Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning

Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning

69 Achievements


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How to unlock the Loremaster achievement in Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning - Definitive Guide

Edited 22 June 2021: Loremaster achievement glitch fixed by 21 June 2021 patch. Whereas, as of this edit, players are now unlocking the achievement, it appears you now have to discover all 195 lorestones rather than the 175 required when the game was initially released. Comments are welcome and will be appreciated by people who got caught up in the achievement glitch.

Caution--potential glitch: Edit as of 21 April 2021: As of this writing, the most recent unlock was 8 April. Players have reported issues with the achievement tracker getting stuck and the achievement not unlocking. I have submitted a trouble ticket to THQ Nordic and will revise this solution should there be any changes. It is very important to use the achievement tracker. Especially if it gets stuck but also if it does not, make an insurance save before you discover the 175th lorestone. If the achievement fails to unlock, you can use this insurance save later when a patch is issued to resolve the problem.

The achievement originally unlocked when you activate the 175th lorestone out of 195 available though the achievement description says you must discover 'all' lorestones. Following the 21 June 2021 patch, all 195 lorestones must be discovered for the achievement to unlock. @Asturgis provides the following insight in the comments: If you discovered all 195 lorestones during a time when the achievement was glitched, revert to a save before you found all 195 stones and 'rediscover' the final lorestones. Once you rediscover the 195th lorestone, the achievement should unlock.

Edited 5 Feb 2022: The DLC adds 15 lorestones. The DLC map is not large & none of the lorestones is hidden. The achievement continues to require 195 lorestones so the extra 15 is a bonus. The lorestone page of the Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Walkthrough has been updated to include the new lorestones.

Lorestones appear on the mini- and local maps when your detect hidden skill is level 10. Since this is the most time consuming achievement in the game, it is worthwhile to max out your detect hidden skill as soon as possible. Since you cannot advance to level 8 by investing a level-up skill point until your overall level is 16, a good approach is to use a fateweaver. Play the game until you reach level 16 and invest in the skills as you see fit.

At level 16, go see a fateweaver and reset your points. First, bring your detect hidden skill to level 10 and apply the rest of your points as you see fit. When you continue playing the game, all lorestones will be the most prominent feature on your mini- and local maps identified by bright blue dots. You can then activate them as you come across them without going much out of your way.

The walkthrough shows all lorestones on the map. The ones on the world map are shown by region and sub-region with special maps for the lorestones in dungeons. Even if you are not using the walkthrough, you might want to consult the special lorestones page to assist you: Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Walkthrough

The very short video below, created before the 21 June 2021 patch, shows the 174th and 175th stones being activated. Note the bright blue dots on the mini-map. The achievement unlocks, after a short lag, when the 175th stone is activated. Following the 21 June 2022 patch, the achievement will pop in similar fashion when the 195th lorestone is discovered.

13 Jan 2021 17:18

There is no system save file so a new game starts with reset counters and none of the lorestones, reagents, unique weapons, etc. carry over.

The important issue--& this is at the heart of your initial observation--is that the game must 'see' the final lorestone unlocked. As you can see in the comments above and in the associated thread, I hypothesized as much when the achievement was still glitched. Except I assumed the final lorestone would be the 175th lorestone since the original achievement unlocked with 175 lorestones.

At that time, I advised people to keep a save file with 174 or fewer lorestones discovered so they would be able to discover the 175th lorestone once the glitch was patched. As you know, the patch changed the requirement to the full complement of 195 lorestones rather than 175. Still, players with 174 lorestone save files would be able to go on and discover the remaining 21 lorestones and unlock the achievement.

Of course, probably the majority of players are not studying the solutions and the forums. There are many who may not have retained save files with fewer than 195 lorestones discovered. Nevertheless, as a solution author, I feel compelled to stay abreast of all issues pertaining to the achievement and update the guide accordingly paying close attention to the concerns of the affected players.

For those who do not have an appropriate save file, a new playthrough would be required. My recommended approach would be to play on easy, reach level 16 as quickly as possible, and use a fateweaver to reset the skills. Then, using a detect hidden skill of 10 and the Lorestone Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning Walkthrough page, discover all 195 lorestones as quickly as possible.
By Allgorhythm on 29 Aug 2021 15:40
Thanks for the advise, got the trapper achieve in the Naros dlc with the rat quest (TA has just not scanned me yet) the forge achieve I had originally just left as a banker (for the sake of the Perfectionist, tho I fear that is out the window now anyway), yes I will be running it on easy and try and just do enough to get the xp to be able to cope with just running about to get to the Lorestones
By Jennitiger1138 on 10 Apr 2021 19:32
Good luck
By Allgorhythm on 10 Apr 2021 20:21
Mine is stuck at 89% as well Jennitiger1138. I have 185/195.
By Hashmap on 17 Apr 2021 05:20
@Asturgis - Thanks for this observation. I have edited the solution accordingly & given appropriate acknowledgement.
By Allgorhythm on 28 Aug 2021 16:09
Found all 175 in base game, achieve tracker stuck at 89%, tracker on TA (progress bar) was tracking amount found correctly and now is not showing as have found all 175, started Teeth of Naros and picked up first 5 stones, nothing, sigh, Will have try again on a new playthru
By Jennitiger1138 on 10 Apr 2021 11:49
Have you cleared your cache? I would recommend that. In light of the non-missable not popping, I would recommend an uninstall/reinstall as well.

After clearing the cache & reinstalling the game, ‘rediscover’ the stones you came across after the tracker stopped working (to the best of your recollection).

If you’re forced to do another playthrough, leave the ‘DLC’ to the new playthrough. Let them give you 20 stones so you don’t have to get some of the more obscure ones in the dungeons (like the Red Marshes).
By Allgorhythm on 10 Apr 2021 12:56
Yeah cleared cache, I will try deleting and reinstalling and deleting my local save files, may have to completely delete the saves from the cloud as well, I have no idea what stones did not count as wasn't keeping a close eye on the tracker, they may be ones I found around the time the other achievement didn't unlock but no clue what ones they were so will have to recollect all again on a new playthru when I try and get the story progression one that didn't unlock, frustrating as even rushing it game is not short
By Jennitiger1138 on 10 Apr 2021 15:25
It would require further testing (or testing at all lol), but for the people stuck at 195 Lorestones and who don't have an old save, maybe restarting the game on another save and collecting the first stone would unlock the achievement? I doubt it, but it doesn't hurt to try.
By Asturgis on 29 Aug 2021 09:40
Patch 1.08 fixed issues after 1.07. Patch 1.09 fixed issues after 1.08. People are still reporting problems after 1.09 so I would not rule out a Hotfix before the DLC.
By Allgorhythm on 18 Apr 2021 12:59
Fingers crossed, tho as to when the dlc is going to arrive is anyone's guess
By Jennitiger1138 on 18 Apr 2021 13:22
Thank you Allgorhythm for the update and your excellent walkthrough. It is much appreciated.
By Hashmap on 20 Apr 2021 02:39
You’re welcome—much appreciated.
By Allgorhythm on 20 Apr 2021 03:05
I can confirm that this is still glitched... I picked up my 175th lorestone yesterday and the Perfectionist achievement popped but no lorestone achievement... any word on a patch for this or a work around?
By Padre Prime on 04 May 2021 14:15
I suggested THQ Nordic roll back the 29 March patch that caused the problem. It was a very minor patch with a major adverse impact. The representative I talked to said he would submit it for consideration but that was over a week ago so I’m not confident it will be green lit.

AFAIK there is no work-around. It appears the game knows you have unlocked the achievement—that’s why you got Perfectionist. It’s just that the achievement did not pop. In other words, the game credits you with the achievement but XBox Live does not.
By Allgorhythm on 04 May 2021 14:45
I might be late to the party but has anyone tried to get the 175 base game lorestones without touching the dlcs? I suppose yes but can anyone who tried confirm? I popped the 100% today and am now with you all on this being the last. My Loremaster is stuck at 89% btw
By NafrayuNox on 07 May 2021 11:23
I started a new game & the tracker did not register the first lorestones discovered around Gorhart in Odarath East.

As you’ve seen, because you’ve popped Perfectionist, the game properly acknowledges that you’ve unlocked Loremaster—and all other achievements. The problem is that, with this one achievement, the game fails to communicate with XBox Live so the achievement does not unlock on your XBox Live profile.
By Allgorhythm on 07 May 2021 12:36
Well I just did it myself with a save after endgame and before dlc. Can confirm that it still doesn't unlock. Hopefully next patch isn't too far away
By NafrayuNox on 07 May 2021 13:17
I have the line stuck at 89% too
And also, I've just unlocked the Perfectionist achievement, after unlocking my final destiny, but It is Your Destiny didn't unlock either...

Hope they're gonna fix both of those achievement...

EDIT: I was just clicking something, and then, after I hotted the club button, under the achievement It is Your Destiny, it popped
The lorestone' one is still bugged at 89% tought
By Lober90 on 10 May 2021 22:31
Every week, I touch base with THQ Nordic. They certainly are aware of the problem and I, for one, will persist until it is resolved.
By Allgorhythm on 10 May 2021 23:12
Commenting so I can also be kept in the loop on the achievement. Stuck at 89%... we will see once I beat the game.
By trevq1 on 15 May 2021 00:31
Like many, you’ve unlocked Perfectionist so it’s only the glitch that’s blocking your completion.
By Allgorhythm on 15 May 2021 03:23
Does anyone have any idea if playing on the disc version offline and unpatched will prevent this from glitching? I may give it a go soon.
By Falensarano on 18 May 2021 07:54
When the game was first released, there was a glitch that prevented all achievements from unlocking. So, my guess is you would need at least the first patch.

I don’t know if you can manage the patches when you install the updates. If you can, then patch 1.09 is the one causing the problems. If I were you, I’d play the game but avoid ‘discovering’ all lorestones. If a patch does not come out by the time you otherwise complete the game, you can explore work-arounds. With fast travel, you can quickly discover 175 lorestones. That’s assuming your detect hidden skill is maxed and all lorestones are visible as bright blue dots on the maps.
By Allgorhythm on 18 May 2021 21:56
Thanks Allgorhythm, kind of wondering if it would be possible to do a lorestones playthrough on the base game? Or was this one of the achievements that wouldn’t unlock? To my knowledge, you can manage patches unfortunately. It’s either base game or most up to date version.
By Falensarano on 22 May 2021 09:43
I do have a lot of other games to play so I’m not in a rush to start this one. If they are going to patch it awesome.
By Falensarano on 22 May 2021 09:44
Another one with the tracker stuck at 89%.

I start the game for the first time with the latest update. I was aware of the bug so i save before activate any lorestone and check the tracker after. All of the lorestone was tracking well until i activate number 176.

175 lorestones of 195 are 89% so i think that with the last update all lorestones count for the achievement but they broke the count on 175 so for now the achievement is glitched for sure.

Allgorhythm, you say that you are in touch with THQ every week so... do you know if there are any news about a patch?
By Changsddr on 30 May 2021 17:00
@Changsddr; I don't have specific information about when a patch would be released or what would be included in the patch note. I get the sense that there will be a major update before the DLC is released and that it will address a number of issues. I can't get any specifics because the THQ techs aren't authorized to release information about the DLC. Whereas they won't say whether a fix for Loremaster is on the way, I would be very surprised if the DLC were released with the achievement still glitched. As its name implies, if you listen to each lorestone, you get a substantial amount of the game's lore. This is one of the major achievements that deserves a quick fix.
By Allgorhythm on 30 May 2021 21:52
I'm also stuck at 89%
By Aardvarkimedes on 31 May 2021 17:36
@Aardvarkimedes; I’m repeating myself, but make sure to keep a save file where you have discovered fewer than 175 lorestones. We don’t know how the fix will be implemented. It’s possible the game might require you to discover the 175th stone for the achievement to pop.
By Allgorhythm on 31 May 2021 20:05
Has there been any word from the developer yet of when this will be fixed?
By Hexa Fox on 08 Jun 2021 05:20
No. I ask every week but THQ is not announcing the date of the next patch yet.
By Allgorhythm on 08 Jun 2021 20:40
The June 21 2020 patch fixes the Loremaster Achievement not unlocking. Other areas included in the patch include but are not necessarily limited to:
Graphical Glitches:
Chest missing the lid fixed
Fae cache glitch fixed
Some other graphic glitches that would project beams through some spaces fixed
Several black areas fixed (those that were looking burned or just pitch black)
Gameplay Fix :
It was possible that quest essential NPCs could be knocked down and would not get up again. Example is Garaner Vernt in Canneroc. These would have blocked quest progress. Most of the time those events were triggered by specific timing.
General Fixes:
Controller Sensitivity improved
Stability improvements
By Allgorhythm on 22 Jun 2021 13:42
I can confirm that it has been fixed. As per your suggestion I had a save with 174 lorestones collected and I was standing in-front of the 175th. When I activated it, the achievement did not pop and my tracker stayed at 89%. My save with the most progression had 190/195 collected. The only ones I hadn't got were the ones in The Red Marches. Upon collecting the 191st lorestone the tracker immediately went to 98%. When I activated the final, 195th lorestone the achievement popped. So it looks like the fix requires everyone to activate every lorestone, which, to be honest, is only fair.

Thank you, @Allgorhythm. Not only have you written one of the finest walkthroughs on TrueAchievements, but your efforts in constantly asking THQ Nordic about the status of the fix has probably been instrumental in getting a fix and allowing us to finally unlock this broken achievement. Yay!
By Euler13 on 22 Jun 2021 20:46
@Euler13; First, congrats on your achievement--it must be quite gratifying. Second, thanks for the kind words. Third, it's great to see recent winners popping up in the box after a two and a half month hiatus.
By Allgorhythm on 23 Jun 2021 03:11
@ Allgorhythum, thanks for keeping us up to date, just unlocked it on collecting final Lorestone (195), now we wait for the dlc
By Jennitiger1138 on 26 Jun 2021 10:55
Great. Congratulations.
By Allgorhythm on 26 Jun 2021 12:37
Allgorhythm thanks for report that the achievement has been fixed. Finally i got all the achievements.

I had to use a previous savegame with 174 lorestones dicovered to get the achievement but i have to discover every lorestone (195) to get the tracker up to 100%
By Changsddr on 27 Jun 2021 09:23
Thanks. Based on all the input like yours, I’ve revised the solution to indicate you now need all 195 lorestones. I’m also editing the walkthrough.
By Allgorhythm on 27 Jun 2021 12:29
August 28th, version of the game cs:10636

My Loremaster achievement is finally fixed. I was stuck at 89% like many people, but I had kept a save in front of my last Lorestone. Just booted the game, reloaded that old save in front of the last Lorestone, and achievement popped. It didn't pop on its own just by booting the game and my most recent endgame save, it popped when I actually activated a Lorestone.

Hope this helps.
By Asturgis on 28 Aug 2021 09:41
At least you got Destiny Dominated so you can play on Easy and don't have to complete the game. Before you start a new game, though, reinstall the game (without deleting saves from the cloud) and try to rediscover your most recent lorestones. Ideally, start with the save file closest to the point where you estimated the tracker stopped working. You'll probably also want to get Master of the Forge before starting a new game.

If worst comes to worst, you can start a new game on easy and quickly move to get the non-missable achievement that glitched. At that point, you should be level 10 and will be able to do Legend of Dead Kel. Naros will give you the Trapper achievement easily. If you'll allow me a shameless plug, the walkthrough is structured so Kel and Naros each have their own page and also explain how you get the lorestones.
By Allgorhythm on 10 Apr 2021 16:09
I have raised a call on their help portal and commented on a couple of sites (Reddit being one) in the hope that the devs will have a look, although I have read that they are not intending to look at any patches until they have finished the new dlc as they fear any patches may break something in that, code must be hanging together by a thread if thats the case
By Jennitiger1138 on 18 Apr 2021 08:52
@Hashmap I edited the solution following your comment to insert a cautionary advisory. If you have a save that you made prior to getting 175 lorestones, don't overwrite it until you are satisfied the tracker has started working again. The last unlock for this achievement was 10 days ago. Normally, someone will unlock every day or every other day. Keep an eye on the recent winners box to see if people are unlocking this achievement.
By Allgorhythm on 18 Apr 2021 13:50
The first time I played Reckoning was before the DLCs came out. Since then, I’ve played Reckoning & Re-Reckoning over half a dozen times on various platforms. I’ve always done the DLCs early—just after getting to level 16 which is the earliest you can max out Detect Hidden & see all lorestones (& everything else) on the map. Each time, DLC ‘stuff’—reagents, unique weapons, persuasion attempts, parries, ripostes, abilities, books, lorestones, etc.—has counted properly towards the base game achievements.

I think the problem is very basic. It was caused by a small patch. I think it can be fixed with a small patch. Or, as I have recommended to THQ Nordic, roll back the 1.09 patch. That’s the simplest. Then, they can reissue the patch when their testing assures them the problem is fixed.
By Allgorhythm on 07 May 2021 13:39
Right now, AFAIK, Loremaster is the only achievement that is bugged. Only the base Re-Reckoning game is out. It incorporates all DLC from the 360 Reckoning game—2 story type DLCs with achievements and a bunch of promotional achievements that give you weapons & other neat stuff like a tool that allows you to see all reagents in a map & another that boosts your persuade ability. There is one upcoming DLC that is brand new & not part of the 360 game.

In the 360 base game, there were 175 lorestones. That is the number that should unlock the achievement. There are an additional 20 lorestones in the two quest lines that were DLCs in the 360 game. The walkthrough strategy is to max detect hidden before seriously going after lorestones. This illuminates the lorestones as bright blue icons on your maps. It is easy to fast travel to their locations.

So, it is easy to play the game and ignore the lorestones. Once the patch comes out, you can quickly mop them up. I would advise staying under the 175 count until after the fix is released. This is because we don’t know how the patch will resolve the problem. The game might have to ‘see’ the 175th lorestone being discovered. Ideally, though, the better option would be to pop the achievement for anyone with 175 or more lorestones discovered.
By Allgorhythm on 22 May 2021 14:53
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Lorestones are tall, well, stones that you can interact with to get some experience and extra lore about the game world. I personally used this guide to find them all. With the Detect Hidden skill maxed out, these will show on your mini-map and make finding them that much easier.