Monopoly Streets

Monopoly Streets

41 Achievements


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Needs a New Challenge

Needs a New Challenge

Successfully won against 3 hard AI


How to unlock the Needs a New Challenge achievement in Monopoly Streets - Definitive Guide

The method above did not work very well for me. I figured out a way to set the rules and it worked on my first try.

Begin by creating a custom set of rules. I'm going to only list the rules I changed, all the others will be on their default setting because I found no need to change them.

Game Setup Rules
Starting Cash: 2500
Starting Properties: N/A
Starting Property Distribution: N/A
Auction Timer: 10 (But maybe more if you're not a quick thinker
Use Speed Die: On

Gameplay Rules
Just change "Always Auction" to "On"
Everything else should be fine on it's default settings

Board and Property Rules
Salary for Passing GO: 500
Double Salary for landing on GO: On

Game Ending Rules
Win Condition: Most Color Groups
When # Players Bankrupt: All Others
Game Ends in # Turns: Off
When # Color Groups Acquired: 1
When a player has # Total Worth: Off

Now once the game starts it doesn't matter what order you are because the properties will always be auction off no matter who lands on it.

The winning condition is acquiring 2 color groups. I personally when for the Utilities (as the computer will put down relatively low bets on these properties) and then got lucky and acquired the Brown properties. This took me less that 5 minutes to accomplish. However, you should figure out and strategize your approach and adjust accordingly as the game progresses.

Just remember that if it's not a color group you're going for make the computer pay as much for it as possible and also watch out for one of the CPU players to try and snag a color group early on as should you.

So I think that is all pretty clear, this is my first solution post so if anything is unclear find me on XBL and I'll explain it more.

NOTE: XxChiCubs32xX posted in the comments below that he/she accidently put it on one color group to win; I don't remember being able to do this but if it is possible then definitely do it as it will shortin the length of the game.

UPDATE: It has been confirmed that XxChiCubs32xX was right and you can set the game to one color group.

04 Jan 2011 07:34

10 minute game. thanks
By PHARREAL87 on 04 Feb 2013 18:20
This was a real good idea, thanks. :)
By youre efffed on 06 Jan 2011 20:51
Works a treat took 5-10 mins nice job HighT3
By Rhino Van Dam on 02 Feb 2011 21:47
great solution...took 5 mins because i accidentally put it on 1 color group needed to win and managed to snag all 3 light blues on everyone's first roll. Thanks for the idea.
By XxChiCubs32xX on 10 Feb 2011 17:52
PERFECT!!! Works a charm and setting it to ONE colour group for a win is even handier!! Thanks to both HighT3chR3dn3ck and XxChiCubs32xX =)
By assassinDMG on 20 Feb 2011 22:29
Nice one, managed to get this and eggs in one basket on the first attempt :)
By Darklights on 30 Mar 2011 08:09
This is exactly what I did, except I put it on 1 color group to win. :)
By on 02 Apr 2011 09:11
I also did the "one color group to win" scenario. :-) That notwithstanding: this is a pretty slam-dunk sort of setup. Five minutes' effort and I had this down. Not sure I would have easily sussed this out by myself; thanks much for sharing such a quality solution.
By youhas ahoy on 07 May 2011 11:01
Maybe you should adjust this setting in your solution: "When # Color Groups Acquired: 2" and change it to 1 ;) Great solution anyway and you got my positive vote ;)
By The Fury I84I on 24 May 2011 17:48
THANK YOU!!! One group win was the ticket!!!
By Mo the Surfer on 29 May 2011 04:35
Wow, thanks for that! With the Color Groups Acquired set to 1 I got it first try in about 5 minutes. Was a little worried when I saw this one but that made it simple.
By Bill 13 on 10 Aug 2011 05:10
Thanks worked great also got the achievement for winning under 20mins yay =)
By Lil Miss Cherry on 25 Aug 2011 22:16
Thankyou very much - 1 colour group - Light Blues all owned on the first spins - +1
By SSCP on 16 Sep 2011 15:49
Excellent solution, netted me the Win A Game In Under 20 Mins achievement too!
By MattyJWest on 07 Nov 2011 03:07
great solution, only took less than 10. when i was doing this regularly the AI would cheat so bad thank you
By Mgd226921 on 14 Jan 2012 14:20
this doesn't work for me - i have won 6 games and no pop - wonder if its glitched for me.. gutted
By NicolaM1985 on 25 Feb 2012 15:19
got it now woohoo - not glitched afterall
By NicolaM1985 on 28 Feb 2012 23:43
Worked like a charm! thank you :)
By Neveah03 on 18 Jul 2012 01:48
Took me 4 tries, but I got it! The AI is too dumb to keep the others from getting the final property in a color group sometimes. So you need a little luck on your side, but it works. Thanks!
By OzzysShadyDisco on 10 Aug 2012 21:14
By O4OUR on 09 Oct 2012 19:42
Worked like a charm, 1 group to win, bought just the utilities while running up the bids for the A.I.
By xZx Moose 74 on 16 Dec 2012 04:54
Just to add, if you have a 10 second auction timer, the AI will only ever bid up to 434, so hammer the A button to 440 knowing that you are guaranteed to win.
By Pete 924 on 01 Nov 2012 23:33
Perfect solution - thanks!
By justG0Twicked on 04 Jul 2013 23:03
Worked like a charm, got the light blue ones in two turns! 1+
By Ninja Horsee on 14 Jul 2013 11:47
Fantastic solution. Got all the light blues before I even got around the board.
By MrZombieChicken on 08 Dec 2013 04:05
can confirm it works with 1 set owned. very easy to do, not time consuming either lol
By scntyboy on 23 Jan 2015 20:27
Perfect solution! Only took me 5 minutes to get the brown ones. First one costed me around 300, second one quickly brought the bid up to 800 to ensure i'd get it :D
By The Djens on 12 Aug 2015 17:14
Perfect took about 5 minutes!
By Doomsday1974 on 03 May 2013 05:52
You sir, rock! The shithead with the Hat was rigged to screw me over with every property. He couldn't stop increasing his offers thus almost won the game. I had no money left over when I outbid for my last property but could mortgage my other properties to make up the price. I won with 2 utilities.
By TitleInLarge on 08 Feb 2014 15:10
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This is by no means a "surefire" way, but it gives a good chance of winning against 3 Hard AI.

Play a Bull Market game and set all three AI to Hard. A Bull Market game ends after 20 rounds.

Make sure you win the toss to start first. If not, quit and restart.

This game mode will begin with forced auctions on ALL properties, as oppose to official game rules. Concentrate on bidding only on the following color groups (in order of importance):

- light blue
- pink
- brown

Ignore all other properties. Try to keep at least $850 with you though. If you don't have enough to keep $850, forgo the brown properties.

During the bidding, try to trick the AI into paying more for other properties even if you don't want them. Do so by bidding close to the leading bidder, and then lowering your bid at the last minute. This is to make them spend more and lower their cash flow.

Since you're the first to throw the dice, do so, and upon completing the move, immediately build all the light blue properties into hotels with your $850.

With some luck, one or more AI may just land on your light blue properties, and start paying to you excessive rent. The AI are aggressive in auctions, and most, if not all of them should be left with very little money after the auctions, not helped by you tricking them into bidding more earlier. Landing on your light blue properties should force them to mortgage a few properties.

If you manage to bankrupt a player, all his/ her properties will belong to you, which increases your net worth.

Once you get rent from the light blue properties, build houses (and hotels if you've more money) on the pink properties. With some luck, the players who landed on light blue properties may even hit the pink ones, which should immediately bankrupt them. Continue to build on the brown houses once you're done with the pink.

Basically, as often as you get money, build houses and hotels on all your monopolies. The more you build, the higher the chances that the AI will land on them and pay you rent.

Obviously, this still has a lot to do with the luck of the dice, but as long as one player lands on your light blue properties, you should have a healthy net worth lead that should help you hold on for 20 rounds.

I managed to bankrupt two players (one of them bankrupted on Turn 2 after landing on both my light blue and pink properties!) by Turn 8 doing the above, and rode all the way to the 20th turn with a $4,000+ lead on net worth over the last AI to win the game easily.

Alternatively, you may want to just hold on to the hotels of the three color groups, and not build anymore. This is in case you get hit by a Chance/ Community Chest card that requires you to pay maintenance on your houses and hotels. Even without additional houses and hotels, you should be able to ride out 20 rounds.

If you've more tips, please comment and I'll add them in.

One more thing that I forgot to add earlier: after bankrupting an AI and taking over his/ her properties, another AI may initiate a trade to try to form a monopoly for him/ herself. You know what to do... blatantly refuse! :)

16 Nov 2010 03:45

This worked like a charm first time, Just made sure I won light blue and pink, built 3 houses on all blues and 2 on all pinks right off the bat and spanked the computer.
By CougarSlayer530 on 19 Nov 2010 07:24
Excellent solution. I can't believe the AI paid $550 for 1 railroad :) I had over $1000 in cash after the auction bidding and hotels on lite blue and 2 houses on each purple. Bankrupted 1 player on its 1st turn so it was smooth sailing from there. Thumbs up on this one.
By Necromancer2k8 on 20 Nov 2010 16:56
Thanks so much for this! After losing 4 times trying to get this on a Short Game, I came on here, saw your solution, and followed what you said to a T. It worked like a charm! :)
By AmaTIGRESS on 23 Nov 2010 02:28
Brilliant guide, worked first time for me (took 4 attempts to roll 1st though). I still had £1,100 left after the auction and bankrupted everyone before i'd even got round the board :o)
By Rusty3538 on 01 Jan 2011 15:22
Great guide, cheers :)
By Team Brether on 02 Jan 2011 02:13
Glad it worked for most. As I said it's not a foolproof method, but the chances of winning is pretty high. Just helped a friend got this on her xbox as well. I think I'm getting pretty good at this, haha.
By neeker75 on 12 Jan 2011 02:08
worked a treat thumbs up from me m8
By grundog82 on 22 Jan 2011 08:55
Worked perfectly, thanks! :)
By zigs00 on 02 Feb 2011 16:37
Got lucky. Got all the light blue and the royal blues. Ended up getting the win in under 20 minutes as well. First time too.
By DcupsOfJustice on 13 Jun 2011 00:58
Excellent strategy.
By iksolokos on 11 Jul 2011 13:44
Great solution, worked like a treat
By SILVERsifDURFER on 20 Jul 2011 21:53
Awesome solution, I tweaked it a little when I played with some custom rules to give me some more control (Although this way you definitely need to go first!)
Make hotels available = 20
Make houses available = 16
Then on your first turn (after winning the 3 sets) Put 4 houses on each of blues and 2 on each brown. This way computers cannot build up their sets because no houses are available.
When you have the money, you can then put hotels on the blues (to free up the houses), hotels on the pinks then remove the hotels from the blues before hitting save (won't cost anything until you hit save). This will allow you to continue to build up but block the AI.
Just make sure the houses count is 0 each time you do any adjustments.

Takes a little while, but it is more or less a sure thing. Good luck!
By themadass on 08 Feb 2013 09:28
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I literally just did this, I didn't even think it'd work but I popped the achievement!


IMPORTANT: 4 CONTROLLERS AND SECONDARY PROFILES REQUIRED, you can simply use "Player1" type profiles they don't have to be Xbox Live Silver/Gold.

So let's get started shall we? First, setting up the rules.

Step 1: Rules

I was using a Custom Game build from another solution so here's that build:

I set up a custom speed die game for mine with speed die turned on for the start, also turned off all tax so you dont have to pay anything and made get out of jail free to, also you want to start off with all properties delt out

once you start the game you want to mortgage everything so you can keep going round and round the board without accidently running out of money.

(Credit to angelicdevil88,
MONOPOLY StreetsLucky ThreesThe Lucky Threes achievement in MONOPOLY Streets worth 22 pointsRolled Triples

Then I modified it for the Tax achievement, simply turning Tax on to the maximum under custom rules.

NOTE: If you wish, you can also modify how many houses and hotels are allowed maximum (to bankrupt the other players faster).

Step 2: Setting up for Victory

Now, what you want to do is make sure ALL 4 CONTROLLERS have a profile signed into them. Start up the game, roll your all the properties that belong to each individual player to the main profile (in return from the main profile, just give them "$1"). After all properties belong to the main profile, wait until the game saves and then back out of it.

User sspeakeasy has this to say:

It works swimmingly. If this is the specific achievement you would like, follow all the steps but also trade with the three players so that all they have is $1 to their names. Then follow the steps and the hard AI will jump in and bankrupt immediately and you have you achievement (confirmed on my wife's account, Hell Toupee).
Step 3: The Good Stuff

Sign out Each Profile from the extra controllers EXCEPT the main one. You do not need to disconnect any controllers, but you MUST sign out the profiles otherwise the game will load you back up with human players.

This will force the game to place AI players in for the now unavailable players when you reload your save game (as the warning says). Apparently, these players are set to Hard (as I unlocked my achievement at the end of this run) but basically here's what you do from here:

Step 4: Mopup other Achievements or Go Straight for the Gold

Option A:

If you're going for ANY other achievements (luck based ones like Three Triples, Rolled a 15, etc.) MORTGAGE ALL OF YOUR PROPERTIES and just keep rolling the die until you pop what you need (including the Jail ones, make sure to pay attention if you get into Jail to get those Doubles to get out). Along the way if you get a BUS, use that to move yourself either into Jail or into the Tax section (so you can work on the 1200 TAX achievement).

Option B:

If all you need is this achievement, Add Hotels to whatever properties you want and then houses to the remaining properties. Now, just roll the dice whenever your controller vibrates and let the game play out automatically. There's no way you're lose (unless you're highly unlucky and somehow end up paying so much tax out of your ass that you do bankrupt yourself) and they'll all gradually become bankrupt themselves.

After the last player bankrupts, achievement unlocks! If you followed sspeakeasy's suggestion, then each player will become bankrupt after one turn each (as they'll most likely land on one of your properties) so the Hotels won't be needed.

=) I hope this works for everyone else, I honestly wasn't expecting it and was just doing a test run but it sure as hell worked! GOOD LUCK!

02 Aug 2013 20:43

If this works, I'll give you a positive vote, but I'm also going to suggest editing it to manipulate the game by selling the three players one of your pieces of property for all their money and then buying it back for $1 so that when you sign them out the AI starts with $1 and no property so you save much more time.
By sspeakeasy on 07 Aug 2013 09:07
It works swimmingly. If this is the specific achievement you would like, follow all the steps but also trade with the three players so that all they have is $1 to their names. Then follow the steps and the hard AI will jump in and bankrupt immediately and you have you achievement (confirmed on my wife's account, Hell Toupee).
By sspeakeasy on 07 Aug 2013 09:40
I'm glad it worked for you as well =) I edited the solution to credit your suggestion. This way if the only achievement they need is this one, they can get it in minutes by having each of the other players bankrupt themselves in one turn a piece.
By TVthePunisher on 07 Aug 2013 17:38
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Start a game with 3 computer players set to HARD AI and win. After you complete the game and win, the trophy will pop!

There are many different strategies on doing this (check replies in this thread and other posts in the forum), but the easiest I've found is this:

Start a game with the Bull Market rules set. When the game begins, all the properties will start getting auctioned off. Try to pick up the light blue (Oriental, Vermont & Connecticut) & purple St.Charles, States, & Virginia) groups for as cheap as you can. Normally if you get one of those to start, you can get the rest for around the normal price as the computer won't bid too high after that first one. Also, if you can get Baltic & Mediterranean as well, that's just another bonus, but don't speed too much to get them. With the other properties, keep raising your bid on them so it forces the computer to bid higher and higher on them (but don't bid too much that you are forced to buy it yourself as you want to save your money) and try to get all of them to start with basically nothing money wise. After your first turn, start building houses on those properties (put the most on the ones your opponents are closest to for max chance of them landing on them). Keep playing the game and adding houses to those properties and do what you can to avoid theirs.

By doing it this way, by the time you reach the 20 rounds played to end the game, most of the time you will have had them land on those properties quite a few times and with houses and hotels on them, it will boost your worth alot with the rent they will be paying and push you past everyone else to win. I've tried this method 5 times already, and won 4 of the 5 with the only loss coming because I kept landing on Go To Jail so I rarely passed GO for the extra cash.

An easy way to get this achievement is in the Bull Market game mode. The rules are simple, have the highest total value for all 20 moves.

We launch the game with the Bull Market rules and select 3 Hard AI opponents.

You need to buy all the blue and brown streets as cheaply as possible, and pink ones as well.

Then you have to buy houses for them, as many as possible, and if you’re lucky, you’ll also buy hotels. Now we’re just playing and waiting for the moment when the dudes pass the field forward and end up on your streets.

18 Aug 2011 15:35