

29 Achievements


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Shakti Research Master

Shakti Research Master

Upgraded to Attack Level 5.


How to unlock the Shakti Research Master achievement in Indivisible - Definitive Guide

There are 108 Ringsels in the game: The first one for your first boost, 100
required for all the upgrades from Ratna & Mani, and 7 extra. Not all of them
are required for any reason, but if you’re a completionist like me, you want
them all. Here’s the breakdown in case you’re keeping track of where they are by

Ashwat- 9 ; Fortress Vimana- 3 (Unmissable) ; Almutah Sands- 10 (4 in the Tomb
area) ; Port Maerifa- 5 Iron Kingdom- 16 (4 in the Factory) ; Kaanul- 15 (3
outside of Haven) ; Tai Krung City- 20 (4 inside of Mara’s Den); Lhan- 1 ; Mt.
Sumeru: Base- 8 (3 on the cliff outside) ; Middle- 10 ; Summit- 11

I arranged them more or less how I would be grabbing them in a 100% speed run of
the game, trying to be the most linear without backtracking too much. These can
obviously be grabbed in a completely different order, and this may not even be
optimal, but it is a good guide that will hopefully help people out that are
missing one or two or a dozen. Most are pretty linear and on the path, but I
tried to be a little more descriptive when it came to those that needed
platforming or a trek off the beaten path.
If you have any questions, just ask!

1. Ashwat- Forest; Gained when acquiring Ratna & Mani
2. Ashwat- Forest; On the path after meeting Ginseng and Honey
3. Ashwat- After acquiring Ginseng and Honey, up the wall on the left side
4. Ashwat- To the left of Pindayar’s lair, behind spider web and up wall
5. Ashwat- Up the cliff after defeating Pindayar

6. Fortress Vimana- Unmissable progression
7. Fortress Vimana- Unmissable progression
8. Fortress Vimana- Unmissable progression

9. Mt. Sumeru- Base- Top right in first chamber after entering mountain
10. Mt. Sumeru- Base- Vertical platforming section with wall jumps around
spikes in second blue section on map
11. Mt. Sumeru- Base- After save point in third blue section on map, on top
right cliff. Shoot the platform box with an arrow and wall jump and ax climb
over before the platform disappears

12. Almutah Sands- After running through desert, go down lower path and past
two Rompo enemies. In second chamber.
13. Almutah Sands- Tomb; Through Heruka barriers early on. Have to jump off
the disappearing bridge at first, or if you miss the jump, use the platforms to
go back around and get it
14. Almutah Sands- Tomb; Bottom right area of map through a Heruka barrier
15. Almutah Sands- Tomb; After shooting the sand worm and going back up
right side, through a sliding Heruka barrier
16. Almutah Sands- Tomb; Platforming section on your way out of tomb. You
have to do a couple of Heruka slides

Note: My progression goes Iron Kingdom > Kaanul > Iron Kingdom > Tai Krung City

17. Iron Kingdom- While making your way into the city, there’s a bunch of
spikes with some slime around them. Jump off the slimy right wall to go to the
18. Iron Kingdom- Above #17, with some precision, you can use Pirate’s Leap
and catch the corner and wall jump up two adjacent slime walls
19. Iron Kingdom- After being turned away at the factory entrance, all the
way to the left at the dead end after going over the wall
20. Iron Kingdom- After falling through the ceiling after #19 and using
Kampan Corkscrew, continue left and there’s another gap for a Corkscrew
21. Iron Kingdom- On roofs to the left above the entrance to the Kingdom.
You need to use two Kampan Corkscrews to get to it.

22. Kaanul- Up the path from the docks past some briars and spikes
23. Kaanul- After acquiring Nuna, across gap to the left
24. Kaanul- After learning Nature’s Bloom, all the way up the spike wall you
climb to the right and up some platforming

NOTE: On way to northeast totem (when you use Nature’s Embrace on Cihuateteo),
you must talk to Alpha that is to the right across a gap. This will make #35
available in Iron Kingdom. (Credit to u/CG-07 on Reddit for helping me with this

25. Kaanul- Next to southeast totem save point
26. Kaanul- North of #25 after some platforming
27. Kaanul- Next to northeast totem save point
28. Kaanul- North of #27 after some floaty water platforming
29. Kaanul- On way to northwest totem, on path after some platforming
30. Kaanul- Next to northwest totem save point
31. Kaanul- On way down from northwest path toward totem, two Kampan
Corkscrews to the left
32. Kaanul- Next to southwest totem save point
33. Kaanul- After opening all four totems, at upper left of room after some
floaty water platforming through spike tunnels

34. Iron Kingdom- North of slums, to the left. Use Nature’s Bloom on a spike
wall and Kampan Corkscrew through a gap
35. Iron Kingdom- On way back to factory through slums, because you talked
to Alpha, the boiler in the background will glisten. Enter it and talk to the
dog and there’s the Ringsel
36. Iron Kingdom- Before entering the smokestack on the top of the factory,
go to the right side of it.
37. Iron Kingdom- Factory; On the north path toward one of Eurynomos’ parts,
there is a wide gap with a couple drones. Use Nature’s Embrace to get to the
other side
38. Iron Kingdom- Factory; Over some conveyor belts and through a Heruka
wall when you drop down
39. Iron Kingdom- Factory; After #38 and some platforming, on the top right
of a room where you go up on some conveyor belt platforming
40. Iron Kingdom- Basement; After defeating the MOLOCH and opening the
Chakra Gate, you’ll head toward Baozhai’s stash. On the right wall while heading
down, there is a gap where you can use Kampan Corkscrew

41. Tai Krung City- On the roof of Ginseng and Honey’s home
42. Tai Krung City- Before heading north by Scallywag Springing over some
lights, head to the right. Use Nature’s Bloom on the big signs to get across and
grab one
43. Tai Krung City- After being turned away by Baz, you run through four
walls. After that, drop down the gap and run back to the right through three
more walls to get one
44. Tai Krung City- After heading all the way to the left after being turned
away by Baz, you’ll go a little north. To the left is a platforming section over
some lights.
45. Tai Krung City- After using Nature’s Bloom to start climbing Mara’s Den,
you’ll go through some rooms in an apartment. The owner of all the cats has a
Ringsel at the top right room.
46. Tai Krung City- After learning Barnacle Grip from Ren, head onto the
roofs of the homes on the other side. Head back to the right over a gap for a
47. Tai Krung City- While Garuda Cruel chases you down, after his third
fly-by, there is a valley with a big sign and a gap between two buildings. There
is a Ringsel nestled between them
48. Tai Krung City- After falling into the club, the top left area of the
club has one. Use Barnacle Grip
49. Tai Krung City- After leaving the club room to the top right, cross the
gap using Barnacle Grip and continue your way up Mara’s Den
50. Tai Krung City- After defeating Garuda Cruel when you jump off the roof
to the right, there is one past the elevator

51. Port Maerifa- Break through the floor on the east side of town using
World Splitter

52. Lhan- After leaving Lhan to head for Mt. Sumeru, drop down the cliff
53. Mt. Sumeru- Base- In the second large platforming room, you can head to
the upper right now using your Air Dash. After fighting a big monster, head up
and to the left. There’s a platforming section
54. Mt. Sumeru- Base- A vertical platforming section that you had to skip
earlier in the game (Ringsel #10). Use Nature’s Bloom and Scallywag Spring to
get through it
55. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- In the first platforming room, it is on the upper
56. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- After a couple more platforming sections, you’ll get
to one with three disappearing platforms. On the third platform, if you fall
through, there’s a Ringsel floating in the air underneath and to the right
57. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- Another platforming section. You need to shoot a
platform box to get some to appear. It is in the upper right part of the room so
you have to move quickly to Air Dash toward it
58. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- In the next platforming section after #57, you need
to shoot another box. It is in the upper right part of the room and you have to
use Nature’s Bloom and Barnacle Grip quickly after obtaining it
59. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- In a very tall platforming room, it is underneath a
platform to the upper right. You have to basically do the platforming twice to
get it safely
60. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- On top of a stack of wall-jumping blocks
61. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- On top of the next stack of wall-jumping blocks, but
in the top right part of the room

62. Ashwat- Go back to where you first found your Axe. To the right behind a
destroyable wall is a Kabandhar and a Ringsel
63. Ashwat- To the left of #62. Use Kampan Corkscrew to get through the gap
64. Ashwat- Instead of heading east toward the objective, go down into the
caves. There is a floor where you can use World Splitter and find a Ringsel

65. Tai Krung City- Via Ashwat- Use your newly-learned Maha Heruka Hustle to
go to the left and up a wall, through a barrier
66. Tai Krung City- Via Ashwat- During your trek, you’ll use three Kampan
Corkscrews in a row
67. Tai Krung City- After acquiring Yun in the basement, use a charged
Pirate’s Leap to get through the window on the left side
68. Tai Krung City- As you head upstairs from the basement, it’s on the
upper right part off the first staircase
69. Tai Krung City- After leaving Mara’s Den, head back toward the main part
of the city. Between the entrance and the path to go higher in the city, there’s
one more platforming section to go up. There’s one on the platform that is easy
to see.
70. Tai Krung City- Just beyond #69, you have to use Barnacle Grip and a
well-timed Air Dash to get over to it, to the left
71. Tai Krung City- If you take the entrance to town that is higher up than
the normal one, you can grab a few more Ringsels before you go on with your
quest. The first one is past some electrified walls
72. Tai Krung City- Directly west of #71 and up some electric sign
73. Tai Krung City- Heading back into the city via the upper areas, there is
a platforming section with some signs that you must use Nature’s Bloom on
74. Tai Krung City- Travel along the roofs again when Garuda Cruel was
chasing you down. Last time he made you fall through the glass ceiling, but
there’s a Ringsel just beyond that.

75. Port Maerifa- On the east side of town, use some basic platforming to
get one next to the bar
76. Port Maerifa- West of the bar that is up high (where you met Zahra)
77. Port Maerifa- High up, northwest of #76. You need to be able to Air Dash
in any direction, plus have either Savage Divide or Sky Splitter
78. Port Maerifa- On the west side of town, run through a Heruka barrier

79. Iron Kingdom- After Kampan helps you get in, it’s within sight on the
upper left
80. Iron Kingdom- Immediately off the ledge as you move to the right after
81. Iron Kingdom- Factory; As you head back up the factory, it’s inside of a
smokestack if you just keep going up one of the vertical corridors
82. Iron Kingdom- On the far left side of the town north of the entrance,
there was a Ringsel out of reach. Now you can get it using an Air Dash and/or
Sky Splitter

83. Kaanul- On your way up during your revisit, it’s on the ledge after the
first bit of platforming
84. Kaanul- Near the end of the platforming sections, there is a fork in the
road. Go to the left and use Sky Splitter to get through the barrier
85. Kaanul- In the large main area of Haven, there is a ledge to the left of
the room that you need to Air Dash to

86. Ashwat- West of the Chakra Circle, head up the large cliff that is to
the west of Pindayar’s lair. There is a ceiling to use Sky Splitter through and
fight a Manote Thiha on the roof

87. Almutah Sands- Keep heading west to Almutah Sands from Ashwat. Run
against the wind like earlier in the game and before you do a jumping Heruka,
head up the right side of the cliff instead. Over a gap are some Heruka barriers
and you’re running with the wind instead of against it
88. Almutah Sands- Eventually you’ll drop down off another cliff and land
next to a sealed door. Instead of running to the left, head up the right side of
the cliff in front of you. Across a gap is another Ringsel
89. Almutah Sands- Drop off the cliff to the left after getting #88.
Directly to the left is a chute of downward wind. Use your Maha Heruka Hustle to
jump up and up
90. Almutah Sands- Keep heading to the left. Eventually you’ll have to head
down and to the left. Before you go, there is a high ledge that you can fly up
91. Almutah Sands- After crossing the opening of the tomb, head up the right
side of the cliff to your left. You can make it using a combination of
maneuvers. Once over the top, drop down the left side and behind a barrier and
some wind is the last Ringsel in Almutah Sands

92. Mt. Sumeru- Base- Cliff; First platforming section after using Sky
Splitter to get through barrier. Hit the platform box and then race into the
alcove to grab one
93. Mt. Sumeru- Base- Cliff; When It starts getting foggy, it will be on the
top left side of the screen. Use aerial maneuvers and/or Barnacle Grip to get to
94. Mt. Sumeru- Base- Cliff; After using an Ahool as a stepping stone to go
up to the right, the Ringsel is above you on a small ledge

95. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- After climbing the wall jump stack, go up and to the
left while busting through the large spike balls. Above you and to the left is
one hanging out in midair
96. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- After a bit more climbing you’ll come to a place
where there is a breakable Sky Splitter wall up and to the left. Go in and get
through the platforming section and it is in the top left corner of the room.
You can use Nature’s Bloom on the large spike balls to give you a place to
stand, or you can repeatedly use Sky Splitter to continuously break through
them. Each time you use Sky Splitter to go through one, your abilities
regenerate. So you can make it all the way to the ceiling without ever landing
and use Barnacle Grip to make sure you don’t fall down.
97. Mt. Sumeru- Middle- After finishing #96, keep heading up using Sky
Splitter. After breaking through two barriers, a Ringsel is in an alcove to the

98. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- You’ll come to a branching path with spike balls in
either direction. Go up and to the right toward a save point. Behind a wall to
the right in that room is a Ringsel
99. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- To the left of #98, there is a tall spike wall on
the right side. Climb up that wall and there is a Ringsel floating in the air on
the top right corner
100. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- When you reach a save point with a swirling blue
vortex to your right, go to the right and through it. Across a small gap is a
room with a Manote Thiha in it. Defeat it (or don’t, you can probably go around
it) and there is a Ringsel in the top right corner of the room
101. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- Continue on the path intended. It’s right there on
your way.
102. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- Once you get up to another save point, there is
another branching path. Go to the right where there is a discus-like enemy. Just
past it and just off the cliff is one. Hug the right side and slide down to get
it carefully
103. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- On the path to the right over some spike balls and
before a platform with a big giraffe-like beast, there is a Ringsel floating in
the air. Drop down and grab it and fly back into the aura area
104. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- On the screen are three tall aura areas to jump
between. Once you’ve reached the area on the other side, slide down the wall
until you’re below those areas and there is a hidden alcove with a Ringsel
105. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- On your path, you’ll come to a floor with jelly on
it. High above that is a Ringsel floating there. If you need a little extra
height, try to wall jump off the left wall to get a little boost
106. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- Just after #105 is another platforming section.
There is a Ringsel tucked under the save point above you. You can get to the
save point and drop off the left side to get it, or grab it on your way up.
107. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- Just after that save point, you’re intended to go to
the left. Head back to the right instead and there is a Manote Thiha protecting
the penultimate Ringsel
108. Mt. Sumeru- Summit- The last Ringsel is floating in space to the top
left of the platforming section involving some aura clouds and electric spikes.
Just use the aura cloud to replenish your abilities and get over to it.
1 Comment
By TheOnlyMatto on 29 Jan 2021 12:06
There are more than enough ringsels in the game to upgrade fully, and most of them are located in obvious spots in harder to reach areas of the platforming sections. If you don't feel like finding them all, you can make it even easier by saving your game once you have enough to unlock level 5 defense to earn:
IndivisibleRaksha Research MasterThe Raksha Research Master achievement in Indivisible worth 293 pointsUpgraded to Defense Level 5.

then reloading your game and saving up until you can get level 5 attack instead.

Doing this will not prevent you from getting the 0 point
IndivisibleIndivisibleThe Indivisible achievement in Indivisible worth 0 pointsUnited in the struggle to better ourselves.

This achievement is like the platinum trophy for the Playstation. It doesn't matter if your save file never has both level 5 attack and defense at the same time, you'll still unlock that at the end once you have every other achievment.

22 Oct 2019 07:10

1 Comment
Please add how to upgrade your defense and attack, and who to speak to, and how to find them.
By E vee dub on 25 Jan 2020 02:36
You will need "Ringsels" to upgrade your attack and defence, these can normally be found in harder to reach area's within each level, mostly not accessible during your first visit.
For the Attack Level 5 upgrade you need 25 Ringsels.
You will be introduced to them quite early in the game by two characters who also help you to rise attack and defense.
There are 108 Ringsels in the game and you need 50 to upgrade attack or defense to level 5.
So unless you want to collect 100 it would be a good idea to not go over level 3 for both collect 35 Ringsels and then max one attribute reload your game and then max the other.

After being introduced to th characters you will find them in your inner world (Hold B and press Up).
The guy helps you raise defense and the women can raise your attack if you have the respective amount of Ringsels.
They switch locations as your inner world grows progressing the game but are normally easy to find as it is quite small.
They will also often mention when saving that you collected enough to raise an attribute.

24 Jan 2020 12:22

Please add how to upgrade your defense and attack, and who to speak to, and how to find them.
By E vee dub on 25 Jan 2020 02:37
The characters are introduced to you through the story. As said in the solution you need to collect ringsels to upgrade your attack and defense. They are in Ajna's inner realm (hold B and press Up), in the rightmost platform.
By NafrayuNox on 25 Jan 2020 09:47
Thanks for the clarification, I will add that info to make it more clear.
Also they seem to switch locations depending on current story progress or characters collected as your inner world gets bigger.
By winginor on 26 Jan 2020 18:05
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Early in the game, you will be introduced to 'Ringsels.' These are red glowing stones that you will eventually be able to use to upgrade your attack and defense stats. There are a total of 108 stones, and, like most games, these collectibles are often in hidden areas or behind doors which require powers or equipment that you won't have until later on. This will require a lot of backtracking. Although there are 108 in total, you only need 100 to fully upgrade both to level 5. Once you've gotten the Ringsels you want, you can upgrade at any time simply by going into your Inner Realm (holding  and then pressing  on the d-pad) and talking to Ratna for attack or Mani for defense.

That said, there is a way to cheese this trophy. Once you collect enough, you can save the game, put them into attack or defense, quit without saving, reload the save, then put them into the opposite one. Doing this will net you both level 5 trophies, this one for attack and the one for defense (see trophy_gold.png Raksha Research Master), as well as the level 3 and 4 trophies for both. Once you do that, you can reload once again and divide them however you please.

See my Collectibles Supplemental Guide for a text- (and some video-) walkthrough on how to get these Ringsels and more.

NOTE: I do suggest using the first few rather than saving them, but only the first 10. Put 5 into attack (you have to anyway as part of the story), and then 5 into defense. Once you've done that, stop using them and save them until you've amassed 45, at which point you can then do the save-reload method. This is because the monsters in the game can hit quite hard and, if your stats do not increase as theirs do, the difficulty level will quickly become extremely challenging. Why 45? To reach level 5 in defense requires a total of 50 Ringsels, and level 5 in attack also requires 50. So, assuming you've already put the 5 in each that I mentioned, 45 will be enough to get you both trophies.

You will find red stones called "Ringsels" as you travel through the game's levels. There are 108 to find, and they are generally hidden in hard to reach places. A large majority of them won't be available to collect the first time you go through an area, due to the metroidvania aspect of the game. Once you unlock new powers, returning to old areas will yield new sections to reach.

To reach Level 5 in attack, you will need a total of 50 Ringsels. I would highly suggest putting 5 into attack and 10 into defense right away, then saving a total of 35 before doing anything further. Use that opportunity to max out your defense for the Level 5 achievement on that end, then reload your save and start working on attack. The game's combat is very easy and having more attack is much more beneficial.

To save yourself time, upgrade your defense and attack by one level at the beginning of the game (otherwise it will be quite difficult to play without an upgrade). Collect 45 Ringsels as you progress through the game. Once you get it, save, upgrade your attack to level 5, then load the save and upgrade your defense to level 5.

18 Jan 2022 19:21