Monster Train

Monster Train

53 Achievements

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Master of the Pyre

Master of the Pyre

Score at least 50,000 points in a Daily Challenge.


How to unlock the Master of the Pyre achievement in Monster Train - Definitive Guide

This is more of a tip than a guide but it has worked for me and I'm not very good at the game.

You can retry the daily challenge an unlimited number of times within the 24 hour period. What I did was find a person on the daily high score that had 50,000+ points and review their run details. I took note of the artifacts and cards/upgrades they had then tried to replicate the run myself.

Since the run is always generated exactly the same every time you restart it you can easily learn from your mistakes and retry it. If your battles don't go well just quit to main menu and then resume. The battle will restart and cards will be drawn in the same order as before so it is very predictable and forgiving.

You will have to enable all trials and not take any damage to get enough points for a 50,000 total.

24 Dec 2020 03:37

For anyone waiting for a good day to do this, today (March 5th 2021) is the day for sure!

None of the mutators will mess you up (+2 ember, an acceptable champion swap, and a pre-chosen but good path). It took me two tries where I focused on adding multistrike to Shadowsiege monsters and duplicating them. I discarded all but 4 shadowsieges and used the Sketches of Slavation to put all 4 of them on the middle floor at the start of the battle. It was a pretty good strategy and I scored right above 50,000 with it but other players did even better (> 57,000) so there are probably other good ways to build up the decks. You get to multiply a card 5 times pretty early on so there are probably some good magic based strats too.

If you miss today, my overall strategy for completing this achievement was log in each day and check the challenge leaderboard. Multiple people scoring 50,000+ was a generally a good sign but today was the first day I had seen with so many high scoring runs all at one. Good luck!
By Kumekerion on 05 Mar 2021 20:18
This is an awesome tip! I just have two bits of additional information to support this otherwise perfect guide!

1) Try to stick to someone who got 50k with about 15 cards. MUCH easier to reconstruct their pathing this way.

2) Read the person youre trying to learn/shadow/clone their run of. See the numbers on the right, and try to match their "x-turn boss rush" % gain. To do this, you need to count which floor they kill the last boss on. This can be a little difficult to decode but its more than possible.

If the score reads "3-turn rush: 30%" that likely means they faced the wave boss on the base of the train (the entry point). This is likely the case for all of the filler trials (the ones between major bosses).

For Talos, Archus and Seraph it's a bit different because they have can be killed sooner than the end of the waves. They typically take 3 floors to get to the top so just add the number of waves to the 3 to get which floor they need to be beat on.

For me, I had to kill Talos with the bonus "5-turn rush: 50%" meaning I needed to beat her on the second floor, 2 waves before she resets and peruses the Pyre floor in order to get the 4,500 points needed for the 50k. That comes out to 2 extra waves + the 3 floors she needs to get to the top of the train.

tl;dr- The end wave or boss needs to be killed on particular floor for enough bonus points to be awarded. Bosses have patterns read them and try to match the floor they were beat on. If the fight goes on too long, just reset and retry, you likely wont get enough points without these bonuses.

I wish I was better at describing this stuff but ask questions! I can help you get this!
By ShadowRaven9 on 31 Mar 2021 04:14
For me, the difference between getting 49,000 and getting over 50,000 was doing a trial. If you're going for this achievement you'll have a good understanding of how difficult each level is. Doing a trial on an a mid tier level gave me a 50% bonus for it which was worth like 3,000.
By Fox Hunts on 11 Jan 2021 04:25
Todays challenge appears to be one of the easier ones to get it. My first run was hopeless as I didn't quite understand how to work around the 4 x instant unit placement on the second floor so I took a look at the 50k runs on the leaderboards and it appeared they were either running some sort of frostbite deck or focus on spell weakness. I went with spell weakness option. Offering Monument was an absolute key unit, give it as much +health as possible and use it to cycle 0 cost spells over and over, combined with Energy Siphon with Double Stack and Holdover.

With a small deck you can just cycle spell weakness over and over and then hit the bosses on the first turn. I ended up taking loads of Pyre damage on the way, down to 13 health at one point, but the bonuses for killing all 3 main bosses on turn 1 or 2 ended up giving me enough for 54k.
By Wobblo on 26 Jan 2021 16:03
Thanks Leap of Faith!
By MastaGus on 29 Jan 2021 17:04
Thanks Leap of Faith!
By BigMes on 29 Jan 2021 20:38
worked like a charm for today :) tried to copy the number 1s route and just managed to beat 50K
By Davin0th on 06 Mar 2021 00:20
Good shout by Kuekerion! Got it first go with 50,700
By JonoTheLad on 06 Mar 2021 07:38
A big help is control cards - cards that let you descend units. I just won this and I killed Seraph super early by forcing her to descend down to my kill floor every single round until she was dead, several rounds before her combat phase began.

Mentioning that here because I got through every other achievement never bothering with control cards, but they're invaluable here.
By StevesTurn on 15 Apr 2021 03:12
FYI i had a good run(s) yesterday but came up short, but here is what i found out.
A perfect run (no health lost) and doing all additional trials, and killing the 3 bosses on the bottom floor netted me 45,000 points.

i really dont think you can get this without killing the 1 or more of the bosses before the final stage, you might even need 2.
By rocking23nf on 07 May 2021 16:22
finally got it yesterday, i was about to give up, squeaked by with 50,200. the way that worked for me was a bunch of spell weakness cards on the final boss with some supped up damage spells. he has a lot of HP to take down early.
By rocking23nf on 19 May 2021 14:06
Easy 50k today! Just copy the first place. Did it the first try.
By Hxrbivore on 19 May 2021 16:06
Today is pretty doable, just got it. Make sure to get the 100 attack one and soup him up with quick and multistrike. Get the one that gives armour every turn and get the health upgrades twice. Later down the line remove the frost spells and doublestack the spell weakness cards (i had three all upgraded in the end), i never duplicated any cards so it is not necessary. Only struggle will be the first couple stages.

Remember the most important thing: Back out to the main menu if a fight goes bad so you can retry from the beginning!
By darkling1542 on 14 Jul 2021 20:13
If someone would be nice enough to message me if you end up getting the 50k on a certain day I would really appreciate it.

Edit: I missed it on 9/8/21. Thank you to those who messaged me. Please continue to message me if you notice this!

Edit Edit: I have this now, thank you so much for the notifications!
By Tandar1 on 30 Aug 2021 14:51
Oct 24, 2021 - Top 12 (as of this post) have 50K or greater.
By Edward Antonym on 24 Oct 2021 20:52
Today is pretty easy
By Tandar1 on 07 Nov 2021 03:41
Today is doable
By bryan dot exe on 08 Jan 2022 23:54
Also another tip, the first run is what is on the leaderboard. When I won it, the leaderboard showed me at 11k since that was my first posted attempt. Don't be discouraged if you check a day, and you don't see any 50k scores. If it's 46k+ there's a good chance it's doable and that person may have gotten 50k+ on another attempt.
By BigBaldNBearded on 03 Mar 2022 16:49
Todays is easy if anyone still looking
By Stene96 on 08 May 2022 22:19
One of the more frustrating achievements I've done in a bit. Had to check daily for mutators that were not too bad. Day I unlocked it Primary clan was Hellhorned. I went with an Apex Imp/Armour build. Had a few Apex Imps and kept getting cards that maxxed out armour.
By neocringer on 21 Jun 2022 18:33
Finally caught one! Today's doable for all skill levels IMO. You don't need to go infinite with railspike like the top scores, simply put multistrike on you big guy, dupe it every chance you get and have 0 cost cards that move units for the final boss to get a big score boost.

- Sketches of salvation (default mod)
- Shadowsiege (upgrade and dupe)
- Furnace tap (extra damage)
- Cave in (make it 0 cost)

T-19 hours and counting.
By Healtti on 30 Sep 2022 16:25
I ran the daily a second time just to confirm the strat and managed over 50k once more. The bottom line is that your deck must be potent enough to kill Seraph at or before 4 enemy waves remaining, accomplishing a 7-turn boss rush. When fighting Seraph every extended round costs 900pts in %multiplier. Unless you have saved gold to offset this you'll land just below the 50k mark if the fight goes longer than that.
By Healtti on 30 Sep 2022 18:10
Please message me if anyone notes an easy day for non-DLC owners!
By JackBlaise on 18 Dec 2022 10:57
Yeah I wish there was a system put in place to update everyone on easier days. Even with the DLC this is tough.
By Jazernocsuh on 29 Dec 2022 22:48
Did it today and wasn't really hard. Just looked for the first on the leaderboard who score 55k and copied his deck during the journey
By CommanderKeen11 on 22 Jan 2023 00:35
It's doable today (6th feb 23).

Wasn't too bad, just have to focus on Frostbite.
By Lypruck on 06 Feb 2023 19:53
Since this is leaving game pass soon I figured I’d drop a request for someone to share a basic outline for a successful run in the next week or so. I only started playing today, but I’ll update this with my own run if I manage to get it naturally.

Edit: for what it’s worth, I also managed to get it tonight (12/27)
By Aethra on 22 Dec 2023 08:05
Completed just now. Pretty tough (only got 50,155!), but doable. You need to be able to kill Seraph very quickly using spell weakness/crucible nuke. Got a bit lucky and won on turn 4
By BioFire64 on 27 Dec 2023 22:46
also got it today. i copied the top scores deck. use burnout rector flicker instead of reform. collect everything to stack spell weakness on bosses and then nuke them with ice tornado (first 2) and ancient synergy (final boss) to win. aim for 3-turn win (boss on lowest floor) for first boss and 7-turn wins (4 waves remaining) for the final two. if you can do better, great. i actually messed up and took damage on one of the non-boss levels which lost me 2k but the deck i copied is so generous (almost 52k) that i was able to do everything else right and use an extra 300 coins to put me 95 points over the limit
By Mario04253101 on 27 Dec 2023 23:25
Yesterday's run was impossible. But today's is doable. The trick to today's is stacking Rage on Animus of Will. Ended up with boss rushes of 5 and 7, and a final score of over 51000, so there's some leeway, but as always, not a lot.
Also pay attention to using the Ascend mechanics on the bosses so that they get hit more frequently. In the end the Champion is fodder, rooting enemies on the ground floor so they don't take up the hits from Animus that need to land on Seraph. Good luck.
By Xpovos on 29 Dec 2023 18:55
Today was a really easy run, got it on my second try, since the train path is always the same for everyone it's a lot easier to replicate the first place
By RGregorioBR on 29 Dec 2023 20:17
I'll just confirm that you're probably not just going to need to avoid taking damage and enable all the trials. You're going to need to also kill the second and third big bosses before the final turn, you need two 5-7 turn boss rushes.

I finally did it today after trying many tries on days where several people had over 50k. Today's run was particularly easy because I had over 2100g left for an extra 2100 pts with the Moneybags bonus gold mutator.

Today's run allowed for stacking spell weakness and dropping big spells on the boss. This seems like it will be the easiest type of deck to aim for because in order to kill the bosses early you're going to need to take massive chunks of health off. Frostbite decks might also be good if you can ramp it up fast enough. Yesterday or the day before there was an overgorger with double multistrike that I couldn't get to work, but the top score had his multigorger at 300x3 and multiple Furnace Taps for extra multistrikes. You get the picture.
By CorporatePit254 on 01 Sep 2023 01:33
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Just FYI:

If you are really struggling with this, or there haven't been any high-scoring challenges lately (some days it is impossible to score over 50k, as you can see from the leaderboards), and you don't mind spending a bit of money, you can get this really easily with 'The Last Divinity' DLC.

The DLC adds a new final boss after Seraph, which is another opportunity to score more points... a LOT of points.

On the DLC leaderboards, it is not uncommon to see people scoring 70k, 80k, close to 90k points, whereas in the base game, 50k is an EXTREMELY good score, and you basically have to do everything perfectly. With the DLC and extra boss, you have a lot more room for error.

External image

If you don't want to spend any money, that's totally understandable, please refer to the other great solution that has already been posted toast Just thought I'd throw this out there for anyone who already owns the DLC or is really wanting to get the achievement.

Also, I thought the DLC is awesome, even though it doesn't add any new achievements. I have over 100 hours on this game and can't stop playing smile

Happy gaming!

27 Sep 2021 06:59

1 Comment
Maybe I'm just stupid, but this is still really hard.
By Jazernocsuh on 19 Oct 2022 17:22