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5-Star Threat

5-Star Threat

Become a 5-Star threat in a Battle Commander public match


How to unlock the 5-Star Threat achievement in Homefront - Definitive Guide

I unlocked this in Battle Commander Ground Control. I popped a RQ-10 Parrot and started marking people like crazy. People should shoot at you, but if you're lucky you can find a guy trying to do the same thing and mark his Parrot over and over again. (Also if you can find him, mark him over and over by holding the trigger) Once you get to Threat Level 1 it will take 10 marks to get to the next level. After each threat level you regain your health and battery so don't worry if your health gets too low. Also having the perks equipped helps.

15 Mar 2011 19:27

This works and you should absolutely do this to get the achievement the easiest way possible.
By LBCeroy on 17 Mar 2011 08:33
Managed to get this pretty quickly 5ish games. Was planning on going for it 'legit' but turned out there was someone on the opposite team that was doing the same so we ended up flying our parrot drones to a corner of a map and just stayed there constantly marking each other. Piece of cake! xD
By iammatticusx on 17 Mar 2011 16:10
^^ I also got it in the Farm level.The enemy kept spawning close together near the silos.
By CustomDEMOCRAT on 20 Mar 2011 07:24
Thanks, you made this achievement a walk in the park for me, i assumed you had to shoot your way to five stars, but just using a RQ-10 Parrot made it 100% easier. In my first 2 games on Battle Commander GC i got it. Thumbs up from me =]
By iM3RKxYOUx on 20 Mar 2011 18:39
I found this achievement way easier with the RQ-10 Parrot then any other method
By SPOOooKY on 21 Mar 2011 04:27
This is BS... I can't even get past lvl 2 because people just aim for me straight away
By wh00kie on 25 Mar 2011 06:58
I thought that was obvious. My bad.
By Big sama on 25 Mar 2011 11:31
"These are all probably common known facts but I figure a few tip additions won't hurt."
Mr. Inconsistency?
By wh00kie on 25 Mar 2011 14:13
Yeah marking one person makes it a lot easier than marking a bunch Wheelz
By Big sama on 25 Mar 2011 14:59
?? that was not my point at all lol
By wh00kie on 25 Mar 2011 15:48
This works great! I got it on my first drone after reading this! Thumbs up!!!
By CombatRok on 29 Mar 2011 00:10
This worked on my very first attempt... I couldn't believe it either. Thanks so much!
By Meatballs21 on 29 Mar 2011 12:19
To be honest I think this mainly worked when game first came out. People seem to recognise and quickly take out the parrots now. I got it just from jumping in a team member's tank.
By HiradC on 10 Apr 2011 09:04
Still works for me, I just find campers. If you're flying high yeah you'll be a target for sure.
By Big sama on 10 Apr 2011 23:53
Great guide, got it in a couple of matches
By pwnzrr on 06 May 2011 01:52
when the marker blinks red you can mark them again.
By oR33Do on 28 May 2011 01:28
just started playing online... battlecommander ground control. on one respawn i chose to enter team vehicle and turned out to be a ac-130 or chopper... i got 3 star and 5 star in one go and pretty easily :)
By Phoenix C64 on 23 Jun 2011 18:07
I believe this is obtainable without the Battle Code, in case you care to add that information. I know for a fact 3 Star Threat unlocks, so I would assume 5 Star Threat will as well.
By Smeds on 23 Jul 2011 03:51
thank you very much friend. cheers!
By on 10 Feb 2012 23:34
After a few attempts, I managed to do it by following a tank around and constantly spotting it (and anything else that was nearby). Eventually the tank got a gunner though who targeted me (I was 4 star at that point), resulting in me frantically trying to get the last few spots to hit the 5 star, and I reached 5 stars literally milliseconds before I was shot down! That was one of the few times where I fist pumped getting an achievement. :)
By Lockie on 13 Feb 2012 13:39
Nobody mentioned that you can mark someone, then hold the trigger again to mark them again even when they are red.. I thought you had to wait for their marker to go white until you can mark them another time. Should probably add this into the guide
By wh00kie on 25 Mar 2011 07:44
sorry if the above seems rude, it's not intended to. I played about 10 games, failing in each one to get above 2 stars after reading this guide and then discovered myself that I could mark them over and over while they were already marked and I got it in 2 tries... To me it just seems like a small tip that any of the guides for this achievement should include, not just yours.
By wh00kie on 25 Mar 2011 14:23
I won't put up a second solution as yours works perfect and I thank you for a great guide.
This achievement took me around 4 rounds to get with the Parrot and it can be very annoying, but is 100% doable. I ended up getting a few crushing tries that involved me getting shot down at 4 stars with 5 marks to go, and running out of fuel during a good 4 star run. Some general tips that I basically learned while doing this and watching other players attempt to do this at the same time.
1) Marking the other Parrots is a fine plan but remember, they will mark you! Unless you're lucky I would honestly advise against this as it's a risky play.
2) Find the gunfight! You do run out of fuel so hanging back is just not an option, when you see a point under attack in GC quickly get to that point and mark all players there, there is sure to be a gunfight going on so you will most likely be ignored, spam mark all incoming enemies.
3) You're not durable... yet. After I believe...2 stars you gain a massive armor buff to the parrot, until then you will drop like a rock, but at the same time you can't run out of fuel. Make use of Ascending and Descending, it will keep you alive more than you think. I found players will quickly get annoyed with a strafing up and down drone and eventually get caught up in gunfire forced to ignore me.
4) As mentioned perks are a major help. I would wait until you unlock "My Buddy" perk which I believe is around rank 8 (not hard to get to) and make use of "Drone Be Gone!" "Thick Skin" and "My Buddy". You will notice a major difference in your time and ability.
5) Above all, don't get frustrated! The more annoyed you get the more likely you are to make a mistake. The parrot is a very fragile creature and if you mistreat it, it won't fly right d(^_^)z

These are all probably common known facts but I figure a few tip additions won't hurt. Feel free to edit and place this in the main solution if you feel it will better it (as not all players read comments). **Credit pls <3**
Thanks again for the solution *Thumbs up*
By Skurkitty on 17 Mar 2011 06:07
I got it in my 3rd match with the RQ-10 Parrot, i just marked some people until i get to 3 stars then i found a tank who stayed at Spot C with 2 guys in it and i got down behind him and marked him over and over.
By RocKstaRR l fLy on 14 May 2011 23:53
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Found a great video on youtube posted by BYOBxFPSxGaming.

He's exhibiting the RQ-10 Parrot method over-top of some stellar tunes.

Hope the visual helps out and good hunting to everyone!

18 Mar 2011 18:38

This is the same map I got mine. I was able to place my drone as close to the 2 tallest buildings on this map. Fortunately there were 2 players sniping from the billboard sign close to position C. I just kept my drone up on the roof, and only moved close to the edge so I could continue to mark these 2 guys. My Ach popped in no time. I finally got this one after many tries on a few different maps.
By WhiskeyCharlie on 29 Mar 2011 18:14
The song is actually Bodies by Drowning Pool :), but thanks for the video looks pretty simple.
By My Delirium on 03 Apr 2011 19:17
Yeah it is Drowning Pool lol, and even if it was "Finger 11" it's spelled "Finger Eleven", just like Blink 182 isn't Blink One Eighty Two
By MaGilly Gorilla on 10 Apr 2011 08:57
I wanna say the updated the audio because it was def a Finger "Eleven" (TheGreat Lama G) track before lol, there's no way I'd confuse those two.
**update yea they did "whats this song??? ive never? heard it before. plz tell me, thank u. - jesse60606 3 weeks ago// @jesse60606 Finger Eleven - Paralyzer - BYOBxFPSxGaming 3weeks ago"
By Prattalmighty on 20 Apr 2011 21:29
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As the achievements states, you must play in battle commander. You unlock all Battle Commander game modes at level 7, and these gamemodes are the same as the normal gamemodes (there are TDM, Ground Control and Skirmish varients). These are alike in everyway to their non-Battle Commander counterparts, except that in the game, the AI marks those who play really well as threats. Consequently as your threat level increases, the AI will try harder and harder to get people to kill you. Fun isn't it. Getting to a 5 star threat rating is hard, very hard, nearly impossible as the only way to do so is to get over 15 kills without dieing either on foot, or in a vehicle while the AI labels your general location on the map for enemies to see and places a larger and larger bounty on your head. However the RQ-10 Parrot makes things much easier. Because it cannot attack the game treats it a different way, in order to increase your threat level all you have to do is mark enemies and you have to do so 45 times without being shot out of the sky, or having your vunerable body killed by an enemy.

To make this achievement much easier, create a custom class, that has perks which improve drones. By level 7 you will have access to 3 and can equip all at once, one increases your drone's speed, one increases its max health, and one increases battery life, also remember to equip the RQ-10 Parrot to one of the reward spots. Nothing says idiot, like taking all the perks but forgetting the drone itself.

The RQ-10 parrot costs only 250 BP in game. When you start the game, you start with 500 BP, and you know all the enemies are on the other side of the map, so clearly this is the best time to go for the achievement.

Move back into a discreet area, go prone and call in your RQ-10 Parrot. My advice is to fly up very high; enemies look ahead, not up. Swoop down when you see anyone, mark them, and then regain altitude. You can remark an enemy when the red mark indicater begins to flash, which starts happening about 4 seconds after you mark them. The great thing is that, while enemies are notified that they've been marked the warning itself isn't very noticable, and given that so many people snipe in this game, it's very easy to simply float above them and just keep marking them as they will be concentrating on scanning for enemies, instead of paying attention to the warning.. (One time I had 4 snipers on the same rooftop, This was after I had gotton the achievement, but you still get 20 BP with every mark, so I was making 80 BP every 3-4 seconds, good times, I even hovered over one sniper and just hovered up and down to add insult to injury (Note: RQ-10 Parrot teabagging is not recommended when going for this achievement))

In order to get the 3 star threat achievement, you must mark 25 enemies in a row. In order to get the 5 start threat achievement, you must mark 45 enemies in a row (some solutions above are saying it's 30 and 50 but they are wrong, I even watched the video in the above solution, they got points for 5 marks, and then they get to a 1 star threat, and then every 10 marks after that their threat level increases). Also every time your threat level increases, your health and batteries are restored to full making this only easier. So after what should be at most only a few games of trying, you will have yourself a nice 105 GS.
enemies ARE notified they are being marked, top corner of the screen.
By on 21 Mar 2011 15:40
thanks for the heads up, I was not aware of this at all (shows what I know) but I've fixed it in my solution, and I'll be sure to watch the top corner of my screen from now on.
By on 21 Mar 2011 22:25
Also to add to Sama, another great way to getting this achievement is to try and get a map where you can spawn in a vehicle. A lot of people will drive around a humvee, and they have a hard time shooting down a parrot. Follow a vehicle that's focusing on killing infantry and just mark that over and over. Once I started following the humvee I constantly just kept tapping the RT button, and I got the achievement in 5 minutes! Happy Hunting

18 Mar 2011 12:04

The way i got it was by playing Ground Control - Battle Commander. I wasn't doing very well, died and chose to respawn in "Team Vehicle." Luckily the driver of the tank was a high level and whoever he was got up to 5 stars and because i was in the tank i was up to 5 stars aswell. Pure luck

01 Jun 2011 23:16

I got this probably around when i was level 18-20 something like that.
All I did was get enough BP to call in an Abraham tank and I easily managed to get enough kills with and got my 3 star and my 5 star achievement in one go.

Id say the Parrot Drone method is probably a safer bet because if there's alot of people using RPG/Hellfire then you might be in trouble using the tank.

04 Apr 2011 00:16

If someone in the match has a get in the passenger seat and use the machine gun if the pilot already has a 2 star threat u automatically get it same if he has a 4 star threat u get it also if he needs one kill for the 5 star u get it simple easy way.Worked for me

18 Sep 2011 10:43

What I did for the achievement was on battle commander after the objectives move you can usually find a guy or two laying down using their parrot or drone...fly behind them and just mark the guy laying down to not draw susption to your parrot by marking everyone else. It takes 50 marks to get to 5 stars...
I have heard that the easiest way to get this achievement is using the parrot but I got it without trying. I was in a BC match on the farm and someone on my team spawned an assult helicopter and I decided to spawn in team vehicle. Luckly he was very good at flying, spotting and shooting. I only got about 3 of the total kills needed for the achievement but if you are in a match beating the other team badly and you have plently of time and helicopters and the option to spawn in a vehicle do so. Chances are if they are losing so badly to begin with they won't be able to shoot you down and each kill in the vehicle, wether by you or your teammate, counts towards both your 3 and 5 star threats.

03 Apr 2011 20:44

You need to achieve a 15 kill streak, which can also be done using a Drone or vehicle. This can be easily boosted, so if you are needing partners check here.

The easiest way is to make a "Parrot" drone to mark targets! We put all the skills you have, speed, rhinoceros and battery and fly, mark, on the second star they will give a full battery, etc., at the top it will be noted how much you have left to mark until the next star

10 Apr 2011 08:00

1 Comment
I’ll add that to get 5 stars you need to kill 15 enemies without dying.
By Abbath on 07 Oct 2012 06:21
You can also just kill opponents and you get points, then when you have 2800 points, then decide what you will spend on: a helicopter or a heavy tank, and you have to be careful; opponents can beat you; I personally got it when I drove a tank.

10 Apr 2011 20:30