Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat

51 Achievements


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My Kung Fu Is Strong

My Kung Fu Is Strong

Gain Mastery of 1 Fighter


How to unlock the My Kung Fu Is Strong achievement in Mortal Kombat - Definitive Guide

Requirements to become Mastery of a Fighter include:

100 Wins / Victories
150 X-Ray
100 ~alities (Any form of finishing move)
10,000 Pints of Blood Spilled
24 hours play time with that char

For this achievement, you only need 1 Character to get all these stats.

You can check the progress in the Nekropolis in the Krypt (Which unlocks after purchasing 10-15 tombs). After unlocking it, you can access it right from the menu without going to the Krypt. Once in the Nekropolis, select your character and choose the View Stats option to see your progress.

Some shortcuts to speed up the progress include:

24 hour playtime: Plug in a Wired controller, go into Team Battle Training, and select 2 chars you want to gain time with. Go to sleep / work / outside, come back and the timer will keep on running. Cheap, but effective.

All the stats carry over from Online / Offline modes (so 20 wins online with Scorpion + 80 Arcade wins will unlock that portion of the achievement). The only mode that doesnt count towards these achievements is the Tutorials (including Fatality Tutorial) and the Tower Challenge (Wins don't count, everything else counts though).

20 Apr 2011 02:15

By the way, Crazy, I think it might save time if you do stage fatalities on the Pit. Feels shorter to me than most others.
By Dingo Salad on 02 Jun 2011 10:58
why the fuck are people whining about guides for boosting an achievement on an achievement website, in fact why are you even signed up to TA in the first place you fucking mongoloid.

and thanks SIMulator8101 for solving the little glitch problem
By Bashford on 28 Jun 2011 18:50
This achievement takes a lot of time! And this with all fighters!!!
By I N00B SAIB0T I on 20 Apr 2011 13:47
So you have to do ALL of those things to become a master with that fighter? Jesus Christ...can't wait to do that with EVERY one...
By Angel ManFreddy on 20 Apr 2011 15:57
Wow they already found a dumbass way to breeze through a finally awesome achievement in a game. People just can't play a game right anymore.
By Auston53 on 20 Apr 2011 19:13
Yeah u should really dedicate 800 hours to one achievement, wise up! That tag team method has saved me 300 odd hours, thank you!
By Molloy2006 on 20 Apr 2011 22:39
Of course, we finally have a great game with a great achievement list, and we already have ways to fly past one of the best achievements we've got to see in a while. Learn to play to game right, not make everything easy. If you want easy I can redirect you to My Horse and Me 2. I think those are achievements that might fit your liking.
By OMDizzy on 21 Apr 2011 01:01

You can go ahead and waste your valuable life time on an achievement, while the smart people boost it. Did you know you only live for so long? LOL
By WifelikeDrip on 21 Apr 2011 01:34
You can't really boost this that much since you still need 100 Fatalities / Finishers, and you only get those via Arcade Ladder, Online, and some Tower Challenges. So the only thing half-way decent to boost would be the 24hr playtime for the character, and possibly a few Xray attacks...
By Crazy 0067 on 21 Apr 2011 01:38
@ WifelikeDrip

Or we could just enjoy the game for what it's worth and, believe it or not, it will come over time. I don't plan on putting this game down anytime soon, and I fail to see why you would put down such a good game either. To each their own though. Have fun boosting everything that takes a little bit of skill.
By OMDizzy on 21 Apr 2011 02:12
@Elanix playing for 24 hrs doesn't take skill, it takes time - TOO much time in terms of the "My Kung Fu is Stronger" achievement.
By Angel ManFreddy on 21 Apr 2011 02:19

I provided the solution (for the WHOLE community) with some boosting tips for the people that choose to use them. please rate the solution as one that answers how to unlock this achievement, not on your feelings of whether or not this should be boosted. If you feel the solution is wrong, please provide some comments to improve it. If not, please create a forum post or start a blog to discuss your distaste for boosting...
By Crazy 0067 on 21 Apr 2011 03:22
Lol Dave, you tell him.
By Saikred on 21 Apr 2011 11:19
Saying that you save time on a game by boosting etc. makes you sound stupid. It's a video game, not life. Gaming is a recreational hobby, not a job. You can't save time on a game. You don't play a board game with your family and say "Hold on honey, let me look up a guide on how to beat this fast." I don't care if this is an achievement site. I play games to have fun. I'm tired of people never playing for fun anymore. Get real.
By Auston53 on 21 Apr 2011 19:37
This is a great guide & props for writing it down! A person doesnt have to boost using this method but its by far the best option! Sometimes the only way to getting an achievement is by boosting unfortunatly!
By ArcadiaSkies on 09 Sep 2011 11:28
EDIT: Actually I just got the achievement. For some reason if 24 hours is the last thing you need, it will not pop up when idling in Tag practice. So I simply started a ladder match with my character and won the first fight, and viola, it popped up.
By SIMulator8101 on 02 May 2011 01:43
worst guide ever... you help me get rid of that 24 hour bull, i hate you. screw this solution, screw Mortal Kombat you all suck.

+1 i love mk and this guide :)
By prokop on 22 Apr 2011 00:25
When I get this game I'll deffinetly give a thumbs up, good solution. I'll most likely end up doing the tag method because I don't have enough skill to sit down and play for 67830947 hours :)
By HarrySon9 on 22 Apr 2011 01:29
I know isn't it terrible when you actually have to spend time on a game. You know for now on they should just make every game where you only have to press start and you get all of the achievements. :) That'll finally shut everyone up and they won't be miserable anymore.
By Auston53 on 22 Apr 2011 04:06
This achivement is for dedicated gamers brilliant idea, I love achievements but one's that take time and dedication all for it!
By I SC077Y I on 22 Apr 2011 12:57
Add a full-time job and a family, and sometimes I am lucky to get 5 hours in a week! Life obligations have to come before video games, so I appreciate time-saving shortcuts when they are available.

Another tip would be to set the matches to 1 round, making finishing moves and wins faster. Changing the time could get you wins faster, but you would lose the chance for finishing moves.

If it's too fast for you, change the rounds to the max or try to do the whole thing in Ranked matches (if you are that hardcore!)
By ScuzzyBunny on 22 Apr 2011 15:13
Does anyone know if you do tag matches if the finishing move counts for both? I know the win does, but there is no point to having 100 wins if only 1 fighter gets the credit for a finishing move.
By ScuzzyBunny on 22 Apr 2011 15:14
Ok, first of all you don't have to play the game for your 129 days. You do realize you get to choose what game to put in your console. Don't get the game if you don't want to play it. You people act like your forced to play a game. And if you care about your families so much then why don't you spend time with them instead of being on xbox.
By Auston53 on 22 Apr 2011 16:12
Auston, be quiet ... Where did they say they didn't want to play it? They didn't, they just don't want to spend hundreds of hours (and I imagin at 5 hours a night that would take a LONG time).

Everyone agree's this is an awesome game we're all going to have fun with, but you know what else is awesome? Achievements. And they, or this guide, by no way mean nobody isn't enjoying this game.

So please get off your high horse and shut up.

Thumbs up to the guide!!
By Dynosaw on 23 Apr 2011 03:49
Thumbs up just to piss of the people complaining about the guide.
By AttackingMVP on 23 Apr 2011 19:03
auston53, your retardedness amazes me.
By ClaytThaGreat on 23 Apr 2011 21:52
Thank you.
By Auston53 on 24 Apr 2011 04:13
You said "of", AttackingMVP. I think you meant "off".
By OMDizzy on 24 Apr 2011 08:05
Mastered all of scorpions stuff and chevo didnt
By l DNAngel l on 01 May 2011 23:04
^^ Same here. I mastered all of Noob Saibot's stuff and nothing popped. First I did the 10,000 pints of blood followed by the x-rays, fatalities, and wins. The last thing I did was 24 hours. It says 1 day, 2 hours, and 9 minutes, but then when I check the achievements, it hasn't unlocked. What gives? Anyone help, please.

By SIMulator8101 on 02 May 2011 01:29
Same thing happened to me. Thanks SIM.
By Dingo Salad on 02 Jun 2011 10:56
Scrolled thru and didn't see it mentioned and this may be a dumb question, but hell I'm the king of dumb Does story mode count for any of these?
By B8TINGU on 28 Jan 2016 02:49
Any advice for those playing on a Series X in 2023?
By DavidTB415 on 16 Oct 2023 21:37
just checking out the chevs for this game before i get it i will give you a thumbs up and to all the people who are bitching about this guide get a life every who uses this site plays for fun and enjoys gaming but they also enjoy getting achievements wether they are hard or easy and that is what this site is all about helping people get achievements while they enjoy there games if you dont like it dont use the site but then again you people wouldnt have anything better to do in your life other then complain about a helpfull solution WANKERS
By ProudBowdy on 21 Apr 2011 23:12
@ all the complainers

First of all, you realize that getting this achievement the correct way means playing this game for 648 hours? For someone like me, who only gets to game about 4-5 hours per night, and not even every night, that means I'll have to play this game for 129 days straight, which is roughly 4 months, in order to get this achievement. And that means skipping Brink, Portal 2, Duke Nukem, LA Noire, and who knows how many other games just for one achievement. It doesn't add up

Also, as much as I like having tons of people on this website, WHAT are YOU guys doing here? This website is for people who love achievements, in order to help us get them. If you play any game "the right way" then you should be trying to figure out the achievements on your own and not using any kind of guide. If you've even looked up ONE solution to an achievement on this website, you can call that "boosting" and you're just like the rest of us.

Personally, i think leaving the game on is an awesome idea.
By Loremaster on 22 Apr 2011 13:36
Just a word of warning for the time achievement. Once you are going to exit the tag team practice, make sure you do not just choose main menu, and then dashboard/turn off your console. You MUST do something in the menus for it to store your time that you just achieved. Go visit the nekropolis for example, and check the time registered. If you just quit the game and leave without choosing a mode or something like the nekropolis, it will not register the time you spent once you load up the game next time.

I learned this the hard way by wasting a 12 hour session with Sindel/Ermac by just quiting to main menu and turning off the console. :(
By Yemeth on 07 Nov 2011 12:05
Thanks SIM, woulda took me ages to figure that out.
By l DNAngel l on 02 May 2011 02:27
I was about to post a solution, but there were already two and they are all pretty similar, so I will just add my method to the comments (feel free to add any tips to your solution)...once I had the 24hrs done, this took me 2 hours to get the achv, with a character I had barely used.

First off, I got the achv today, so my "solution" isn't speculation (what someone thinks is the best way)...what I found to be most efficient was to use the practice method to get the 24 hrs (left it running two nights), then I used the Kombat code/ 3 rounds/ timer off 2p VS method to run 10 5 round (5 by getting your x-rays then losing 2) fights (10 wins, 10 fatalities, 152 x-ray attacks), then I went to 1 round/ default timer/ 2p VS for the remainder (had some online and other fights, so I don't know how many I really did), BUT, by NOT using the Kode, I hit my 10k Blood at 120 wins, 102 finishing, and it took about TWO HOURS (including the x-ray matches). You can easily get to the finishing move in about 10-15 seconds, so using the Kode doesn't save you any time since you are losing blood spill, and the longest part of the whole process is the Fatality animation, which you cannot skip.

To summarize...easiest way I found was get your 24hr, knock out the x-ray (using 3 round and Kode), then clean up in 1 round vs mode (not having to worry about putting in a code 90 times).

The achv will pop as soon as your last fight ends (mine popped when FATALITY was spelled out on the screen)
By ScuzzyBunny on 24 Apr 2011 18:42
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An easy and fast way for mastering 1 fighter and it should also work for mastering all fighters aswell.

For the 24h play time:

You can boost it with 2 different fighters at the time by choosing the Tag Team Practice mode. Select 2 different fighters that you want to boost and leave the game there for 24h. Go to sleep/work/school. After 24h, both fighters will have the 24 hours play time (You can check the progress in the Nekropolis). This means, that you can boost the 24h play time for all the playable fighters in ~13 days instead of 27 if you boost it 1 fighter at the time.

For the 100 victories and 150 X-Ray attacks (these two are counted for both fighters)

Make sure the round is set to 3 and time is set to off (no timer) in the Options.

This one involves using only 1 Kombat Kode (aka "cheating"), so if you are not into cheating, don't use Kombat Kodes but the trick remains the same, except it will take a little bit longer. Using a Kombat Kode will not void the achievement.

Choose 2 Players, then select Versus mode and choose Two vs Two mode (you will need 2 controllers). Choose 2 fighters, 2 that you want to boost, the others don't matter. Press Y and choose any arena where you can do a Stage fatality. Then start the fight.

At the loading screen, quickly enter the 466-466 code with both controllers using the X, Y and B buttons. This will enable the Unlimited Super Meter mode. With this mode, you can do unlimited X-Ray attacks until you win the round (you kill the other fighter).

To boost these 2 elements in one match, do the following steps.

For the first 2 rounds, use both boosting fighters X-Ray attacks until you win both rounds. I suggest switching fighters (press LB) when one of the non boosting fighter is out and use the other boosting fighter's X-Ray attack on the 2nd fighter. This way, you can perfom the same amount of X-Ray attack with both fighters. The match is not over yet because you have to win a 3rd round.

During the 3rd round, do the X-Ray attacks with your boosting fighters but don't kill one of the 2 fighters, leave a small amount of health. Use the 2nd controller to beat P1 (your boosting fighters). Repeat this above step 1 more time. Now the match should be tied (2 wins for each fighters).

At round 5 (final round), use the boosting fighters X-Ray attack again. At the Finish Him/Her! screen, perform one of the fighter's "-ality" and win the match.

Again, I suggest that you switch the boosting fighter (press LB) when one of the non boosting fighter is out for all 5 rounds. I managed to perform 13 X-Ray attacks with Kano and 15 with Raiden.

This method will also boost the 200 Versus matches.

Along the way, you will unlock the Finish Him?, Complet-ality, Ultimate Humiliation, The Grappler, Finish What You Start! and e-X-cellent achievements if you change characters between matches and if you do the 2 throws also.

For the 100 "-alities"

Set the round to 1 and timer to 30 secs. Choose 2 players, Versus, One vs One. Choose 1 boosting fighter, 1 random. Select an arena (with Y) where you can perfom a stage fatality. Start the match. At the loading screen, input the Sans Power code (044-440). 1 hit and the Finish Him/Her! screen should appaer. Perform the fighter's stage fatality. Rinse and repeat 99 times. Don't forget to input the code during each rematch.

For the 10,000 pints blood spilled.

Set the round to 3 and timer off (no timer). Choose 2 players - Versus - 2 vs 2. Choose 2 boosting fighters and 2 random. Do not enter any code at the loading screen. The trick/steps are the same as for boosting the 100 wins/150 X-ray attacks. The only thing you do is uppercuts now. You should spill ~1000 pints of blood per match.

24 Apr 2011 04:46

For the 24h play time, you better use Tag Team Practice mode because you can boost 2 fighters at the time instead of 1 if you choose just practice. People reported on xbox360a that both fighters had their 24h play time mastered after 1 day. This will cut the whole play time boosting from 27+ days down to 13-14 days.

I agree with you, instead of using the Sans Power mode, just set the round to 3 with 60 or 90 seconds for the timer. Use only the Unlimited Super Meter kode. With this setting, you can boost the 100 victories, 100 -alities, 150 X-Ray attacks and the 10,000 pints blood spilled in one game. Use 1 round for boosting the X-Ray attacks and the 2nd round for boosting the 10,000 pints blood spilled. Then do any of the -alities at the Finish Him/Her! screen. This will boost the 100 -alities and of course the 100 wins.

Rinse and repeat until you have the achievement.
By Dancsi27 on 24 Apr 2011 19:15
I can't edit my post so I have to add another comment, sorry for this.

How can you run 10, 5 round fights when the round is set to 3, wich is the maximum? If you win 2 rounds out of 3, the match ends. Even if you lose at the 2nd round (You use the 2nd controller to beat your main, boosting fighter just for fun) and then you win round 3 again with your boosting fighter, that's 3 rounds played not 5.

Unless it's 2 rounds per fighter + 1 extra round if it's a tie when the round is set to 3.
By Dancsi27 on 24 Apr 2011 19:27
You spam x-ray (4 killed the other player) for two rounds, then in the next two you do 3 x-ray (keeping a sliver of health on p2), then have p2 beat you. Round 5 you do 4 x-ray, then fatality. 18 per match...I did 10 matches because I accidentally did a few with only 3 or 4 rounds (jamming button and not paying attention...I was watching Netflix while I did all this stuff).
By ScuzzyBunny on 24 Apr 2011 20:43
...and I gave a + vote. Your solution was pretty close to what I did :)
By ScuzzyBunny on 24 Apr 2011 20:45
do you know how much blood is spilled when you only use X-Ray attacks?? I was also wondering after you do a fatality/stage fatality (in the Pit arena, for example), blood is still spilling out from the 2nd dead fighter in the background when the match is over and you have the menu coming up for a rematch.

You can still see and hear spilling bloods in the background. I don't know if it is also counted, if yes, we can just leave the game there for a couple of minutes for boosting the blood spill even faster.
By Dancsi27 on 24 Apr 2011 21:59
after 150 x-ray attacks I had only spilled 2k blood, so the answer is very little! What I did was focus on uppercuts, as they seem to "spray" the most blood, and I was getting just about 1k blood every 10 matches (1 round each). I don't know if the fatalities count, as I switched up which one's I was using and it didn't seem to make a difference.
By ScuzzyBunny on 25 Apr 2011 04:40
I just tried 2 vs 2 versus combat (with 2 controllers of course) and you can boost the x-ray attacks even more because you have to beat 2 fighters in order to win a round. And you can boost both fighter's X-Ray attacks, "-ality", blood spilled, and victories in 1 match.
By Dancsi27 on 26 Apr 2011 06:51
This is an amazing method. THANK YOU.
By ATCS on 26 Apr 2011 15:30
I was about to post a solution, but yours is pretty close to what I was going to say, with a few exceptions. First off, I got the achv today, so my "solution" isn't speculation (what someone thinks is the best way)...what I found to be most efficient was to use the practice method to get the 24 hrs (left it running two nights), then I used the Kombat code/ 3 rounds/ timer off 2p VS method to run 10 5 round fights (10 wins, 10 fatalities, 152 x-ray attacks), then I went to 1 round/ default timer/ 2p VS for the remainder (had some online and other fights, so I don't know how many I really did), BUT, by NOT using the Kode, I hit my 10k Blood at 120 wins, 102 finishing, and it took about two hours (including the x-ray matches). You can easily get to the finishing move in about 10-15 seconds, so using the Kode doesn't save you any time since you are losing blood spill, and the longest part of the whole process is the Fatality animation, which you cannot skip.

To summarize...easiest way I found was get your 24hr, knock out the x-ray (using 3 (5 by getting your x-rays then losing 2) round and Kode), then clean up in 1 round vs mode (not having to worry about putting in a code 90 times).

The achv will pop as soon as your last fight ends (mine popped when FATALITY was spelled out on the screen)
By ScuzzyBunny on 24 Apr 2011 18:37
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This achievement is pretty easy to get as most people have a favorite player to use, it just takes a little time for the day play time but if you want to just gt the achievement quick I suggest playing 1v1 ( or 2v2 to boost the second character while your at it as it does boost both players time even when that player is sitting out waiting to be tagged.) over night or when you are not going to be playing. aka eating / watching TV / out to work. etc..

As for the victories / fatalitys / xrays there are a few codes you can set for 1v1 vs mode such as 044/440 for instant win to get fatalitys up quick.

For your xrays the code used for unlimited super meter is 466-466 for this set the game to 3 rounds and 2v2 tag so you can get the most out of your round. in just 13.5 days you should have all characters mastering the 24 hour mark

** I know most of this was said in other guides but this is my first and thought id try to help out aswell **

02 May 2011 13:05

All good solutions, i used varying forms of them but i suggest doing story mode and then arcade ladder with the fighter first so those will count in and save a bit of time. Those can knock out 13-15 wins, 8 fatalities, buckets of blood, a bunch of xrays and a little time before you even start this tedious boost. Challenge tower also helps, especially if you get stuck on one, except for wins. Basically do as much as you can before this.

24 Apr 2011 20:46

All of the above are sure to work. I only want to add that apparently if the 24 hours is the LAST thing you get toward your mastery, the achievement does not simply pop when you hit the mark. I was using Sektor and had everything done except the time. I let the xbox run overnight on training and by mid-morning I had mastery of all 5 areas, and no achievement. A little panic happened here. Then I simply went into arcade ladder and performed a fatality and voila, achievement. So as I said, if you're done with everything but time (which I don't see how you wouldn't- a day is a long time), you can't just wait for the time to pop the cheevo, You have to go in and do one more -ality (or maybe just an x-ray or regular win) to get it to pop.

09 Aug 2011 20:36

If you want to get this achievement done quickly (And you were planning on doing the challenge tower) i'd suggest using Kano because he has the quickest way to grind X-Rays in the game.

For this achievement you'll need the following:
100 Wins
100 -ality's
150 X-Rays
Spilled 10,000 pints of blood
Play time of 24 Hours.

Kano's fatalities can be a bit tricky to perform, so you'd best stick to his stage fatality (Up, Up, Back, A at close range. Hold RT to stay still while entering the inputs) You'll want to load a 1 round 30 sec match on any of these maps: Hell, Subway, The Dead Pool, The Living Forest, The Pit (Day + Night) and The Street. At the loading screen input the code 044 - 440. This enables 1 hit kills, so after one hit you can perform your stage fatality. Rinse and repeat, remembering to enter the code each rematch.

You'll also get your 100 wins this way.

Now for the X-Rays. The tricky bit is getting to challenge 229 - in the Challenge Tower. If you were going to complete the Challenge Tower anyway, this shouldn't be a hassle. Now, Challenge 229 is special in that it gives you 5 enemies to fight, unlimited Super Meter, 2x Damage and Invulnerability. This means that you can land 2 X rays on each character you face before they die. When you've killed Sonya it'll tell you to Finish Her! At this point you must press Start and select return to Tower, because if you finish Sonya you won't be able to replay the challenge. Now simply rinse and repeat, you can get 10 X Rays per round in under 2 minutes, meaning you'll only have to do this 15 times.

You should already have spilled 10,000 pints of blood by this point, if not, play a tag team game and uppercut a bunch of times to spill blood.

Now the last thing you need to do is play 24 hours with Kano. To do this, make sure you have a wired controller or a plug and play kit, also make sure your xbox has Auto Shutdown disabled. Now enter practice (Tag team practice if you want to get My Kung Fu Is Stronger) and leave it overnight or while you're at work etc.

Congratulations! You've mastered Kano, now onto the other characters...

18 Jul 2012 11:56

See "My Kung Fu Is Stronger."


See "My Kung Fu Is Stronger".


To master one character you need to complete the following objectives:
- 100 wins
- 100 -alities (fatalities and/or babalities)
- 150 X-Ray moves
- 10,000 liters of blood (each character)
- 24 net hours of play
You can keep track of the character’s progress in the Necropolis. You can download this CHECKLIST to help keep track of the moves and fighters.

See "My Kung Fu Is Stronger" for some tips.

Thanks to StOrMtRoOpErMx19 for the video:
YouTube - Mortal Kombat / My Kung Fu Is Strong Trophy

It is necessary for one player to achieve: 100 victories, 100 fatalities, 150 X-rays, shed 10,000 pints of blood and spend 24 hours as a character in the game.

To see your progress, go to Extras -> Nekropolis, select a character -> View Stats .

19 May 2012 11:57

1 Comment
Remember, when you play, you must end the battle with a fatality. It will be a shame to have 200 victories and 1 fatality)
By tony-prots on 15 Sep 2012 11:57
Those who do not have the opportunity to boost x-ray can get this trophy for Kano (for others it will not work in the same way, there is no way to select a character in the tower). The procedure is as follows: you get all the trophies, especially for completing the tower. Then, we launch the regular challenge tower (not the bonus one). We are looking for a challenge for Kano, where a pass costs 0 coins (he has it 1e, if I’m not mistaken). And we go through it as many times as necessary for the “x-ray blows” point. Be sure to perform the fatality at the end, it will be easier later. Then, launch the arcade ladder and do bloody moves (I would recommend using the button on the first 4 fighters , because the first 4 fighters don't really attack you). Voila, 1 of 32 done.

I repeat, it is better to do this if you do not have the opportunity to try x-ray with someone, because online it turns out faster than in this test.

09 Dec 2013 20:14