Hitman: Absolution HD

Hitman: Absolution HD (EP)

39 Achievements


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Jack of All Trades

Jack of All Trades

Collect all play styles


How to unlock the Jack of All Trades achievement in Hitman: Absolution HD - Definitive Guide

There are already several extensive guides for this achievement on the Hitman Absolution page. I’m doing this solution just so that if you happen to be on the HD version of the game, you don’t need to search further.

This achievement basically requires you to do kills with various weapons until you get a proficiency in them, and unlock a “play style” for it. Unfortunately, in the original game, sometimes kills don’t get registered. Also, some players have been doing these kills in the tutorial section that has no scoring available, thereby glitching the achievement. To be safe, therefore, I’d suggest that you avoid the tutorial mission altogether.

The majority of my solution will be done in the second mission, "The King of Chinatown". A lot of these would involve taking out the relatively isolated enemies in this level. For other styles not available in this mission, I’ll make sure to highlight them.

This being said, I’d therefore expect you to be relatively proficient with "The King of Chinatown" to know exactly where to locate the items and enemies to unlock your styles on.

Another point to note is that for some styles these kills can be done on random, non-interact civilians (i.e., anyone, when using instinct, that doesn’t appear in yellow or red), while others must be done solely on civilians that you can interact with (i.e., either targets, or NPCs that give a disguise). I’ve tested the kills out, so the solutions described below will work regardless of the type of NPCs that I’m asking you to do them on.

A final point is that you don’t need to complete the mission objectives to save the play styles. They’ll unlock when the requirements are met, after which you can reload the mission or checkpoint.

There are a total of 20 play styles to unlock. I’ll be doing all these on Normal difficulty. Note that for the requirements, I list most of them as “undetected” because at times, I raised an alarm when doing them, and the style didn’t unlock.

Dynamite Harry
Requirement: Five kills with remote explosives

This is easily done on "The King of Chinatown". Head to the king’s car, and pick up the remote explosive at the top of the stairs there (there’s a lone policeman here so either subdue or ignore him). Quickly run into a crowd, drop the explosive, and run away. Detonate the explosive, and you should unlock the play style effortlessly.

Requirement: Three undetected subdues in a single mission

“The King of Chinatown” has three easy targets to subdue, and this is best done with Undertaker. Head straight to the alley beside the tattoo shop leading to the dealer’s house. Sabotage the wire board to lure the lone policeman away, and then sneak into the dealer’s room. Subdue him, and hide his body.

Grab a bottle, and wait for the policeman to return to his post. Toss the bottle close to the staircase to lure him in. Once he finishes examining the area, and turn his back, quickly run up to subdue, and hide him.

Head to the king’s car. Grab the bottle here, and toss it at the dumpster near the car to lure the policeman towards it. Subdue him, and hide his body there.

This completes the requirement to unlock Sandman.

Requirement: Dump five bodies (undetected) in a single mission

Following on Sandman, hit the car alarm. This will make the king walk into the area. Subdue him, and toss him into the dumpster as well. This would be your 4th hidden body.

Next head to the kitchen (where there’s a manhole on the left, near the mission exit). Go into the right side of the kitchen, and that’s your 5th easy target to subdue and hide.

Requirement: Three kills with handgun eliminations in a single mission

The first three enemies in “The King of Chinatown” (dealer, policeman at dealer’s house and policeman at king’s car) will give you this. Instead of subduing them, walk up behind them when equipping the Silverballers, and press cn_X to perform a handgun elimination.

This one should unlock even if you’re detected, but I did it undetected anyway.

Bank Robber
Requirement: Use three human shields in a single mission

The first three enemies in “The King of Chinatown” (dealer, policeman at dealer’s house and policeman at king’s car) will give you this. Instead of subduing or killing them, walk up behind them when equipping the Silverballers, and press cn_A to take them as a human shield. Make sure to press cn_X to knock them out. The style only seems to unlock after I knock my last target out.

Also, the style should unlock even if you’re detected. However, it’s definitely easier to do a human shield when you approach a target from the back, so just do it as quietly as possible.

Update for this play style: A few comments mentioned that this play style doesn't unlock accordingly. If that happens, please use the level "Burn", which is under the "Operation Sledgehammer" set of missions. It's the one in the burning warehouse with the SWAT-looking guys. After grabbing three of these heavy soldiers as human shields, the play style should unlock.

Piano Man
Requirement: Five undetected fibre wire kills in a single mission

We’re doing this in, you guess it, “The King of Chinatown”. You easily perform the garrotte kills on the first three enemies (dealer, policeman at dealer’s house and policeman at king’s car). For the third kill, make sure to hide the body.

Use the car alarm to lure the king into the alley, and do the 4th kill on him. Proceed to the kitchen area, and garrotte the last guy at the right side of the kitchen.

Sometimes, when hiding the third body, a food stall owner may randomly notice you. She’ll then run to the car for an easy kill as well, after which you didn’t even need to head to the kitchen.

Requirement: Five axe kills in a single mission

Well, there’s an axe in “The King of Chinatown” – at the tattoo shop where you sabotage the electrical box, head all the way to the end of path, using the shops as a right wall.

Pick the axe up, and start swinging it at random NPCs. This one should unlock by killing anyone in the crowd. If it doesn’t, just spam the axe on food stall owners and policemen.

Obviously doesn’t need to be undetected.

Requirement: Five revolver kills in a single mission

Most policemen have a revolver. Silently kill one to grab the gun, and maybe silently kill a couple more to gain ammo. After that, simply go crazy on the crowd. If you don’t aim well, it may take three to four shots to kill someone, so you’d need to start gunning policemen to find ammo.

Requirement: Take damage multiple times

Should be five times, so if you get shot by five bullets in a single confrontation with an enemy, this should unlock. I’m not entirely sure though because I got this even without trying when going for some of those reckless kills, like Beserker and Gunslinger.

Requirement: Five successful unarmed attacks in a single mission

Use the first three enemies (dealer, policeman at dealer’s house and policeman at king’s car) to do the fights, and then lure the king with the car alarm for your 4th. Head to the kitchen for the last one.

To do this, do not equip any weapon. Face the target from the front, and attack them with cn_X. Perform the QTE that follows (simple button presses) to successfully down them – I’m not sure if a successful attack actually kills them, but I doubt so.

Requirement: Five undetected thrown weapon kills in a single mission

I’d recommend using the knife for this one in (cough, cough) “The Kingdom of Chinatown”. There’s a knife at a food stall near the exit. Quickly grab, and holster it. Head to the dealer’s house, sabotage the electrical box, etc. The kills in the following sequence: dealer, policeman at dealer’s house, policeman at king’s car, king (use car alarm to lure), kitchen food stall helper.

To do the kill, press cn_LT to aim until you see a red circle on the target’s head, and then press cn_RT to throw the weapon for an instant kill.

You may want to stash the bodies after each kill, but make sure you pull the knife out of their heads – it may not be possible to retrieve the weapon once the bodies are hidden.

Requirement: Five knife kills in a single mission

If you do what was described in Pitcher, you should get this as well. That was how I got both at the same time. If you don’t, just grab the weapon, and start knifing everyone you see.

Reaper Man
Requirement: Use point-shooting to execute eight people in a single mission

Okay, this one is definitely tough, glitchy, or both.

To do pointing-shooting, you’d need instinct (yellow bar at the bottom right of your screen). With instinct, hold cn_RB to activate it, and then cn_X to initiate point-shooting. When doing so, the instinct meter will decrease. Before it fully depletes, you must use cn_LT to aim for the heads of your targets, and then press cn_RT to mark them. Press cn_X to begin the shooting.

My initial idea was to subdue the dealer to gain as much instinct as I could, and then unload eight shots (took me a long time to manage eight heads in one full instinct bar, to be honest). However, the play style didn’t unlock. I eventually did the kills one-by-one, and it popped.

So, I’d recommend the following sequence:
1. Dealer – Activate point-shooting, aim for head, shoot. Hide the body to regain instinct.
2. Policeman near dealer – Ditto.
3. Policeman near king’s car – Ditto.
(Sometimes when hiding this body, a random food stall owner may see you to give you another kill, so you’d need to hide her if you choose to point-shoot her.)
4. King (lure to position with car alarm) – Ditto.
(If you kill the food stall owner, you won’t have enough room to hide the king’s body, and will be left with very little instinct.)
5. Food stall helper at right side of kitchen at the back of the map - Activate point-shooting, aim for head, shoot. Hide the body to regain instinct.
From now onwards, you won’t be able to hide any more bodies because there are no more “quiet” kills.
6. Go to the beginning of the level. There are two food stall owners to point-shoot for your 6th and 7th kill.
You’d now need to engage in gun fights with policemen. Get some headshots to refill your instinct, and once it’s about half filled, point-shoot the policemen. The play style should unlock on the 8th individual kill.

There may be an easier way to do this, but unfortunately when I tried doing more than one head shot during the point-shooting, it wasn’t counting. The style only unlocked after I did the head shot execution one target after another.

Requirement: Expand a round of sniper ammo (five) with head shots, without missing a target in a single mission

The dealer’s room in “The King of Chinatown” has a sniper rifle, on the table to the right of the room when you enter. Grab it, and do the first kill on the dealer as he’s looking out of the window. I’d recommend doing a precision headshot (gently press cn_RT to go into slow motion, and then press cn_RT to shoot) because you’d need 47 precision headshot kills for The Russian Hare achievement.

After the kill, quickly hide in the container in the room. Wait until the policeman leaves the room. Head down, and from his back, perform the second precision head shot kill. Run back into the dealer’s room, and hide until the alarm status is “cautious”.

Now, go to the window where the dealer was at. Take aim at the pavilion where the king usually is. Perform a precision head shot kill on a policeman. Hide in the container, and wait until all the policeman who flood your location leaves, and the status returns to “cautious”.

Rinse and repeat until all five bullets are used on precision head shots. Remember, do not press cn_RB to reload, or the play style won’t unlock.

This was actually the final style that I unlocked, and the achievement popped even before the play style notice appeared.

We’re done with “The King of Chinatown” now, finally! 14 styles, relatively easily completed in one mission!

Let’s head to “Welcome to Hope”.

Requirement: Seven bottle kills in a single mission

There are many missions with bottles, but “Welcome to Hope” has a multitude of bottles all in proximity, making it easier to unlock the play style. Once mission begins, head right into the toilet, and tamper with the lights. This triggers the bar fight. Walk around grabbing bottles, and find targets that shows an option to “attack”. Attack them (cn_X) to complete one bottle kill. Do it for a total of seven times to unlock the style.

Triggering the bar fight makes it easier to do things like hitting people on their heads with bottles.

Glass Cannon
Requirement: Three shotgun kills without taking damage in a single mission

After triggering the bar fight in “Welcome to Hope”, head to the vent (top left corner of toilet), and crawl into an office area. There’s a shotgun there. Leave through the door, take aim at the fight crowd, and spam the shots. You should unlock the play style instantaneously.

Requirement: Five baseball bat kills in a single mission

The same toilet in “Welcome to Hope” where you trigger the bar fight has a cubicle that says “private”. Go in to find a baseball bat. Go crazy on the crowd.

Needle Pumper
Requirement: Five syringe kills in a single mission

Unfortunately, you’d have to get this in the mission "Rosewood", which is truly one of the hardest in the game in my opinion due to the large number of enemies around.

In the second part of "Rosewood" (Orphanage Halls), you begin in an elevator shaft. Climb up the ledge, wait for the two enemies to walk away, and then subdue the nearest one. Take the disguise to make things a little easier.

Make your way to the area where two enemies are torturing a security guard, and another one looking on. Head to the first room on the right to find a syringe (there’s also a fuse here if you’re doing the mission objective). Go forward to the staircase, and wait for the left enemy to walk away. Kill the lone enemy with the syringe – either walk behind and use cn_X or do a thrown kill. The thrown kill is more epic. Trust me.

Remove the syringe from the enemy, and quickly hide the body in the cabinet. Head down the stairs, and activate the checkpoint. Make a right turn, and quickly hug the left wall. Wait for the enemy boss guy to gather his troops, and quickly head to the right alcove (where another fuse is), and get into the room opposite where the colourful balls is.

(While waiting for the enemies to go away, you should receive an alert about blood pool noticed for the first enemy you kill. Ignore it.)

Now, you need to be extremely careful for the next two kills. Make sure nobody is looking, kill the enemy nearest to the pool of balls. If you can, hide him into the pool of balls.

Now, go to the enemy opposite the balls, and kill him. I left him there to save time.

(Note that when doing these two kills, an enemy who patrols outside may see you if he’s near the window, so be very sure that he isn’t looking when you do your thing.)

Sneakily backtrack to the stairs, and head up, while being careful that the enemy up here isn’t looking at you (he was the one who noticed the blood pool of his dead colleague earlier). Kill him with the syringe.

Now, head back to where you found the syringe earlier to find three enemies. Quickly kill one of them with a quick syringe throw to get your 5th kill for the play style.

Not going to lie. This one is tough as nuts.

Finally, let’s load up last section (Chinese New Year) of the mission "Hunter and Hunted".

Requirement: Two simultaneous accident kills

Go to the tattoo shop – from the beginning, just hug the last wall, and keep going straight. You’ll reach a staircase going down on the left to where a corrupt cop meets one of the targets. Ignore the stairs, head right, and go further forward to find the tattoo shop on the left. You’ll see a food stall owner (Chinese dude with white uniform) here.

Wait until one of the targets come over, and start saying “Hey, you!” This triggers the event that sees the target bringing the white-shirt guy to an alley to ask for roast duck (actually, no). Before that happens, enter the fenced area nearby, and walk up the catwalk. You should notice a loading crane to the left. Wait for the target and the white-shirt guy to walk underneath it, and quickly shoot the chain to kill both of them. This requires precise timing, obviously.

Dynasty Warrior
Requirement: Eight kills with the katana

After jinxing the two earlier, walk back to the tattoo shop. You’ll find an array of melee weapons at the front of it (what do they actually do inside this shop?). Grab the katana here, and start slicing people apart. Any random person in the crowd will add to the count. Accumulate eight kills to unlock your last play style.

Achievement unlocked!

24 Jan 2019 07:08

Thumbs up, great guide. Sucks to be me got all achievements but this because it wouldn't unlock lol. Done 12/20 already since deleting my save and retrying and I'm only on the 2nd mission
By thug 4ng3l on 26 Jan 2019 21:00
Seems that the Bank Robber one is being difficult. Apparently taking someone human shield gets you spotted by the person you took as a human shield. Didn't seem to wanna work on Civilians. Had to do it on 3 Agency Soldiers
By Lots a LOUD on 25 May 2019 10:49
I can’t figure out Bank Robber either, it refuses to unlock no matter who I grab.
By poochz0rz on 11 Jun 2019 01:58
I received a few PMs about Bank Robber. Have updated an alternative solution for that one.
By neeker75 on 14 Jun 2019 07:17
That's a great guide. Very detailed. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.
By Euler13 on 13 Apr 2020 21:52
mine also glitch any fix yet
By Fatal Agent 84 on 23 Apr 2020 10:07
I unlocked Jinx from dropping that hanging crate on the store clerk in Chinese New Year area of Hunter and Hunted. I missed the main target, but it gave me the play style. I'll take it, that's a tricky one.
By I ASK NO ONE on 16 Jan 2021 04:44
Some of these aren't showing as completed when or having the pop complete icon show up. I did 5 Revolver kills 5 times & it never said i completed it. Tried 15 kills still didn't work. Fuck this glitched achievement it ain't worth the time or effort.
By The Nerds Club on 05 Feb 2022 16:54
This one glitched for me as I hadn't read the warning about the prologue. After getting every other achievement, I cleared my save data and started a new game on normal. It only took about an hour or two to get all 20 play styles following this great guide (went all the way to Welcome to Hope). I just wanted to add that in my original file, I had a lot of play styles weren't unlocking even though I was doing the requirements, which seems to happen to a lot of people. When I started my new game, I didn't have a single issue with any play styles unlocking. So, if anyone is having trouble with any, I'd try starting a new game and doing it fresh.
By Aco2148117 on 26 Jun 2022 23:57
Broken game. i haven't got any play styles in prologue and the achievement still didn't unlock. have to do everything again... nice to see how devs are so lazy to patch their games... even more nice when its a "remaster" game.
i had no troubles at all on the 360 version but it has to glitch on the remaster version.
By oONeonDemonOo on 05 Aug 2019 12:56
I saved this until the end, having got every other achievement and completing every challenge in the game (except the annoying shooting range ones), then went to mop up five play styles I hadn't unlock. I unlocked the last one (Gunslinger - which, by the way, is 15 revolver kills, not 5) and having got 20/20 play styles... the achievement did not unlock. It looks like I've fallen victim of a glitch that was present in the original game. I've tried doing a New Game, but all that does is reset your position in the campaign. You still have all your challenges, weapons, disguises, and... play styles unlocked. Do you, or anyone else, know what I can do to unlock this achievement?
By Euler13 on 22 Apr 2020 11:43
Great guide, +1 from me!
I just wanted to add some things that might be helpful:
* Gunslinger - I also needed more than 5 revolver kills. A good place to unlock this is in the mission "Birdie's Gift". Get the revolver from the exit and enough ammo from the shop. Get to an easy-to-defend position and start killing people until you get the notification for the play style. I started behind the counter and up the stairs, which only has a single entry point. Later, I would relocate to behind the counter as enemies would stop coming upstairs. I didn't count how many kills I needed in the end, but it could very well be 15 as Euler13 commented earlier.
* Reaper man - I got this at the same time as gunslinger on "Birdie's Gift". Use your instinct to kill people using point-shooting. When your instinct runs out, get headshots to refill it and repeat. There are more than enough enemies to get this.
* Champion - This is easier to unlock this in the mission "Welcome to Hope". Trigger the bar fight and walk up to enemies for them to attack you. Perform the QTE's for 5 different enemies and done. Again, more than enough enemies in the mission, so it could even be done at the same time as the other play styles you can unlock in this mission, i.e. "Bartender", "Viking", and "Glass Cannon".
* Meastro - Much easier to get this on the mission "Absolution: Cemetery Entrance" as you will start this mission with a sniper rifle.
By F77Bloky on 11 Jun 2021 18:31
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NOTE: This is a guide on how to unlock the achievement if it glitches. If you want to know how to unlock the play styles, then check out neeker75's excellent guide.

If this solution does work, then please let me know and I can add assurances and/or additional guidance to this solution.

Based on feedback so far...
It worked! dance = 1
Didn't work! cry = 1

Sorry that this is a very long solution, but there are risks involved and I want to explain in as much details as possible what those risks are and what you can expect to happen if you proceed.

It seems that one thing that hasn't changed with the 2019 remastered version are glitchy achievements and if you're like me, then Jack of All Trades did not pop for you. The most likely cause of the problem is completing a play style on the prologue mission. For some bizarre reason, play styles unlocked in that mission do not count towards the achievement, yet once you've unlocked that play style you can't do it again to make it count. The bottom line is that, unless IOI release a patch, you are going to have to unlock all the play styles again.

Firstly, selecting a New Game will not fix the problem. All that will do is reset your position in the campaign. You will still have all your unlocks: challenges, weapons, disguises, and... you guessed it, play styles.

The simplest solution is to delete your game save and start with a blank profile, only this time ensuring you don't unlock any play styles on the prologue mission. But I'd already completed every challenge on all maps, except those annoying shooting range ones on Birdie's Gift, and I certainly didn't want to lose all my hard work.

Fortunately, I found a way to keep all of my unlocks and unlock this achievement. Frustratingly, you are going to have to re-do all the play styles again.


A. I will take no responsibility for you permanently losing your game save.
B. What I'm about to share, did work for me, but I cannot guarantee it will work for you.
C. Read all of the instructions carefully before doing this.
D. Finally, proceed entirely at your own risk.

Before I provide the solution, I need to explain how profiles are synced with the Xbox live cloud. However, it's quite possible that some of this might change in future, so make sure you're up-to-date.

When you start a game, if it cannot detect a game save on your Xbox, then it will check with the cloud, and if one exists it will download that. Otherwise it will create a new empty game save on your Xbox.
When you exit a game, the local game save is copied to the cloud. This is done in the background. Basically if you're not in Absolution and the game save on your Xbox is different to the cloud, then the cloud will be overwritten with your local save. Your local game save is king!

1. You need to begin by quitting Absolution and then making sure that you go offline: Settings->General->Network->Go Offline. To be really sure, I got my Xbox to forget its wireless network setting for my router too. If you're using a wired connection, then make sure that the cable is unplugged and remains so. You must not reconnect until step 5.
2. Move to Absolution on your home screen or in your games, press Start and select Manage Games. You need to delete the game save for your Xbox profile. You don't need to deleted the Reserved Space file. This is just a file that contains the latests patches and updates and has nothing to do with your game save. If you do accidentally delete it, don't panic! It will automatically re-download next time you're back online and start the game.
3. Start Absolution. When you select your profile, you should get a message to say that a game save could not be found so it will create a new one. Proceed and start a new game. You've already done the hard work, so play on Easy! Get through the prologue without doing anything extraordinary that might unlock a play style. For example, don't get shot to death as that might unlock Tank. If you see any play styles unlock, then quit, and go back to step 2.
4. Now you're going to have to get at least as far as Rosewood (for the Needle Pumper play style). Possibly some play styles will unlock as you work through the missions. That is perfectly fine! Then use neeker75's guide to unlock all of the play styles. ALL PLAY STYLES CAN BE UNLOCKED ON EASY. Most can be done in The King of Chinatown.
NOTE When you unlock the last play style the achievement will NOT pop. You cannot unlock achievements offline, but it will store the unlock in a queue. When you go back online the process of unlocking will begin. This does not always happen immediately and it can take time, but I'll explain more about this in a moment...
5. Once you have unlocked all twenty play styles it is important to exit Absolution, go to Manage game, and delete the temporary game save for your profile. Do not start Absolution again just yet!
6. Go back online in Settings->General->Network. You may need to re-enter your network password if you got your Xbox to forget it like I did. If you're using a wired connection, then plug the cable back in.
7. Restart your Xbox; you'll find this option on the last tab when you press the Home button.
8. Once your Xbox has restarted, load Absolution. When you select your profile you should see a screen saying that it is syncing with the cloud. Your original game save is now being downloaded to your Xbox. Once you get to the menu screen you should have all your previous unlocks back. Phew!

For me, I restarted my Xbox again. When I did this, the achievement visibly and audibly popped when it got back to the Xbox home screen - what a delightful sound!

i. When you load Absolution at step 8 and select your profile it says that it could not find a game save so it will create a new one. Do not accept this! Immediately quit Absolution: press the Home button, press the Start button on Absolution, and select Quit. This happened for one of two reasons: 1) Your Xbox is not properly online, or 2) You did not delete the temporary game save you used to unlock the play styles again.
ii. The achievement refuses to pop or you go to your achievements and it still says it's not unlocked. For me, when I did my second restart, the achievement popped, but when I went to my achievements it said 37/38 and Jack of All Trades was still listed as unlocked; I'd already unlocked all the other achievements. However, when I went to Recent Achievements I could see it there unlocked. So be patient. I believe it can take up to 72 hours for everything to sync properly. Mine properly synced in about one hour.
iii. I struggled horribly to unlock the Maestro play style (snipe five head shots on one round). I tried several times to do it in "The King of Chinatown", but it just never happened for me. In the end I got it on the Streets of Hope part of the Shaving Lenny mission. I went down to the end of the street, near the railroad crossing that comes down when you approach it, and took my shots from there.

I hope this helps. Please let me know in the comments if something is not clear. Also let me know if it works or doesn't work for you.

23 Apr 2020 16:12

In details:

1.Needle Pumper - you need to kill 5 people with a syringe. On the Rosewood level in the shelter on the 2nd floor.

2.Undertaker - hide 5 bodies in a row (in drawers, cabinets, throw them off a cliff).

3.Piano Man - you need to kill with a string, 3 in a row seems to be enough.

4.Reaper Man - you need to kill 7-10 people in quick shooting, no matter civilian or enemy.

5.Sandman - put 3 or more people to sleep in a row. (after capture via press it several times )

6.Dynasty Warrior - Kill a certain number of people with a katana, no matter civilian or not. The Katana can be found in the Chinese New Year level, next to the Tatoos store.

7.Dynamite Harry - you need to blow people up with explosives.

8.Gunslinger - you need to kill 15 non-civilians with a revolver in one mission, you can take it at the Gun Shop level.

9.Bartender - you need to break bottles on 5 people, no matter civilian or not, easy on the Fireballs level.

10.Champion - you need to beat 5 people, it’s also easy to take in Fireballs.

11.Berserker - you need to kill people with axes, as is the case with a katana.

12.Brutus - the same thing, only with a knife.

13.Viking - the same thing, only with the help of a painless bat or another club.

14.Tank - start the level on Professional or start a fight with weapons and try to survive by shooting left and right.

15.Pitcher - you need to kill 5 times in a row by throwing a knife, screwdriver, etc. without raising any alarm. The easiest way to do it is in the corn fields, dress up as a scarecrow and go to the nearest hut with a screwdriver in it, and quietly throw it out of the bushes, then pick up the screwdriver and do it again.

16.Spook - you need to quietly kill 3 people in a row with a pistol with a silencer. Approach with the gun at the ready from the back and press

17.Jinx - you need to make an accident.

18.Maestro - kill 5 times in a row with a sniper shot to the head without raising the alarm. At the level Operation Sledgehammer - Fair, you start on the second floor there is a sniper, at this level there is also the Surgical Precision Test, after completing part 2 of the test you will be given a rating.

19.Glass Cannon - you need to kill 5 people with a shotgun, it doesn’t matter whether they are civilian or not.

20.Bank Robber - you need to take a civilian 3 times as a shield. At the Karol level of Chinatown, run up to the officer, take out your weapon, light yourself up and someone will start following you, people will start running away, run up to anyone and press and so on 3 times.

25 Feb 2020 12:47

Acupuncture - Kill 5 NPCs with a syringe.
Undertaker - Hide 5 bodies.
Pianist - Kill 5 NPCs with a garrote.
Grim Reaper - Kill 8 NPCs using offhand shooting.
Sandman - Subdue 3 NPCs.
Way of the Samurai - Kill 9 NPCs with a katana.
Harry Dynamite - Kill 5 NPCs with explosives.
Free Shooter - Kill 15 NPCs with a revolver.
Bartender Fair Fight - Kill 5 NPCs with a bottle.
Champion - Knock out 5 NPCs in melee combat.
Berserker - Kill 5 NPCs using a fire ax or a simple axe.
Brutus - Kill 5 NPCs with a kitchen knife.
Viking - Kill 5 NPCs using a baseball bat, golf club or sledgehammer.
Tank - Take damage 20 times.
Giver - Stealth kill 5 NPCs with melee weapon throws.
Ghost - Stealth kill 3 NPCs using Eliminate.
Evil eye - Set up 2 accidents.
Maestro - Kill 5 NPCs with a sniper rifle.
Glass Cannon - Kill 5 NPCs with a shotgun without taking damage.
Bank Robber - Capture 3 NPCs as human shields.

07 Nov 2019 18:36