Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

46 Achievements


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It Ain't Easy Being Green

It Ain't Easy Being Green

Find all 64 Kerotans


How to unlock the It Ain't Easy Being Green achievement in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater - Definitive Guide

It is recommended that you beat the game at least once - this will make finding the crappy frogs much easier!

PART I: Virtuous Mission .

1. Dremuchiy: south – from the starting point, go right and then up along the bushy narrow path. Having reached the edge of a small mound, switch to first-person view and look to the left - the frog is hiding on the mound.
2. Deep: swamp - after passing through the swamp and finding yourself on the second piece of land with tall grass, look for the adversary on the hill to your right.
3. Dremuchiy: north – from the starting point, march straight and turn right at the second turn. Follow to a huge stump near the wall - a frog on top of it.
4. Dolinovodno - the frog is on the left pillar of the suspension bridge on the south side (the one you are coming from).
5. Dawn - under the iron stairs there is a hole in the wall - there is a frog there.

PART II: Operation “Snake Eater” .

1. Deep: east - run forward until you see several logs to your left - a frog under one of them.
2. Deep: north - somewhere in the center of the location there is a tree that you can (and should!) climb. Having climbed onto it, look to the left - the frog is located on the hill.
Next, head south to the location where the Virtuous Mission began.
3. Dense: swamp - from the island in the middle of the swamp, move to the one on the left. Direct your gaze to the north - a green scoundrel has settled between the tree and the hill!
4. Deep: South - There is a log to the left of where Snake landed during the Virtuous Mission. Climb over it. Our friend settled down on a mound right in front of you.
Then return to the location “Dense: North” and from there head north.
5. Dolinovodno – after crossing the bridge, look to the right – the target is right at the top of the hill!
6. Dawn - near the stairs, inspect the gas cylinders. The frogman hid among them.
7. Black Pond - the bastard is found under water. In the north of the location there is a tree sticking out of the water - he is under it.
8. Big Mouth: South - Find a place where you can pass through the electric fence (that is, pass!). For those who don’t understand, this is in the north of the location, closer to the exit. Don't go through the passage (excuse the pun), go right along the fence. Having buried yourself in a tawdry tree, look into its core - there is our green goal!
9. Big Mouth: base - in the building in the center of the location there is a room with three beds. The frog was hiding under the table in the back of the room.
10. Big Mouth: Cave - While fighting Ocelot, move left and look south - the frog will be right in front of you.
11. Black Cave - find a room with two waterfalls. Opposite the place where you take the torch, there is a passage. Follow it to the end and then crawl through the gap in the wall. Directly opposite where you crawl out, there is another gap. After defeating him, you will find yourself in a room with a round hole in the center. Switch to first person view. The frog is at the opposite end of the room.
12. Black Cave - During the battle with The Pain, look up at the ceiling. Our friend was hiding right on the edge of the hole in the ceiling.
13. Black Cave: entrance to the cave - halfway you will come across a round cave with cartridges. CAREFULLY! Three Claymores placed in a cave can easily tear off your legs, so be careful! Once inside, turn around and look up. The little frog is hiding right above the entrance arch.
14. Ponizove: south – a couple of steps from the beginning of the location. Examine the rocky shore on the left.
The entrance to Ponizovye: West is very easy to miss! Stay left of the river!
15. Lower reaches: west - swim to the northwest and dive. There is a grate in the water under the pier - a frog is right behind it. As easy as pie!
16. Ponizovye: in front of the warehouse - it’s also simple here. There is a red gate opposite where you enter. Your target has settled right on them! It's best to shoot from the pier. Although if there is an SVD...
17. Lower Zone: warehouse – in the center of the warehouse on the first floor there are white boxes. Climb on them and look up. Another frogger lurks on the beam above the stairs.
18. Graniny Gorki: south - run straight until you exit the location. At the very exit, turn around - an inventive frog is sitting on a branch of the nearest tree.
19. Graniny Gorki: in front of the laboratory, outer wall - move left along the fence to the end. Climb through the hole in the floor and go straight. Look for an air duct in the wall. To his left, between the trees, is a frog.
20. Graniny Gorki: in front of the laboratory, inner wall - on the right side of the location there is a building with a boarded up door. Look through the window of this building.
21. Granin Gorki Laboratory: first floor - wander along the corridors until you come across four iron lockers. Use first-person view and annihilate your adversary!
22. Graniny Gorki Laboratory: ground floor west - at the end of the corridor there is a room with a TV and a scientist. Find the frog yourself - everything is too easy.
23. Graniny Gorki Laboratory: ground floor east - in the last prison cell. Only the blind wouldn't notice this bastard!
24. Svyatogorny: south - reach the first bushes with tall grass. Turn around. Our target was located in a corner above the entrance to the location.
25. Svyatogorny: west - go straight until you come across a hollow log on the ground. Directly opposite him, on the hill, is a frog.
Don't miss the entrance to Svyatogorny: East. Keep Right.
26. Svyatogorny: east – in the north of the location there is a house. A kind of cottage. There is a storage room inside. Our green enemy sits on one of the shelves.
Now return to “Svyatogorny: West” and exit along the path located slightly to the left. This will take you to...
27. Secret: south – in the north-west of the location there is a small warehouse. The frog is right behind him.
28. Secretly: West - follow the flow of the river south. Look into the hole where the water drains.
29. Secret: North - from the southern entrance, follow the wall to the left. When you come across a hollow log, go a little further and look behind the tree.
30. Redridge: Tunnel - Halfway through the tunnel, turn around. On the left, under the arch, a green surprise awaits you.
31. Red Mountains: the foot of the mountain - before reaching the exit from the location, take a little to the left. There is a frog sitting on the arch that is the exit. Use SVD!
32. Red Mountains: mountain slope - our green-faced opponent is found on the roof of a building with rations, which is again almost at the exit. Fire at him from a distance using the SVD.
33. Red Mountains: top of the mountain - from the entrance, run to the right. A frog in the depths of the gorge. It's impossible not to notice!
34. Redmountain: behind the ruins - right in front of you is a white and red communication tower. Your best friend is again SVD. The frog is somewhere in the middle of the tower.
35. Redridge: ruins – there is a bed in the ruins. There is a shelf above the bed. There is a frog on the shelf. You know what to do.
36. Grozny Grad: underground passage - during the battle with Gagarin (that is, with The Fury), run into the next tunnel on the right. There is another frogger sitting on the red pipe above you.
37. Grozny Grad: southwest - run left until you see six warehouses in two rows with doors. In the left row in the center is your 43rd frog. Shoot through the opening!
38. Grozny Grad: northwest – do you see the tanks? Run along the very left edge of the column to the north. Do you see the stairs? Red? Another frog is sitting on it.
39. Grozny Grad: northeast – move to the northeast of the location until you see a small warehouse. On its northern side there is a hatch in the ground. Get into it and crawl west. The tunnel will then turn south, but you will turn right halfway, for that is where the next Kerotan is hiding from justice.
40. Grozny Grad: southeast – in the southeast corner of the location there is a prison. Eliminate the green reptile that has settled on her roof.
41. Grozny Grad: torture chamber - find a room with tables. Look under one of them. Happy Secretary's Day, you bastard!
42. Grozny Grad: military laboratory, east wing - there is a locker room on the second floor. In its northern corner our friend is sitting on a cabinet.
43. Grozny Grad: military laboratory, western wing, corridor - immediately turn your head to the south. Through the window you can see the columns on the pole. A frog on top of them. Have you already got your SVD?
44. Tikhogorny - just like in the case of the frog in the “Secret: West” location, run to the south, where the river flows. Look under the log.
45. Tikhogorny: behind the waterfall - march to the end of the corridor. When you reach the stairs, turn around and look up and to the right. The frog settled on the pipe.
46. ​​Grozny Grad: main wing - at the top of the location, to the left of the Shagohod there is a fuel tank. A worker is pacing nearby at the consoles. Below between the remote controls is another gift of fate.
47. Grozny Grad - during the battle with Volgin, turn to the left and look up. From the edge of the ledge the frog looks at you. Wipe that impudent grin off his face! Advice: put on Raidenovich's mask, it will distract Volgin and you will have a chance to shoot the frog without any problems.

Next begins the most difficult stage in the frog search. Since you're riding a motorcycle, you'll only have seconds for each frog. Save when entering the next zone! Miss the frog - reload immediately!

48. First motorcycle zone - when you reach the square with the tanks, take out the SVD and look for the frog on the tower to your right, on the one opposite the balustrade with the soldiers.
49. Second Motorcycle Area - As soon as the Eva stops for the first time, turn to face the soldiers. Ahead, slightly to the left, there is a forklift. The adversary settled into the driver's seat! Get him wet!
50. Third Motorcycle Zone - As soon as the plane appears in the distance, focus your gaze on the left side of the runway. A little frog sits on one of the signs. When Eva slows down slightly, use the RPG-7 or SVD.
51. Fourth motorcycle zone - this time the frog will be to the right of the road, at the fourth sign. Don't miss it!
52. Grozny Grad: bridge - first of all, stand up. The frog is sitting on the arch of the bridge below, closer to you. Look more carefully!
53. Grozny Grad: Bridge - During the second phase of the battle with the Shagohod (when Volgin is standing on its roof), take out your SVD and search the tower directly in front of you.
54. Fifth Motorcycle Zone - Towards the end of the zone you will come across a checkpoint of three red and white fences. Hit the RPG between the leftmost and central ones.
55. Sixth Motorcycle Zone – Equip the RPG-7 AT THE VERY BEGINNING. Keep your eyes on the right side of the road. Having passed the log, you will see a healthy stone - your goal is on its top.
56. Seventh (final!) motorcycle zone - watch the left side of the road this time. The frog will be on the very first cobblestone that comes along.
57. Zaozerie: south - after the video in which soldiers are following your trail, take the left path. Having reached the log thrown over the ravine, standing in the middle of it, turn left (away from Snake). Look down in first person. The frog is on the right side of the crevasse.
58. Zaozerie: east - go until you reach a fork. There is a tree where the road splits. Walk around to the left and look down.
59. Doom Shore - During the Boss fight, rush to the northwest corner of the map. Equip the SVD and search all the trees. On top of one of them sits your old friend No. 64. Put a bullet between his eyes and pray to God you didn't miss any of his friends!

Guide taken from

15 Jan 2012 05:45

When you go through the motorcycle stages, be sure to turn up the volume so that after you hit the frog you can hear it croaking. When I went through them, I saved at every stage, which I advise you to do.
By RiGget on 10 Feb 2013 11:04
It is recommended to hit 54 kerotans in motorcycle zone 5 with an RPG. This is the simplest.

BUT there are a couple of soldiers standing nearby and almost one hundred percent they will die, which will make it impossible to get " PEACEWALKER " in this playthrough. You can shoot at the road, away from the fences, so that only the kerotan gets into the affected area. Or use SVD, which is much more difficult.
By Nebelheim on 13 Sep 2014 02:11
In Motorcycle Zones 5, 6 and 7, you can use a semi-automatic SCOPRION instead of an RPG to kill Kerotans. It has a laser sight, making it quite easy to hit a Kerotan without killing the enemy!
By Ice_Cookie_VSVP on 11 Dec 2015 00:57
Don’t worry, if suddenly during one playthrough you accidentally missed some frogs, then with a new game+ those already counted remain and the counting continues
By adkins555 on 28 Jan 2020 19:45
During a chase on a motorcycle, it is most convenient to shoot frogs from the Patriot, i.e. when passing again. If you shoot from RPG7, then you will most likely have problems with two frogs on the landing strip, because... EVE will not stop and wait for you to please while you aim and shoot. Shooting frogs with a Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD) is heavenly punishment for people. who practically never used such weapons during the entire game. The easiest thing from Patriot is to remember the approximate location of the frog and shoot there without stopping until we hear croaking, fortunately there is no need to reload.
By dsn9 on 11 Oct 2015 04:06
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The trophy is cumulative if you load the game after completing it, I made this conclusion based on the fact that I missed 1 frog and when I knocked it out during the second playthrough, they gave me a trophy. But if you shoot down all the frogs in 1 playthrough, you will get a Stealth device.

Here is the video guide I used:





I’ll also give you tips on shooting on a motorcycle.

I. Save at each location (it’s better to make a separate save)

II. Take out the RPG grenade launcher from the Backpack (if you don’t hit the frog, and we will do this many times, take out the RPG and shoot at your feet, believe me, it’s faster to kill yourself and press continue than to go to the main menu and load)

III. After the battle with Shagohod, it is better to use the Patriot by shooting at the frogs (if, of course, it is available)


24 Nov 2011 07:16

1 Comment
I advise you to use this database just print it out
, because running to the computer and watching videos is a little expensive))
By Fox_Hound74 on 13 Apr 2012 17:30