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Vehicle Expert

Vehicle Expert

Complete an expert challenge for any vehicle in Multiplayer


How to unlock the Vehicle Expert achievement in Homefront - Definitive Guide

(Note: This works best with "Big Stick" (Increased vehicle damage) on. Also, to clarify confusion: the person who spawns the vehicle is the person who determines the abilities a vehicle has. Not the person in the gun.)
I got this with the Humvee, and it's actually pretty easy to do if you can fit into one of the following categories. You:
•Are a good driver.
•Have a buddy who's a good driver.
•Message me on xBox and play with me, because I'm a good driver (Also: Modest. And handsome.)

You see, what a lot of people don't realize is that you can get about as many kills driving the Humvee as you can gunning in it. The trick to doing well is singular: Teamwork.

The driver has three tasks: Get the team away from enemy fire, call out targets for the gunner, and (this is important) run over every goddamn enemy they can get to. Far too many people think that "driver" equates to "get the other guy kills". Let me explain it this way: An enemy that is alive is an enemy that can kill you. The gunner can, by all means, shoot at people who aren't in cover. But the driver can kill those people too, and if the gunner shoots at the guy out of cover, it'll over heat the turret for when he needs to shoot at a guy in cover. Then that guy pulls out an RPG and blows the Humvee team to shit.

Now, the gunner has more tasks, and arguably more important ones. They must: Call out targets for the driver (in two ways). The gunner should mention where any enemies not in cover are, so that the driver can run them over. Whether the gunner does this based on the enemy's absolute location ("by the billboard", "by the truck", "in the parking lot", etc.), or based on their relative location ("behind us", "to the left", etc.) is up to the driver/gunner team, but if the driver is more used to one method or the other, it's better for the gunner to change than vice versa. (A tip for all games is to call out targets in the way the guy you're calling them out to wants you to. After all, s/he's the one that needs to know where they are, so it doesn't matter if it's the way you understand location.) The second way is the more obvious one: The gunner should call out targets that are in cover, so that the driver can maneuver the team into position. Again remember that any enemy alive can kill you. Do not leave any alive. The gunner is also the anti-vehicle player. Though the Humvee can't damage LAVs or Heavy Vehicles, it can do damage to light-skinned vehicles. In other words, other Humvees and helicopters. Attacking Helis is (generally) a bad idea, but if the driver can get the team into cover to shoot, then feel free to (after all, a Heli can wreck a Humvee's day, so taking one out can be a good way of keeping your vehicle alive). The primary problem is other Humvees. This is the reason I say at the beginning of the guide to put "big stick" on: A Humvee that has Big Stick on can kill another Humvee in about two and a half seconds, less if every shot hits. This is not hyperbole. If you have Big Stick on, then it is possible to take on two or three enemy Humvees at once and win (assuming the enemy doesn't have it, and that your driver/gunner team know what it's doing). Just remember that even with Big Stick, LAVs and HAVs cannot be damaged. At all. So if the gunner notices one, it's his/her job to tell the driver to GTFO.

A lesson in the psychology of a driver/gunner team: A driver is focusing on what's in front of them. If a driver focuses on what is far behind him/her, or to the left or right, a crash is likely. Though the driver may not have tunnel vision per se, it can at times seem similar. Contrariwise, a gunner does the opposite. A gunner's performance can only improve by kills, whereas a driver's improves both by kills and by assists. For this reason, a gunner is paying attention to their entire screen (furthermore, the entire battle), while the driver is only paying attention to the immediate situation. What does this mean?

Just as the person in a BDSM relationship who determines what goes on in bed is actually the Submissive, the person in a gunner/driver pair that determines where the vehicle goes is the gunner. The gunner is the one paying attention to what is going on overall, the gunner is the one who will notice when a vehicle shows up, and the gunner is the one who will know when a vehicle doesn't have enough weapons to survive in an area. For this reason, the driver should always obey what the gunner says. If the gunner says go forward, go forward, if the gunner says pull back, pull back. If the gunner says GTFO, then GTFO.

A few further notes:
•The best gametypes for getting this (and other Expert achievements) are the non-BC variants. The stars you get in BC make you an article of focus, and (in my experience) the benefits of each star level are outweighed by the increase in notoriety. Further, you're more likely to get low ranks in non-BC playlists, because Battle Commander is initially restricted to players over level 7.
•A good driver gets about as many kills as a good gunner. Do not pick one over the other just because you want the achievement. I'm a far better driver than most of my friends, and always drive. Yet I was the first amongst us to get the achievement. This is not without reason.
•Remember to use both boost and countermeasures. Boost is triggered by clicking in left stick, and is very useful, both for running over an enemy struggling for cover, and for getting out of tight situations. Countermeasures are triggered by pressing "A", and will cause explosives to detonate before reaching the vehicle. Some explosions will still cause slight damage to the Humvee, but it is far less likely to be lethal. Countermeasures have saved my ass from more tight situations than I can count.
•A driver's job is to run over any enemy the vehicle can reach. You would be surprised where you can get a Humvee in this game.
•Just because I said that a Humvee driver should get enemies who aren't in cover while a gunner should get those in cover does not mean the gunner shouldn't fire at enemies outside of cover. Even if the driver runs the enemy over before the gunner gets a kill, the gunner will get a bonus of 50 BP for a kill assist. This is handy if you decide to switch between gunner/driver, or just to get extra money throughout the game if you care about winning while you go after your achievement.

I would like to reiterate that you can get this achievement driving or gunning, so do whichever you're better at, not whichever you think will get you it faster, because it won't.

Feel free to message me over LIVE saying you'd like a partner. I usually can get on at least once a week, and love new people to play with. Just tell me what you're messaging me about.

Go out there and get some kills.

EDIT: Apparently "list" BB-code doesn't work on TrueAchievements. Unusual. Apologies for any inconvenience.

01 Apr 2011 02:50

Nice post...

But you have issues man :) .. keep up te good work
By FiBER NL on 04 Apr 2011 15:46
Issues? How so?
By Owlowiscious on 09 Apr 2011 15:57
this helped me alot thxs!
By XxFatJesusxX on 19 Apr 2011 17:28
he's probs referring to the fact the first example you could think of was BDSM lol :)
By HiradC on 22 Jun 2011 21:35
@HiradC: And you see, he's probably right too. Because I thought that was a perfect metaphor.
By Owlowiscious on 23 Jun 2011 07:05
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this achievement is no longer obtainable since servers are down

You will need to get 200 kills in 1 type of vehicle for this

im personally finding this easiest to do using the Pirahana or LAV (light armoured vehicle). It costs 1400 each time you use it and if you get a good run in it I find you can often get one soon after you used your first one.

I have had 3 LAVs in 1 game a couple of times now and im sitting on 110 kills.

Just rush in with an assault and capture points/kill people til you have enough to buy one. Or play however you find easiest to earn BP's.

I find having the passive repair abilty on quite useful. But you can put on what ever you feel comfortable with.

Find a friend and switch between gunner and driver of the Humvee. This is the cheapest and you should be able to get quite a few humvee spawns in 1 match.

So far there are two maps that ive found that dont allow vehicles. Suburbs and culdesac so veto that shit =)

21 Mar 2011 14:17

Thumbs up for last line.
By MasterMinshew on 24 Mar 2011 15:01
i second that
By RadiantPumpkin on 04 Apr 2011 06:30
thumbs up for last line, made meh lol
By TouchMyMinki on 10 Apr 2011 18:33
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I found this easier in the M1 Abrams.

I used the setup as turret speed upgrade and gun reload upgrade. You can continually drive around and wheel the turret fast enough to take out enemies in all directions.

The splash effect of the main gun decimates anyone near where you hit and the armor can take several solid rocket shots before you feel the punch. Keep an eye out for other vehicles and make sure you put fire on them quickly if they spawn.

Focus on infantry with this and you can easily rack up 20-30+ kills per round before being destroyed. Save the BP from your current run and buy another one after they destroy you.

Note: (Without upgraded damage ability) Regular gun will kill infantry in the splash area 1 shot, 1 shot from turret will destroy a Humvee or drone, 4-5 shots to destroy an LAV, 6-8 shots destroy another Abrams. Stay away from Helos if you want to rack up kills(infantry focus). Keep moving to prolong durability.

19 Apr 2011 19:57

This is really easy if you get the Abrams or Heavy tank imo. 2000BP each but its so easy to get kills in its not even funny. The Humvee is also pretty easy cause on Crossroads or Farm you can just drive around the enemy spawn running people over and they don't notice half the time. The LAV is an option but it gets shot and killed fast usually it seems.

26 Mar 2011 10:40

Get 200 kills using any vehicle in multiplayer.

It’s easy to do everything with an Apache helicopter, because... he is the strongest of all technology

18 Mar 2012 17:33