How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition

How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition

12 Achievements


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Complete the story mode in "Iron Man" difficulty.


How to unlock the Unbreakable achievement in How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition - Definitive Guide

Ironman is the HARD mode of the game and can be quite annoying against hordes so I recommand starting the game on easy/normal to get used to it. Then if you start a new game on Ironman, everything will reset, your inventory, level, skills... you'll lose it all

To avoid the reset, when your in the main menu go to Online game

---> Game mode: Story mode
---> Story option: look for someone to help
---> Character: select your original character
---> the Story option will automatically change to "continue" so set it back to "look for
someone to help"
---> Difficulty: Ironman then search

After you join someone's game you'll most likely start at the begining of the story, so play in coop for about 5 minutes, the time to complete the first few main objectives until the game autosaves, then leave. From that point, you can continue playing local or online with your original weapons

For the final battle, have lots of bandages/medkits, golden weapons are highly recommanded (machinegun, triple silex boomerang, carbon bow with polley) but specially, a couple of fresh meats to distract the zombies when they are too many

01 Sep 2015 11:26

Can you do this trick to switch to Ironman, then complete the story from your Normal mode and get both achievements for Ironman and Normal at the same time?
By Shadow 00 Fox on 22 Sep 2015 03:15
The Normal mode is stackable, so the only way to get both achievements for Ironman and Normal at the same time is to complete the game on Ironman on your first run
By Warkullt on 23 Sep 2015 07:27
Looking for a coop partner for the final battle. Pretty tough. PST TheRealJoeSchmo via Xbox Live
By TheRealJoeSchmo on 25 Oct 2015 03:09
It's pretty tough... if your gear isn't quite up to it--what gear are you running with?
By Shadow 00 Fox on 25 Oct 2015 06:26
plated gear is the best
By Warkullt on 27 Oct 2015 05:23
Gear that has a rating of "Very High" defense is the best.. :-) I think I ended up running around with a full camo outfit too. lots of fun!
By Shadow 00 Fox on 27 Oct 2015 05:30
yeah or the crocodile gear but some of the parts can be hard to find, to most common thing to do is to combine your gear with iron plates
By Warkullt on 27 Oct 2015 10:09
I don't understand the 'everything will reset' thing - do you mean if you start Ironman with a level five character, it'll reset everything to level zero, or do you mean, if you die it resets everything?

The latter sounds tough, the former doesn't sound hard at all because your first go would always be on level one. So I'm presuming you lose everything if you die!
By ZX KNIGHT on 14 Feb 2016 23:21
If you start a new game on Ironman, everything you previously had in your inventory from your normal playthrough will be gone, if you die, you'll just start back at the last checkpoint with your current inventory
By Warkullt on 14 Feb 2016 23:38
Once you've beaten the game, can you go travel back to the islands and complete any quests that may have been missed?
By xAcCeSs DeNiEd on 17 Feb 2016 00:19
yes you'll go back to the last checkpoint before you meet Kovac just before the final battle
By Warkullt on 17 Feb 2016 01:05
Looking for a coop partner for the final battle. PST TheRealJoeSchmo
By TheRealJoeSchmo on 10 May 2016 00:27
The online part is pretty much dead. But fortunately, the 2 player couch-coop solution from the 360 version still works.
By TATZ DC on 06 Jul 2016 11:25
Looking for coop partner for final battle. PST TheRealJoeSchmo
By TheRealJoeSchmo on 07 Jul 2016 23:56
Does it get any harder in co-op? I'm just thinking if there's a benefit to using this trick with a friend starting a new game and then sharing golden weapons and good gear to play through with them?
By Rondund on 25 Jul 2016 18:09
I played it from start to finish in co-op, can't say if it's easier than doing it solo but having an extra player with you makes it really fun and presumably easier. The item duplication glitch makes it a breeze once you get into it. Golden boomerang is best gold weapon.
By xAcCeSs DeNiEd on 27 Jul 2016 16:19
Yeah, like xAcCeSs DeNiEd said the golden boomerang that you make with three bone blades is definitely the best weapon in the game. On the final fight you can kill the regular zombies in one hit without even waiting for the aiming to focus on the head, the only exception is a zombie with body armor. The ostrich zombies will die in one hit as well without aiming for the head, and I think maybe the fat zombies do as well. However, I was only pointing out the regular and ostrich zombies because they're the fastest enemies that are in groups that can overwhelm you so it's good to know you don't have to wait for that headshot.
By ThaDevilzHand on 12 Sep 2016 05:32
Just to add a couple of general comments, it's definitely a game were you should just play a couple of hours to get used to it and then start again. You need to learn to keep your distance, not to run into a new area but walk, and farm at every opportunity until you've a stockpile of cooked meat/beef sodas/poultices - I took about 25 cooked meat , 15 beef soda (with 7 or 8 waters), and about 20 poultices before I took the 'dead cat' quest. Didn't need quite as much meat, the trick is to only feed and heal when you've got to, and try and sleep when it's night time. Also critical is to manufacture 2 leather pouches (animal skin + reel) and use them - that will unlock your full inventory slots. Be methodical - Iron man really isn't that much more difficult, you just need to know to be prepared.
By No 1 Richy on 07 Feb 2016 22:43
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Upgrade your weapons with the red stone ( i used boomerang and high preccision riffle)
As soon as wave start go to your far left.
Kill some zombies and wait for the big guy.
The spam him with flaming arrows while not moving!
This will make the zombies not spawn.
Kill the big guy while healing yourself.
After big guy is dead, RUN for the plane while using the boomerang.

30 Aug 2015 21:20

Good solution. Still a tough achievement and you still need the right equipment - good weapons and 10 or so poultices. But much easier than trying to roam around the whole area, this made it much more manageable.
By IntoTheDark7 on 01 Sep 2015 21:03
Yeahh, the hardest part for me was escaping the thousend zombie's i didnt kill at the end
By MmM GHOSTFACE on 05 Sep 2015 00:05
Yes Eraser NL
By MmM GHOSTFACE on 11 Sep 2015 21:43
Does the boomerang become unbreakable if you upgrade it with redstone?
By Ereaser NL on 10 Sep 2015 11:20
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I used the technic from MmM GHOSTFACE solution (aka go to the far left and stay there) but instead I use a combination of precision riffle and chainsaw.

You will see that each time an enemy comes across a certain limit I switch to chainsaw.

Another key element is to keep calm and control when the zombie deers come because you will then have to switch to arrows (which are more efficient) and of course avoid their ram!

Also if you use my video, try to avoid the confusing start. You will see a soon as you leave the left corner you cannot keep up because they are coming from everywhere. The left corner assure you only have a small angle.


02 Sep 2015 00:01

Iron Man arent that hard actually, especially if you have good weapons and lots of health.

I used Nina and had her Big Elite Chainsaw in gold (Only Nina can create Elite Chainsaw and combine it with Red Stone.)
I also used a Triple boned Gold Bomerang.
As for Gun I used the Scoped Machine Gun also in Gold. (Jack can create Scopes)

Next you need lots of Medkits/Bandage.
To make it quicker you also need a few Explosion arrows or Explosive bottles.

Use Chainsaw on normal Zombies with or without armor, they all die easy.
Bombers, you need to change to ranged weapon, preferd Machine gun.
On Animals both Zombies and normals you need to use Golden Triple Bone boomerang. Also good against Giants.

When you are clearing out a safe house, open the door, run inside and close it and use Chainsaw on all that comes out from the hut. (I only had Bombers coming inside on one safehouse) Next you need to use the small gap between the door and the wall to kill the monsters outside. Can use both Ranged or Melee. I often used Ninas Flamethrower.

Remember that even if you are knocked down, you can still use LB to heal yourself.

For final quest, I stood still and used a combination of my weapons to kill everything, but the solution from MmM GHOSTFACE seems better.
The only real problem you will face are Zombie Deer and the Giant at the end.

If you dont have enogh medkits or bandage, you can always copy items with a friend.
Join his/hers game and dont sync the games, then give items to your friend and let hen save the game and quit. Now invite your friend to your game and let hen give you items.

Edit: I can confirm that you actually can join a friends game at the last quest and get the achivement. Inferno also gives you Normal.

05 Sep 2015 20:00

As per usual with higher difficulties in games the enemies can deal and take more damage. Below are some things to keep in mind.

  • Always save Pieces of Fabric and Healing Plants as you can combine them to make a Health Poultice that heals 50% of your health.
  • Green Beef Sodas are great to carry as they completely refill your Sleep and Drink meters as well as heal 50% of your health. You can make them with Bottle of Water (Empty Bottle + Well) + Guarana Root + Manual Compressor or Diving Tank. You cannot use them as a quick use item though which is why I advise trying to carry around plenty of Health Poultices too since they can be used as a quick use item.
  • There are two weapons I advise carrying at all times - 2x Triple Sticks Cutting Boomerang and a bow, either a Carbon Crossbow (Carbon Made Mudguard + Reel + Pulleys + Harpoon Grip) if you're playing as Kenji, or Stabilized Carbon Long Bow Pulley (Carbon Made Mudguard + Reel + Pulleys + Handmade Iron Stabilizer [Fork + Iron Stick]). You'll want to apply Red Stones to your weapons as that will prevent the boomerangs from breaking as well as boost the damage of whatever weapons you apply a Red Stone to by 50%. Carrying two Triple Sticks Cutting Boomerangs doesn't let you throw two at a time but it does seem to make it faster, both in the speed of your attacks as well as the speed of aiming for head shots with it.
  • Always aim for head shots. The damage bonus is worth the extra time it takes. You can also take the skill that speeds up the head shot aiming time as well.
  • Items that you drop do not disappear so if there is something you want to hang on to for later then it's safe to drop it in a spot and come back for it later, so long as you remembered where you left it.
  • Make sure you take the ability to make explosive arrows (Classic Arrows or Classic Arrows with Feathers + Explosive Charge [Empty Bottle + Gasoline + Piece of Fabric + Chemical Fertilizer] as those help a lot, especially with exploration and during the last mission where you'll have to fight a horde of zombies.
  • Make sure you keep your distance from the fat zombies and kill them with a ranged weapon only. They explode when you kill them or when they get too close to you and a single one can kill you that way.
I immediately started on IRONMAN difficulty, because I played the game on ps3. For those who are playing for the first time, it is better to start on medium. You will understand the mechanics of the game and choose the weapon you like. The game is not difficult. Choose any character, but be sure to equip the alternate fireman costume, this will give you a very good ability to make incendiary cartridges/arrows that do more damage than regular ones.

In the game I liked the character Kenji, he can make a crossbow out of a bow. Which takes out zombies with 1-2 shots. In big messes, constantly move, don’t huddle in a corner and try to kill zombies with ranged weapons without letting them get close to you. I didn’t like melee weapons at all! Since there is a high chance that you will be well beaten in a battle with 5-10 zombies.

In the game you can level up to a maximum of level 15. Each time you level up, they give you one ability point, immediately upgrade hunger and sleep reduction. On the islands you can find two types of fruits that quench your thirst and drive away sleep; if a gear is drawn above a fruit/vegetable in the backpack menu, it means something needs to be done with this fruit; you can’t just eat it. Sleep only at night in closed rooms; if you get stuck during the day, then eat fruit! To fight off sleep! At night, constantly respawning night monsters, who are afraid of the light from your lantern, are hammering away. So it's better to explore the islands during the day. If you have upgraded your skill tree incorrectly, you can reset it for free and upgrade it again a certain number of times.

09 Jan 2015 23:48

Complete the game first on easy difficulty by crafting healers, make a golden weapon (flamethrower, boomerang, preferably 2 each) after you have completed the game, do not start a new one, click continue, only for two (if you played 2, then just continue) and discard the whole gear 2 character. then save! go to the menu and start the game on level 2 on ironman difficulty. choose any Persian for joystick 1 (the main one), and joystick 2 for the Persian to whom all the gear was thrown off, voila, the start of the game and you are already like a god. Yes, at the end, when waves of undead come, you don’t have to kill everyone, just kill the boss and run away to the plane.

17 Mar 2016 10:04