Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition

35 Achievements


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Stealth kill all enemies in the mission "Madd Dogg's Rhymes".


How to unlock the Assassin achievement in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

There are a total of eight guards to kill. For the first half of this section, you will need to kill:

The first guard as you enter
The guard patrolling the pool
The guard who comes after the pool area
The guard by the music room

After you get the rhyme book, hide in the adjacent room, on the other side, as you can hide in the shadows. A guard will come and you can sneak up and kill him. PICK UP HIS SILENCED PISTOL.

From this point, you will make your way back. You will kill a guard blocking your way, just before the room with Madd Dogg. Kill him with the silenced pistol as knifing him will alert Madd Dogg.

After this room, hide in the room on the left as another guard will come patrolling. Take him out when he turns around. The final guard will be patrolling the pool. Take him out, go outside and the achievement will pop. You do not need to kill the guard behind the bar.

Also, as a heads up, if you get caught just get yourself killed. There is a checkpoint as soon as you enter and you can still get the achievement even if you die and respawn at the checkpoint.

11 Nov 2021 19:19

This one is quite hard, also when You go out and achievement don’t pop You need to fail mission and start all over because checkpoint is saved when You are outside…
Edit: Got it. When You have the gun kill the rest with headshot. Leave the guy behind bar alive.
By CoTenZiolo on 11 Nov 2021 19:51
as soon as I turn the corner to the bar area the guy behind the bar sees me. Standing, crouching, it doesn't matter. as soon as I turn the corner, he starts shooting
By liljon2137 on 12 Nov 2021 00:32
Same, the guard behind the bar attacks me straight away, crouched or not
By ITS A ROCK on 12 Nov 2021 05:41
you need to hug the left wall after the dark room kill to avoid the man behind the bar from seeing you , also make sure you stop moving before stealth killing so the animation will play out
By HellMark619 on 12 Nov 2021 09:29
i had this problem too so i restarted the game/check point a bunch of times until it "unbugged" and i got a run through where he stopped shooting at me. kinda tedious but worked for me
By Ceroface on 12 Nov 2021 11:55
im having tons of problems with this, the 3rd guard has started to run to wherever im hiding.
By jamdigga on 13 Nov 2021 01:14
It sucks im going to have to start a new game just to do this again, I wish they had mission replays for the definitive edition
By VAxBakedPotato on 13 Nov 2021 09:05
Guide works great! It can get a little finicky if you try knife assassinating the guards while they are walking. I psyched myself out a couple of times because they made a sound like they had seen me, but the knifing animation had kicked it and it still counted as a stealth kill.
By Tozi Tiberius on 15 Nov 2021 15:54
guard 4 gave me some trouble but found that "hugging the left hand wall of the hallway and moving in a straight line to the second stool from the doorway" someone said 2 post down below worked for me on 1st attempt
By MoHxNICKxNL on 15 Nov 2021 21:26
i successfully sneak killed every single enemy, didn't get the achievement when i went outside, so I went to the finish, and still didn't get it. so basically i did everything correctly, didn't get the achievement, and now I'm locked out of getting the achievement unless i make a new save. every enemy was sneak killed. I know this because nobody said any dialogue of finding more, nor did anyone pull out their guns to find me.
By Im Skooma on 20 Nov 2021 05:32
I got this on my stream last night, so here is a video of it if you want to follow.
By busyguyUK on 20 Nov 2021 19:19
So if the blips changing to a normal enemy square seems to void the achievement, what would I do when I restart the mission from the checkpoint and their blips have already changed? Can I still do it from there, or do I have to redo the mission again to get the blips back? Because others have said they can restart and still get the achievement, but I'm struggling to see that working if the blips changing voids it.
By DerTeufelkind on 21 Nov 2021 02:33
It didnt voided it for me. Blips were always pale arrows even with spotted, and when reloading checkpoint they all were red squares. Got the achievement regardless.
By Psi Commando on 21 Nov 2021 15:53
is this achievement counted towards 100% of a save file? I'd assume not because how could it be but i'd like to know before attempting as this is all ive missed and im in the endgame now.
By Durzo89 on 26 Nov 2021 13:42
This achievement is not counted toward the 100% achievement.
By Kingillings on 27 Nov 2021 12:06
This isn’t unlocking for me and I’ve done it perfectly 10 times now.
In fact a few achievements aren't unlocking for me e.g the one for drowning.
Weirdly I got an achievement for eating 8 Cluckin’ Bell meals about 5 minutes after I’d had my 8th meal. Is it the game that’s bugged or are achievements in general having problems right now?
*EDIT* Tried again today and it unlocked. I guess something was on the fritz yesterday.
By mkdfan on 09 Dec 2021 02:35
Holy shit that was annoying. Stupid wonky assassination mechanic only worked about 30% of the time.
By Mr MahHa on 19 Dec 2021 03:24
talk about annoying - for some reason I got a save file (thankfully I duplicated it) that got stuck where EVERY TIME I tried to move on to the fourth guard by the bar, the bartender immediately turns and starts shooting me, even though I'm crouching.

Finally got it after close to 20 attempts. Not sure why this has to be so hard lol
By Konuckle on 18 Jan 2022 14:41
I killed the guard behind the bar while going for the rhyme book, simply because he has a bad habit of spotting CJ for some reason, just be quick when taking that corner going left past him. Coming back out, there's another guard in his place, but I left him alive since he has his back turned and as the solution states regardless, I got the achievement.
By Anima Pura on 12 Feb 2022 14:15
Followed the guide exactly and it didn't pop for me. Don't know what I did wrong.
By MR06ASM on 22 Nov 2022 14:22
Had to redo the mission three times for it to unlock.
By MR06ASM on 22 Nov 2022 14:34
it is still bugged for me. I have repeated the mission for about 20 times all with different methods but it did not unlock. I even did create a new game just to get this achievement but it did not unlock... any ideas?
By Anvaar on 03 May 2024 15:39
Took a couple tries with guards facing the wrong way and map bugging out. Not too bad.
By Magic Skoo1 Bus on 13 Nov 2021 18:32
I'd say it's a good idea to have a manual save for this. Be careful with the pistol it has to be a one shot kill, I put 2 hots into the body of one guard due to the auto aim and it voided the achievement as I assume the first shot alerted him. The achievement pops as soon as you exit the mansion so if you don't get it there reload the save and start over.
By Calex dEUS on 13 Nov 2021 19:46
Just wanted to throw this out there-- not 100% sure, but keep an eye on your radar and pay attention to the enemy blips. For my run where I got the achievement, the enemy blips were just red tinted versions of the player blip, however, I also did a run where I did all stealth kills as well, but the blips had turned into the standard red enemy icons. I did not get the achievement on that run.

I think it's possible to do stealth kills but accidentally alert the enemy AI while doing so, voiding the achievement. I thought perhaps the blip change may be a way to indicate whether or not a run has been voided, would love a confirmation if anyone has the time. Good luck!
By Alghieri on 20 Nov 2021 22:05
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If you prefer here is a video guide showing how to do it:

Make sure to HOLD cn_LT and press cn_RT behind the enemy to kill him stealthly.

11 Nov 2021 22:07

By SlewThem on 12 Nov 2021 20:07
Worked perfect. I got caught 3 times, let them kill me and restarted the mission. Still popped.
By Joker De Pablo on 14 Nov 2021 13:02
Followed this video guide and got it easily enough. I feel like the 2nd guard is the hardest to get, got stuck there a few times
By Favious M on 20 Nov 2021 11:22
Worked perfectly, thank you.
By wilko92 on 03 Dec 2021 07:39
Bloody guy behind the bar, spots me when I try to move passed. even with crouching and moving slowly
By Tupper29 on 13 Jan 2022 16:36
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Once you get to Madd Dogg's mansion you will need to use the knife given to you to stealth kill all the guards. You will know that you perform a successful stealth kill when CJ stabs the guard downwards into his neck instead of slashing them. If you fail to perform a stealth kill, allow the guard to kill you and you will be given the option to restart from the checkpoint where you first enter the mansion.

You start off behind Guard 1 and the game gives you a short tutorial on how to stealth kill enemies. Kill the guard and proceed to the pool room.

Guard 2 patrols the pool room in a clock wise pattern. Enter the room and stick to the wall on your right hand side. Eventually he will stop, or if you're skilled enough you can take him down while moving. Get as close as you can to him without touching and stop. There will be a split moment where you can stealth kill him before he gets too far away. Either way, kill him and continue on.

Guard 3 will be patrolling towards you and the game will prompt you to hide in the shadows. Enter the room on the left and wait for him to stand in the doorway, looking into the pool room where he will be easy to take down, then continue down the hallway he came from.

Guard 4 is behind the bar and Guard 5 is sitting on the couch in front of the tv. Guard 4's vision can give you a bit of trouble. I found that hugging the left hand wall of the hallway and moving in a straight line to the second stool from the doorway works every time. Once you get to the stool, move around the bar and take Guard 4 out. Then take out Guard 5 on the couch.

Continue on into another hallway and enter the room on your left with the body armor. Pick it up, (because hey, free armor) and continue through the room. You'll come out behind Guard 6. Take him down and go into the recording studio to pick up the rhyme book.

Once you pick up the rhyme book, stay crouched down behind the recording equipment. Several guards spawn in, including one to your south. Wait for Guard 7 to move through the body armor room and follow him. He'll stop in the doorway and will be easy to kill. Head back to the lounge.

Guard 8 is in the doorway, facing away from you. Kill him and ignore Guard 9 on the couch for now. Guard 10 is behind the bar and I found he'll sometimes catch you killing Guard 9. Move to the entrance behind the bar and hug as far left as you can. Sneak up behind Guard 10, then go back for Guard 9. Before exiting the lounge, turn the camera so you can look down the hall.

Guard 11 has a patrol route moving towards you and then away. Wait for him to turn away from you and then sneak into the room on the left. Wait for him to come back again and when he turns back and begins to walk away, sneak out and kill him. You need to be quick so take him out by getting close to him while he's walking then stealth killing him before he's out of range. Once he's down turn the camera so you can see into the pool room.

Guard 12 follows the same path as Guard 2, clockwise around the pool room. Wait for him to move right, past the door and follow him. Take him out when you're ready and then take a deep breath, you've done it. Exit the mansion and the achievement should pop when you're back on the overworld map.

12 Nov 2021 09:26

If you mess up just quit out and load again and it starts at the beginning of the house and achievement still popped for me - great guide man thanks
By TREX1979 on 16 Nov 2021 06:05
Guide is perfection. Thank you!
By Visions of Gore on 24 Nov 2021 13:49
Best guide

Almost got mad always getting spotted by the bar guy but i did as you said and it worked straight.
By Psi Commando on 21 Nov 2021 15:54
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I'd just like to add in addition to the other guides, if the guard dies via the stealth kill animation and CJ does NOT perform his half of the animation, this STILL counts.

If you slash you will have to die and try again however.

Though when you do get the silenced pistol just headshot the rest, particularly the guard standing in the middle of the doorway into the lounge/bar area as I have knifed him more than once and had the gent on the couch playing his game notice.

Achievement pops upon leaving the mansion.

13 Nov 2021 01:24

This is not a hard achievement, just take your time. Be sure to hold LT and tap RT once when you are close enough. Check this video out to give yourself an idea of what to do. If you get spotted don't worry just get killed and try again.

16 Jan 2022 11:26


23 Mar 2022 22:06

I just struggled with this before looking for others' experiences, and based on some observations, this was my run:

For part 1, knifed the first three guards, knifed the guard behind the bar, and skipped the guy on the couch. For part 2, knifed the first guard, took his gun, and shot the second guard. Skipped the guard on the couch and behind the bar, shot the next guard, and skipped the pool guard.

From what I can tell, this achievement is exceedingly poorly worded, and all it requires is to get in and get out with the rhyme book without being detected. You don't need to kill everyone, and you don't need to only use the knife. I spent a lot of time trying to do what I thought the achievement meant before coming to this realization.

21 Aug 2022 11:13

Make sure to HOLD L2 and press R2 behind the enemy to kill him stealthly.

11 Nov 2021 22:13

It should be noted that this does not require you to kill all enemies in the mansion, nor does it require you only use the knife to do so, the silenced pistol works fine once you get it. You just need to get through without alerting anyone so anyone you do kill needs to be stealth killed with the knife or a headshot with the silenced pistol.

These are the steps I took:

Stealth kill the first guard standing in the doorway then the patrolling guard.

When the next guard is coming, duck into the room on the back left, hiding behind the corner wall then stealth kill him while he's standing in the doorway to the pool

Before entering the bar use your right stick to look round the corner to make sure the bartender is busy at the back then sneak past him along the bar.

You MUST kill the guy sitting on the sofa. You can do this from behind the sofa with a knife kill, so it's easy to do but if you don't he'll be alerted when you take out another guard later.

Go diagonally through the room on the left with armor then to your right will be a guard, take him out.

Get the book then head over to the corner by the door (to the right of the door facing it from inside the room). Wait for the guard to enter armor room then kill him and get his silenced pistol.

Head back towards the bar and kill the standing guard (this is the one that would have alerted the gaming guy) then sneak past the sofas and the bartender.

Use the right stick and your map to make sure the patrolling guard isn't heading your way then duck into the room on the left. When the patrolling guard turns around near this door and walks away back towards the pool sneak out and kill him.

There's one more patrolling guard in the pool area so take him out too.

Escape the mansion. The trophy should pop as soon as you are outside.

10 Jan 2022 10:36