Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus

68 Achievements


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Dodge master

Dodge master

Dodge all of the Blind One's throwing attacks in THE TWO COLONELS Chapter.


How to unlock the Dodge master achievement in Metro Exodus - Definitive Guide

This achievement can be much more difficult than it should be if you don’t know what you are doing. After struggling with it and finally finding a pretty foolproof method of completing the requirements for the achievement, I present to you a guide with a roundup of some tips mentioned by others as well as some from myself. This achievement actually is quite easy once you know what to do.


Preparing for the fight will make it much easier. Before reaching the final workbench of the level, you will come across a room that is partially flooded. You will have to fight off a couple of nosalises. You do not have to enter here to complete the mission; it is an optional room. Inside this room, there will be a body with the last upgrade of the dlc for your flamethrower: the ‘extended tank’, the largest tank in the dlc that can hold 340 ammo.

Make sure you upgrade your flamethrower at the workbench. It is in a small room to the right of the main path, right before the final fight.

You will know where the room that the fight with the blind one takes place in because you will have to crouch to pass, and there will be a slight drop into the room. Make sure you create a manual save right before this point.



When you drop into the room, head over to the nearest corner to your right. I tried several different positions based on other’s tips, but in my opinion, this is the best place to fight off the first wave. You can basically spray the flames from left to right over and over again until the wave ends and the cutscene with the blind one starts; however, I would recommend that you try to not do that as much as possible. Try to just aim at the nosalises as they run up to you; when you begin to get overwhelmed then you can proceed to spray and pray. This is to conserve ammo for when the blind one appears.


This is the part that gave me much trouble. Once you know what to do here, this achievement will be much easier. Right as the cutscene begins, immediately press down on the joystick and move it to the right; this will make it so that you begin to sprint to the right as soon as the cutscene ends so that you avoid the blind one’s first throw.

I tried many other things, and this was the only method that worked successfully multiple times. Crouching won’t work. You need to do this right as the cutscene begins.

Doing this should make you avoid the first (and hopefully only) throw. (If you do get hit, reload your manual save and start over.) Simply spray the blind one with your flames after this. If he begins to get close to you, sprint away and continue to spray. After a while, the room will fog up. You can continue to spray in the blind one’s general direction for a short while afterwards to inflict additional damage.


When the room begins to fog up, reload your flamethrower and sprint back to the corner that you originally were at to take on a much shorter second wave of nosalises. The fog should begin to fade away at the point in which they begin to attack. Just follow the method for the previous wave, and you should be fine. This is a much shorter wave.


When the second wave of nosalises ends and they begin to run away, the blind one will drop into the room once more. It can spawn at either end of the room, probably depending on your location. Once he spawns, spray him with your flamethrower. Again, when he begins to get too close, it would be wise to sprint away from him but don’t spend too much time doing so or he may throw something at you.

Spray him with your flamethrower, and, as soon as he receives enough damage, a cutscene will start in which the blind one attacks you, and you fall into an elevator shaft.

As soon as you leave the elevator shaft, the achievement should unlock. If it doesn’t unlock by the time you reach the area around where the last collectible in the dlc is located, just load your manual save and try again.

If you have any questions or can provide any additional information, please leave a comment. Also, please leave a comment before voting negatively so that I can make any improvements or corrections.

15 Sep 2019 23:02

Great guide. For clarity, I got hit by one of the blind one's melee attacks (but dodged the throwing attacks) and it still unlocked for me.
By RyazTheRasta on 28 Dec 2021 07:39
Thank you for the detailed guide. I also can confirm that getting hit by melee is okay, as long as throw is avoided. BTW this is best done on easy IMO, as staying close prevents the blind one from throwing stuff at you i think, so you might want to be able to sustain getting whacked
By SLISKI JOHNNY on 27 Feb 2023 14:15
Well done, I was getting frustrated with this, your strategy worked first time.
By Captain Heroic on 20 Jun 2023 21:43
By Hugz GT on 03 Aug 2023 02:51
The first hit was the hard part for me, after that, is nothing.
By LAFORGUS on 23 Dec 2023 23:27
If your still having trouble after reading this guide.. refer to MrReign's video:

I was able to beat it few times after watching this, and remember, ITS ONLY THROWING ATTACKS. Crouch during the cutscene, that did it for me.
By Lentilus on 07 Apr 2024 16:01
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Simply keep attacking the blind one with the flamethrower as soon as he makes appearance.

Here are a few things to note:

- If you have the biggest fuel tank upgrade for the flame thrower this will make it ALLOT easier.
- Stay in the right far corner of the room.
- The blind one will throw Nosalis at you, if you get hit - reload the checkpoint

Lord Forbes:
This achievement can be done on Reader difficulty.

Video from YouTube by Reaper Reborn:


21 Aug 2019 14:31

He throws a fuckin monster as soon as he appears and you absolutely must dodge it, the problem is he throws it way too fast and your odds of dodging it are 50/50. Shooting him soon as he appears doesn't work for me. This achievement is horse shit.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 21 Aug 2019 17:20
Are you just crouching to try and dodge the throw at the beginning? I was able to dodge it every time by immediately sprinting to the side as soon as I gained control, then got up close and shot him so he wouldn't throw any more.
By HarpCity on 21 Aug 2019 17:37
About to start this tonight/tomorrow, does checkpoint reload work if you do get hit???
By NoHeroes94 on 21 Aug 2019 17:53
@NoHeroes94 yes it does! laugh
By HarpCity on 21 Aug 2019 18:04

Stay Crouched in the right corner when you come into the room.

I got this first try, didn't realise it was so difficult.
By o IExcision on 21 Aug 2019 18:38
Not difficult, got it done after a handful of fails. I just didn't expect him to throw a Nosalis at you as soon as you regain control of your character.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 21 Aug 2019 18:58
Everyone seems to forget the biggest piece of advice. Right before the last workbench, there is a big flooded optional room you can explore. You will get attacked by a handful of Nosalises, but once they're dead, there's also a body holding the biggest Fuel tank in the DLC. If you equip that tank and the pump that reloads on its own, you will only have to reload once the whole fight, after pushing the Librarian the first time and being alone in the fog.

I disagree with the advice to stand crouching in a corner. It makes your cone of view broader, but so is the angle you have to spray with your weapon.

As you enter, stand in the middle right wall looking inside the room. It will make spraying left and right faster, and your view better. You also won't be trapped. As soon as the Librarian does his scripted animation, spam running right until you do and pay attention if you've taken a hit or not. If not, roast the boss.

After pushing the Librarian once from this position, start reloading and walk either clockwise or anti clockwise to the exact opposite position, middle left wall, and look inside the room again. Kill the wave once reloaded (should be just enough time), and walk towards the Librarian who's gonna drop far away, giving you plenty of time to damage him while walking backwards, staggering him. If you start shooting him when he's too close (from the opposite wall for example), he'll destroy you with a physical attack.

To sum it up, equip the biggest Fuel tank, as you enter, middle right wall, shoot the enemies then the Librarian, reload while going for the opposite wall, shoot the new enemies, then walk towards the Librarian spawn point, and shoot him walking backwards.
By Asturgis on 23 Aug 2019 11:47
@NoHeroes94 That's what got it for me. toast
By Sashamorning on 26 Aug 2019 01:25
I agree with Astutgis. I was having trouble using the normal Fuel tank (3rd one) Went back to the workbench and put on the bigger fuel tank I found earlier (took it off because I thought It would slow down my movement speed) and got the Blind one section done first time. Instead of hugging the wall I just weved up and down the room dodging the nosiloses while reloading. Only had to reload once. toast
By M I K 3 ID v on 26 Aug 2019 21:02
By biegeeinheit on 27 Aug 2019 13:24
Great guide. Just to add, this achievement can be done on Reader difficulty.
By Lord Forbes on 14 Mar 2020 05:52
with xbox, the achivement is unlocked as soon as you fall to the bottom of the the way, i still took hits right at the end got the achivement
By dj nike tou on 08 Oct 2020 23:56
By o IExcision on 15 Oct 2020 13:07
Sorry, but what does "the right corner of the room" mean? There's no reference point.
By Maiden Ty One on 30 Nov 2020 20:22
I can confirm that picking up the final extended mag upgrade for the flamethrower really does make this a whole lot easier. The upgrade is in a flooded room you will pass by not long before the fight. To install the upgrade, you can use a workbench in a tiny room to your right just before you get to the area where the fight takes place. This is also a good place to make a manual save, just in case.

The general idea is to keep up the pressure with your flamethrower so that you don't give the Blind One a chance to throw things at you (besides the first throw which is scripted). Basically, try and kill them as quickly as possible. With the extended mag, this should be a non-issue, as you won't shouldn't have to reload more than once throughout the entire fight.
By Valiant Phoenix on 10 Jul 2021 16:39
For me, I found this quite challenging on normal (took me 4 goes)...I'm not sure if this was written on Reader/Easy or not, but it wasn't quite as simple as just hiding the entire time in the corner for me. IMO there are gaps, but I'll still upvote because the premise of this solution did help overall.

What I did (combination of various people's advise basically):
1) Followed advice to crouched in right corner (i.e the corner you enter the room in) and didn't move. For 1st wave of nosalis I just emptied a clip of flamethrower whilst spraying and praying left to right, right to left, left to right, etc.
2) Do this until you naturally run out of ammo. After this, run around the room clockwise, hugging the wall. If you try and reload in the same corner on normal, you will die. If you run to straight you'll also get killed on normal, for whatever reason running in a circle seemed to work each time. Your flamethrower will reload automatically, and should turn dark(er).
3) At this stage, I'd either have enough time to start firing again or if I got grabbed by nosalis it wouldn't kill me as enough time had passed to trigger the blind one. On this note, I'm pretty sure that the blind one spawn is time-based, not kill-based.
4) When the blind one spawns, I followed HarpCity's advise to just sprint IMMEDIATELY (start doing so before you can physically move) to the right. This worked the twice I needed to do it. After this, pelt the blind one with flamethrower ammo until you run out, or it goes white in the room (whichever happens first, if the latter reload as you run) and go back to the original corner in step 1.
5) Repeat step 1 until the blind one comes back, spraying and praying left to right, right to left etc. the nosalis. This wave seemed quicker the twice I had to do it.
6) Once the blind one respawns, just empty your clip again and keep running and flaming him until he's done for. He will grab you once you've done enough damage. Don't worry if he punches you (logic - nosalis kills you one hit, blind one didn't....laugh, as long as you don't get thrown at as the achievement suggests you should be good. With this method, you should only have to dodge the throw in Step 4.
7) Your achievement won't pop until the cutscene has ended at the end of the elevator shaft. If you didn't get it, just load (not quick load) an older save (has 3 - 4 backed up!)
By NoHeroes94 on 22 Aug 2019 22:27
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You unlock this achievement towards the end of chapter 3, which is effectively the end of the DLC. You will enter a small room via a ramp that is made up of rubble and initially a horde of Nosalises will pour out of the vents to attack you. Survive this first onslaught and a cutscene will trigger where the Blind One appears. This is the enemy you need to avoid the throwing attacks of. It can be somewhat tricky however you can almost control it yourself by being close to it. If you keep your distance, it will be more likely to try and use its throwing attack so you will want to keep close to it. It typically staggers when hit with the flamethrower so putting all of your ammo into it from close range seems to be the way to go.

There is one definite throwing attack that you must avoid, when the Blind One first appears during the cutscene. As you regain control of your character the Blind One will always start the fight by throwing a Nosalises at you so to avoid this start sprinting and looking to the right before you have control so that as soon as you do get control you're moving. From here, get up close and unload your flamethrower into it. If you're playing on Normal this may take longer as the Blind One will have more health, however on Reader I managed to stand basically next to it, absorb all of its attacks while unloading the Flamethrower to kill it very quickly, so if you're struggling with this on Normal or above while attempting "It's just a scratch", it is a viable option to quickly run through the DLC a second time on Reader just to make this much easier, as I did.
~Missable - This happens right at the end and will require a full Chapter replay if you screw it up~

This acts as the final encounter of the chapter. Go all in with a fully upgraded flamethrower and attack immediately as the Blind one appears. Using a full tank of fuel will stop him throwing anything at you as it'll be to busy rolling around on the floor. Do this until the rooms fire control system goes off, the blind one will run away and re-appear shortly after for round two. Do the same again. If you have to reload, just run around in circles as the reload takes a while. This will hopefully be during the time he has ran off.
Video credit: Nekov4ego
Attack with a flamethrower so that he can't throw anything at all. Video

21 Aug 2019 18:55

At the very beginning, I just ran sharply to the side, that’s the only way I managed to win the trophy.
By Torinas on 23 Aug 2019 22:44
When at the beginning of the fight with the gorilla she throws a corpse at you, then at the last moment press to dodge
By Psycholirik on 21 Aug 2019 22:46
At the beginning of the battle he went to the left side of the blind man. Then he approached him closely and hit him with a flamethrower. Don't be afraid of the blind man's melee attacks. When you are next to him, he won’t even be able to throw anything at you.

The trophy is awarded after falling into the elevator shaft and transferring control to the player. Don't forget to make a manual save before the fight.
By Bender on 29 Sep 2020 08:46
I was just standing still in the first scene and he missed. No running left/right, I tried that but it always hit me. Perhaps you can still try to sit on the circle at the last moment, but in general the trophy fell out precisely when he stood rooted to the spot.
By Fanquery on 21 Jun 2021 23:27
Overnoes gave really bad advice... A giant in hand-to-hand combat will knock down with 2-3 hits. Therefore, keep his distance and dodge his throws.
By nicolasprodan on 09 Aug 2023 14:10
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After the cut scene, when the bleeder appears and hits the unfortunate nosy like Goro, get ready to immediately move to the left, and then fry as necessary, fry poorly, maybe he’ll throw it again))

19 Sep 2019 08:03