Mafia II

Mafia II

68 Achievements


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Out for Justice

Out for Justice

Learn what it means to be a Scaletta.


How to unlock the Out for Justice achievement in Mafia II - Definitive Guide

after nearly 2 hours of trying this on hard i found what i thought was the easiest way!

b4 going to see Derek go and see Henry and buy some grenades then go dock.
kill Steve and the others outside shouldn't take long.

Then when u go inside run right to the back kill the guys on the ground and wait 4, 2 sets of 2 guys 2 come down the stairs and find u kill them.

Then theres just to guys and Derek up stairs. Go just far enough so u can chuck some grenades up top till there dead wont be hard to do as Derek is marked on the map when there dead Vito will start talking u walk up stairs go in Derek's office and take money hope this helps. or leave a comment and ill try and help u!

01 Sep 2010 19:36

1 Comment
b4 going 2 c = before going to see / ppl = people / wont b hard 2 do = won't be hard to do ... come one, what is this ... are you sending this as a SMS using your mobile phone or something? lol ...
By Trikke den 1e on 02 Sep 2010 08:12
This was the hardest part of the entire game for me on Hard. Here's how I killed Derek in the warehouse for the achievement.

Take the car that is at the entrance of the warehouse, and drive slowly inside until you see one of the 2 guys on the ground floor straight ahead. The guy in front of you will move toward the left, but will then try to dodge you car by heading right. This is you chance to run him over or pin him to the crates on the right. Now I'd get out of the car with the other guy on the other side of the crates, take cover and take him out.

Once the 2 guys on the ground are taken care of, take cover behind one one of the columns underneath Derek, facing the stairs to the office. There are probably 5 or 6 guys left, but you can easily pick them off when they come down stairs and rush towards you.

Take your time, and if no one else is coming down, sprint toward the stairs to see if anyone fires at you. Take the shooter out, and then run after Derek, who will back himself into a corner so you can execute that SOB.

17 Sep 2010 02:46

This is without a doubt the hardest part of the game, it's hard to beat even on the easy mode.

....................SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 14!

After you've killed the guy that Eddie told you to kill, and lost the police and feds (make sure to either ditch your car or change its plates, and change your clothes to make sure you have no wanted level at all), you need to take Joe to a car he's got waiting. Once you've dropped off Joe, go to the gun shop in the northwest corner of the map (the one run by the ex-army guy who gives you the huge gun you get for the distillery mission). Stock up on all ammo and, most importantly... GRENADES! You'll probably need about $1500, so if you don't have that, crush some cars at Bruski's scrapyard until you have the cash.

Scroll further down to see the next bit. Again - SPOILERS!

For the second part of this chapter, you need to go to the docks to get some more work from Derek. A cutscene happens, and some striking dockworkers reveal that Vito's father was killed by Derek's assistant Steve (presumably under orders from Derek). This enrages Vito, and the next objective is to kill Derek and Steve.

The first part of this isn't to difficult - just keep well covered and take out all the enemies. You should be able to kill Steve early on if you're quick and accurate with your rifle.

Once you've killed all the enemies outside, proceed to the warehouse. The door to Derek's office is locked, so you have to go in via the open sliding door on the ground floor. BEFORE YOU ENTER THE WAREHOUSE, make sure you've equipped an automatic weapon, and RUN IN head to the back of the warehouse, via the left hand side. Two guys will spawn at the back by a pile of boxes, one on each side. Take out these guys quickly, as they are accurate and have automatic weapons. Once these two have been killed, walk back towards where the top bit finishes (the top floor is a canopy, which covers probably one third of the warehouse).

Be wary of heading too far out from the cover, as there is a number of Derek's goons in here, and Derek will launch molotov cocktails from the top, which have a large impact radius and can kill you quickly.

Make sure you're walking on the side that is on your left as your heading out. As you approach the end of the canopy, turn around so you're facing the back of the warehouse. Hold LT to arm your rifle, aim upwards and walk backwards slowly. As you emerge from underneath the canopy, you should see one of Derek's goons waiting there. If you're quick, you can gun him down before he spots you. Once you've killed him, take cover and make sure you can see the stairs, as two goons will come down after you. Take them out.

Once those goons are dead, go to wherever you need to be to be directly under the large red & white circle indicating Derek's position. ARM GRENADES. Once again, walk backwards so you're facing the canopy, once you're clear, launch a grenade and RUN back under the canopy. With a bit of luck, your grenade will kill derek. If not, repeat, but be warned as two more goons will head for the stairs so be ready to take them out.

It may take more than one grenade to finally get Derek, but you'll know when Derek is dead as Vito says a little speech about not following in his father's footsteps. You need to run back out and take cover near the entrance as there may be one or two goons left upstairs, but as long as you keep in cover you should be able to take them out without too many problems.

12 Aug 2011 12:03

Hi Guys n Girls.

I thought I would add my pennie's worth as I have just completed this.

A lot of you (like me) will be playing this for the first time due to the Games For Gold freebie.

If like me you have no grenades and can't reset the level then the best course of action is definitely Derek's office.

The key here is not to panic as it can be quite hair-raising.

Once you have got rid of Steve and his cronies you will be left with one guy outside the warehouse. If you haven't already, then equip the automatic weapon by pressing up on the d-pad.

Take out the guy outside the warehouse and then run straight in and straight up the stairs. It is a two tier staircase so you have to make a right turn after the first set. Once you're at the top of the stairs immediately turn left to Derek's office and press x to open the door (you will be taking damage at this point, but don't worry).

As soon as you enter the office then get into cover behind the desk.

Take out two or three goons (one will have the audacity to enter the office, so be careful). Come out from behind the desk and get back into cover by the window on the right side of the office and take out the goons who are over the other side of the warehouse.

Then either stay where you are or crouch beneath the window by the door or one of the metal beams. You will know when you have killed Derek because Vito will start talking, but beware! There will be two other goons coming up the stairs. Stay in cover by the window by the door and take them out. The achievement will pop when everyone is dead and you can then take the money from Derek's desk.

After you have collected the money it is a good idea to walk around the warehouse to pick up the automatic weapon ammo and also some Molotovs.

I found this the easiest way, but I suppose the grenades would work too. I had to do it this way after not getting the grenades because I played without reading the walkthrough or tips to this point. I think a lot of people may do that so this was for them.

This was my first post as a tip so thanks for looking.

03 May 2015 11:18

This is right after you killed Steve at the dock fight scene, take cover and take your time while fighting at the docks, this is not the hardest part, next part is in the warehouse where your enemies throw molotow-cocktails at you.

There is no savepoint between these both scenes, so take your time or you will have to fight outside the warehouse again.

After many tries in hard mode i found, that its easier if you drive with a car into the warehouse through to the end.

After that, kill all people running the stairs from above. Take cover! Kill the enemies on the 2nd floor from the ground. Than go upstairs and kill Derek. He is on the right side of the warehouse on the 2nd floor.

After killing him the Achievement will unlock.

06 Sep 2010 22:49

The easiest way I found to complete this part of the game was simply to run in and straight up the stairs into Dereks Office, just crouch by the desk to the right of the door when you enter and simply pop in and out of cover, taking care of Derek who was opposite the office!
Once Derek is dead, sit tight and wait for the guys to come up the stairs and pop out and kill them, or wait for them to enter and pick them off....and don't forget about the 2 on the balcony opposite! :-)
Hope this helps people!

30 Aug 2010 16:14

before you go to derek i went to harry's bought ammo and gernades once your done threw the cut scenes do you first firefight.

once they're all dead enter the factory derek will throw moltovs throw your gernade up there and blown him up and finish the rest of the guys off and go to dereks office

03 Sep 2010 21:46

In Chapter 14 you'll get into a firefight with Steve and eventually Derek. This is probably the most difficult mission in the game, mostly because of the poor waypoint placement. Make your way down the pier, killing Steve and the other enemies on the way by. Eventually you'll make it to the warehouse for your fight with Derek.

METHOD 1: The easiest way I've found to do this is to immediately run for the far left side of the warehouse, under the platform Derek is on, killing the worker in front of you on the way or from the cover of one of the metal pillars. There will be another goon on the east side in the back, kill him too. Come back towards the front of the warehouse, stopping at the centre pillar where you can hide behind a stack of boxes and a large cask. Edge left around the boxes slightly past the pillar to trigger two guys to run across the catwalk on the west side towards the stairs. Don't move out too far or the guy on the platform above you will kill you almost instantly. Kill the two thugs before they reach the ground, then repeat the process until a second set of guys spawn.

Now you're ready to make your move. Move to the edge of the platform on the west side of the warehouse, turn around and look up. Using the pink circle that indicates Derek's location as a guide, lob a grenade or two straight up onto the platform using the circle on the minimap as a guide. One grenade should do the trick, two at most. Once Derek is dead, kill any of his men left in the warehouse and the trophy will pop.

METHOD 2: It turns out there's an even easier way to do this. Start off the same as Method 1 and kill off Steve and all the goons outside the warehouse. Then, before entering the warehouse get in your car and drive off the pier. Instead of killing you, the game respawns you on the pier. What's even stranger is that the warehouse door closes and you can gain entry via Derek's office. You can't be hit by Molotovs while in there and you pretty much have a clear shot at everyone in relative safety.

You will receive the trophy according to the story. There are 2 ways to get into the office.

1) You enter Derek’s office, he is eating, before going to the naughty employees, leave all the doors open. Then, when you kill Steve and all the enemies on the street, the door on the street will be closed, the other one inside will be open.

2) Everything is the same, only you don’t need to leave the doors open, kill the enemies and Steve, then get into the car you arrived in and drown in the car (there’s a lot of water there), then go to Derek’s office from the street.

17 Jul 2011 17:11

1 Comment
I recommend that as soon as you enter the shipyard, immediately run to the far end of the shipyard, two of Derek’s accomplices will jump out at you, eliminate them, and then carefully shoot one accomplice above you, they are located on the right and left edges, they will run out at you with The second floor has two security guards, there will be 4 of them in total. Hide behind the iron beams and periodically run away when Derek throws molotovs. When you eliminate everyone, you can go up to the 2nd floor and eliminate Derek himself, he will not shoot at you, only throw molotovs.
By Einar on 25 Oct 2020 02:42
I was tormented with Derek on hard until I found this tip:

In short: We shoot everyone to the hangar. We get into the car we arrived in and rush to the distant pier. We fly by car into the water (Vito will be on the pier) and return on foot. The hangar will be closed and the top door will be open. Well, then everything is clear. The main thing is that you won’t have to dodge Molotov cocktails. We sit at one point and shoot the enemies that gradually run up.

07 Nov 2011 21:59