God of War III

God of War III

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Beat Titan Mode


How to unlock the Unhuman achievement in God of War III - Definitive Guide

Want to get Titan mode done with no stress whatsoever?

If you answer "No", then don't bother with the rest of this solution. Seriously, just click something on your browser to take you anywhere else.

If you answer "Yes", then prepare yourself for the easiest Hard mode run in a game your have ever done! laugh

There is a wonderful little glitch in the wonderful game known as God of War 3 which will make Titan mode simple for even newborns with no motor skills whatsoever (however, to get there takes a bit of work wink).

In order to take advantage of this glitch, you need the following:

DO NOT Download the update for God of War 3 (seriously, there is no reason to download it. If you did download it, go into your system utility manager and delete it)

Have this trophy -
God of War IIIUp to the ChallengeThe Up to the Challenge trophy in God of War III worth 159 pointsBeat the Challenge of Olympus

This allows you to enter the Combat Arena, and this is certainly something you want to do. Seriously - do it. And do it this way:

STEP 1: Select Infinite everything (health, magic, items) for Kratos.
STEP 2: Change difficulty to "Titan".
STEP 3: Select a few gorgons to be your enemies.
STEP 4: Enter the arena.
STEP 5: Die, and select restart the arena.
STEP 6: Die, and select restart the arena.
STEP 7: Die, and select restart the arena.
STEP 8: Die, and select restart the arena.
STEP 9: Die, and select restart the arena.

Now, I know what you are think: "But Mimic, if I select infinite health how can I die? You are dumb!"

Hold on fictional-gamer-dude-in-my-head-who-jumps-the-gun-and-resorts-to-name-calling, there is a reason you select gorgons as your enemies: they can still kill you with their stone cold stare. How? If they land a hit on you while you are in the air, you will crumble upon hitting the ground!

STEP 10: After dying five or six times the game will request you change the difficulty - select "No" and you will return to the title screen.
STEP 11: Select the "New Game" Option, and choose "Titan" Difficulty.
STEP 12: Notice, as you start this new game, how you have every one of your weapons and items from your first playthrough, and they are all maxed. laugh
STEP 13: Find some enemies, and just stand in front of them. Let them beat the ever-loving piss out of you for a few moments, and really take in the fact that your health does not move...AT ALL.
STEP 14: Smile as you run through this difficulty as a god, killing gods in an uber god-like manner. smile

Questions, correction or neg vote justifications in the comments field below.

24 Dec 2013 18:28

Ok interesting solution...just to be clear though- you must first beat the game once, then complete Challenge of Olympus, yes? Also how in the world did you find this?
By limelight1979 on 12 Jan 2014 01:14
^ It is actually a well known glitch, believe it or not. wink

Also, yes, you need to beat the game once to unlock the challenges, and then beat those to unlock the arena. Then follow the steps in the arena to make yourself invincible during the campaign.
By EmpathicMIMIC on 12 Jan 2014 14:45
Excellent solution and hilarious commentry! good job man.
By Stu003 on 20 Feb 2014 23:34
Holy hell is it really that easy?
By boldfox85 on 18 Nov 2014 15:45
Now when you refer to the system utility manager, which one are you talking about and how can I tell what the update looks like?
By sonicfreak1986 on 11 Jan 2016 00:44
@ sonicfreak1986: I am not sure, and I can not check now because I no longer have a PS3. I would advise looking at youtube.
By EmpathicMIMIC on 05 Feb 2016 23:36
nice, it works. so now that I've got the titan run started and have infinite health (not magic, apparently) I'm assuming I have to decline the update every time I start up the game? or is it safe to download the update once this has already been done and I've made a save?
By WEB_78O on 19 Jan 2019 23:09
Works like a charm - for some reason I didn't have infinite magic and power though, just life. Note that you once you fall into the River Styx, your bars will degrade as normal, but your life is still infinite.

When you lose the Blades of Athena and are given the Blades of Exile, they will be back to level 1, but all your other gear (Head of Helios, Nemean Cestus, etc.) will all still be maxed out, assuming you maxed everything on your first playthrough.
By Aqueously on 13 Oct 2018 12:24
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Oh boy, Titan Mode! I found this game's hard mode is actually inconsistent with its difficulty, with some fights being much harder than others – particularly in the early game. Tanking enemies and mashing the attack buttons won't work here; you'll need to know what attacks can be blocked and which must be evaded, and you'll need to have an understanding of the game's mechanics. With some decent play and these tips, however, I'm sure the majority of players can complete this. I was completely new to the God of War series (and this genre in general) and although I had some trouble in some early and late fights in the game, it wasn't too bad.

This is written from the perspective of someone who is new to the series. Unless you're hardcore or know this series very well, I don't recommend doing this on your first playthrough.

• Learn from your failures and don't be discouraged. Certain attacks can be blocked while others must be evaded, and getting into the flow of battle and knowing how to read each enemy is pivotal to success.

• Upgrade your Blades of Exile first. They are your most versatile weapon, with great speed and range, and a large movelist.

• You should get enough red orbs in the game to fully upgrade everything, but you only really need to upgrade your Blades of Exile, your Bow of Apollo, and your Nemean Cestus. I recommend you upgrade the first level of Blades and the Bow first, which should be completed before reaching Hades. Then finish off the Blades and move onto the Cestus.

• The Nemean Cestus is a great weapon for many fights in the second half of the game, as they deal a satisfyingly large amount of damage. However, your evasion is slowed to a slight hop to counter this, so sometimes you'll want to stick with the Blades when speed and range are more valuable than pure attack power.

• Ordinary attacks (the square button) can be interrupted with defend (L1) and evade (right stick), but heavy attacks (the triangle button) cannot, but deal appropriately more damage. Therefore, using a combo that involves a heavy attack is sometimes a gamble as it leaves you open to being attacked; heavy attacks are slow and cannot be cancelled.

• Hounds and harpies are some of the more annoying early-game enemies; but using the Blades' Cyclone of Chaos (L1 and square) should keep them at a distance while killing them. You can also kick dogs away by grabbing them (circle) but this leaves you exposed to follow up attacks from other enemies, so I don't recommend it unless you're going for the "Obedience School" trophy.

• The Blade of Exile's fully upgraded magic, Army of Sparta (R2) is absolutely incredible: the arrow barrage deals a huge amount of damage to enemies and makes Kratos completely invulnerable while it's in effect. You should definitely be abusing this during many fights towards the end of the game, as there are almost always refill chests between each battle.

• Don't forget to use Rage mode (L3 and R3) if you're in a snag. Towards the end of the game, I do recommend saving it up for the final fight against Zeus, but otherwise I can't think of when it's vital to completing a fight, so if you want / need to use it, use it! (You'll also need to input a button prompt to burst out of Cronus' stomach while fighting him, causing you to lose all your Rage, so you might as well use it sometime before the fight.)

• The satyrs are the hardest enemies in the game, but there are only six that appear. They can be killed by grabbing them over and over again: on the third time, Kratos will instantly kill them. When fighting the first two in the tunnel in Hera's Garden, keep using your Army of Sparta magic – your Blades of Exile should be fully levelled up by now, allowing you to kill them at the expense of all your magic.

• The following fights are generally considered to be the hardest, and this is what my 'walkthrough' here will cover: Hades, Skorpius, Hades Cerberus Breeder, and the final boss Zeus. See below for strategies on each.

• There is a well-known glitch that allows you to start the game with full upgrades, but this only helps in the early game. It has been patched, but can still be utilised by deleting game updates and refusing to download the update until you have the trophy. For more information, see EmpathicMIMIC's guide here:
Solution for Unhuman In God of War III

• Note that some crazy bastard completed this game on Chaos Mode without ever upgrading, so don't give up – surely you can do it on just Titan Mode with upgrades, right? If you're actually interested in watching The- Deeb's Chaos Mode No Upgrade playthrough, the playlist is located here:

Rather than writing a full-on walkthrough, I thought it'd be better to just note the four main battles that most players seem to have trouble with.

After trawling through the Underworld (which shouldn't be so bad aside from the hounds and harpies – see Tips above for help on them), you'll eventually fight Hades: your first true challenge in Titan difficulty and your only challenge in the early-game. By this point, you should have fully upgraded your Bow of Apollo and your Blades of Exile by one. Hades can be brutal and unforgiving, but knowing each of his attacks and what to do is, as always, the secret to defeating an enemy. Also, just to note, when I say to use the Bow, that means spam as many arrows as possible at him – don't bother charging them up.

See also: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/943928-god-of-war-iii/5429853... for an old forum discussion which helped me during my playthrough.

The first fight part of the fight against Hades has three phases, and he can be a punishing boss. His few attacks in the first phase are easy to learn:

• His two swipe attacks done in quick succession can be blocked.
• His stomp has a small area of effect and must be evaded.

Attack between each of his attacks but don't go crazy – you'll always need to be ready to respond to each of his attacks. When he jumps in the air and lands in the centre-back of the arena, he'll start sweeping his weapons in an arc across the room, either above or below: you need to either stay where you are or jump respectively – they cannot be blocked. There is unfortunately no 'easy' strategy for this; you need to stay back, watch his weapons, and respond quickly and appropriately. You shouldn't need to double-jump. If he stays standing in the center and continues either his two overhead swipe attacks (which, again, can still be blocked) or his annoying weapon sweep attack, you should stay where you are and attack him with the bow when his attacks finish. Don't go near him, as he may suddenly grab you and throw you back into the centre of the arena.

When he's down, approach him and press circle to slice off a part of his skin. Some hands will appear from the ground and try to impede you from further attacking the skin (which will work its way back to Hades), so use L1 and square to use Cyclone of Chaos to remove some hands for health, and attack the skin to stop it from reaching Hades. Stay in the centre of the room and, as the floor fills up with darkness, wait for a clear space (either centre, left, or right) and rush to it before the chains appear. If you mess up the skin part and it comes back to him, it takes little more damage to slice it back off again, so don't worry about that. If you're successful however, move onto phase 2.

If you're struggling with Hades, then it's most likely his second phase that's giving you the most grief; here he turns very aggressive and changes up his moveset. You must learn which of his new attacks can be blocked and those which must be evaded and – worst of all – there's no checkpoint, so failure will lead you to the beginning of this long battle yet again. Keeping your distance and using your Bow of Apollo is a slow but sure method to safely take off his health, and is recommended, but if you want to attack him with your weapons for more damage, be sure to keep to fast basic combos so you can be ready to block or roll away. His attacks include:

• His two swipe attacks has been extended and will mess you up if you don't quickly adapt. Again, the first two done in quick succession can be blocked. However, the third and fourth cannot be blocked – he will stick them in the ground close to him, and then launch them upwards and outwards for a fifth attack. Keep your distance and use the Bow of Apollo while he wastes time attacking the floor.
• A quick but long-reaching swipe along the floor. Can be blocked.
• His stomp is replaced with a jump into the air and, when landing, he will cause a wave that spreads across the floor. Keep away from underneath him when he's in the air and, when he lands, double-jump and glide to avoid the AoE.
• He will grab Kratos' soul and you'll need to rapidly tap L1 and R1 to break free. Simple enough.

When he returns to the centre-back of the arena, you can block both his 'three successive overhead swipes' attack as well as the floating skulls. Keep using your Bow. Honestly, the trick to this entire phase is to keep your distance and use the Bow between Hades' attacks, as unlike later bosses he doesn't bother defending against it. When he's down, repeat the process detailed above of slicing off his skin, attacking it, and taking cover on a clear patch of ground before the chains arrive.

The hardest part of the battle is now over, and Hades once again has just two attacks now, although they're both new. Hades will now permanently stay in the centre-back of the arena and spam these attacks:

• Chains appear from the ground and chase after Kratos. Keep on the move and this won't be a problem.
• Two or three phantom Cerberus will pounce forward. Despite what you might initially thing, they can be blocked, whereupon they disappear.

While these attacks are easy to deal with, Hades doesn't leave himself open to attack much, so – again – spam him with the Bow between his attacks.

When he goes down for the third time, Kratos will not slice off a piece of skin again; instead you'll ultimately find yourself on one half of a torn arena and Hades on the other. Attack with square when you can, but remember to pull back as well before you get too close to the edge, and avoid his own attacks by alternating between evading side to side. Keep up the pressure and he'll be down in no time.

The final part is easy: you're forced to use Claws of Hades, so once you clear up some fodder, a giant Hades will emerge from the water. Stick to the centre of him and attack the middle of his belly with basic square attacks. Staying in the center will mean most (but not all, so be wary) of his attacks will miss you. When he dramatically breathes in, go to the sides and grapple around behind him, get a few hits on his back, and continue. Once he goes down, you need to be behind him to initiate the QTE minigame that kills him.

You should be able to finish him off surprisingly quickly, and once he's down that's one of the hardest parts of the game over with until Skorpius.

Skorpius' main attack consists of raising his tail upwards and slamming it into the ground around one side; it does massive damage, cannot be blocked, and you're given little time to evade it. Furthermore, you'll need to be using the Nemean Cestus here to break through his legs, and when you attempt to role with the Cestus equipped, Kratos does a pathetic little hop which covers little distance. There are two things you can do here:

• Air-dash away towards the screen twice (by jumping and using the right stick when in the air) as soon as the tail rises. No matter how close you think you are to destroying one of his legs, you don't have time to fit in that extra attack. There's also no need to go to the opposite side of the Skorpius (which is the mistake I kept making when I first did this); just keep away from the legs and go towards the screen.
• Grab one of those mini-Skorpius; Kratos will instantly kill it, which gives him a little bit of health and makes him invinicible during the animation.

If you can evade the tail-stomp, the only other real challenge is dealing with the small scorpions that keep arriving – they are quick to die, but can stun you and leave you open to following attacks if you let them get too close. As mentioned above, grabbing them will instantly kill them and give you health, but you can deal with them in a variety of other ways that you feel comfortable with, too. I usually prioritize the legs over them, though.

When three legs have been taken down, you'll need to beat up the Skorpius' face while a bunch of small ones appear; equip the Blades of Exile quickly and either use the Cyclone of Chaos (L1 and square) to keep them at bay and deal damage to everything, or use Army of Sparta magic to clear everyone out.

During the second phase, you'll need to deal with the remaining three legs while continuing to avoid the little scorpions and the tail stomp. The Skorpius adds a few new attacks to his repertoire, and he likes to move around and off the arena a little more, but the same rules apply. Use the Army of Sparta magic (you'll have to equip the Blades to use them, remember) if you get surrounded for temporary invincibility and to kill all the mini scorpions.

When it's nearly dead, repeat Cyclone of Chaos / Army of Sparta on its head one final time, complete the QTE minigame, and follow him up the chain, using the right thumbstick to avoid his falling icicles, to finish him off.

Hades Cerberus Breeder
The Hades Cerberus Breeder is the massive three-headed dog that you'll fight on your return to the underworld after clearing the Labyrinth very close to the end of the game. The battle takes place where the Trials of Erebus took place earlier in the game. With its large amount of health, constant explosive hounds, and two satyr backups, this is essentially a boss battle. Now, although this battle takes place over three phases (separated each by pulling a head off the dog), only the first two will provide any challenge using the following strategy. Note that there is also an alternative 'cheap' strategy mentioned further down for effortlessly dealing with the satyrs.

• A head-on fight with the Cerberus Breeder is not recommended, as it likes to follow up with quick strikes that are hard to react to.

Attack its side using the Nemean Cestus with two or three basic strikes at a time, then move away, either evading or air dashing (right stick or right stick while in the air). Wait for any nearby dogs to explode and repeat, slowly striking and escaping before the dogs can catch up. When the massive hound has taken enough damage, you will get a prompt to rip off one of its heads. It might initially seem very hard to get the timing right here, but once you can do this phase without taking any damage, you should be able to complete the entire fight.

After ripping off its first head, a satyr will join the fight. Again, this may seem ridiculous considering how insane the previous part of the fight was – especially as if you fail you'll have to start the entire fight again – but try your best to repeat what you've been doing in the previous phase, this time avoiding the satyr too. Try to put the Ceberus Hades Breeder between you and the satyr if possible and be wary of the satyr's excellent long reach and unpredictable moveset. Consider this to be the hardest phase of the battle; although the next phase adds another satyr, there's a reason why we saved all our magic for the final phase...

Once the Hades Cerberus Breeder is down to its last head and the two satyrs are nearby, equip your Blades of Exile, get close to the giant hound, let the satyrs converge on you, and constantly spam your fully upgraded Army of Sparta (with the Breeder preferably close to a corner, so he won't move away while using your magic) until the Breeder is finally ready to fall; ripping off his final head will reward you with some likely much-needed health.

Ideally you'll have killed at least one of the satyrs with Army of Sparta and wounded the other. To finish them off, the secret is to keep grabbing them; eventually you'll be prompted to keep pressing circle, which sees Kratos kick the satyr away and hurl its blade at them, instantly killing it. If you want to play it safe and keep your distance, you can spam the Bow of Apollo at them too, but note that they can close the distance fast, so keep on the move and know that this strategy is very slow.

The 'cheap' strategy for dealing with the satyrs easily, mentioned briefly above, is this: Have your Claws of Hades fully upgraded and equip the Gorgon soul in the menu. Use the Claws' magic to summon the Gorgon, who will instantly turn the satyrs to stone: attacking them should instantly kill them, or so I've heard, although I can't say for sure as I never used this method personally.

I suppose it's also worth noting to try to keep away from that book pedestal at the front of the arena during the fight, as I found that Kratos has an annoying habit of getting stuck on it. Congratulations on beating this fight – it's definitely the hardest in the game, and Zeus is now the only obstacle between you and completing the game.

The final battle against Zeus is split into four parts, although only the first and third parts are particularly difficult.

The first fight against Zeus may initially seem hard, but once you learn his moveset you can either defend or avoid all of his attacks. I recommend using the Blades of Exile for its range and speed, as I found the Nemean Cestus are a little too slow for this fight and I'm not familiar with the other two weapons. Your main opportunity to strike is when he does a two-hit combo – although this can be countered, it's risky and if you get hit (or you're within range), he'll even do a third attack – instead, roll back and attack him after his second attack. When he jumps in the air to throw lightning bolts downwards at an angle, roll away from them. If you're near Zeus at the time, jump up behind him and press circle to grab and smash him into the ground; it does more damage than just hitting him normally in the air.

Generally, keep to the centre of the platform so there's always room to maneuver away from him in either direction if needed.

The halfway point of this battle is separated by a QTE minigame where you grab Zeus and throw him into a nearby pillar, but there is no checkpoint. Furthermore, he starts using the attack where he jumps into the air and smashes diagonally into the ground more frequently – the move is hard to dodge and I don't have a guaranteed way to escape it; this, combined with an annoying attack where electricity arcs out of the ground in vertical columns which you are given little time to avoid or block, means that you may want to spam all of your Army of Sparta magic as soon as you can, and finish him off using the same strategy as above. A tense fight, for sure, but keep at it and you'll succeed eventually.

The second fight against Zeus takes place outside in a small arena. Just keep rolling around and stay away from Zeus; after a set amount of time has passed, Gaia will appear and the battle will come to a premature end.

The third and by far the hardest fight against Zeus takes place inside of Gaia. The problem here when compared to easier difficulties is that you can quickly be overrun by Zeus' clones. Another problem is that because this game lacks a health bar, you can't be sure how much health Zeus has recovered if and when he reaches Gaia's heart (as well as how close he is to death). Remember that you yourself can attack Gaia's heart for health when it flashes, but this can leave you exposed and Zeus will charge up to do the same thing as well. Furthermore, Zeus will always manage to recharge his health the first time the heart lights up. When Zeus and his clones jump in the air and sequentially bash the floor, the clones' AoE attacks can be avoided by staying away from them, but the real Zeus (who always attacks last) electrifies the whole floor, so keep your distance and be ready to double jump just before he strikes the ground. The clones yield magic refill orbs upon defeat, and using Army of Sparta can really help against them when they fill the screen.

I wish I had some more tactics to give you, but I've only completed this fight once, and I managed to somewhat 'cheese' it using the following strategy:
Attack him normally to begin with. He will always automatically manage to refill his health a little the very first time. Once he moves away from Gaia's heart, either attack him normally or use Army of Sparta if he sends out a large number of clones. Now this is where the strategy depends a lot on luck: activate Rage mode and go on the offensive against Zeus (make sure no clones are present – you want to concentrate your temporarily increased attack power fully on Zeus); ideally, you'll land all of your attacks on Zeus, but you know how Kratos acts as if he's skating on an ice-rink while in Rage. With luck, you can finish him off with the rest of your magic and a few more attacks.

There is no guaranteed win for this fight, unfortunately. Don't let yourself get frustrated: this is all that stands between you and victory.

I'm not even sure if this final part can be considered an actual fight, or if you can even lose. The battle takes place in a first person perspective, so just keep attacking Zeus until he falls, beat him into a pulp, and watch the final cutscene and credits; the gold trophy should pop on the rewards screen after the credits.

A sincere congratulations on beating Titan mode!

19 Jan 2014 16:52

1 Comment
The 'cheap' strategy for dealing with the satyrs easily, mentioned briefly above, is this: Have your Claws of Hades fully upgraded and equip the Gorgon soul in the menu. Use the Claws' magic to summon the Gorgon, who will instantly turn the satyrs to stone: attacking them should instantly kill them, or so I've heard, although I can't say for sure as I never used this method personally.
It works, but consumes an obscene amount of magic, worth one or two uses at most.

he starts using the attack where he jumps into the air and smashes diagonally into the ground more frequently – the move is hard to dodge and I don't have a guaranteed way to escape it; this,
You can block that one.
By lord_clorophilla on 12 Jan 2018 04:29
Just to add to the already amazing solutions! There are parts you can miss out because of the weapons! It cuts down the time and makes it a lot faster to finish. A good place was when you enter the upper gardens instead of having to go through Aphrodite's chamber to the blacksmith, use your whip on the cranks that turn the platforms and you miss out two boss fights! This takes you straight to the scorpion boss.

21 Feb 2014 15:51

This trophy unlocks after you have beaten the game on Titan (hard) difficulty. Titan mode is very difficult and will get you very frustrated if you aren't patient and willing to die over and over again. I have listed a few tips below to try to make your Titan playthrough as easy as possible.

1. I highly recommend using the max weapons and health glitch outlined in this thread: Extremely easy way to beat Titan mode This will give you all of the weapons maxed out and full health and magic from the start of the game.
2. Make sure that you are comfortable parrying attacks using the Golden Fleece. This will save your life more times than you can count. Being able to deflect damage is of utmost importance in Titan mode.
3. If you can't parry attacks or are getting overwhelmed by enemies, make ample use of the evade function. A simple flick of the can be a lifesaver, especially against the Cerberus dog in Hades.
4. Don't button-mash. Button-mashing is a sure-fire way to getting killed repeatedly. Always try to have a strategy when going in to a big fight.
5. Master the combos. This goes hand-in-hand with the previous tip. Knowing what the combos do and their area of effect will help out a lot when trying to make it through a big fight.

These tips and some stellar playing on your part will help guide you through your Titan difficulty playthrough.

How to beat the game on Titan with initially maxed out weapons and infinite health:

- complete the game on "God" (which is generally not difficult)
- pass all tests by opening the Arena

- in the Arena, select the following settings: health, magic, items - endless. difficulty - titanium. enemies: gorgon - 3 pieces, gorgon snakes - 3 pieces, all attack and are reborn (I apologize if I wrote their name incorrectly, I don’t remember exactly, but you won’t be mistaken). When you start playing, die five times (jump when they start breathing green on you, then you will fall and break on the floor like a statue). After this you will be asked to change the difficulty level. Refuse and you will be thrown back to the main menu.

- start a new game on the Titan difficulty level and you will have all the weapons, already maximally improved (in the future you will only have to upgrade the very first one, which will be taken away from you in the story and returned again) and, most importantly, immortality.

- when going through the game, don't try to make shortcuts - like breaking the chain at the first opportunity, otherwise everything will freeze. the game will also freeze if you fall into the abyss (you should die, but you are immortal now)). If it doesn’t freeze completely, then press Select and restart from the last checkpoint, and if the game freezes completely, just exit the game by pressing PS and start again from the same place. If possible, save, if it hangs critically - load first from the last autosave, then from the last save, then from the penultimate one, until you pass the glitchy place. Do not switch to the simplified game mode at her request - this also leads to subsequent glitches and freezes.

PS - tested on the game without a patch and with patch 1.01

CLARIFICATION FOR THE INATENTLY - this method differs from the one described above in that it also gives immortality when passing, which is achieved by specific settings of the arena

17 Jun 2010 16:29

Before you complete this entire sequence of actions, you can go through the game on the “Achaean” difficulty (easier than “God”), it is not necessary to go through it on “God” , the final battle will finish you off.
By pashtetino1 on 08 Aug 2011 20:22
This scheme does not work if the game is patched to version 1.03. If you lose in the Arena, it does not offer to change the difficulty and does not throw it into the menu. Feel free to remove the patch.
By Machay on 15 Oct 2011 09:51
In addition to what was said above, I would like to add the passage of the most severe places, as it seemed to me o_O Initially, I passed on TITAN without tips, so I completely raked There are 2 places:

1) Battle with a fiery three-headed Cerberus who releases exploding dogs. The ideal weapon against him is the very first blades upgraded to maxbat. We hammer him with regular attacks, don’t forget to constantly jump and change your location! After you tear off the first head, a fierce edge with a halberd will come out - don’t pay attention to him... We hit the dog when that mob is behind him. Can spam strong attack , but don't come close! Keep your distance - the first blows can be made empty, but the last most powerful swing is aimed at Cerberus. As soon as the second head is cut off, we run up close to the dog and spam ARMY OF SPARTA ... If it’s not enough, stir up L3+R3 After you kill the dog, we deal with the remaining strong mobs with a grab , well, you can add more with regular attacks, just be careful 8)

2) Battle with ZEUS. Everything is very simple here, the first phases were wetted by the fists of Hercules + . I stupidly didn’t let him get up. You can also hammer him with your first blades in the first phase. When he's in the air + , Then , Then and Kratos gives him the f...lu In general, we move on to the last phase. Here we take the blades that HEPHAESTUS forged for you, clamp and spam ... Zeus doesn't have time to do anything. When it's time to recharge, beat the heart + and we don’t let ZEUS replenish lives. If he managed to call sumoners, then we’ll kill them with magic . Constantly wet Zeus + , even if he blocks, his next attempt will fail
By Tetraktis_2989 on 22 May 2012 00:08
You can calmly go through on low difficulty, and then you will pass the tests, open the arena, configure it as written and everything will work. So it’s not necessary to go through God initially
By BRAIAN on 02 Aug 2012 16:37
Yesterday I played the game at the TITAN level using the technology described above, I cut the game a little without a glitch at the moment when you jump across the drawbridges to Aphrodite, you didn’t go to her, but just immediately moved on... After all, you already have the weapon that Hermes will forge for you... The method is only suitable for the path described above... It worked for me, but remember that with such a passage the game may glitch, make a separate save after this moment.....
By max_life on 28 Mar 2012 13:11
For those who do not spoil the impression of the game and pass Titan honestly. In reality, it’s difficult on Titan, but when you defeat a boss or some chimera, you’re really proud of yourself 8). Firstly, I don’t recommend playing on Easy for the first time, because... There is a lot of freebies there and in general you won’t acquire any tactics or skills.

So far, the most difficult boss I feel is Hades, this video helped me a lot in killing him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBqQdv7eM9A. In short: 1) most of Hades' attacks are blocked by a simple without any ripples; 2) you won’t believe how healthy onions are. Later, this knowledge helped in a couple of other ways.

A couple more points: during the battle in front of the gates to Olympia, you can run far back and shoot the guards with a bow.

During the battle with the centaur in Olympia (before you shoot at Hermes with a catapult), you can run the other way forward (top left), and from there slowly shoot them all with bows and hit them one by one; for some reason the centaur and the guards are afraid to go there
By Ixx31 on 17 Feb 2013 18:56
I went straight to titanium. There are no particular difficulties, except perhaps Scorpid in the cave and Zeus.
By Bashanak on 06 Dec 2012 12:12
You can also cut it at the moment when you find yourself in hell at the very beginning of the game and you need to buy an Appalon bow from a prisoner (you are walking through a cave and come across a fork to the left, you don’t have to turn, i.e., don’t go for the bow, because you already have it, but immediately shoot at the thorns blocking the passage and go straight).
By Troller25 on 22 Jun 2012 17:56
By the way, if you decide to go through Titan without glitches, but on your own, then the only problem will be the bosses. Regular mobs are killed without any problems.
On bosses, study movesets at each stage, plus after receiving cestuses, I recommend hitting the bosses only with them, because the greatest damage is on single target. Zeus, for example, was the only way to kill Zeus quickly (parrying combo).
By Lebannehn on 07 Feb 2016 20:03
Glitch: To get immortality mode you need to beat the game. pass the test and open the arena! which is generally not difficult. turn on ps 3 and click game data management utility. We delete god of war 3 and do not update the game. then we enter the arena, press everything infinite difficulty titanium enemies snake gorgon and gorgon write everything as I wrote, otherwise it may not work. when they breathe green, we jump up and break into stone. (5 times) then it shows if you want to lower the difficulty level, click no. you are thrown to the main menu. click new game level titan. and while Zeus is talking about Olympus, he will show you to update. click yes, the game reboots and go into loading, click the last save location of the gay. so as not to have to do everything again. and you have all the weapons and endless life!!! NEVER HAVE 3 JUDGES DO NOT BREAK THE GAME TO ENTER A BATTLE WITH ZEUS IT WILL RESULT IN A FLASH!!!!! and don’t collect the eyes of the gorgon, the feathers of the phoenix and the horns of the minotaur, otherwise his life will begin to drain away.
By Spider-Man on 10 Jan 2013 13:48
To beat the game on the "Titanium" difficulty level, you must first go through the "Trials", thereby opening the "Arena", in the Arena we make any settings. We die 5 times and they tell us "Maybe you can change the difficulty" We press "NO" and we are thrown into " Main Menu"! And we can safely go play on the "Titanium" difficulty level with all the improvements, and most importantly Infinite Xp.

1. By the way, you can skip the murder “Cronus, Hephaestus, well, with Aphrodite.”
2. The game is completed in 4-5 hours + you don’t have to collect: “Feathers, Gorgon Eyes, And Horns.”
3.Only one “MINUS”: the Blades of the Exile will have to be pumped up yourself; you will need approximately ~30,000 spheres to fully pump up the Blades”)
By Assasins5420 on 11 Apr 2013 11:55
This method really doesn’t work for magic, even though I played the game on medium difficulty. Although you won't need a lot of magic for the entire game if you use the weapon that Hephaestus made. The most fortunate thing is that not far from the beginning of the game your energy for using running (L2 + X) and other two things will not be taken away and its scale will remain at maximum. So you can use it instead of magic (although this scale is also limited, but you will still have a full scale for more than half the game).

There were only a couple of deaths, and both times it was not completely clear. For the 3rd time I died in the maze, otherwise the game is not at all difficult to complete with infinite health and in only 5 hours.

The chains have already been mentioned more than once, you can’t break them under any circumstances (the first time, the second time is possible), you can also skip receiving Apollo’s bow, the battle with Kron and the death of Hephaestus (if you killed 3 centaur generals not through finishing off, but killed 2x through a finishing move on the titan, then make a save in advance before entering Aphrodite’s chambers and kill the latter through a finishing move, and then simply load through the save and move on). You can safely skip these moments.

I advise you not to collect eyes and feathers, because then immortality may disappear (I didn’t check, and it’s pointless to check, because I didn’t see the need for magic and increasing health). In some cases, you can skip battles with monsters by jumping over them. So it will take about 5 hours to complete the game.
By DrWho on 27 Feb 2013 16:09
I just want to add that after removing the patch, the arena and starting a new game on Titan with endless health and upgraded weapons, you can save and exit the game, and when you start again, feel free to install patch 1.03. This will not affect your health and weapons in any way, just launch your save and continue the game. But this patch will help get rid of many glitches that will occur due to the glitch.

I tried this method myself, so the information is verified.
By router on 02 Sep 2012 15:56
Completed the game on TITAN without any tricks associated with the arena. Still, it’s interesting to play through the game the way the developers intended, with all its difficulties. For those who think the same, I can say that for me the most unpleasant were the tests in the arena and, of course, the fight with Zeus. Enough has been written on passing the tests, thanks to the authors. But I can give you some advice on the final battle with Zeus.

It turns out that defeating Zeus is not at all difficult. We take the fists of Hercules and beat him + At the same time, we always place a block , which helps from all his blows and lightning, and we also strike him. When he is in the air, we attract him and hit him + The only Zeus punch that breaks a block is when he's on the ground doing it the third time (I called it a hug ). Here, too, everything is very simple: we withstand two of his blows, and before the third we jump over him and continue to hit. It is better to try to stay close to Zeus - then he does not fly, but only hits from the ground.

The second phase involves summoning lightning from the ground. It's even simpler here. The block doesn't penetrate anything, Zeus barely tries to jump. We stay close to him, we strike + , and before hugging him before the third blow we jump over.

The third phase is not much different from the previous one: we put up blocks, hit him, and jump over him before the hug. The only change: when Gaia’s heart becomes available, we run to it and beat it ourselves, replenishing our reserves, and also beat Zeus, preventing him from restoring his health, which is more important. When Zeus releases the clones, we quickly kill them with attraction and then hit Zeus. I didn't even use magic.

PS I suffered for a very long time until I discovered this method. After which I passed the second time without straining.
By primoris on 13 Feb 2014 14:15
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The Titan difficulty level is quite challenging, requiring you to replay some battles ten times. I advise you not to spoil the impression of the game (by constantly replaying various battles) and go through it first on the “God” difficulty level and only then start on “Titan” (you can go through it on the “Spartan” difficulty level, but it will be more difficult for you to adapt to the “Titan” "). In this case, you can start the game on Titan difficulty level with maximum weapon upgrade. Here's how to do it:

There is no way to start a "New game +" in the game, but the developers left a hole that allows you to start a new game on the "Titan" difficulty level with maximum weapon upgrades.

1. Complete the game and complete all 7 challenges to unlock the Arena.
2. Start the arena on Titan difficulty with any settings.
3. Die until you are offered to change the difficulty level. Refuse and you'll be thrown back to the main menu (this will also unlock the Maxed Out! trophy if you didn't get it on your first playthrough).

4. Start a new game on Titan difficulty and you will have all the weapons, all the items and the maximum upgrade for all weapons.

You will also get great pleasure from killing Hades with his own weapon.

27 Mar 2010 06:54