

63 Achievements


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A passion for extreme

A passion for extreme

Complete the game in extreme mode


How to unlock the A passion for extreme achievement in GreedFall - Definitive Guide

Oh boy, folks. This is a lovely achievement in terms of ratio and value. But it's going to take some work. Fear not, however, as it's not as hard (or extreme) as you might think.

First, I HIGHLY recommend completing a full playthrough on easy before you attempt this achievement. To start, you can get the full experience that way. Assuming you're a completionist, you can also knock out about 49 or the games 58 achievements this way too. On your first playthrough, you should aim to have all factions friendly, and to complete all romances except for Aphra's. To ensure this, I also recommend that you use a female character for your first playthrough. Through some strategic saves, you should also be able to get all but one of the different endings. The one you should have left is A Big Step Toward Peace. This is because you cannot be positively aligned ("friendly") with all factions to earn it, and on your Extreme playthrough you'll focus primarily on story missions (and thus will not achieve friendly status with more than two factions. Finally, you'll get a good sense of what you need to do for each mission, the general play-style, where the good swag is, and what the bosses are like.

Second, your Build. You should start the game as a technician, as you will be using a pistol and then rifle almost exclusively throughout the game. You can't quite kite in this game, but you can stay your distance and survive much more easily with guns. For your attribute, choose accuracy to start the game. I recommend getting accuracy to level 2 and then alternating thereafter with endurance. These will be the only attributes you use. Accuracy increases your gun damage and ability to destroy armor, which is crucial since all enemies have more armor in Extreme. Your talent should first be science. For most of the game you only need to put one point into this, as you can use the blacksmith in New Serene to add +1 science, +1 lockpick, or +1 vigor to various pieces of chest armor. I recommend rolling with vigor as your main armor (this increases your ability to carry items and ammo, which is essential), and keeping two other pairs of armor with science and lockpick for when you need them. When you can, put one more point into science so it's at level 2 (so with armor you can get this to level 3 and make the best potions, which will help with the last few bosses in the game) and then get vigor to level 2 (which will technically be level 3 because of your main armor set). Then dump a point into charisma (this will already be at level 1 because of the capes that you can buy from merchants fairly early, so this will put it at level 2, which will allow you to finesse many conversations) and then one into intuition. Nothing concerning craftsmanship or magic is useful in this playthrough, so don't worry about those.

For the more visually inclined, here's a sweet video showing your more precise aspects of the build, including where you should put your skill points [not my content]:

The short of it is that you should build up your gun skill [in the technician tree] ASAP until you can use rifles. Then you should build up your stasis skill fully [this is in the magic tree]. Stasis is going to be how you earn this achievement. It completely stops normal enemies until they are attacked, the second point your put into it starts to shred enemy armor, and the fourth point makes it so the next strike is increased by 50% damage. In short, stasis is incredibly useful. Bonus: you do not need a ring or to invest in Divine Magic Ring to use it. With a basic necklace that regens magic you can use stasis about 10 times or so before you need a magic potion (which should only really happen during boss fights). After you get stasis maxed, I actually recommend going for the ultimate skill in the technician tree called Bomb. If you want to get there quickly, go down the Anointed Weapons skill chain. In the clip above, dude recommends traps early on, and the healing skill, but I didn't find either especially useful. In any case, once you have Bomb and the two skills after it, go for Roll between the technician and warrior skill trees. You might want to get this sooner rather than later. It basically makes your dodge more effective. Then spend points wherever you like.

*** You want science at level 1 so you can craft your own ammo. This requires 2 hoof fungus and 1 crude ore per bullet, so gather these things and purchase them as frequently as possible ***

This isn't mentioned in the video guide above, but I recommend that you locate all the skill altars in the game so you can speed up your empowerment. The maps on this site show where the altars are in each location [also not my content]:

Companions: I rolled with Vasco and Siora the whole game, except for when I completed all of Aphra's sidequests for that romance achievement. Don't bother with Kurt [see spoiler above]. To be honest, your companions will mostly serve as decoys while you hang back and blast away with stasis and your gun. They die all the time, but at least Siora heals you occasionally. This really comes down to personal preference, though I completed all of Vasco's quests in my extreme playthrough too because they are easy, give some nice experience, and give you a bonus to the intimidation talent. I also completed all of Siora's quests (when she's friendly you get a boost to vigor) and Aphra's quests, ONLY romancing Aphra (though you can save and reload to get Aphra and Vasco's romance achievements on this extreme playthrough with a male character if you still need them).

Armor: I won't list all the armor I used here, as you'll naturally acquire better sets as you move through the game. Fun fact: you can change armor with Kurt and even Constantin before you leave Old Serene. Once you get a Sailor Coat, hang onto that bad boy and make it either your +1 science or +1 lockpicking standby. It is also essential to strolling through Naut warehouses with no worries. Otherwise they will attack you and you'll lose faction points. Bummer. Anyway, you should always aim to upgrade your armor ASAP by going to the blacksmith in New Selene. Always go with the purple-tier improvements. I focused more on armor than balance. Now, once you get to about level 14 or so, and your endurance is at level 2, head to Wenshaganaw. This is where I got the Merchant Prince torso, hand, and foot armor that I used for the rest of the game. It's going to require killing a serious mini-boss, but it's well worth it. And with the use of the stasis / gun / repeat formula, you should be able to take him down without too much trouble. Then follow this little guide [also not my content] for where to find that sweet, legendary Merchant Prince set here:

Upgrade these as soon as you can, obviously. For pistols / rifles, these periodically update in the travelling merchant shop you get at the loading screen between zones. I always upgraded the armor damage option over main damage, but that's up to you. FYI: shops upgrade their wares every few levels. I believe once you hit level 25 you can get a 100 quality rifle (Perfect Musket) at the merchant in Hikmet. There are no legendary guns in the game. Wah wah. Lastly, you'll eventually loot a Legendary Officer's Barbut for a helment, though there are some decent purple-tier options too.

Traps: didn't use them [I got the traps achievement my first playthrough, and they're not really effective on Extreme; same goes for phials]
Magic: useless on Extreme. Do not bother.
Potions: health potions are your friend, first and foremost. Apart from these, I didn't use any potions except for boss fights. In boss fights, use stasis and take advantage of the Tactical Pause feature to use resistance potions, magic potions as needed, power potions, and armor ointments as needed. I upgrade my science to level 3 during the latter third or so of the game, and I found transitioned to the greater variant of all of these potions. You might make it through the game without them, but I found them to be vital during boss fights.

*** Do everything you can to become friendly with the Native faction. You should have a good idea of what this entails from your first playthrough, and thankfully you can abuse the save anytime feature to ensure you always make the best decision for them during quests. Just save before you talk to anyone, and reload if you get a any minus points to the Native faction. This should come pretty naturally regardless. ***

Again, the only sidequests I completed were for Vasco, Siora, and Aphra. The rest of the time I focused on plowing through main story quests. This was all enough to get me to level 29 by the end of the game (I hit level 36 on my first playthrough, and that was doing all quests, for reference). This is more than enough to take care of the final boss.

Last thing, just so this is clear: your strategy in every single fight is to lock onto an enemy, use stasis, use your gun, use stasis, use your gun, etc. Always. There is no reason to ever use your sword, except for the very early parts of the game when ammo is in short supply. This will only get you swarmed and killed. Dodge frequently. Thankfully most enemies have pretty predictable attack patterns. Once you have Bomb, use it at the start of every battle. You'll wipe out enemy armor quickly and poison them at the same time, which is super useful. This same strategy applies to boss fights, though you'll need to dodge more and make use of potions. What's really great about Stasis is that you can often nullify a boss attack by using it. This will save your precious bacon many times over.

That's it, folks! Good luck, and good huntin'. You'll probably never use an actual arquebus, so enjoy it in Greedfall. BOOM.

16 Feb 2020 03:55

Is magic really that useless in Extreme?
I'm currently on my first playthrough using magic and I am enjoying it a lot, it feels very powerful, and even those who are resistant to it I can easily whittle down to nothing.
By SinnSly on 12 Dec 2020 08:28
I thought so but if you're making it work for you, please proceed.
By Cellar Attic on 12 Dec 2020 20:52
The build in the video is awesome. Made it to the last boss at level 26 and beat it in 4-5 tries. Seemed to me he was a bit quicker than on normal difficulty but still really not as hard as you would think at first.
By Parkman Rules on 21 Dec 2020 02:36
Overall, I didn't think this was too challenging as far as "insane difficulty" achievements go. Glad you found the video helpful!
By Cellar Attic on 21 Dec 2020 18:02
I cursed my way through almost all the game on extreme using melee weapons only. I am really glad I checked the guide after dying for the millionth time on one of the final bosses :)
By rutunk on 24 Jan 2021 10:02
I'm about 3/4's of the way through my extreme playthrough using magic. Started out pretty rough but as you get into your level into the high teens and not finding it too difficult. Actually finding it tearing up base level enemies pretty quickly now that I'm leveled into the mid-20's. But if the final boss proves too difficult will probably re-spec as suggested in this build.
By Rista B on 13 Aug 2021 14:05
There is legendary rifle in chest of the Alliance Laboratory’s head master room.
By Lightshaft X on 20 Sep 2021 04:55
Bomb does nothing to mini bosses/bosses. I have it fully upgraded and all it does is take 1 and half armour off and poison.
By Goggs25 on 18 Dec 2021 19:12
If I choose to join Constantin, can I get this achievement and avoid a big battle?
By Owen H Brown on 31 Dec 2022 04:06
Bombs and throwables are insanely strong against any non boss packs. I highly recommend going that route instead of the weapon coatings. Also, the heal is pretty nice because it will cleanse poison and heal armor on top of healing, and it can keep your allies alive. Situational, of course, but what else to spend points on?
By TheBigBB on 01 Jan 2023 11:12
About to jump into this game. For the first “easy” play through do you have any hints as to where to strategic save, or is it pretty obvious that there is something big so make a new save?
By luckyzm3 on 30 Jun 2020 14:57
I think it's usually pretty obvious, but I would follow the other achievement solutions regarding Kurt. And always save before you seal the deal romance-wise, then reload once you unlock the respective companion achievement. You can save at any time, anywhere, so I used the maximum amount of save slots and ALWAYS saved before I turned in a quest, just so I could make sure I get only positive faction points. Toward the end of the game you should be sure to have what I call an untouchable save. This is when you need to select the next leader of the land from the Natives. This is really obvious, as the game makes it clear you're heading into the home-stretch and you'll have to choose between the various options. Be sure to look over the achievement guides for the respective endings too so you can strategize about who to support and what factions to align with.

Generally speaking, I maintained a positive relationship with everyone in my first playthrough.
By Cellar Attic on 30 Jun 2020 16:14
I am in the middle of my extreme run, but here's my take on the build based on completing the game on normal once (and what i've seen on extreme so far):
Technician with shooting -> good
But Pistols with more than one shot per reload yield a higher dps than rifles at the price of a higher ammo consumption. Advantage: Less reloads means more time/chances to dodge.
Stasis is not that good in combination with multi-shot pistols, a fully maxed stasis grenade is much better for crowd control. Basically only useful for a short breather in boss fights. I did try the stasis - shoot loop before but it didnt work out too great for me. If you get used to it and dont watch/manage your mp you will sometimes get surprised by stasis not working because a lack of mp. I personally found it too tedious/annoying to also have to watch mp (and use potions) in addition to constant reloading and dodging.
Bomb is strong, but i rarely got to use it. Its rage costs are just too high and the stasis/rifle combo builds up rage too slowly. It also needs quite a few skill points to reach which might be better spent for dodge roll or stasis upgrades. A well placed elemental grenade also deals a sufficient amount of armor damage, is not restricted by rage and the throw animation is much faster. I tend to sometimes us the rage melee attack with a one handed blade weapon, especially early game to conserve ammo. Multishot pistols build up rage decently quickly.
By GaryBlack2311 on 25 Jul 2021 11:51
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This is how you dupe items, you can start the game on the hardest difficulty and do everything you need with an infinite amount of potions and ammo etc.
Makes this game a 1 Playthrough game.

Go to a Chest
Put an ingedient you have a lot of into the chest.
Put one of the item you want duplicated into the chest.
Go to the ingredient tab in the chest
Hit LB + A at the exact same time and it will show that you want to take the big number of ingredients out, but in the back ground you will see you are on the consumable.
Press A again.
The Ingredient number transfers to the consumable number.
You can then alternate between things this way to just constantly grow the number of items you want.
I had like 800 ammo and 800 Mega potions for Extreme.
Made it a baby game.

16 May 2021 01:25

laugh Fantastic, however I think you still need to do two playthroughs for the romance achievements. But this is an amazing tip, hopefully it hasn't been patched yet.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 04 Jul 2021 04:47
Still works 03/19/23. Ammo, potions, and gold (from selling items)!
By No Politics on 19 Mar 2023 15:54
Found a nice and easy way to do this. When I was fighting the final boss on easy difficulty, I simply got it down to a sliver of health, went into the game settings, and upped the difficulty to Extreme, and finished the boss off.

Credits rolled, achievement popped.

10 Sep 2022 16:01

Not true. Just tested it 15.12.22. Down voted.
By I Sphyre I on 15 Dec 2022 22:21
Worked for me
By Genetics on 29 Dec 2022 19:02
Getting two different stories here, anyone know if it's just been patched digitally? If so physical might be the way to go.
By Lateribus on 29 Jan 2023 15:59
I played it digitally through Game Pass
By WulfTek on 29 Jan 2023 16:35
This didn't work
By darknight507 on 12 Jun 2023 19:33
If anyone's still wondering I tried this method with a physical copy and it popped.
By HooDooYooDoo on 01 Nov 2023 22:35
This appears to still be working. I played through the game on Normal and beat the boss. I loaded the save back up and dropped the difficulty to Discovery. Got the boss down to one shot from death and then changed the difficulty to Extreme. Popped after the final decision is made.

I am playing the digital Gold edition of the game if that makes a difference.
By UpliftGecko on 08 Apr 2024 00:59
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Extreme is the highest difficulty available in GreedFall, however you need not fear it, it's not as 'extreme' as you would think, given it's name and can be made even easier by a duplication glitch and a Technical-skill focussed build.

While you can use whichever build you feel most comfortable with, I would reccommend that you focus on building your character to use firearms and traps, then eventually supplanting the traps with bombs, as this seems to be the most powerful build you can make, especially when using the duplication glitch. You will want to put your skill points into the Technical skill tree to improve your firearms damage and efficiency and unlock traps and bombs. As well as these you may want to unlock the Stasis skill in the Magic tree as it is very useful and can be used without the use of a magic ring.

You will want to invest your attribute points into Accuracy and Endurance to increase your firearm damage and health, respectively. Firearms have a prerequisite accuracy rating that you need to be to use them, so having this high will allow you to keep using newer more powerful firearms as you find them. Having higher health is self explanatory.

As for talents, they're not too important here, though having higher Charisma and/or Intuition will allow you to talk your way out of some situations. Otherwise you could invest in Science and/or Craftsmanship to allow you to craft potions, bombs and bullets, however if you're using the duplication glitch, this is mostly unimportant, as you can just buy a few of these things from merchant and then use them for the glitch.

So your general combat strategy will be to stay away from melee and keep moving. Throw down traps as often as you can and keep firing your gun, then when you get bombs, assign them to a quick button and the game just becomes easy as you can then spam them in fights and defeat almost anything with ease.

I would also reccommend acquiring the legendary armour set detailed in the description for "Worthy of legends" as it can be found very early on and is about as strong of an armour set as you can get, especially when upgraded and will comfortably serve you for the rest of the game. Also, when using the duplication glitch, acquire lots of upgrade materials, then speak to the blacksmith in New Serene and have him craft the top tier upgrades for you, making the armour set completely overpowered. Do this too for your companions weapon/armour if you wish for an even more overpowered experience.

The duplication glitch will allow you to accrue an effectively infinite supply of bullets, bombs, traps and anything else you wish that can be stacked. You can use this to duplicate valuable items then sell them to merchants for gold to then use to buy any weapons/armour you want. It really makes this difficulty much easier.

The duplication glitch is detailed in the video below. Full credit to chapomon for the video;

This has been edited from my PS4 guide. Please use this one for maximum return on trophies.

This solution may be a bit long winded so bear with me.

First make sure you choose Extreme at the beginning of the game. Once that's done, do not change the difficulty.

Second, make sure you're playing as a female de Sardet, as during this run it is best to romance Kurt and also Vasco and Siora, you can play as male, but it is best to get Kurt's romance done on this run, as we are going for the best ending to maximise our level.

Third, I'll go through the character build I used. I tried it with a Warrior and relying on melee doesn't work for this mode. Mages take too much damage in the early stages. The best class is Technical.

Make sure you evenly spred the points between Accuracy and Endurance until they are both level three. Then use the next two on Accuracy and the two after that on endurance. For the purposes of this build, any you gain after this, should be put in to Willpower.

GreedFall (PS4)In search of perfectionThe In search of perfection trophy in GreedFall (PS4) worth 26 pointsUnlock the 5 levels of an attribute

Level three Science is your first port of call, this allows you to make your own bullets whilst also trippling the amount you make at any one time.
Second is Vigor level three. Then Lockpicking Level 2 (Make sure your breastplate has the lockpicking strap kit, to boost the skill to three)
Then Intuition two. Charisma also works really well, so I'll leave that to you, the bonus with charisma is that you can equip and linen cape for a bonus 1 point to make it level three.

GreedFall (PS4)ExpertiseThe Expertise trophy in GreedFall (PS4) worth 25 pointsUnlock the 3 levels of a talent

Make sure you find ALL skillpoint altars around the world map
Unlock them in this order:
Precise Callibration
Destructive shot
Impact Bullets
Galvanising Fury
Vengeful Fury
Set Trap
Fast Traps
Destructive Elemental Preparations
Seismic Magic Preparations
Economical Alchemy
Phial Throw
Light Grenades
Mephitic Charge
Extended Statis Alchemy
Devestating Grenades
Powerful Bomb
Toxic Bomb

Magic skills
Corrosive Emnation
Perfect Incantation
Magic Healing
Purifying Healing
Devine Aid
Steel healing
Group healing

Tech Skills
Anointed Weapons
Alchemical Dose
Assassin's Touch
Focused Alchemical Fire
Alchemical Earthquake

GreedFall (PS4)Incomparable techniqueThe Incomparable technique trophy in GreedFall (PS4) worth 32 pointsUnlock all Technical skills

at this point save your game, wherever you may be, you've become a God said he, excuse me.
Anyway, once the game is save you should have at least one memory crystal by now (I had six just after the highking selection mission) use a memory crystal and then put all your points into warriors skill tree.
GreedFallThe art of warThe The art of war trophy in GreedFall worth 34 pointsUnlock all the warrior skills

and then do the same for magic skills either by reloading or using a second memory crystal

GreedFallMagical perfectionThe Magical perfection trophy in GreedFall worth 34 pointsUnlock all Magic skills

Reload your save and continue (I was too lazy to reset the character back up)

Magic Tree
Shield of the Enlightened
Steadfast Light
Shield of Fury
Holy Bulwark
Blessing of the Enlightend

If you get anymlore points - either from skill altars or leveling up - make sure Storm is fully leveled as it can be helpful against bigger groups of enemies.


Keep your distance and use your rifle (you can use a pistol if you find one you really like) When the fury gauge is filled out, use Bomb.
Use roll when you spot an enemy about to attack to avoid damage.
Try to use Magic Healing to keep your companions and yourself with a bit of armour during the fight. Use resusitation powder if one of them falls.

Don't use traps after you've unlocked Phial throw. Hot key a few bombs to your quick skills (I had poison on cn_right and Magic and elemental on cn_R2 + cn_X and cn_O respectively.
Make sure to unlock the trap trophy before switiching this skill out.
GreedFallDeceitfulThe Deceitful trophy in GreedFall worth 35 pointsDo damage 200 times with traps

We aren't going to use coating as it is fairly useless on Extreme but it does unlock an extra tropht and means you won't have to do an extra playthtough to get it.

Where possible in the wilds, use Assassination to eliminate as many enemies from big groups as possible fairly early. You do this by pressing cn_LS to couch and sneaking up behind an enemy and pressing cn_X when prompted.

GreedFall (PS4)Shadow bladeThe Shadow blade trophy in GreedFall (PS4) worth 33 pointsUse your assassination skills 30 times

Use stasis alot once unlocked to also earn
GreedFallWar mageThe War mage trophy in GreedFall worth 29 pointsDo damage 500 times with an offensive spell

You can only do damage once, once the spell is cast so you must wait for the spell to end once you recast it.

Hot keys

Directional pad
cn_down = Light
cn_left = health potion
cn_right = Poison Phial Throw
cn_up = Fire Rifle/Pistol

R2 Keys
cn_X = Magic Phial
cn_O = Elemental Phial
cn_S = Bomb
cn_T = Healing Magic

If you want to (and don't feel lile using the tactical pause menu), you can replace Poison Phial with Statis, if you find that more useful as Stasis is particularly good in boss/guardian fights to stop them from using certain attacks.

Unless you're doing a side quest for a certain companion, I'd suggest taking Siora and Aphra most places with you (before Aphra is available then use either Petrus or Vasco)

Kurt is a Warrior and can be a pain to keep alive, although he's very good for helping you strip down a boss' armour rating.

Siora has some nice buffs that she provides and is also a pain to keep alive but her buffs are very helpful at times.

Aphra is one of the least painful to keep alive, she's a technician like ourselves on this run, so kitting her with a very powerful pistol of weapon is a must.
Make sure it's different to yours though i.e. If we are doing high damage output, shhe must do high armour damage output.

Vasco is similar advice to both Kurt and Aphra. The advantage of Vasco is some situations over aphra is that he can do melee damage and run away to use his pistol, like we can with our main character. Without Really good armour and armour upgrades though, he does tend to take a lot of damage when he goes in to melee mode.

Finally, Petrus, He must be given a high level ring if you're going to use him. He must be given as higher leveled armour as you can find him, with nice upgrades, chest plate for amour/balance upgrades and the rest of his armour should focus on resistances.

Save managment
You can get three romances in this run by saving appropiately. Save BEFORE talking to them after their third quest. Then reload once the trophy is unlocked.

The first available one really should be Vasco
GreedFallLove and the seaThe Love and the sea trophy in GreedFall worth 39 pointsBe in a relationship with Vasco

Depending on your characters gender, your second will either be Kurt or Aphra (Kurt is Female only and Aphrs is Male only).
GreedFallGuardian of loveThe Guardian of love trophy in GreedFall worth 43 pointsBe in a relationship with Kurt


GreedFallLove and botanyThe Love and botany trophy in GreedFall worth 43 pointsBe in a relationship with Aphra

Finally you'll do Siora's trophy.

GreedFallMinundhanemThe Minundhanem trophy in GreedFall worth 37 pointsBe in a relationship with Siora

For the last romance you must start a new game to achieve the trophy.
I found IGN's guide really helpful here as when I ran through, I'd forgotten what to say to them.

Must do ALL companion quests and keep Kurt alive, must do as many side quests as possible (Go for either having every faction at at least Nice or all at friendly for the endgame).

GreedFall (PS4)Friendship above allThe Friendship above all trophy in GreedFall (PS4) worth 29 pointsFinish all companion quests

GreedFall (PS4)Serve to convinceThe Serve to convince trophy in GreedFall (PS4) worth 28 pointsComplete 20 secondary quests

GreedFall (PS4)Arena ExcellenceThe Arena Excellence trophy in GreedFall (PS4) worth 24 pointsSucceed in all the challenges of the arena

It possible to get all but one ending trophy with all factions at friendly.

First: Makes sure you arrest and build an successful case against Doctor Asili
Second: The Mother Cardinal MUST reavel the truth about their religion and their God.
Third: All Companion quests and side quests must be completed (make sure you do the camps one as well for:)
GreedFallExplorerThe Explorer trophy in GreedFall worth 35 pointsFind and set all camp fires

For this you need to turn the completed quest in.
Four: Choose the right king for the ending you want.

Save at the highking selection, for this to work, you need to have all three willing to support you, this is helped by the Native being at friendly status and even greatly helped by being in a relationship with Siora.
Save when you have to give the crown to a king.

Now the choices.
Duncas - This is the only one we will save at the point where we would normally drop down to speak to the God of the island. Save before dropping down.
With everyone at friendly, when presented with the option choose to kill Constantin
GreedFallHidden TrophyThe Hidden Trophy trophy in GreedFall worth 67 pointsContinue playing to unlock this hidden trophy

GreedFallHidden TrophyThe Hidden Trophy trophy in GreedFall worth 220 pointsContinue playing to unlock this hidden trophy

reload your save before dropping down to the boss and choose join Constantin
GreedFallHidden TrophyThe Hidden Trophy trophy in GreedFall worth 73 pointsContinue playing to unlock this hidden trophy

Reload your highking save and make Deidre High-queen.
GreedFallHidden TrophyThe Hidden Trophy trophy in GreedFall worth 83 pointsContinue playing to unlock this hidden trophy

will unlock once you kill Constantin

Reload your highking save and make Ullen your highking.
GreedFallHidden TrophyThe Hidden Trophy trophy in GreedFall worth 91 pointsContinue playing to unlock this hidden trophy

will unlock once you kill Constantin.

01 Dec 2021 13:37

Extreme is the highest difficulty available in GreedFall, however you need not fear it, it's not as 'extreme' as you would think, given it's name and can be made even easier by a duplication glitch and a Technical-skill focussed build.

While you can use whichever build you feel most comfortable with, I would reccommend that you focus on building your character to use firearms and traps, then eventually supplanting the traps with bombs, as this seems to be the most powerful build you can make, especially when using the duplication glitch. You will want to put your skill points into the Technical skill tree to improve your firearms damage and efficiency and unlock traps and bombs. As well as these you may want to unlock the Stasis skill in the Magic tree as it is very useful and can be used without the use of a magic ring.

You will want to invest your attribute points into Accuracy and Endurance to increase your firearm damage and health, respectively. Firearms have a prerequisite accuracy rating that you need to be to use them, so having this high will allow you to keep using newer more powerful firearms as you find them. Having higher health is self explanatory.

As for talents, they're not too important here, though having higher Charisma and/or Intuition will allow you to talk your way out of some situations. Otherwise you could invest in Science and/or Craftsmanship to allow you to craft potions, bombs and bullets, however if you're using the duplication glitch, this is mostly unimportant, as you can just buy a few of these things from merchant and then use them for the glitch.

So your general combat strategy will be to stay away from melee and keep moving. Throw down traps as often as you can and keep firing your gun, then when you get bombs, assign them to a quick button and the game just becomes easy as you can then spam them in fights and defeat almost anything with ease.

I would also reccommend acquiring the legendary armour set detailed in the description for "Worthy of legends" as it can be found very early on and is about as strong of an armour set as you can get, especially when upgraded and will comfortably serve you for the rest of the game. Also, when using the duplication glitch, acquire lots of upgrade materials, then speak to the blacksmith in New Serene and have him craft the top tier upgrades for you, making the armour set completely overpowered. Do this too for your companions weapon/armour if you wish for an even more overpowered experience.

The duplication glitch will allow you to accrue an effectively infinite supply of bullets, bombs, traps and anything else you wish that can be stacked. You can use this to duplicate valuable items then sell them to merchants for gold to then use to buy any weapons/armour you want. It really makes this difficulty much easier.

The duplication glitch is detailed in the video below. Full credit to chapomon for the video;

I advise you to start right away at this difficulty level - it’s difficult at first, but after a little leveling up and mastering the basic mechanics, everything goes like clockwork.

20 Sep 2019 23:50

It’s better to play as a magician, imbo class, I started playing as a war, it was very difficult, like in the Dark Souls series))) but after leveling up as a magician it became very boring
By limlex on 21 Sep 2019 10:38
Yuke, that's wrong. Version 1.08 this trick does not work
By _Joker_ on 21 Nov 2021 02:40
Everything is much simpler. On the final boss, on the last blow, we change the difficulty, finish off and that’s it.
By Yuke on 01 Oct 2021 23:39
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When playing as a magician, level up the "Energy" skill. A magician with and without her is heaven and earth.

23 Feb 2021 00:59