Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

76 Achievements


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Played the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode.


How to unlock the Hardcore achievement in Fallout: New Vegas - Definitive Guide

With this method you can get the achievement within just 2 hours. I did it last night- It's absolute genius! Credit goes to ThermalStone over at Gamefaqs. Here's a link to the forum thread: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/959557-fallout-new-vegas/5723...


Sex: Female (for the Black Widow Perk)

Strength: 3
Perception: 4
Endurance: 10 (You'll need the hitpoints)
Charisma: 1 (I've never seen any kind of serious build recommendation that didn't have a charisma of 1)
Intelligence: 10 (You'll need the skill points)
Agility: 10 (For running faster)
Luck: 2

Tag Skills: Barter, Speech, Survival

Skills scores needed as you level up:
Survival: 45 by level 6
Speech: 95 by the Hoover Dam mission
Medicine: Put any extra points into this.
{{EDITOR'S NOTE-- I put all my points into survival first and concentrated on sinking the rest into speech once survival hit 45.}}

Good Natured
Second Slot: Empty

Level 2: Black Widow (to deal with Benny quickly)
Level 4: Educated (for the skill points)
Level 6: Travel Light (for running even faster)
Level 8 and above: Doesn't matter

1. Get as many stimpaks as you can from Doc Mitchell's house, as well as the doctor's bag and some food and water, then leave. Set the game's difficulty to Very Easy and choose Hardcore mode when prompted.

2. Head Southeast out of Goodsprings towards Jean Sky Diving. From there, turn north.

3. You'll come upon a trailer with some powder gangers and dead caravaners around it. Head east along the road towards Hidden Valley, running away from the powder gangers. Enter Hidden Valley. Any powder gangers still chasing you should turn away.

4. Go to the eastern fence of Hidden Valley and run along it until you see a gap. Head Southeast to Scorpion Gulch, then East to the backside of Helios One. You can easily outrun or even jump over all the scorpions you will encounter.

5. Go north until you discover the El Dorado Substation. You'll need it for fast travel later.

6. From the El Dorado Substation, go Northeast to the 188 Trading Post. Talk to Veronica there and recruit her as a companion. (Do not let Veronica die until after you go back to Hidden Valley later on!)

7. From 188, follow the road north for a long ways until it becomes elevated. There are no enemies here. Then look for a rusty water pipe and keep following that north until you see a wooden bridge. In the center of the bridge is Durable Dunn's Sacked Caravan. Strip the two dead Van Graff thugs of their combat armor.

8. From the caravan, go northwest to discover the New Vegas Medical Clinic and the Crimson Caravan.

9. Enter the Crimson Caravan and sell one of the combat armors. Exit out the west gate of the Crimson Caravan and head south to the Gun Runners.

10. Sell your other combat armor to the Gun Runners. You will now have the 2000 caps necessary to get into the Strip. With any extra caps, purchase some good light armor and a helmet for yourself. If you started the game with the armor from the Classic or Caravan pack, you don’t need anything better. Sell any non Aid items you have in your possession, including your weapons and ammo, if you need more caps.

11. Go north to the Freeside East Entrance and enter Freeside. Go through the blue door next to the Mick and Ralph's crier and head south. Pass the credit check and enter the Strip.

12. Go straight to the Tops and enter. When you see Benny, you'll gain so much experience that you'll jump from level 1 to 4. Level up as suggested above, taking the Black Widow Perk, then talk to Benny.

13. Choose the Black Widow conversation options and convince Benny to go upstairs with you. Follow him to his hotel room, have sex with him, then kill him in his sleep. Take everything off his body and grab his suit off the floor.

14. Go the door at the back of the room and find the Yes Man. Talk to the Yes Man and you’ll get a few quests. Make sure you ask him about the tribes you need to discover. Go downstairs and exit the Tops.

15. Cross the strip to the Ultra Luxe and go through the casino to the reception desk in the back of the Hotel. Talk to Mortimer and ask him about his organization. This takes care of contacting the White Glove Society. Exit the Ultra Luxe.

16. Enter the Monorail Terminal, the building directly to your right. Go upstairs and through the double doors. The NCR guards will start shooting at you. Run past them and get on the monorail to Camp McCarran. (Once you’re in Camp McCarran, no one will care that you illegally got on the monorail.)

17. Exit the McCarran Terminal then cross the parking lot to the west to find the main gate. Exit Camp McCarran.

{{EDITOR'S NOTE-- If you have some trouble keeping Veronica alive through step 18, do step 19 first and then fast travel back to Camp McCarren to do step 18. After getting into the Brotherhood's base Veronica will no longer be required.}}

18. Head directly west from Camp McCarran to Red Rock Canyon. You may want to head northwest after you cross the first bridge to avoid several powerful groups of fiends. When you reach the hills, head south, outrunning any enemies, until you reach Red Rock Canyon. Take the uphill path on the right towards the group of huts and you’ll get credit for contacting the Great Khans without actually speaking to anyone.

19. Open your World Map and fast travel to Hidden Valley. (Aren’t you glad you went the long way round in the beginning of the game?) Enter the Brotherhood’s bunker northwest of the hollow rock and let Veronica get you in quickly. Go down the steps and talk to Ramos for credit contacting the Brotherhood of Steel.

20. Fast travel to the New Vegas Medical Clinic and run northeast to Nellis Air Force Base. Save the game after you talk to George and make a run for the gate. Stay to the left and use the houses for cover until you reach the fenceline, then run left to the gate. Make the wager with George and read his notes if you want more details.

21. The Boomers will take you to Pearl. Finish the conversation with her for credit contacting the Boomers. Then exit her house and fast travel to the New Vegas Medical Clinic first for treatment if you were severely injured by the artillery, then to the Strip.

22. Enter the Lucky 38, and go the penthouse. Stand in front of Mr. House’s big screen, and look under the stairs just to the left. Use the terminal to open the antechamber, then run past the robots and use the second terminal to unlock the elevator. Take it down and Unseal the chamber, then kill Mr. House.

23. Exit the Lucky 38 and cross the street to Gomorrah. Just entering and talking to the guy who takes your weapons gives you credit for contacting the Omertas. Exit and go back to the Yes Man at the Tops.

24. Ask the Yes Man about the tribes, then tell him to ignore each one. Then tell him that you’re ready to meet him at the Lucky 38.

25. Go back to the Lucky 38, and watch the Yes Man install himself on the mainframe, then he’ll take you to the basement for a little demonstration.

26. Talk to the Yes Man again, and when prompted tell him you don’t care what happens to President Kimball, skipping the assassination quest.

27. The Yes Man will then send you to the El Dorado Substation. Fast travel there, enter the substation and activate the terminal to install the override. (Again, aren’t you glad you took the long way to discover this location before?) The guards will shoot at you but you can just run back outside and fast travel back to the Strip before they follow you outside.

28. Return to the Yes Man and tell him you are ready to begin the Hoover Dam battle.

29. Just run past every enemy and follow the waypoint markers to your goals. There’s no reason to fight anyone because you’ll have plenty of speed, hitpoints, and armor to survive on Very Easy. If you take damage, use stimpaks.

30. When you reach the NCR heavy troopers guarding the control room, pass the speech check to fool them into abandoning their post. Then enter and install the override. Keep following waypoints to your goals until you exit back to the top of the dam.

31. Run past the legion troops and securitrons battling it out and enter Lanius’s camp.

32. Run past the praetorian guards and head for Lanius. You should be at level seven by now with a speech of 95-100. Put on Benny’s Suit (+5 to speech) if needed to reach 100, then talk to Lanius. Choose the prompt about listening to reason, then pass a long series of speech challenges to convince him to withdraw the Legion.

33. Turn around and run back to the gates. As you get close, they will explode and General Oliver of the NCR will enter and talk to you. Choose options that steer the conversation towards non violence until you see a 100 Speech Challenge option. Chose that and Oliver will be convinced to withdraw the NCR, leaving you in command of Vegas. End the conversation with a peaceful option.

34. Talk to the Yes Man to finish the game.

There, you just beat the game on hardcore in about two hours, probably without ever:

Entering VATS
Killing anything (except Mr. House and Benny)
Eating or drinking more then once
Picking a lock
Hacking a terminal
Repairing any equipment
Crafting any item
Reaching level 9

15 Jan 2011 17:52

Great guide! Achievement in about 2 hours :)
By IstIngiliz on 03 May 2013 17:03
i think my brotherhood part has glitched as veronica just keeps on saying a word and the door doesn't open
By Schwifty Dayman on 26 Feb 2011 14:20
I think so too Connor :/ Sorry to hear that!
By Ray Redhawk on 26 Feb 2011 20:26
I wish ther was a map for this lol
By paddycfc22 on 17 Jul 2011 13:03
Amazing guide. Can't believe how easy this was. Flawless. Well Done.
By GamerComa on 27 Jul 2011 22:37
This is an amazing guide. Just did it, and it took me ~1 hour and 15 minutes. Thanks!
By teh real weasel on 03 Mar 2011 20:47
Another satisfied customer! You're welcome :)
By Ray Redhawk on 09 Mar 2011 10:34
great job on this one!!
By SIE Zaznex on 26 Mar 2012 17:33
100% effective, cheers :)
By Gregor Lenko on 23 Apr 2012 16:30
This is amazing, and hilarious. I'm taking my time, playing through normally to enjoy it. But after that, I'm going to run through this method just for the fun of it. ;)
By d3vilsNight on 20 Jan 2011 21:04
PS Does Charisma really not matter? I've never put any extra points into it, but if it's really that useless, I'll start taking points out of it and put them elsewhere!! thanks!
By d3vilsNight on 20 Jan 2011 21:05
great guide - thanks
By karen greaves on 22 Jan 2011 14:05
Hi KingHell71,

At 7) The second Van Graff thug corpse is quite hard to spot as it blends in with the scenery. If I recall correctly, there's one next to the caravan (along with the Crimson Caravan corpse/ash pile) and one near the rope bridge.

Hey d3vilsNight,

I guess not! Haha. Personally I like having charisma points when I play through the Fallout games properly, but I guess if you're doing a speedrun it's not so important.
By Ray Redhawk on 26 Jan 2011 00:53
Would this also earn you the Yes Man questline achievements? (Wild Card and No Gods No Masters)
By HeyMrBassman on 26 Jan 2011 09:30
This worked great thanks a lot and yea you should get the Yes Man questline achievements since you do complete the quests.
By Artie65 on 27 Jan 2011 20:33
Excellent solution!
By Extrapolates on 28 Jan 2011 22:09
After a non-hardcore/normal playthrough of 116 hours, I seriously do not think I could do that again. At first, it seemed an awesome concept but having played the length I have and still yet to explore places on my main savegame I decided to do the speed runthrough.

And this worked to a T. Finished in just under 3 hours. I hardly struggled with any part, and only drank/ate/slept once. I'll maybe go back and build a hardcore character, but for now it'll do. Thankyou for the guide.
By Treeacle on 31 Jan 2011 18:44
Just finished doing this and I can confirm you get the Yes Man achievements. Excellent guide!

One suggestion for amendment to point 8: the Medical Centre is actually northwest of Durable Dunn's.
By HeyMrBassman on 31 Jan 2011 19:22
Good eye you have there Mr Bassman! I've now edited it for the benefit of clarity.
By Ray Redhawk on 31 Jan 2011 22:09
The guide mentions nothing about putting any points into your Science skill (unless I missed it), yet you need a science skill of 75 to hack the terminal near Mr. House. I must be missing something seeing as everyone else who has commented on the guide is happy with it and the vote ratio is excellent. Please enlighten me.
By SecondHeartbeat on 11 Feb 2011 20:08
What a fantastic guide. Thank you to whoever made this

Extremely easy to do in under 2 hours :)

Small note about 20:

"20. Fast travel to the New Vegas Medical Clinic and run northeast to Nellis Air Force Base. Save the game after you talk to George and make a run for the gate. Stay to the left and use the houses for cover until you reach the fenceline, then run left to the gate. Make the wager with George and read his notes if you want more details."

If you do take on George's wager and give him 300 caps... don't forget to go back to him after talking to Pearl to get your 600 cap reward :D
By J1MMEH G on 12 Feb 2011 16:18
Wow this ruled and worked quite nicely. I am still playing offline so my cheevo hasn't updated. Thanks for the great help! I'm done with this game!
By stevezep19 on 13 Feb 2011 21:39
Hey Jiyuu17.

There is no terminal hacking involved at all in this solution. The terminal to the antichamber and the terminal insode the chamber can be accessed and interacted with in the regular way. The guide worked brilliantly for me!
By Ray Redhawk on 13 Feb 2011 23:38
^ ah, right. I just assumed you would have to hack it because I did on my original play-through. Thanks, SuperDanbotMkII :)
By SecondHeartbeat on 14 Feb 2011 18:45
Great guide, thanks for the help.
By JimMcLean 83 on 25 Feb 2011 20:01
By CoronelSmash on 25 Mar 2013 12:00
Seriously, this is one of the best solutions on the site! Very clear and easy to follow, also very well written, thank you. I feel you deserve my 200 TA points haha.
By Traveller Nick on 31 Mar 2013 17:19
Thank you. another playthrough on hardcore seemed a very daunting task before i found this solution. Only multi-death part i had was getting from mccarran to red rock canyon. damn fiends kept killing veronica, plus i didn't realize you had to go so far south to get around the mountains. otherwise great guide.
By SaintsRecruit on 16 Mar 2011 20:34
Best guide by miles positive vote from me.
By Aristophane on 25 Mar 2011 23:15
if you go from Camp McCarran terminal to the strip terminal you don't need any money but you have to change your route up quite a bit.
By KamikazeInfidel on 26 Mar 2011 01:43
Awesome guide dude, took me about 90 mins to do. Many Thanks.
By lostinaNunnery on 31 Mar 2011 16:02
Cracking solution. Personally took me just under 3hrs all told.
By Kinesis916 on 10 Apr 2011 19:26
Love it, wish it could've combined a luck setup though cos one more playthrough left for strip casinos achievement
By HiradC on 14 Apr 2011 19:43
This works BUT you damn well better have a lot of stimpacks if you plan on running all the way across the dam without fighting anyone. It took me WAY too many tries to get across.
By on 25 Apr 2011 18:59
2.5 hours and I only used 5 stims plus one visit to the med clinic (after the boomers) Thanks a lot for this one.
By Jolly Wolfe on 26 Apr 2011 22:25
Is it even possible with a speech of 95 - 100 to complete the game with your solution? I have 98 and every time I speak to Lanius it ends up in a fight, I can't pass the one challenge. So, do I have to have 100 or is there a small possibility to get the challenge with 98?
By Patmaster1891 on 01 May 2011 15:44
It worked great! Cut it close wth mild dehydration, plus my torso and head got crippled toards the end, but I made it. I got 3 new achievemnts. Thanks a lot!
By Robster80 on 09 May 2011 04:53
That was bang tidy. Cheers.
By chriswatto6 on 11 May 2011 15:25
Patmaster1891, after reloading multiple times at the Lanius part (while playing the game normally) with varying Speech levels under 100; I always had to fight him. There may be some chance, but it seems to be a rare chance.
If you only need 2 points for Speech, try: taking Mentats, wearing Sexy Sleepwear, wearing Naughty Nightwear, drinking Vodka or Whiskey, read the magazine Meeting People, or wear Benny's suit. All of them will raise your Speech at least 2 points.
By Plut Backwards on 13 May 2011 02:32
I'm glad that you posted this. It is a great solution!
By kmdeftones on 14 May 2011 22:54
Awesome guide...btw if anyone ever has trouble with h2o go inside the ultra lux casino bathhouse and drink the pool water...couple drinks and you're back down to zero with no radiation
By Ilysium on 01 Jun 2011 13:23
Awesome guide...btw if anyone ever has trouble with h2o go inside the ultra lux casino bathhouse and drink the pool water...couple drinks and you're back down to zero with no radiation
By Ilysium on 01 Jun 2011 13:52
Great guide. I messed up the first time by "accidently" killing yes man and doing a few things that weren't mentioned. Ended up wasting three hours of my life. Just stick to the guide and you're golden.
By RegularChew on 03 Jun 2011 00:48
By far THE BEST solution here. 10/10.
By visheyry on 04 Jun 2011 15:52
Forgive my ignorance, but why survival 45?
By Cobalt Skin on 05 Jun 2011 21:52
wow worked great
By SepticWater on 12 Jun 2011 11:05
Wormer but the last few steps dont give much help, dont do THE bluff challenge but say that you Will meet them again
By ll sider inc ll on 12 Jun 2011 22:16
Worked like a charm. Finished in 1:28:42
By Undervirp on 13 Jun 2011 15:08
Just a note that might change your SPECIAL at little: Agility has no affect on movement speed. It affects AP, holster/draw speed, reload speed, Guns, and Sneak, but not movement. Other than that, this seems pretty good.
By calcwizard on 15 Jun 2011 23:50
Ha ha, this worked great. I didn't really enjoy the game all that much, so I was glad to get a few more points out of it so quickly.
By Buff Beefbroth on 16 Jun 2011 00:55
@Cobalt Skin, 45 Survival is necessary for Light Travel, which makes you move 10% faster. Does give you a little help on the dam as you try to run from Praetorian Guards at the Legate's Camp.

Magnificent guide OP, just got it in ~1.75 hours. You deserve a thousand up-votes!
By Smeds on 16 Jun 2011 04:44
Fantastic solution. I can't thank you enough for this. +1.
By drabik on 27 Jun 2011 17:21
Too Long; Didn't Read

Negative Vote
By bone21 on 05 Jul 2011 02:11
Thumb Up. Fantastic guide. 2 hours, 12 minutes. Could have been faster but I misread the comment about Survival to 45. Ended up with survival at 100, and had to grind a couple levels to get my speech up to 100. Oh well, still a lot faster than I expected.
By DragonYen on 12 Jul 2011 01:27
fantastic guide. nicely done. ty
By SmokiestDadn on 12 Jul 2011 11:59
Quite possibly the single best guide on TA.
By Drachen77 on 16 Jul 2011 19:39
Thank you, I did this tonight. I also just printed out a map that I drew on as per each of the directions, I forgot where some of the locations were since I last played this in 2011. Now time for another FULL playthrough without hardcore.
By mentoc on 21 Nov 2016 11:15
Astonishing in 2017
By Taipei Kindom on 26 Feb 2017 07:00
Bloody hell.
Looks like I know my next playthrough.
By ManicMetalhead on 18 May 2017 12:13
Awesome guide, took about 3.5 hours and everything was spot on.
By Herbal42 on 04 Apr 2013 00:05
at #5 its not north its west !!! cos thats the way i had to go and i had to Google it on Wikipedia to find it and i did not cool
By Tank Force UK on 04 Aug 2011 23:42
It's impressive that you were able to come up with this guide. Still, it feels cheap and saddens me when an achievement that is supposed to be difficult, is easily bypassed. Not that I'm giving you a negative vote for it, just sounding off. You clearly did a great job coming up with the guide. Just doesn't seem like there'd be much enjoyment in playing a game this way. This chevo took me 40+ hours to obtain, but I enjoyed playing the game that way and earning the other chevos along the way. Oh well...
By DrewskiMcGee on 10 Aug 2011 19:49
Best guide ever!
By Jenova20 on 13 Aug 2011 12:07
great solution! and who voted negative on this? I mean... really...
By QuanticJustice on 18 Aug 2011 06:00
wait so you play this on very easy then switch to hardcore or play it all through hardcore and have it on very easy until it asks you to switch to hardcore when you leave docs?
By demont101 on 23 Aug 2011 17:06

At the very start, go to Settings and put it to Very Easy. When you leave Docs' you'll be asked if you want Hardcore, select 'Yes'. Although its on Hardcore its Very Easy Hardcore. ^_^

Also excellent guide =D Working my way through the now and its working brilliantly, only problem I had was looting the Combat Armor, since only one of them dropped it. The other dropped Leather Armor for me -_-
Managed to sell weapons for the rest of the caps like you suggest though.
Once again, fantastic guide =]
By Xenval on 05 Sep 2011 22:21
All i have to say is thanks. After an initial playthrough of 50+ hours, it was nice to go through hardcore in less than 3. No notes to add since no one playthrough will be the same and nothing was overly difficult but I did go through step 19 prior to 18 so I wasn't stressed when Veronica was lost.
By Mad Child277 on 21 Sep 2011 16:49
Awesome. Glad you found it useful!
By Ray Redhawk on 21 Sep 2011 18:03
Great guide. Didn't need it myself, because I already had the achievement. One thing I really don't understand. You mentioned that it can be hard to keep Veronica alive. You only need Veronica to open the BoS bunker for you. So only recruit her when you're heading for the bunker and after that she can die. So why are you insist to keep her alive till the battle for Hoover Dam?
By Parallax Demon on 02 Oct 2011 20:45
Outstanding guide. I love just exploring the Fallout worlds so this will come in handy when I finish my normal play through. Thanks a lot!
By MH The Rockstar on 04 Oct 2011 19:51
Gonna be using this tonight to help me hopefully I'll finish it too.
By Braces on 05 Oct 2011 07:06
Wow, this may have been this best achievement guide I've ever used. Thanks!
By themegamancave on 12 Oct 2011 23:04
Thanks. I thought this was gonna be difficult, but this made it very simple. Only took me about an hour and 40 minutes to do it.
By ThaDevilzHand on 24 Oct 2011 02:25
@Parallax Demon: Are you sure I said that? Because I thought it said to keep her alive till the Hidden Valley (where the bunker is), not Hoover Dam.
By Ray Redhawk on 06 Nov 2011 11:15
Great guide, worked perfectly.
By Machina22 on 19 Nov 2011 19:29
worked like a charme!
By COMMANDO XTC on 27 Nov 2011 15:02
This is a fun speed run. I took a few detours that cost me hours but still made good time through it.Excellent.
By CASCADIAN1 on 05 Dec 2011 09:40
This guide worked great but one thing I wanted to report on my run through... When I selected the initial traits I chose good natured and wild wasteland. While I was going through the game the status on pip boy showed h20, food, and sleep, but they all remained zero for the whole game until the hoover dam battle towards the end. I kept checking to see if it was working constantly throughout the game and it stayed zero until that point at the end. Never prompted me to sleep, eat, or drink water which it usually would. Finished it and the achievement popped.
By Metalmask2 on 21 Dec 2011 07:44
By ApesAteMyFlesh on 18 Jan 2012 22:41
By BrassBrum on 05 Feb 2012 13:43
Great guide. The only trouble I had was getting from Camp McCarran to Red Rock Canyon. I had trouble finding the entrance to the canyon and almost got killed by some fire geckos. Also had some trouble on the dam once both the NCR and the Legion are hostile to you.

All in all it took me under two hours to complete.
By AtomicThumbs on 12 Feb 2012 13:14
damn i cant believe this type of trick works :) i may have to attempt it when i get the ultimate edition, altough not til I've played it properly on normal first )
By boldfoxrd on 03 Mar 2012 00:41
Unbelievable solution! Thanks
By KyleJones1989 on 08 Mar 2012 15:05
Fantastic guide. follow it down to the last t and cant go wrong. well done mate
By JamesLCC on 10 May 2012 12:44
Great guide thanks very much just got this achievement in about 3 hours, thought this one was going to take forever and be my last one on this game but i haven't even got half of them yet!
By Jewlez on 05 Jun 2012 09:54
To the person who voted it negative because 'too long, didn't read'. What a knob!
By Hordriss on 07 Jun 2012 21:17
Works a treat, only trouble i had was in the scorpion gulch, but saving before helps :) +1 from me
By Lankey on 23 Jun 2012 15:51
you guys must suck if you need a guide to do it. wow, obv no good fallout players...
By L3Th4l Coolio on 24 Jul 2012 13:19
thanks for the guide worked really easily
By Liam Rising on 27 Jul 2012 17:29
With this guide the hardest part is finding where your going. The fallout wiki has maps for all the places if, like me, you get lost easily!

Plus 1 awesome guide.
By Lainey80 on 21 Aug 2012 14:22
Did everything perfect up until the dam, you say to just run past the Legates and Securitrons fighting, I have full health, armor on, and no wounds and I cant get past them without dying. Tried 15+ times.
By TreysForDayys on 25 Aug 2012 21:01
Nevermind. Finally got past them on my like 20th try, great guide thanks.
By TreysForDayys on 25 Aug 2012 21:13
This is golden. I misread and took my Survival stats to 100 at level 5 not realising it doesn't need to be that high, which of cause has left me with lower Speech but I've got the items should I get desperate to raise my speech and if it hasn't reached 100 by the time I reach the endgame, then I'll just do a few extra missions.

And agreed, this has to be the best guide on here, especially for an achieve that looks so tough, even if it does have a 25% completion (although this guide is probably why)
By boldfoxrd on 02 Sep 2012 02:01
Phenomenal guide, took 2 hrs 48 mins for me and only killed 2 people. Never thought I would get this one done until I saw this guide. Thanks.
By KillaKevin24 on 06 Sep 2012 16:24
Worked like a charm!
By Deeskool on 13 Sep 2012 20:30
One of the best solutions on this website...thanks
By ch1cag0steve on 06 Oct 2012 02:36
Or yall could be smart like me and actually do your first runthrough on Hardcore and trudge through it then once the achievement bloops, reload the save you need and turn off hardcore and get back to business :P
By xBrushedRedx on 14 Oct 2012 04:30
I love you.
By DarknessCaIIing on 30 Oct 2012 12:34
Worked out perfectly , was nice to get to see the end in such a short time as before , i wasnt anywhere close to beating this game the way i was playing it , helluva good guide my friend :)
By CrankyBauer24 on 08 Nov 2012 03:27
Worked great! Thanks for the guide! i had tried hardcore earlier and was not successful. This helped out a lot!
By CAWZY on 02 Dec 2012 06:28
Awesome guide!
By x Morgan Kane x on 15 Dec 2012 21:04
Guide of the Year!
By RaySullyPlays on 28 Dec 2012 10:10
Saved me an EXTREMELY dreaded playthrough! :)
By thefrozeneskimo on 03 Jan 2013 23:49
when do you get prompted to change to hardcore mode-?
By SteampunkZomb1e on 24 Jan 2013 19:59
@SteampunkZomb1e, you get prompted to turn on hardcore mode right after the game begins, before you leave to explore Goodprings. You can turn it on at any point during the game, but I'm not sure if the chevo only counts when you turn it on when prompted and never turn it off.
This works brilliantly. Just got my 100GS.
By cyrodilicbrandy on 03 Feb 2013 19:36
Thanks Cyrodilicbrandy. Will attempt this soon.
By SteampunkZomb1e on 05 Feb 2013 14:30
This is an excellent guide, thank you. For those having trouble at the dam, remember the towers have restrooms in them, drink water from the sinks, and save stimpaks. Also, once you go through the credit check on the Strip, you can spend your caps on anything you want, I bought as many stimpaks I could find. Wish I would have bought more doctor's bags though, had head trauma at the end and everything was woosy.
By Ganesh78 on 17 Feb 2013 07:32
One thing I might mention is that when exiting the dam, I was confused as hell trying to find the exit. There's a second tower entrance/exit on the eastern most side of that level with the Control Room. THAT's where you head out to the Legate's camp.
By Rhyolitic on 21 Feb 2013 08:23
Good walkthrough, worked great for me.
By Sargoth 01 on 18 Mar 2013 10:03
Is there a specific reason I can't pick a 2nd trait?
By Js2Death on 19 May 2013 23:27
Is there a specific reason I can't pick a 2nd trait?
By Js2Death on 19 May 2013 23:31
If you don't recruit Veronica, does it matter if you simply do the explosive collar thing vs the NCR dude in the other bunker? Or is it a must to recruit her?
By neeker75 on 11 Jun 2013 09:18
Nvm, done in 1:59:21. No battles, two kills (Benny and House), no drinking (H2O up to 282 but I didn't bother), no eating and no sleeping. Used one doctor pack and two stimpaks. Waited for robots to kill Legions before running at the dam. Brilliant guide and got the main game's 1K. Thank you.
By neeker75 on 12 Jun 2013 13:47
Best guide to any achievement I've ever read. Excellent! Did it in just under two hours making a seemingly tough achievement very easy
By Andy D 32 on 21 Jun 2013 18:12
Great guide! Other than a random deathclaw encounter (ouchies), it was a smooth as ice.
By ThrillaGnat on 09 Jul 2013 20:18
Wow, brilliant guide. Didn't think it was gonna be as simple as it reads, but believe it, it is that simple
By B Rox Tones on 12 Jul 2013 20:21
Worked great, finished in a hour and a half! Make sure to choose female in beginning, I forgot and didn't realize until I met Benny and he didn't want my family jewels.
By Tizzight0 on 28 Jul 2013 17:39
Awesome. Worked perfect.
By JVPSHARK on 11 Aug 2013 12:44
awesome thank you!
By MiNDmaZing on 31 Aug 2013 01:53
Brilliant guide! Took me about 4 hours!
By albsky on 07 Sep 2013 23:19
Worked beautifully. Thank you.
By Moozipan Cheese on 12 Oct 2013 19:28
Fuck i played the game on hardcore only and then got bored ;)
By BlueLebowski on 19 Nov 2013 17:06
Brilliant solution, sir! A big "thumbs up" for you.
By Silicon Iceman on 01 Dec 2013 14:16
Is it possible to do this while going for the Mr. House ending? I'm about to get back into the game and would love to knock out two birds with one stone here.
By misfit119 on 06 Jan 2014 03:54
Amazing guide. Re-bought this game after 3 years for the dlc and decided to go for this because it seemed too hard and long to go for when I first had the game. Didn't want to plough another 20-30 hours into another playthrough. This made it ridiculously easy. Awesome. Thumbs UP!!!
By Hero Of Courage on 30 May 2014 01:04
Thank you so much for this guide. finished it offline in 3 hours I think. Got it done about 4 months ago, I apologize for the late thanks.
By Mortioccini on 13 Jun 2014 20:34
Great guide +1, Veronica died during the battle at Hoover Dam. Her sacrifice was not in vain.
By LAZY SHIKAMARUX on 16 Jun 2014 22:07
Pertfect, great guide
By JPowderly on 17 Jun 2014 13:53
31/7/14 Just unlocked it now and wow surprised on how detailed and good the guide was, nicely got the achievement in just under 2 hours! Thanks toast
By Serious X Devil on 31 Jul 2014 01:05
Great guide, followed this to the letter and had no problems at all. only drank one time. Finished in an 1:40. Thanks a ton. This was the last cheevo i needed to finish this game
By snuffdaddy01 on 18 Aug 2014 01:49
perfect guide! I love how quickly you can beat most Bethesda games even though they have the most content out of most games these days
By redjarman on 23 Aug 2014 04:06
Got it just now, wonderful guide
By JGSLab on 11 Jul 2015 15:56
Awesome guide just finished this, ended up taking just over two hours and didn't need to shoot my gun once (other than killing Mr. House which took about 20 shots because my gun skill & luck was so low haha)
By Wardieshire on 24 Jul 2015 02:40
Just completed this game. The best solution on this website. Thanks for the help. Now bring on fallout 4!!!
By JW DEUCE on 25 Oct 2015 04:42
Just got this game and I can't wait to try this guide
By OMG IT5 EJ on 07 Dec 2015 06:45
Seems like a good guide but its VERY VAGUE on where stuff is. I've spent over an hour on step 7 looking for a "rusty water pipe". I still haven't found it. I don't even see the bridge i'm looking for either. This is why i voted negatively.
If anyone sees this and can help me please message me on xbox or TA!!
By Here2OwnIt on 13 Apr 2016 04:34
I can certainly agree why someone might want to finish the game in only a few hours to pick up the achievement, but methods like this are pretty lame. Hardcore mode adds an interesting challenge to the game and makes you think more about the "survival" aspect of the game. It isn't that hard; you just have to pay attention. It's definitely worth taking the time to do it right.
By ForthDauntless3 on 02 Sep 2016 01:51
I so was not looking forward to playing through the game again on hardcore! Lol
By Tiger Freak on 04 Nov 2016 00:26
A great guide, thanks so much
I negotiated with Lanius

I told General Oliver to go GET FUCKED
And had my Robo Army wipe the NCR off the face of the map
By ajgoesUNLUCKY on 09 Jun 2018 00:29
Excellent! Thanks for the guide.
By GrimmLAN13 on 05 Oct 2018 23:44
The two people at Durable Dunn's Sacked Caravan didnt have two sets of combat armour, just one and one leather armour...
By mudder85 on 04 Nov 2018 04:36
Awesome guide! Still works October 2019 (Game Pass) smile
By Christijam on 18 Oct 2019 20:11
When you get to the New Vegas area, in order to circumnavigate having to sell stuff to get in, you can just go to Camp McCarran and run past the monorail guards and use the monorail to get into New Vegas for free.
By TV is Died on 28 Dec 2019 14:32
I done this in 1h 50mins, there was a few small issues but nothing that cant be worked around, for eg: i only got 1500 for the armor so i had to get extra 500. i went into the silver place and looted and sold some laser rifles. still great guide! voted up.
By o IExcision on 06 Apr 2020 20:47
I followed a video on YouTube of a guy using this method and I followed his every move and it took me about an hour. So great method. literally zero difficulty
By MrKoolxDood on 26 Jul 2020 15:30

Followed this guide exactly and it was a piece of cake. I fought no one and beat the game in about an hour or less
By Moo Moo Dairy on 09 Oct 2020 23:26
Great solution, took me about two hours total. I opted for Toughness at level 6 instead of Travel Light, didn't make much difference either way. Thanks!!
By Ryuukishi634 on 01 Nov 2020 16:35
perfect guide. Only part where I had trouble was the scorpions. They decimated me many many times.
By Shadow XBL on 12 Apr 2021 07:11
This was amazing. Thank you!
I drank and ate more than the guide suggested, mostly because I had the food and water from the opening house and a little bit of scrounging around the casinos as I walked through.
I ran slightly north of the scorpions and rounded Black Mountain, which drops you on top of the El Dorado sub-station. I was shot briefly but nobody chased me.
You can heal Veronica with stimpacks, by interacting with her and selecting that option. I had enough caps to purchase extras when I dropped by the clinic for healing
The Combat Armor sells for more caps than the vendors have. Be sure to balance that with extra healing items, or ammo you can sell elsewhere.
By M1ght33 J03 on 09 Jan 2022 20:18
Thank you! Just used this guide and worked like a charm.
By Rock Is Sponge on 22 Jan 2022 05:29
this is a very good guide. Thanks!
By JerrySeinfeld23 on 17 Feb 2022 20:13
I'd like to know who the 10 morons that downvoted this are.

All done in 90 minutes, very easy.
By LEGENDXKILLA#250 on 22 Feb 2022 21:12
Better option regarding Veronica - instead of picking her up when you discover the 188 Trading Post, fast travel to 188 immediately before Hidden Valley to pick her up. Then you can fast travel to hidden valley, and drop her immediately after talking to Ramos.
By Digital Utopia on 28 Mar 2022 01:54
Nailed it (while multitasking Minecraft) thanks ^^
By Bobo Magrot0 on 17 Apr 2022 13:39
Brilliant! Frickin! Guide! Followed to a T with an interactive map pulled up to show me some directions that were told in text. Havent played this game since 2013 but this just helped me breeze through this achievement, thank you!
By neonjellybob9 on 03 Jul 2022 07:13
Great guide thank you
By No Bad Games on 08 Dec 2022 22:05
Brilliant guide, used it for my Steam 100%. Thank you so much.
By Aviator Mage on 28 Dec 2022 05:43
Thank you sir. Didn’t want to struggle on my primary playthrough. Got this done in no time at all on a separate save file… +1,000,000 if I could!
By ClaytThaGreat on 20 May 2023 18:28
Agility does NOT make you run faster contrary to the in game description, according to the Fallout Wiki. Put the Agility points into Charisma instead to get higher speech and barter. Otherwise, I followed this guide exactly as explained an it took a few hours. Nice work.
By Zellodine on 31 May 2023 21:46
Hilarious that this works 💪 worked 99% through. Had to talk to one great khan to complete the obj, perfectly described and explained. Amazing stuff!
By DDM Driv3 on 06 Jun 2023 16:27
Just completed it using this guide! Took about 6hrs since I haven’t played the game since 2011!
By NcMor on 02 May 2024 04:01
Thank you for posting this! It worked perfectly.
By Bella x Nutella on 13 May 2024 00:42
At 10) I only had one combat armour and one leather armour so I only made around 1600 credits. If this happens you can try blackjack at the Atomic Wrangler. Get 1000 chips, save and use double up alot. If things go pear shaped, reload and retry. I doubled my credits in 10 minutes.

At 18) go south from Camp McCarran to the power lines and road just south of the Camp and you can head west to the mountains without meeting any fiends. At the mountains look south and you should see a wide opening, head through and hug the mountain to your right to easily find Red Rock.

At 20), not getting hit by artillery is easy. Take the left road into Nellis, past the guy, and head NE to the first shelter. Stand in the NE corner for complete shelter, wait for the pause in firing and NE to the next building and stand in the NE corner again. At the next pause run for the fence.

At 30) you still need to blow the generators to continue. This is by activating the switch which is just around the corner from the control room.

Other than that, it's quite the elegant guide.
By KingHell71 on 18 Jan 2011 09:34
Amazing. Did this last night. Took about 2.5 hours. The guide was great and Im shocked just how easy this was. The only problem I ran into was Veronica didnt want to talk to get mme into the brotherhood hideout on step 19. I went ahead and did step 20 and then went back to 19 and it worked just fine.
By fdhrecords on 15 Apr 2011 20:36
A VERY positive vote from me. I didn't think I would get this achievement because it was "too tough". But this guide spells out everything perfectly and it took about 2 hours 45 minutes of actual play time (slightly more real time because of loading screens and a freezing Xbox). Definitely follow this guide!
By tdcobra99 on 12 Mar 2011 18:10
Thanks for the guide - I just did this last night. Worked great. For those of you planning multiple playthrough, these are the achievements (in order) that I got with this run -

Ain't That a Kick in the Head
Ol' Buddy Ol' Pal
They Went That-a-Way
No Gods, No Masters
Wild Card

Total GS = 215.
By SallyNasty on 01 Aug 2011 14:28
This is an amazing guide! I got through it in under 3 hours :D My only complaint is that the last step don't help too much and I ended up getting attacked by Legion and NCR whilst trying to destroy the generator in the Dam. My advice would be to get an NCR outfit and then you'll only have to find the Legion in the confined spaces of the Dam. In a similar way, when entering the camp before facing Lanius, kill the first praetorian guard and put on his armour. Just remember to change back into Benny's suit before facing Lanius as it boosts your speech, (By this point your speech may be at 100 without the suit).

Apart from the last few steps this is an excellent guide for such a difficult achievement, and it's easy to follow.
By JackBumby94 on 07 Aug 2011 03:12
i haven't even attempted it yet, but i'm SO STOKED FOR THIS GUIDE!

By BARTLEBEE on 10 May 2012 02:03
I was so stupid not reading you need a 100 speech at the end to talk Lanius out of attacking. Had to do it all over, but since I knew what to do it took me no more than an hour and twelve minutes. Got this cheevo, like a sir!
Thx a lot!
By TheBongoFury on 05 Aug 2012 08:14
Just finished this using this guide an hour ago and it worked like a charm. Only difference in whatt was mentioned here was that it took me a little longer (like an extra hour or so) because this was literally my first playthrough of the game, lol. Luckly the game plays so much like Fallout 3 the learning cure wasn't exactly steep and the extra time was mostly spnt making sure I was going in the right direction:luckly I found the guide to be spot on.

2 extra notes:
1) didn,t have to delete cache. the fact that this is totally done with what the game allows is awesome.

2) Getting the Khans reconized didn't automatacally happen when I went up that hilll (unless I was on the wrong one) but the longhouse with Pap Khan was there and all I had to do is go in and speak with him. Took literally 2 seconds.
By DauntingAbyss on 18 Jan 2013 10:37
Nice guide thanks a bunch, Also a big thanks to KingHell71 for some extra info!
By TWIGHLIGHT Z0HA on 07 May 2013 18:02
died twice already as the directions aren't clear.. both by those big lizard things.. even after Jeans skydiving place there's 2 possible routes north, and the hidden valley you need head east over the track to get to the fence & through the gate, where I ran around it looking for a gap & then scorpions (which I found) & ended up in the wrong place
By Mazrael on 05 Jun 2013 11:26
Just did one run where I moved changed the difficulty within the settings, however never saved them, so I thought I would be safe. An hour later when I finished the run, achievement didn't pop.


2nd time round was much quicker anyway as I had pretty much memorised the whole route.
By SpaceChief17 on 13 Jun 2017 18:15
Still not popping for me. I Guess i'll try it again tomorrow

Edit- I tried again, this time the difficulty was set before i started. So if you fail to get it the first time, Make sure to set your difficulty to Very Easy, if you do it after you start Hardcore, it may cause it not to pop for you. now Just to get those Casinos to kick me out, I think this is going to be easier than that. Thanks!!
By Nutbarz on 17 Mar 2019 01:26
Absolutely incredibly guide! Finished it in like three hours. Combat is not something I feel like you should shy away from. I ran into cook cook and his gang and pretty easily dispatched them with the grenade launcher and 10mm. Healing is the only problem but with the new vegas medical clinic and the bunch of caps from the dead van grafs, it becomes trivial.
By AHull1515 on 25 Sep 2022 13:38
This method was great, I did it in about an hour and a half, only thing that I struggled with was getting to Red Rock Canyon with Veronica because I went to close to the fiends and they started following me and after that some geckos attacked me as well while travelling south, I used Maria from Benny to take care of them though to avoid Veronica's death. I never had enough H20 throughout the playthrough for some reason but it only brought my endurance down by 1 and didn't really affect me. I had the DLC so I started with some extra gear which was a plus and I never really needed to mess with armor or weapons the whole time. If you want to, after discovering the NV medical clinic you can run up Field's Shack right next to the Nellis Air Force Base to get another fast travel point but it doesn't make too much of a difference since you will have to do it at some point anyways but it makes the segment of meeting with the factions happen a little quicker. I would definitely spend the caps to heal at the clinic after the Nellis sequence if needed to save on stimpaks for the Hoover Dam battle. I also waited to mention the factions to Yes Man until after I installed him in the Lucky 38, there shouldn't be any amount of time saved but I just wanted to get in and out of the Tops as quickly as possible. Instead of keeping Benny's Suit I would just get your speech to 100 as you will most likely have plenty of skill points to do it and the 5 point decrease to the medicine skill is negligible in my opinion and you should have plenty of stimpaks and good enough armor to not take so much damage that you run out of them.
By Sgt Strix on 23 Jan 2021 09:03
View all 176 comments Show less comments
How to get the achievement in less than 4 hours.

1) Clear your cache and play offline.

2) Once you're able to get out of Goodsprings, immediately make your way to HELIOS 1 (you will need a speech of 30 to lie your way into the building or an NCR uniform), start the That Lucky Old Sun quest by talking to Fantastic/Ignacio down there. When you're diverting power, choose the 5th dialog option.

3) Turn the quest into Ignacio (not Fantastic) and say I overloaded the plant, blah blah blah... You'll get 350xp, 3 stimpacks and 2 doctors bags and you'll be able to turn that quest in over and over until you get to level 30.


Level your Science, Speech, Barter, Medicine to 100 (everything else do what you want with). Perks do not matter either.

Skurkitty has some great points in his comment below, here it is copy pasted.

Starting zone, finish out all the quests in Goodsprings and get to atleast level 2 or 3.
You DO need either 35 repair to fix the wiring yourself or 45 science to activate the robot to fix the wiring.
(I found this out the hard way and had to restart)
When running into the power grid you will see a door straight across, go in there (watch for mines, there are four) and hack the computer turning off the turrets. (Hacking requires 25 science...but you should have 45 already so no big deal)
After the turrets are offline, ignore killing the robots, you're a low level guy with no much firepower and it just won't happen. Run past them, jumping down ledges if you need to, to make it to the final room.
Activate the robot with 45 science (up stairs) or repair it yourself with 35 repair.
When given the option you will see Send Power Everywhere, and then another one as the fourth option to overhaul the power, pick that one and you're good to go!

4) Once you're level 30 save the game and quit to main menu.

5) Download the patch and resume play (online). Make your way to the vegas strip and walk into the Lucky 38 and kill House.

6) Make your way to The Tops, find Benny, take him to the Presidential Suite, kill him. Get the platinum chip and make your way to his room in The Tops and talk to Yes Man.

7) Follow the Yes Man ending and when you get to Hoover Dam run to the Legate's Camp and speech him into leaving.

My total playtime was 3 hours and 31 minutes from start to finish on hardcore mode. I did not need to eat, sleep or drink once.

Don't forget that once you pop the achievement you can turn hardcore mode off in the gameplay options. If you saved before the final mission at Hoover Dam you can still play the game as a level 30 with 100's of stimpacks and doctor's bags.

28 Oct 2010 03:55

Yea, you can do that too. But it's just easier to clear your cache, play for an hour, get to Old Sun mission, get to level 30 (barring you already have that achievement), then DL the patch. You still get the timestamp on your achievement, either way would work fine though.
By Chicago AJ on 07 Nov 2010 02:31
where is HELIOS 1 on the map, i cant find it.
By Neko Pounce on 28 Oct 2010 22:17
Dw, found it.
This is epic! with all these meds i can get so many otherthings done too (:
By Neko Pounce on 29 Oct 2010 13:20
Glad to help, pretty sure you were the one I was talking to on live this morning. You get the achievement yet?
By Chicago AJ on 29 Oct 2010 19:53
For the "Lucky old sun" don't you have to have science of 75 to access a computer? I remember something along those lines.
By Quiffindor on 30 Oct 2010 16:43
No, Fantastic gives you a code for the west computer and once you activate that and try to activate the other, Ignacio will give you code for the other terminal. No science needed.
By Chicago AJ on 31 Oct 2010 01:23
you need to be a level 25 in science to access the computer that shuts down the turrets
By DEVIANTX407 on 31 Oct 2010 01:37
Or you could just shoot them...
By Chicago AJ on 31 Oct 2010 04:13
you need to be a level 25 in science to access the computer that shuts down the turrets
By DEVIANTX407 on 31 Oct 2010 16:31
Just a note. When you are configuring the power grid, you must choose..
> 5) Full Region ( Emergency Output Level)
Otherwise, you will not encounter the correct speech option with Ignacio.
By LobsterParty on 31 Oct 2010 21:08
Negative vote. This achievement should be based on skill. And it's really not that hard, so if you cheat and use this exploit then you must be pretty bad at the game.
By on 01 Nov 2010 04:55
Agree with Moe, this is weak. Hardcore is not even that difficult if you plan wisely and put a little thought into what you carry around. If its really too hard for you then change the difficulty to easy or very easy.
By MitoticActivity on 01 Nov 2010 15:23
Obviously you guys have no idea what the point of this website is. There are many solutions as to how to get to level 30 in the game. This is by far the quickest for people who want to just run through the game. As for me, I used this method not for hardcore mode, but just so I didn't have to start my 3rd play through from scratch once again. No one really cares how hardcore of a gamer you are that you didn't have to use this method.
By LobsterParty on 01 Nov 2010 17:58
@lobsterparty, you're right, the point of this site is to help others obtain achievements with the help of guides and solutions. But removing game updates to exploit a glitch is not only cheating, but it is against the Xbox Terms of Service and is banable if any proof is found of that person actually doing this method. This is no different than the Seriously glitch on Gears of War, or the Make it Rain glitch on Halo Reach. If you enjoy cheating to obtain your achievements then that's fine by me. You can play how you want.
By on 01 Nov 2010 19:36
There is no way that this is against terms of service, if a game has a glitch/fault when it was released, there is absolutely nothing against the terms of service to delete a patch and glitch the achievement (you still have the time stamp after you install the patch and play online again, even if you didn't have a timestamp and got this achievement offline there's absolutely no way moneysoft would be able to prove that you got it without a patch since all achievements are obtainable offline). Why do you think they made it so gamers could clear their cache?

Anyone who gives this a negative vote because it's 'against' what they believe is a dumbass and shouldn't even be on this website in the first place.
By Chicago AJ on 01 Nov 2010 20:13
So you have to go to the boomers and all those people still? Is there any way to get around this?
By Quiffindor on 01 Nov 2010 20:20
No way around that, but all you need to do is go there and make contact with them. Then tell yes man to leave them alone.
By Chicago AJ on 01 Nov 2010 20:41
By on 01 Nov 2010 21:22
Wow... so they got their friends to obviously spam negative feedback? That is like 8 negative in a matter of minutes.
By LobsterParty on 01 Nov 2010 21:26
Well then I guess they're going to have ban almost everyone who's played fallout new vegas and used the level glitch...
By Chicago AJ on 01 Nov 2010 21:27
Sorry for starting some dumb kiddy war on your solution.
By LobsterParty on 01 Nov 2010 21:32
So Moe, I'm guessing you would consider the FO3 PC glitch is against terms and service as well, even though moneysoft has said they won't reset people for using this glitch.
By Chicago AJ on 01 Nov 2010 21:38
Got it a minute ago, Thunbs up!
By Quiffindor on 01 Nov 2010 22:00
Nice Quinn!

I'm not worried about it not being the first solution up, it IS the easiest way to get the achievement and that's all I'm worried about.
By Chicago AJ on 01 Nov 2010 22:02
so moe, so i gain an unfair advantage over what, who? its a singe player game.... ffs who really gives a shit, I could see this being a big deal if maybe say this were a multiplayer game, guess what its not... jesus people are stupid...
By DEVIANTX407 on 02 Nov 2010 00:45
Moe, congrats you win....no one cares, go away.
By DEVIANTX407 on 02 Nov 2010 00:47
lol mad? at what? you do realize no one cares. escpecially me,

BTW XxTime - great guide, even tho it took me more than 4 horus :D
By DEVIANTX407 on 02 Nov 2010 02:25
Thanks, glad it helped.
By Chicago AJ on 02 Nov 2010 02:49
If you didn't care then you wouldn't have acknowledged me in the first place.
By on 02 Nov 2010 03:03
This isn't against microsofts tos but I do have to agree with u moe hardcore mode isn't hard at all and it makes the game so much more enjoyable.. It actually makes me sad people would use this method on an amazing game like this!
By H4rdcorekillah on 02 Nov 2010 03:41
Great Guide thank you - I have already completed but will use this for getting the hardcore achievement quickly.

Moe - Grow up... seriously
By Pukey UK on 02 Nov 2010 18:59
still trollin'...
By DEVIANTX407 on 02 Nov 2010 21:11
just noting...

A) the Ignacio glitch was still present for me post-patch on my first playthru - I didn't even know about it until the 30th, and I whored it out to go from 26-30 to get it over with
B) doing this subsequently on another playthru - my sleep and food don't seem to be going up much, but I have had to drink something every 4 hours or so, but only after I had to 'wait' 8 hrs to throw the power plant switch and I've only just gotten to Mr. House's computer in the suite
C) it's a bigger pain in the ass than I thought to beeline from Good Springs to Helios 1 @ Lv 1-2, especially forgetting the mountains have invisible collision heh (wound up following the railroad to Nipton then going north after dicking in the desert/mountains... I forget if there's a clear path going NE then SW from Goodsprings)
and 4) fuck da hatas
By WestsideSxE on 04 Nov 2010 16:09
Moe Marston please do not flame the comments section. Attempting to scare people out of an achievement is not allowed. Telling people this is a bannable exploit is untrue unless you can source this. Please do not spread rumors. i'm not going to report your flaming this time to the mods, but if you spread rumors that cause others to not get an achievement, you do not deserve the right to comment on this board. If you feel your rights to an achievement have been infringed upon, please leave this community and start your own.
By AlwaysGrimm on 04 Nov 2010 22:35
I've given proof, Grimmr. Read a bit.
By on 05 Nov 2010 20:40
Is it necessary to have the cache cleared from the start? Or can you play with the patch up to before you finish That Lucky Old Sun, save, quit, clear the cache, then play and turn in the quest over and over?
By Agent CH on 07 Nov 2010 01:23
Great guide dude! Don't understand why you got so much thumps down ?
By PoppyGalaxy on 08 Nov 2010 20:23
Thanks man, glad you like it. Also, some people think it's against xbox terms of service that's why I got all the thumbs down.
By Chicago AJ on 08 Nov 2010 20:32
people are just butt hurt...they are pissed that they didnt know about this in the fist place... let em hate, they will just end up looking like the bigger assholes anyways.
By DEVIANTX407 on 09 Nov 2010 04:16
@ Mintfresh. Notice the other link that has an actuall MS Support member stating that exploiting glitches is against the ToS.
By on 09 Nov 2010 06:35
how the hell didn't you have to drink any water after 3 and a half hours? haha
By Smokin JoeyB on 09 Nov 2010 11:42
also, you're an idiot. you didn't make it clear you had to OVERLOAD the power in Helios One, i just diverted it equally. Now I have to start the game again. Thanks a bunch.
By Smokin JoeyB on 09 Nov 2010 11:54
Do you not know how to read? And wtf are you complaining about? Starting the game and getting to HELIOS 1 takes what? 15 minutes?
By Chicago AJ on 09 Nov 2010 18:43
these comments are effin hilarious
By DEVIANTX407 on 09 Nov 2010 22:53
Haha these comments ARE hilarious, just read through them all.

I'm on my second playthrough collecting everything this runthrough... This trick still worked for me (as of November 11) and I just updated.

GENIUS trick bud. Gonna sell all the health stuff and fill the ol' wallet
By HankMoody7 on 11 Nov 2010 17:45
There's no way it wouldn't work. You're not doing anything wrong! Even if you don't use the level glitch you can use this method to beat the game quickly as long as you can kill some cazadors at a low level.
By Chicago AJ on 12 Nov 2010 19:51
Love the comments and all the losers who complain about a method to get an achievement on an "ACHIEVEMENT" websitelaugh
By UlteriorDesert on 15 Nov 2010 22:14
im only annoyed you didn't mention the 35 in Repair skill you need to get the mainframe going.
By ohyeahbbrush on 16 Nov 2010 03:20
thanks man, thumbs up!
By Doctor Jebus on 16 Nov 2010 03:40
You don't need a 35 repair skill if you have some other skill at 20... I don't remember how it all played out, but as long as you had a 20 science or something and a piece of scrap metal (which can be found in a tool box in the same room) you patched the wire.
By Chicago AJ on 16 Nov 2010 18:37
Gave you a positive because it works regardless of wither or not people think its right to exploit a glitch or not it works so THUMBS UP buddy.
By DARKOScannley on 16 Nov 2010 21:05
Thanks, man.
By Chicago AJ on 16 Nov 2010 21:34
You need Repair 35 to get the generator going and a piece of scrap metal.
25 to deactivate the turrents
There's an hour i'm not going to get back.
By SaltyFoal195030 on 18 Nov 2010 16:23
There is an ID holocard in a nearby room which gives you access to the maintenance bot with needing the repair skill
By DresdenDil on 20 Nov 2010 01:12
Hey dude excellent solution. Remember haters r gonna hate anyway so don't give them the pleasure. BTW @moe marston you suck.
By Chuchuko on 21 Nov 2010 16:38
First of all

This "solution" seems to be working very well for me. Having played most of the story lines too.

2nd of all...

All you nay sayers, just shut the fuck up. You're all a bunch of god damn geeks. Its just a game, its supposed to be fun. The only reason you give a shit is because its just one big competition for you. Oh no, he just cheated to get a 100g cheevo, he's 100g closer to my score OH NOES....

Fucking idiots.
By Jayhelm on 21 Nov 2010 21:34
Thanks guys, glad I could be of help.
By Chicago AJ on 21 Nov 2010 22:55
Yeah. What Jayhelm said.
By Sashamorning on 24 Nov 2010 15:19
Grow the fuck up... Either you use the solution and vote up or you don't use the solution and you leave it be. Voting down is just going to screw around the people who want to gain this achievement. There is nothing you can say or do that matters, people can do what they want. It is perfectly legal.

Get over it....
By JediJohnny7 on 27 Nov 2010 17:32
Thanks Skur, I'll just copy paste that up into my guide since I'm far too lazy to edit it and put it in the guide, lol. Seems like you explained it well enough.
By Chicago AJ on 30 Nov 2010 01:21
Not a problem at all, I have no idea how you got this down in around 4 hours. It took me 12 hours to bang it out. WELL, at least now I can play the game normally and maybe enjoy it. Hardcore mode made me dread New Vegas lol.
That hoover damn was nuts to clear with...starter guns...i literally had to run and just pray mass stimpacks would keep me alive, lets just say i spent a lot of time on loading screens. Either way! Got it done!
Thank you XxTime, and I'm happy I was able to help you better your guide ^_^
By Skurkitty on 30 Nov 2010 07:23
im seening this one everywhere i go sure it works (got a friend to do it) just i dont recommend glitching a game to get it
By finallife6 on 04 Dec 2010 19:20
It's not glitching. You can do it the same way without deleting the patch if you want. Just book it to the strip the first chance you get, simple as that. It's just easier when you're level 30. I believe someone in the comments said and confirmed it worked without deleting the patch as well.
By Chicago AJ on 05 Dec 2010 03:50
Lol +1. I still need to beat the game though, then i'll do this. I love the comments though, gives me a good laugh.
By Unnamed Saint on 17 Dec 2010 03:43
These comments are great. I have every intention on using this method when I start this game. Getting it for Xmas. I can't vote it up yet, as the site says I have to have played it to vote.
By PureEvil x21 on 17 Dec 2010 04:01
I am also getting this game for Xmas! Sounds like an awesome guide. I will have to use this once I get it. I'll rate you up +1 when I do!! And btw love the comments....haha
By on 17 Dec 2010 04:09
Thanks! This was very helpful.
By Jon312K on 24 Dec 2010 20:21
Everything worked fine except for one thing; the way you have it explained didn't work for me. I diverted the power everywhere(the third option), but the dialogue option disappeared. So I did it again, about 10 minutes of time spent redoing everything. Again, nothing. So I tortured myself by reading the comments, but one comment pointed out(albeit by being a dick) that you have to divert the power everywhere using the emergency power, and that overloaded it for me. It was the 5th option in the computer when asked where to divert the power. After that the dialogue did appear over and over again. You should add a note or change something, because that part of the solution as posted wasn't specific enough and therefore didn't work for me.
By Bonkekook on 26 Dec 2010 08:00
Forgot to thank you for posting it though. I have already spent 180 hours in one playthrough. This was a quick and easy way to give me a taste of the Hardcore Mode and get the achievement without having to spend more time on it. Now I can play one of the OTHER games I enjoy playing on the 360.
By Bonkekook on 26 Dec 2010 08:03
By Chicago AJ on 26 Dec 2010 16:52
how do you get to helios one right away? through the wasteland? or through the roads that lead to primm, then nipton, then novac, then helios one?

i was trying to go through the wasteland and got past hidden valley, but couldn't make it past black mountain :/
By rangersfan414 on 30 Dec 2010 02:39
I just bee-lined from Goodspings as soon as I was able to. It might take a couple tries getting past some harder enemies, but if you have a knowledge of where Helios is, it shouldn't pose too much of a problem.

I'm only going off of memory since I'm letting a friend borrow the game but if you're at the Goodsprings Cemetery, it should be north east.
By Chicago AJ on 30 Dec 2010 17:28
Just got this today, your guide helped me get this annoying achievement.

positive vote
By bone21 on 01 Jan 2011 07:30
i used this method and it worked great.+1.as for the haters crying about the glitch shut up.you haters are only bitching cause you thought a game as glitchy as fallout:new vegas would have some high ratios.and thanks to this solution ppl that wouldn't have bothered fininshing the game,because of the glitchs can now knock out the biggest cheevo on the game.finally a glitch that's in the player's favor.
By Golgo28 on 01 Jan 2011 14:38
all haters can eat it...
By SHAD RADICAL on 03 Jan 2011 22:22
Thanks for the all the positive thumbs guys, glad this is still helping people!
By Chicago AJ on 04 Jan 2011 03:55
Great guide Thank you - As for the people leaving negative comment.... really? please go run into a knife
By Pukey UK on 17 Jan 2011 07:04
working on this today, very nice info! Thanks!
By DruPhiLs on 05 Feb 2011 03:17
Will this let you get all of the Main Quest achievements?
By Hazzzarington on 06 Feb 2011 17:37
Okay, thanks!
By Hazzzarington on 07 Feb 2011 16:28
Great guide, thanks.
By FreshPrince513 on 10 Feb 2011 03:35
I'm gonna be starting hardcore mode soon and I intend to do this pretty much how the guide states, I really don't understand what the big deal is anyway, people were ok and didn't complain much about the Vault 11 exp glitch, but now they do about this one? Doesn't make sense.
By Foxfire49 on 10 Feb 2011 15:02
I overloaded the grid; 5th option but I only got to turn it in once?
By ChasedFlame on 26 Feb 2011 18:53
And to clarify I did clear the cache and play offline
By ChasedFlame on 26 Feb 2011 19:17
Don't know what to tell you if it worked for everyone but you...
By Chicago AJ on 26 Feb 2011 19:28
haha i read through all the comments and no one ever mentioned how you clear the cache. I did get quite a few laughs in the process but could you please explain. Otherwise, it seems like you've put together a great guide XxTime
By SaintsRecruit on 14 Mar 2011 10:57
Go to the My Xbox Channel > System Settings > Memory > Hit Y for device options > Clear System Cache.
By Chicago AJ on 14 Mar 2011 18:31
ok thanks
By SaintsRecruit on 15 Mar 2011 21:56
You don't have to fight the last boss if you have your speech at 100 as the guide states.
By Chicago AJ on 26 Mar 2011 00:07
i know you don't have to fight him but you have to fight your way to get to his location.
By See u in helll on 24 Apr 2011 20:45
Not if you run through everything and just heal yourself with the 10,000 stimpacks you should have... Did you even read the whole solution?
By Chicago AJ on 24 Apr 2011 23:07
To those saying that their levels aren't going up, trust me, just do the speech option over and over for 15 minutes straight. When you exit the conversation you will level up to 30.
By godsandm0nsters on 15 May 2011 15:43
Great solution and got achievement.
By ReAl ImPuLsE on 13 Jul 2011 20:55
does this still work ? because wasting my time reading trolling comments witch suck this is a great guide and id like to say THANK YOU for putting this up much appreciated :)
By Tank Force UK on 31 Jul 2011 21:36
Yes, it will always work.
By Chicago AJ on 31 Jul 2011 21:55
Thumbs up from me, started at around 9pm, finished by midnight.. To the people saying this is a cheap way of finishing the game, how else do you think all these speed runs happen? A Bethesda dev managed to finish Skyrim in around 2 hours 16 mins.
By Apexios on 13 Nov 2011 00:07
Much appreciated!

But the dev for Skyrim just played the last mission :P. /sarcasm
By Chicago AJ on 13 Nov 2011 08:26
Great guide. Didn't follow it 100% and took me less than 3 hours
By buy me Doritos on 27 Jun 2012 06:48
Fantastic guide, used it. took me approx 3 hours to do it in one sittting!
By toilet bleach on 23 Jan 2013 05:04
btw i didnt clear the cache for this game if anyone wonders!
By toilet bleach on 23 Jan 2013 05:05
Awesome! Glad people are still using it.
By Chicago AJ on 23 Jan 2013 06:39
positive vote
By Silent iz loud on 28 Feb 2013 18:21
Lol, reading these comments/solutions out of interest a decade later. Some pple seem to have forgot ..this is an achievement site ...which means guides to pop the achievements as quickly and easily as possible are required. This isn't a place for moralising or anti cheat posts. Over the years there's been some real neat solutions that have saved people many hours ..that's what the site is for...making this a great post.
By Eds Killerbox 7 on 22 Mar 2021 11:44
i know this is 12 years later, but i can't help but point out that this:


Is not a Xbox support account lol, it has less than 2k followers, ain't verified and has a 6 at the end which is not something a company would name their twitter account
By Prawn King VII on 20 May 2022 10:45
To anyone worried about the whole Microsoft ToS thing, I'd like to point out that the quoted paragraph refers only to gaining an unfair advantage over other players; i.e. in a multiplayer situation. Implying that exploiting a glitch in a singleplayer setting is in any way against the ToS is simply untrue.

Also, to anyone voting this down because you disagree with the method of obtaining this achievement, please don't. Negative votes should be for solutions that do not work. Your personal opinion on the method isn't relevant in that context, and negative voting can mislead other users into thinking that the solution is flawed in some way. People are capable of amking up their own minds as to whether they feel like using the solution, it never claims to be anything but a glitch exploit after all.
By Mintfresh AD on 08 Nov 2010 08:24
First of all, I couldn't care less about what you have to say. If it's as bad as you make it sound, A LOT of people would have been reset for deleting patches and obtaining achievements. Since it's a known glitch and can be done by simply clearing your cache, there's no way moneysoft would ever do anything about it. Just because you wouldn't do it, doesn't make it wrong. For the people (me included), who got to level 30 legit, this is just a very quick way to get the hardcore achievement. I put over 200 hours into this game and did not feel like this achievement warranted another 20-30 hours just to play through the game.

So, with that being said, if you don't like my solution, that's great. Take your comments elsewhere because you're the only person who's complaining, and thanks for getting your only 8 friends to thumb down the solution.
By Chicago AJ on 02 Nov 2010 03:36
play the game you losers and stop finding glitches. do you suck that bad at life you have to cheat to level up i mean really?? pathetic people. i feel bad for scrubs of america. useless murders and egomaniacs.
By JoKeRs ObLiViOn on 07 Nov 2010 04:01
@ lobster - No one is claiming to be a hardcore gamer, and I understand this is a valid solution to getting this achievement. I'm just saying hardcore mode is not difficult by playing through the game normally without exploiting a glitch, clearing cache, etc. Perhaps if you understood the website better you would have noticed the achievements for completing the main quest with each of the 4 factions and made a save to avoid starting from scratch 3 times. Since you'll likely be doing a fourth you should save prior to reaching a point in the main quest where you fail the opposing factions' missions to avoid having to level up again.
By MitoticActivity on 01 Nov 2010 18:54
The developers wouldn't have patched it if you weren't supposed to obtain it that way. Using this method, is in fact against the Xbox Live ToS so you might want to read over them before speaking about something you know nothing about. "You must not: exploit a bug, or make an unauthorized modification, to any software or data to gain unfair advantage in a game, contest, or promotion." http://www.xbox.com/en-US/Legal/LiveTOU
By on 01 Nov 2010 21:04
"You must not: exploit a bug, or make an unauthorized modification, to any software or data to gain unfair advantage in a game, contest, or promotion."

It's not an unfair advantage if anyone can do it and it's not an unauthorized modification. It's not exactly exploiting a bug because you can in fact use this solution to get the achievement WITHOUT being level 30.

So what about players who don't have live? Using this would be against their terms of service as well? I don't think so, it's the developer's fault for not play testing their game enough. I hope you know that they put those speech glitches in FO3 and this one on purpose for people who weren't fortunate enough to have their speech high enough.
By Chicago AJ on 01 Nov 2010 21:23
Yea, I guess I suck at life because I have the game completed and found an easy way to get the achievement. Sorry we're not all losers that live in our parents basement with no income. Just because you have countless hours to play a game doesn't mean the rest of us do.
By Chicago AJ on 07 Nov 2010 05:08
Since there's 4 ways of completing the game, no. You'd have to find all 4 different ways to beat the game: Caesar, Yes Man, House and NCR, get all the missions on your Pipboy, save, then complete each different one. If you want them all, you will have to beat the game 4 times.
By Chicago AJ on 07 Feb 2011 01:14
awesome guide worked great except for the four hours to complete the game, i had a very difficult time trying to get to helios 1 as a level 2 i knew where it was i just couldn't find the best way to get there i was either finding cazadors or deathclaws luckily i found a stealhboy which is located inside the school in goodspring inside a safe you can get to it when you are doing the quest there when you have to collect some xander roots you need to have science of 25 i believe to hack the terminal which will then open the safe in any case you should be fine if you followed the guide from the begining another thing i would recommend is once inside the strip go an max out every casino don't forget to max out your luck to 10 get some caps and buy some heavy duty weapons you will need them for the last fight at the hoover dam i almost had to re-star because it was really difficult to kill those guys with the weapons i had from the begining of the game.
By See u in helll on 25 Mar 2011 22:26
Thumbs up dude, screw the haters. A few key things I would like to note and maybe you might want to edit your main guide? Please don't take offense I am so happy you shared this guide with us.

Starting zone, finish out all the quests in Goodsprings and get to atleast level 2 or 3.
You DO need either 35 repair to fix the wiring yourself or 45 science to activate the robot to fix the wiring.
(I found this out the hard way and had to restart)
When running into the power grid you will see a door straight across, go in there (watch for mines, there are four) and hack the computer turning off the turrets. (Hacking requires 25 science...but you should have 45 already so no big deal)
After the turrets are offline, ignore killing the robots, you're a low level guy with no much firepower and it just won't happen. Run past them, jumping down ledges if you need to, to make it to the final room.
Activate the robot with 45 science (up stairs) or repair it yourself with 35 repair.
When given the option you will see Send Power Everywhere, and then another one as the fourth option to overhaul the power, pick that one and you're good to go!

again, no disrespect intended on my part.
Thank you for the great guide :)

By Skurkitty on 29 Nov 2010 20:00
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This solution is for people like me who just want to get this out of the way. I found an excellent video speedrun on youtube. All credit goes to "snowdick1" who is playing through the game in 36 minutes (35:39 to be accurate). Follow his video-guide and you will get the achievement very fast.

I also highly recommend the text guide from Warboy925 on this site which is based on this video. He did an amazing job with that guide!

A few details:

Choose a female character and choose Harcore-Mode when asked.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (as mentioned by snowdick1 in the comments of video 2/3).
Strength: 1
Perception: 1
Endurance: 10
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 1
Luck: 9

Skills: Focus on Speech (most important!), Survival and Medicine.

Perks: He chooses "Black Widow" on Level 2; Travel Light on Level 4. These two are the most important perks for this playthrough. Just watch the videos for the other perks he uses.

I used this video-guide yesterday and I can confirm that it works. There will be spots that you have to try a few times but it is all possible to do.
For example: After you leave the doctor at the beginning there will be a group of Nightskins between the mountains of Goodsprings Cemetary and Vault 19. Just run like Hell and try to make your way to the rocks of Vault 19.
And don't forget to eat and drink! I almost died because I forgot that.

I hope this will help others to get the Hardcore-Achievement out of the way.

21 Dec 2011 08:43

Very nice. Thanks. Got mine in 57 minutes.
By Pyro1099 on 30 Jan 2012 06:22
Nice to see that I could help you with this!
By LizardKingv666 on 30 Jan 2012 07:31
Thx for your comment. Good to see that this is still helping people.
By LizardKingv666 on 11 Feb 2013 12:17
perfect 100%
By DAC Prussia 86 on 30 Jun 2013 12:24
By LizardKingv666 on 01 Jul 2013 06:28
Video was pretty good, I will say that I wished there was a "text version" of it, I'll just re-watch the video and make my own.....I might post it on this site (giving credit where it's due, of course) at first, I was wondering why he just ran in and out of casinos, but since I played the game before, I understood he was just "making contact"
By Warboy925 on 15 May 2014 18:16
You are right - the video is a bit tricky to understand at certain points. I'm glad that it helped. A text guide would be great - I will defenitely vote positive for it (if you vote positive for mine, haha jk).
By LizardKingv666 on 15 May 2014 19:17
Helped? I didn't even used it yet!!
By Warboy925 on 15 May 2014 22:52
Ah ok, I thought you used it, sorry :)
By LizardKingv666 on 16 May 2014 06:41
its ok, lol, I will try it later in a few days......got kill off my SR 3 chieves first, lol
By Warboy925 on 16 May 2014 17:02
Just got this today......I'm thinking of writing a "text" solution based off of the video......also gave me "No Gods, No Masters", and "Wild Card"....it was a great video guide....even though I did have to pause and rewind quite a bit, lol
By Warboy925 on 31 May 2014 18:35
According to my "save time", it said it took me 3.43.58 at my "hoover dam" auto save, but that was only due to me constant pausing and watching the video..I am pretty darn sure my actual "playing time" was much lower...so yes...I think a "text" version would be very beneficial....esp. to help with the speech choices, hopeful I should have it done by tomorrow and give you and Snowdick1 credit that's deserved
By Warboy925 on 31 May 2014 18:43
I am sure that a text guide will save other gamers a lot of time. I also had to do many rewinds to see speech choices. Thx for giving us credit in your guide - I will also recommend your text version when its posted here.
By LizardKingv666 on 31 May 2014 19:35
As we speak, I am replaying Hard-core mode while writing the solution.....I am such a multitasker, lol
By Warboy925 on 31 May 2014 20:57
You're a beast!!
By LizardKingv666 on 31 May 2014 22:37
I just got done meeting Yes Man for the first time, its time consuming checking the video to see if I'm writing something right while checking exactly what Snowdick1's replies were, but the funny part is, as I'm writing the guide and looking at the video and playing the game, I don't remember dealing with the "Omertas and Gomorrah" at all when I finished it this morning!!!
By Warboy925 on 31 May 2014 23:09
oh P.S., I just remembered to vote positive on you solution just now, lol!!
By Warboy925 on 31 May 2014 23:11
Nevermind, dealing with the "Omertas and Gomorrah" was so quick that I forgot all aout it, lol
By Warboy925 on 01 Jun 2014 02:16
OMG!!!! Finally done!!!!! It is on the site now, please read the whole thing and give me an honest opinion, damn thing took me literally over 9 hours to write, between playing the game a second time, watching the videos (pausing and rewinding), and all the writing......I am SO beat!!! Bedtime for Bonzo!!!
By Warboy925 on 01 Jun 2014 10:16
Aww thanks......*blushing*
By Warboy925 on 01 Jun 2014 19:06
Used this and it's pretty flawless. Some things were different and I had to make alternative ways but I knew the gist and flew through it and even stopped and got the achievement for getting kicked out of the casino's seeing as my luck was so high.
By CRISP EATERS on 28 Dec 2014 11:17
Nice! Good to see that this is still helping others.
By LizardKingv666 on 28 Dec 2014 13:38
Thx for the kind words!
By LizardKingv666 on 29 Nov 2015 17:35
Managed to get this done today. Had to reload a few times as it doesn't always work like in the video. Also I had trouble with the "YES MAN" getting the right responses and had to go back to the Khans and talk with them, which isn't done in the video. Good job though
By FoolsAndKings on 15 Sep 2023 21:11
Thanks, LizardKing!
I finished this on 10th Feb 2013 following this video guide.

It's a bit tricky to see some of his speech choices as he's doing a speed run, but I could work out most the options selected.

I had to go back to the Brotherhood of Steel bunker, because although I'd stolen the key as the video suggested, I didn't shoot at them. I think that's also needed to class it as "make contact".

It was quite good fun playing it this way, ignoring the monsters, never using VATS and ending conversations as quickly as possible! The only tricky part was trying to rush the Boomers run.

I did it in around an hour, but no more than 90 minutes.
By QualityChimp on 11 Feb 2013 11:46
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Hardcore does bring a decent challenge to this game, but as mentioned, you can do this on any difficulty. That being said it can still be somewhat difficult if you don't know what you are doing.

Biggest tips I can give are:

1) Keep a note of places that you can restore your gauges without having to rely on items (like Goodsprings Source for water, or the Kings for both water and beds, with a food vendor reasonably close by). Doing this before you set off for your quests will help since you don't need to use up as much of your food, water and Atomic Cocktails, that you could be using mid quest.

2) Stock up on Atomic Cocktails. These are very useful and if you have plenty of Dirty or Purified water (or rehydrating foods), you can afford the +44 H20 it inflicts, as it will remove a lot of fatigue from you (I also found it temporarily disables the gauge if you have less than about 120 SLP, until the SLP ticks past that amount, but it's probably a glitch anyway).

3) Use Stims often. Regardless of damage taken, use one stim after any engagement that you took damage on. There are plenty of stims in the game, and since it takes time to heal, it's best to use them when you're not getting shot at.

4) Play Caravan. There's a LOT of caps to be made by winning this game, and those can easily afford you munitions, supplies, better weapons, armour, and implants. Another thing is that caps can be handy as a backup in case your skills aren't very high.

5) Have high Luck. The reasons for this are twofold: 1, you can score Critical Hits more easily and with Finesse added, you'll be dealing heavy damage often which will be useful against armoured enemies. The second reason is the casinos on the Strip. If you get The Courier Who Broke The Bank Achievement (which is made incredibly easy with a high Luck rating and playing Blackjack), you'll be pretty much set with well over 30k caps. Throw in earnings from Caravan, selling spare stuff and looting from bodies and objects, you'll easily be able to afford anything you want. A Luck of 8 or higher is generally pretty good. Go for 10 if you don't plan on getting improvements later on (Luck Implants and such).

6) Companions. Keep them in peak condition and they will definitely help you out, depending on the situation (like E-DE and Boone for traversing the Mojave Wasteland.). This might prove to be difficult if your Charisma is low, since their effectiveness is influenced by it.

7) Weapons. While I'm not exactly an expert on this game, I found sticking with one type of weapon is a good idea. Spare ammo and guns can be sold for caps, plus you can achieve higher skill levels much sooner, which kills things faster. If you manage to find the unique weapons to your preferred weapon + Jury Rigging perk, you're pretty much set. Weapons like Gauss Cannons can be useful, especially at the endgame. 100 Science and Lockpick will help you immensely with this too (well... with almost everything really).

8) Challenges. If possible, complete challenges. Some can prove to be very beneficial as those do give perks (Lord Death, ... And Not a Drop to Drink etc.) which improve The Courier beyond the level based perks you usually get. You get exp as well, so it's a good idea to do them anyway.

Lastly: Speech and Barter. Unlike Fallout 3, these have more use in this game, especially with speech challenges. A number of these (as well as other skill based speech challenges) can either make things easier, or let you bypass things altogether. Charisma can help, but if you have a high enough Int, you can get those skills up higher without much of a problem.

It's basically similar to what's been said before, but I have experienced some things that can make things easier in Hardcore mode.

11 Nov 2010 09:04

This this a text solution based of off Lizardkingv666's video link...All credit goes to
"snowdick1" for recording the 3 part video, and Lizardkingv666 for posting it on this
site...Lizardking has part 1, but if you "watch it on youtube", links to parts 2 and 3 are posted there, I will put on the guide where parts 2, and 3 start just in case you want to SEE where or what I was talking about....I will say that I WILL copy and paste just the beginning of Lizardkingv666's solution because there just isn't any other way to say how to set up your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and Perks... I did get Snowdick1's blessing on turning this into a text guide, the proof is here....yes, I am Warren Ras, lol

Ras is actually short for my real last name, the only person that will know my real last name is my future ex-wife

The reason I decided to do a text version is because I realized that a lot of people don't have the patience to constantly pause and rewind the video like I constantly had to while playing the game just to see what his speech choices were and what direction he took....also because it IS a 3 part video.....

Following this guide will get you at least these 3 achievements if you haven gotten Wild Card or No Gods, No Masters yet, it MIGHT also be possible to get more, but I played and beat this game before, so its possible that I got some achievements on another play-though that I would've gotten here....

Fallout: New VegasHardcoreThe Hardcore achievement in Fallout: New Vegas worth 263 pointsPlay the game from start to finish in Hardcore Mode.

Fallout: New VegasWild CardThe Wild Card achievement in Fallout: New Vegas worth 54 pointsComplete Wild Card.

Fallout: New VegasNo Gods, No MastersThe No Gods, No Masters achievement in Fallout: New Vegas worth 28 pointsComplete No Gods, No Masters.

You do not have to worry at all about leveling up,I was level 8 naturally and killed NOT ONE person, except Benny and Mr. House, and I only died ONCE the whole game and not at all my second playthrough making this guide.....

Important tips: Save often and know how to read your compass, I will be using N, S, SE by
E, or E by SE, and other directions often!!! Just In case you didn't know, (SE by E) or
(E by SE), for example means the point on your compass between SE and E.....on to the
game!! Oh, last tip, RUN LIKE HELL!! A couple times, you will encounter Deathstalkers,
(only around Vault 19), you may get spotted by Super Mutants by Black Mountain, just run
and you should be fine, if not, reload a save...

Choose a female character (for "Black Widow" perk) and make sure you choose Hardcore-Mode when prompted. You need to play on "VERY EASY" as well....

S.P.E.C.I.A.L., you'll want this setup
Strength: 1
Perception: 1
Endurance: 10
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 1
Luck: 9

Skill Tags: You'll want Speech, Survival, and Medicine.

Beginning 2 perks: You don't need any at all!!

Perks: Choose "Black Widow" on Level 2, and make sure you have 45 on Survival for "Travel
Light" on Level 4 (you should bump up between 2 - 3 levels while you are in the "Four Tops"), after level 4, pick whatever you want, [Correction: you might want to pick up [TOUGHNESS] as your perk at level 6], game over/achievement should pop up around level 7 or 8

BTW, if you have the Ultimate Edition, the vault 13 canteen is VERY useful, as well as the starting armor you get!! If not, I highly suggest at least getting the Courier's Stash. If you only have the base game, you will need to either buy or find some extra water and stimpaks...this is just a guide to get you though the game as quickly as possible, I'm not going to tell you when to drink or what to pick up....I'm going to assume you played this game before and know where you need to buy items....

Start of Part 1 of the video

[There are some things I had you pick up that is not in the video due to maybe you needing some money for water or supplies]

The Saga Begins: You will wake up in Doc Mitchell's office, choose being a female, then go to the "Vit-o-matic Vigor Tester" and choose the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. settings posted above (1, 1, 10, 10, 8, 1, and 9.) Go sit on the couch and just choose all the top answers, there is no right or wrong answers....when it comes to skills, just uncheck "melee weapons", and check "medicine", speech and survival should already be checked for you...when it says "CHOOSE UP TO 2 TRAITS (OR NONE)", just push "X", you really don't need any of them....

Before he walks you out, go though his house and pick up ALL the healing items you can find, plus you might need the 8 bottle caps on the bookshelf on the way to the door.. You will be forced to talk to him again, just choose "Thanks for patching me up Doc", and you will be prompted to choose Hardcore Mode, MAKE SURE you select YES!! If you have the DLC, put on the "Lightweight Leather armor", if not, just wear the "Vault 21 Jumpsuit" the kind doctor gave you....if you don't have the DLC that gave you "Vault 13's Canteen", you might want to talk to the Doc before you leave and buy at least a dirty water first since you only have 26 caps now.
(Your Medicine should be at least 30, you can pass a "[Medicine 30] speech test" to receive 3 free stimpaks and another "[SPEECH 30] speech test" for 2 more stimpaks)

To Goodsprings Cemetery: Once you step outside, look "NE", you will see a water tower in the short distance, head there...you have discovered "Goodsprings Cemetery", look on one of the graves for healing items, and grab the "Goodsprings Snow Globe" off another grave for an easy 2000 bottles caps later......head "N" under the water tower and you should get that revising your character screen, just choose "Finished - Travel Onward" and move on..you might really, really wanna save now..

To Vault 19: Continue "N" a very short way and you will see a big rock ahead of you climb along the side of it heading "E" (I asked you to save only because there is a chance you might get stuck) ignoring the bloatflies until you see 2 men on a "cross", continue "NE", you will see a road ahead of you and you may see some Deathstalkers, if they see you, just run like hell EAST by NORTHEAST until you see "Vault 19" in a fenced-in area just off the road, run inside the fenced-in area and climb up the "mountain" on the NE side,

To Samson Rock Crushing Plant: save here, then continue "E" at the "fork" on top of the "mountain", hugging the left side....now head NE towards the Powerline Towers...until you
reach Samson Rock Crushing Plant...

To Camp McCarran: You will now want to travel N by NE until you reach a "freeway", (You know you are going the right way if you see some big red containers on your left hand side), jump down into the freeway, and continue "N" until you see a small broken section on your right and a big red container that has "fallen" into the "freeway" right in front of you...go up that broken section, then run "N" for a very short while along the top side of the freeway until you reach some shelled-out buildings, run "NE" through the building and you should see 2 vertical "EL RAY" signs ahead of you, run past EL RAY MOTEL, and into CAMP MCCARRON, straight ahead of you on your right.....

Getting to the New Vegas Strip: Inside Camp McCarran, look to your right, see that big building? Thats right! We are going inside, (you want to enter the west-most set of doors)....once inside you will see a set of broken escalators on your left (I would save before going up), around the corner to the left, you will see 2 guards, run past them and enter the door (they WILL be shooting at you, so RUN!!!), run straight for the MONORAIL, and press "A" to take it to the strip, go through the double doors on the left and down the stairs where you MIGHT get stopped by a NCR Trooper, just answer, "No, I've been here before", to make it quicker, head out the double doors onto the strip..

On The Strip: Look to your left, you will see the Ultra-Lux, thats where we will be heading, go inside and just hand over your weapons...Head SE to the back of the casino and through the double doors and press "A" to talk to "Mortimer", just select "Goodbye", and head back out into the strip, (what we just did was make "contact" with The White Glove Society, it will make more sense later on in the game)....

Next stop The Tops, right in front of you, enter and turn in your weapons..wait a few seconds, you WILL gain 3 levels, put 3 points into SURVIVAL so you have 45, and ALL the rest into SPEECH, choose "BLACK WIDOW", more into SPEECH then "TRAVEL LIGHT" for level 4
First thing, walk back to the front desk and talk to Swank who is the guy next to the one that took your weapons, choose "I think you should know something about Benny", then choose the [SPEECH 15] option, then the [SPEECH 30] option, next the [SPEECH 45] option, then choose whatever you want, it goes back to "That's it. What do you think?" anyways..he gives you your stuff back as well as a key, select "Okay, I'll do it", (I think the reason you have to talk to Swank is because he lets the heat off of you after you kill Benny)....
...speaking of which, you will see him walking to the right side of the casino, talk to him and choose ALL the [BLACK WIDOW] options, and then he will give you another key to his room....go figure? Head to his room via the elevators in the SW corner of the casino, you want the 2nd one on your right...out of the elevator turn right, his room has a planter on each side of his door, enter, and wait for Benny....follow him into the bedroom and choose the top option (involves having sex with Benny)...after the dark cutscene, choose [Kill Benny in his sleep], you will want to loot Benny for his special gun, Maria, and some ammo...you should gain another level, dump it all in SPEECH..
..now, you will want to enter a door in the EAST side of Benny's room to meet Yes Man,
(You might wanna save just in case) choose all the top options up until you are able to
select "I've been invited to visit the Lucky 38", then select the following as they show up...
"What do you know about the courier Benny shot?"
"I have the Platinum Chip, remember?"
"Let's talk about something else."
"So I should ask these tribes if they'll support an Independent Vegas."
"Which tribes should I "get to know""
then finally "Goodbye", which is your queue to leave the casino and head to Lucky 38, but before you go, you can talk to Swank again before you leave and he has a [BLACK WIDOW] option that gives you 100 caps!!

On to Lucky 38: Once you are out of The Tops, turn left and head through the gate, on the
other side, the Lucky 38 is directly to your right, you need to talk to Victor the robot to be let in....Victor mysteriously teleported ahead of you by the elevator door, tell him you wish to go to the Penthouse (lack of other choices till later, lol), as soon as the loading screen is over, you will see a robot named Jane....remember that snowglobe I told you to pick up in Goodsprings Cemetery? She is the one who will buy it off of you, just select "What's with the snowglobe collection?", then select "I've got a snowglobe for Mr. House's collection", and now you are 2000 caps richer!! Now go down the stairs, you can raid the fridge around to the right first if you'd like, then head back and go through the curtain covered door..now equip the gun you looted from Benny, because we are going to be in a rush!!
See that computer terminal ahead of you? Use it to open the Antechamber, the robots now turn hostile so as soon as the door opens, run straight to the next terminal and use it to unlock the control room elevator, use the elevator door asap because the 2 robots will
be shooting you...now use the terminal ahead of you to unseal the LS chamber....use the gun to kill him....you should level up again to level 6, dump the last 5 points into [SPEECH] and the rest into [MEDICINE], (I didn't think about it til just now, but you might want to pick up [TOUGHNESS] as your perk) You can leave safe and sound now, the robots are no longer hostile..and you now have access to the Presidential Suite in case you wanna sleep or loot just to sell things for more water or food..next stop......

(Before we set out, MAKE SURE you have the quest "Wild Card: Side Bets" active!!!! The
quest will always update after making contact with any of the required factions, it will
come in handy, because on hardcore mode, you really don't want to backtrack because you
missed someone..now with that said....)

Gomorrah.....As you leave Lucky 38, it is smack right in front of you, all you need to do is enter, the guy up front will ask for your weapons, just select, "Nevermind, I'll be back", that's it!! You just had contact with the Omertas...you will be outside of Gomorrah after the thug "politely" asks you to leave...

From Gomorrah, head left and through the Freeside gate..if you need supplies, might as well get them here while we are passing through, keep going and go through the "blue Bus" looking gate, and exit the gate that usually has 3 guys standing to the left "Exit to Outer Vegas" (the real reason we went through all the gates was so we can "discover" [FREESIDE'S NORTH GATE] so we can fast travel back later)

(Just a warning, it may be easier to wait until it is early morning before we continue, Hidden Valley is hard to navigate at night because of the nighttime dust storms)

Start of Part 2 of the video

On to Hidden Valley: Speaking of fast travel...we now need to fast travel back to Goodsprings Cemetery....as soon as you arrive, look E by SE. you will see a large white cross, that is where we are going to travel, from the cross head East by SouthEast ALL THE WAY until "You have discovered HIDDEN VALLEY" pops on the left side of the screen..now fast travel to Hidden Valley...from where you "land", head NW towards the bunker door, pull out your weapon, and press L3 to crouch, as soon as the 3 brotherhood soldiers come out, pickpocket the "Hidden Valley Bunker Key" from one of them, back up and use the key on the door you just entered from and take a few shots at any of the soldiers...(the reason you shot at them was because it was an easy way to "make contact")

Road to El Dorado Substation: Once outside, head North until you get out of the fenced in area, then proceed to travel East by NorthEast until you "discover" Neil's Shack, head East up the road and Neil, a friendly Super mutant will greet you, just choose the 2 top replies and Neil will be on his way...ok, now you see that huge white satellite dish above you in the distance? We are going to head in that direction until "You have discovered BLACK MOUNTAIN" pops on the left side of the screen..now fast travel to BLACK MOUNTAIN...from there, head East then SouthEast when you are able....you should see a building soon at the foot of the mountain, head there and you will discover "EL DORADO SUBSTATION" (Reason for needing to discover this location will be apparent later)

Red Rock Canyon Bound: Fast travel back to Vault 19, head West then NorthWest hugging the
mountain on your right, if you see a Deathstalker running towards you, trust me, he doesn't want a hug or a Scooby-Snack, just RUN!!!! You will be traveling Northwest for quite a while until you "discover" RED ROCK CANYON, don't worry, the quest will update a few seconds later....when it does...

(You may want to pick up at least 3 DOCTOR'S BAGS or you can always reload the save until
you get to the gate uncrippled) (right after I wrote this, I did a reload, and I made it to the gate without any crippled limbs)

Flying to Nellis Air Force Base: (Nice pun, huh?) Fast travel back to FREESIDE'S NORTH GATE..there will be a freeway above you, we will be following it East by NorthEast until we reach a road with a shack on the left hand side (now is a VERY good time to save), run along the road then RUN LIKE HELL NorthEast until you reach the gate, pick the 2 top options, then Raquel will talk to you, tell her to "Lead the way", and you will automatically be taken to Pearl, the leader of the Boomers, just choose all 3 top replies and the conversation will end automatically and we are done with all the factions!!!

Meeting up with Yes Man: Fast travel to THE STRIP NORTH GATE, head towards The Tops where
you will see Yes Man standing out front, select, "I'm ready for you to join me at the Lucky 38."

Start of Part 3 of the video...

Enter the Lucky 38, activate the elevator and choose to go up to the penthouse you will automatically be put in a cut scene, go towards the force field to start the demonstration, after the demonstration is over, you will be brought back to Yes Man with a new level gain, put the points where you want, then deal with Yes Man...
Talk to Yes Man and select "Let's talk about the tribes I should get to know", choose to IGNORE ALL OF THEM, of course you have to do each faction one at a time......you will get
some new choices now, choose, " The NCR hates me. They won't let me within 1000 feet of Kimball.", then select, "Ok, I'll get it done."

Rapido to El Dorado Substation: (Another nice pun) And this is why we needed to take that little side trip earlier, so we can fast travel there now!! You need to run in, active the terminal, select "Power the substation", exit the building and immediately open your pip-boy to fast travel back to THE STRIP NORTH GATE (The first time I played this, I had hostile NCR troopers and I had to run for awhile until I was able to fast travel again, I JUST did this again now, and I was able to fast travel as soon as I stepped outside......just a warning in case you get the hostile NCR scenario)

Well anyways, fast travel back to THE STRIP NORTH GATE and head back to the Lucky 38 to meet up with Yes Man again, talk with him and select, "I'm ready to go to the dam", then
"Fine, just tell me how", this is going to be a point of no return (until you finish the game), if you are ready, select "Let's do this!" and you will be transported to the dam

Here at the darn dam: Run North-ish along the dam and enter the second doorway on your
right, you know its the right door if you see a lot of the Legion's troops coming from the west...enter the Elevator to Hoover Dam offices, can't miss it, it right there on your right, you may have a friendly Securitron MK II escort (which is a good thing), basic directions to your goal, left, go around the corner first left, then through the doors the 2 brotherhood soldiers are guarding, (a [SPEECH 75] test will get them to leave their post) the terminal you need to activate will be straight ahead of you...install the override chip, and now you need destroy the dam's generators, exit the room, head right then around the corner head to the other side of the hall and go left around that corner, enter the door ahead of you at the end of the hall, and prepare to get shot at, what you need to activate is the small yellow box on the left wall from where you entered, select "Overload and blow it up!"

Run Forrest Run!!: Time to blow this joint....you'll get that joke later but we need to head back past the area where we activated the first terminal...running all the way....go straight, turn right around the corner, head to the other end, and turn right around the corner again, take the first left and past the door we got rid of the 2 brotherhoods earlier, at the T-section, make a left, right around the corner, duck into the first left and take the door in there to the outside...

Stopping the Legion: Turn to your right, we are running all the way to the end of the dam, and making a left when we see our robot friends.....enter the gate to the Legate's Camp, run East avoiding all enemies until you reach some "wood steps", look up and to the left, you see that guy with the scary mask? Time to talk to him....select these options..

"If you think you've got any chance of taking Hoover Dam, you're wrong."
"Maybe you're willing to listen to reason"
SELECT ALL [SPEECH] OPTIONS.......until you get to....
"There is victory in wisdom"
Take the last [SPEECH] option

General Jackass: Head back to the gate and it will blow up, and you get another conversation with him......select.....

"Hold that thought, General. I want you to introduce you to some friends."
"General Oliver, Hoover Dam is ours. Leave at once."
"Are you sure that's wise?"
"How about I ask these robots to fuck you and your entire battalion with a rocket barrage?"
"[SPEECH 100] [Bluff] Because you're talking and not attacking?"
"Can't do a worse job than the Republic, that's for sure"
"Is that all? Because I've got work to do, and NCR words don't mean much around here"

Yes Man comes up to you and now its Game Over!!! Enjoy the achievements...

Special thanks to Lizardking for encouraging me to write this text guide, and a very special thanks to Snowdick1 for his support and permission

Guys, this guide took me literally HOURS to write, I spent all day watching the videos, pausing it, writing things down, then following it along on my game....if you need to vote negative, please explain why so I may better this, the other guides were great, but not nearly as detailed as mine, nor did they explain why things were being done...enjoy!

01 Jun 2014 10:06

First off what hardcore mode does

1) Makes all ammo have Wight
2)stimpaks or sleeping don’t heal crippled limbs
3)all healing items effect overtime instead of instantly
4)more health stats are added for you to worry about so instead of just having your health and radiation you now have
Hydration (H20)
Once they reach 200 they will appear on your HUD your level of them increases with every 200 which will affect your stats once any of them gets to 1000 you WILL die

Most of these are easy to get round
1)Only use a small amount of weaponary .So you only carry lots of ammo Also and try not to use guns for which ammo cots a lot (say why later)
2)Try to carry doctors bags around with you if you can’t there are still ways around this if you get crippled in a fight your going have to bear it until you can fast travel to a doctor like doc Michel in the start of the game in good springs
3)for the healing effect use cover. When you need to take a stimpack get into cover use it and wait for you to be healed before fighting again (retreat if necessary but not too far.)
4)The extra stats Sleep is the easiest all you have to do a sleep when you go by a bed you don’t have to do it very often I got into new vageas and did not have too sleep Food and H20 all you have to do is when you go buy a store(one reason too spend too much caps is so you have caps for food)Buy all their food and water don’t buy beer and other alcohol because these do not have positive benefits Also drink out of anything even if it has RADs like sinks and baths anything to keep your H20 down also the pre order pack the classic pack came with a vault 13 canteen which would stop you from getting h20 sick unless you slept waited or fast travelled

Combat is harder so invest in Speech and Sneak and try too avoid combat AS much as possible.

Forget about karma, hello to reputation If you played fallout 3 karma was a big deal in new vegas it is there but not as much of a deal.
Try and stay and neutral terms with the Ncr and the legion(with the only been later one in the game exception later)and all towns don’t do many side quests as this will change you Rep dipping on the quest


Rush though the game but do not cut corners you may know were Benny is at the tops But do all the little quest on finding were is anyway it is worth the XP.

End game tips
IF you come across a lone or small group of Ncr or legion kill them and take their outfits this can be useful to sneak past the Ncr guards and so you can talk to the legion office at the end of the game(You also need speech at 100 and this is strongly recommend)

Also Side with Yes man and do the wild cards quest why?

NCR and legion will not attack you because you can dress like them.

And only yes man and ncr(through speech only)will make it so you do not have to kill the brother hood of steel.

The only problem with yes man it killing Mr Houses his bots in the penthouse this can be done very easily with a cattle prod which is a melee weapon which makes any enemy unconscious
And easy way to get the cattle prod is to go to the Ultra luxe on the strip and talk to the cowboy sitting at the bar and offer to help him find his son then follow and quest to you have to talk to a guy called Mortimer when you talk to him use the speech change and offer to him find fresh meat he will then give you a cattle prod then go back to the luck 38 save the game then go and talk to Mr. house and say you will not give him the chip hit the bot on the right of Mr. house then go round the room anti clock wise hit the bots then go up the stairs and hit the bots their then go round the room hitting all the bots save a new slot after every pass once they are all dead active the terminal to the right of Mr. there will be 2 more bots after that use the terminal next to the lift to go down the kill or disable Mr. house

How to get past the radio-active bunker in the legion camp the main tip here is to go in third person look round the corner if there is a bot quickly pop out shoot and get back in cover for the sentry guns you can get in places they can’t shoot and be close to the edge of a door open it take a shoot close it repeat make sure you upgrade the army so you can help yes man

Other tips
Story related
When you see Benny in the tops tell him to lead the way then when he sends the ambush up just go down the lift

To get into the strip without 2000 caps see the king in the kings school(you have to bribe the door man)and do the side quest then ask for the reward of the passport

When yes man asks you to go to the dam and saves someone’s life re talk to him and say the NCR hate me

On wild card side beats you only have to talk to each faction

talk to the legion commander on the last mission by using a legion outfit to get to him and then use a speech of 100 to not have to talk to him (do not say anything about the legion retreating or he will fight you )

Do not do any side quest only do come fly with be

Try and stay natural to all big faction and grab outfits for them so when you side with yes man they do not kill you

Do not gamble in the casinos this wastes time and money even if you win

Non story tips

Stick to the road for 2 reasons

1) Mutated enemies are off the path which is hard to kill
2)most hills have a barrier that you can’t get past
3)Pick wild wasteland and can get you the alien blaster which is very powerful
(Link on how to find at bottom)

25 Oct 2010 23:33

Hardcore mode adds a few "realistic" changes to the game, which I will explain and provide easy solutions too. It confuses me that people would say this particular mode is a challenge, or adds difficulty, because my first run through with hardcore mode on, and I am finding the game far easier then playing Fallout 3. A few starting tips:

- Karma is not your friend. If noone can see you take something, noone will know, and the only ill consequence is a drop in karma. Typically, if you are wanting to play a character with good karma, your going to do enough good deeds to greatly out weigh pilfering all the ammo from a local shopkeep. So use all your wits and steal anything useful that is not nailed down. Same goes for NPCs. If noone sees you kill someone, you didn't kill someone.
- Victor's Shack in Goodsprings is an excellant starting player house. Store anything there if you are unsure of selling it, it will be there when you come back. It also has a bed and clean water.
- Fight how you want, but personally, I find a scoped rifle in stealth will kill most enemies in one hit. Alot more if you use the right ammo.

Hardcore Changes:

Ammunition Has Weight:
Ammo has weight. It isn't much, but in bulk it can weigh you down. I hope you don't fancy rockets, because that there is 3kg a piece. Personally, I hold on to any ammo I can get my hands on. Alot of people say only take ammo for the guns you use, and I have never had a problem where ammo was weighing me down. Just stop in on your current player house periodically and offload any ammunition you will not be using. Ammunition parts do not have a weight.

Stimpack and RadAway Heal Over Time:
Healing is no longer instant. I have almost beaten the game, and I'm lucky if I have used 10 StimPacks. If you get in some trouble, use StimPacks as soon as you take damage, and the heal over time effect will replenish as you lose health. This was even more trivial for radiation.

StimPacks Do Not Heal Limbs:
But a doctor will for a few hundred caps. So will Doctor Bags and Hydras. Have a fair few of them floating around my inventory.

Players Must Eat:
Always carry some spare food. If you get hungry, eat. Food is very easy to come by.

Players Must Hydrate:
Hold on to bottles of dirty/purified water. Worst comes to worst, most vegetation food will provide H2O, as will any tap, lake or toilet. Just remember that NukaCola and Sunset Sarsparilla will also dehydrate you.

Players Must Sleep:
I have had a "you need to sleep" notification twice during gameplay. Beds are also easy to come by.

Companions Suffer PermaDeath:
This is the only thing that is going to be a kick in the pants. Bethesda are quite popular for their inferiour AI. Companions that fight will usually die. If you suspect yourself of getting into a heated situation, just tell your companion to wait somewhere.

13 Dec 2010 12:02

Hardcore is where the game is more 'realistic.' Ammo has weight, your companions can 'die,' you have to sleep, drink water, and eat, and it's harder to repair crippled limbs. Also all healing items heal you over time and not instantly except for Super Stimpaks (use only in dire situations) but then you get that nasty Stimpak sickness. You get offered to play Hardcore mode after you leave Doc Mitchell's office at the very start of the game.


I found the best way to do this is build a melee and unarmed character as ammo and guns add a LOT of weight to your inventory. It was very easy to finish this on hardcore with a melee and unarmed (helping you get the Old-Tyme Brawler, and New Vegas Samurai achievements, along the way).

If you find you are having a hard of a time of it you can always set the difficult to very easy, as this will not affect you getting the hardcore achievement, but if you are factioned with the Legion, then NCR troops go down like pussycats to your Fireaxes, Shishkebabs, Displacer Gloves, Powerfists, Super Sledges etc. Also as a side note when you are factioned with the Legion, when your allies die at the battle at Hoover Dam, they drop Fireaxes which are very effective against the NCR troops and Rangers. Heck even the Power Rangers (kekeke) went down without to much of a hassle, who protect General Oliver (just take lots of Stimpaks and Bighorner or Brahmin Steaks).

I started my S.P.E.C.I.A.L. with this criteria. It's flexible except for Strength, Endurance and Intelligence.

Strength 10 (you'll want this for capacity, damage, weapon effectiveness and Unarmed, a necessity for this build.)

Perception 1 (you won't be using energy weapons, accuracy isn't a problem with close quarters and the compass threshold while helpful is only a problem when facing Cazadors or Deathclaws)

Endurance 10 (More Hit points, Damage Threshold, Damage Reduction and Rad Resistance, pretty much all are affected when in close quarters, so therefore this stat at 10 is a neccessity)

Charisma 1 (Not necessary as you will not need or require companions, and won't be bartering or speech success'ing to much)

Intelligence 10 (Boosts all available useful skills like Medicine which you'll need for your Stimpaks, Food, and Rad-Aways, and repair for your armor and weapons as you won't have Raul to help you maintain. Also of course and all those extra skill points.)

Agility 1 (you won't be using guns, or running to fast or sneaking, AP aren't to much of a problem either. This stat is not a necessity leave it at 1.)

Luck 7 (Helps with all your other skills and also helps with Criticals, and Gambling to get lots of caps from Caravan or Blackjack)

Tag Unarmed, Melee and Medicine.

Start the game out with the first melee weapon you find. I like Knives, Machetes, Combat Knives, Lead Pipes basically anything you can get your hands on. Spiked Knuckles are great to as they are very fast and do lots of damage.

Play the game as you normally would. I would recommend getting your survival too 25 (for Geckos, Dog and Coyote) or 50 (for Brahmin and Bighorner) as quickly as possible so you can make Gecko Steaks, Brahmin Steaks and Bighorner Steaks which meat is easy to find and the Steaks help you with huge HP boosts and no Rad's plus really help your hunger meter.

Sleep meter is easy to keep low and not a problem. You don't even have to sleep long. Only 1 or 2 hours every 20 minutes or so..

H20 Meter, carry lots of Purified water, Dirty water is okay too if necessary the Rads are not to much of a problem. There is also lots of clean water around Lake Mead and in Vegas. Only select areas have high rads form drinking irradiated water.

Some perks I would recommend you take or acquire are:

'Heavy Handed' (at the start when Doc Mitchell asks you what 2 perks to take, I took this one as it makes all your Melee and Unarmed do more damage but less critical damage. Seeing as your do more regular damage over criticals this is a great perk for this build. The Pro's outweigh the Con's).

You can leave the other one empty or be a rebel and take 'Wild Wasteland' as I did :)

Might I suggest NOT to take the 'Small Frame' perk. On hardcore you cannot repair damaged limbs with stimpaks or sleep (only Doctors Bags or a Doctor). So having a crippled guy with no legs to run away, no arms to swing your heavy weapons or punch makes this a very BAD perk! Also you don't need the +1 to agility anyways. Stay away like the plague!

Head to Novac and get the 'Ranger Takedown' perk form the Ranger who asks you to check on Ranger Station Charlie just south of Novac. When you go back he will offer to teach you this manouever which when doing a power attack running backwards will knock down your opponent. Very useful and it's very easy to obtain!

Another one to get is the one from Caesars legion. It's called 'Legion Assault' You gain a manouever when power attack but running forwards this time. It's also very useful, easy to get and very effective.

Other suggestions:

'Super Slam' (has a chance to knock down any opponent. With your high luck this should happen frequently)
'Piercing Strike' (Ignore 15 Damage Threshold for all your weapons? No brainer)
'Stone Wall' (You gain 5 Damage Threshold to all close quarter weapons and cannot be knocked down? Great D Perk)
'Life Giver' (30 HP is essential. You will be a tank)
'Educated' (+2 Skill points at EVERY level after level 4 makes this very useful for boosting skills like Repair, Lockpick, Medicine, Survival, and Science)
'Toughness' (Go both levels for an extra +6 to Damage Threshold)
'Power Armor Training' (If you don't mind running very slow and fast travel often then take this perk. The benefits of having huge amounts of Damage Threshold, and Rad resistance from BoS Power Armor is a nice Perk, but not essential to success. I personally like Medium or Light Armor, but I digress. You get this from completing the BoS quests, and then asking to join the BoS, either Elder's will provide you this training. Oh! THEN blow up their bunker ;) )
'Purifier' (this will make you unstoppable, with all the other perks you've obtained you will be a beast, 50% damage to half of what you'll be fighting? No brainer.)

Sidenote: Doctor Usanagi (FoA doctor at the New Vegas Medical Clinic just outside of Crimson Caravan or Freeside) has those perks for boosting your SPECIAL or Health Regeneration or DT at a very high cap cost (remember to gamble, sell those Snowglobes to Mr. House, sell all those guns, and energy weapons to Gun Runners for easy caps). Out of the SPECIAL the only one to boost is Luck (helps with gambling, criticals and other skills, as well as the 'Naughty Nightwear' apparel you can buy from Mick and Ralph's, dirt cheap in Freeside.)

Remember to have fun! No need to rush this achievement. If you've followed my guide you'll have an easy time, razing hell through the Mojave Wasteland. Just watch out for Deathclaws they are still a hassle on any difficulty.

16 Sep 2011 17:59

I asked Warboy925 over on TrueAchievements to use his textguide for this achievement, and he was so kind to let me use it. So here is his guide. I copy-pasted everything, so all credit goes to him, and snowdick1; the creator of the videos. This whole textguide is based on his videos. Good Luck!

Following this guide will get you at least these 3 achievements if you haven gotten Wild Card or No Gods, No Masters yet, it MIGHT also be possible to get more, but I played and beat this game before, so its possible that I got some achievements on another play-though that I would've gotten here....
So to be clear, this will at least give you these three achievements:

Wild Card
No Gods, No Masters

You do not have to worry at all about leveling up,I was level 8 naturally and killed NOT ONE person, except Benny and Mr. House, and I only died ONCE the whole game and not at all my second playthrough making this guide.....

Important tips: Save often and know how to read your compass, I will be using N, S, SE by
E, or E by SE, and other directions often!!! Just In case you didn't know, (SE by E) or
(E by SE), for example means the point on your compass between SE and E.....on to the
game!! Oh, last tip, RUN LIKE HELL!! A couple times, you will encounter Deathstalkers,
(only around Vault 19), you may get spotted by Super Mutants by Black Mountain, just run
and you should be fine, if not, reload a save...

Choose a female character (for "Black Widow" perk) and make sure you choose Hardcore-Mode when prompted. You need to play on "VERY EASY" as well....

S.P.E.C.I.A.L., you'll want this setup
Strength: 1
Perception: 1
Endurance: 10
Charisma: 10
Intelligence: 8
Agility: 1
Luck: 9

Skill Tags: You'll want Speech, Survival, and Medicine.

Beginning 2 perks: You don't need any at all!!

Perks: Choose "Black Widow" on Level 2, and make sure you have 45 on Survival for "Travel
Light" on Level 4 (you should bump up between 2 - 3 levels while you are in the "Four Tops"), after level 4, pick whatever you want, [Correction: you might want to pick up [TOUGHNESS] as your perk at level 6], game over/achievement should pop up around level 7 or 8

BTW, if you have the Ultimate Edition, the vault 13 canteen is VERY useful, as well as the starting armor you get!! If not, I highly suggest at least getting the Courier's Stash. If you only have the base game, you will need to either buy or find some extra water and stimpaks...this is just a guide to get you though the game as quickly as possible, I'm not going to tell you when to drink or what to pick up....I'm going to assume you played this game before and know where you need to buy items....

Start of Part 1 of the video

[There are some things I had you pick up that is not in the video due to maybe you needing some money for water or supplies]

The Saga Begins: You will wake up in Doc Mitchell's office, choose being a female, then go to the "Vit-o-matic Vigor Tester" and choose the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. settings posted above (1, 1, 10, 10, 8, 1, and 9.) Go sit on the couch and just choose all the top answers, there is no right or wrong answers....when it comes to skills, just uncheck "melee weapons", and check "medicine", speech and survival should already be checked for you...when it says "CHOOSE UP TO 2 TRAITS (OR NONE)", just push "X", you really don't need any of them....

Before he walks you out, go though his house and pick up ALL the healing items you can find, plus you might need the 8 bottle caps on the bookshelf on the way to the door.. You will be forced to talk to him again, just choose "Thanks for patching me up Doc", and you will be prompted to choose Hardcore Mode, MAKE SURE you select YES!! If you have the DLC, put on the "Lightweight Leather armor", if not, just wear the "Vault 21 Jumpsuit" the kind doctor gave you....if you don't have the DLC that gave you "Vault 13's Canteen", you might want to talk to the Doc before you leave and buy at least a dirty water first since you only have 26 caps now.
(Your Medicine should be at least 30, you can pass a "[Medicine 30] speech test" to receive 3 free stimpaks and another "[SPEECH 30] speech test" for 2 more stimpaks)

To Goodsprings Cemetery: Once you step outside, look "NE", you will see a water tower in the short distance, head there...you have discovered "Goodsprings Cemetery", look on one of the graves for healing items, and grab the "Goodsprings Snow Globe" off another grave for an easy 2000 bottles caps later......head "N" under the water tower and you should get that revising your character screen, just choose "Finished - Travel Onward" and move on..you might really, really wanna save now..

To Vault 19: Continue "N" a very short way and you will see a big rock ahead of you climb along the side of it heading "E" (I asked you to save only because there is a chance you might get stuck) ignoring the bloatflies until you see 2 men on a "cross", continue "NE", you will see a road ahead of you and you may see some Deathstalkers, if they see you, just run like hell EAST by NORTHEAST until you see "Vault 19" in a fenced-in area just off the road, run inside the fenced-in area and climb up the "mountain" on the NE side,

To Samson Rock Crushing Plant: save here, then continue "E" at the "fork" on top of the "mountain", hugging the left side....now head NE towards the Powerline Towers...until you
reach Samson Rock Crushing Plant...

To Camp McCarran: You will now want to travel N by NE until you reach a "freeway", (You know you are going the right way if you see some big red containers on your left hand side), jump down into the freeway, and continue "N" until you see a small broken section on your right and a big red container that has "fallen" into the "freeway" right in front of you...go up that broken section, then run "N" for a very short while along the top side of the freeway until you reach some shelled-out buildings, run "NE" through the building and you should see 2 vertical "EL RAY" signs ahead of you, run past EL RAY MOTEL, and into CAMP MCCARRON, straight ahead of you on your right.....

Getting to the New Vegas Strip: Inside Camp McCarran, look to your right, see that big building? Thats right! We are going inside, (you want to enter the west-most set of doors)....once inside you will see a set of broken escalators on your left (I would save before going up), around the corner to the left, you will see 2 guards, run past them and enter the door (they WILL be shooting at you, so RUN!!!), run straight for the MONORAIL, and press "A" to take it to the strip, go through the double doors on the left and down the stairs where you MIGHT get stopped by a NCR Trooper, just answer, "No, I've been here before", to make it quicker, head out the double doors onto the strip..

On The Strip: Look to your left, you will see the Ultra-Lux, thats where we will be heading, go inside and just hand over your weapons...Head SE to the back of the casino and through the double doors and press "A" to talk to "Mortimer", just select "Goodbye", and head back out into the strip, (what we just did was make "contact" with The White Glove Society, it will make more sense later on in the game)....

Next stop The Tops, right in front of you, enter and turn in your weapons..wait a few seconds, you WILL gain 3 levels, put 3 points into SURVIVAL so you have 45, and ALL the rest into SPEECH, choose "BLACK WIDOW", more into SPEECH then "TRAVEL LIGHT" for level 4
First thing, walk back to the front desk and talk to Swank who is the guy next to the one that took your weapons, choose "I think you should know something about Benny", then choose the [SPEECH 15] option, then the [SPEECH 30] option, next the [SPEECH 45] option, then choose whatever you want, it goes back to "That's it. What do you think?" anyways..he gives you your stuff back as well as a key, select "Okay, I'll do it", (I think the reason you have to talk to Swank is because he lets the heat off of you after you kill Benny)....
...speaking of which, you will see him walking to the right side of the casino, talk to him and choose ALL the [BLACK WIDOW] options, and then he will give you another key to his room....go figure? Head to his room via the elevators in the SW corner of the casino, you want the 2nd one on your right...out of the elevator turn right, his room has a planter on each side of his door, enter, and wait for Benny....follow him into the bedroom and choose the top option (involves having sex with Benny)...after the dark cutscene, choose [Kill Benny in his sleep], you will want to loot Benny for his special gun, Maria, and some ammo...you should gain another level, dump it all in SPEECH..
..now, you will want to enter a door in the EAST side of Benny's room to meet Yes Man,
(You might wanna save just in case) choose all the top options up until you are able to
select "I've been invited to visit the Lucky 38", then select the following as they show up...
"What do you know about the courier Benny shot?"
"I have the Platinum Chip, remember?"
"Let's talk about something else."
"So I should ask these tribes if they'll support an Independent Vegas."
"Which tribes should I "get to know""
then finally "Goodbye", which is your queue to leave the casino and head to Lucky 38, but before you go, you can talk to Swank again before you leave and he has a [BLACK WIDOW] option that gives you 100 caps!!

On to Lucky 38: Once you are out of The Tops, turn left and head through the gate, on the
other side, the Lucky 38 is directly to your right, you need to talk to Victor the robot to be let in....Victor mysteriously teleported ahead of you by the elevator door, tell him you wish to go to the Penthouse (lack of other choices till later, lol), as soon as the loading screen is over, you will see a robot named Jane....remember that snowglobe I told you to pick up in Goodsprings Cemetery? She is the one who will buy it off of you, just select "What's with the snowglobe collection?", then select "I've got a snowglobe for Mr. House's collection", and now you are 2000 caps richer!! Now go down the stairs, you can raid the fridge around to the right first if you'd like, then head back and go through the curtain covered door..now equip the gun you looted from Benny, because we are going to be in a rush!!
See that computer terminal ahead of you? Use it to open the Antechamber, the robots now turn hostile so as soon as the door opens, run straight to the next terminal and use it to unlock the control room elevator, use the elevator door asap because the 2 robots will
be shooting you...now use the terminal ahead of you to unseal the LS chamber....use the gun to kill him....you should level up again to level 6, dump the last 5 points into [SPEECH] and the rest into [MEDICINE], (I didn't think about it til just now, but you might want to pick up [TOUGHNESS] as your perk) You can leave safe and sound now, the robots are no longer hostile..and you now have access to the Presidential Suite in case you wanna sleep or loot just to sell things for more water or food..next stop......

(Before we set out, MAKE SURE you have the quest "Wild Card: Side Bets" active!!!! The
quest will always update after making contact with any of the required factions, it will
come in handy, because on hardcore mode, you really don't want to backtrack because you
missed someone..now with that said....)

Gomorrah.....As you leave Lucky 38, it is smack right in front of you, all you need to do is enter, the guy up front will ask for your weapons, just select, "Nevermind, I'll be back", that's it!! You just had contact with the Omertas...you will be outside of Gomorrah after the thug "politely" asks you to leave...

From Gomorrah, head left and through the Freeside gate..if you need supplies, might as well get them here while we are passing through, keep going and go through the "blue Bus" looking gate, and exit the gate that usually has 3 guys standing to the left "Exit to Outer Vegas" (the real reason we went through all the gates was so we can "discover" [FREESIDE'S NORTH GATE] so we can fast travel back later)

(Just a warning, it may be easier to wait until it is early morning before we continue, Hidden Valley is hard to navigate at night because of the nighttime dust storms)

Start of Part 2 of the video

On to Hidden Valley: Speaking of fast travel...we now need to fast travel back to Goodsprings Cemetery....as soon as you arrive, look E by SE. you will see a large white cross, that is where we are going to travel, from the cross head East by SouthEast ALL THE WAY until "You have discovered HIDDEN VALLEY" pops on the left side of the screen..now fast travel to Hidden Valley...from where you "land", head NW towards the bunker door, pull out your weapon, and press L3 to crouch, as soon as the 3 brotherhood soldiers come out, pickpocket the "Hidden Valley Bunker Key" from one of them, back up and use the key on the door you just entered from and take a few shots at any of the soldiers...(the reason you shot at them was because it was an easy way to "make contact")

Road to El Dorado Substation: Once outside, head North until you get out of the fenced in area, then proceed to travel East by NorthEast until you "discover" Neil's Shack, head East up the road and Neil, a friendly Super mutant will greet you, just choose the 2 top replies and Neil will be on his way...ok, now you see that huge white satellite dish above you in the distance? We are going to head in that direction until "You have discovered BLACK MOUNTAIN" pops on the left side of the screen..now fast travel to BLACK MOUNTAIN...from there, head East then SouthEast when you are able....you should see a building soon at the foot of the mountain, head there and you will discover "EL DORADO SUBSTATION" (Reason for needing to discover this location will be apparent later)

Red Rock Canyon Bound: Fast travel back to Vault 19, head West then NorthWest hugging the
mountain on your right, if you see a Deathstalker running towards you, trust me, he doesn't want a hug or a Scooby-Snack, just RUN!!!! You will be traveling Northwest for quite a while until you "discover" RED ROCK CANYON, don't worry, the quest will update a few seconds later....when it does...

(You may want to pick up at least 3 DOCTOR'S BAGS or you can always reload the save until
you get to the gate uncrippled) (right after I wrote this, I did a reload, and I made it to the gate without any crippled limbs)

Flying to Nellis Air Force Base: (Nice pun, huh?) Fast travel back to FREESIDE'S NORTH GATE..there will be a freeway above you, we will be following it East by NorthEast until we reach a road with a shack on the left hand side (now is a VERY good time to save), run along the road then RUN LIKE HELL NorthEast until you reach the gate, pick the 2 top options, then Raquel will talk to you, tell her to "Lead the way", and you will automatically be taken to Pearl, the leader of the Boomers, just choose all 3 top replies and the conversation will end automatically and we are done with all the factions!!!

Meeting up with Yes Man: Fast travel to THE STRIP NORTH GATE, head towards The Tops where
you will see Yes Man standing out front, select, "I'm ready for you to join me at the Lucky 38."

Start of Part 3 of the video...

Enter the Lucky 38, activate the elevator and choose to go up to the penthouse you will automatically be put in a cut scene, go towards the force field to start the demonstration, after the demonstration is over, you will be brought back to Yes Man with a new level gain, put the points where you want, then deal with Yes Man...
Talk to Yes Man and select "Let's talk about the tribes I should get to know", choose to IGNORE ALL OF THEM, of course you have to do each faction one at a time......you will get
some new choices now, choose, " The NCR hates me. They won't let me within 1000 feet of Kimball.", then select, "Ok, I'll get it done."

Rapido to El Dorado Substation: (Another nice pun) And this is why we needed to take that little side trip earlier, so we can fast travel there now!! You need to run in, active the terminal, select "Power the substation", exit the building and immediately open your pip-boy to fast travel back to THE STRIP NORTH GATE (The first time I played this, I had hostile NCR troopers and I had to run for awhile until I was able to fast travel again, I JUST did this again now, and I was able to fast travel as soon as I stepped outside......just a warning in case you get the hostile NCR scenario)

Well anyways, fast travel back to THE STRIP NORTH GATE and head back to the Lucky 38 to meet up with Yes Man again, talk with him and select, "I'm ready to go to the dam", then
"Fine, just tell me how", this is going to be a point of no return (until you finish the game), if you are ready, select "Let's do this!" and you will be transported to the dam

Here at the darn dam: Run North-ish along the dam and enter the second doorway on your
right, you know its the right door if you see a lot of the Legion's troops coming from the west...enter the Elevator to Hoover Dam offices, can't miss it, it right there on your right, you may have a friendly Securitron MK II escort (which is a good thing), basic directions to your goal, left, go around the corner first left, then through the doors the 2 brotherhood soldiers are guarding, (a [SPEECH 75] test will get them to leave their post) the terminal you need to activate will be straight ahead of you...install the override chip, and now you need destroy the dam's generators, exit the room, head right then around the corner head to the other side of the hall and go left around that corner, enter the door ahead of you at the end of the hall, and prepare to get shot at, what you need to activate is the small yellow box on the left wall from where you entered, select "Overload and blow it up!"

Run Forrest Run!!: Time to blow this joint....you'll get that joke later but we need to head back past the area where we activated the first terminal...running all the way....go straight, turn right around the corner, head to the other end, and turn right around the corner again, take the first left and past the door we got rid of the 2 brotherhoods earlier, at the T-section, make a left, right around the corner, duck into the first left and take the door in there to the outside...

Stopping the Legion: Turn to your right, we are running all the way to the end of the dam, and making a left when we see our robot friends.....enter the gate to the Legate's Camp, run East avoiding all enemies until you reach some "wood steps", look up and to the left, you see that guy with the scary mask? Time to talk to him....select these options..

"If you think you've got any chance of taking Hoover Dam, you're wrong."
"Maybe you're willing to listen to reason"
SELECT ALL [SPEECH] OPTIONS.......until you get to....
"There is victory in wisdom"
Take the last [SPEECH] option

General Jackass: Head back to the gate and it will blow up, and you get another conversation with him......select.....

"Hold that thought, General. I want you to introduce you to some friends."
"General Oliver, Hoover Dam is ours. Leave at once."
"Are you sure that's wise?"
"How about I ask these robots to fuck you and your entire battalion with a rocket barrage?"
"[SPEECH 100] [Bluff] Because you're talking and not attacking?"
"Can't do a worse job than the Republic, that's for sure"
"Is that all? Because I've got work to do, and NCR words don't mean much around here"

Yes Man comes up to you and now its Game Over!!! Enjoy the achievements...

Special thanks to Lizardkingv666 for encouraging me to write this text guide, and a very special thanks to Snowdick1 for his support and permission

Guys, this guide took me literally HOURS to write, I spent all day watching the videos, pausing it, writing things down, then following it along on my game....if you need to vote negative, please explain why so I may better this, the other guides were great, but not nearly as detailed as mine, nor did they explain why things were being done...enjoy!

28 Jun 2015 13:21

Hardcore mode adds some sense of realism into the game. The most important factors to remember is using Stimpaks when you start a fight where you expect to be hit (as the healing effect is NOT instant anymore), stock up on Doctor's bags and/or poultices to heal limb damage and watch your physical needs (drink water, eat and sleep regularly).

Do NOT expect to Stim-tank a Deathclaw anymore. If it cripples your leg, you are probably going to die horribly.

This also means that you need to be CAREFUL with mines, grenades etc, as crippled limbs are harder to fix: Doctor's bags are heavier, which means that you can't carry a ton of them around (and also harder to find than Stimpaks). Did I also mention that ammo has weight in HC mode? Bear that in mind if you suddenly have an encumbrance problem and can't find the source. Finally, you need to be careful with your companions, as they can and will die permanently in this mode. So be sure to check on their status before you overwrite your save.

08 Jun 2016 00:00

After character creation you will be prompted to activate Hardcore mode right after Doc Mitchell returns your equipment. Activate it at this point, and do not disable it throughout the entire game. Disabling Hardcore mode at any point in the game will disqualify you from getting this trophy, forcing you to reload from an earlier save in order to salvage your progress.

A 40 minute YouTube speed run I came across while priming for the platinum (after Fallout 3 that is). Probably best to get out of the way first smile

06 May 2024 13:24

If you are interested in playing through the game on hardcore, I recommend ignoring this guide and reading the one provided by Silverblade. This guide assumes you're only playing Hardcore for the achievement, nothing more. That said, you can get the achievement by the third in-game day, though you'll be taking some huge risks. There are exactly three things you need to do for this, and it shouldn't take any longer than an hour, compared to a proper playthrough which should take days at the very least. You also should, assuming you're fast about it, be able to complete this before the real threat of hardcore (hunger, thirst and sleep) actually becomes a threat to your continued survival.

1) Character creation - Put all your points into agility, and tag sneak, as well as your preferred combat skill. I'd recommend either guns, as you'll be siding with the NCR for the final battle and can scavenge from your fallen allies, or melee, so you can scavenge from fallen legionnaires.

2) The path to Vegas - If you're new to New Vegas, immediately quit following this guide and get used to the game, because you'll be taking the Quarry Junction shortcut, also known as "suicide by deathclaw" for the unprepared. This is the only section that can be skipped, and only if you don't think you can survive the shortcut. Immediately after leaving Doc Mitchel's, head north through Quarry Junction as quickly as you can, doing everything you can to stay away from the deathclaws. If one so much as touches you, you'll most likely die, and even if you live, you'll probably be crippled anyway, which is a death sentence on hardcore, especially when you're so underprepared. There is another path, also to the north, just up from the Goodsprings gas station, but be warned that this path has cazadors (faster than deathclaws and with poisonous attacks, and unless you've got the preorder DLCs, you won't have any antivenom for that poison). Just do everything you can to get to Camp McCarran, ignoring any Fiends or beasts on the way.

3) The Second Battle of Hoover Dam - For this, we're doing the laziest form of the Yes-Man path. Immediately upon reaching the ruins of Vegas, sneak into the New Vegas strip via the Camp McCarran monorail, then head straight to the Tops, up to Benny's room, and speak to Yes-Man. Then head to the Lucky 38 and assassinate Mr. House. With that done, return to Yes-Man, return with him to the Lucky 38, then ignore every side faction. You'll then have to head to the Dam for Kimball's speech - you don't actually have to save him from any of his assassins, just make sure he lands, then leave him to die if you want. Return to the Lucky 38, start the final battle, then rush to the Legate's Camp ASAP, avoiding combat where you can and gathering ammo and weapons from dead NCR and Legion troops. When you reach Legate Lanius, kill him (reminder: Hardcore in New Vegas is not Survival in Fallout 4, so feel free to set the difficulty to Very Easy if you want), then retreat to the camp entrance. General Oliver's rangers will mop up the remaining legionnaires for you. All you have to do now is decide how Yes-Man should deal with the "good" general. Once peace has been negotiated or Oliver has gone the way of his Legion opposite, the credits will role and you're done.

28 Aug 2022 00:00

Hardcore Mode is new to Fallout, and adds more realism to the game. While playing on Hardcore, all ammo has weight, your stats include H2O, FOD, and SLP. If any of these stats reaches 1000, you will die. You must keep yourself properly nourished by eating, sleeping and drinking. Also, Stimpaks heal your health over time rather than instantly. and they will not be able to heal your limbs if they happen to break. Companions CAN die while in your party, and CAN be hit by friendly fire. Although Hardcore adds more realism, you CAN set the difficulty to Very Easy to make the game easier on you.

To achieve this, you'll be prompted to turn Hardcore mode on before leaving Doc Mitchell's house. You must choose yes to get this achievement After turning it on, you cannot turn it off for the rest of the game. This means you must get to the end of the Battle for Hoover Dam without ever having turned it off. The achievement should pop just as the ending cinematic starts.

Some tips:

  • You'll want to have some reasonable level of strength, as weapon ammunition has weight (especially energy and explosive ammo) which will make a large dent in your carrying capacity.
  • Always have at least three doctor's bags on you at all times as your limbs will most likely become crippled. Don't take the Small Frame trait!
  • Keep in mind easy access to water and food sources. Two rad-free water sources that can be conveniently accessed are the well in Freeside and the sink in the Presidential Suite of Lucky 38. The Gourmand in the Ultra Luxe also usually has a large supply of food for sale.
  • If an item has a + in the Hunger, Thirst or Sleep stat, this is bad! You want negatives (-) so you can reduce them down. With this is mind, note that alcoholic beverages and Nuka Cola actually make you more thirsty.
  • Enemies have significantly more health, so if it gets too challenging turn down the difficulty before turning off hardcore mode.

A special thanks to DarthRandalNC, who wrote an extremely detailed Hardcore mode guide here.

After you have been asked to select the hardcore mode and you have left the doctor, I recommend not going to the menu, the options where the difficulty level of the game and the hardcore mode are set. Otherwise, even if you just changed the difficulty level, without changing the hardcore or at all, “touched” anything in the menu, so to speak, the game will consider this as a violation of the conditions and after completing it they will not give you a trophy. Verified personally

I also offer my version of the passage based on the results of two attempts https://www.stratege.ru/forums/showthread.php?t=6218

11 Jan 2011 23:33

I just finally beat New Vegas with Hardcore. Periodically, when it was hard, I changed the difficulty level in the options without touching Hardcore. So, you can start even on the most difficult one, but with Hardcore turned on, and then change the difficulty during the game - NOTHING will happen. I was afraid that by the end of the game I wouldn’t get gold
By Aowba on 03 May 2012 17:44
Even though more than eight years have passed since the game, I can’t help but write that the difficulty can be changed, the main thing is not to touch the “Hardcore” tab. Verified personally
By Dungeon_Master on 12 Mar 2019 19:59
For those who don’t want to constantly think about food, water and sleep. Let me put it simply this way. Guys, you don’t need to invent anything with this trophy, go through any of the endings right away and just load your desired save and continue playing without this problem. I completed it in about 1.5 hours and immediately turned off this mode. It's a nerd run to complete trophies for half a hundred hours and constantly distracting needs.
By Regmon on 12 May 2019 00:08
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First, you will need to completely uninstall the Fallout New Vegas game and reinstall it. When you enter the game with the Internet or PlayStation Network turned on, you will be asked to install the patch and the latest game update. You need to refuse the installation, otherwise the update will fix the bug and you will have to get the trophy honestly.


We go to the Helios plant alone, there we talk with the bespectacled man, then with Dr. Ignacio and get the quest “Sun Glare”. We run to complete the quest and, having reached the very top of the tower on the main computer, turn on the distribution of energy across all regions (critical level), then we run out to the observation room and pull the switch. We return to Dr. Ignacio and say that the plant is broken.
We get experience, stimulants and doctor's bags... The quest is over.
And now the bug itself: the dialogue thread remains the same, i.e. again we tell Ignacio that the plant is broken and again we get experience and treatments... There’s no need to even leave the dialogue. In general, a few dozen hits on the same line and you are level 30 and with a huge advantage of healers.

Before starting the first conversation with Dr. Ignacio about the generator breakdown, save (you will need it for a trophy for 10,000 damage with all types of weapons), level up this way to level 30 and get stimpaks and doctor's bags. So you got level 30 and upgraded, for example: melee weapons, fists and medicine by 100. You have a huge number of stimpaks, doctor's bags and fully upgraded skills. In pipboy, put a quick use (macro) on the stimpaks using the arrows on the remote control (for example, the down arrow, and pick up a crowbar, for example, and go kill everything that moves. When you are wounded, spam the button that uses the stimpaks. In this way you can gain 10,000 damage with melee weapons + 10,000 HP recovery with stimpaks (that is, you will get two trophies at once).

Afterwards, load the save where you are at a low level, and level up again according to the same scheme until level 30, but this time pumping in, for example, light weapons or energy. In this way you can get all trophies worth 10,000 damage. Stimpaks can also be sold profitably and you can get money caps. In this case, it will make the game much easier. You will not have problems with currency and you will be able to buy whatever you want...


Also, upon reaching level 20, you can take a perk to open all locations in the game on the map in your pipboy, then go through all these locations and receive the Master of the Mojave trophy.

03 Feb 2011 20:49