Mafia II: Definitive Edition

Mafia II: Definitive Edition

67 Achievements


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Kill 1,000 enemies in "Jimmy's Vendetta."


How to unlock the Massacre achievement in Mafia II: Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

Another method with a higher death toll, to help unlock this sweet achievement...

So, I had 478 kills by the end of the campaign. Once the dust is settled, arm up with as much ammunition as you can and take a car to the mission waypoint for Tam In A Jam (far top right of the map, near the foundry).


External image

Then, save your progress and start the mission. Approach the gates of the foundry and enter.

Kill everything that moves. You should kill about 30-35 enemies per run, and each run took me 3-4 minutes once I had their spawn pattern down. You want to perform a U shape, so you move into the foundry, cut across the back and come back on yourself down the other side. Just follow the marker and the red enemy indicators. Make sure to get the guys on the catwalk and the ones at the end of the alley.

Complete the mission until it says to return to the safe zone. Then, restart checkpoint to log the kills and put you back at the mission waypoint again. This also replenishes any spent ammo. Save (by going into Options > Game Settings >Subtitles). Flick the subtitles off or on once to save progress. Rinse repeat.

I got this achievement within about 2 hours, give or take, and I feel it is the quickest way to grind this. You can also destroy a few vehicles by the entrance if you need the Firebug achievement. Be aware that the game can lag out on occasion - which is why it's important to save after every run.

Good luck!

03 Jun 2020 14:05

The Don Mission all the way at the bottom of the map at the docks is also a really good one to use. I had about 450 kills at the end of the story and all of the car thefts and it took me a little over an hour to get to 1000. If you kill everyone you should get 70+ kills per run on The Don.
By ThatDudePursley on 20 Apr 2021 20:09
Once you get the gate open to complete the circle I ended up going back through that gate to flank them on their rear. It would invert the cover and have them running towards me. I also decided to ditch the reload checkpoint thing and just let them kill me near the end.
By Lunonaut on 27 Jun 2021 20:24
Mission: Account Closed
Location: Uptown
Kill Count: 20-25
Rotation Time: Depends on Skill Level
Weapons Needed: Tommy Gun & Grenades

This method is very useful in the sense that you won’t have to drive anywhere once you’re at the mission marker. You just hop the fence and start shooting! Here’s how I managed to get this done in under an hour!

Start up the mission, hop the gate behind you (In my game Jimmy always faced the street when restarting checkpoint) then start making your way down the alley. You’ll want a weapon that shoots fast and has a good sized magazine as you’ll want to do this as quick as possible to be the most efficient. (Why I recommend the Tommy Gun) When you’re making your way down the alley keep an eye on your radar. This is crucial to learning the enemy spawns and optimizing your runs. This may seem a bit tricky at first but once you get the patterns down you’ll be running through it like nothing!

Once you make it about halfway down the alley you’ll come to a point where there will be an entrance to the alley from the street on your left and a gate to your right. This is the point at which I initially just took cover and lobbed grenades down the alley. (I then just started running through that section blowing up the gas tanks on the vehicles instead) After you clear most of the enemies proceed down to the end of the alley where you’ll have an enemy on your right and an enemy on your left. Take out the enemy on the right first. (I usually saved a grenade for the one on the right) then take out the guy on the left. Make sure before even turning that corner you reload your weapon. As you hit the left corner at the end of the alley you’ll notice ‘Sweet Fredrieco’ getting into his car to drive off. Before he has a chance to do that shoot the gas tank to blow him up.

Pause the game & Restart Checkpoint

Save your game by turning on or off the subtitles and backing up to the main pause menu. I saved after every 4 runs (About 100 kills)

Rinse & Repeat

It’s worth noting I was able to get my runs down to around 35 seconds each. It sounds like a lot and maybe it’s too much detail for a simple achievement like this but I like this method because you can easily earn yourself the achievement for blowing up 100 cars as well.

Hopefully this method helps & Congratulations in advance!

02 Apr 2021 17:52

This is a solution I came up with on a tester profile. Funny I’m coming back to the achievement on my main profile after all this time and using my solution to obtain this achievement again. Still the best method imo
By Autshe on 12 Jun 2022 18:43
@OLOT glad it helped!
By Autshe on 12 Jun 2022 18:44
Kills by shooting car's gas tanks did not count for me for some reason. I always chucked a grenade under the car, enemies got killed by the grenade explosion and counter went up. I did 2 full runs, shooting gas tanks, and my counter went up by 20. Check your counter so you don't waste time like me.
By Darth Hawk CZ on 18 Feb 2023 14:43
This is the best way by far!
By HangmanK7 on 13 Sep 2023 00:59
I think this is the top solution. All the cars and trucks make killing the enemies fairly quick. Bring grenades, when you die and/or reload checkpoint you will start with them back in the inventory. After running this a few times and getting the basic pattern down I was routinely getting a 20X multiplier going, which shows how quick it can be done.

Rule of thumb, if you can see the gas tank on big trucks or the driver side of cars, shoot it to blow it up. If you can't shoot it quickly, only use a grenade to blow it up if you know enemies are around it. Otherwise I was just running through like Rambo, shooting the enemies that spawn in between explosions.
By OLOT on 24 Sep 2021 07:12
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Load up the mission ‘Revolution’ it’s to the left of Harry’s gun store at the end of the road. Make sure to save prior to loading (change a setting) and start the mission.

It should take you ~1 minute to get the 20 kills when arriving at the objective (that’s 100 kills every 5 minutes). Simply reload your last checkpoint and repeat. It took me ~1 hour to get this achievement.

01 Jun 2020 19:50

By enemies, the game defines members of the mafia and not civilians, nor members of the police. So relaunch one of the last missions like "The Don" and do it in a loop until you get the trophy.

You can follow your progress by going: Options => Statistics => Enemies Killed
Civillians and cops DO NOT count for this achievement.

By the time you finish all missions in this DLC, you are unlikely to be more than halfway done with this achievement. There are a couple preferred methods of grinding out kills. One is to replay the mission 'The Don' down on the docks, where you can kill 50-70 enemies per run of the mission. Each run takes a decent amount of time though. The second method is to replay the mission 'Sound and Furry' in the northern part of the map in the center. For this method, start the mission, run straight toward the first objective, shoot the two enemies on the other side of the fence, then run to the second objective and shoot the two enemies in the alley, and then shoot the three enemies running down the street toward you. After the seventh enemy dies, pause and retry from the last checkpoint and repeat. This method gets you 7 kills in under a minute per run, and is definitely the faster method.
Civillians and cops DO NOT count for this achievement.

By the time you finish all missions in this DLC, you are unlikely to be more than halfway done with this achievement. There are a couple preferred methods of grinding out kills. One is to replay the mission 'The Don' down on the docks, where you can kill 50-70 enemies per run of the mission. Each run takes a decent amount of time though. The second method is to replay the mission 'Sound and Furry' in the northern part of the map in the center. For this method, start the mission, run straight toward the first objective, shoot the two enemies on the other side of the fence, then run to the second objective and shoot the two enemies in the alley, and then shoot the three enemies running down the street toward you. After the seventh enemy dies, pause and retry from the last checkpoint and repeat. This method gets you 7 kills in under a minute per run, and is definitely the faster method.