Mafia III: Definitive Edition

Mafia III: Definitive Edition

85 Achievements

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The New Boss

The New Boss

Flipped 16 Racket Bosses


How to unlock the The New Boss achievement in Mafia III: Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

2nd EDIT: It appears this achievement is also bugged at the moment and cannot be unlocked (thanks to erod550). Some people have been unlocking this achievement again, but it looks like you will need to do a new playthrough in order to unlock it, otherwise it will stay locked.

There are a total of 18 Racket Bosses in the game, however 2 of them cannot be flipped - they will die no matter what. These are the Prostitution Racket boss (the very first one in the game, before you're taught how to flip Bosses) and the Slavery Racket boss (for kinda obvious reasons.)

In order to flip the 16 Racket Bosses for the achievement, you will need to have the area they're in wiretapped. You can check on your map if an area is wiretapped by clicking on cn_LSc, which will light up the areas in the district that are wiretapped. When you go to confront a Racket Boss, assuming you have wiretapped the area, you will get the option to either kill or recruit him. RECRUIT him cn_B, as killing just one of the bosses will void the achievement for the playthrough.

The achievement should pop as soon as you flip the 16th Racket Boss, assuming you've recruited all available ones.

EDIT: So to avoid some confusion, you should know that each district is divided into a number of areas. You only need to wiretap the areas where the final confrontation with the Racket Bosses occur. You do NOT need to wiretap the entire district.

As a sidenote, I missed this achievement on my first playthrough because I forgot to wiretap an area before going for the Racket Boss, but when I went back and recruited him on my 3rd playthrough, the achievement popped. Whether this is a bug or if you just need to flip all the bosses once across all playthroughs I'm not willing to guess.

Slimey Cat Log says: "I can confirm that the playthroughs carry over. I got the achievement on my second play through on the third racket boss." which would appear to back up the idea that the bosses only need to be flipped once across all playthroughs.

12 Oct 2016 07:09

here is the next response from 2K:
Hey again Satyatex,

Thanks so much for keeping in touch with us here at 2K Support! We really appreciate it.

I can certainly understand how being unable to correctly unlock achievements in a game you've dedicated a lot of time to can be discouraging, and I'm sorry you are currently going through this. That being said, rest assured that the developers are currently working on a fix. We have no information as to when it will be released and so as such cannot say for certain if the release of a fix will happen before or after the DLC release. We encourage you to keep an eye on our Twitter (@2K) as well as the Mafia Twitter (@mafiagame), as that is where any news or announcements will be posted. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
By SATYATEX on 16 Feb 2017 07:11
I unlocked this on Nov 2, 2022. I can confirm this worked using my Xbox Series X. This was done on a very focused run of sparing all informants and racket bosses. I had no DLC's installed, except for the weapons packs. I utilized quick resume as I could not do this all in one day. Do not go to the pause menu and shut your console off. I just stood somewhere safe and shut it down. Next time I started it up, quick resume put me back where I started. But be careful, I was doing this on a previous playthrough and at one point when I turned my console on it restarted. But thankfully I was not on a run dependent on shutting the game down and losing progress on anything. I have one more playthrough left to kill all informants and racket bosses, and keeping only one boss alive to the end and earning $10k from one earn. I found the game to be quite stable on the Series X, with a couple of screen freezes, but after a couple of moments it went back to normal. My game did crash in the early game, but this was before I started interrogating people and go after racket bosses. I had no crashes after that, even while keeping the game running via quick resume.

I can't offer suggestions on the One X console, so if you have a Series X I would suggest this be the way to go.
By ToastiestCape0 on 05 Nov 2022 16:53
here's the common reply I've got from the support team:
Hey there Satyatex,

Thank you for contacting 2K Support! We really appreciate it.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having an issue with Mafia III. Thank you for alerting us about the issue you are experiencing. Because of the work of diligent players like you, we've been able to collect enough information about this issue to notify the development team, and they are currently working toward a solution. Unfortunately, we do not have visibility on their progress here in customer support, and so we don't have a timeline for a fix to be implemented. That said, please follow us on Twitter (@MafiaGame), as this is where new info as well as upcoming patches will be announced.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know! We'd be happy to help.

And here's my answer:

Hi Leah, I understand there's no timeline for the fixes, but would be good to know at least if chances are present for getting them before the upcoming March dlc. Would be very inconvenient to start an expansion with the main game being incomplete, the achievements not unlocked for me and lot of other players are very time consuming ones, re-completing them will take tens of extra hours so we need encouraging infos in order to stay on our toes, not abandon the game or consider it broken as it would damage the game's and 2k's reputation badly. Hundreds of X1 and PS4 players are waiting for fast action so don't let the devs hesitate and give high priority for the fixes asap.
best regards
By SATYATEX on 10 Feb 2017 21:17
So you have to wire tap every district ? Cause when I played through i didn't wire tap everything.
By xxx iFIGHT xxx on 12 Oct 2016 12:52
You have to wiretap each area in a district where the confrontations with the Racket Bosses occur. So that should be two areas per district. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
By MyDanishReality on 13 Oct 2016 04:52
So if there are 12 wiretaps in a district I have to do all 12 or if there are 2 near the confrontation/kill is, I just do those 2?
By Kyotic GBaby on 13 Oct 2016 14:58
That was my original question
By xxx iFIGHT xxx on 13 Oct 2016 16:20
You just have to do those 2 where the confrontation occurs.
By MyDanishReality on 13 Oct 2016 18:00
Is there a way to track If we killed one of the bosses?
I'm in the final mission and I'm not sure if a messed up my playthrough.
It'll be good also if you mention where in the history the achievement should unlock (after what).
By lordeleo on 13 Oct 2016 19:08
Would have unlocked when all districts were assigned
By Kyotic GBaby on 13 Oct 2016 19:10
As far as I can tell there's no way to track whether or not you killed a boss. It'll show when you award the racket that the boss was spared, but beyond that I don't think there's any way to tell. I'll add when the achievement unlocks (it should be when you flip your 16th boss). Thanks lordeleo!
By MyDanishReality on 13 Oct 2016 19:11
I can confirm that the Racket Bosses are the Starred icons after you destroy on interrogate the district. There will be a wiretrap near that Starred Icon that you will need to do. Can be done right before you enter to kill the racket boss.
By Kyotic GBaby on 14 Oct 2016 21:32
There's possibly a way out if you mess up and forget to wiretap the correct area. When you grab the racket bosses, the kill / recruit options will appear before any dialogue between Lincoln and the boss. If however you haven't wiretapped the district, dialogue between Lincoln and the boss will commence which will end with Lincoln automatically killing the boss (which autosaves the same time the knife goes in...) If you hear the dialogue start before seeing the kill / recruit options, you should have ample time to hit the home button and quit the game.

Unfortunately, I can't confirm if it actually works as I didn't mess any up, but it was in the back of my mind the whole time.
By Ibanez V7 on 15 Oct 2016 11:20
I can confirm that the playthroughs carry over. I got the achievement on my second play through on the third racket boss.
By Slimey Cat Logs on 15 Oct 2016 21:35
Shit achievement. I swore I wiretapped the area for the Blackmail boss, and Lincoln fucking killed him automatically anyway.
By neeker75 on 16 Oct 2016 12:27
I've had the same problem where I have wiretapped the appropriate area and when the conversation has finished Lincoln kills him before I have a chance to do anything. Does anyone know the name of all 16 bosses you have to flip/kill? Maybe having that list of people would make life easier if so....
By Jamiereloaded23 on 16 Oct 2016 18:59
ahhhhhh forgot to wiretap the area for the pcp boss :(
By SyrupSeason on 17 Oct 2016 00:59
"Expert Tip": toggle cn_LS on your map to ensure that the junction box you're wiretapping covers the "star" that you're supposed to be flipping the rackets. It definitely helps.
By neeker75 on 17 Oct 2016 01:37
Great guide wave
By Itz Buddy 010 on 18 Oct 2016 07:07
It only says "Flip 16 Racket Bosses". Does that mean that if I missed 3 random dudes in my first playthrough, will I get the achievement by the 3rd racket boss in the next? (Meaning I flipped 16 but the 3 first was counted twice)?

Also if you're on your first playthrough you can check the journal to see which ones you killed or not (useful for the kill all achievement too)
By Sodernaut on 19 Oct 2016 07:23
no achievement with dlc!!!!
By Big Rob on 28 Mar 2017 12:04

If I Start a New game, will that delete My First playthrough, or overwrite the savegame File? Or will it open a New Slot for the savegame?

Thanks for your help.
By FoXD3vilSwiLd on 22 Oct 2016 22:07
Hey, I'm pretty sure the game only allows one savefile, so if you start a new one it will be deleted.
By MyDanishReality on 22 Oct 2016 23:39
Are you going for the Big Earner achievement Neeker? I got it on the playthrough where I killed the Racket Bosses (and obviously I used only one Underboss.)
By MyDanishReality on 23 Oct 2016 07:23
That's great news. Yes I'm going for it during my kill all run.
By neeker75 on 23 Oct 2016 09:00
Has this glitched for anyone else? I'm in the middle of my second playthrough and haven't killed any of them and I'm now on the mission yet here we are... Any ideas/help
By STEVEN LEE 20 on 02 Nov 2016 19:05
Hey guys if you mess up an accidently kill or spare a boss aslong as you don't pick one of your under bosses to take control of the distric you can quit out of the game and it will restart you just before you attack the racket boss.
By ll Kaer Morhen on 08 Nov 2016 14:27
I missed one on my first play through (wire tapped the wrong box) and I flipped him on my second playthrough and no achievement. Did one more just to be sure so I've now flipped 17 and no achievement. So now it looks like 3 playthroughs for me. I'm going to be so sick of this game by the end.
By erod550 on 25 Jan 2017 05:07
Apparently I had accidentally killed the Smuggling boss too on my first playthrough because once I flipped him on my second playthrough the achievement popped. Don't know how I could have missed that but oh well, I have the achievement now.
By erod550 on 26 Jan 2017 20:14
Looks like this achievement might be broken at the moment along with several others. Nobody has unlocked it in the last 4-5 days since the last update.
By erod550 on 01 Feb 2017 09:20
I can also attest to this being glitched. I have flipped all bosses that could be flipped. No achievement. Hopefully it will retroactively pop when/IF they fix it. I refuse to go through this game again flipping all the bosses AGAIN.
By DropDeadArtemus on 01 Feb 2017 11:37
Yea this is pissing me off. GLITCHED! I have 4 achievements glitched right now. I have completed all requirements for the achievements. Looks like I'll be hoping for a patch to fix this mess and then maybe I can start on my second playthrough.
By KINDZ DROCK420 on 02 Feb 2017 17:57
someone wrote to the developers?
By ox BlackJack xo on 09 Feb 2017 20:44
glitched for me too. along with the different takedown achievements. between achievements that wont unlock, save file corruptions and constant kicks back to the xbox dashboard, this game is damn near unplayable. i too wont be starting a second playthrough until another patch comes through. if there is no retroactive achievement unlocking for this stuff, i wont be doing another playthrough at all. this is unacceptable in this day and age of gaming
By RiseofMrBlonde2 on 11 Feb 2017 02:28
yup its still brken just completed my second playthrough and flipped all 16 and no achievement
By Tyler Haz3 on 19 Feb 2017 05:23
Holy sh*t Mafia fix your achievements already, the last person to unlock this did it almost 3 weeks ago, how long does it take to undo the damages you did with an update.
By Mild Gonolini on 28 Feb 2017 16:19
Anyone know if the achievements are fixed with the dlc update?
By BlackRain228 on 24 Mar 2017 21:31
We send them bunch of messages already nobody cares.
By DeniWhiteRPG on 11 Dec 2020 00:25
I did this bro and din't pop... so no doubts fresh playthroughs are required:(
By SATYATEX on 01 Apr 2017 13:36
Should have got this yesterday flipped all 16 Rackets (pressing B to recruit) bar the 2 you automatically kill Slavery fella etc. No achievement. Will finish up story and wont be touching again until I know its fixed.
By Adamantium NZ on 03 Apr 2017 00:19
Unlocked for me today on a fresh playthrough right after flipping the 16th boss. Will continue for the Family achievement and post the result but I don't have that much time to play on the weekdays. The takedown achievement is still broken, I'm close to 3000 takedown kills (!!) and it's still locked.
By SATYATEX on 03 Apr 2017 20:42
From the amount of people unlocking this over the past few days I'd say its probably fixed. looks like we might need to do a fresh playthrough though sadly..
By BBrigs on 05 Apr 2017 09:54
Update to my previous comment: Family unlocked as well properly. let's go for killing the bosses...
By SATYATEX on 05 Apr 2017 16:59
It should be noted, you can "Load checkpoint" from the pause menu if you forget to wiretap the district and kill the racket.
By MAJORPOOPY on 15 Jun 2017 03:34
For those unsure which racket boss they missed, there is a journal section to check, and if you go through that journal, it notes which racket bosses were killed or flipped. This can help narrow down where the problems are.
By BEEF SUPREME xl on 23 Aug 2017 10:30
This achievement still hasn’t unlocked, four playthrough and twice I flipped all bosses.. TWICE!!

I thought this was patched?!
By Desi Shinobi on 10 Jun 2018 11:08
has this been patched now?
By Desi Shinobi on 27 May 2020 10:09
People are unlocking it unfortunately I did not :(
By chuckn0rris1999 on 28 May 2020 04:52
Glitches for me too, along with 300 takedowns
By Jonnie Fibre on 28 May 2020 06:06
Glitched for me too with the money and takedown achievements
By Agrophobic Acky on 28 May 2020 20:46
Glitched. Two new games, 32 flips. No cheevo. What a waste of time.
By Nickandroff on 01 Jul 2020 22:35
Someone need to fucking help me. I have played this game SIX FUCKING TIME! And i still do not have The New Boss. What am i doing wrong???
By LeeR2393 on 16 Jul 2020 04:25
I gave up mate, did the same as you.
By Desi Shinobi on 16 Jul 2020 07:33
Fresh playthrough, 16 bosses recruited, no achievement.
By Maikuberu on 20 Jul 2020 01:24
Flipped them once then immedately flipped them again didn't pop
By Cheevohnting on 09 Aug 2020 23:29
I tried that years ago mate, did not work.
By Desi Shinobi on 02 Sep 2020 16:04
I flipped 16 out of the total 18 rackets and I still didn't get the achievement.
By david6682 on 18 Sep 2020 13:00
Yeah same here. I did 100% of the requirements. I marked this achievement as partly unobtainable. Considering only 8 people have gotten it in the past 4 months.
By xxxIsaiahxxx on 24 Sep 2020 20:37
Still not unlocking, 4th october 2020.
By AcTive PuNtCh on 04 Oct 2020 18:30
still glitched for me October 19th 2020
By EtherionNatsu on 19 Oct 2020 23:46
Still glitched as of 1st November 2020.
By Darth Hawk CZ on 01 Nov 2020 10:26
This is nuts, still glitched for everyone. 2 years later and people still facing this issue. What a bloody palava!
By Desi Shinobi on 02 Nov 2020 11:21
Glitched for me Nov 5 2020
By SuperRobZilla on 05 Nov 2020 19:22
Mafia III was released 10/2016. 4 years later and this achievement is still bugged. Safe to say it likely won't be fixed. As of today, 11/5/2020, this achievement is still bugged. After 2 play throughs no luck :(

Attempt at your own risk.
By SeeWaffleRun on 06 Nov 2020 07:16
Still glitched as of 7/11/2020. Can't finishis this in one sitting since the game crashes on me every 2hrs, and I have X1X.

EDIT: Just got this. Can confirm counter resets when you exit the game (or the game crashes). My game crashed after the first district, I have finished it, flipping the remaining 15 bosses, quitted to main menu, started new game and flipped the boss in 1st district. Achievement unlocked.
By Darth Hawk CZ on 07 Nov 2020 14:59
Same has just happened to me with this one. The game crashes on Xbox One X every 2-4 hours, depending on how lucky or unlucky depending on how you look at it. No way can you get through a full game play through (in my opinion) without a crash of some kind. Such a shame.
By Monkster1978 on 09 Nov 2020 16:02
4th try didn't unlocked...
By DeniWhiteRPG on 05 Dec 2020 04:55
08.12.2020 - still glitched. Same as this second one (flip 16 racket bosses). For everyone let's text the 2K support center, I did it yesterday.
In other way you have to complete the game without exiting (In one sitting) because xbox has bugged code and if you exit the game the counter will reset to 0
By BajerKR on 08 Dec 2020 07:10
4/22/2021 - So I sent in a ticket the other day regarding both achievements regarding flipping and killing. I got a response today saying they are aware of both achievements having issues and are currently working on a fix for them.
By TheRealJoeSchmo on 22 Apr 2021 18:51
bruh, I sent that ticket in 2018 and they told me the same thing.
By Desi Shinobi on 23 Apr 2021 07:40
Omni Cinder that is good to know mate, I have long since given up on that game for that final achievement. I have a series X, may be worth the trip back.
By Desi Shinobi on 23 Apr 2021 07:42
10.VIII.2021 I unlocked all 3 achievements which were glitched for me "The New Boss", "Family" and "No Loose Ends". I started play Mafia 3 in 2020 on my Xbox One X and these 3 achievements were glitched for me, completed the game 5 times and nothing. Today I decided to give this game a try because I bought Xbox Series X, my first playtrough was to kill all rackets and have max aliance with under my partners, I completed the game without any crash!! But my second play was to recruit all rackets, my game crashed like in 5th district but I decided to still play and it was worth because I got my achievement. I am happy to help if anyone need a help, I can give some tips. Good luck
By BajerKR on 10 Aug 2021 21:17
Bugged for me. Along with a handful of other achievements
By tjw CENA2000 on 18 Aug 2021 15:46
BajerKR did you re-install the game from scratch?
By Desi Shinobi on 18 Aug 2021 15:48
I just finished my first glitched playthrough where it was restricting me to meeting all requirements in one play session, using quick resume on Xbox One. I am going to delete all DLCs and game saves, reinstall from scratch and go again killing all racket bosses. Will report back when done. Might be a week or two
By Falensarano on 22 Oct 2021 16:26
tried the method of completely deleting all save files and had zero crashes and it did not unlock...
By Nicrotix on 03 Nov 2021 03:38
On my successful run, using quick resume, I had a crash midway through. I carried on, flipped all remaining bosses, didn’t finish the game or do the racket where you can only kill the boss, restarted the game and flipped all the bosses up to my crash and it unlocked.
By Falensarano on 13 Jan 2022 10:07
try with this guide. you will make it.

for xbox one

no loose ends and the new boss
By Defeacer on 16 Apr 2022 02:25
So I am hearing that the game is only registering these trophies in one sitting? That’s almost impossible as the game completely crashes every playthrough. Any suggestions?
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 01:21
Well the game seems to be having many recent winners with this achievement alone. I’m wondering if something has changed
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:27
Well the game seems to be having many recent winners with this achievement alone. I’m wondering if something has changed
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:32
Well the game seems to be having many recent winners with this achievement alone. I’m wondering if something has changed
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:37
Yeah I have a physical copy and a series x so I’m just trying to get tips
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:37
Yeah I have a physical copy and a series x so I’m just trying to get tips
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:40
I have the definitive. With the definitive I played on match 1.00 offline and still got a crash
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:44
I have the definitive. With the definitive I played on match 1.00 offline and still got a crash
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:47
I have the definitive. With the definitive I played on match 1.00 offline and still got a crash
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:49
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:53
So I guess just keep grinding and be lucky I don’t get a crash. I’d get the original game but then it would just look weird in my collection because I have the mafia trilogy collection and my achievement section would read on platinums mafia 1:definitive edition, mafia 2: definitive edition and then just mafia 3. Just looks weird considering I’d have the mafia trilogy on the shelf with the 3rd game inside that wouldn’t even be in my achievement list on my account. Just the original game that’s not in the collection lol
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 02:57
So I guess just keep grinding and be lucky I don’t get a crash. I’d get the original game but then it would just look weird in my collection because I have the mafia trilogy collection and my achievement section would read on platinums mafia 1:definitive edition, mafia 2: definitive edition and then just mafia 3. Just looks weird considering I’d have the mafia trilogy on the shelf with the 3rd game inside that wouldn’t even be in my achievement list on my account. Just the original game that’s not in the collection lol
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 03:00
So I guess just keep grinding and be lucky I don’t get a crash. I’d get the original game but then it would just look weird in my collection because I have the mafia trilogy collection and my achievement section would read on platinums mafia 1:definitive edition, mafia 2: definitive edition and then just mafia 3. Just looks weird considering I’d have the mafia trilogy on the shelf with the 3rd game inside that wouldn’t even be in my achievement list on my account. Just the original game that’s not in the collection lol
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 03:04
So should I get the original game from 2016 or keep the one I have and just hope I don’t get a crash? What do you think?
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 03:05
So should I get the original game from 2016 or keep the one I have and just hope I don’t get a crash? What do you think?
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 03:08
So should I get the original game from 2016 or keep the one I have and just hope I don’t get a crash? What do you think?
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 03:21
I should also mention that as you complete the DLCs you should uninstall them.
By Lunonaut on 29 Jun 2022 17:12
Je confirme, j'ai réessayer plusieurs fois de débloquer les deux achievements lier au boss sur Xbox one sans succès . Mais le faire sur série x m'as débloquer la pluparts des succès des dlc et du jeu de base qui avaient planter. J'ai fais deux runs a la suite sans plantage avec la dernière mise à jour , sur série x le jeu tourne très bien. Attention toutefois à annuler la synchronisations des données au cloud lorsque vous lancer le jeu, car j'avais fais une game sans m'arrêter et le succès lier au boss n'avait pas pop. Bon courage a tous ceux qui vont se lancer dans ses deux réalisations
By LOICMAN93 on 13 Nov 2022 22:21
Quick resume for the win.
By napoearth on 15 Dec 2022 22:16
Another bugged acheviment couldnt use quik resume the whole time as some racket boss missions would bug and i couldnt talk to my ally once all the damage was done
By james765 on 25 Jan 2023 00:22
james765 try start from checkpoint. I think I had to do that once. You can go to the menu as long as the game doesn't completely close down.
By napoearth on 25 Jan 2023 01:06
I have nothing as far as strategies except using quick resume. What worked for me was just doing a couple of districts per session, then go to home screen so that quick resume is used and then power down with power button. Then repeat until complete.
By napoearth on 01 Feb 2023 00:34
Anyone knows if the digital version of the game can be unpatched to version 1.09 the guys from truetrophies from playstation say that in version 1.09 this achievements "new boss and no loose ends" aren't bugged
By PerplexMovie on 21 May 2023 11:58
Quick resume doesn’t seem to work on this game. Followed the instructions and randomly powering the system back on, the game will restart. Any ideas?
By Falcon SVN on 08 Jul 2023 16:22
Game was attempted on a Deluxe Edition disc offline version 1.08, on a clean install, without any online updates, in a single run, had two crashes and did not pop. Game seems impossible to complete crashes aren't triggered by objects loading or specific player actions so impossible to avoid.
By My Ringtones on 15 Jul 2023 07:44
ai have do in one sit
By SomeChalk155041 on 01 Sep 2023 16:17
I finally got it today on series x, please do not try it on another console other than a series x, I tried more than 40 times on series s and xbox one. On series x I got it on the first try and without any crashes, I only had like 5 mini freezes that ended in a few seconds, I talked to some people who got it in series s and one fat but the probability is very low. And do it in one sitting fast and dont use quick resume, it dont work in this bugged game.
By PerplexMovie on 21 Oct 2023 09:58
I wish I had never started
This game is garbage🤢🤮
By Javad81 on 24 Nov 2023 11:44
the best way is complete this all in one session without close the game, when you close the game or the game crashed the kill tracker get a reset and you can start a new playthrough.
By RoXx iBerserker on 04 Jan 2024 18:21
Tried over different playthrough's but it had to be done in one sitting without turning the game off.

Took me about 12 hours
By Hyperionston on 19 Feb 2024 01:30
I wish I had never started
This game is garbage🤢🤮
I don't know... Soundtrack is pretty cool
By MelodicVirus118 on 19 Feb 2024 02:07
On Series X it's like in some point the game get to crash.

Is there a way that I can avoid the crash?
By Chief Nameless on 23 Mar 2024 17:04
Just did another run, but my net crashed so it didn't count after 2nd playthrough, has to be one sitting regardless of crash,net,etc
By CapPrice450 on 27 Mar 2024 03:04
I may be wrong, but you'd probably need to flip every "flippable" boss once across all playthroughs as mentioned.

I'm looking forward to my second playthrough (not) to flip the Blackmail boss for this achievement.
By neeker75 on 19 Oct 2016 07:26
Managed to recruit the Blackmail boss on second playthrough. Achievement unlocked. Hopefully by killing the rest, I can still get the all kills achievement. Doesn't look like I can amass $500,000 racket earn though by killing them. Third playthrough?
By neeker75 on 23 Oct 2016 05:20
The update of 3/27/17 seems to have only worked for unlocking 500K in your wallet and for spending 500K for me. The 2 achievements for take downs, the flipping racket bosses, giving under bosses 3 districts each, etc are still glitched for me and not unlocking with this update
By MisticalIceman on 28 Mar 2017 15:43
From what i understand, the achievement tracker for this is not working correctly. All 16 bosses must now be flipped in one single playthrough. If you quit the game, or the game crashes, it will reset the progress to zero and you'll have to start over. Awful i know, but this is how it is until they patch it (if they ever patch it).
By oO NiGhTbAsE Oo on 02 Sep 2020 13:53
So after 6+ playthroughs (I lost count), I finally got this to unlock by meeting the following three requirements:

1. Play The Definitive Edition online with all DLC installed

2. Do it one sitting

3. If you played any non-definitve edition version of the game you must play on a new Xbox.

I had done part 1 and 2 together, but the missing piece was a new Xbox. Thankfully the Series X came out and that was the new Xbox for me.

I tried everything else; version 1.0, offline, cache clear, no dlc, you name it I tried it. I really think these three things will get you the achievement. Think a fresh Xbox was the key. First one sitting playthough on Series X and it popped. Took about 8 hours. Good luck!
By Omni Cinder on 05 Jan 2021 10:51
So I guess just keep grinding and be lucky I don’t get a crash. I’d get the original game but then it would just look weird in my collection because I have the mafia trilogy collection and my achievement section would read on platinums mafia 1:definitive edition, mafia 2: definitive edition and then just mafia 3. Just looks weird considering I’d have the mafia trilogy on the shelf with the 3rd game inside that wouldn’t even be in my achievement list on my account. Just the original game that’s not in the collection lol
By NDThunder15 on 25 Apr 2022 03:02
I had the same problem where it wouldn't unlock for me. Originally I was using a one x with the definitive edition update and this one and one other one wouldn't pop even after multiple playthroughs dedicated just to achievements I had left. I then tried to buy a physical copy and do it without the update but it wouldn't let me unlock anything offline. I gave up for awhile and eventually got my series x. Tried it on there and did an entire playthrough through the racket bosses in one sitting and it popped. I believe the game is much more stable on the series x as it seems less prone to crashing and the game runs smoother. From what I can see running the original version only works on the PS4. If you can do what I did it should pop.
By Lunonaut on 29 Jun 2022 16:52
Annnnnd..... This one bugged out for me in 2023. Flipped every boss and informant... No luck..... Will have to play yet 2 playthroughs.....
By AcaelusT on 03 Nov 2023 14:09
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EDIT 2: credit goes to Nikoyroslav, she has ran 4 playthroughs the last few days and may have come across a way to get the achievement. What she did was DELETE ALL SAVE DATA AND EVERY DLC. Nothing else. Then play the game normally and FLIPPED all Bosses that needed to be flip. Please if more ppl try let us know if it can be confirmed. -Not sure if this is true, I just saw this person hacking gamerscore. -


The guide written above is great and wanted to just help in some more details.

The game is broken into 9 districts and each has a max of 2 Racket bosses in each area that need to be either killed or FLIPPED making a total of 18 Racket Bosses. 2 Racket bosses CANNOT be flipped.

So for this achievement we will be FLIPPING the Racket bosses.

In order to CONFRONT the Racket bosses you will have to do mini missions which consist of destroying, stealing from or interrogating enemies. A STAR ICON will show up on the map of the Racket bosses location after you meet the dollar requirements. From here to find out which area to wiretrap you will go to the map and pressing LS. This will show you of all locations that are available to be wiretrap and if an area is wiretrap it will be darken. The wiretrap you need to do will be in the same location of the STARRED ICON.

When the Racket boss has been downed he will stay in a kneeled position until you interacted with him. There will be dialogue between Lincoln and the Racket boss and the decision to either kill or RECRUIT will show up. MAKE SURE TO PRESS B TO RECRUIT THE RACKET BOSS. Here is the list of Racket bosses in each location that can be recruited or killed.

Delary Hollow
Merle Jackson -KILL ONLY
“Four Finger” Charlie Kincaid – Recruit

River Row
Andy Turetto - Recruit
Roy Thibideaux – Recruit

Point Verdun
Carl Bevers - Recruit
Sonny Blue - Recruit

Tickfaw Harbor
Jack “Junior” Holland - Recruit
Walter “Pops” Holland – Recruit

Barclay Mills
Pete Santini – Recruit
Paul “Puppy” Simmons – Recruit

Jimmy Cavar – Recruit
Frankie Bernard – Recruit

French Ward
“Handsome” Harry Robicheaux – Recruit
Doc Gaston – Recruit

Frisco Fields
Bobby Bastian – Recruit
Chester Moreau – KILL ONLY

Artie Higgins – Recruit
Johnny “Two-Dicks” Peralta – Recruit

Me and other gamers can confirm that this can be done over multiple playthroughs so don’t worry. If you have any questions please comment below so we can make this achievement as easy as possible.

20 Oct 2016 19:58

Why wich me racket all boses kill auto ?
By AurimasLitva on 23 Dec 2016 09:28
I'm not sure I understand your question . 2 bosses are auto kills. (Which I've stated both )
By Kyotic GBaby on 23 Dec 2016 16:44
You can do this over multiple playthroughs? So if I screwed up Turetto because I wiretapped the wrong box and then accidentally killed him I don't have to start over?
By erod550 on 04 Jan 2017 06:13
Yes it can be done I've multiple playthoughs
By Kyotic GBaby on 04 Jan 2017 13:07
God damn glitched achievement, really wish I knew this before starting this stupid game.
By Mild Gonolini on 17 Feb 2017 20:55
I've heard it glitched now. Wasn't during release
By Kyotic GBaby on 19 Feb 2017 05:55
Yea that's part I'm unsure of because I think you have to get Artie but it could be just the first boss. Let me know if you try it out and I'll update. I did 2 play throughs and was unsure of while I recruited or killed. I just wrong the names down and the choice option on my 3rd pkathtough after I was finished
By Kyotic GBaby on 24 Feb 2017 22:38
Amazing guide! Helped me so much thank you!
By xCRiMZoNx on 22 Jul 2017 03:21
When you say it can be done over multiple playthroughs, does this still mean that you have to flip each individual guy at least once or is it just 16 cumulatively? I just messed up and killed Jimmy Cavar facepalm
By liner bronson on 04 Sep 2017 12:34
Should be just the guy you messed up on.
By Kyotic GBaby on 04 Sep 2017 13:46
By liner bronson on 06 Sep 2017 20:08
I have a problem with this achievement because after my third game and after the second zone, the boss kill auto ????????? Why , i don't understand ?? i don't want to play 16 game for this achievement !!!!!!!!
By jeffcall23 on 28 Sep 2017 12:22
2 bosses are auto kill, 16 out of the 18 you will recruit. The 2 auto Kills can't be recruited
By Kyotic GBaby on 28 Sep 2017 12:57
Remember you must wiretap the district, or at least the sector where the racket boss is located, in order to recruit them.
By Pawa7ThEbEsT on 19 Dec 2017 23:50
Worked for me, must have been a bit blood thirsty on my first play through as popped on the last racket!
By tlongarms on 08 Mar 2018 12:40
this achievement is bloody glitched for me! I am on my 6th playthrough now. I have wiped my save from Cloud and HDD and hope it unlocks this time!

I have flipped the racket bosses 3 playthroughs straight and nothing
By Desi Shinobi on 18 Jun 2018 12:30
Wow I’ll write that in the solution about possible glitching. Sorry to hear that
By Kyotic GBaby on 18 Jun 2018 14:04
thanks, hopefully I get it after wiping out my Cloud save and starting fresh. Will let you know. Only started a new game.
By Desi Shinobi on 18 Jun 2018 14:44
This game is glitch for me and i did doing for flipped all rackets boss 16/18, then no pop achievement for me. :(((
By on 17 Dec 2018 04:40
Flipped all 16 bosses without a game crash. did not unlock...
By RoninSouly on 08 Jul 2021 10:57
Tried 6 plus times and still didn't unlock gave up
By MarkusW86 on 26 Sep 2021 20:17
I got hope because the informant flips unlocked. went after the last flippable guy and... nothing. what a great game (nearly) ruined by developers that didn't give a shit
By Hatred Prophet on 23 Jan 2023 19:01
Wire tapped both racket bosses in Frisco Fields and did not get a choice...he just killed them. And yes I did it correctly and double checked before starting the mission. Like WTF!!!
By Oxmix on 13 Feb 2024 09:14
I messed up with Artie, I did not wiretap his area, and when I did the takedown on him, it did not give me the option to recruit him or kill him. It just killed him automatically. I wish the game allowed for multiple saves so I could go back and redo that mission.

When you say that this can be achieved on multiple playthroughs, I'm not 100% sure what you mean. Maybe I'm being a little dense, but let's say on this first playthrough the only boss I killed was Artie, which would leave me one short to get the achievement. Does that mean on the second playthrough I will get the achievement after the first boss I recruit, regardless of who it is or would I have to wait until I got to the mission with Artie and spare him? Hope that makes sense.
By TheJudge24 on 21 Feb 2017 00:25
As of 5/25/20 and a 3rd playthrough only killing racket bosses in mafia 3 after following online instructions to delete old saved data and try again.... The achievement "No Loose Ends" failed to unlock as well as "Hole in your Pocket" and "The New Boss". These are the final 3 achievements I need for the game and can not unlock them due to a glitch in the game.

2k said "the developers are aware of this issue but unfortunately we do not have any timeline for when a fix is going to be implemented". Here is an idea for those developers. Put an update in the game for those specific achievements updating the prerequisites.

For "Hole in Your Pocket" the prerequisite is Spend at least $500,000. Update it so you only have to spend 50000$

For "The New Boss" instead of flipping 16 Racket Bosses just make it 1.

For "No Loose Ends" same as the one above instead of killing all of the Racket Bosses just make it so you only have to kill 1.

That way the people just playing the game won't have to worry about the multiple play throughs just to find out it is still glitched. A lot of time goes into achievement hunting and I wish 2k would show at least some sort of update trying to fix these glitched achievements specifically.
By bdp123 on 26 May 2020 17:55
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Ok! So flipping a Racket Boss can only be accomplished if the Junction Box covering the section where there stronghold is tapped. Once they are tapped proceed like normal and confront them and then keep them alive and just keep doing it until 16. Boom bronze trophy!

13 Oct 2016 14:12

Woot! I can confirm that you can do multiple playthroughs to do this. Meaning if you flipped racket bosses in a previous playthrough, but didn't get all of them, you can get JUST the ones you missed the next time around and get the trophy, which is how I got it.
By LionSquirrel02 on 28 Nov 2018 03:34
Doesnt work since update 1.12 since if the game crashes you have to restart the entire game again. And the crashes seem to be deliberately placed, im on my 11th playthrough now trying to get my last 3 trophies because of this broken glitchy crap.
By ResiGamer_28 on 25 Jan 2021 17:47
If i play it offline with no update does it works????because i gave play 2 times dint kill the bosses but nothing happen same for the 500.000 dollar trophie
By VitoScaletta2112 on 26 Feb 2021 15:56
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The new boss and No loose ends


16 Apr 2022 02:31

1 Comment
Thanks to Defeater. Just got the success. It is important that the game should be completed in one go without closing the game
By MrPain128 on 12 Jul 2022 18:30
I can not continue to update so I already have 15 bosses but all already busy than I do what

26 Jul 2020 13:31

Missable! Glitched!

Glitch Warning: Reported glitched as of Patch 1.06. Trophy is achievable on earlier patches. If you have the Retail version, cancel and delete all patches and play on base version v1.00. However, this trophy is not 100% guaranteed to unlock even on v1.00, it is purely down to luck.

There are 18 Racket Bosses spread across 9 districts in total that you will encounter in order to progress with the story, there's no way to miss any of them. The 10th district - Bayou Fantom, does not contain any rackets.

2 of these Racket Bosses (Merle Jackson, Delray Hollows Prostitution racket, and Chester Moreau of the Frisco Fields Southern Union racket) will be killed regardless of what you do. You need to flip (recruit) the remaining 16 when you confront the Racket Bosses. This trophy is cumulative across all of your playthroughs. Glitch: The game may not register your flips/kills properly and as a result there is a possibility of missing out on the trophy, thus requiring a new playthrough.

You’re first introduced to the flipping mechanism in the game while going after the Smash racket in Delray Hollow, as part of Standard Communication Grid trophy. In order to flip a racket boss and get him to work for you, you must wiretap the junction box in the area where he’ll show up. You’ll need to collect 3 fuses in order to wiretap a junction box as it appears on the map. Press the touchpad button to highlight nearby junction boxes ingame.

Once the racket boss shows up after you’ve done enough damage to the racket’s profits, fight your way to the boss and injure him enough that he'll be down on his knees. Go up next to the boss and hold to subdue him then press to recruit him, whereas pressing will kill him.

Author's Note, Patch 1.06 update: The potential fix below has been reported not working as of Patch 1.06 which has also glitched a number of other trophies, however I will leave it here in case it works out somehow.

If you miss out on this trophy on your “Flip” playthrough, below is a potential fix. The results are mixed as some have unlocked it this way but others have not:

  • Ensure the Day One Patch 1.02 is installed. Update your game.
  • Open up the Journal > Archives in your menu
  • The Archive will record which racket bosses you’ve successfully flipped, you’ll have to read the paragraphs in detail and cross reference the names with those on the Kill List.
  • If it says something like you’ve managed to convince the boss to do things your way, you’ve flipped them successfully
  • Make a note of the number of successful flips/kills and the name of who you missed
  • Start a new playthrough, do NOT delete any of your previous saves or profile save
  • Play as per normal and keep flipping racket bosses, and specifically flip/kill whoever you missed the last time. Remember to keep backup saves. If you are lucky, you should unlock the trophy within the first few flips/kills, otherwise you may have to go all the way and flip/kill all the rest.