Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

76 Achievements


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Recovered X-8 vertebrae-pulse-de-sensitizer frequency!


How to unlock the Spinal-Tapped! achievement in Fallout: New Vegas - Definitive Guide

During the mission X-8 High School Horror!

When you get to the fight with Gabe (A giant Robo-dog) search the dig spots in the room. Therein you should find the audio sample. I can confirm that the spot with the sample in is random, so just search and find!

19 Jul 2011 17:52

The spot I needed to dig was on the far right as I entered the room, so it's possible that this is random.
By drabik on 19 Jul 2011 18:05
yes it is random mine was at the top left. gain some distance from the dog as it explodes.
By steelworm on 19 Jul 2011 18:54
Ok, cheers guys I'll update this
By Triple G Andy on 19 Jul 2011 19:35
You don't need a shovel for this, just open the spots like any other container.
By Ellusion no on 20 Jul 2011 03:36
Updated :D, cheers.
By Triple G Andy on 20 Jul 2011 09:51
Is this cheevo missable??
By rdfreeman33 on 05 Aug 2011 06:03
By Triple G Andy on 05 Aug 2011 11:53
Why is this marked as missable?
By xBrushedRedx on 29 Aug 2012 07:08
No idea pal. Could ask the admins
By Triple G Andy on 29 Aug 2012 09:15
Semantics :p
By Triple G Andy on 29 Aug 2012 11:39
voted down for unnecessary spoilering
By mike cupcake on 09 Aug 2013 13:47
^Wow, really?
By Triple G Andy on 11 Aug 2013 22:46
Voted up to counter out mike being a dick.
By Catatonic Nali on 20 Sep 2013 17:59
By Triple G Andy on 23 Sep 2013 09:28
It's more to do with the Game Info team than the admins. wink
By drabik on 29 Aug 2012 10:24
after that I have compleat the th mission and kill gabe i retrun to dig, but i never found it. I made evry dig sposts empty so i could be sure that i never forgot someone and it dosen't appear cry
By Fogna the King on 13 Jan 2018 23:29
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Spinal - Tapped
In they X-8 Research Center you will be given a quest called (X-8 High School Horror). The quest involves you going around the Research Center to find three students records from three different terminals around the center. when you have found the records you will have to search Gabe's digging spots (Huge Robot Dog) for a audio sample. If and when you find the audio sample you will be given the Achievement soon after.

19 Jul 2011 20:16

This is a story related achievement / quest.

 This achievement is tied directly to the quest X-8: high School Horror!. Here is a quick run through:

  • Travel to the X-8 research center.
  • Begin the residential cyberdog guard test at the X-8 test terminal. This test requires you to collect three sets of data from the facility. The way in which you are to collect them is the test itself.
  • Continue to search through the facility while looking for Gabe's digging sites and trying to find the Audio Sample - Gabriel's Bark..
    • When Gabe dies DO NOT attempt to loot is body right away. He will blow up after 10 seconds and will have the blast radius of a mini-nuke going off. It is best to simply hide and take cover and return after the explosion. It's also noteworthy that Gabe can in fact be saved, but you need to be quick.
  • After you retrieve the audio sample you will have completed the quest!

General Tips:
While some of the monsters and bosses in this DLC do require skill, strength, and high quality weapons, with a high amount of sneak a lot of sneaking around can be achieved. Also remember that you do not have to go everywhere, complete everything, and hoard as much as you can in one trip because you can return to Old World Blues whenever you choose. Some of the monsters are pretty tough and the situations you are put into require fairly high science, medicine, barter and lockpicking. With a little bit of planning, and effective use of the links to better diagnose the places you are going into, you should have no problem conquering this exciting DLC. Best of luck.


This trophy is tied to completion of the X-8: High School Horror! quest. In this quest you’ll need to travel to the X-8 Research Center and locate the X-8 Test Terminal to begin the Institution Data Retrieval test. Once the test begins, you will need to make your way and face some resistance on the path to retrieve three student records, each from their own terminals in the facility. After which you’ll be tasked to upgrade your Sonic Emitter weapon in the quest by going to the console activating the upgrade.

This upgrade will allow to shoot down force fields with the gun to allow you enter areas you couldn’t get to earlier. Now you can go or return to the X-13 Research Facility. Upon entering, and immediately to the right, shoot down the force field blocking your path to a store room. Search the suitcase inside for the X-8 Kennel Key.

Next, return to the X-8 Facility and enter the Kennel and displace the resistance to reach the X-8 Kennel terminal to release the “Unusual Specimen” that was listed in your journal log. This will allow you to now initiate the Residential Cyberdog Guard Test at the main X-8 Test Terminal. Once you enter the test, you will need to defeat Gabe. Once this is complete search one of “Gabe’s digging spots” in the rear of the room and it will turn-up “Audio Sample - Gabriel’s Bark” which will complete this quest and subsequently unlock the trophy.

To get this achievement, you need to complete the quest “X-8: High School Horror!”, which Klein will give us after the first conversation with him.

We make it active and go to the “X-8 research center” , which is located in the easternmost part of the “Big Empty”
We go inside, turn right and go down the stairs. Having passed by the corpse, we go into the room and, guided by the marker, we reach the terminal. Activate. Select “Basic Test...” and the quest is updated. Here we enter a large metal door and in the next room, turning right, we exit through the wooden doors into the corridor. We deal with the robot and turn right again. In the next room, another dog and a turret, Mark, will be waiting for us, perched in the corner. So be careful. Having cut the enemies into meat and scrap metal, we go forward and activate the next terminal, located on the teacher’s desk in front of the chalk board. Select “Retrieve...” and close. We go out into the corridor through the door to the right of the school board, turn slightly to the right and go to the closed door, leading to a room with a force field instead of a ceiling. From the threshold you will immediately see another terminal we need. Having dealt with two lobotomists, we activate it and leave here through the right door (it is the only one, if you don’t count the one from where we came). In the corridor, having killed two robots, we open the right door and along the long corridor we reach the stairs leading to the 2nd floor (which we saw in the previous room with the terminal through the force field). Do not run forward headlong, as you may run into heavy fire from the turret standing there. We go straight along the force field to the double doors, enter the next corridor, where we turn right, kill the robots and enter the last room with terminal 4. Activate and exit. We go straight to the large metal door. The quest marker will update again. We open the door that is right in front of us and move along the long corridor, shooting protectrons and lobotomists along the way. Finally, with our nose buried in the door, we open it and see another terminal. Click “Enter Cyber...” and enter the door nearby. Kill the giant robot dog Gabe, not forgetting to take the unique LAER from his carcass. Then we begin to search all the holes in this cave until we find the audio sample we need in one of them (it appears randomly, so it is impossible to specify a specific hole). After this, the quest will be completed, and we can breathe a sigh of relief and get out of here.

Just in case, here is a video guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5yuRSzfxT0&feature=player_embedded

29 Jul 2011 16:17