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The Wall - Guerrilla

The Wall - Guerrilla

Complete chapter 4 on the Hardest Difficulty in the Single Player Campaign


How to unlock the The Wall - Guerrilla achievement in Homefront - Definitive Guide

As you're going through the yards a friendly AI will worry that it's too quiet.
There is a downed fence you will drop down from, as soon as you drop down, KPA will start attacking. I used the sniper rifle to take out the rocket enemy on the 2nd floor directly ahead of where you drop down before he got a shot off.
I then jumped over the porch railing on the right & went prone behind the mattress & picked off the guy on the roof to the far right.
After that I switched to the automatic rifle & just waited for the humvee to show, sometimes enemies will rush the porch you're on but not all the time, which is why I switched to the auto rifle. Also, I want to note that just because the firing stopped that doesn't mean the enemy is dead, so if no one is rushing you or spamming you with grenades stay down.
When the humvee shows up they'll yell for you to target it for Goliath. I had absolutely no luck with that. What I did was target some foot enemies in front of the humvee, while I was still prone & mostly behind cover, & when Goliath took them out, the humvee went with it.

After that you have to follow/protect Goliath. There will be rocket enemies coming from the rooftops, 1st from the right & after that from the left. What I did hear was use the sniper rifle to take out the rocket enemies & I used Goliath to take care of the foot enemies. I moved up slowly but if you stay too far back you won't be able to hit the rocket enemies on the left.

Once you're done with that a tank will show up, the only way I got past the tank was to stand in front of Goliath at the door he eventually drives through & he pushed me through the building.

After that you'll make your way to the wall where you have to lower a couple of gates to get Goliath to the gate. This part was fairly easy, take out enough of the enemies to make it the 1st gate controls & then open the the gate. The 2nd gate you'll have a door to kick down, CoD breach & clear style, & then 3 enemies up on the wall it tasks you with eliminating. The far left & the middle enemy I got from the room, the enemy on the right, I went back the way I came, like 2 buildings back, & there was some cement cover in the middle of the the street, I took the guy out from there. Then I went back to the room that I breached, took out some stragglers & opened the gate. After that you use Goliath then escape in a humvee.

This is my 1st solution so I probably made some mistakes so if there's anything I can fix or left out please let me know

17 Mar 2011 18:40

Thank you so much! I have been stuck on the RPG part for about 1 hour now and it was the third guy with the RPG I couldn't shoot without being shot! I took your advice and went back and it worked 1st time. Great solution!
By TwiiSteD BeAsT on 24 Mar 2011 10:32
Yea I was stuck at the RPG part for a lengthy amount of time too. Fantastic solution.
By sirbradenwalker on 29 Jul 2011 21:41
This can be a real doozy, and the hardest part of this level on Guerilla difficulty is at the end. So if you are up for the challenge, be prepared to die repeatedly and with the resolve to not give up.

To start, you are presented with the corpse of Boone, and after touring the remains of the Oasis, you will drop down onto a cul-de-sac and then get into what your teammates call an "ambush". You will see a house to the right with a board dropping and another house straight ahead with an enemy RPG. Dispatch those two enemies then immediately jump to the right where there is a porch and the remains of a bed mattress to take cover in. That afforded the best vantage point for me and after dying several times before hand trying other cover points this is what works best. The enemies should be taken out pretty swiftly and then a Humvee will pull on scene - in case you have trouble targeting vehicles with the Goliath, hold RT until the arrow is at the top of the square, let go, and press RT one time and the missile will fire.

In the next area, you must protect Goliath from RPG fire as well as target and clear out all enemies in sight. Straightforward and fun. Fun, that is, until a tank busts through the wall. When this happens, you want to be nearest the opening Goliath will soon create on the left side to get out of harm's way - you don't have much time at all to do so. If you die, just make sure you know where Goliath goes into so you know for next time.

Now it is time to target that tank from its flank and expose its weakness - should not be much challenge. Once this is done, you will go through a series of concrete channels and then come out to fight a few more waves of enemies as you fight your way to opening the first barricade and then go towards White Castle.

Now this is the part you will be dreading. Once your partner asks you to kick open the door, you enter a slo-mo sequence where you must take out the enemies in the room, a carbon copy of Modern Warfare 2. Use the exploding barrels ahead of you for best results, and expect to do this sequence several times, because even with my help in this guide you will probably be dying several times before things get right.

Anyways, what you will need to do is eliminate the three enemies toting RPGs and then activate the second barricade to allow the Goliath access. To start, dispatch the first RPG enemy - straight ahead and up on the building across. Once he's taken out, be ready to look towards the right as an enemy will rush your position. When using cover in this area, stick to the two boxes in the middle; you will usually find less luck trying to hide behind the Humvee. Take him out, and then quickly move up and take out the second RPG up high on the far side. Now what you are going to need to do is take out the two machine gunners, and to be able to get a vantage point you must go out to the forklift directly outside and take them both out, quickly. Assuming you came out of that unscathed, go back into the room, go around the far left side past the Humvee, and quickly run out and get into cover behind the concrete wall that is just past the barrier switch. It is here you will be able to take out the final RPG, and from there, help your squadmates take out the remaining enemies in front, and when there's a lull, get to the switch and get it open.

You're out of the belly of the beast now, so make sure to go back inside and into the next room over to where it says "regroup". Then FOLLOW YOUR COMMANDER (can't stress it enough I made it this far and lost and had to start this part all over) who will go out and up stairs to an RPG launcher waiting for you. Instructions will be given to make the sacrificial shot of your own Goliath to open that barrier, and from there, hop in that Humvee as directed and get ready to celebrate a nice, well-earned 25-point cheevo.

23 Mar 2011 04:18