Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars

Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars

52 Achievements

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Complete Act III of the Dracul Campaign


How to unlock the Vengeance achievement in Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars - Definitive Guide

At the beginning don’t take the keep it tells you to, the one in the south will not cause a lot of armies to attack you. Even the armies at spawn will just stay there if you don’t attack them. Don’t lose any units and take the south keep. On the skill tree you should get blood and elites. At the keep you can make halfbloods that can carry you through the fights for a little bit. Just claim the area and start upgrading a graveyard, cave and forest. Werewolves are tanks, bats can move over units and terrain and can flank enemies well, and the tier 3 archers are strong against the high armor units. Go back and take the first keep at spawn for some veteran points if you still need them. You should also use a blacksmith to get gear for Vlad. Keep fighting the easy armies for xp and get all the lord upgrades. Next go up to the northwestern keep and defeat the lord there. You should summon the south lord but you don’t need any of the other ones. Next go to final keep and defeat the lord there. If you don’t lose any units that’s good but if you do then just build new ones. Finally, the next keep will spawn pretty close to this one and go straight for him. You can let your units die more in this fight because it will be the final one in this act. Once you complete the battle the achievement should pop

26 Jul 2021 19:23

1 Comment
This is the strategy that actually works. Don't take the first keep. Build up your army first then go back and get it. I was ready to crush the archers army before I ever took the first keep. Finished in 60 turns vs well over 100 for the other method.
By DonSqueek on 11 Aug 2021 20:12
After beating Act l & ll, you will unlock Act lll. Finish the mission and this achievement is yours. HOWEVER, the difficulty skyrockets astronomically during this mission. I found it extremely difficult compared to the first 2 acts. Below are some best practices that helped me beat it (eventually).

*Side note - be prepared to spend some time on this Act. My final turn count was 192 (after many failed attempts/reloads). I cleared the entire map and had 3 total armies. I will try to be as thorough as possible with my notes!

- SAVE OFTEN!!!!! I can’t stress this enough. I’m not talking about saving every turn, but if you win a battle without losing units then SAVE. If you upgrade a city/village and make some nice moves, SAVE. It will help a lot to go back to these saves and make different decisions. You will make some mistakes that will ruin your game! There are powerful armies everywhere and sometimes you may get unlucky and get double-teamed. Being able to go back and try a different strategy is the key to winning.
- Always keep your armies at 100% health. It wasn’t until I was fighting my way to the 3rd boss that I was confident auto-resolving battles without full health (and even then it is risky).
- XP is worth it as Legacy Points will save your ass. In this order, focus on these first (Blood Income/Lord Health/Tier 1 Unit Attack/Building Cost/Elite). It is important you start gaining blood so income is must. Your lord is going to be dealing most of the damage so health is vital. You will have some Tier 1 units and making sure they aren’t 1 shot kills is worth it. Finally, reducing building costs and swapping your units out for Elites will make your first boss easier.
- Think ahead when selecting your reward cards. Are you planning on getting into a lot of fights? XP boosts to your army will probably be better including blood after combat. About to spend some blood to recruit? Might want to lower those costs. Not touching the Blacksmith or Library? Avoid those rewards for right now. It may seem minimal, but these rewards will make a difference.
- The cards I focused most on were all about healing myself after battles, increasing my AP so I can make more moves, increasing XP, adding veteran points to my units, and reducing unit costs so I can buy units at a heavily discounted rate (VITAL for Elites/Champions).
- Wishing stones are you friends. Circling back to grab more moves or adding a veteran rank to your units helps.

General Step-by-Step Guide

- At the start, play every single battle and DO NOT lose any units. This is extremely important as you start with negative income and adding units that will last is tough at the beginning. If you lose a even 1 unit in the first 3 or 4 fights, reload to a save right before the fight and don’t lose that unit.
- After you capture the first keep and the surrounding provinces in this region go left. Make sure you units are always 100% healed.
- As you go left, you will fight several armies and begin to see others taking the territory behind you that you just captured. THIS IS FINE! Those armies are very strong and going back to fight them is pointless. Keep going left and then up.
- Make sure you are saving…..
- Since you are not losing any units, spend most of your blood healing and upgrading the far left Villages and Cities. No armies I encountered came close to capturing these from me so upgrades are worth it for the income.
- Eventually you will come to your first keep at the top. This army is fairly strong and you need to be prepared. Hopefully you have quite a few saves and if you aren’t powerful enough, you can reload and try again.
- After capturing your first big keep, move back down to the original keep you took at the beginning. This will solidify some more blood for you and clear another smaller keep in the middle. You should now have 3 total keeps.
- Make sure you are saving…..
- Consider placing one of the lords you gained at the top keep. This lord will only be used for feeding on villages and constructing. All Cities and Villages should be maxed and it helps to occasionally feed. You will also have access to Caves, Forests, and Graveyards. Time to start building towards your Champions. The Werewolves (tanks), Champion Mage, and Champion Bat are incredibly OP. These are the units you want in your final squad defeating the next 2 bosses. The Werewolves will be on the front of the fight with your lord, the Mages will be behind them dealing major range damage, and the Bats will flank enemies for major damage (and get health on every kill).
- Keep this 2nd lord safe in your already conquered land. If you see an opposing army coming to kill him, run to the left side of the map and bring your main army back up. These next 25-50 turns you will not be going after the final 2 bosses. You really are just slaying oncoming armies and building/feeding. You are gaining legacy points and spending them. Your main army is roaming and holding territory while your 2nd lord is building.
- Make sure you are saving….
- Eventually, you will recruit Champion units with your 2nd lord. Swap these units to your main army leaving your starting/updated units with your 2nd lord. You should be around 175 power or above.
- Time to take your powerful army to the original keep and then down to the bottom of the map. You will be capturing and defeating armies on your way to the 2nd boss. Make sure you are still using your 2nd lord to protect your existing lands and build (if you still have more to build). It does’t hurt to start spending on the Blacksmith to give your main lord some useful gear. I focused on an Overkill sword and as much health I could.
- Eventually you will get to your 2nd boss. You should be pretty powerful so it shouldn’t be too difficult.
- Congrats, you haven now taken your 2nd boss and only have 1 more to go, but WAIT. DO NOT RUSH TO GO AFTER THIS FINAL BOSS. His army is 250 power and even if you match him, will still be hard. Instead, capture some of the top of the map and upgrade your 2nd army to champions.
- Save your game….
- If you took your time and kept building, you should have 2 powerful armies with 1 of them maxed out on veteran status (3 gold bars each). Your most powerful army should be above 250. Time to start moving both armies to the final boss. If you played it like I did, your armies will be coming from the top and the bottom to converge on the last boss.
- If you want to create a 3rd army closer the final boss, go for it. I did just to mop up any straggling armies that were created, but it isn’t necessary.
- By the time you arrive at the final boss, you will have 2-3 armies with power levels at 250 or above. Keep saving as you have been doing and take your most powerful (probably your OG army) and fight. Keep playing it safe as you have been and you will complete this act.

I know this was long and might be unnecessary for some, but I really had a hard time with this act. I wish I would have read something like this beforehand, but very few people talk about this game. Happy hunting!

12 Jul 2021 04:39

1 Comment
Going to try this method. Thanks for detailing this. I’ve been starting off hot. Focusing on sacrifice Cards for blood, XP and XP Cards, and just blood in general from cities and towns. But when the towns from the north to the right of the original spawn keep come down that’s when he’ll breaks loose. I spent 5 hours and kept losing on this. I cleared the bottom but the top was my downfall. Anyone else having issues?
By OhioGeneral on 26 Jul 2021 02:17