Final Fight: Double Impact

Final Fight: Double Impact

12 Achievements


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Unlock everything in the Vault.


How to unlock the Locksmith achievement in Final Fight: Double Impact - Definitive Guide

The vault items are like in-game achievements: once you you complete the "challenge", you unlock a piece of concept art, promotional art, etc. Most of the challenges are quite self-explanatory (play as a certain character on a specific stage, get a score of XXX,XXX, beat stage three in under a certain time, etc), and they are split between games - there are 51 challenges for Final Fight and 18 for Magic Sword.

The challenges for Final Fight are all incredibly obvious, no need to cover them. I will say that one of the challenges requires playing all stages in co-op, and most of the other challenges are much easier with a buddy helping you out - the two of you will clear the enemies much faster than just one of you for the time challenges, and one of you can cover the other while he goes for the score / "beat using less than X lives / continues" things.

The ones for Magic Sword are also mostly obvious, except for the secret area challenges. There are eight secret areas in the game, and you need to find them all:

Floor 7 - When you enter the floor, walk left and hit the column. warp to level 11.

Floor 14 - After the first swinging ball on a chain, jump up one step and crouch and slash the top step. The door will appear on the other side of the steps. Warps to level 19.

Floor 17 - Slash the left side of the last arch. Warps to floor 20.

Floor 21 - Between the imprisoned (knight) and the exit, jump left from the elevated ground while slashing. Warp to floor 24.

Floor 28 - Crouch on the platform above the first pool of acid and slash the space in the middle. Enters RED floors 29 to 32.

Floor 34 - Jump and slash the left side of the the fourth pair of hanging pillars. Warps to floor 36.

Floor 39 - Slash the ledge immediately to the left of the first door after the pit of fire. Warps to floor 42.

Floor 40 - Crouch and slash the space above the ledge before the first pit of spikes. Enters RED floors 41 to 46.

Credit for the locations goes to and the forum.

Note that for the co-op challenge, you need to do all of the secret stages. Obvious, I know, but doing them skips certain other stages and you'll need to go back and finish those skipped stages as well. Also, if you have to continue during one of the secret stages, you may not get credit for finishing it - if so, just replay it and finish it without dying, which usually isn't hard unless you try to rush it.

xhunterrrr left a comment and said that you don't have to do the secret stages to unlock the co-op challenge. Me and my boosting buddy had to do them to unlock the challenge, so try playing through normally and not doing them, and if you don't unlock the challenge, go back and do them.

The only other challenge that may give you a problem for Magic Sword is "get 500,000 points on level 30", and that's only if you don't know the trick. There's a wizard flying around that spawns rocks to throw at you after you hit him, and what you want do is use your magic attack (X+A) when all of the rocks are flying towards you. This will drop a ton of coins, so just rinse and repeat until you hit 500k.

16 Apr 2010 21:33

Magic Sword - Tier 1: Complete all Levels in Co-op
I had a lot of trouble getting this one to unlock and I'm hearing conflicting things about how it works. Some people are saying you need to complete the secret levels and others are saying just the standard 50 floors is enough. So I beat all levels (including the secret levels to be safe) in co-op and after I beat the 50th floor, the Tier 1 vault item still didn't unlock.

My theory is that it may not unlock because sometimes when one of the co-op players die, that person might get a game over. When this happens, that player will receive a red colored notification that stating that the player "missed" the vault challenge. If this happens, you probably won't get credit for completing that stage even if the person who got game over, presses start to resume co-op and goes on to complete that stage. I think you need to beat all stages from start to finish in co-op without getting a game over (and any stages you got game over on, will not count).

I got "miss" notifications several times during my co-op playthrough and I'm under the impression that the vault item not unlocking had something to do with that. The point is, if you ever get a "miss" notification, remember to go back and replay the stage you got the "miss" on in co-op to make sure you get credit for it. If a player dies in co-op be ready to hit start to avoid getting a game over and "miss" notification for the co-op Tier 1 challenge.

Also, don't forget to follow R3NEG4D3's comment above and defeat the Green Dragon on Level 17 and exit through the appropriate door to get credit for that stage.
By Styles Plural on 27 Mar 2020 04:28
Guess I'm going to have to hit up GameFAQs for the secret level locations in Magic Sword.
By MaxForce357 on 17 Apr 2010 06:46
They're already in the solution up above.
By MMMDI on 17 Apr 2010 06:49
what a great guide, just in time.
Short and good twice good
By KumAlx on 17 Apr 2010 08:38
I'd also like to point out for the Final Fight challenges that involve getting a certain amount of points, you can attack your buddy in co-op for points as well if you need to grind/grab some extra points.
By Big Ell on 18 Apr 2010 07:13
struggling to do time challenges on final fight anyone got any tips
By LONGSTON on 19 Apr 2010 20:50
Do them in co-op if you're not already. I was having trouble with some of them, but in co-op, I got them without even trying... I was mainly looking for the co-op challenges, and bloop, there's the time ones as well.
By MMMDI on 19 Apr 2010 20:58
any tips to get 210.000 points in westside other than beating my coop partner for 3 hours? i'm usually 20-30K short :( and hitting a coop partner just gives 300 each hit.
By Phoenix C64 on 26 Apr 2010 17:37
Alita360 - when you get to the cop, you'll get an endless flood of enemies. Weaken the cop down to about half life, and from there, he'll always run from you and shoot at you. Ignore him and fight the endless swarm of enemies until you get your points. You will die a LOT, but it will work.
By MMMDI on 26 Apr 2010 17:56
+1 i suspected it had to do with the cop battle... i just now got that one now. thanks. word of advise tho: don't even touch him and try to stay alive. i actually killed him ONLY hitting him by respawning after each credit. and he killed way too many of the bad guys with his gun. wasn't as easy as it sounds.
By Phoenix C64 on 26 Apr 2010 21:31
This isn't complete. There's at least one teleporter that is missing. Following this guide I ended up one short of the goal. I'm not sure exactly how to get it, it's been a few days since I completed that goal but it's on the first floor. Otherwise this is really good.
By misfit119 on 03 May 2010 03:26
That is indeed complete. I followed that list when I was going for the achievement, and I got it with no problems. You do have to replay a bit as taking certain teleporters warp you past others (ie, warping from floor 39 takes you to 42, but there's one on 40 you need to take), but they're all there.
By MMMDI on 03 May 2010 14:59
I can confirm that all the warps are there as well, as it matches up with the information I used to get the achievement.
By TrueDevilHunter on 04 May 2010 12:04
Well I used the guide to the letter, including replaying the levels and I didn't get it until I used the level one teleporter. So take that for what you will.
By misfit119 on 21 May 2010 21:12
Great help! Just have to compete all levels in co-op now. : ) Where my friends at??? Hello???
By RetroHead ZX on 05 Aug 2010 21:46
Completed all normal levels in co-op with no warps or secret levels and got that vault sub-achievement just fine.
By Glowblue1 on 20 Nov 2010 18:03
To add to what has already been said, when completing Magic Sword on co-op, both players must be alive at the exit of each stage. So if you are almost dead part way through the stage, die and quickly come back, then finish the level. Both players whould be alive when the each boss is killed.
By ShadowManGMR on 04 Dec 2010 17:44
I didn't need to do secret levels in coop
By Yuhans on 14 Apr 2011 14:03
Note, for the 500k on level 30 Vault Challenge in Magic Sword, you cannot die either, because that resets your score back to 0.
By Maliicious on 16 Apr 2011 21:48
There is a level early on where you will fight a green dragon. I was playing coop and we skipped killing the dragon and went to a door to the right of the stage. If you kill the dragon a door will open in the middle of the stage. This door is the one you want to exit through. This door can be very easily missed, but after a few run throughs when I was looking for what I missed, I came upon this door and coop challenge unlocked for me, finally. The green dragon is on stage 17.
By R3NEG4D3 on 28 Apr 2011 21:45
secret stages can use continue. I can confirm.i die in secret stages many times.but i still unlock it.
By zhaolinjia on 12 Jul 2016 16:03
Seems too inconsistent. I think this is the only achievement I'm not going to get.
By vX Precaria Xv on 30 Apr 2020 12:52
Really? The game must be a bit glitchy then, because me and my friend only got the co-op challenge unlocked after we went back and did the secret stages. Our first runthrough was just goofing around and we had no idea where the secrets were, and we did all of the normal stages - no "challenge unlocked" for us. Then we went back and did those secret stages, and bloop - challenge complete.

I suppose you should try it normally then, and then go back and do the secret stages if it doesn't unlock for you.
By MMMDI on 17 Apr 2010 04:35
You do not have to do the secret stages for co-op on Magic Sword. I can confirm. My first run through I completed with someone on XBL and we did each normal stage without finding a single warp or secret stage.
By hunterIV on 17 Apr 2010 03:55
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I just wanted to add to MMMDI's (please thumb's up his solution) already awesome solution guide for 2 Final Fight vault items I had a little trouble with. Hopefully I can help out a little bit.

-Get 210,000 points in Westside
Just make a custom game with hard difficulty and switch to private match so that you can play solo (so you can rack up all the points to yourself). I personally picked Haggar and threw like a mad man but it is also possible to spam punches with guy and cody to rack up points. So to successfully obtain the vault item you should do the following, avoid picking up weapons and avoid killing off enemies if you respawn (you lose possible points this way), break all barrels (even the ones that try to make you fall), and pick up all jewelry and food items. If you come a little short by the time you get to the boss, just avoid hitting him and keep attacking all the minor enemies that keep respawning for extra points. Picking hard difficulty and doing all these things will maximize getting points for the vault item. This strategy can be applied to any points vault item as well.

-Complete Industrial in under 4:10
This gave me a little headache but after a few attempts I finally got it. First you want to make a custom game with easy difficulty and play a co-op match either local or online. Playing with a player makes the run a lot faster to deal with. Pick Haggar and Cody for their high damage attacks. At the beginning of the stage avoid the flames in the first part by jumping over each row of flames in the first set of flames and then running through the middle on the second set, lastly on the third set of flames just keep jumping to the right side of the screen til you can go no further and spam your attacks to the right, if any enemy tries to go behind you just spam your special attack (the enemies behind you will most likely die by the flames themselves). During your run through the stage, every chance you get you should try to advance to the right side of the screen as quickly and as far as you can to despawn enemies you've passed. Keep spamming jump kicking to the right side and use your special attack when it gets to crowded to make advancing easier and faster. When you get to Rolento have both players stay seperately on both sides of the screen, so you can catch him in a grab and to avoid hitting each other. Avoid the grenades as best you can and pray you make it time. I got the vault item by luck and it it took me a few tries but it is surely possible to do if you use these few tips. Good luck! *Note* During Rolento's fight, if you leave some minor enemies around alive, he is less likely to go into his shadow phase making it easier to grab him.

Also if you have no one to play with just join any game on LIVE on the stage before the vault item's activation. Make sure you start from the beginning of the stage to obtain the vault item. Ex: Join Westside before you go to Industrial to complete Industrial in under 4:10.

14 Jun 2011 08:20

Just did the Industrial challenge solo with Haggar. Took 4 tries to get that S.O.B. Rolento (missed by 1 second twice!) But if you can catch him with a qucik piledriver that will depelete a high percentage of his health, then you just gotta corner him when he lands from that shadow/grenade bs. Spot on with the flames taking out most of the minor enemies and watch out; right after the first barrels jump and attack as the next three are comin at ya
By MR WOLF 12000 on 27 Jul 2013 20:17
For the industrial stage just past the flames, I suggest using your special move to clear out the rolling barrels. It'll save precious seconds and maybe take out a few guys as well. Great solution!
By capicawl on 12 Jul 2016 04:56
All credit for this guide goes to [Waggly Bean] of

link to original guide:

list of challenges in the vault: plus tips:

The Vault
All of these requirements have to be met to gain the achievement 'Locksmith'.

Final Fight: 51 goals
Level 1 - Slums
Tier 1:
- Beat Damnd!
- Complete Slums in Under 5 mins
- Complete Slums With Cody
- Get 50,000 Points in Slums

Tier 2:
- Complete Slums in Under 3 mins 40 seconds
- Get 100,000 Points in Slums

Tier 3:
- Complete Slums in under 2 mins 27 seconds
- Get 110,000 Points in Slums

Level 2 - Subway
Tier 1:
- Beat Sodom
- Complete Subway With Guy
- Complete Subway without using 5 continues
- Complete Subway without losing 9 lives

Tier 2:
- Complete Subway without losing 7 lives
- Complete Subway without using 4 continues

Tier 3:
- Complete Subway without losing 5 lives
- Complete Subway without using 3 continues
- Complete Subway in under 7 mins 30 seconds

Level 3 - Westside District
Tier 1:
- Beat Edi. E
- Complete Westside with Haggar
- Complete Westside without losing 12 lives

Tier 2:
- Complete Westside without losing 9 lives
- Get 100,000 Points in Westside
- Complete Westside in co-op

Tier 3:
- Complete Westside without losing 7 lives
- Get 210,000 Points in Westside

Level 4 - Industrial Area
Tier 1:
- Beat Rolento
- Complete Industrial in under 10 Mins
- Complete Industrial without using 7 continues

Tier 2:
- Complete Industrial without using 4 continues
- Complete Industrial in under 6 mins
- Complete Industrial with Guy
- Complete Industrial in co-op

Tier 3:
- Complete Industrial without using 2 continues
- Complete Industrial in under 4 mins 10 seconds

Level 5 - Bay Area
Tier 1:
- Complete Bay Area with Haggar
- Beat Abigail
- Get 250,000 points in Bay Area
- Complete Bay Area in under 15 mins

Tier 2:
- Complete Bay Area in under 12 mins
- Get 400,000 points in Bay Area

Tier 3:
- Get 545,000 points in Bay Area
- Complete Bay Area in under 9 mins

Magic Sword: 18 goals
Tier 1:
- Complete all levels in co-op
- Score 500,000 points on level 30

Tier 2:
- Find and activate all warps
- Find all secret levels
- Complete any level in under 10 seconds

Tier 3:
- Complete all 10 secret levels

Secrets 1
Tier 1:
- Find secret warp set 1
- Complete secret level 1

Tier 2:
- Complete secret level 2
- Complete secret level 3
- Complete secret level 4

Tier 3:
- Complete secret level 5

Secrets 2
Tier 1:
- Find secret warp set 2
- Complete secret level 6

Tier 2:
- Complete secret level 7
- Complete secret level 8
- Complete secret level 9

Tier 3:
- Complete secret level 10

Points based: If you need to run through a level for points, I recommend using any character you want, but playing a 1 player game. Just make sure you pick everything up, and you should get a high enough score. To be extra sure, you can play the game on hard difficulty (custom game > select hard), as you get more points in hard mode. (thanks Aphrodite1 for that tip!)

Time based: If you're going for time-based achievements, it's best to pick the faster characters. You might want to play with another competent player, if so play as Guy and Cody. Avoid Haggar, as he is pretty slow moving. If doing it by yourself, pick Guy purely for his speed.

Secret levels: Secret levels are opened by finding hidden doors:
On Floor 28, crouch on the platform above the first pool of acid and slash the space in the middle. This enters alternate versions of levels 29 to 32, which are secret levels 1 - 4.
On Floor 40, crouch and slash the space above the ledge before the first pit of spikes. This enters alternate versions of levels 41 to 45, which are secret levels 5 - 10.

Find the secret warp sets: This basically seems to be a case of finding every secret 'warp' door (ones that jump you up a few levels) in the game. Here are all their locations:
Floor 7 - When you enter the floor, walk left and hit the column. warp to level 11.
Floor 14 - After the first swinging ball on a chain, jump up one step and crouch and slash the top step. The door will appear on the other side of the steps. Warps to level 19.
Floor 17 - Slash the left side of the last arch. Warps to floor 20.
Floor 21 - Between the imprisoned knight and the exit, jump left from the elevated ground while slashing. Warp to floor 24.
Floor 28 - Crouch on the platform above the first pool of acid and slash the space in the middle. Enters secret levels (1 -5).
Floor 34 - Jump and slash the left side of the the fourth pair of hanging pillars. Warps to floor 36.
Floor 39 - Slash the ledge immediately to the left of the first door after the pit of fire. Warps to floor 42.
Floor 40 - Crouch and slash the space above the ledge before the first pit of spikes. Enters secret levels (6 - 10).

Score 500,000 points on level 30: There is a trick to this, as the level is extremely short. You have to do this without dying so it's best to do this on easy difficulty (custom game > easy). Once you have completed the game once you get a level select when you start another game - luckily you can go straight to level 30, so do this! On level 30, there is a wizard floating around. When he swoops down, hit him with your sword once. He will go up into the air and start to levitate rocks. Once they are all in the air and lined up, press both buttons together ( and ) to perform a magic attack. This will transform each rock into a coin worth 8000 points. After a few seconds a new wizard will appear. Rinse and repeat until 500,000 points have been collected.

Complete any level in under 10 seconds: Do this on level 5 or 13. Simply grab the invincibility chalice in the first chest to your right, and run to the right. Your invincibility will allow you to simply run through enemies, and you should reach the other side of the screen in under 10 seconds easily.

11 Aug 2017 01:29

1 Comment
There is a portal on floor 1 to floor 4 that you didn’t mention.
By jjaldana on 26 Nov 2022 14:41
18th of May 2017:

Magic Sword, you can play this local co-op and you don't need to find the secret levels to attain "Co-op challenge", you have to play each level from 1-51, no skipping.

18 May 2017 12:58

To get this trophy you need to play in both games, i.e. FinalFight and Magic Sword earn all achievements. The list of achievements can be viewed in the main menu of each game in the VAULT item. Each achievement you receive gives you the opportunity to look at concept art, a sketch, or a comic page.

When you start a level, several tasks (Challenge) appear at the bottom of the screen, after completing which you will receive achievements. A failed mission will appear as a closed lock and the message "Try agane". The completed task will be displayed as an open green lock.

Also note that there are three levels of tasks. At the beginning of the game, tasks of the first level are shown. If you complete it, you will receive a second level task from the same group. Then the third. However, if you accidentally completed the conditions of a hidden task of the second or third level, you will receive this achievement, but in the VAULT menu it will still be hidden until you receive at least one lower level achievement in this group.

Now the achievements themselves:

Final Fight

Level 1

Beat Damn! - defeat the boss at the end of the first level. Fight in the street with hippies.

Complete Slums in under 5:00 - complete the first level in less than 5 minutes.

Complete Slums with Cody - complete the first level playing as Cody (blonde).

Get 50,000pts in Slums - earn 50,000 points at level one. Break barrels, boxes, telephone booths and pick up all the objects.

Complete Slums in under 3:40 - complete the first level in less than 3 minutes 40 seconds.

Get 100,000pts in Slums - earn 100,000 points at level one. Break barrels, boxes, telephone booths and pick up all the objects. When fighting a boss, kill arriving reinforcements first.

Complete Slums in under 2:27 - complete the first level in less than 2 minutes 27 seconds. We select a pipe and operate it. As long as there is no pipe, we move forward with jump strikes.

Get 110,000pts in Slums - earn 110,000 points at level one. Break barrels, boxes, telephone booths and pick up all the items. When fighting a boss, kill arriving reinforcements first.

Level 2

Beat Sodom - defeat the boss at the end of the second level. Fight in the ring with a samurai with swords.

Complete Subway with Guy - complete the second level playing as Guy (the guy in the kimono).

Complete Subway without using 5 continues - complete the second level using less than 5 continuations. Complete all such tasks on the easy difficulty level. To do this, select CUSTOMGAME - LOCAL, set Easy and run CREATE MATCH.

Complete Subway without losing 9 lives - complete the second level, spending less than 9 lives.

Complete Subway without losing 7 lives - complete the second level, spending less than 7 lives.

Complete Subway without using 4 continues - complete the second level using less than 4 continuations.

Complete Subway without losing 5 lives - complete the second level, spending less than 5 lives.

Complete Subway without using 3 continues - complete the second level using less than 3 continues.

Complete Subway in under 7:30 - complete the second level in less than 7 minutes 30 seconds.

Level 3

Beat Eddie. E - Defeat the boss at the end of the third level. Fight on the street with a policeman.

Complete Westside with Haggar - complete the third level playing as Haggar (a powerful guy).

Complete Westside without losing 12 lives - complete the third level, spending less than 12 lives.

Complete Westside without losing 9 lives - complete the third level, spending less than 9 lives.

Get 100,000pts in Westside - Earn 100,000 points at level three.

Complete Westside in co-op - complete the third level in co-op. We go through the network or with a second joystick.

Complete Westside without losing 7 lives - complete the third level, spending less than 7 lives.

Get 210,000pts in Westside - Earn 210,000 points at level three. The technique is the same as at previous levels. When fighting a boss, you can pick up his spit out chewing gum. This will give you extra points.

Level 4

Beat Rolento - defeat the boss at the end of the fourth level. Fight in a construction elevator with a special forces soldier.

Complete Industrial in under 10:00 - complete the fourth level in less than 10 minutes.

Complete Industrial without using 7 continues - complete the third level using less than 7 continues.

Complete Industrial without using 4 continues - complete the third level using less than 4 continues.

Complete Industrial in under 6:00 - complete the fourth level in less than 6 minutes.

Complete Industrial with Guy - complete the fourth level playing as Guy.

Complete Industrial in co-op - complete the fourth level in co-op. We go through the network or with a second joystick.

Complete Industrial without using 2 continues - complete the third level using less than 2 continues.

Complete Industrial in under 4:10 - complete the fourth level in less than 4 minutes 10 seconds.

Level 5

Complete Bay Area with Haggar - complete the fifth level playing as Haggar.

Beat Abigail - Defeat the boss at the end of the fifth level. A fight on the embankment with a jock in a spotted T-shirt.

Get 250,000pts in Bay Area - Earn 250,000 points at level five.

Complete Bay Area in under 15:00 - complete the fifth level in less than 15 minutes.

Complete Bay Area in under 12:00 - complete the fifth level in less than 12 minutes.

Get 400,000pts in Bay Area - Earn 400,000 points at level five.

Get 545,000pts in Bay Area - Earn 545,000 points at level five.

Complete Bay Area in under 9:00 - complete the fifth level in less than 9 minutes.

Level 6

Beat Belget - Defeat the boss at the end of the sixth level. A fight on the top floor of a skyscraper with a man in a wheelchair.

Complete Uptown with Cody - complete the sixth level playing as Cody.

Complete Uptown without losing 30 lives - complete the sixth level, spending less than 30 lives.

Complete Uptown without using 10 continues - complete the sixth level using less than 10 continues.

Complete Uptown without losing 20 lives - complete the sixth level, spending less than 20 lives.

Complete Uptown without using 7 continues - complete the sixth level using less than 7 continues.

Complete Uptown without losing 13 lives - complete the sixth level, spending less than 13 lives.

Complete Uptown in under 10:00 - complete the fifth level in less than 10 minutes.

Get 570,000pts in Uptown - Earn 570,000 points at level six.

Magic Sword


Complete all levels in co-op - complete all 50 levels in co-op. We go through the network or with a second joystick.

Score 500, 000pts on level 30 - score half a million points at level 30. The trick is to injure the blue-flying mage. He then begins to use magic and attracts stones to himself, which in a couple of seconds will fly at you. We wait until large stones line up in a row under the ceiling and press “triangle” and “circle” at the same time. Your hero will unleash a lightning strike and each stone will fall as a coin worth 8,000 points. But keep in mind that a lightning strike also takes away your health. After this, run back and forth around the level so that a blue mage appears, and repeat the procedure. Do everything quickly, the playing time on the level is limited.

Find and activate all warps - find and use all hidden doors. There are doors (exit from the level) that will take you across several floors at once. For such a door to appear, you need to hit a certain place on the level:

level 7 - as soon as you appear, go all the way to the left and hit the column;

level 14 - pass the first spiked ball while crouching and hit the second step;

level 17 - go all the way to the right and hit the left pillar of the last arch;

level 21 - go to the end of the level to the right, jump left from the ledge towards the cell with the prisoner and jump;

level 34 - jump and hit the left side of the fourth pair of columns hanging from the ceiling;

level 39 - go right to the first cell with a prisoner, turn around and hit the step on the left.

Find all secret levels - complete all secret levels. At level 28 there is access to alternative (secret) levels, of which there are several in a row. You can get to them by standing on the platform in the center of the first collector and crouching to the right. Those. hit an open sewer drain. The next secret levels can be reached from level 40. Crouch on the edge of the first spike pit and hit.

Complete any level in under 10 seconds - complete any level in less than 10 seconds. Can be done easily at level 7. We immediately open the hidden door and immediately go out through it.

Complete all 10 secret levels - complete all 10 alternative (secret) levels.

Secrets 1

Find secret warp set 1 - find and use hidden doors on levels 7, 14 and 17. You will have to replay several levels, because from the 14th you will immediately be thrown to the 19th.

Complete secret level 1 - complete secret level 1. That is, you need to complete the alternative 29th level.

Complete secret level 2 - complete secret level 2.I.e. you need to pass the alternative level 30.

Complete secret level 3 - complete secret level 3.I.e. you need to go through the alternative 31st level.

Complete secret level 4 - complete secret level 4.I.e. you need to go through the alternative level 32.

Complete secret level 5 - complete secret level 5.I.e. you need to go through the alternative 41st level.

Secrets 2

Find secret warp set 2 - find and use hidden doors at levels 21, 34 and 39.

Complete secret level 6 - complete secret level 6.I.e. you need to go through the alternative 42nd level.

Complete secret level 7 - complete secret level 7.I.e. you need to go through the alternative 43rd level.

Complete secret level 8 - complete secret level 8.I.e. you need to go through the alternative 44th level.

Complete secret level 9 - complete secret level 9.I.e. you need to pass the alternative 45th level.

Complete secret level 10 - complete secret level 10.i.e. you need to go through the alternative 46th level.

14 Jun 2015 20:40