Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

40 Achievements


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Damage, Inc.

Damage, Inc.

You used 20 airstrikes in co-op


How to unlock the Damage, Inc. achievement in Mercenaries 2: World in Flames - Definitive Guide

You will unlock this achievement after you complete a total of 20 air-strikes while in co-op mode.

It does not make a difference who initiates the air-strike, it will count for both players. So you only need to call in 20 total air-strikes (not 20 each).

You can use artillery strikes to count towards the 20. Both my brother and I got this achievement while using an artillery strike.

Before you have the ability to use any air-strikes you will have to hire Misha Milanich (the drunken fighter pilot).

You can either buy air-strikes from faction outposts, receive them as rewards for completing missions, or have Ewan extract them from the field when you find them.

12 May 2009 05:17

Please note, if the other player uses a cheat code it will not unlock. Very annoying for those of us who don't need cheat codes ;-)
By JimbobTheKing on 10 Feb 2010 20:50
Ah, I remember hearing about that! I will add your comment to the solution, great catch and thanks!!
By Fafhrdd on 11 Feb 2010 22:33
This is a very glitchy achievement. I played co-op for about 3 hours mostly spent calling airstrikes, but I never got the cheev. My co-op partner did get it, but randomly after calling for transport. Obviously it's not just "call for 20 airstrikes". Any ideas?
By bogeygolf316 on 08 Mar 2010 21:53
I know it's for calling airstrikes and not for transport however this game is so glitchy when playing co-op its not even funny.

For some reason, when it comes to co-op, the game must have passed QA testing and went right to marketing.
By Fafhrdd on 08 Mar 2010 23:39
Another tip. If you're having trouble unlocking the achievement, try using many different air-strikes. My friend and I got it by simply using a different air strike each time. We had tried to get it 3 times before now, and each of those times we spammed the same couple of air-strikes. So change it up, and hopefully it unlocks for you.
By Brando Swaggins on 15 Sep 2010 01:22
Thanks for this, I have added this tip to the solution.
By Fafhrdd on 18 Sep 2010 11:44
Soooooooooooooo glitchy.

I've done two boosting sessions for this trying to unlock it on both the first mission and also by dumping bombing runs and artillery strikes on my saved game. Nothing ever worked. Miraculously, I randomly unlocked it on the first mission after my partner called in 21 straight airstrikes, and then I called in 1. Don't ask me, I still don't understand it, but Im done!!!
By Salty Old Dog on 10 May 2011 03:52
I hate this achievement.

We had to try for years, mixing, testing everything mentioned, until we dropped a couple of support drops and we used the PLAV Combat Air thing, which made it unlock for my partner. Later it unlocked for me too when he used the same airstrike.
By DeclinedMilk on 19 Jul 2011 22:32
They may not be completely correct because many people get it using just by using the same one 20 times (like myself) however, this is a great possible solution if someone is having issues like many people seem to be having.

Glad you got yours!
By Fafhrdd on 13 Aug 2011 00:25
good idea
By FinalFireDemon on 07 Nov 2011 08:13
Agree with Kaos well glitchy as I did it with him, my mates poped and mine didnt in his saved game, went into my own game and started lobbing airstrikes with my mate joined my save I went through over 25 of either artility strikes or the cheap airstrikes even was throwing out pick ups he also threw quite a few of them too, was about to give up when I suggested to change the airstrike for a go think it was the tank one, 1st time I thow a new airstrike it popped, I know I did over 25 airstrikes before this as we both counted and lost count of the oil pick ups as I only had 300 oil and an airstike is around 120 for the cheapest. I have not got far in the game so I dont have 20 different airstrikes yet, hope this helps but well strange to get this unlocked
By T VIRUS 4 LIFE on 05 Jun 2012 14:22
This game is so buggy.... Too bad... It would have been an enjoyably co-op game otherwise.
By Fafhrdd on 05 Jun 2012 21:56
I tried this yesterday with a boosting partner - god it is buggy. We both threw 25 bombing runs (both in ours and the other players game), and it did not pop for me until I called for a machine gun drop in his game. This of course did not pop it for him when he tried it in mine. Talk about some glitch-tastic crap...
By Chimaera36 on 07 Jun 2012 14:38
Got this today by joining my girlfriend's game and buying 20 artillery strikes and then calling them all is....made sure they all hit something (previous attempt dropping them all in the water accomplished nothing). Still no achievement after dropping my 20, so I had her call one in and it immediately popped for both of us.
By Kez001 on 27 Jun 2012 14:31
Just popped for me. A friend and I tried once, and launched a total of about 40 airstrikes, including supply drops, to no avail (for me). He got the achievement but I had not. We decided to end our session and try again later. After starting the game again, the achievement popped after I threw the first airstrike. So maybe the key is to save, reload, and try again if it's glitching.
By The IB on 12 Sep 2012 21:25
I would love to try this achievement, but I am unable to connect to the EA servers to pay Co-op. Can anyone offer me any assistance? The game freezers on the menu screen.
By Webby648 on 25 Jan 2013 20:14
@Webby648 I've been told if you have another EA game, that makes you accept the TAS, it will count for this game as well.
By EarthboundX on 16 Mar 2013 01:01
This achievement glitched on me. Between me and my partner we used nearly 100 artillery strikes but nothing popped. I went ahead and beat the game and the achievement popped for me when I beat the last mission. So for anyone else who is still having trouble with this achievement try betting the game and maybe it will pop for you as well.
By se7en sin on 17 Mar 2013 22:23
I beat the game and it didn't help me.
By napoearth on 25 Apr 2013 07:23
For myself and my coop partner, I called in approximately 25 airstrikes when I was hosting and he did not get the achievement. He then hosted and dropped about 10 airstrikes, accidentally called for transit, and the achievement popped.
By Mobius Evalon on 06 May 2013 05:34
my friend and i did this. dropped several bombs and airstrikes and it didn't pop. did it during a 3 sessions - 2nd one I dropped more than 20 and tried different ones. didn't work. however, on the 3rd i dropped a few - and then saw a stack of money. decided to pick that up and the achievement popped. mess around with what you do while you are dropped them.
By Kanchanaburi on 07 Nov 2013 17:32
My friend has been hosting a game, inviting me in and then after he has done the airstrikes, he has disconnected, rehost and invited me. If he does this, does it count towards the achievement? He did 23 and it hasn't unlocked at the moment.
By BulgyDragonZord on 10 Nov 2013 22:18
This achievement basically unlocks when it feels like it. Some got it by calling for transit after calling in 20 airstrikes, some got it after calling in 35 or more airstrikes, some got it by picking up resources. You're just going to have to switch the host back and forth and do everything you can while praying to your favored deity that it's going to unlock.
By Mobius Evalon on 11 Nov 2013 04:55
Thanks Mobius for your response. Were not giving up with this achievement. We will get it... sometime soon.
By BulgyDragonZord on 11 Nov 2013 17:54
do both need to have air strike unlocked and when do u unlock it ? help please!!!
By DisputedHitman on 11 Dec 2013 22:06
It popped for my friend, but not for myself, when I used the "Combat Air Patrol" airstrike. Then, about 20 mins of calling in random airstrikes, I told him to buy and use a "Combat Air Patrol" It immediately popped afterwards for myself.
By Ninja Synik on 09 Jan 2015 08:07
mine popped doing the Misha Airstrike challenge. had a partner in game and it popped first time using the laser guided thingy.
By snake42069 on 20 Mar 2018 03:33
If anyone minds, I could use a co-op partner to get my 20 bombs. No one seems to play online anymore. After that I'm done!
By Sir Lagselot on 02 Apr 2019 00:05
SERVERS ARE STILL UP AS OF TODAY! I can confirm that Medal of Honor Airborne servers are still up and has the EA agreement that allows Mercs 2 server access. I had my 13 year account have no problem joining servers but my kids 1 year account could not. Surfing these boards I found the answer.
By FDCODEOFCONDUCT on 11 Jul 2019 21:12
For me (host), I launched way more than 20 airstrikes (probably 50). I tried saving/resuming, picking up airstrikes found in the world, launching each type of airstrike (only got through about 12-15 types, though), etc., but nothing was unlocking it. However, as soon as my coop partner launched an airstrike of their own it popped for BOTH of us. So it seems necessary for each player to launch at least one airstrike.
By ElusiveEagle on 06 Jan 2020 09:07
Looking to unlock this one, only co-op achievement I have left. Hmu if anyone willing to help
By Welsh Shady on 21 Feb 2021 15:27
UPDATE: Servers still online and working as of August 20, 2021
For me and my boosting partner we had to be host for it to count only - I threw 20 Cruse missile strikes and then it unlocked for me once he threw one artillery strike (he threw 20 bombing runs and then I threw 1 artillery strike once he was host) Hope that helps for anybody else cleaning up old games lol
By TREX1979 on 20 Aug 2021 22:20
Buggy as hell. We set off more than 20 strikes but the achievement didn't pop until we went into Misha's airstrike challenge. Mine popped as soon as the mission started, it didn't pop for my co-op partner until he hosted a session and loaded up the challenge. Posting here in case it helps others also stuck.
By RubberSoul1990 on 27 Aug 2022 16:32
Also had issues with this buggy POS. Tried calling in way more than 20 artillery strikes and a variety of others to no avail. Tried the Misha airstrike challenge, calling for transport, calling for fuel/cash pickups, calling for weapon drops, still nothing. Let my partner host then switched BACK to my host, my partner called for the pickup on the airstrike on the hill in front of the villa and it immediately popped for me, but not for him. Then went BACK to the Misha airstrike challenge on my host and it immediately popped for my partner. So yeah, this seems like it just pops whenever it wants to headspin
By ZilchMass on 03 Sep 2022 20:16
Here to give my experience to help before server shutdown. Done misha challenge 20 times. Went and destroyed target buildings( all 13 for the plav) with cluster bombs, bombing runs and artillery strikes. My partner even used artillery strikes and bombing runs. Never popped for either of us. Saved our games and joined my partners game. He was host now. I had no air strikes available in my stockpile. Went to the hill and got both of them then went right out of the compound and got the 2 by the beach a little ways down the road. I had 4 available after that. When I got to the beach I used a cluster bomb on the little shack and it popped for me but not my partner who was the host. Got him some fuel and we saved then went back to my game. I am host now. Went to the hill he picked up the artillery strike and it popped for him. He never used it.
By SußvertedØne on 05 Nov 2022 21:21
I think that this achievement description is totally wrong as both me and my boosting pal got this at the point we called for a resource pick up from the helicopter pilot. My theory is that you need to snaffle 20 green pick-ups / airstrikes and using airstrikes counts for nothing. But this is just a theory and it will now of course only be useful for 4 days
By Bishop Brenan on 05 Nov 2022 23:06
combat airpatrol is what unlocked it for me
By Markyshizzle on 09 Nov 2022 00:02
Did 21 airstrike challenges in another players co op game, no achievement.
Went to the mansion HQ and picked up two airstrike/artillery on the hill, no achievement.
Bought airstrikes in their co op game and used them, no achievement.
Restarted the game and did the first mission airstrike, no achievement.

Went in to my own game and waited for a co op partner to join, called in an airstrike and the achievement popped.

This will unlock when the game feels like giving it to you, none of these solutions will work 100% but they're all worth trying.
By Whats a Chundy on 09 Nov 2022 00:04
According to other forums the description is slightly mis-worded.
The game has 20 different types of airstrikes and probably would have been better reading - DAMAGE INC. = Use 20 DIFFERENT airstrikes on co-op.
The achievement finally popped when i went and purchased all 20 types of airstrike then started launching 1 after another till it popped. The achievement popped for my co-op partner 2 different airstrikes later.
By CraigyB78#8653 on 09 Aug 2011 00:32
Ok this is a Very Very Glitchy Achievement..I was playing today and i called in 26++ Airstrikes 10 where Artilery and the other 16 where the other Airstrikes with no Achievement! So i thought i would get some more Oil and when i pressed Y and threw out the smoke "DAMAGE INC" Unlocked.So i can say that i tried the guide with no joy, but 1 random supply pick up and it Unlocks i can understand why but we tried it with my m8 and nadda so we will try tomorrow again...So if it Unlocks for my m8 with what we are trying to do i will get him to add the way it unlocked for him.DAMAGE INC & Be Quick or Be Dead are very Glitchy Achievements
By xCHRONIC KAOSx on 14 May 2012 20:49
The original solution tells you everything you need to know about the achievement. The 20 airstrikes are cumulative between both players, so one can call in all 20 and both get the achievement. To use most airstrikes, you need to hire Misha which happens about 1/4 of the way into the game. Some airstrikes do not require a jet pilot, and these count equally toward the achievement as the ones that do require a pilot. A lot of random airstikes can be found lying around on the map, which can be collected for free if you've hired Ewan (which happens a little bit into the United Petroleum missions at the beginning of the game); otherwise, you'll have to buy them from any available faction outpost (at any of the square icons on the map).

Problem is, this achievement will only unlock when it feels like it. You can drop 100 airstrikes and never get it, sometimes it'll randomly unlock when calling for non-airstrike support (ammo and supplies, transport, etc.), sometimes it unlocks early at 5 or 6 strikes, there's no way to know.
By Mobius Evalon on 11 Dec 2013 22:37
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I got this by dropping 20 air strikes as the host, having my coop partner create a new game, then from the mansion I went and picked up an airstrike (the one on the hill by the main gate a the roadside) by calling in a pickup. The achievement unlocked instantly. We then did the same again the other way around and he got his also!

11 Aug 2013 22:02

Tho it hasn't updated Did this But only needed to do it once and it popped for both me and my co-op partner :) Thanks mate
By on 14 Sep 2018 05:25
After calling 50-60 Airstrikes me and my partner did the same.. i picked up the Airstrike pick up to the left and he picked up the one to the right but still no Achievement.. so i told him to call in a Bombing Run.. No Achievement so i called a Bombing Run too.. but still no Achievement .. so he decided to use an Artilley Strike (because that was all he got left) some People claim that Artillery Strike doesntT count.. buuuuuut funny that the Achievement popped for me after him using an Artillery Strike so i did the same and the Achievement popped for him laugh.

The Achievement is buggy as shit but People shouldn't give up it pops eventually.. looks to me that alternating host does help! but make sure to save your progress before you alternate! Also Artillery Strikes do count!!!
By Flames80 on 07 Apr 2016 04:44
Damage, Inc.
This achievement took us quite a while to pop. I would just like to share a few things here for anyone still struggling with this. I am convinced this achievement is buggy, but not unobtainable. It simply unlocks when it wants to.

First of all, it took us a lot more than 20 airstrikes. We both stocked up on artillery strikes and bombing runs, as they are the cheapest. Get them from any faction outposts.

For cash, see the solution for "Billion Dollar Babies" involving Ewan's winching challenge and the way to streamline it. This is the fastest way to make money in the game.

In order to have constant bombardment, you'll need a constant supply of fuel. There is a great place to stock up on fuel, a small clearing on the side the road, located to the South West of the area the PLAV are inhabiting. It's next to the river in the south west corner of the map. You'll find six 500 gallon fuel tanks there, and they are lightly defended.

I recommend keeping a fast chopper with you (UP rougue) so you and your partner can fly back and forth to this spot to refuel when these tanks respawn.

I believe only the host gets the achievement. My boosting partner didn't unlock it in our session, however he used more than thirty in my game, and I dropped around fifty.

We started to suspect that artillery perhaps does not count, as it's technically not an airstrike, as it's not ordinance dropped from an aircraft, more of a long range barrage, (maybe I'm just splitting hairs here) but the game does list it under "airstrikes" in your stockpile... just use lots of different types of airstrikes.

As I was not far into my game (I hadn't yet captured Blanco on the oil rig) and I was still working with UP and PLAV, I only had six different types of airstrike available to me.
I purchased at least 40 x bombing runs and artillery strikes, (cheapest cost in cash and fuel)
Then it was UP tank busters, and UP air patrols, (about 15 of these each)
The other two were strikes that you unlock early in your playthrough, or the ones that you find lying around on the ground.

I also want to mention that it was a UP Tank Buster that made it pop. There was a VZ tank perched on a hill, I called it in, and it killed the tank. That was exactly when the Achievement unlocked. However, the guy I was boosting with didn't unlock it (I was the host, he joined my game) and after we kept trying for about an hour he decided to call it a day.

I did this with the same player in one single game, and he didn't drop out.

- Get plenty of cash.
- Buy plenty of different airstrikes. (At least 20 of each.)
- Make sure your partner has done the same.
- When it's your turn, make sure you are the host.
- Stick with the same boosting partner and do it all at once, all in one game.
- Learn where the fuel tanks are on the map. You need loads of fuel.
- Keep a couple of fast UP choppers on hand.
- Try to make sure your airstrikes are destroying some kind of target.
- Both players should be dropping lots of different types of airstrikes.
- When you're done, quit out and join your partners game, so that he can host.

I hope this helps!

EDIT: I need to add something, I helped someone get this the other day. Joining his game, I had the glitch where I couldn't use any of my stockpile items, vehicles, or airstrikes. I walked out of the villa, through the main gates, left onto the hill, and found the airstrike and bundle of cash on the grass. (It's just outside the walls of the villa.) I ordered Ewan to pick them up, as he arrived the achievement popped for my friend. I didn't use any airstrikes.

If you have anything to add please leave a comment, thanks.

19 Mar 2015 16:06

Me and a friend unlocked this today, I would say its by luck but I do know a couple of things about this achievement though

One thing is that you must be the host to earn this
Second off all you must be the one to use the 20 air strikes

We know the Bombing run, Artillery strike and Bunker Buster counts as air strikes

Our experience we had I was in a friends game he was using all the airstrikes listed above and got the achievement when he threw a bombing run knowing he definitely did more than 20, but I didn't unlock it, then I hosted a new game believing I had definitely threw more than 20 airstrikes I had to start the tutorial again my friend joined my game just before we blew up the front gate at the start I threw the airstrike at the gate and it immediately popped

I think this luck when it unlocks but don't give up hope it will unlock eventually

02 Mar 2018 13:16

The trophy description doesn't appear to exactly correct. I have seen people say any 20 air strikes, one each of all the air strikes (which means beating the entire game for the final one), some said only dropped strikes counted and artillery didn't count. I was able to pop the trophy without even unlocking the jet pilot so I could not even use bombs or missile strikes at all. I don't know exactly how many artillery I dropped but I was able to get the pop when I threw smoke so the heli would pick up a pallet of money.
My coop partner was myself on another system, I drove around and used both characters to throw the smoke to pick up strikes and cash around the game. I did use some artillery but 0 plane/jet dropped strikes like the cluster bombs or missiles.
Also as far as coop goes, the servers are technically closed but the game isn't hosted through them, however you need to accept the User Agreement to go online. I was able to use a copy of The Orange Box, try to start TF2 and it will show an agreement, accept and you will then be able to 'connect' to the server and try coop. It is still very picky about connecting to other games.

19 Jun 2021 19:43