Mafia: Definitive Edition

Mafia: Definitive Edition

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How to unlock the Supercharged achievement in Mafia: Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

This achievement is obtainable in Chapter 5 "Fair Play." In Chapter 5, you can also earn:
Mafia: Definitive EditionNeighborhood HeroThe Neighborhood Hero achievement in Mafia: Definitive Edition worth 16 pointsComplete "Fair Play"
Mafia: Definitive EditionSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in Mafia: Definitive Edition worth 24 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

NOT CLASSY is missable!

To earn Supercharged, you have to win the race after you

The race is extremely difficult. The race cars don't handle well, are difficult to break and it's very easy to get spun out from other drivers or from hitting a wall. There is no definitive guide to getting this achievement, but here are some tips:

1. I believe the race scales with difficulty. I was trying to complete the race on Classic difficulty so that I could obtain the Made Man achievement. I, no joke, spent 3.5 hours trying the race and the best I could finish was 4th. I dropped the difficulty down to Medium difficulty and won the race on my first attempt. I didn't do anything differently in my racing style or tactics, so my only assumption is that the race difficulty does scale.
2. There are three different ways you can brake while driving: cn_LT is the normal brake, cn_B is the handbrake and cn_back will enable the Speed Limiter which automatically slows you down. Multiple other sources claim that using the speed limiter is the best way to have a controlled slow down, but I still found it to be very difficult. The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to try to avoid braking at all and instead focus on trying to let off the gas pedal while going around corners instead of using any of the three braking methods, except when you have to which brings us to...
3. The three most difficult parts of the race are: (a) turn 1 - the hairpin, (b) turn 5 - a sharp left turn after climbing uphill, and (c) the S curve following turn 5. For turn 1 and turn 5, I recommend doing a long break using cn_LT before actually reaching the turns and going through them very slowly. The AI will also slow way down for both of these, so you don't have too much to worry about losing your place. For the S, if you hit the grass ramp on the right side of the curve you will go airborne and most likely crash. You need to ensure you cut right through the middle of the S - you can let your left wheels and then right wheels off road just a little bit, but not too much.
4. There are 3 crashes that the AI racers will suffer during the race: (a) in Lap 1, on turn 4, one car will crash into the wall, (b) in Lap 2, one car will hit the grass ramp in the S curve and go airborne and crash and (c) in Lap 3, depending on your position there may be a crash on turn 8 (the final large turn before the finish line). You can use these to your advantage, but also make sure if you are not in 1st place going into turn 8 on the 3rd lap that you go very high on the turn to avoid the crash.
5. Just try to tackle the race like you would any other race in any other game. Go into most turns wide and try to cut sharp against the actual curve. Use your car to block other cars from passing you. And don't get frustrated - I definitely did and it was getting to me.
6. If you have to restart the race, you can hit cn_start and skip the cutscene to save yourself some time on each run.

Here is a good article from Gamerant, which also includes a great video guide from YouTuber Astewir:

25 Sep 2020 23:30

Yeah, for some reason the supercharged achievement never popped up for me either.
By Epicstar23 on 05 Jan 2023 22:39
You can also use the ram feature (clicking A on Xbox while aiming with left stick) in the game to make tighter turns or as last attempt to save yourself from a crash
By LaBaguette23 on 30 Jun 2023 19:33
Good solution, thank you 👍
By on 20 Jan 2024 17:44
I would advise to set the driving mode to regular instead of simulation as well. Once I changed to regular I won first time with a confortable lead
By NafrayuNox on 26 Sep 2020 13:41
Um i beat this race and it says i unlocked but under Achievements list it is showing as locked any help please ?
By XSniperNinjaX on 26 Sep 2020 21:21
Did this on classic yesterday. A good tip that I found on a video was when you hit the corners, tap a to do a ram around them. It helps a lot.
By Lulbyte on 27 Sep 2020 17:28
That Gamerant guide helped a lot
By Greeney22 on 27 Sep 2020 22:14
A tip i found easier with the speed limiter was to change to controller preset 2 which changes limiter to the A button
By GBANGER05 on 28 Sep 2020 01:44
Anyone have it glitch? I just won it about 5 min ago, got the achievement for finishing the level but not winning the race
By MrFattacular on 28 Sep 2020 23:00
Nvrm, just seems to be touchy. Unlocked the next day when I loaded up the game
By MrFattacular on 29 Sep 2020 23:15
After 70+ tries on Classic difficulty thought I share my experince a bit. first of all the Speed limiter brake thing was out of the window for me. second of all I found it very helpful to combine a series of short buttons presses with LT,RT and B. you can combine all of these on sharp turns. not holding the buttons, just smash them and fix the car. I suggest just try not to lose control and It's much better to just slow down instead of rushing the turns to not get behind. Mafia 1 race section surely lives up to its name! good luck
By RoninSouly on 08 Oct 2020 00:10
Somehow didn't get the achievement to unlock even though I obviously beat the chapter. Guess I'll have to try redoing the chapter, I absolutely hate glitchy achievements.
By xHybrid Shadowx on 12 Oct 2020 08:56
If it happens to anyone else, it unlocked the 2nd time I beat it so just replay the chapter.
By xHybrid Shadowx on 13 Oct 2020 12:30
The secret to winning this race is the A button. When you turn, say you turn left, and tap the A button, the back of your car rotates right. What this does is straighten your car in the direction you turned. So doing this for your turns will prevent you from wiping out. Sometimes you may need to tap A more than once. As you attempt this you will learn when you need to tap A more than once.

Also, drive in the grassy areas. You'll be amazed how many cars you will overtake, especially in the beginning. Beating this on Classic difficulty will be a cake. I was able to take the lead before the end of the first lap and kept it until the end.
By Dmbledore on 01 Nov 2020 23:04
Finally got this after 30+ tries, Only advise I can give is take it slow around the corners and same as mentioned by others use A if you think you are going off course or into the wall
By Nathan6260 on 25 Nov 2020 22:46
Weird thing I discovered while attempting this on Made Man difficulty and trying it for hours: I changed the camera angle to the one farthest behind your car and it seemed like it made the car go a tiny bit faster, regularly getting me to about 7th-12th place even before the first turn, whereas with the default camera view (also from behind the car) I was rarely able to get there. I don't think it's just that I got better with more practice, because the initial part of the race is just a long straightaway. Not sure if it's a real thing, but any small thing is worth a try for this incredibly hard race.
By HailToTheKing24 on 21 Sep 2021 00:54
I can confirm the race difficulty scaling with game difficulty. Played on easy, beat it on my first try, no practice. I was in first by the middle of the first lap, and only lost it once when I crashed into some hay bales. Definitely not an hours-long marathon like most people are describing.
By DevilishPigeon on 16 Nov 2021 23:45
Is this buggy for anyone else? No matter how many times I finish the race the achievement refuses to pop, I got the fair play achievement and rvery other Mafia 1 achievement except supercharged as it just refuses to pop no matter what I do, aka reset ect, any ideas? Microsoft support is useless.
By Fo0lOfAT0ok on 31 Oct 2022 18:37
Just did this on classic, so here’s my two cents.

First corner, you’ve just got to bomb down the inside and hope you get in with the front pack of cars. If I didn’t do this I restarted straight away.

Second and third corners you can use the grass on the inside to get past the next bunch. I got up to about 4th a few times doing this (first time I was 3rd on lap 2 and hit the damn fire truck not knowing it would be there!).

From there on and in general - take care, you don’t need to be going full speed ahead. Tap the breaks a few times to slow down for the corners, as holding it down will make you skid. Also feather the throttle on the exits as you will spin otherwise.

Once I worked these few things out I did it pretty easily.
By br34thedyn4m1te on 27 Sep 2020 14:34
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This race is quite difficult on classic. I am going to give some tips on how I beat the race in about 8-10 tries.

1. Do not EVER hard lock your breaks. These cars do not have ABS and it will skid forward and you will have no control. Practice slowing down safely without a full press of the left trigger. 3/4 is usually pretty quick anyway and no lockups.

2. Learn how to use the cars weight to your advantage. Use the weight of the car to help you to turn corners. Before turning left(for example) go a little wide and then quickly turn your vehicle to the left, it can help get through corners without slowing down too much. Helps with any driving scenario in game.

3. Do not gas out of a corner until your car is practically straight, if you gas early your car WILL spin out.

4. The best tip I have for you is keep restarting the race until you are set with AI where they are all bunched together at the start. If this occurs you can jump into top 5-8 before the first corner. It happens about every 2-3rd restart.

5. On the 3rd corner make sure you cut the grass, massive time saver. if your car feels like it's going to lose grip on grass, just let go of the gas for a second.

6. To get the best racing lines make sure you are going wide into the corner and exiting using the apex's. Watch how race car drives enter and exit corners.

Good luck!

14 Jan 2021 08:52

Down vote, cause im doing a video game, not to become a f1 driver lol. Also its within my right too.
By UBERS1LKROAD on 19 Feb 2022 02:01
No way to report a comment. Yes, it's a silly reason to down vote but don't let it bother you. Every solution is not going to help everyone.
By napoearth on 25 Jul 2022 21:45
Yeah, I guess you can, but it's pointless to bother with it. People are entitled to their opinion and that's what the votes are. Just because your solution didn't help this guy doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. It did help some people and that's what matters.
By napoearth on 26 Jul 2022 14:46
@Ubersilkroad You r a KING Douchebag - it is my right to have an opinion that you are the KING of all Douchebags hahahah what a D#$K lol
By TREX1979 on 19 Sep 2022 22:28
That is the stupidest reason I have ever heard, to downvote a solution. Where does it say F1 race driving? This is how you need to drive to beat this race on hard. How do I report a comment?
By II TH3PRO II on 19 Feb 2022 03:49
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This is story related and cannot be missed. This is unlocked during Chapter 5, ‘Fair Play’. It is a 3-lap race with 16 total competitors and you must place 1st to continue with the story.
If you have not done so already, if playing on any difficulty other than ‘Classic’, change ‘Driving Mode’ to ‘Regular’ in the ‘Options’ menu. On this setting, you will find that your race car is easier to handle and drive than if it was on ‘Simulation’. You may also want to change ‘Transmission’ to ‘Automatic’.
The controls are standard: :1rt: accelerates, :1lt: brakes, :1ls: steers, :1rs: rotates the camera and :1b: is the handbrake. Clicking :1rs: lets you look behind your car and pressing :1left: changes the camera angle.
You begin the race in the 16th position. The first turn is probably the worst as it is basically a U-turn. You will see that the other drivers go around this turn very slow, so it is suggested you do the same. There is a mechanic where if you tap :1a:, you are able to ram other cars. By doing this around turns, and when you are driving beside other cars, it’s possible that you can take other cars out of the race. But be warned, if you over-steer while tapping :1a:, you will most likely spin out, losing precious positions and time.
When you tap :1a:, you also gain a short speed boost that can be useful when you are trying to catch up to other drivers or to maintain your position. It is not recommended to do this while going around turns as you can spin out as mentioned above.
While the mini-map is useful, it’s hard to gauge how far opponents are behind you, so along straightaways, click :1rs: to look behind you to see how close someone is. Depending on where they are, you can steer your car to potentially block them from overtaking you.
On Easy difficulty, the race really isn’t that bad, even if you are unfamiliar with racing games. Note that the race is much harder on ‘Classic’ difficulty due to it being mandatory that the ‘Driving Mode’ is set to ‘Simulation’. Refer to Made Man (80G) for more information.
Thanks to GosuNoob for the video:
Story related and cannot be missed. 

This will unlock as a part of Neighborhood Hero trophy_bronze.png.  The race is pretty easy on Easy.  
Some tips for those who play "classical":
- pressing A ("ram") gives a small speed boost: it is extremely important to press 1-2 times on straight lines and when exiting turns - now this is the main guarantee of victory, because Tom's car is no longer the fastest (as it was in the original);
- a decisive advantage should be created before the opponent’s first scripted departure on a small banking (oval turn): if at that moment you are in 3-5 places, everything is fine, if not, feel free to restart;
- a combination of a turn with a “ram” will help to pass small banking more efficiently, but in other places it is fraught with: a high risk of a reversal;
- it is better to pass the “snake” closer to the left curb, with the gas released and without braking, but on the second lap it is advisable to play it safe and re-brake, because there is a high risk of colliding with an opponent (second script crash);
- there are no capital cuts - do not indulge yourself with illusions; if you push through an obstacle somewhere, you will be automatically returned to the track;
- collisions have a detrimental effect on the driving performance of the car, but not as much as in the original; However, braking against the walls is a bad idea, although in a couple of places it can create the appearance of an advantage.

25 Sep 2020 21:39

Passed on: classic difficulty, driving simulator type. Video guide (ru).
The main thing is to go 3 on the first lap and hold this position, since on the second and third laps, according to the script, two riders in front of you will fly off the track.
By romaj1k on 27 Sep 2020 14:44
When turning, it helped to briefly press the handbrake, so the car goes into an easy, controlled drift.
By Psyber on 28 Sep 2020 12:21
After switching to the view from the hood, I passed on the second try. Skid control is much better.
By Romlol on 22 Nov 2021 21:52
On the second lap, in order to enter the first sharp turn well, brake by pressing L2, staying on the right side as soon as some kind of marking appears on the asphalt, then release the gas and begin to enter the turn under your own power, and then gradually press the gas. It is better to enter all turns under your own power without pressing the gas, and if you see that you are not entering, press the X button and the stick in the direction you need. I didn’t use O (handbrake) I braked L2 and if I didn’t turn into a turn, I pressed X and the stick to the side.
By HitroGRAD on 03 Oct 2020 08:44
If on the third lap you go second, try to hang on the tail of the person in front, if you miss, you will lose
By simik25 on 27 Oct 2020 18:13
Don't rush to finish the race early. On the 2nd lap I was in fourth, I thought there was no chance. But until the end of the race, the cars in front gradually crashed, the main thing was not to crash into them, and I became the first without even expecting it. If I had known, maybe I would have completed this task earlier.
By avenger24 on 19 Nov 2020 11:43
At the last turn of the last lap, another driver is “killed”, so counting the one whose car we “tuned”, 3 more are eliminated
By dendwy on 03 Oct 2020 03:37
At the start, you need to press the gas in time, as soon as the start signal is given. This will give a boost to acceleration.
By cyrax on 26 Sep 2020 16:59
It is recommended to stay in 2nd or 3rd place for the first two laps, so that the scripted scenes with the departure of the competitors in front will work. Although in general, even on the classic difficulty level it is easy to take 1st place in the race already on the first lap. But skill is required.
By peteblakcat on 30 Aug 2021 22:44
I passed the second time, almost the first time, I hit the car before the finish line. The guy here writes that he played for 6 hours, this is just brutal. Maybe, of course, my pretense in GT SPORT had an effect. Advice. To take, say, a left turn, we first go a little to the right, and then to the left...
By UnKind2015 on 14 Feb 2023 18:45
I played on medium difficulty, at the start I changed the difficulty to easy in the menu, in the end they gave me the trophy for some reason.
By xcfdf on 16 Feb 2023 03:28
Walkthrough using the classics, everything is very simple.
We start, press into the left lane and at the first turn, braking in advance, we climb inside the turn to overtake several participants at once.
The essence of behavior in turns is to brake before the turn, then immediately before the turn WITHOUT GAS we press the stick in the direction of the turn and the X button briefly and then the gas, if the car has turned into the turn insufficiently, we press the stick in the direction of the turn and the X button briefly again. X cannot be pressed with gas at the same time. Having understood the essence, I took first place from the first lap.
By est on 03 Mar 2023 18:12
Cut 2 smooth turns after the hairpin at the beginning of the route along the grass. Otherwise, no advice is needed, you just need to get used to the behavior of the car, its control and remember the route.
By hihick on 07 Jul 2022 18:56
The X ram button helps a lot.
By inferno_054nsk on 08 Oct 2022 09:12
To get this particular reward you need to complete the race in the “Simulator” driving mode, and the difficulty of the game is not important.
By Nocuus on 10 May 2023 09:49
The trophy can be obtained by lowering the difficulty to minimum during the race, but in order for the game to continue on classic difficulty, you will still have to complete the race on classic. And in general, apparently, the description of the trophy is incorrect. You need to win the race not in the classics, but in the “simulator” driving mode. Complexity doesn't matter here. But if you play the entire game on classic, the default driving type is “simulator” and cannot be changed
By warriorkzx on 27 Sep 2020 12:20
1. I set it to first-person “from the cockpit” view.
2. Sensitivity reduced to 1.
3. On sharp turns, pressing boost helps a lot .
4. On straight sections I also pressed constantly .
5. In places where you need to slow down, on turns, there are small hints in the form of wheel imprints of other racers; in fact, brake approximately there.
6. After the first turn, there are places where you can cut well on the grass and overtake other participants. Don't disdain them.
7. If after the first accident of one of the racers (of course not the one from whom we stole the car) you are not at least in 6th place, you can safely restart the race.
By TRASHMEN on 07 Oct 2020 00:14
I read a lot of advice here and, after spending about 3 hours of trying, I realized this thing.
Need to:
- reduce sensitivity from 5 to 1. Subjectively, this really helps to jerk the car less.
- understand what a ram is, it’s what’s on X. It’s both your enemy and your friend. Essentially, this is the displacement of the car in the direction in which the movement is directed. If you accidentally press right + ram while near the curb, the car will fly to the right and you will hit the curb. However, in a turn, when you don’t have enough turning ability, carefully turn the car with the stick in the right direction plus the ram. In the very first turn, you need to do about 3-4 such actions. Next there will be two turns with grass on them; we boldly cut through the grass with a slight twisting of ourselves with a ram. If you do everything correctly and accurately, then you will go first almost always, unless you hit a wall somewhere along the way.
- then we drive carefully and most importantly don’t get nervous, we go through all the repetitions where possible with some brake (over time you will understand where it’s better to start and when it’s better to finish) with a light ram in the right direction.
- I accelerated forward with a ram, it seems like the speedometer at this moment jumps forward slightly, but I can’t say for sure, steering at such moments is strictly prohibited.
- reducing the speed using a limiter - you can transfer it from the touch panel to the O button, maybe it will help a little. But I didn’t use it, I couldn’t turn it on and off at the right time and it only made things worse.
- if it still doesn't work out. Let the riders go ahead and ride alone for 5-10 laps, practicing the mechanics of turning with a ram.
- patience and sooner or later you will be able to.
By Nebula on 25 May 2021 15:45
First of all, thanks to all the advice above. Some of them helped a lot.
A few additions from me:
1. Do laps first to learn the course.
2. Understand your car's behavior. The car is rear-wheel drive and some of the problems on the highway will be related to this. (So ​​that you don’t wonder why it can start to unfold or skid so wildly).
3. Learn how to use a battering ram correctly. Once you get the hang of it, it will be your lifesaver on sharp turns.
4. Don't rely on scripts, especially if you're in first place.
5. When in first place, look back whenever possible. This will help you understand when you need to get in the way of your opponent, then he will not overtake you.
6. The opponents are toxic and have interesting behavior here. If you butt someone, they will try to catch you and butt you back.
7. If someone butted you, then it is a priori considered that they butted you, take this into account and try to get away from this car.
By Zelgedis on 06 Oct 2020 13:10
If we are talking about completing a race on the classic difficulty level, this is a non-trivial task, but I will leave a couple of tips:
- Try to avoid collisions and always brake in advance before making sharp turns;
- Feel free to use the shortcut on the grass (after the first turn there are 2 places on the right where you can pick up a few places safely and quickly);
- Use the magic of scripts. During the race, 3 opponents will be eliminated according to the script (the first, the same European driver at the start, the second at the oval turn on the first lap and the third, at the zigzag during the second lap). The important thing is that the opponent who is driving in front of you crashes. As a result, I advise you to take 2nd place before the 2nd lap (which is quite possible) and drive carefully until the invisible hand of the director saves you from the biggest headache.
Then all you have to do is finish the race.
By AIKarasu on 27 Sep 2020 13:02
1. When turning (especially the very first), drive the ram strictly with the gas released and the wheels turned at a speed of 60-70 no more, otherwise it will skid.
2. After the first lap, before the first turn, it is better to brake using the speed limit button to 60 (don’t forget to turn it off later, otherwise the speed will drop to 40).
3. It’s better to drive through a sharp turn after the first bank like this: as soon as the barrier begins on the left, press the brake to 60, release the gas, turn the wheels, press the ram, turn off the gas.
4. On the last lap after the last banking at the finish line, do not relax if you are going first. If you see an enemy, place the car in front of his nose, otherwise he will pass you like a standing man.
5. I probably killed 5-7 hours in total, but I passed.
By TheLithium on 01 Oct 2020 08:47
The following life hack worked:
I entered the race on the classic difficulty level, watched the splash screen, and when the countdown to the start began, I paused, disconnected the console from the Internet, and changed the difficulty to normal.
After passing the last turn on the final lap there was another pause, I changed the difficulty to classic and turned on the Internet, after crossing the finish line the trophy arrived.

However, the trophy for beating the game on classic difficulty did not drop at the end of the game.
By Fon78 on 25 Mar 2023 23:59
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I've read a lot of nonsense here. All you need for successful completion is:
1) learn the route and learn how to pass it cleanly and without risky maneuvers. Everyone decides for themselves how to pass which section. Just ride a few times without trying to win;
2) after the first turn, which must be passed cleanly and it is desirable to win several places, the most important thing in this race begins - overtaking on the grass. There will be several areas where opponents can be bypassed as standing. This is especially important before the first scripted flight at a big turn;
3) having taken third place, you can relax, since on laps 2 and 3 the first and second places will be eliminated from the race, thus giving us first place;
4) on a long straight you need to drive looking backwards and changing lanes in front of the enemy pursuing you, so he will not be able to overtake.

It will take a maximum of an hour to do everything, it’s really not that difficult.

05 Oct 2020 09:47