Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

76 Achievements


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You Run Barter Town

You Run Barter Town

Sold 10,000 caps worth of goods.


How to unlock the You Run Barter Town achievement in Fallout: New Vegas - Definitive Guide

You can also get this if you gather 10,000 caps worth of stuff TOTAL in your inventory. Then go to the Gun Runners (near Freeside), and save the game. Sell EVERYTHING in your inventory to the vendor, and once you get the achievement, reload the save.

*Note* I believe that you are initially only capable of selling 8000 caps worth of stuff to the vendor, since he only has 8000 caps. So, all you have to do is buy back some of your sold items (or his items, it doesn't really matter), and sell them once again to the vendor until you see the achievement pop up. Thanks to Vinicius Menti for pointing that out.

30 Oct 2010 23:44

Great, that really helped. Just add the following tip to your solution. Sell all your stuff to the weapons dealer in the Camp McCarran Supply Shack as he can accept up to 8,000 caps worth of items. You can buy stuff back and resell if you don't get it after selling 8,000 caps worth of items.
By Vinicius Menti on 20 Dec 2010 01:00
I'm not entirely sure this achievement is just about selling -- I think buying adds to your total too. I had the achievement pop when I was only buying some stuff in the transaction.
By Zilding on 25 Aug 2011 06:03
*glitched* I just sold 6 snow globes to Jane and then fast travelled to Gun Runners to buy weapon mods for the weapon mods achievement. When I bought 4 mods (valued at about $5,000) from the robot this cheev popped. I was like wtf.
By CASCADIAN1 on 11 Dec 2011 12:50
Yeah, buying does count for this. It just popped for me when I bought Gehenna at Gun Runners for around 14,000 caps.
By Lockie on 31 Oct 2015 01:42
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I recommend you use the old Fallout 3 Repairing Trick. Boost your repair skill early (which is always wise) and repair and sell weapons for high gains. The Jury Rigging perk can help repair expensive weapons with inexpensive weapons, maxing cap gains.

At the beginning of a game Tag the Repair skill and as you level pour skill points into Repair to get it to 90 ASAP. I suggest raising Intelligence to 7 at Character Creation and racing to New Vegas at the beginning (avoid sidequests, do main questline) to get to the New Vegas Medical Centre and purchase another Intelligence point implant at low level (giving 1 extra skill point at levels). Be sure to collect snowglobes on the way, the ones at Goodsprings, Lucky 38 Casino, Vault 21 and Old Mormon Fort are easy to get, and give them to Jane in Lucky 38 for 2000 caps each (these do not contribute to the achievement). The Comprehension perk can also help to temporarily add 20 points of skill for Repair and Bartering with their respective magazines (and many other things too). Try to get the Bartering skill to at least 50 as you level also.

Collect the following weapons on your travels and keep them in a safehouse until you reach level 14:

.44 Magnum Revolver (2500)
10mm Pistol (750)
Hunting Revolver (3500)
9mm SMG (850)
10mm SMG (2370)
Sawed Off Shotgun (1950)
Laser RCW (2150)
Laser Rifle (800)
Plasma Rifle (1300)
Incinerator (1300)
Rebar Club (500)
Combat Knife (500)
Super Sledge (3000+)

The prices indicated in brackets are when these weapons are near 100% condition. These weapons are not too rare and many can be found on Humanoid enemies like Powder Gangers, Super Mutants and the various "Raider" gangs. Vault 3 can be a very good place to horde some of these weapons. They are also middle range weapons (there are better versions) so you shouldn't miss them if you sell them. Also collect every other weapon you can find to use with Jury Rigging.

Whenever you collect one of the above weapons NEVER use one to repair itself (i.e. don't use a 10mm Pistol to repair another 10mm Pistol). When you reach level 14 take the Jury Rigging perk (need Repair 90). At this point you can use other weaker and less expensive weapons to repair these weapons you have collected (e.g. 9mm Pistol can repair a 10mm Pistol/9mm SMG/10mm SMG or the .44 Magnum). This will max the caps gains you can make when you sell.

You can maximise a sale by wearing the Roving Trader Hat and Clothing (+5 to Barter with each = +10 Barter overall) and reading a Salesman Weekly magazine beforehand (+20 w/Comprehension). Always sell in bulk to conserve magazines.

If you want to keep one of the above weapons for yourself do so (I usually collect Unique weapons for use). Don't bother to apply mods to things you will sell.

I use Victors Shack in Goodsprings to stash gear as it has everything you need inside and nearby too. Up to level 14 sell Aid and Misc. items you know you won't use and that ideally has a value/weight ratio of 10+ caps.

You can also apply this method to armour, but the gains aren't as large and armour does tend to wear out on a PC quickly. It is better to save armour for repairing armour you use with Jury Rigging throughout the game.

29 Oct 2010 11:57

This achievement really doesn't require any special trick. In my first run-through i had this achievement by the time i got to i-118 and by the time i was ready to pick a side in the war i had 200,000+ caps. Just get a companion early on to help with scavaging/carrying crap. Boone and ED-E are pretty easy to attain early each comes with roughly 210 lbs worth of storage. pick up even junk like tin cans. If you find better stuff later and before you can sell it just drop the cheap junk and pick up more expensive weapons, etc. It might seem like a waste to sell garbage at .7 per unit but it quickly adds up and if your not at capacity your just wasting free storage room.

14 Mar 2011 09:47

while your exploring the wasteland, if you dont care about your karma or whatever, get some really good guns e.g (alien blaster) and then sell it to a travelling merchant, once you have sold it, kill them to take your gun and a lot of caps back.

If you care about your karma, the best way is just to go into casino's. You should get it while doing the casino achivement (get banned from all the strip's casino's)

If you have a compainion while walking around the wasteland find really valuable stuff, for example, guns, sensor modules, and various other stuff. Give these to your campianion so that when theres a vendor,merchant, just take the stuff off your companion and then sell it
Honestly If you do the brotherhood missions find all the T-51b armor and sell it plus junky weapons in my opinion nearly all guns are since i use OP weapons but anyways save if you want to sell the stuff to gun runners achievement unlocked in no time doesn't require some huge guide to figure that out.

Good luck

02 Jan 2011 19:18

You will most likely get this without even trying. If you are a serial-hoarder, like myself, you will find yourself selling a lot of stuff to acquire different stuff.

If you are looking for a fairly quick way to get the trophy then you should stock up on items that have great value. Weapons like Laser and Plasma rifles will catch a great price. Anyways, stock up on lots of stuff and head to the Gun Runners vendor who is in a kiosk outside of Freeside.

Important! SAVE your game before you talk to him!

Sell EVERYTHING in your inventory to the vendor. He only has 8000 caps to offer you but make sure you take it all. Then go and fast travel to either Chet in Goodsprings or another vendor of your choice and get the remaining caps you need.

After you get the trophy, reload the hard save you made right before you sold everything. Then you can just sell stuff that you want and be on your merry way!

24 Jun 2015 12:09

Easy enough. Haul your scrounged weapons, loot from creatures and enemies, and whatever other vendor trash you have back to town and sell it. Once you've made 10,000 caps from your filthy lucre, you will receive the trophy. Keep track of your progress on the Stats screen of your Pip-Boy.

At the end of or during most DLCs, you will likely run into unique items that will have high value. At the end of Honest Hearts, there will be a box with unique items, such as weapons and armor. Selling all of it will likely net you this achievement. In Dead Money, in the Sierra Madre vault, there will be several gold bars. If you try to sneak out of the Vault, which will lead you to not having to fight anything, you can drop everything you have and carry the gold bars, which will certainly earn you the achievement.

25 Jan 2021 00:00

While this achievement can be acquired over time, it is obviously easier with a high barter level. If you want to power through this achievement, you can use the following method:

  • Find a merchant.
  • Sell the maximum amount of goods to a merchant (equal to his / her caps on hand).
  • Complete the transaction.
  • Buy back your own goods.
  • Repeat the last three bullets until you are out of caps / get the achievement.

If you are having trouble finding high value goods, most unique weapons sell for a lot of caps. You can also sell Power Armor for a hefty profit (kill NCR Heavies or BoS members for it). Finding all the snow globes, and selling them to Janet in the Lucky 38, will net you 14k caps which would make it very easy to use the above method. Alternatively, you can simply wait until after "The Courier Who Broke the Bank" and get the achievement quite quickly using the above method.

If you want to attain this achievement in a gradual fashion, then you can get this by simply looting everything you kill, combining the items by using your repair skill, and then selling all the goods when you get back to town. Remember that your influence with a faction determines the buy and sell prices of its merchants, so higher favor = less time and money!

There is a very simple way to get this trophy. Go to any seller and do the following: first, sell him all your accumulated goods, then buy from him everything for all your caps, etc. up to 10,000 caps. Both sides are counted (both goods sold and goods purchased).

09 Nov 2010 23:41