Madden NFL 11

Madden NFL 11

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Madden Moments

Madden Moments

Complete the "Super Bowl Sunday" Madden Moment


How to unlock the Madden Moments achievement in Madden NFL 11 - Definitive Guide

Complete all Madden Moments until you unlock the Super Bowl Sunday Madden Moment. Make sure to save frequently on the way to unlocking the Super Bowl Sunday one, so you don't accidentally lose your progress.

After many failed onside kick attempts, the easiest way I found to beat this challenge is to take advantage of a design flaw:

1. Score a TD on the fourth down.
2. Go for two to lock in the win, just in case you can pull off the remaining steps. If you fail the conversion, start over to save yourself some headache.
3. Kick the ball off normally or squib kick it. Oddly enough, I got the achievement using a squib kick.
4. Call a timeout ASAP after 1st and 2nd down ensuring they don't gain 5 yards or more. On 3rd down, they will almost always kneel the ball because there isn't enough time to get the ball back.
5. This is the key. After the 3rd down play/kneel, get back to the playcalling menu and call any defense ASAP. Run into an offensive player as soon as the game will allow. After the encroachment penalty is called, the play clock will reset to 25 instead of 40. This will allow enough time for the Saints to punt the ball.
6. Fair catch the ball and give your best Hail Mary or deep play a shot. If you score a TD, kick the PAT and achievement unlocked.

I got this on my first attempt with this method. I tried doing this after the failed onside kick, but they would just end up making 50+ yard field goals instead of punting.

Edit: Changed "game clock" to say "play clock" as intended.

13 Aug 2010 00:17

Duuuuuude! You are amazing! lol I tried getting this achievement over 50 times and just could not get it, I used your solution and got it within 10 tries. Great description, positive vote from me.
By iLIKEchicken007 on 13 Aug 2010 04:23
To make it even easier you can edit the Saints defensive backs in the Roster menu to make them slow for part 6.
By UndefiledRage on 14 Aug 2010 00:49
Great, great, great solution! I finally got the achive!! Thanks!
By elgerman7791 on 14 Aug 2010 19:27
Thanks for this mate, finally did it this way after about 30 tries haha. Think got ball back with 11 secs left and got very lucky with the TD!
By jackam2008 on 21 Aug 2010 22:22
This hasn't worked for me at all! Does the play clock need to be above 40 when I give away the penatly? If so, that's nearly impossible!
By Furry Mound on 15 Sep 2010 17:01
If you come out in the punt block formation, Brees will audible out of the kneel into a pass play. You then want to audible into a pass coverage D. If the pass is incomplete it stops the clock. I did it once and got an interception. I wasnt able to get into the endzone to win, but it helped.
By NateEasy on 14 Dec 2010 03:10
Worked a charm thanking you very much
By deBarra on 14 Jan 2011 14:59
I actually got this by doing a normal kickoff and hit sticking the return man making him fumble. you could change his stats to increase his chance of fumbling and increase one of your special teams players to be a big hitter and probably get it. excellent guide!
By TRH on 02 Apr 2011 14:28
Great guide. Thanks a lot. Thumbs up.
By Necro82 on 06 May 2011 00:38
finally got it...nice tip.
By a 1WP VidMast3r on 05 Sep 2011 01:10
A+++ to the solution and everyone's comments
By xX C Town Xx on 09 Sep 2011 23:38
Great solution only thing missing is to lower the conerbacks speed stats on the saints so the colts reciever can be open for sure.
By Paul Poisonous on 04 Dec 2011 03:30
Great solution! Thanks for posting. It is made even easier by utilizing INTIMIDATOR363's and Paul Poisonous' suggestions to handicap the Saints as best you can. I traded every single player until they didn't have anyone rated over 70. I then further edited all CB, SS and FS stats to knock their speed down to 12. I won on my second try and I did an onside kick after the first touchdown. The Saints could barely pick up the ball. Very easy. Thanks again!
By Opto Jock on 14 Sep 2012 06:20
I did a normal kick, and tried maybe 15-20 times and got lucky when the runner fumbled it. Keep at it, and you'll eventually it! Great solution.
By Big Ell on 18 May 2013 04:25
They took the Madden Moments off the market for this game... now I'll forever be one achievement from completion.
By Jennawynn on 27 Jun 2013 05:59
The on disc Madden Moments are all you need. There were bonus ones you could download online. You don't need those for the achievement.
By Big Ell on 27 Jun 2013 11:02
ooooh really? awesome. thanks!
By Jennawynn on 27 Jun 2013 15:31
Would’ve been nice if the Moments featured a “restart” option. laugh
By Ethigy on 03 Dec 2017 02:41
I got incredibly lucky on the “Super Bowl Sunday” Madden Moment. After scoring a touchdown I selected to normal kick and on the first play of their drive I forced a fumble and recovered it! I was in shock. This achievement was a pain nevertheless as you had to complete 45 others before having the option to start this one. Good luck everyone!
By Ethigy on 03 Dec 2017 02:50
Hey I dunno why nobody hasn't put this up here but its ALOT easier if you just trade every good player from the saints and replace them with crappy ones. I also edited there stats so that the CBs and the Safteys couldn't catch up to my receivers so doing the hail mary to tie and win the game wasn't hard at all. And just to make things easier I made both there kickers crappy so when they punted the ball in step 5 it went straight out of bounds. It takes time to edit everyones stats but if people stink at this game like I do try this.
Also awesome guide thumbs up :)
By INTIMIDATOR363 on 30 Dec 2010 16:43
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My method is EASIEST. I Promise! I followed all of these tips and couldn't quite do it. Follow these steps exactly, I even scored 2 TDs and a FG to win.

1) Go into edit player on the main screen. Go to Saints and select Courtney Roby (the return guy). Make him slow and horrible. (You can Edit the player stats from the main menu before you launch any game format)
2) Go to the scenario and score on 4th down.
3) On the Kickoff, select Normal Kick. Then aim right and as high as the arrow goes. Kick it about 75-85% and straight.
4) The Saints returner will not be able to get to it and it will bounce and your guys will recover it.
5) Score another TD! Go for two or kick extra point for OT.
6) Repeat step #3 if OT and you lost the toss.

02 Sep 2010 17:42

Not really a guide but don't be fooled by Madden Moments Live. Go to game modes then select madden moments. I hope this helps.

22 Jan 2015 23:17

This is the last madden moment in the game so complete all others up until this point.

for this one I believe an onside kick is what you're suppose to do but there is an easier way

1. get a touchdown and a two point conversion on your first play. if you don't, restart. Now do a normal kick off, full power.

2. the saints will do a run play most likely, don’t let them get a first down, call time out right away. if they do get a first down restart.

3. know they should take a knee, once they do call your final time out right away.

4. now this time go into your plays and special teams, pick a field goal block. the saints will see this and call a pass play, as soon as you see them move into formation for a pass hit X for audible and pick the 3 man cover. make sure they don’t catch the pass if they do or if they make a run play restart.

5. now if they don’t catch the pass the clock will stop and they will punt it to you, or best case you may intercept the pass.

6.when you have the ball again, try to keep running out and stopping the clock, or make a hail marry pass for the end zone.

7. Achievement Unlocked! celebrate

14 Oct 2010 01:44

To get to the "Super Bowl Sunday" Moment, you have to get through 45 other Madden Moments. Since all of these solutions focus on the final moment, it seems like that is pretty covered in terms of tips and solutions. However, if you're like me who had a lot of trouble with the Moments previous, I've got a few tips for you.

First off, use this site, which breaks down each Madden Moment and gives you pretty good tips.

Another helpful tool is this playlist with a few of the earlier (and more difficult) Madden Moments being successfully completed on video, including "Brady and the Jets", which gave me some trouble at first.

I used stat boosting and turned offsides off to get most of this games achievements. You can't do that with the Madden Moments. As such, you quickly have to learn how to actually play Madden relatively well. The first thing you want to do is to find pass and run plays that work for you.

In terms of run plays, the "HB Stretch" and "HB Power O" plays were consistently working for me. I generally used these to get a guaranteed 1-3 yard gain, to run the clock down, and most importantly, 2-pt conversions. I used the "HB Power O" most times and 95% of the time I could dive it into the endzone. Of course, you might find another run play that works for you, but make its something you can count on to get pretty consistently.

In terms of pass plays, there are a lot of options, but I found myself using the "Verticals" play the most often, passing to the "A" receiver. Another thing you should be aware of (which I did not realize until halfway through the Moments) is how the pass is affected by how long you hold the button down. If you simply tap the button, your pass goes to the end of the route and is thrown high and far. If you hold down the button, the pass is quick and low, aimed at where the receiver is currently at. I generally used the second method and looked for open receivers.

Another thing you will quickly learn is time management. For more tips on that, visit the earlier linked website.

Overall, don't give up. Some of them are really frustrating, but with a little persistence, you should be able to nail them. And if you are having trouble with the very last Madden Moment, just look at all of the other amazing solutions, and I hope this helps anyone who was struggling. :D

28 Aug 2013 23:03

The above solution is ok, and may work, but I think there's easier ways.

You obviously have to score the 4th down. Once you've done that, kick it deep. Don't squib, don't onside, just kick it down the field.

The first two plays they call will be run plays, so overload blitz them and immediately timeout after each play. Third down they will go to run the ball again. HOWEVER, before third down, choose "Field Goal Block" or "Punt Block" as your defensive formation. For some reason, this will cause them to audible the current play they are running and it should change to some sort of pass. Immediately audible your defense to a Cover 2 or Cover 3 and do not let them complete the pass, this is the key to the whole achievement. After you stop the pass, they will punt the ball back to you. From there, you have to score with very limited time so throw mostly out routes.

*It is your choice whether or not you want to go for the win immediately by going for 2 on one of your scores, or just tie it up and win it in OT. I chose to tie it up and won in OT because I thought that was the easiest route to take. That choice is yours though*

Just remember = Run field goal block and your life will be easier.

15 Mar 2011 04:12

Here is a big tip on the final moment. After scoring and if you didn't cause a fumble/ get the ball back, choose field goal block and bring your secondary guy to the gap right next to the QB. On 1st and 2nd down they will get super stuffed at the line. On 3rd down they will audible and pass the ball instead of taking the knee, when this happens make sure it drops incomplete, thus giving you a chance to score with about 30 seconds left and no timeouts after receiving the punt. It sure beat trying to cause a random fumble or having a wack onside recovery happen.
Another easy way to get this achievement is to squib kick the ball at about 50 percent power and hit stick the runner with the ball to force him to fumble. I tried the first solution about 30 tries with no success and tried this and got it on my 3rd try.

14 Aug 2010 20:54

I won’t be covering the Super Bowl Sunday Madden Moment, as the other various solutions already have that covered. This will be to provide you with useful information on certain Moments I found to be difficult, as well as some overall tips regarding all Moments.

Throughout the Madden Moments, there are two specific plays I used: the first, for driving up the field, is either Four Verticals or simply Verticals (make sure the A-route is slanting up the middle). These two plays are accessed via By Play Type, followed by Standard Pass.

The second play is used for 2-point conversions and when under the 5 yard mark (I still mainly used the Verticals when in the red zone). When going for 2-point conversions, always use any variation of HB Dive. Just run up the middle and press X to dive over everyone, works virtually every time. To access this, select By Play Type and push the left-stick to the right to get to run plays, then select Inside Handoff and it’ll be in that category.

When using the pass play on my drives I would only pass to the TE (A). Once he cuts towards the middle hit him with a bullet pass (hold A). Occasionally, there will be a safety between you and the receiver, in this case, simply press A (not tap) rather than holding to throw a standard pass. It should fly over the safety, but may occasionally be swatted down

I’d almost always go for 2-point conversions unless there was really no reason to, e.g. there was only 10 seconds left and I was up by a touchdown.

While on defense, I found it most effective to allow the CPU to play for you (don’t need to do much in the way of actually controlling anyone) except for trying to get sacks.

Lastly, remember to be smart with the clock. You don’t want to leave the opposing team time to score after you’ve taken the lead. Often times when driving up the field let the play-clock count down to one second before hiking the ball. Make sure you leave yourself enough time as well, though. Holding Y directly after a completed pass will hurry up your offense to the line with the same play.

The Nevermore Moment

This one gave me a little bit of trouble. For this Moment you’re tasked with scoring two touchdowns in three minutes and 40 seconds. You have two timeouts, as well as the other team. I’d recommend going for 2-point conversions after both TDs.

The real tricky part of this is preventing the opposing team from getting a first down after you’ve kicked the ball off to them.

I discovered a foolproof way of stopping them: select a Special Teams’ FG Block (accessed via By Play Type, left-stick to the left) each down. The reason this works is because the CPU is so determined to run down the clock they’ll only pick run plays, despite what you choose.

So with that, you should be able to complete this Moment. If they do magically happen to score a first down, you’re pretty much screwed. Once they’ve secured that, they’ll either get close enough to attempt a field goal or QB Kneel to run the clock down. If they manage a first down, you’re best off just restarting the Moment.

After completing that particular Moment (if you haven’t unlocked it already), you’ll receive
Madden NFL 11Comeback KidsThe Comeback Kids achievement in Madden NFL 11 worth 52 pointsWin after being behind in the last 2 min of a game (no OTP, min qtr. len. 3 min)
Even if you managed to enter overtime, it’ll still unlock.

The “The Return of Favre” and “New Season, Same Game” Moments are similar to the above. After your first TD just spam their offense with FG Blocks. Be sure to give them as little amount of time as possible on the clock after scoring the second TD.

For New Season, Same Game, because they had no Vertical plays in their playbook, I went with Flood, which had the TE running a similar route.

The Finish the Comeback Moment

I’d try using this method if you get really unlucky with the onside kicks. I found the best way, with the highest chance of recovery, is to kick the ball with 99% power and stop it as close to the accuracy marker as possible. It’s still fairly unlikely to recover an onside kick, but this seemed to be the best method.

This one is very tight and a little luck dependent, similar to the Super Bowl Sunday Moment, this one is a pain. Choose your usual Four Vertical play, passing to A when open (if it’s incomplete, just repeat the process). After the TD, follow up with an HB Dive 2-point conversion.

Then, rather than an onside kick, choose to normal kick. The trick here is to kick the ball out of bounds to stop the clock. Move the arrow down and all the way to the left or right before kicking. They’ll get the ball on the 40 yard line.

Now, again choose to FG Block and use a timeout immediately after the first two plays. On third down is when you’ll be doing something different: choose to Punt Block which will cause their offense to audible out of a QB Kneel. They should audible into a run which you should then stop with your Punt Block. On fourth down, if the play-clock is above 25 seconds, run into the punter for a penalty to drop it to 25.

After receiving the punt, you’re now presented with three options: either return the punt for a touchdown (easier said than done), try your success at some form of a Hail Mary, or attempt getting into field goal range and putting up three points (which will also prove to be difficult as the remaining time on the clock is very limited).

If going for the field goal, because you have no timeouts, try running out of bounds after you’ve caught the ball. If going for a punt return, the best way to do this is to immediately start running left or right after catching the ball. When you have all the opposing team running in that direction, switch directions and start running the other way. It will be tight but you should manage to squeeze past all of them and return it for a TD.

After completing 45 Madden Moments, you’re finally able to take a dive at Super Bowl Sunday. Good luck and I hope this helps you in getting that much closer to earning this achievement!

03 Dec 2017 03:32

A helpful hint, if you call punt block the cpu will audible out of kneeling formation giving you a chance for a pick or incomplete pass.

29 Jun 2014 17:26

This is by far the most difficult trophy in this game. You need to be in the "Madden Moments" tab from the main screen. You will only have 5 Moments to play at first and once you complete those 5, you will unlock another set of 5 Moments.

Each Moment has you doing something slightly different in slightly different scenarios. You will be winning in some of them and need to make a defensive stop. In some you will be losing by one or possibly 2 scores and have to pull out a win. They are all timed AND have the accelerated play/game clock, so keep that in mind.

The Super Bowl Sunday Moment is in the very last set of 5. I believe there is a total of 50 moments. So you have to complete 45 of them to even attempt the one you need for this trophy.

11 Dec 2014 06:06

For this achievement, you have to complete 49 Madden Moments. They are situations in games where you have to change the outcome of what really happened. Some are long or short, some are hard or easy. You can play them legitimately or edit the opposing teams’ roster so that they are bad and you are guaranteed a win. You can also trade key players to your team to make a super team. But you can’t change any of the settings since they are all specific situations.

Once you unlock the last set of Moments, you only have to play the Super Bowl one, you don’t have to play the others leading up to it, so you’re really only playing like 45 or 46 moments.

Achievement unlocks at the end of the final game.

Method by Stanley for the "Super Bowl Sunday" Madden Moment:
1. Score the TD at the beginning + 2 pt conversion. (So you won't have to go into overtime)
2. REGULAR kickoff (no onside)
3. When they run, stop them from getting a first and call a timeout.
4. Do a "FG BLOCK." When Drew Brees sees this he will audible into a pass play. Once you see the Saints start to switch position, quickly call a defensive audible for a Cover 3 or Deep Zone.
5.) You will eventually pick the ball off or they will keep throwing and incomplete passes will stop the clock. Score a touchdown plus extra point, you win by 1.


There are 49 Madden Moments in total, but only 46 of them have to be completed to get this trophy. They are unlocked in sets of five, with the next group unlocking once the previous group has been completed. They are all based on real life situations. You either have to replicate or reverse what really happened. Although most of them are fairly straight forward, there will be a few that will test your patience and skill.


General Advice

All the skill and gameplay settings are reset in Madden Moments. This means that none of the setup changes outlined in the first few steps of the Roadmap will be any help to you. The Offside rules are back in play, and the computer now plays a decent game of football.

The only way to weight conditions in your favor in this mode is though player stat manipulation. Any saved Roster changes will carry into Madden Moments, so it is possible to mess around with teams if needed. First you should play the moment, as they can often be finished without any changes. If you find you are having bother, run a specific play. It will probably not work. Pause the game and go into the Replay. Run forward to the catch/tackle/whatever went wrong, and get the name and number of the opposition players messing up your play. Armed with this info, go to:

My Madden > NFL Rosters > Player Management

Find the Player or Players, and drop their stats to favor your players chances. Make sure to save the Roster before you exit. Now head back and restart the Moment. Re-run the same play as before, and hopefully, this time it should end with a better result.

As I have said before though, only do this as a last resort. It will ruin the enjoyment of the game if you are too heavy handed. The general stats you need to drop to slow down a player and stunt their abilities are:

For a General Player Slowdown:

Target their Strength, Agility, Speed, Acceleration, Awareness, Catching and Carrying stats. These should be used for any player you need to edit.

There are different particular positions of players whose stats you should look to alter depending on the situation. The Moments come in three four basic flavors:

- Win from Behind
- Defend a Lead
- Retrieve, Attack and Win.
- Score, Retrieve and Score Again.

Winning From Behind

The bulk of the moments are this type. A typical setting will have you 5 points down with a minute left, forcing you to go for the try. These are your bread and butter scenarios: never overly difficult, and they can often be done first time out. The important thing in these Moments is to keep the ball moving forward, and to stop the clock whenever possible.

When Shutting Down a Defense:
Target their Tackling, Pass Blocking, Run Blocking, Jumping and Pursuit stats.

Defending a Lead

These are short but difficult moments. Typically, you will find yourself backed up against your Endzone, trying desperately to keep your opposition from scoring. The key to these Moments is to put pressure on the Quarterback. Sack him if you can, but at the very least get in his way.

When Shutting Down a Quarterback:
Target their Short Throw Accuracy, Medium Throw Accuracy, Deep Throw Accuracy, Throw on the Run and Play Action stats.

Retrieve, Attack and Win

These are longer and more difficult defending scenarios. You have to first prevent the opposition from scoring as there generally is not enough time to score twice. You have to get the ball back and then generally need to score a Touchdown to win.

When Shutting Down Receivers:
Target their Jumping, Kick/Punt Return, Elusiveness, Spectacular Catch, Catch in Traffic and Route Planning stats.

Score, Retrieve and Score Again

These are the ones that will drive you mad. The first Touchdown is usually easy enough, but you then have to get the ball back quick. You will spend ages trying to get the ball back via Onside Kicks. These few moments can take as long as all the others put together.

To Favour an Onside Kick:
Target ALL their stats. This goes for all 6 or 7 players in the area of the Onside Kick.


As for the moments themselves, follow the Moment Guide to negotiate each one. This is by far the biggest time-sink in this game, but if you take your time, you should make steady progress through this mode.

Make sure to SAVE after you complete each Moment. The game has a tendency to freeze in this menu for some reason, and a reset will mean you will lose all unsaved data. So take care!