Green Day: Rock Band

Green Day: Rock Band

49 Achievements


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A Very Troubled Youngster

A Very Troubled Youngster

Complete all of Tré's Greatest Hits.


How to unlock the A Very Troubled Youngster achievement in Green Day: Rock Band - Definitive Guide

I have created a way to use a computer to play drums perfectly and obtain this achievement. I have created a video tutorial for this method but I have included full text instructions as well.

Text instructions can be found here.

All of the beats are available for download so repeat this method for each beat you are missing.

07 Jun 2013 19:47

A Very Troubled Youngster is no longer my highest rated ratio achievement. D:

Now the incredibly easy Complex Chords (Rock Band 3) is higher than this ridiculously hard achievement. Granted Complex Chords is not the highest, but that's just how hard AVTY has fallen.
By RIVE XNGLE on 14 Aug 2013 22:46
The day the Music genre ratios died. Smart fine. I know a lot of people will do this. +1.
By oxHARMONxo on 12 Jun 2013 12:33
I figured out how to simulate drum notes without MIDI equipment. I would never post it, though. I bet not as many people will do this as you think, Cody. The ratio will drop two, maybe three points, which sucks, but it won't be devastating.
By TetraVega on 12 Jun 2013 19:21
Oh, my... There goes the neighborhood.
I suppose I can still brag about how I did it legit.

Reaper would probably make a great co-op partner for all the people struggling with achievements in GH2 & 3.
By RIVE XNGLE on 16 Jun 2013 06:44
It's something I want to look into but I'm not sure if a MIDI pro adapter would be recognized as a guitar and even if it was I don't know if it would be able to play the 5 button guitar. However, if there is a guitar with some sort of MIDI input it would be really easy to do.
By Crandy on 16 Jun 2013 19:57
Well this has completely ruined the value of any Music game achievement.

Again, I'm glad I can say I did it legit. Seriously though this just makes what the people who got it properly worthless.

Thumbs down from me, this guide practically gives away an extremely difficult achievement away like it was nothing.
By on 23 Jun 2013 16:28
Sounds similar to something I've done once. If you use SONAR with proper MIDI-mapping, you can even get away with just using a USB-to-MIDI cable.

@Crandy: this won't work for GH2 and GH3. Those games use regular controllers and not MIDI-based peripherals (though the tracks behind them are), so sending MIDI signals isn't going to work. If you could get the drum brain to simulate LT, LB, RB and RT, however...
By UpgradePolecat on 23 Jun 2013 22:10
Only need 2 tracks, but MIDI Pro in Brazil is 10x expensive than Amazon, probably gonna try it legit anyways.
By cooorpse on 30 Jun 2013 18:37
I understand this is an achievements site, but when something (or someone) else scores your achievements for you then you really haven't accomplished anything IMHO. To each their own though I suppose...
By KirkSadler on 05 Jul 2013 19:49
^^^ What he said.
By Multip1eSarcasm on 06 Jul 2013 16:49
Difficult music and rhythm game achievements have been ruined thanks to cheaters like this.

This is cheating, and Trueachievements shouldn't allow it. The computer does everything for you, I've already filed reports but nothing seems to be changing. I'm very displeased, how people can get what took me months of hard work and practice in minutes with some machine.
By on 14 Aug 2013 23:04
QQ more.
By Harbringernight on 29 Sep 2013 08:00
Is this considered cheating or not? See the comment of the Investigation Manager in Music Game Cheaters
By Musquito on 05 Apr 2014 14:52
This should be ok, considering I have a method I posted for a vocals achievement where you use a youtube video of a keyboard to sing the song.
By TheOriginal561 on 09 Jul 2015 02:05
That and this games been out for what 5 years and still only 140 people have this?
By TheOriginal561 on 09 Jul 2015 02:09
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TL,DR? Check out the videos down the bottom.

Alrighty, stuff to get out of the way. Immensely difficult achievement. I believe the most difficult achievement in GH/RB history. Yes, much harder than Bloody Feet. Also as far as I can tell, you can NOT use Breakneck Speed (Super Speed) in the drum trainer mode. I don't use it m'self, but I know that will mess a lot of other people up.

This is obviously all from the perspective of a right-hander, all of this info still applies to our lefty friends, just obviously swap any occurrances of the words "Left" and "Right" around.

Lag Calibration
If you're having trouble with lag cal for drums;
My lag calibration settings for GD:RB are:
Audio 30ms.
Video 0ms.
As opposed to my RB2 settings of 0/0, so if you add 30ms to whatever YOUR RB2's audio lag setting is and apply it to GD:RB, you will hopefully get the same result, but I can't promise anything, everyone plays differently, you'll probably need to do a lot of fiddling to get it right.
(For the record, I'm still not 100% certain I've got it spot-on even for myself, but this will hopefully get you into the ballpark.)

Alternatively, you can export the GD:RB songs and practice the identical drum solo from Emenius Sleepus in RB2. You'll obviously still have to come back to GD:RB to get the achievement, but this way you'll be able to practice on a game which is already set up exactly how you like it.

Sticking Tutorial
Now obviously the last solo (#74) is the troublemaker, there are certainly others which are extremely difficult, but I think it's safe to say that if you can hit the last one you should be able to work out the others in due time. I have worked out some pretty good stickings for the solo, detailed in the below youtube videos.

The first video is a sticking tutorial, and the second video is my best effort so far, not placed here to brag, but it can help to be able to hear the solo at the near-correct speed, so this may help people moving up towards 80%, especially for listening to the snares in the weird outro bit.

Hopefully these stickings will work for you as well. You can try leading with your left instead of double-stroking for some, but I, personally had no luck at all doing that at any reasonable speed, but there are far better drummers than me out there.

As you're most likely aware, doublestroking at it's simplest, is hitting twice quickly with the same hand. As the bass beat for most of this solo is constant and steady, double-stroking will cause your leading hand to change, which means the bass hits will land at the same time your non-preferred hand does, until you return to natural sticking by double-stroking a second time, or by reaching a gap in the notes so you can return to leading with your preferred hand. This happens a few times during the solo using my sticking, so try and pay attention to it.

Youtube Sticking Tutorial and 80% FC Run.
The first video will be the sticking tutorial, with annotations pointing out exactly where and when I doublestroke, and how I cross-over for the last bit.

The second video is a simple FC (100%) video at 80% speed. This will give you an idea of what the solo's meant to sound like at speed, and is especially useful for getting used to how those pesky snares (Reds) in the outro sound.

Good luck with it. This will be a challenge for the best RB drummers in the world. If you get it, you're an utter madman, and I love you.

09 Jun 2010 15:03

My RB2 strat gives -10 ms audio, 45 ms video when I calibrate automatically. I then calibrated manually with the drums (Ions) and got 10 ms audio, 85 ms video, for a difference of 20 ms audio and 40 ms video. With this I can hit #74 fairly regularly at 90% speed, and have gotten 96% at full speed (almost there!).

A few thoughts:

I find that double-stroking with the right hand from blue to green, as indicated in the video, is near impossible at full speed. I find the alternate crossover method (with natural sticking) to be much easier and more consistent, once you practice and get comfortable with the motion. Also, right after that crossover section you have YYRRRYYRRYYY. Moving the red pad to the right, so that it is in front of the yellow pad, made this section, as well as the scattered section with no pedal near the end, a lot less awkward for me. It's worth trying if you have a kit with adjustable pads. Als, since the bass drum is constant quarter notes for #74, I tend to focus on it as an audio cue to stay on tempo.

If you're having trouble reading the screen at the higher speeds, play at a lower speed but try to get to the point where you can play the section on your own (memorize it). When playing, focus more on refining and optimizing your motion and technique from pad to pad. Even if you can hit everything at 60%, try and find ways to make your motions smoother and more relaxed. This will improve the quality of your muscle memory, so that your technique won't fall apart at higher speeds. Also, the more familiar you are with the pattern, the less you'll have to actually read and process what's coming next. You'll only need to use the video and audio cues to stay on beat and see where you are.
By Hitoshura on 13 Jun 2010 23:52
Playing this one on full speed is so incredibly awkward. I hate the switch at the end of the first drum roll. I can't do it! I think I'm just gonna surrender to this achievement. There are some things you just have to accept the fact that you just can't do & I believe this is just 1 of them.

I have 69/74.
By xBrushedRedx on 06 Aug 2010 22:43
There is no way in hell I'll ever get this...
By Minots59 on 10 Jun 2010 14:11
FYI the one guy who has this has posted on his profile that it glitch popped. Bummer.
By Nefarious Zhen on 11 Jun 2010 16:03
Is that why he unlocked 13 achievements in GTA in the same minute?
... he's a cheat. But we'll let TA decide since he's already been reported.
By Lonsta DaMonsta on 12 Jun 2010 02:08
I'm really sure what justifies someone's name as being "immature" but I honestly think this achievement is far from impossible. I'm sure people like "iBITE' have already gotten this achievement.

But I can understand why this guy would look like a cheater. The entire 1000GS while offline and no video recordings for proof?
By on 12 Jun 2010 08:10
Yeah, double-stroking is tricky at speed. Depends on your kit as well. I can handle it at 100% speed, with a few mistakes, but I know it'd be about a million times easier if my goodwoods still worked. ...But then I wouldn't be able to cross over for the reds. Inititally my sticking had about 5 double-strokes in it, but I eventually whittled it down to 1-3. I really struggle crossing over to yellow, but I can handle the double-strokes there, so I left that method in the annotations. People can work out what's best for themselves, hopefully.

The most infuriating thing at the moment is that I've hit the Emenius Sleepus solo a bunch of times in RB2. Still can't even hit the easy stuff in GD:RB at 100%. Grrrrr.
By Potato Handle on 14 Jun 2010 01:45
Does anyone find that the Calibration Lag is different for Guitar than Drums? I have to change it everytime i switch instruments.
By SteSteSte91 on 14 Jun 2010 15:24
Yeah, I got that in RB2 as well though. For GD:RB I run -15/0 for guitar and 20/0 for drums (Which are still slightly wrong), and for RB2 I run 10/0 for guitar, and 0/0 for drums.
By Potato Handle on 14 Jun 2010 15:38
Yayy i did it!!! Now all i need is #47.....
By IMINTOFOOTSTUFF on 14 Jun 2010 19:07
i never have to calibrate my games, it's always perfect timing right away luckily for me. but i definetly don't see myself ever getting this. i was getting pissed off at a couple of the earlier beats and already had to quit before i broke something or died from exhaustion of playing over and over. guess this game will forever stay incomplete. quite sad.
By darkfire523 on 16 Jun 2010 07:45
I dont mean to sound egotistical here but I find myself to be a pretty decent drummer (and know many GD songs on drums) and I still think htere is no way in hell i'll ever get this achievement
By GunnVsTheWorld on 19 Jun 2010 01:32
I just got this achievement. It's not as hard as it looks -- I'll record a video and post a guide tomorrow/day after.
By NathAttack on 03 Jul 2010 00:47
I'm with DegenerateGunn on this one. I did well enough to FC "Brain Stew / Jaded" to get that other tough achievement, but I don't see myself getting this achievement anytime soon. Definitely a really tough one right here. The last 5 or 6 are crazy!
By xBrushedRedx on 10 Jul 2010 02:18
I guess we're different that way -- I got this with relative ease but Brain Stew / Jaded is kicking my ass all over the place
By NathAttack on 10 Jul 2010 13:37
Thank you so much for this sticking guide, so freaking helping! I can fairly consistently FC the whole Emenius Sleepus solo now. But is it just me, or is Cool Solo Pt 2 actually much faster than the real version? Sure as hell seems it, I can't keep up with it tbh. Sigh... still stuck on 71/74 :'(

But seriously, massive kudos for the sticking tutorial, reaaally helping! smile
By zigs00 on 19 Jul 2010 19:54
The second double stroke isn't necessary. I got this one by crossing over on the blue to yellow. Good luck gentlemen xP
By Twig Punter on 02 Aug 2010 17:59
Yeah, I mentioned that as a alternate solution, some people, including myself have trouble crossing over for yellows, depending on how the kit is set up.
By Potato Handle on 02 Aug 2010 21:35
Got mine this morning. W00T !
By RIVE XNGLE on 16 May 2012 23:23
Just off the record, I'd like to make a prediction that after a month or so this will have a TA ratio of about 22.

If you do get this, or you at least start having some luck on 90% and 100% speed, pleasepleaseplease post your lag calibration settings for both RB2 and GD:RB as a comment here. I'm certain that mine is just a hair off, because I can hit 80% speed, not often by any means, but I'm at least consistent with the easier parts but I can't hit even the easier parts on 90% speed, I can't even fluke it, and it doesn't seem to me like I'm making mistakes.

Despite the difficulty, if you're going for this achievement, try and have fun with it, these drum solos are all pretty damn cool.

Thanks guys, and good luck!
By Potato Handle on 09 Jun 2010 17:11
I really think most of these are faster than they are in the real songs..... it's really pissing me off!!!.... I think the developers messed up and should patch it to be the actual song speeds.
By III RINGO III on 04 Sep 2010 03:21
I finally got this a week or two ago, this solution helped me out so much with the last beat/hit. Thanks to my new RB3 Pro cymbals I was able to do the fast Y and B rolls also (I have a TB:RB stock kit). I had to train a lot to get the Burnout sticking right, and even longer to get up to full speed... but, still, probably the most helpful solution I've read.
By Brad2125 on 19 Jan 2011 22:47
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Okay, the main part is pretty much said in the guide above, but there are a few things i thought that would be good to mention.

I did this with a GH:WT Standard Kit.
So If you have a full working one, thats okay for the Achievement.
In the videos you find on youtube, most people have an Ion Drum
Rocker (a specially tuned drum kit) or a real E-Drum Kit.
It`s good to have one for this achievement but its not necessary.

I`m not sure if a RB2 Drum Kit is good enough for that cuz i don`t
have one (not sold in Germany). I guess it is good enough.
Its impossible with a RB1 Kit because the Toms won`t register
fast enough. (I have one and its not even enough for Everlong)

I had a few Greatest Hits where the bass drum was pretty confusing or fast.
So for that few Drum Tracks, I gave the bass-pedal to my friend (GH:WT Bass Pedal) and he did the bass notes while i could fully concentrate on the toms. My friend took the pedal on his fold and hit the pedal with his hands.
Really usefull at #73 and #74.
(See further down at 4. for more information)

This point is already mentioned above.
They messed up a bit with calibration on drums.
Usually you need your normal calibration +30 ms.
But if you switch back to guitar the calibration is normal again.(*weird o.O?*)
I just wanted to say my calibration is:
Video: 45 ms
Audio: 30 ms
(I don`t have a flat screen, I play on a television tube)

As in the above guide from Potato Handle mentioned, the last one (#74) is the hardest Tré Greatest Hit, but there are about 5 others that are almost as hard as #74. There`s a video where someone talks about the other hard Greatest Hits.(Link:
Anyway, here is some Information I can give you:

This one has a real fast snare-roll at the end.
I let my friend kick the bass notes at the last two green->blue notes because then it was easier to concentrate on the precision for the tom roll.
Also remember that the last blue note before the red-toms-roll
has no pause before the red-tom-roll.
You have to play the blue note like it was part of the red-tom-roll.

This one has 4 real fast 32nd Notes on the blue tom at the end.
No matter if you have a tuned drum kit or not... Your drums probably wont register 32nd Notes properly.
Because of that you have to begin earlier with the roll.Then roll the 4 blue notes a bit slower than normal. That`s the only way you can do this.
After the 32nd Notes, there are 2 green notes left to hit.
They are not fast but you have to play them directly after the 32nd notes.
Your friend can also help you with that!
On GH:WT Drums you have a control panel with buttons like on the original 360 Controller. You can press A for the Green Notes...!
With that keeping in mind, your friend can press the last two green notes for you and you you can fully concentrate on the 4 blue toms.

This one has a fast standard beat with 6 fast double kicks in it.
This is much easier if you have a double bass setup.
(by using a 3,5mm - rack splitter)
At the end of this Drum Track you have to kick 8th Notes while playing a 8th triole fill with your hands.
This can be really confusing and if you have a friend that knows how to kick with good timing and precision, let him do the bass part.
I had to do this by my own and i got really lucky with that one.
You also have to begin the 8th triole fill a bit earlier and roll slower because of the high speed.

This one also has 32nd notes in the Track.
But this time you have 3 Blocks of 4x 32nd Notes.
Sounds impossible? Well at least the speed of the 32nd notes are a bit slower than in #43.
What i found usefull here was to keep staying calm.
You have to hit the 32nd notes in a fast but comfortable way.
Beginning earlier and roll a bit slower is also usefull here.
For the red tripples at the beginning of the track, I only can say practise...

This one looks very hard but its actually not.
Start to practise the blue rolls on 50% speed until you know how many blue toms there are per block.
Then work your way to the end of the Track.
You don`t need any double strokes or stick crossing for this fill.
When you`re comfortable with the whole Track, start to speed it up until you reach 100% speed.
If you`re having trouble with the synchronisation of foot and hands, give the pedal to your friend again :)

The above method is already explained above.
BUT I used a different sticking than you can see in the tutorial.
All i did was doing a double stroke at the first 2 yellow notes.
Then I didn`t use double strokes for the whole rest.
When you look at the video guide above I didn`t use the 2nd double stroke mentioned. I overcrossed the sticks there and everywhere else when I needed it.
If you have a GH:WT Kit, Stick Crossing is not a big deal because the cymbals are placed higher than the toms.
Also, your friend can help you with the bass kick here :)

So that`s it for the hardest ones.
All I have left to say is, that you have to practise the parts.
If you`re having trouble with something, start from 50% speed and work your way up to 100% speed.
You already should have developed all you basic drum skills before you start on working for the "A Very Troubled Younstar" achievement.
This is probably the hardest Achievement in Music Game History.
Prepare for Punishment! :)

16 Oct 2010 20:27

1 Comment
The triplets at the end of #47 are 16th notes, not 8ths.
The kicks are 8th notes, though. I clocked the whole beat out at 145BPM.

I only know all this because I've been trying to hit #47 all week...
By RIVE XNGLE on 12 May 2012 02:18

Just complete all of Tré's Greatest Hits with the drums. This, as well as Frank Edwin Wright III will be the hardest trophy in the game. You will get a series of notes coming at you, you must get 100% on these notes. After this there will be a new pattern of notes you must hit. It will get harder to play these, but once you have completed all of them you will get the trophy. This one will take a lot of practice, and it may be best if one person uses the foot pedal and another drums.

This is by far the most difficult achievement in Green Day: Rock Band. To earn this achievement you must get 100% notes hit on all of Tré's Greatest Hits at 100% speed. You can access this mode by selecting “Training” > “Drum Trainer” > “Tré's Greatest Hits”. There are 74 beats that you must complete. Most of these are fairly doable with a bit of practice, but #73 Cool Solo, Pt. 1 and #74 Cool Solo, Pt. 2 are very difficult. The only advice I can give is practice, practice, practice. Good luck.
This is the most difficult trophy in the game. It is because of him, in my opinion, that the game was recorded in HardCore ...

  • In the game you can increase the speed of the track, but it will be such a negligible acceleration that it will be of no use . :Sp Say thank you to the brakes from the development team.
  • This acceleration does not work in Tre's Greatest Hits mode... Kudos to the developers.
  • Due to the fact that the speed of the track is simply “snail” , a normal person cannot make out the huge number of notes that fall on him during the game, especially during all sorts of uh... let's call it “Outburst of emotions” (When there is a wild knock on all the notes in a row J ) )
  • No matter how I calibrated the video and sound, sometimes the notes would still slip through... and it wasn’t because of the hands growing out of my ass, even when I played them separately they sometimes somehow didn’t respond to the knock.
  • You don’t have to try to play the drums from the games of the Guitar HeroBand Hero series (IMHO) because in some compositions you will have to beat out notes of all colors in a row at great speed, which is done MUCH , MUCH easier on the drums from Rock Band , because in Guitar heroBand hero the yellow one is a cymbal... and in Rock Band it’s all a kind of barrel + cymbal, and its position fits better than Guitar Hero’s Band Hero’s .
And here's some advice:

  • To make it easier to knock out “Outbursts of Emotions” (see above), call a friend , or better yet two or three , and give each one a goal: to knock out notes of the same color. respectively, with three friends it turns out that (Let's say>) one hits the green, the second yellow, the third blue and you (the fourth) hit the red + pedal (< Let's say)
  • If friends refuse, tell them that if everything goes well, they will receive encouragement (< as an option.)
  • But another problem appears... there are 4 arms (+1 leg) and there are two sticks in the set... what to do...? Of course, you can beat with your hands... but the effect may be unsatisfactory... Should you try taking spoons from the kitchen?
  • And of course, don’t forget to take short breaks and smoke breaks because... endless swotting will not lead to anything good... and too long breaks are also not advisable... you never know the hand will forget everything that needs to be done.

17 Jul 2011 14:34