Hitman: Blood Money

Hitman: Blood Money

25 Achievements


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Special Rating

Special Rating

A Special Rating has been awarded.


How to unlock the Special Rating achievement in Hitman: Blood Money - Definitive Guide

I personally found 'The Russian Hare' was the easiest rating to achieve for this to unlock. It is incredibly easy when played on the easiest difficulty setting, and I recommend you play until you have at least unlocked the final tier at the Kruger Schmidt store in-game. Select the W2000 and equip it suitably. Below is the setup I chose to load my W2000 out with:

Scope 2
Silencer 2
Double Capacity Clip
Lightweight Frame
Carbonfiber Barrel
Extra Ammo
Armor Piercing Rounds

Avoid the Bolt Action for this particular run, as it will make things more difficult than they need to be. The Armor Piercing rounds in my mind seem to make the W2000 much more potent, and the recoil is not that severe despite what it tells you. Once you have your rifle loaded out suitably, select the mission 'A New Life', as it is much easier than the rest to complete this achievement on. Now, to earn The Russian Hare you must not kill any civilians. I did not shoot the dog in the garden either, but you may be able to.

When the mission starts, keep an eye on the jogger and steal the donuts from the back of the catering van. When you get the chance, poison them back at the starting location. You can use the Poison Syringe for this without jeopardising the achievement. I can confirm this as I have done so. Now they are poisoned head to the white 'Lauritz and Co.' van across the road from the house. Open the rear doors, drop the donuts and carry on. The screen will split in two, showing the two agents eating their donuts and dropping dead.

Walk away from the spawn location and head towards the garbage truck. Across from it is a woman gardening. Wait till she is facing towards the road, and zip past into her garden. In the garden, head into the tree-house. This location is going to be vital to you for ensuring this achievement comes easily. When here the woman is oblivious to your presence, even when you are firing – the second silencer ensures that you can remain here for as long as needed. Look through the window towards the pool at the target's house, and watch out for any FBI agents. Pop into the scope and ensure you can hit them. Due to the AP rounds most shots are fatal, but I recommend aiming for the chest regardless to be sure. Some of the civilians will see the dead body lying, and then they will make things easier by actually calling more guards over. The guards will inspect the corpse, and you can pop a cap in their backs while they are completely unaware. Continue to rinse and repeat until only the Pool Cleaner, the wife, and the Clown remain. The Caterer does not come outside that I am aware, but avoid shooting him too if he does. Note that the AP Rounds can punch through a second target and take this into consideration when going for a kill.

Once the supply of enemies has dried up, check your map and see how many are remaining. By this stage the FBI may have called in the back-up limos, but these provide little problem as the guards will go to investigate the bodies. Pull the trigger and they can meet up with their buddies again. When you get a quiet moment, reload the W2000. If there are enemies outside the front of the house you can leave your W2000 in the tree-house, and check to see how many there are. If you choose to leave the house and use another vantage point, then by all means do so. Pack the W2000 back into its case before embarking on the trip though to avoid arousing suspicion. When in position assemble the rifle and continue the slaughter.

After all the FBI agents are dead and you are absolutely sure, it is time to bump off the target, Vinnie Sinistra. Keep the rifle on you, and click the right stick in once, so the game is like a first person shooter. I found Vinnie at the top of the stairs, but he can also be found in the tiny room beside the room he watches TV in. Either way, shoot him with the W2000 and begin the search for his wife. Because you cannot kill her, things become a little more difficult. From my experiences she seems to sprint between the house and the pool where the dead agents are lying. When she heads through the door into the garden from the house or vice versa, inject her with the sedative. Steal the Microfilm, and then leave.

This may seem extremely drawn out, and depending on how you play things it may well be. It can take roughly 20 minutes if you are thorough. The map is your absolute best friend, however. Tap LB and search through all the screens until you find any blue circles moving around. Shoot those moving circles and ensure that you are thorough. When you are done, the achievement should pop up fairly quickly. Congratulations on your extra 20G, and enjoy the newspaper clipping on the assassination too!

23 Aug 2010 19:41

just so you know, you can kill the woman with the microfilm and it still counts (i just did it and still got the achievement)
By mph spartan on 20 Aug 2011 01:39
Just got it only took 2 tries nice solution
By CrankyBauer24 on 05 Mar 2012 18:09
I got this easily by sniping all FBI agents from tree house/street. Then I sniped the primary target, sedated secondary target (wife) and stole the microfilm. I left all civilians alive (they shot at me, but it wasn't a big deal). I did not get this achievement following any of the guides on here, but I didn't leave negative feedback since it seemed like the guides worked for some people. Possibly a bugged achievement.
By Supah Sage on 29 Jun 2013 09:50
I got Lunatic. Followed your steps exactly. So far this is definitely the most annoying achievement.
By Fooga on 30 Apr 2014 02:22
After failing to get Russian Hare from killing all the FBI agents, the target, and not killing any civilians, I decided to go on a rampage to blow some steam and killed all the civilians as well...and somehow that gave me the achievement.
By Dutchy OD on 14 Apr 2020 05:04
I used the 'New Life' level to get The Russian Hare. (Which Xbox Achievements lists as 'Use a sniper rifle, must be high police-to-civilian ratio killed.') In the end, all guards were shot and 0 innocents harmed.

I hung out in the treehouse and used the sniper-rifle setup from the guide. The various NPCs kept running for help and bringing in more guards (and the 2 limos of guards). I was able to get most ppl except the front door guard wouldn't leave his post, and the 2 guys in the van wouldn't either. I snuck into the veterinarian's garage and sniped the door guard. I left the rifle case outside the van and opened the doors to lure 1 out to get with silenced pistol, then his friend ran out when he saw the body. With the FBI disguise I went into the house & used silenced pistol on the target, drugged the wife.

22 kills. 20 bodies found. 4 witnesses. Stole CCTV tape. 5 noise. 4 violence. Easy mode. 26:36 minutes.
By ALoneWolf42 on 19 Oct 2021 22:55
Did it again on normal difficulty and this unlocked. I ensured to only kill people using the sniper rifle and sedated the woman.
By YaIrishMick96 on 07 Aug 2022 15:39
This achievement is not clear at all. I followed your guide to the letter, killing all guards and the target and sedating the woman and I didn't get the achievement. I left no guards alive so I don't understand this.

I also tried getting the slasher one for killing everyone with the knive except civilians and that didn't work either. I'm guessing you can't do these on rookie? You haven't made this clear in your guide
By YaIrishMick96 on 07 Aug 2022 13:33
Downvoting because the treehouse method is an insanely inefficient way of doing this plus the trying to get past that woman is irritating.

Instead you're better off purchasing the 35% body armour, health upgrades and the suitcase, with the sniper rifle upgraded as per the description.

At the start run towards the house right in front of you (pet clinic one) and go stand in the right hand corner, set up your rifle and snipe the guy at the front door. Eventually they will all start piling up, in addition to the limos arriving. Take your time and don't miss a shot (on rookie you have loads of health and they are inaccurate). Bullets pass through so you can get double or even triple kills.

Once done run in and shoot the target with the sniper rifle (he tends to hide in the closet in the TV room), sedate the wife, take the microfilm and run out. This took me 4:11 this way and did it on my first try.
By on 28 Aug 2020 13:03
You are trying to be very thorough, but for me this was much harder than seems. It took me around 20 tries. I played on Normal. These are information I would pass on:
- Whenever you miss your target rating, use: B - Back, Y - Restart. That way you can reload your positions.
- The key is to get Noise: 3 and Violence 6+
- You probably need to kill with every shot, but I'm not one hundred percent sure on this. But definitely head shots are NOT needed.
- You can kill all FBI guys except one by the main entrance from pirate house. Just wait long enough.
- And you can have problem to get noise and violence up. I ended up with noise 2 and violence 5. Maybe it was because FBI reinforcements didn't join the party.
- The solution, which was annoying to figure out, was to snipe out some civilians and let myself to be seen with gun in my hands by some others. So exactly 2 eyewitnesses got me the right noise level.
- And you can learn more about special ratings here: http://www.hitmanforum.com/index.php/topic/31761-blood-money...
By Mise64 on 09 Feb 2013 07:29
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To gain a Special Rating you must kill every possible hostile enemy on a particular mission with a miscellaneous / unique item. These items or weapons include such things as hammers, Baseball bats, nail guns, garden shears, kitchen knives, spades, screwdrivers, stilettos, etc. (Although in some cases some enemies can be killed by other means but most of the time you should kill them all with one of these specifically).

The civilians and secondary targets on these missions can either be left alone, sedated, or killed with the same unique item as you killed the hostile enemies with, however killing even one civilian with any other weapon has a high possibility of negating the achievement. In my opinion you should kill every single human being (and even some animals if you can) with the same unique weapon, just to be sure.

One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is on the mission "A New Life" and on recruit difficulty (this is also much easier when you have the kevlar and painkillers equipped). Get one of the unique items on this map, either the garden shears, which can be seen in use by the woman cutting her privet on the opposite side of the road to the witness' house, run past her and to the back of her house, when she follows you try to grab the shears and kill her as fast as possible. You can also use the kitchen knife found in the kitchen of the witness' house or the baseball bat found in his garage.

Now the shears and bat are the most deadly but they cannot be concealed, the kitchen knife can be hidden and can be smuggled into the house via the caterers box. With the unique item in hand proceed to kill everyone on the map, if you are using the kitchen knife begin silently, kill the two garbage men around the corner, the clown, the jogger, the caterer and then move in and kill the easiest bodyguards one by one. If you get compromised, don't panic and reload, just try to get into a protected area and stab the enemies as fast as you can and use your painkillers at the best time. The methods with the bat and shears are basically from the compromised part, you will instantly be seen carrying those weapons and immediately fired upon, you must get into a good location with cover and kill enemies with stabbing or swinging motions. Behind the garden shears woman's house is a good place. Kill all the bodyguards and their back-up then move into the house and kill the target and anyone left.

Once you are satisfied that everyone is dead, make a quick sweep of the map and then finish the mission. If you used the Garden Shears you will unlock the 'Insane Florist' special rating, if you used the Kitchen Knife you will unlock the 'Sushi Chef' special rating and if you used the Baseball Bat you will unlock the 'Slugger' special and the achievement for any of them.

I've posted this video courtesy of 'GameVideos47' to visually illustrate the 'Insane Florist' method:
*Note that killing every single civilian and the guard dog may not be necessary.

This is a video, courtesy of 'Tomtokamoto' showing an alternative method on the same mission, he uses mainly headshots to gain the 'Russian Hare' special rating (you may want to mute this):
*Sorry about the music
Thanks and don't forget to upvote, please post any questions, improvements, or any new ratings you find.

10 Feb 2009 11:41

my game keeps freezing before i kill the last person :(
By Epic x B1ade on 20 Mar 2011 17:10
I've never heard of that Reflex, the only possibility I can think of is your disc may be dirty or scratched preventing you from loading the end in. You'll have to try cleaning, buffing or replacing your disc.
By o DEEVIUS o on 20 Mar 2011 23:11
I'm getting the same crash as Reflexz It seems to occur when attempting to use the garden shears on a prone target
By Lobo Samhain on 21 Apr 2011 17:39
This may be due to a new in-game internal glitch guys, possibly caused by a recent patch. The game is old now and probably not on Io interactive nor Eidos' high priority list and has been overlooked.
There are at least 18 different ones you can go for, try other levels.
I've posted a new video to illustrate the 'Sushi Chef' rating.
By o DEEVIUS o on 21 Apr 2011 18:12
Tried this many times with no success. Must be bugged...used the Russian Hare method instead and it seemed to work. On A New Life, killed all FBI with sniper, killed primary target with sniper, sedated secondary target, stole microfilm necklace and left the mission without killing ANY civilians.
By Supah Sage on 29 Jun 2013 09:47
I used the gardening shears, and only killed every FBI agent and Vinnie, I sedated the wife, grabbed her necklace then left. But I didn't kill any civilians or the wife.

I also had the shears with me when I escaped. I think somewhere down the line they patched it where you couldn't kill innocents to achieve these special ratings.
By Fooga on 30 Apr 2014 02:45
Thanks for updating the solution. But yes, for me, slaughtering everyone with the shears didn't work.

I whipped out a syringe to scare the lady into dropping the shears, grabbed them, and hid behind her house. Made it simple to pick off about 90% of the agents.

I then sheared Vinnie and the rest of the agents, sedated the wife to take the film and escaped.
By Fooga on 01 May 2014 03:20
"Excuse me while I whip this out" lol

I wonder if it was a different factor that prevented you from unlocking the achievement, for example: accidentally killing someone or even if someone died randomly (that can happen) and miscounting the shears or if you mat have missed a hostile somewhere. I'm only saying this because I've done the Insane Florist method many times and every time I killed absolutely everyone on the map with the shears. The same with the knife for Sushi Chef - I enjoyed that more as I challenged myself to kill everyone without being seen, I got almost to the end.

Thanks for your feedback, and please keep experimenting for new methods and ratings smile
By o DEEVIUS o on 01 May 2014 17:07
Lol it was a syringe I swear...

But yeah for one playthrough when back up arrived they ran over another agent. I made sure that didn't happen when it messed up.

The noise and violence meters are flaky. I've played through HD collection and this in a span of 2 weeks and I can safely say the slightest alteration in stats can screw you over.
By Fooga on 01 May 2014 21:05
Killed everyone with the Garden shears (left the dog alive as I'm not totally evil).
Chevo popped at the end of the mission. Thanks.
By StridentPizza on 23 Sep 2014 19:19
As a tip: On Normal, in A New Life, there are 31 total people to kill
- The Target
- 9 innocents (2 neighbor ladies, 2 garbage men, the jogger, the clown, the caterer, the poolboy, and the target's wife.)
- 21 Guards/FBI, including the backup

(There's also the dog.)
By Hello Meow on 20 Jan 2015 02:02
You do not have to kill any innocents or the dog to get the achievement, just be sure not to kill anyone with any other means than the Shears, this includes FBI agents shooting each other in the back. but thanks for the figures smile
By o DEEVIUS o on 20 Jan 2015 09:14
It seems to be different with different people, some have done the achievement, including myself, without killing the dog. But like I said, you may as well kill it anyway.
By o DEEVIUS o on 05 Sep 2015 12:39
Safest way is just to experiment. It'll pop eventually. smile
By Fooga on 05 Sep 2015 20:32
The fact is that the civilians aren't necessarily a priority, you can kill them with the specific weapon as well as all hostiles or leave them alone and complete the mission, this will still unlock the achievement. The civilians pose no threat and in almost all cases you can kill them very easily with Shears, for example, so you may as well, it can only help to get the achievement. However killing a certain number of civilians with other standard weapons will certainly compromise the Special Rating.

The choices are: to wipe out the entire map with a specific unique weapon -- to wipe out all hostile enemies with a specific weapon and leave the civilians untouched -- or, as Fooga concludes, to wipe out all hostile enemies and sedate some of the civilians or secondary targets. In my opinion the former is the most sure way to get things done smile

UPDATE: I have posted a new illustrative video and reworded the solution, thanks
By o DEEVIUS o on 30 Apr 2014 18:14
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This achievement's pretty easy. Go onto "A New Life", I recommend on Normal cause they die in less hits. As soon as the level begins run to the veterinary surgery (across the road from the target's house) and run round the side to the window at the back. The woman in the garden next door (cutting the hedge) will get alerted and run round the back of the vet to find you. Just stand there with a gun or syringe equipped and she will panic and drop the hedge cutters. Quickly run and pick them up and stab her in the back with them. Now, you'll either get caught or someone will find her body after a while so just wait round the back and pick them off one by one as they come close. After a while if people stop coming to investigate the bodies you can preoccupy your self by running round and killing the garbage man fixing his truck or the woman gardening next to the treehouse. Check your map regularly to make sure you get everyone before you escape.

If you're still having trouble buy the pain pills and/or health boost to help you out.

After completing the mission, making sure EVERYONE is dead, and escaping, you SHOULD get the "Insane Florist" special rating.

Credit to blueparrots for this method

23 Mar 2010 12:12

I killed everyone with the hedge cutter, and again with the knife, a total of 31 people in a new life. no achievement.
By grasn reloaded on 05 Apr 2010 19:09
same here
By Maz 2Kaii10 on 16 Aug 2010 17:33
Ive done this a few times now too, and no pop :( Wondering if there might be a bug somewhere that makes this one tempremental. Im gonna go try a different mission and will post again if it pops (if I remember)!
By UKGN Luke on 13 Jan 2011 20:03
I'm not sure why it's not working for some of you, I got it first time (maybe second time cause i think i fucked up) so I thought I'd post it
By Blackout7891 on 04 Mar 2011 13:23
Worked for me. I did not kill the wife (sedated), caterer, or the clown.
By QuanticJustice on 06 Sep 2014 04:15
Thanks Rhys7891, I followed your suggested method and gained the achievement first time, using the hedge cutters. One thing I found out whilst gaining this achievement, one of the FBI agents shot dead a civilian who happened to (stupidly) run between me and himself as I was trying to find a bit of cover and I thought this would jeapordise my gaining this achievement. However, since I only needed to kill a few more targets I thought I would carry on and see whether I got the achievement or not and I did. So, it seems if someone gets killed by crossfire from an enemy's gun rather than your hedge cutters, kitchen knife or whatever, it won't affect your achievement as long as it wasn't you firing the gun.
By L0RD Melchett on 11 Sep 2010 10:20
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credit goes to 47hitmanagency47

24 Nov 2009 02:11

Kill all guards, the mission target, and the woman who has the jewelry with ONLY the kitchen knife and you will get it. The hardest part is sneaking in and grabbing the knife undetected, but once you do, kill the lone guard in the basement, take his suit, and slowly take out the rest of the guards without being seen or causing noise. Towards the end, even if you are finally caught in the act and the last few enemies swarm in on you, it shouldn't be too hard to swing away and kill them off.

12 Mar 2021 04:46