to insane without passing the checkpoint we had made it to on insane the night before. My question is, do I have to start over? Or can I just keep going from here?
By Grn Lantern1 on 04 Jul 2011 03:55
@Grn Lantern1 i could only hope for you that the game counted every level as insane, i posted a warning
before about the Automatic random changing of the difficulty (by the game) but people kept messaging and
PM me that it was b*llsh*t :S they didn't believed it. but now more and more people encounter the same problem.
I hope for you that it will trigger but to be sure just check your Difficulty after every reload or save game loading.
the only thing i can tell you is try to play is as quick as possible in Insane and if you have the time do it in one
run to be sure. if the achievement doesn't pop just PM me and let me know. I could help out if you want to.
I've completed a Insane Speedrun before in about 5 hours in co-op. so if you need help just PM me.
By VenomXNL on 06 Jul 2011 01:20
only 1 l in alot dude, plus the guide is great if you can do coop dont really help if your trying solo
By CrazyDoginOZ on 07 Jul 2011 03:24
@Adeptus Wolf Yeah right dude :S please give me the link then because i wrote it while playing though the campaign :S
By VenomXNL on 07 Jul 2011 20:45
If my friend and I play online co-op, we should both get the achievement, right?
By gnrfan8804 on 08 Jul 2011 01:17
@gnrfan8804 Yes if you play on co-op then you both get the achievement, but please check if the difficulty bug doesn't appear for you two (like mention in my comments above) if not then you guys should be fine and both get the achievement. If your going for this you also might consider to go for the Extremist achievement mentioned in
my guide (i also wrote a Co-op guide for this one) Good luck.
By VenomXNL on 08 Jul 2011 02:27
Check x360a there are several guides for achievements, challenges, and per interval. Also, I'm so proud of you playing on insane (sarcasm) I don't give a shit what you play on, your garbage. So is your guide. You are both invalid.

They see me Trollin'! They Hatin'! But they ain't gonna catch me ridin' Durty!
By Adeptus Wolf on 08 Jul 2011 02:29
Well it would seem I am invalid here. He wrote the original guide, it was some other asshole that stole it from him. That's my bad. Mea Culpa.
By Adeptus Wolf on 08 Jul 2011 06:50
played mission 1-3 with fettel solo then mission 4-8 with fettel in co-op and didnt unlock so dont think you can mix an match it. and who i played co-op with had done mission 1-3 with pointman solo then obviously mission 4-8 as pointman with me and he didnt get it either.
still a thumbs up from me tho
By Defrosted Jay on 09 Jul 2011 08:20
@Defrosted Jay We tried the solo-multiplayer mix but could not get it to run on Insane Difficulty for some reason,
i think this has todo something with the Difficulty bug of F.E.A.R 3, because when you played it in solo from 1-3 and
then you want to continue on co-op you will need to replay mission to continue from mission 3. But i think it
will not count this as a campaing playtrough due to the difficulty bug in F.E.A.R 3 i will post more info about this
bug in the Waltrough (we just found more information about this bug so i will update the guide).
By VenomXNL on 09 Jul 2011 11:05
^^ thanks for this, so i either have to do mission 4-8 solo or 1-3 in co-op then? or will it not work if you switch gametype at all (meaning you cant do co-op if you've started on solo)
By Defrosted Jay on 10 Jul 2011 12:54
Hey, not a bad guide. I plan to give it a shot in co-op with a friend. One thing though, it would really help to proof read your work before you post it, I found that there were a lot of spelling and grammer errors and that made it a difficult read at parts. Other than that though the guide is good, thumbs up!
By TianaMaria17 on 11 Jul 2011 21:12
I think I may have figured out the co-op difficulty bug. Make sure you change the difficulty to insane through main menu-options. I'm currently going through with a friend right now, I've been booted twice and re-joined without the bug occurring. I'll update when we finish our playthrough.
By Swan931 on 29 Sep 2011 15:35
Fettel blasts also work really well on the mechs, it seems to stun them every couple of blasts. I killed both on interval 4 by using Fettel blasts and shock grenades
By Swan931 on 29 Sep 2011 15:40
Fettel blasts also work really well on the mechs, it seems to stun them every couple of blasts. I killed both on interval 4 by using Fettel blasts and shock grenades
By Swan931 on 29 Sep 2011 17:04
@Swan931 Yeah i know how to work arround the difficulty bug and i did wrote a little guide within this guide how people could work arround this bug. But allot of people kept bitching about this bug and kept nagging that my guide whas in correct because some of the people stated that there was nog bug :S. so i had to remove this part from my guide because people kept flamming my inbox and solution :( Anyway thanks for the headsup
By VenomXNL on 02 Oct 2011 13:44
You can mix co-op & single, I just did all except 7 solo (died at the end and accidentally selected Restart Mission, didn't wanna run through again), and unlocked it after co-oping 7.
By Leo Ascendent on 04 Oct 2011 20:42
7 is a pain playing solo Fettel, might have been easier as PM, but meh.... those dudes with the penatrator gun are a pain (but fun to posses).
By Leo Ascendent on 04 Oct 2011 20:46
Definitely has to be (Solo) with point man. The way it's meant to be.
By KiN6TiM on 22 Feb 2012 13:26
damn bug :/ good guide but i got conned out of the achievement because of the bug not counting but we did it in 3 sessions so i either need to redo. 1-4 5-7 as weve redone 8 making sure it says insane
By Emeryamerizone on 06 Mar 2012 18:02
helped alot thanx i did it as fettel solo and for the mech in interval 5 i took over the blue guy with laser and wen mech appeared lured him up one of the stairs and kept goin close to him and back over and over as he trys to melee you and youve moved out of the way so you can blast him with less damage and when he did kill my body i blasted him and ran and he died shortly after. thumbs up for the tips
By DemonDuffeh on 09 Mar 2012 23:53
@DemonDuffeh Thanks for the positive reaction (don't get much of them on this guide :( ) on all other guides its mostly positive but most people seem to have alot of problems with the Difficulty bug on F.E.A.R 3, resulting in negative votes and comments, so it's nice to get a positve comment on this solution for once :D Ty
By VenomXNL on 10 Mar 2012 00:39
I highly recommend picking up a riot shield in Interval 5 when playing as Point Man. It makes the Phase Commander 1000 times easier. As soon as he "phases" in just start smashing him with your shield non-stop. Try as he might he will be unable to harm you while you pound away at him (you might get damaged once or twice but he won't kill you). After a while his shields will drop and then you'll have to listen carefully for when he dies as he will go kamikaze and if you get caught in the explosion it WILL kill you.
By JustinSaneV2 on 29 Mar 2012 05:11
For anyone like me who gets owned by the 25 dog creatures in the garage area near the end of Interval 7, while you're waiting for the comically slow roller shutter to raise simply turn 180 degrees after activating the switch and go hide behind those dumpsters in the corner. The dogs won't touch you so it's also the perfect place to go for the Godlike challenge (20 kills without taking damage).

I must be one of the lucky ones as my difficulty never glitched, and the cheeve popped when the Creep bit the dust. Happy times.
By Capt Poopey on 17 Mar 2013 02:18
Thank you Saucy for the tip!! 15000 bonus points for hardly any effort ;)
By Kexol on 20 May 2014 09:26
Don't know if it'll helps, but I'd like to say that the IWuvDerpyHooves' method works like a charm. It's perfect for the interval 7 too, with the two phase commanders.
Thanks for the tip.
By Ixtab Lullaby on 03 Aug 2017 07:24
This is unbelievably easy to complete in Co-Op. Me and my mate completed almost all of the missions in less than half the target time. Plus its loads of fun in Co-Op
By FoolsAndKings on 15 Oct 2023 14:56
If anyone wants to co-op, please message me
By Dead Dweller on 08 Dec 2023 02:14
Just beat insane in 4 hours...Seriously! No Joke! A friend and myself over XBL ran through co-op on insane. He was a level 21, while I was only a 12. Really no problems. Infact the only part we actually had to reload checkpoints on was level 5, with the mech. I am supprised at how easy it was. Im sure there is some slight advantage for having some decent skill, but it seems that nearly any one can beat this game on insane.

Great lil road map/solution.

Thumbs up from me, and SCREW all the H8RS that leave Negatives votes w/o even posting anything in regards to what they disliked! Seriously its lame. If your gonna give some one negative ratting, PLEASE at least let the solution author know why, so possibly he/she can change it!!

Ne way THUMBS up again!!!
By CrustyDirtDemon on 29 Jun 2011 06:45
@CrustyDirtDemon, Thanks for your comment and thumbs up, i must agree that this "Insane" mode is really easy
we took about 6 hours to complete it in co-op (but please keep in mind that we also wrote the walktrough while
playing it). After this we did another speedrun trough insane and also made it in about 4 hours, i was expecting
allot more resistance, is we compare this F.E.A.R with the other F.E.A.R games than this is a REAL easy version.

@Xenodolf, Sorry i really don't know if this will unlock when combining levels, i don't know if the achievements
unlock when using replay, if you would like to complete the campaign as Fettel then i would recommend
playing it in co-op, this is also way easier than playing in solo (what already is fairly easy).
By VenomXNL on 30 Jun 2011 14:17
@I think the best solution is just to complete the game you've already started. but For the most people it goes allot
faster to play it in co-op so i would recommend starting a new campaign on insane and play trough it together,
then both of you guys get the achievement. And if you play it on co-op the campaign on Insane can be completed
within 4-5 hours (if you don't pay attention to collectibles and achievements). But what may also be a important
statement for you (because you want to switch between co-op and solo modes) is that F.E.A.R 3 contains a MAJOR difficulty bug. i've updated my guide to mention this bug it is now stated at the top section of my guide
under the header Main warning/requests. Please pay attention to this bug! if you get tricked by this bug
it would be a waste of time.
By VenomXNL on 10 Jul 2011 14:24
Thanks for the comment, but i have to mention that English is not my main language and that i already write guides
for officially as a job in The Netherlands, so sometimes it takes up to much time for me to keep checking the
spelling and grammar on the "free" guides here. It is to bad that this goes for the quality of my guides here
but i think/hope you can understand that i just can't spend all my time on only creating perfect guides, if i would
do that then TA would endup like a job to and i think i don't want to continue it then anymore. So these are
more like my hobby guides ;) Anyways thanks for the tip and feedback. maybe i will run trough all my TA
guides sometimes when i have some spare time to re-check all the spelling and grammar.
By VenomXNL on 12 Jul 2011 01:39
My achievement glitched and didn't unlock. Possibly something to do with me going from co-op to single player, and the 8 or so months between starting it and getting to middle of Interval 4, and finishing it over the last few days.
I was kind of annoyed but started a new playthrough as Fettel this time. It unlocked for me after I completed Interval 5.
I did notice on the "Performance" menu that some of my highscores weren't registering so I also replayed some of those, 6 and 7 I think. The highscores still didn't register though so don't know what's going on there.

I didn't really run into many problems. The mech in the middle of Interval 5 was a bit of a pain with Fettel as I'd killed the phase commander. Eventually got it done by possessing the last enemy for a bit. The mech in 4 was hard at first but once I figured out you could just throw every grenade you've got at it and kill it outright it wasn't so hard. The rest was easy as long as you stay in cover and play smart.
By Th3 Majica on 29 Jun 2012 01:13
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To unlock INSANE difficulty you will need to complete all 8 intervals on a separate difficulty first. Once you have INSANE unlocked you must play through the entire game on INSANE difficulty. You must complete all intervals for this trophy to pop. You also must NOT replay, change difficulty, change characters or anything else between intervals. INSANE mode is also more manageable the higher level you are, higher levels give you more health, more slow motion (possession) time and more grenade/ammunition. Even if you don't change anything sometimes this trophy will not pop. Start another game on INSANE and eventually you'll earn this trophy. There's no guaranteed method to earn this if it glitches, just keep playing.

There are a few difficult spots when playing on INSANE difficulty. I will elaborate on them below.

Interval 04
In the middle of the level you will be attacked by a Powered Armor, the easiest way to kill it is by stunning it with Shock Grenades. If you do not have any on you, check the wooden shed for 3 Shock Grenades. Once the Powered Armor is stunned, lay into it with your G3A3 or bombard it with frag grenades.

Interval 05
In the middle of the level you will be attacked by a Phase Caster and then immediately after a Powered Armor. The strategy in Interval 04 still applies, to your right (when entering the room) is a weapon crate with shock grenades. There is also a weapon crate on the left side of the room with the Arc Beam.

Interval 07
Near the end of the level you will press a button to open a bay door while Monostrosities warp in to kill you. Once you press the button to open the door, run back to the previous room and close the door. The Monstrosities won't be able to kill you and the door will still open. Every now and then a monstrosities body will phase through the wall, you can knife and kill them without risking yourself.

This strategy works if you brought the riot shield from the previous room (where you fought 2 Phase Commando's). Crouch, open the door and stand in the door way. The monstrosities won't be able to hurt you and you'll be able to kill them as they try to kill you. Once they're all dead you can reach the next area hassle free.

It’s easier to play in 2 and it is advisable that the game be completed at least on Easy because there will be a higher level of development and these are very good bonuses for increasing ammo and health)

If you play 2, then you can put a Shield on Vettel that absorbs a certain amount of Damage on Poitman)

Use cover more often, and try not to rush at enemies; cover each other’s rear)

Chapters 5 - 7 will contain very dangerous enemies that are simply impossible to kill in 1 (these enemies carry harpoons and can travel through Walls. My friend and I killed them in the following way

A friend (Vettel) lifted them into the air, and I turned on the Slowdown Mode and stabbed them in the back, causing just colossal damage, and as soon as the enemy weakened, you could possess him.

15 Aug 2012 08:33

1 Comment
“Unreal” is too strong a word, especially if the game uses modern complexity, but not old school, to which this word could well be applied.

What can I recommend:
  • Start your first playthrough of the game at the “difficult” difficulty level, because after completing the level, there is an increase in the overall score, precisely due to the difficulty, in this way you can level up to level 13 during the first playthrough, and this will be very useful to you.
  • Shoot exclusively at the heads! It is much easier to waste one round and save the entire clip for the future than to run around with empty ammunition.
  • Sitting in shelters may seem fun to some, but in reality it is ineffective. Your opponents, although stupid, love to surround the main character.
  • Remember that grenades are not in your inventory for beauty’s sake; if combat grenades help you knock out the health of your exoskeletons, electric and light grenades are your direct chance to destroy those very “invincible” commanders who revive the enemy’s forces.
  • The tactics of fighting commanders are simple to the point of disgrace, and there is only one piece of advice - it’s arrogance, yes, yes. For example, we entered a new location, we see that the commander is standing in the middle and calls 3 infantrymen, what do we do? Let's cut our way Comrades! We turn on the slowdown, take out the shotgun and go “get to know each other better”; just one clip fired at point-blank range can save your time, wasted on several further attempts. Of course, there are situations when you can’t get close to them, in my memory there are only two of them: the first commander will be at the end of the second chapter, you can destroy him with a sniper rifle, after hiding behind the balcony on the first floors, the second after the destruction of the train, on the bridge , similar to the first, but instead of a rifle, use a regular machine gun, hide behind cover and shoot the adversary from it, be careful, ordinary infantry will not come towards you, but attack aircraft can do a lot of damage with shot in the back. Now, regarding 2 commanders in a level 7 port, to make your task easier, your level must be above seventeen, which means that the maximum supply of grenades will be increased to four, your health will increase by 30 percent, and its regeneration will be 2 seconds faster, make sure that before the battle with them you have a full set of grenades and a shotgun with two clips at your disposal, the commanders jump off one at a time, thereby identifying the first victim, as soon as the first commander jumps off, immediately start firing at him with a shotgun, remembering to turn on slowdown, when the slowdown scale starts to run out, throw one electric bomb, it will neutralize both for a while, after that, throw 4 combat grenades and finish off the first commander, half the way has been passed, then it will be easier, you can blind the second or silence the first one, after that As soon as he is incapacitated, start shelling, and be careful, don’t press yourself against the walls!
By pRedAcToR on 03 May 2013 14:20