Mafia III: Definitive Edition

Mafia III: Definitive Edition

85 Achievements

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Reached the Loyal state with all three Underbosses


How to unlock the Family achievement in Mafia III: Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

this Achievment unlocks if u give everyone of your "Gang Leaders" a minimum of 2 Districts, So they stay happy in the little cutscenes where they talk why they should get this District.
So if the Irish guy starts whining about not getting a District give him one.
In my Game i gave Vito 4 Districts, Cassandra 3 Districts and the Irish Guy 2 Districts

In addition to that u need to do the side quests for each underboss unless you gave him in my case (Vito) 4 districts.
Assassination for Vito
Stealing cars for the irish dude
Stealing guns for cassandra

When you are finished with all of those you will get the achievment.

I dont know if this is important

10 Oct 2016 20:14

I unlocked this on Nov 4, 2022. Further to DeniWhiteRPG's suggestion above, I can confirm this worked using my Xbox Series X. Note I took my console offline and began playing, starting with Burke's missions. I had not delivered the first car, thankfully. I got an error message saying the game had to be played online. I get tapping out and thought it shut my game down, but after a couple of error messages, it put me right back into the game where I was. Then started the missions. I got Burke's out of the way first (what a royal pain in the ass), then moved to Vito's and then Cassandra's. Had a few moment's where the screen froze, but came back after a couple of moments. Once I confirmed the counter on each of the asset's pages were 5/5 I plugged my ethernet back into the console. Another message popped up asking if I owned the game, the whole DRM thing, and as that happened, the Family achievement popped. I did not talk to any of the bosses people to initiate those side quests to steal cargo and bring them back, they are not needed for this achievement. Only to increase the level of earn for the rackets.

This was done on a very focused run of sparing all informants and racket bosses. I had no DLC's installed, except for the weapons packs. I utilized quick resume as I could not do this all in one day. Do not go to the pause menu and shut your console off. I just stood somewhere safe and shut it down. Next time I started it up, quick resume put me back where I started. But be careful, I was doing this on a previous playthrough and at one point when I turned my console on it restarted. But thankfully I was not on a run dependent on shutting the game down and losing progress on anything. I have one more playthrough left to kill all informants and racket bosses, and keeping only one boss alive to the end and earning $10k from one earn.

I hope this can help someone.
By ToastiestCape0 on 05 Nov 2022 16:47
Spoiler alert!!!
By lordeleo on 12 Oct 2016 16:37
Im new to guides but now i did the spoiler thingy ;)
Hope you're happy pal :)
By eX Horahkty on 12 Oct 2016 16:45
I have gotten this giving 3 to each undeboss but my IRA side mission for Burke glitched out. I cant* deliver the last 3 cars
By Kyotic GBaby on 13 Oct 2016 15:03
The last cars are in the inner City @ iAMxYUNGxGxBABY..greetings from germany
By ChicagoBearsGER on 13 Oct 2016 17:47
Yea I found one but won't let me turn them into Burke.
By Kyotic GBaby on 13 Oct 2016 18:56
I had this achievement pop before I even went to go kill Georgi and Sal. It popped after I completed the last of the Underboss side-missions. This means that the end decision hidden with the Spoiler Alert is not important for this achievement.
By AssassinSean426 on 31 Oct 2016 15:54
Yea this is pissing me off. GLITCHED! I have 4 achievements glitched right now. I have completed all requirements for the achievements. Looks like I'll be hoping for a patch to fix this mess and then maybe I can start on my second playthrough.
By KINDZ DROCK420 on 02 Feb 2017 17:59
achievement appears to be glitched for me, as well. Got all 3 side mission achievements, but this one didn't unlock. That makes 2 glitched for me, so far. "The New Boss" is also glitched for me.
By DropDeadArtemus on 04 Feb 2017 15:03
Hmmm, i have assigned 3 districts to every underboss, also completed their side-mission. Still didnt get it...
By HardKai on 06 Feb 2017 20:45
Isn't unlocking for me did exactly the right requirements, I'm pretty pissed off, this game takes forever to get through and now I'm needing to do it again.
By Mild Gonolini on 08 Feb 2017 00:45
like so many of you, also glitched for me. one among many achievements glitched in this game. last mission i have is to get to the main bad guy but i think ill just now play this anymore until things get patched. this is unacceptable
By RiseofMrBlonde2 on 11 Feb 2017 03:09
+1 one to this being glitched... third one for me so far :/
By DENAz666 on 03 Mar 2017 16:40
Didn't unlock after I gave 3 districts to each and done all side missions, need to do 2 more play thoughs now angry
By II Rich Hobo II on 14 Mar 2017 10:02
Note: This DOES work across multiple playthroughs
By CJRD on 27 Nov 2018 23:44
Did not unlock for me either today :( 2 more playthroughs now
By chuckn0rris1999 on 28 May 2020 20:32
Didn't unlock for me give all 3 each did all side missions this and 6 other achievements have glitched on me so far I like to complete games but I think this one is just one that's gonna take forever
By Agrophobic Acky on 28 May 2020 22:51
@Argrophopic, Same for me, I'm having loads of them glitch out. The new "definitive edition" update must have messed it up.
By DarkSam644 on 07 Jun 2020 09:10
Same here.
By Angrymagnox on 08 Jun 2020 15:44
2k support doesnt care, they told me try hard reset and reinstall...
By iberianham82 on 27 Jun 2020 18:21
Logged a ticket with 2k support. They kept trying to close it as I hadn't updated the ticket - it didn't need updated. Unbelievable.
By Angrymagnox on 27 Jun 2020 19:16
Just met all the requirements and it didn't unlock for me either. Seems to be broken 🤬
By oO NiGhTbAsE Oo on 12 Jul 2020 22:43
Broken for me as well
By Zeds dead bebe on 19 Aug 2020 20:21
Broken for me too.
By KarateKoksPL on 29 Oct 2020 12:12
Bugged for me. Im playing offline without patches and I hope I will unlock it that way.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 14 Nov 2020 17:06
I unlocked it but I played the three side missions in one sitting.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 15 Nov 2020 16:52
Broken for me...
By DeniWhiteRPG on 19 Nov 2020 02:49
I have a glitch fix in solutions if you guys wanna check it out
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 19 Nov 2020 10:46
Broken for me along with 3 other achievements: flip 16 racket bosses, earn 500k, spend 500k....
By Lyzyrd on 06 May 2021 12:16
it might be glitched. Is there a way to see which ones are already loyal? i get the 1st achievement when will burke. So its cassandra or Vito
Also burke has the Lowest earn. Is it not earn based?
By Katarn StarKiLR on 11 Aug 2021 23:13
The "Irish guy's" name is burk 🤣
By BiggieCheeze on 29 Apr 2023 23:34
I don't know why I haven't gotten this I gave one to one person then the next and so on but it never gave me the achievement?
By WebbyDoubloon87 on 01 Feb 2024 23:48
I think this might be bugged, i've done everything, everyone got 3 districts i've done all side quests ".45 in my hand", "I.R.A don't ask" and "I need a favour" everyone got maxed out on the income and there was no mission to increase the income and the achivement didn't poped
By Aureliu21 on 12 Apr 2024 17:25
This achievement and various others that would force up to a 4th playthrough all for the chance it doesnt bug out again this game sucks
By Tyrian Callows on 27 May 2024 04:11
Another one, with at least 4 broken achievements. Support ticket opened at 2K Brazil. Let's get some pressure, The Mafia Trilogy was recently released, they got attention now at least.
By MethodicBR77 on 01 Nov 2020 22:04
Unlocked today. Don't touch these missions till the end, then before you start them go offline and start these missions. If the game crashes like mine delete you safe from your console and download you safe from the cloud, go offline again and start them all over. After you complete them in one sitting go online and achievement should pop
By DeniWhiteRPG on 27 Nov 2020 19:36
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This can be a royal pain at times to unlock and one underboss is extremely tedius to do.
Basically, you need to do all side quests ".45 in my hand", "I.R.A don't ask" and "I need a favour" missions.
Also two each of Moonshine deliveries, Weed runs and electronics thefts.
Once you've done these it'll unlock.
To get this achievement and MOST IMPORTANT to it is sharing the city equally. (Each underboss must end the game with three districts)

EDIT: if after these step, the cheivo still hasn't unlocked, make a few more runs, in turn, for each underboss, this worked for a buddy of mine.
Also, I've read around that Burke's daughters dialogues also count towards this chievo for some players and not others.

29 Nov 2016 19:55

I am certain I've done all of these but for some reason it won't unlock. Everything you've described here I have put in place, but I can't get this one. Pain in the butt.
By GolfPro72 on 30 Jan 2017 20:12
same for me. probably glitched like a bunch of other achievements in this damn game
By RiseofMrBlonde2 on 11 Feb 2017 03:07
The last resort would be keep doing a few of the 'fetch' missions in turn, until it unlocks. It worked for a buddy of mine.
Another thing I've come across is making sure you hear ALL the dialogue for Burke's daughter while doing the runs for Burke.
That sometimes counts and sometimes doesn't, I'll add this to the description, keep fogetting too
By SolaceConquest on 12 Feb 2017 20:22
Everyone who has a problem with this should contact 2k support. Send a ticket might help
By HurriedPie69297 on 08 Jun 2020 22:08
You do not have to do any of the missions for the secondary contact. All I had to do was give each underboss three districts and do all 5 of each of their missions.
By napoearth on 31 Dec 2022 00:27
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Welcome to my glitch guide. If the achievement glitched for you like mine did, it means that you belong to a percentage of people that are unlucky. This achievement doesn't glitch for everyone. The glitch affects the achievement's counter and it's activated every time it crashes or quits as many people say in the game's forum. So here is what you need to do.

1. Delete everything from cloud and console. Start a new game.
2. Play the game naturally until the mission about Sal Marcano. By this time you should distribute each district equally. After the first three, give one to each and after the sixth, do the same. Don't give more than one to a single person in a row. So do something like Vito, Cas, Burke. Vito, Cas, Burke. Don't touch the side loyalty missions by this point.
3. Exit the game and sync to cloud.
4. Go offline. Start the 3 side missions and finish them. (You dont need to play the delivery ones which increase rackets' earn).
5. If you get a crash or you are forced to quit by any bug, delete local, go online, download cloud, go offline and play the missions again.
6. After you finish all parts of them (you get a cutscene after each), exit the game and go online. Achievement should pop.

This is how I did it. But I did it with the physical copy of the game unpatched but I don't think that matters.

Why do all these? This is to prevent the game to stuck this achievement's counter. I think the counter is divided to 3. Feel free to post your thoughts below. Thanks.

15 Nov 2020 18:30

So, in theory, could I do all but the last of each Underboss’s missions and then back out? That way I’d only have to play 3 missions without risking a crash?

That would make sense but I’m pretty sure you don’t need to do all the side missions to achieve loyalty, as I got the “Trust” achievement after assigning the first racket in the third district I was giving to Cassandra.
By Mrattty on 06 Dec 2020 21:28
I'll do the whole 3 missions just to be safe. Its the way I unlocked it. I got trust in another playthrough after assigning the whole CITY to Vito, so it seems that trust works differently.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 07 Dec 2020 02:43
Okay thanks for the advice. Btw I noticed you have flipped 16 racket bosses? Did you have to do that in one sitting or just avoid crashes? I’m trying to combine that with my current loyalty playthrough.
By Mrattty on 07 Dec 2020 04:30
Neither. The flip achievement wasnt bugged for me at all.
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 07 Dec 2020 10:48
I have the DE disk
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 09 Dec 2020 00:43
This worked for me, and you are right, it didnt work for the flip all achievement. But at least i got the loyalty done.
By Markyshizzle on 18 May 2021 00:00
Worked like a charm.

I have to say that I died during the playthrough and got a bug so don't die.
By KevinSupertramp on 17 Apr 2022 22:50
Okay. One last thing, which version of the game do you have? I have the Deluxe Edition on disk but it obviously registers as the Definitive Edition when I play.
By Mrattty on 07 Dec 2020 18:20
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To get this trophy you need to have kept all 3 underbosses on your side and also reach full loyalty. You can accomplish this by giving each 3 districts(2 extra then the one they come out with through their introductions). Giving each 3 allows you to accomplish each underbosses side missions of which there are 5 per. Finish those for full loyalty.
Okay, so after about two years, I decided to go back to this game and unlock the other three achievements. On the new generation of Xbox, of course. Xbox Series X for clarification.
I followed a walkthrough written by SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ.
Having a physical copy of Mafia 3 (not DE), I installed it with all the add-ons. When I turned on the game for the first time, I received a message that the game cannot be updated and I have to play "offline" (being online at the same time).
After a few hours of play, I went to the Microsoft store and the game automatically updated to the Definitive Edition.
During my gameplay, the console turned off/froze once and I closed the game twice while turning off the console in Instant On mode. Probably by some updates. In addition, I was forced once to delete the record from my console and load the one from the cloud. And I also died once.
The situations mentioned above took place before the start of additional missions for each of the bosses.

At the beginning of the game, I took over the area for Cas, then for Vito, then for Burke.
Then I distributed the city successively to Burke, Vito, Cas. Another three the same - Burke, Vito, Cas.
SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ wrote that he went out and saved the game to the cloud. I didn't do it, risking a crash, which fortunately didn't happen. Before going to Donovan to get information about Sal, I took care of side missions for bosses. - "IRA don't ask", "45 in my hand" and "I need a favour".
After completing the last mission (in my case for Burke), the achievement unlocked.

- it doesn't really matter what version you play on (DE or not DE).
- the game can hang and turn off as much as you want, as long as you do not do optional missions for bosses. Unless they fixed it and now the game normally updates the state of the game and even during them you can disable the game. Personally, I didn't want to check it.
- divide the city for each equally. Everyone should have three districts at the end of the game.
- complete all 5 missions for each of the three bosses (15 in total) preferably in one sitting. Just to be sure.
- profit-increasing delivery missions are not required for this achievement.
- someone mentioned that talking to Nicki counts. This is not true. The only time I talked to her was to get information about the business. I never talked to her again.
- accepting each subsequent optional mission for the bosses, I talked to them until the interaction icon disappeared, but I don't think it would matter at all.

18 Sep 2022 22:52

Missable! Glitched!

Glitch Warning: Reported glitched as of Patch 1.06. Trophy is achievable on earlier patches. If you have the Retail version, cancel and delete all patches and play on base version v1.00.

Loyal state is achieved after completing the side missions for all your Underbosses. It goes without saying that each of the Underbosses needs to be alive so you should only attempt this in your “Flip” playthrough by handing out the districts equally. Each side mission has 5 parts to it.

Cassandra - See 0.45 in My Hand trophy
Vito - See I Need a Favor trophy
Burke - See IRA Don’t Ask trophy