Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

33 Achievements


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The Los Santos Slayer

The Los Santos Slayer

Reach a total kill count of 4,000.


How to unlock the The Los Santos Slayer achievement in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Definitive Guide

Additionally, if you want to obtain this achievement with the most benefit, it will require you to do ONE of the following (or both):

We will be accessing vigilante mode within the best suitable vehicle for this method.
It will require you to at least pass flying school to gold standard or beat the game.
Ideally, this achievement should be one of the last achievements you aim for in San Andreas!

the best thing about using this method is you accumulate an insane amount of cash aswell as you have a tracker on screen showing your exact kills on the mission aswell as your Level in the side mission too. This method got me just under 2000 kills in 30 minutes. (On screen it states 800, however killing any police vehicles seating 4 FIB officers aswell as helicopters and pedestrians accounted for a mass amount of stat increase)

A) At Least Get GOLD At All Flying School Levels
B) Beat The Game End of The Line

External image

A) - Once you've beaten the flying school missions all to gold a HUNTER military helicopter will spawn outside the safehouse in the desert. This helicopter is unique as it has both rockets and machine guns mounted onto it and has the ability to access VIGILANTE mode.

B) - Once End Of The Line is beaten, go to the San Fierro naval Base (Not Boat) and a Hunter helicopter will spawn inside. [Warning: You attain an instant 5 star rating!]
this applies with the same details as option A's Hunter

The method:
For this method, we will access the Hunters Vigilante mode via clicking in the cn_RS right thumbstick!

1- Upon climbing inside the hunter you can toggle to access vigilante mode via clicking in the Right Thumbstick or cn_RS (R3). Right Analog
2- Follow the targets on screen and use both your rockets and machine guns to eliminate your targets
3- Continue the process of eliminating targets until you get the achievement.
I obtained just under 2000 kills in 30 minutes and accumulated $10 million.

27 Oct 2014 23:01

2000 kills in 30 minutes? That is more than 1 kill a second. Pull the other one. I got 750 in 40 minutes, 18 per minute. I was chatting to someone whilst I was doing it and he agrees that 18 kills a minute. A lot more logical.
By LuckyKant on 06 Nov 2014 18:03
You can also get the Hunter by activating the race "Heli Hell" at the Las Venturas airport.

After starting the race, it sets you in Los Santos. Fly the Heli back to the LV airport, ignoring checkpoints and not destroying your heli. Then, land the heli near where you started the race. Get out and let the timer expire. You'll fail the race and be standing right next to your new Hunter. Park it in your airfield hangar to save or go on your rampage from there.

By Trombonafide on 15 Nov 2014 22:22
Heli hell trick worked great for me
By Cuda Chris 72 on 16 Nov 2014 18:12
best way i found is to start the airport race "heli hell" and ignore the checkpoint go for the highway and spam away rockets and bullets. try to get as many kills as u can and if u die or explode inside the heli, u will spawn in a hospital not very far from the airport. In fact u can sprint all the way to race location from hospital within 30 secs. rinse and repeat. i was averaging 100 to 200 kills per run (ie every 6 mins)
By supkris on 17 Nov 2014 03:50
This just wouldn't work for me,i would get shot down by Police Hydras quite quickly,a good way i used to get the remaining 400 kills was to get the Hydra from the Desert Safe House (It spwans after completing the main story so shouldn't be a problem for everyone) and keep flying on the highway shooting every car that come across the opposite lane from the direction you're going,only way you can die here is by yourself,Hydras and Tanks won't be able to shoot you,in case a Hydra targets you just press B.
By VeiRoN v2 on 01 Dec 2014 21:37
There is no Hunter at the Naval Base, I'm guessing you have to fully complete flight school for it to spawn anywhere...
By GsO Light on 25 Jul 2015 00:00
Yeah you definitely do not get 2000 kills per 30 minutes with this, but I still feel this was one of the faster methods I did to earn kills. Might I add I think its best to try and shoot down cars and people on the way for the vigilante missions.
By RyanMpwnz on 19 Mar 2019 01:49

Seems like the best method. "You definitely do not get 2000 kills per 30 minutes with this" Note that the kill counter will be much lower than your actual kill count as it counts your target kills only. If you're shooting police vehicles at the same time you can absolutely get 2K kills per 30 minutes. I basically just held down B for the machine gun, killing everyone I came across and got like 1.5K in 15 mins
By Moo Moo Dairy on 07 Nov 2020 16:16
Vigilante is best method, i believe your copter is indestructible (i was running into a ton of things) and you get a number on your screen to help you hit small milestones to keep you motivated on unlocking. Happy hunting!
By Wazowskii Time on 26 Oct 2021 00:47
Hunter just was not spawning for me at the Naval base. After some googling, I had completed the flight school to 100% and then hunter spawned at my airport and at the naval base too. My point being, you have to complete the flight school for the hunter to spawn at any location.
What helped me grind a bit, hovering above runway at the airport. Nice flat ground and the FBI cars are just coming to you from infinite spawn, nicely lined up...
By Darth Hawk CZ on 13 Nov 2014 17:54
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I would like to expand upon the approach mentioned by XGC iTz MaTriX, which involves running over pedestrians. I found this tactic to be much quicker, and much less frustrating, than the methods involving the Hunter attack helicopter, that God-awful Hydra VTOL aircraft, or on-foot weapons, in or out of Vigilante mode.

First I'd like to reiterate MRMIdAS2k's point about which stat tracks progress toward this achievement, because that was the first bit of info I was seeking in the solutions here. It is indeed Stats > Crimes > People You've Wasted, and not Total Legitimate Kills (which discounts pedestrian run-overs). I was curious about this because by game's end I had about 2,600 kills, with 35 territories held and defended, but I was really getting bored with gang warfare.

So, sure, running over pedestrians is a no-brainer, but I found what I believe to be the best spot, the best vehicle, and the best overall routine for getting it done quickly. Go to the Strip in Las Venturas; this is the large double-wide street (modeled after Las Vegas Blvd.) that runs north-south where all of the casinos are located. This street is very long and straight most of the way, it has extra-wide sidewalks and tons of foot traffic, and very little cross traffic to get in your way. I began with the Yosemite pickup truck because it doesn't lose too much speed after a run-over (unlike fast street cars), it's durable (again), and it's easy to keep steady while the police are ramming you.

Eventually the truck will explode and you'll be wasted, and you'll spawn at the hospital. From here, get into the Ambulance which is just around the corner in the parking lot. It's even more durable than the pickup truck, and has the same beneficial attributes I mentioned above. It's a pedestrian-plowing machine, really. The hospital isn't far from the strip, so make your way east, back to the boulevard, and repeat.

I just kept running that ambulance up and down the strip's sidewalk, from the Cluckin' Bell and Binco clothing store on the northern end, to the Four Dragons casino on the southern end, until I got blown up. Each run would last 5-10 minutes netting me 100-200 kills, depending on whether or not police bikes got involved (bikes shoot at you causing more damage quickly, but the regular police cars don't shoot -- funny thing is, sometimes I had no bikes show up at all). It takes some time for your wanted level to get to 5 stars, which is when the FIB trucks start annoyingly getting in your way. If I hadn't gotten blown up by the time they'd arrived, I'd just let them kill me quickly so I could start again fresh.

Many down-voted XGC iTz MaTriX's suggestion to do pedestrian kills and I'm not sure why. A commenter said it was too slow, but maybe that person never found the right spot and vehicle to do it efficiently. If you don't have a moral objection to getting cheap pedestrian kills, I found this to be far easier than dealing with annoying aircraft.

Because for me, Vigilante mode in the Hunter wasn't very efficient... and that Hydra just plain sucks.

06 Dec 2014 09:18

This is how I do it and this is by far the best method. I have done it on the same spot but I used the big bus or police armored car.
By xox POLAK xox on 06 Dec 2014 10:40
I want to second the "ambulance mow" method of getting kills and provide some additional info.

First off, absolutely save this achievement for last. There's no reason to spend one minute grinding it until after you've completed the game, got 6 wanted stars, mastered vigilante mode, and so on. Then you know how many kills you need to get.

I tried a couple of other vehicles. The coach bus worked fine, but is less maneuverable. I also tried one of the security trucks, like the kind you use for burglaries. It may just be my imagination, but I felt like the pedestrians were a lot more apt to dodge that vehicle than they did the ambulance. And, like the OP points out, the ambulance gives you a nice repeatable cycle to work with.

I used a different route from the OP. I drove back and forth on the wide east-west street that goes through the Market, Market Station, Vinewood, and Rodeo neighborhoods. The hospital, which is two blocks east of a Cluckin' Bell, was my headquarters. I set the waypoint there so that I could quickly find it to get a fresh ambulance, if needed. Not saying my route is better, just saying what I did, and that it worked.

In the ambulance, you don't have to drive real fast to get kills. Drive it around like you would drive a tank. You also don't have to cover a lot of ground. Once you've found a group of five or six pedestrians, you've found a farm. Run them over, drive away a couple of blocks, turn around and go back, and there should be another group for you in the same spot. I did most of my work just going up and down the same four blocks of the same road. Note that the farms do change locations somewhat at different times of day.

If you do this in Los Santos, after the game is completed, you'll periodically be notified that your hood is under attack. This is good news for you, because when this happens, your wanted level disappears, and law enforcement will ignore you NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO until the hood changes hands. So, use this time to your advantage and WORK THOSE FARMS without having to deal with police cars ramming you.

I can confirm that kills you get when your ambulance explodes do count. Whenever I checked, I always had at least one (that might have been CJ himself), but sometimes, there were more. In fact, I happened to notice when I got to 3,999 kills, so I started ramming my ambulance into the wall to set it on fire, so that the achievement popped during the explosion. THAT was satisfying.

In my final push, I got 667 kills in 49 minutes, which is 13.6 kills per minute, or 817 per hour.

Thanks to the OP for a great solution, and I hope this helps make it better.
By Lt Davo on 14 Dec 2014 18:39
Indeed, I think you have! Thanks so much for your insight into this method, Lt Davo.
By z 4assed monkey on 15 Dec 2014 09:54
Guide was pretty confusing, you mentioned go to the strip at "Los Santos" so I kept looking there but then you talk about Four Dragons Casino which is located at "Las Venturas"?
By GsO Light on 25 Jul 2015 00:22
GsO Light, sorry about that, I did mean Las Venturas.

Lt Davo, thank you for adding your take on this!
By z 4assed monkey on 25 Jul 2015 04:29
Thanks, changed the vote :)
By GsO Light on 25 Jul 2015 18:27
Best solution for this achievement imo. It's also morbidly ironic, using an ambulance as a human plow... laugh
By thunderkiss92 on 10 Jan 2016 16:44
^Lol... yeh this works thank you
By Sensei Neo on 24 Jan 2016 20:34
Thank you for your comments, thunderkiss92 and Sensei Neo! I'm glad you found this solution helpful.
By z 4assed monkey on 25 Jan 2016 01:05
I don't think running people over in a vehicle works. I'm getting no tracked legitiment kills as I do it. Am I doing something wrong?
By DX Phenomenon on 24 Jul 2016 16:52
DX Phenomenon, you're looking at the wrong stat. It's not Total Legitimate Kills, it's People You've Wasted. I covered this in the second paragraph quite clearly.
By z 4assed monkey on 24 Jul 2016 20:51
I'm sorry, i'm a dumbass lol. It just popped for at exactly 4000 people wasted. What does legitimate kills have to do with this achievement?
By DX Phenomenon on 24 Jul 2016 20:56
Nothing. It's People You've Wasted.

(I feel like we're going in circles now.)
By z 4assed monkey on 24 Jul 2016 21:01
For some reason, after I've beaten the game, there are no people walking on the strip. Any ideas?
By Guidality on 28 Nov 2016 06:33
Crazy. Have you tried reloading the game? Or a console reset?
By z 4assed monkey on 29 Nov 2016 01:17
I just had to reload another save where I lost maybe 60 kills. Not the end of the world just was curious to see if there was some point of no return I crossed even though it's obviously the last achievement you should get
By Guidality on 29 Nov 2016 02:23
Thanks for the comment! The reason I recommend the ambulance is, for me this was a kill-then-get-wasted cycle, and the ambulance is right there when you spawn at the hospital. Did you survive in those vehicles for much longer than you would've in the ambulance? Looking back now, I would've liked to have started with a Tanker snatched from the highway; those things are killer.
By z 4assed monkey on 06 Dec 2014 11:57
Another good vehicle near the Hospital spawn is the fire truck. It's one block away. You can drive the ambulance killing some pedestrian in your way: from the ambulance spawn, leave the parking lot, turn left and then turn next right. You can spot the fire truck parked at a red building.

When FIB (heavy police) trucks appear, you can lure them to chase you to Four Dragons Casino and then quicky leave your vehicle and save the game using the hard disk icon. This will cause your wanted level disappear and all FIB vehicles will be there, so you can use them instead.
By rafa1000house on 04 Sep 2017 16:03
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After you beat the mission "Vertical Bird" a Minigun, Flamethrower, and Heat Seaking Rocket Launcher will spawn inside Torenos ranch in Tierra Robada (this is the place where you did the monster truck mission). There's also a save point right outside the house. The minigun has 500 ammo and every time you save it respawns, if you pick it up enough time it says you have infinite ammo although you really don't but at this point you'll know you have quite a bit of ammo to work with. You can start killing people that drive by the ranch or on the freeway and you'll get a good wanted level going, stay at the ranch and camp by the save point if you're about to die or you get a 6 star wanted level just save and you'll have your health refreshed and wanted level reset. This is pretty much cheating, but they scripted the game the way they did and I'm just takin advantage of it lol. I feel it goes without saying, but I'll just say you should do the 30 gang territories and beat the main storyline before you go for this chievo as they'll have you getting kills, (pretty much you'll want the most kills you can have before you start grinding this). Video solution below for those who prefer it.

28 Oct 2014 21:21

I got this via regular gameplay, capturing most of the gang territories both times and completing vigilante to level 12, if you do all these things, you should have at least 3500 kills, you can pad those kills by going for the "6 wanted stars" achievement.

Another thing to be aware of, the game is looking at your "CRIMES>PEOPLE YOU'VE WASTED" stat, and not your "CRIMES>TOTAL LEGITIMATE KILLS" stat.

06 Nov 2014 17:39

Go to San Fierro and die on purpose to place yourself at the hospital. As soon as you spawn, open fire on the pedestrians near the hospital doors and directly in front of it. There should be at least 30 pedestrians there. Use the M-16 and also kill the FIB agents that come. Keep doing this until you get to 4,000. Took me about 30 mins to get 1,000 kills. I find this method is much faster than running pedestrians over with cars.

Either way, 4,000 kills is quite a lot so this achievement will take some time no matter what method you use.

03 Jun 2015 21:58

I personally didnt have any luck running over pedestrians with an ambulance and didnt wanna gold all flight school missions so i did this instead wich gave me the last 500 kills i needed in 10 minutes (so that would be around 1000 every 20 minutes).

1. Play the game and complete all other achievements. You will now have around 2000 kills (what i had anyway)

2 Get the rhino (tank). Easiest way is to brake in to area 69 wich is right next to your Airport you bought for the main story in the desert (where you do the flgiht school missions). Its in one of the hangars next to a helicopter. Take then drive it in to the garage at you Airport. Leave it and enter the safe house and save your game. Full Health and no wanted stars.

3 Drive the tank back to san fierro to Dohertys garage. Where you did the triads (red dragon) mission. You also do the mission for CV there. Leave the tank so it saves in the garage. And save the game.

4 Now for the killing just drive around this area try not to go to far away. I Went all the way back to the baseball pitch where you do missions for zero (Z). Blow stuck up drive people over. When you get to 5 star start driving back to the garage but dont go in yet. Stay outside and shoot all the fbi cars that are coming.
Best would be to stay in one spot for all the time. If youre taking alot of damage you better go save the tank in the garage and save your game so you have 0 stars and a new tank. If youre tank ever gest destroyed or if you get busted (look out for cops jumping on the tank if your standing still) you have to get a new one from area 69 and to be honest its problably better to reload youre save then unless youre very Close to 4000. So Always try to be on the safe side

As a last note try to shoot the cars especially the fbi cars as when you drive in to them your Health goes down quite fast. As i said Before doing this took med 10 minutes to get my last 500 kills i needed for the achievement

Good luck

19 Jan 2015 16:55

I think the easiest way to complete this achievement the following method:

When you start the game and the gang territories are going to able go and capture all of them before Tempenny and Pulaski would take you out from Los Santos. At the end of the game when you finally go back into LS, you will have to recapture all of the territories again. This is a very good chance to reach 2000+ kills. Of course it takes time, but it's a very simple way to do it because while you are in a gang war the police don't chase you. Plus while you are doing the story missions you still have to kill a lot of NPCs.

10 Dec 2014 21:12

Ideally, this should be the the last achievement in the game. Finishing the main story line, side missions, and all other miscellaneous achievements will net around 2,000 kills.

This solution is for all those who have difficulty controlling aircraft in this game. For many, the fastest way to rack up kills is by firing missiles from the hunter or hydra. But some of us can't aim, are shot out of the sky, and crash into trees and buildings.

West of Las Venturas, just south of the desert airport, is a military base. In the southeast corner of this base is a section of the fence that is vulnerable. Steal a large vehicle and crash through this section of the fence. Or use the jetpack to hop the fence, but look out for anti-aircraft missiles. Warning: you attain an instant 5 star wanted rating. Ahead are three hangers. Inside two of them is a Rhino (tank).

Drive the Rhino out of the base the same way you came in, through the hole in the fence, and head east. Make your way to the Strip in Las Venturas. Avoid driving off cliffs, crashing into vehicles, and firing the cannon as this will slow you down and could damage the tank. Take too much damage and the Rhino will catch on fire and explode. Once on the Strip, drive at top speed along the sidewalk, squashing pedestrians. Drive as fast as you can to keep ahead of the Feds, and give pedestrians less time to run out of the way. Avoid driving on the street, as the Feds will set up road blocks. Drive up and down the Strip on either side of the street. This method nets over 50 kills a minute.

The Strip is the best place I've found to use this method as it is flat and has wide sidewalks packed with pedestrians. Other vehicles can be used, including an ambulance which is conveniently located outside the hospital where Carl spawns every time he is wasted. But the Rhino can take far more damage so it is possible, not likely but possible, to get all the requisite kills before it explodes.

Avoid getting busted or crashing into black SUVs by driving at top speed and not stopping. Getting arrested or dying will waste time, but all the kills racked up still count. Just get into a vehicle, preferably the Rhino, and head back to the Strip.

25 Mar 2015 23:55

By the time the game is completed and all other trophies except this is earned, one should be around 1800-2000 mark. More if you had planned to take over every gang territory. For the remaining 2000+ kills, make a save at abandoned air strip in the desert. Take a jet pack and land in the middle of restricted area just west of the air strip. The Rhino tank is parked inside a shelter. Jack the rhino and take it back to the airstrip. you will get 5 stars but doesn't matter with the Rhino as its almost invincible. Park in it in the garage opp to safehouse in the airstrip. Make a save to store in the garage. Now take the tank and drive it all the way down to four dragons casino entrance. From here on drive on the sideways and mow down anyone who walks on the path. Go all the way towards the end of the strip and return back the same way back to four dragons. You will net 150-250 kills based on the pedestrian spawn rate. By the time you reached the casino back there will 4-5 wanted stars. Just get down and save the game at four dragons casino to reset the wanted level and repeat the same process. 2000+ kills in about 20-30 minutes. For some reason the tank does take damage through police car explosions so have a watch. If it blows up, you may have to bring back the tank again from restricted area.

If you are lazy to bring the tank, any sturdy vehicle will do the job. Coach, slamvan etc.The game has tendency to spawn the vehicle you are currently driving, so if you use coach or slamvan instead of tank, by the time your car blows up there should be a same vehicle parked or moving around you.

14 Mar 2016 03:18

Different from the other guides, I recommend once unlocking the Las Venturas Flying School, starting the race "Heli Hell" and circling this monument in the Hunter and killing pedestrians and cops.

External image

I kept strafing around this monument and pedestrians kept spawning, kill the pedestrians, barracks, FIB cars, cop-cars, etc. Ignore the tanks and Helicopters. I got around 1,000 kills in a 30 minute session with the Hunter, but this will vary depending on skill. The Hunter is basically a sky-tank, but don't crash into the palm trees to much, or else you'll explode. LUCKILY, you will spawn only a few dozen feet away from the Flying School, so it's a rinse/repeat achievement.

03 Sep 2017 09:54

Essa conquista pode ser bem demorada, então eu fiz de tanque e recomendo o mesmo. Depois de chegar em Las Venturas, vá para Área 69 e roube o tanque, dirija até o aeroporto do CJ (Mesmo com as polícia na sua cola) estacione o tanque perto da área de save e salve. Quando você voltar você estará sem as estrelas, aí é só levar o tanque até a garagem e voltar pra salvar o game.

Depois de ter feito isso, volte para a Área 69 (no mesmo lugar onde você pegou o tanque) e fique destruindo os veículos que aparecerem.

ALERTA: Espere os militares e polícias pipocarem na tela, não atire só nos veículos, eu imagino que tenha problema apenas destruir o veículo.

E caso você morra (algo bem difícil) refaça todo esse procedimento.

05 Nov 2021 14:11

There is a very effective respawn method in the Four Dragons Casino in the city of Venturas. I recommend saving your game before buying your ammo so you don't waste your money. get the achievement and charge. If my solution works for you, vote positive please... toast

02 Nov 2020 18:09

This one will be fun. Going through the campaign, I had about 3,500 kills when everything was done. If you need more, simply take the Hydra jet from your airstrip (it will spawn there after Toreno's second to last mission) and blow everything the hell up. Make sure you save beforehand if you die or something goes wrong.