Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters

41 Achievements


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Emerald Knight

Emerald Knight

Clear all missions on Emerald Knight difficulty.


How to unlock the Emerald Knight achievement in Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters - Definitive Guide

All good but there is an easier way of doing this and on your first play through. and that is too use a Second Controller. so basically when you get stuck in a fight or are running low press start on your 2nd pad and bomb and extra guy with full Will bar now just spam a long range attack and rinse and repeat.

The final 3 bosses i cleared first time without dying using this method. just stick one guy right up close to draw the fire and spam attacks with your second pad. then when it runs out swap characters and let that guy die he will respawn after 10 seconds with a full will bar again.

Happy days this will be a full 1000 Gs within 4 hours if you find all the metorites why playing each level.

04 Jul 2011 22:30

This is how I done it aswell although I never realised it till the 7th level but It is definetely the best method
By on 18 Jul 2011 14:20
This is definitely the way to play this game if youre looking to knock out chievo points... I had the benefit of playing with a couple friends so there were always two of us playing... Easy smash 'em game that requires only a one playthrough and a couple level selects on easy to get 1000G...
By Fundy1842 on 12 Aug 2011 22:07
Solution worked great - Got stuck on level 6 changed to pozzer got all the upgrades then played the last five levels on emerald and breezed through it for the last 100 g's
By Hirogen Hunter on 20 Jan 2012 13:52
great solution best way to kill that last boss
By JODAW on 19 Feb 2012 00:36
Very, very easy game using this method. Thanks!
By unkled20 on 21 Apr 2012 12:01
thank you,very helpful
By HERKONE29 on 06 Jun 2012 05:01
4 hours my A$$ ive been playing for 8 hours
By AH GamerScore on 30 Jun 2014 04:14
WARNING DO NOT SWITCH THE DIFFICULTY AT ANY TIME. This game does not play like some games where it counts the difficulty when you beat the level. It counts the difficulty as soon as you change it. I was on level 2 changed the difficulty to poozer and before I continued the game, I changed it back to emerald knight. after I finished the final mission, The achievement for Poozer enforcer popped but no emerald knight. every mission on mission select said I had completed it on Emerald knight. I forgot it was 2 that I changed the difficulty. so I ended up playing through levels 3-10 on emerald knight again. Still no achievement. So I said screw it. maybe the game wants me to play the level on poozer. So I started with level 1 on mission select with poozer. After I completed this level I now saw poozer and enforcer as complete on level 1 and level 2 but this time it said emerald knight was not completed on 2. I played level 2 over on emerald knight and got the achievement. My point being this gltich costs me a lot of time because it was hiding the fact that I had not completed it. So I thought I would post it here to help other fellow TA members in case they run into the same issue.
By DJ Zibbyman on 06 Sep 2012 13:07
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After beating the game on "Poozer" you can then choose "Emerald Knight" on whatever level you want and play through with all the upgrades. I highly recommend doing it this way to prevent experience grinding (I got the last upgrade on the last level of my Emerald Knight playthrough) and frustration (I only died on the final boss, and only because it took me a while to realize that the best way to kill him was by hitting ring surge and pounding him with the mech's YYY combo)..

Some general tips:

1) Use the mech construct and the gatling gun for the bosses and larger enemies. The mech in particular just burns right through enemy health, especially on the final level. If you can't hit a boss with the mech (this will happen), just spam the gatling gun. It does less damage but when the mech's not an option it's definitey the fastest way to kill them.

2) You can clear entire waves of the smaller enemies with the jet. Do this often and you'll breeze through the game, probably only getting hung up on the two types of enemies who can dodge (just hit them with the ring blaster and dodge frequently yourself).

3) Buy the power battery upgrade that you get after levelling up for the last time (it costs 100,000 points) during your Poozer playthrough. It'll enable you to keep at full ring power throughout the game, and is pretty much a game breaker.

If you need any help or tips with a specific section or boss, just message me and I'll do my best. Good luck! You won't really need it.

09 Jun 2011 03:18

Your's really gonna help everyone out anytime they ask about this game, even in few years when you won't be able to remember much of it? Bold words my friend, just becareful with that. this is not meant as a put down either just a friendly observation.. lol.
By B8TINGU on 15 Jun 2011 00:20
Yeah, I'm a helpful guy with a long memory. Shouldn't be a problem for me.
By OldChili157 on 16 Jun 2011 01:08
Once completed on Poozer can you select 'New Game' then Emerald Knight difficulty or will this wipe your upgrades? Is it best just to use chapter select?
By MarmiteRobot on 15 Jul 2011 09:00
I don't know if "New Game: wipes your upgrades or not, but I know for a fact that chapter select won't. So yeah, best just to chapter select.
By OldChili157 on 16 Jul 2011 13:25
Thanks for the tip about the battery upgrade, that did come in really handy. Also if you can round up a buddy for co-op it will go even quicker. I played through the poozer difficulty solo but got my daughter to give me a hand for this achievement and with the upgrades and knowing all the puzzles from the 1st play through we made it through all of the levels on emerald knight in a little over 3 hours and had quite a bit of fun in the process.
By Larvi1 on 29 May 2012 04:18
Yeah, selecting New Game will wipe everything, so like Chilli says, do chapter select.
By EarthboundX on 24 Jun 2013 07:20
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I was just going to add this as a comment to the solutions already posted as they are all good tips, but it turned out to be so long that I figured I might as well post it as a full solution. It highlights some of the only difficult areas in emerald knight mode.

Good call on the battery upgrade (@OldChili360). Not game breaking on emerald knight really, but helps facilitate as speedy second playthrough. Two tactics I found very useful that no one mentioned:

1. Your jet throws don't have to hit enemies directly to destroy them. On emerald knight enemies tend to get in your face pretty fast and interrupt the jet attack before you get the throw off, but I found that if you chain dodge away as far as you can get, then just jump and do the jet construct while in air, they will generally just stand there and then your jet will plow through and annihilate everything except for the larger manhunters and the speedy little hoverboard guys. For the larger guys, punch them in the face with the mech, for the hoverboard guys at first I used the ring blaster, but then I found out what I felt to be a better way to handle them and also deal with one other important fight:

2. The rocket pack- with the lantern battery and construct upgrades you can spam the hell out of this and it doesnt matter where you are facing or how far you are really, you will hit the little speedy guys on hoverboards and everything else. This turned out to be amazingly useful vs the last boss fight during the phase where you are still using your normal constructs. He moves around very fast and getting in close can be very painful, and the arms and guys he summons can get quite hectic on emerald knight, but if you have fully upgraded construct damage boost and dodge around spamming the rocket pack it will home in and destroy the arms and hit all the hoverboard guys etc, siphoning in tiny boosts of health from the arms and filling your ring surge meter. And then, when only the boss is there, ALL your rockets will hit him, doing about 3% damage every volley. Just dodge and dodge again, lantern battery a bit when you get a second, but only a second because you'll need to keep dodging, then fire a volley after he does a slam or whatever. When you get a ring surge, get in his face and activate it and spam the hell out of rockets because if you have fully upgraded ring surge guardian you are invulnerable and uninterruptable during surge and your rockets will tear him to shreds.

Lastly, vs the big rock guardian on Zamora, I found the spinning maces to be pretty effective at chipping away at her while not leaving yourself open to much damage. And keep in mind when she slams her hand across the screen to cause the cave ins you can just hold your block shield and you will not take damage from the swipe. Killing the crystals she summons out of the ground can also reward you with small bits of health if you need it, as it can be a somewhat long fight.

21 Jun 2011 15:54

Using the rocket pack on the hoverboard guys is brilliant. I just wish I'd thought of it (or you'd told me) before 1K'ing the game.
By OldChili157 on 27 Jun 2011 01:34
The 'Jumping Jet Attack' is a lifesaver! These tips are invaluable on Knight difficulty. Cheers, mate!
By Firefly Omega on 16 Mar 2014 12:12
I recommend playing through on Emerald Knight your first time through. While there will definitely be points where you will cry foul, hate your life, and curse the developers for certain boss battles and enemy encounters, it's less time consuming than two play throughs. And the achievements stack, so there's no need to play through twice if you don't want (especially if it's a rental and you just want to get through, I did it in about 7ish hours). A few pointers I'd hand out for this difficulty are remember block exists (LB), the mini-gun is your friend, choose upgrades according to your play style (if you mash a lot, Attack branch, If you want to bust out your Surge more often than not Ring Surge Branch, etc), and get all of the meteorites, the last two Missions especially are going to be a kick in the balls without them. Oh, and on bosses, THE MINI-GUN IS YOUR FRIEND!

Something ZeroThreshold just brought to my attention is that if you have a second controller "press start and bring Sinestro to help with boss battles. Use up all of Hal's ring powers, then use Sinestro's. Keep one alive while letting the other die, because when they respawn, they come back with a full ring power meter." While some might frown on the technique, it would have made my life so much easier during the playthrough. Send good vibes to ZeroThreshold for bringing this up.

10 Jun 2011 10:22

To get this achievement I recommend doing it on a second playthrough. It will take you almost two playthroughs to get all of the powerups anyways. By doing it in two playthroughs youll be able to increase your powers making things much easier.

This playthrough is very easy and the difficulties are stackable. If you have any trouble completing a level you could always find a friend and play Co-op or if not then you can just activate the 2nd controller (Leaving player 2 idle) and then if you die just run around for 10 seconds as Player 2 until player 1 respawns. This way you will sail through the game (I would only use this as a last resort as this difficulty is simple.)