Medal of Honor

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Multiplayer: Mission Specialist

Multiplayer: Mission Specialist

Play two hours of Combat Mission


How to unlock the Multiplayer: Mission Specialist achievement in Medal of Honor - Definitive Guide

just play 2 hours of Combat Mission multiplayer. It does not have to be in one sitting.

I have not gotten this achievement because i get very very VERY angry playing this game type

29 Oct 2010 22:16

Totally agree. MOH has a fatal flaw of no 'ability balancing' in it's online games. Makes it a case of just enduring 2 hours of dying inexplicably, especially if you have a 'normal' 512kbps upload link - those able to get high speed uplink speeds (in towns or some countries) will kill you every time.

Only one more of these 2 hour achievements for me to get, and then MOH goes in the bin because of that. Multiplayer is just no fun whatsoever without the ability balance feature.
By InfiniteLogic on 17 Feb 2011 20:01
Totally agree
By beastman rules on 11 Sep 2012 19:46
do u know if these 2 hr game plays start after i gain the tour of duty trophy (play online for 2 hrs)?
By KingTone122 on 19 Oct 2012 21:43
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Very easy to get this achievement, and there's no real mystery about how to do it, so I thought I'd take a moment to share a bit of strategy for use on each map (there are three separate maps). I will not be giving you my super secret special sniping spots (I don't like being hunted), but I can give you some good alternatives for any of the classes. In this guide, T1 will be Tier 1 and OF will be OpFor (big surprise!); as far as classes go, R will be Rifleman, O will be SpecOps, and S will be Sniper.

DISCLAIMER: These are just general guidelines to follow. MoH Combat Missions can be very dynamic, and sometimes these strategies will be completely ineffective. These are just the best general strategies I've found and tend to work well in most situations.

General strategy:
Bread and butter of the force. I typically recommend the M16 or F2000 for Tier 1 in Combat Mission as these weapons can be a bit more precise than the SAW. However, there are some instances (particularly the area capture objectives) where a SAW can be helpful for putting down suppressing fire on entries. You'll probably get a lot of kills snagging people who are flanking to take out your snipers, so keep tabs on your long-range guys.
CQB masters only! While you can equip a better scope to your weapons, you're still better suited for being up close and personal with your enemies. Prepare to assault every objective with a vengeance. A little side note here: playing the O class is very similar to playing CoD, so if you're a new transplant, you will probably like this.
While the battle rifles (even with the upgraded scope) aren't too great at long range, you're still the best equipped. With the BR, hang back about 60m from the objectives and look for the guys in the back of the enemy group. Your teammates can handle the closer enemies. With the SR, and especially with the rangefinder and HP scope, feel free to engage enemies upwards of 100m. They may take multiple shots (100m seems to be the threshold between 1 and 2 shot kills), but they're likely not going to return fire too quickly. Clear the way for the R and O guys.
Defensive powerhouses. I usually play with the RPK so I can lay down fire on objectives that are being captured or on bottlenecks. Don't expect high accuracy if you do that, though. If you prefer the AK or F2000, feel free to get in the mix with the opposing R and O classes. Don't try to engage snipers from too far away unless they're looking away from you.
CQB masters only! Pretty much played like T1-O in that you pound the hell out of the objective and keep the enemy off-balance. If the objective is clear, advance! Just because you're "Defense" in these matches doesn't mean you have to be passive. Take the fight to the enemy and you have a much higher chance of winning the game (think of the interactions with your snipers shrinking their numbers and your rifleman watching the flanks).
Basically the same as the T1-S: sit back some and shoot across the objectives. Your first priority should be taking out enemy snipers to give your teammates some breathing room. I cannot recommend the SV-98 highly enough (btw, G3 sucks).

Helmand Valley
On the first objective, I would recommend the M16 or F2000 as they are more accurate than the SAW over longer distances, and you'll be encountering a lot of enemies at distance (they like to flank around the right side through the valley as well as sit farther back past the objective behind rocks). On the second objective, you may want to take the SAW and sit on the backside (the side towards your original spawn) of the big rock at the objective. If you look one way and another teammate looks the other, you're tough to take down and will capture the objective. On the third objective, SAW users should move up the hill on the left side, keeping eyes on both the rocks/ruins to the left and the doors to the bunker on the right; AR users should advance on the right and watch the road for enemies crossing to guard the objective. On the fourth objective, watch through the openings (including the objective opening) and shoot anything that moves. On the fifth objective, pound the building, then guard the building after the bomb's been armed.
On the first objective, move up the left side (on top of the hill), using the ruins for cover. When you get to the dead end, jump over the tank and hug the wall until you get to the opening for the objective. Try to time your entry to the roadblock with your teammates supporting bursts (don't ask me why, but that's just how people play...); when you enter the roadblock, you'll immediately take a left, shoot the guys that are straight ahead on the hill, arm the bomb, and don't let them disarm it. On the second objective, run like hell, support your SAW players, and keep your head down to avoid sniper deaths. On the third objective, move up the left flank with the SAW players, then sprint across the road into the first door OR the side of the hallway. Guys like to sit in corners, so stay alert. On the fourth objective, use the R's suppressing fire to move in to the objective and arm the bomb. On the fifth objective, pound the building, then guard the building after the bomb's been armed.
On the first objective, stay behind the rocks near the spawn, slowly creep around the edge, and watch for enemies in the open. If you see a sniper, take them out. BR users should move to the right flank and either defend against counterattacks or push forward about halfway. On the second objective, sit in the first objective or original spawn areas (wherever you find cover) and pick off the OF on the hill. There will usually be some snipers up high, so focus on them primarily, then support the guys on the ground up there. On the third objective, sit in the second objective and take out the snipers that are in the hills near the third objective. On the fourth objective, sit in the third objective and take the guys off of the rooftops. On the fifth objective, use a BR and watch the roads (or change classes). Cardinal rule: keep in cover.
RPK. Seriously. On the first objective, take up a spot where you can see the objective (preferably not right over it) and let loose on anyone who gets close. On the second objective, crouch in the houses, watching the doors. If you're an AR user, counterattack T1 as they move up the hill. On the third objective, RPK should move down the hills on the left and AR should cover the doors. On the fourth objective, clear RPK should clear T1 out of doors/windows while AR counterattacks. On the fifth objective, guard the building, then pound it after the bomb's been set (if it's set).
On the first objective, counterattack, flank, and be an altogether pain the ass. Don't let them get near the objective. On the second objective, do it again. There are also a few spots where you can hang out incognito and gun them down as they pass; just realize that you'll be blown up if you stay there for too long. On the third objective, stay inside the building and shoot anything that moves. On the fourth objective, counterattack constantly. Even when they're at the village, go out the sides and flank them. Do whatever you can to keep them from focusing on the objective. On the fifth objective, guard the building, then pound it after the bomb's been set (if it's set).
On the first objective, sit as far back as you can behind cover and take out enemy snipers. BR players should take the left flank and hold them off there; right flank can't be advanced on. On the second objective, either sit in the houses and take out their snipers or sit in the hills and take out the guys on the ground. If you're in the hills, you'll get to experience many missile attacks, rocket attacks, cruise missiles, strafing runs, and mortars firsthand. Just saying... On the third objective, move up on the right side and either press down the hills on the right (watching in the direction of the second objective) or sit back on the right and look for enemy snipers at the second objective. On the fourth objective, get on the building tops, find cover, and get rid of the enemy snipers. If you don't see them and are not dead, take out the guys running across the valley. It's a turkey shoot. On the fifth objective, use a BR and watch the roads (or change classes).

On the first objective, it's up to you or a crazy sniper named Magus6666. And it's probably going to have to be you. Smoke the hell out of the valley and the hill up top to allow your team to advance into positions, then, when you're able, smoke the descent to the helicopter and GET INSIDE. I've never seen a team (and I've played this map a lot) that didn't take the helicopter with 3 guys or more sitting inside, watching the openings. On the second objective, move up the hills on the left and through the caves. When you come out of the last cave, look for the inlet in the rock to the right; slip in, drop a smoke through the hole beneath you, and drop into the objective. Arm the bomb and cover it. On the third objective, try to move through the buildings (center-ish path down the map). If you're in the buildings, there's only one spot a sniper can really get you from, and your snipers should be able to take that guy out (unless it's me...). Smoke the gap between the buildings and rush the objective. Plant the bomb and guard it. On the fourth objective, it's D-Day strategy time: throw more bodies than they have bullets for at the mortar, plant the bomb, and guard it. Seriously, though, throw smoke, run, gun, blow up the mortar. On the fifth objective, SAW should lay down cover on the mountains in the back of the map while AR and O advance to the objective. This will be hectic, so feel free to throw smoke. Plant the bomb and keep charging.
Stick with the M4 on this one. On the first objective, charge up the hill on the right (with the mini-cave at the top) and clean out the snipers, then move down the hill behind it to loop behind the enemy snipers. You probably won't make and will have to keep charging the hill, but it keeps half of their team focused not on the objective. On the second objective, keep moving up the middle and right side as bullet fodder to keep pressure off of your R guys on the left. If you manage to get into the cave, guard it like hell until you get reinforcements (usually doesn't take long), THEN plant the bomb. Don't try to plant it by yourself, or it's likely a wasted trip. On the third objective, move up the left side and engage their snipers at close range. Try to set up a "beachhead" and hold their guys off from counterattacking. On the fourth objective, move down the right side (through the mini-cave) and try to fight their snipers back away from the door. If you pull that off, advance on the objective. On the fifth objective, advance on the objective, kill what you can, plant a bomb, and keep charging the bomb until it goes off.
You've got your work cut out for you. Enemy snipers will be set up all over the place waiting for you to arrive. Try to keep the snipers occupied so your R and O can get closer and take them out. If you're able, get an eye on the area around the chinook and get rid of any R or O guys nearby. Watch out for RPGs. On the second objective, advance to the edge of the valley that the first objective is in and take out the snipers that have overwatch on the second objective. Don't worry so much about other troops UNLESS you are using a BR, in which case you should watch for counterattacks down the right side. On the third objective, give supporting fire to the R as they advance on the objective, then start looking for snipers when the R get inside the first building. If you can get their snipers interested in you (not hard when you start shooting them), your guys will have a much easier time getting the objective. On the fourth objective, you can watch for counterattacks but are otherwise useless. I like advancing down the left with my pistol, but this is dangerous and leads to dying a lot of the time (try changing classes). On the fifth objective, provide supporting fire on the hilltops in the back of the map. Get rid of as many snipers as you can and look out for explosives. Your O and R guys should keep the enemy O and R busy up front. After the bomb's been planted, feel free to charge it with your pistol so you can feel included.
On the first objective, if you want to be a d-bag, try long-range shooting. If you want to win, hang out near snipers and shoot the guys who rush them. Good points for you, good for your team. On the second objective, counterattack down the left and right flanks. Feel free to sit inside the inlet described above to kill guys who try to sneak in. Also, expect grenades landing on your head there. If the bomb is planted, shoot your 40mm or toss smoke and charge into the objective cave and try to disarm. On the third objective, crash the houses or sit just outside the hamlet's walls to shoot the guys moving towards the objective. If you see smoke, fire! On the fourth objective, AR should guard the approach on your right (the one with the dropoff) and kill anyting you see on that path; RPK should throw lots of bullets through the mini-cave on the left approach. On the fifth objective, charge the AAA and don't let them plant the bomb.
On the first objective, do what the OF-R does just above this. Another good idea is to sit inside the helicopter and wait for T1 to make it. If you've got a good team, though, you'll probably just end up bored. If, after you spawn, you run directly past the chopper and up the hill right in front of you, you may be able to help take out the guys moving across the tops of the hills if the snipers miss them. Just keep hidden until you've got a definite shot. On the second objective, counterattack down the right side (through the caves), or chill out in the objective cave and wait for them. Lots of defense kills, but look out for grenades from the hole in the ceiling or somebody will get an offense kill. On the third objective, sit in the buildings or advance down the left side to take out the enemy snipers. On the fourth objective, watch the mini-cave and shoot whatever comes in. On the fifth objective, charge the AAA and don't let them plant the bomb. BONUS TIP: If you see smoke, charge into it.
The first objective is your time to shine. Pick off anyone you see moving towards the objective, and watch out for snipers up high. If the snipers are doing their jobs, everyone else can do theirs, and the game can be won on the first objective. On the second objective, move back into the hills toward the third objective and shoot anyone you see approaching. There are three basic approaches, and these all split off some, so you've got a lot of work to do. On the third objective, try get an elevated position where you can see the area between the two buildings, then shoot anyone who tries to get across. There may some snipers on the opposite side of the canyon taking pot shots at you, but you do have superior position, so only give them time if nobody's advancing for the moment. On the fourth objective, you can cover either approach, though I would recommend the BR. On the fifth objective, get up high in the back and rain down hell on the enemy. Under no circumstances should you advance on the objective.

On the first objective, advance down the left and right flanks to prevent counterattacks. SAW should concentrate fire on the openings in the walls while AR should pick at the enemies inside the courtyard. On the second objective, advance down the left side to sweep around and clear out snipers in the back. AR should also lob some 40mm fire towards the far side near the objective to clean out enemies lying in wait. On the third objective, get into the plane yard and get cover, shooting anything that moves until the objective is secure. On the fourth objective, pound the chopper until you get there. Make sure there are at least 3 allies nearby (or no enemies around) before you set the bomb. Pound the chopper until it goes off. On the fifth objective, secure the building and watch all approaches until the bomb is set, then flood the bomb room.
On the first objective, move down middle just off the sides of the road using the tanks, planes, and walls for cover. Get right up underneath the guard stations by the roadblock and wait for a lull in the gunfire to move into position and set the bomb. After setting the bomb, get back out by the tower and shoot anyone you see in the opposite tower or advancing to disarm the bomb. On the second objective, move down the right side, using whatever cover you see, and plant the bomb. Sit right next to the bomb (its detonation will not harm you) and shoot anyone who comes to disarm it. You're pretty well covered there, but you can be shot through the middle of stacked boxes (there is a space between the ones on top and bottom). On the third objective, rush the yard and try to set up a perimeter toward the back of the map (tower will be on your left, third objective behind you) to keep enemies out of the yard. On the fourth objective, pound the chopper until you get there. Make sure there are at least 3 allies nearby (or no enemies around) before you set the bomb. Pound the chopper until it goes off. On the fifth objective, rush the bomb room, clear it out, then set the bomb. After the bomb is set, exit through the back door and engage the enemies around those crates (they typically spawn behind the crates).
On the first objective, hang out at your spawn and pick off the guys in the tower and in the openings on the left and right. If your team is advancing, you'll likely be ignored, so you can build up some scorechains. Use UAV first, then drop explosive strikes on the objective if there's trouble there. On the second objective, stay crouched in one of the three openings. If you're in the center opening, you've got a wide area ahead of you that will always have someone in it. If you're on the sides, set up a crossfire, hitting enemies in the opposite corner. On the third objective, snipe from inside the building at the yard, focusing on enemies beyond the objective. On the fourth objective, flank around the right and take out enemies coming from the tower or approaching the chopper. On the fifth objective, hang back near the third objective and shoot at enemies on top of the tower.
On the first objective, set up defensively on the two side openings. RPK should focus on the left side, AR on the right. If the bomb is set, toss a smoke at the objective, then disarm it. On the second objective, either guard the right flank from advances or sit behind the sandbags and shoot past the objective at people advancing there. Stay crouched to avoid sniper fire. On the third objective, charge the yard with smoke and automatic fire. On the fourth objective, charge the chopper with smoke and automatic fire. On the fifth objective, stay outside of the building and shoot enemies that approach it.
On the first objective, stay as close as you can to the roadblock and wipe out anyone who gets near it. Shotguns (shudder!) are pretty good for this playstyle. On the second objective, sit right by the objective and watch for enemies approaching down the left flank for it. You will likely get blown up a lot, but there are several good cover spots near there if the door itself doesn't work out for you. On the third objective, rush the building that T1 is advancing through. Try mainly to take out their snipers. On the fourth objective, try to maintain a position inside the helicopter. On the fifth objective, try to maintain positions inside of the building, watching the doors.
On the first objective, get in a highly covered position and watch one of the three entries. Trying to watch all of them will result in your head catching a bullet. On the second objective, watch the left flank either directly or with crossfire. If you are doing crossfire, keep an eye on where OF is in regards to the objective; if nobody's there, that means T1 is, so turn and cover it until you have more support there. On the third objective, sit back and shoot across the objective at enemies in and leaving the building. Watch out for snipers. On the fourth objective, flank down the left with your pistol and, when you find a good position for covering the chopper, pull out your rifle and do that. On the fifth objective, get on top of the building (not up in the tower; that's too predictable) and shoot around the corners to avoid being easily seen. If the bomb is set, rush the bomb room with your pistol.

Extra notes:
On the following missions, on the following objectives, if you don't have the objective finished by the indicated number of lives (T1), you're probably not going to win. And I mean, it's a 10% chance you'll pull it off unless something amazing happens (or the other team quits).

1 - 90
2 - 80
3 - 75
4 - 65
5 - 1
1 - 80
2 - 75
3 - 55
4 - 50
5 - 1
1 - 75
2 - 85
3 - 60
4 - 50
5 - 1

01 Sep 2011 15:25

Very straight forward. Play 2 hours of Combat Mission, as far as I know it must be in game.

20 Feb 2018 21:56


Straightforward, just play two hours of Combat Mission multiplayer matches. The objective is to push your way through by clearing five objectives as the Coalition force, or defend them at all costs as the OPFOR. Always pay attention to your minimap to know where the enemies are coming from. To win, complete all five objectives as Coalition before time and reinforcements run out or, if you're defending as OPFOR, outlast the enemy by killing them.


Choose the game type: Combat Mission and play a total of 2 hours in that game type throughout your career.

Select the game mode "Combat Mission" and play the game for 2 hours. This is a cumulative achievement, you don’t have to play 2 hours at a time.

18 Jul 2011 07:11