Gato Roboto

Gato Roboto

12 Achievements


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How to unlock the Speedrun achievement in Gato Roboto - Definitive Guide

Credit to YouTube channel: Clubby Zamora

This is the guide I used to get this achievement and the "Danger Cat" achievement for finishing the game without collecting a single health upgrade. This guide is great because the player doesn't do any glitches or hard tricks. They just play through the game very quickly avoiding all health pickups. I followed this guide and was able to finish the game in about 54~ minutes so there is room for error.

NOTE: When you pause the game/look at the map the timer does keep running which is REALLY annoying. If I ever died or felt like I was taking too long I would dashboard and reload the game so my timer would reset to my last autosave. It's especially important to dashboard when you die because if you don't the game will load your last checkpoint with your current time (it won't revert the time back).

Overall, it isn't too bad of an achievement. Just a bit stressful and annoying one. Good luck and happy hunting!

24 Apr 2020 02:02

Lifesaver brownSALUTE
By BlazeFlareon on 25 Apr 2020 06:30
This looks too annoying. No thank you.
Good luck to everyone else who dares attempt this.
I can't imagine doing this game with no health power ups. It's hard enough as is, especially those stupid heaters.
By E vee dub on 25 Apr 2020 17:54
I'm okay using glitches. Are there videos or walkthroughs available with glitches to makes this easier?
By Arsenic 17 on 27 Apr 2020 04:44
I think glitches arent available on xbox, thats why they brought a non glitch run.
By StockierHeart on 29 Apr 2020 03:31
There are indeed glitches, I did my run in 28mins.
Small mech and water mech are the main glitches for speed running this game. They take a little time to master but makes the game super quick to complete
By I ima Pokemon I on 29 Apr 2020 10:52
Here is a link to a unrestricted speed run. (Using water and small mech glitches)
By StockierHeart on 29 Apr 2020 23:45
Of course there are glitches. It's the same as the PC Version. Small Mech, under water, etc.
By DarkReznor on 30 Apr 2020 10:51
Finished at 56:45 in game time and I was 3 mins behind the vud at the halfway mark. Caught up a little when he went to bathroom n left game running.
By LifeExpectancy on 03 May 2020 15:39
There is little room for error if going for glitchless. I got 59:04 even though I definitely could have done better.
By DubstepEdgelord on 19 Jul 2020 20:34
Finished this today glitchless with about 8 minutes left and NO health upgrades picked up (so you DEFINITELY have alot of leniency compared to other speedrun achievements out there).

You don't need to dashboard everytime you die (since the game doesn't count that as a save) so anytime you die, or even just have a segment between 2 save slots that you don't like, just quit to main menu and redo the section!

You get an autosave after each boss fight btw so make sure you're happy with your performance before beating them otherwise you'll lose some time. Besides that, use damage boosts to your advantage when running through sections and remember that dashing gives you i-frames.toast
By The S bot 9000 on 29 Dec 2020 01:36
Was about 2 minutes behind the video for most of it due to grabbing 2 of the early health upgrades (which really came in handy since I already did my no health upgrades run separately). There's a place in the video around 39 minute mark where he stands in place for almost a minute so I was able to close some of my time gap there by not standing around. Wound up finishing in 55:12.
By Kirkless on 31 Dec 2020 23:41
On Xbox Series X you can use Quick Resume by running other game so you can "pause" the timer.
By ThisIsPrfct on 06 Apr 2021 20:55
Pretty simple, just watch till they get to a save point, then quit to title to watch the next part. You never have to quit the game completely either, if you need to restart a section, or died, just quit to title.

Were they running the game on a potato though? That was some really bad FPS loss in some parts.
By EarthboundX on 11 Apr 2021 09:48
This video was a huge help. I finished just a few seconds over 56 minutes on my first try.
By Sniggleworth on 05 Apr 2023 18:40
This video was a huge help. I finished just a few seconds over 56 minutes on my first try.
By Sniggleworth on 05 Apr 2023 18:41
Do not put extra weight on your shoulders and go for the danger cat achievement on top of this one, this is not necessary. In comparison with other metroidvania the road is pretty straight forward and a larger health bar will help you go way faster. If you played the game for a day already, you should be able to manage without any time issue. Most hearts will be on your way, simply do the aqueducs in reverse with the very simple water mech glitch (see the great comment below) and you will end up in front of the last boss before the 50min mark with eleven or twelve hearts to spare.
By Ph1dias on 25 Nov 2020 19:07
In case you want to do this achievement the safe way here is a video that takes some health upgrades:

Also, closing the game reverts to the last save, including the timer.
By induvielgamer on 22 Feb 2021 14:40
Thanks to induvielgamer for the link. And heads-up to anyone following that video: Be sure to destroy the blocks on the left wall, in the room just before the second heater core boss. See video at 24:26.

Pausing and exiting to the title screen will revert your time to whatever it was at the most recent save; no need to dashboard. Upgrades, elevators (when they stop), and defeating some bosses (not the heater cores, I think) will also trigger a save. You can practice a section as much as you like, without losing time, as long as you don't trigger a save. I followed the video by sections, watching until the next save, then played it myself. If I didn't play it fast enough, I exited to the title screen before triggering a save, then reloaded and tried again.
By nothingHz on 09 Apr 2021 08:06
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I wanted to add my findings having recently gotten this achievement. The reason I wanted to add this guide was to help with the two main tricks (or glitches) in the game while they're fresh in my head. I had trouble with these at first but after a decent bit of practice i was able to pull them off fairly regularly but found little in the way of in-depth explanation.

An important note which i mention below that needs emphasising - pausing the game does not pause the timer. If you need to look things up, save and quit to the title screen then reload your save once ready.

Firstly, watch this video, its by RiskyCB who holds the current world record. In this video he explains everything that's going on which is immensly helpful:

This is a link to RiskyCB's channel as props:

The tricks:

Small Mech
RiskyCB explains it in his video but to clarify - you need to press eject (cn_Y) on the frame that the mech appears after saving. I did it this way:
Stand in the save point.
Press eject and Kiki will stand on the gun of the mech.
Press jump (cn_A) so she lands on the save point floor and you kind of get sucked in to the middle and the game starts to save again. HERE IS WHERE YOU NEED TO BE READY TO PRESS EJECT (cn_Y).
The tube comes down from the top, encases the save point at the bottom and retracts back up. You need to hit the cn_Y after the full traction of the tube but before the full screen flash. This is a frame perfect trick and just rerquires pratice. You know if you have succeeded as Kiki goes invisible but she is now in her "Small Mech" suit and will re-appear in the next screen.
Important note: Do not hammer the Y button, whist it increases your chance of pulling off the trick it can also result in you getting back in your mech again and negating a successful attempt.
Unfortunatley the game saves every time you attempt so it slowly eats your time but i recommend you start a new go, get to a save point and practice. I can get it after 4 or 5 attempts but at first it felt impossible so persevere. Skip to 1.24 in the video to see it's first instance.
You can save at a save point without losing Small Mech. You only lose it if you eject or reload a save.

Water Mech
Much easier than Small Mech but still can be a pain. Basically you line your suit up with the very edge of a platform with the back side hanging over the edge. You then shoot a misslie with cn_B to push yourself off the edge then immediately eject using the cn_Y button. Kiki jumps out, the suit sinks to the next availble floor. Swin to the suit and you pop straight in, voila, Water Mech.
I used like a sliding motion with my thumb, from the cn_B to the cn_Y in a smooth quick motion and i could get it prettty often. I had more trouble lining the suit up with the edge than performing the trick itself.
Whilst in Water Mech missles immediatley explode, they dont travel at all. You can use this to boost yourself upward if you aim and shoot downward.
Again, the trick and then utilising the Water Mech efficiently come with practice. Skip to 4:09 in the video for the start of the explanation and first use of the trick.

I honestly spent the best part of 4 hours practising the tricks and the run. I would get to a save point, save and then return to title screen (as pausing in game does not pause the timer), find that point in the video, watch the next part until he came to a save point I could utilise and repeat that process.

Just practice, it's not the hardest thing in the world but it wont just happen. Good luck, any question ask below and i'll do my best to answer them.

07 May 2020 10:39

Regarding the jump at 7:55 - just take the intended route up and to the right as the cat, just be careful of the frog (from memory) and continue to the left. The next save point room is extremely close and that’s where you can regain the mech.
By illdizzog on 11 May 2020 15:37
I finally did it. Without any guide. Drawing the map in a damn paper as I did with Metroid so long ago. Now that I got off this game from my shoulder, I can finally rest happy. This was one of the worst achievements I ever had to do and a disappointment of a game.
By NessNoldo on 06 Jul 2020 00:21
Do this still works? Anyway I'm giving up with this one. Is stupid that the timer continues counting when the game is paused or when you die.
By NessNoldo on 07 Jul 2020 03:53
I had to use the "small mech" glitch to finish Heater Core quickly, giving me like 5 or 6 extra minutes than the video. I'd loose that extra time little by little later in the game, and I arrived the final boss at 52 minutes, enough to finish the game. If I wasted too much time or die, I'd close the game quitting to Dashboard. It was tiresome, but it worked in the end.
By Kaede393 on 09 Jul 2020 13:44
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