MotoGP 09/10

MotoGP 09/10

46 Achievements

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Win a race against a full grid of human riders.


How to unlock the Champagne! achievement in MotoGP 09/10 - Definitive Guide

Ok, just got this one with a massive 20 men boost. This achievement is not glitched or unachievable at all. You need a total of 20 human players. It is vital that the one who needs this achievement crosses the finish line and ALL 20 players are still in the race. The servers of this game are VERY laggy, so expect a lot of unexpected disconnects. If anyone gets a disconnect within the race the achievement will not unlock.

EDIT: Just to add this to my solution. The game takes the the description of the achievement exact! There must to be 20 human drivers starting the race and 20 still in, when the 1st one crosses the finish line. A disconnect in between start to finish means,that the game only counts 19 drivers at the finish line.

Good luck on this one!

09 Jan 2011 17:00

Hey man how long did it take you all to get it?
Coz me and a group of others have been in about 2 sessions now and unfrotunately it just dont happen, slightly annoying lol
But yeah if you could let me know that would be very appreicated cheers :)
By TheWelshHunt on 25 Jun 2011 20:28
guess the achievement is now impossible because it's totally dead online :(
By kingkoning on 16 Sep 2011 08:19
anybody want to make a session for it?
By Rey Xboxer on 12 Mar 2013 12:40
session would be nice!!
By xMagicMunKix on 12 May 2013 16:46
are the servers still up? if so any chance of getting 20 people online to boost this?
By kingrich06 on 14 Jan 2014 21:40
Not sure if servers are still up but I'm Down whenever, msg me on Xbox
By Sissy x on 06 May 2016 19:20
Does it pop right away so every one else can just sit there then quit once you get it? Thanks and thumbs up.
By troyoy on 16 Jan 2017 17:26
Looking to boost!
By Racer 6981 on 14 May 2020 10:55
Can anyone help me out with this?
By VanillaLatte44 on 10 Jun 2021 23:26
It did took us one very long evening, appr. 6 - 7 hours for almost everyone to get it. We were about 25 - 28 peeps doing it. The biggest problem with the achievement is, that it takes the description brutally exact and the servers are a bit laggy. If someone in a race gets disconnected the game only counts 19 drivers, not 20 anymore. So when the 1st going for the win is crossing the finish line, the game just don't sees a FULL GRID anymore. Take it easy anf try and try and try... It will take several runs for everyone to get it and hopefully everybody stays till the end, beause it's a nasty boost!

Good luck guys!
By Patmaster1891 on 26 Jun 2011 08:49
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This Solution Has Been Updated As Of 27th January 2023!

I know this Solution is pretty late for me in posting, but after studying the Achievement in previous sessions I done. I thought now's the time for me to help you all out, with this Solution.

This is known to be the hardest Achievement in the game. Not because of it's difficulty. But because of the amount of people that are needed, and the organisation, that has to be done towards this Achievement.

Among any XBox 360 Game I have played. None other, than this game, and Moto GP 10/11, ask for a large amount of Players.

To get this Achievement. You need to win an Online Race, with a Full Grid of Human Players. A Grid has a total of 20 Racers. That means, your going to need 20 People/Accounts, including yourself, for a chance in getting this Achievement.

The problems that persist is that this game asks for a lot of Players. It's not that Popular. And the Connections in the Lobbies & Races, are horrible. Which, obviously I'll explain throughout this Solution as you know.

Note: This game is Not Backward Compatible on the XBox One or XBox X/S Consoles. This game can only be played on XBox 360 Consoles.

As a Pre-Warning to you all. For a better chance in getting this Achievement. You are going to need around 25 - 30+ People/Accounts. The more people that can provide Dummy Accounts (extra XBox 360's, extra copies of the game and Dummy Accounts with Gold Membership), the better it would be for all of you. Having just exactly 20 People/Accounts when the session starts. Doesn't guarantee anyone getting the Achievement, due to the terrible connections the game has all-together.

Now before I explain the "Ingredients". "The Method" and "The Race" itself. There's one piece of information that I'd like to Address, which you may need to take Note, before going forward.

Now originally in this Solution. I stated that for a good chance in Players connecting to each other. You would have had to have people based in your Region for a better connection. So an example would be having 15 Players from Europe and 5 from the UK, making 20 Players among those Regions. Or 10 Players from USA & 10 Players from Canada making 20 Players among that Region.
After we did a session with this attempt. This backfired on us, and it didn't actually work. It's actually more worse than we imagined.

The only real way, you are guranateed, yourself and everyone in the session is going to get the Achievement. Regardless wherever you are from in the World. You are "all", going to need a very Good Internet Connection on your XBox 360 Console. And you have to hope that your Console, regardless of whomever Hosts the Lobby, does not Kick you out the Race or Lobby Randomly.
With this in mind, the game is basically asking you to have a Wireless Connection on your XBox 360 Console that is at it's Strongest Peak. No Distractions. No Downloads. No Uploads. No Youtube. No Netflix. Nothing Active etc. Or... you are going to need your XBox 360 Console connected to an Ethernet Cable into the Router.

I have been helping about with this game back in 2020 & 2022 in an attempt to get everyone in the sessions the Achievement. They have pretty much been Failures due to Connections, which isn't anyone's fault. It's just the game having a mind of it's own and not allowing people to connect to each other.

Now. Back to the Main Part. So here are the "Ingredients". "Method" and "The Race" itself of what you need to do towards getting this Achievement.


This is mostly applied for if you are the Host of the Session.

If you are going to Host a session for this Achievement. Then you will need to make a Session with at least a handful of Weeks/Months in advance, to attract Players. So that it would give them time to purchase Copies of this game. And also maybe look into getting extra Copies for Dummy Accounts. You will also want to pick a Date & Time that suits everyone else, as well as yourself. Here's a link if you wish to Host a session for the game...

Since the game asks for a lot of Players & Dummy Accounts. And as you know, it's not very popular. You will likely get people, joining your session from all over the World.

WARNING: This applies to everyone! When you start-up the game for the first time. And you pass through the Title Screen. You will automatically unlock this achievement...

MotoGP 09/10UnravelThe Unravel achievement in MotoGP 09/10 worth 12 pointsUnlock the MotoGP Class in any game mode.

If this is a game you are not sure if you want to start-up or not. I'd, strongly recommend you use a Dummy Account to go through everything in this game. Rather than your Main Account for this game. Because once you start-up this game. You cannot remove it if you don't want to play it anymore.

Another piece of advice I recommend is installing the game to your XBox 360 Hard-Drive. This game is only available Physically. It takes 3.1GB's. Should only be a 5 - 10 Minute installation.
The reason why is because what I discovered was that if you install the game to your Hard-Drive. The Loading times for the game, seem to run much more faster. And I also found out during sessions, that I was not getting Disconnected more frequently, than when I didn't have the game installed to the XBox 360 Hard-Drive.

I recommend you use the XBox App, Messages or Trueachievements for Texting Communications. I wouldn't do an XBox Live Party during the session. Unless you have a small group of people, that can provide Dummy Accounts to fill the slots.

Just before the actual session starts as well. You will want to make a list of all the Players that are in the session. And possibly make a Tick Box. This is so that you can tick off the Players during the session that successfully get the Achievement.


If you are Hosting a Session for this game. It's actually pretty easy to setup a Lobby. From the Main Menu you need to do the following...

Go into "Multiplayer"

Then "XBox Live" (it's called Online by the Narrator)

Then you can choose to either have "Career" or "Arcade" Mode. It doesn't matter which one you choose. It doesn't make a difference.

In the next section. Here is where you can "Create Match". There's nothing that needs to be altered. So once you've checked through it. You can Create your Lobby.

Note: You will unlock this achievement if you are the Host of a Lobby and as soon as the Lobby is created...

MotoGP 09/10Back to my place…?The Back to my place…? achievement in MotoGP 09/10 worth 28 pointsHost a multiplayer race.

If you are joining the Created Lobby. You just need to do the same as above. But instead of choosing "Create Match". You just need to choose "Quick Match". Or "Custom Match" if there would be more than 1 Lobby created by different Hosts.

Now this is where you will need to play the waiting game and allow everyone to join your Lobby. As well as that. You can also see if everyone can pair up with each other in the Lobby or not. If you get Players or Accounts that Disconnect all the time. Chances are there is someone in that Lobby the game simply does not like them to be paired up with.

If this is the case. Consider finding someone else or another account to replace their spot. Then you can help the disconnecting person later on, when other People within the session, start getting the Achievements, and cutting down the list.

Your intention in the session is to get a group of 20 People & Accounts, that can stay Connected. Then you can divide around and conquer in that perspective, later on.

Once you have 20 in the Lobby. You will need to get everyone to Ready Up. If you Ready Up first and start the Race. Anyone that does not Ready Up, will become a Spectator. If anyone is a Spectator, they will not be counted as a body, towards the Achievement.
Once everyone has Ready Up, the Host can start the Race. Everyone then needs to do some Voting, before the Race Begins.

For amount of Sessions, you need to make sure it's a "Single Session". This just means it's 1 Race only.

For Laps. Make sure it's just "1 Lap" only... obviously.

For Location. The shortest track known in the game is "Sachsenring"

Finally for Weather Conditions, it doesn't matter. But I would recommend "Sunny" to make things easier for the Player that's winning the race.

The Race

Now for the actual Race itself. As soon as it starts. You will see a list of all 20 Players & Accounts that have got into the Race itself.

Now during this Race. Even at this starting Grid. If there's less than 20, or if anyone get's Disconnected. The Race will be a fluke, and the Winning Player will "NOT" get the Achievement. Even if just 1 person get's Disconnected in the actual Race. The winning player doesn't get the achievement. All 20 Players/Accounts, must be in the Race from Start to Finish.
In this case. If you see less than 20 Players/Accounts on the Name List. You know someone got Disconnected.

Now for the actual Race. Only the Winning Player races around the Track as well. NOBODY ELSE MOVES and Keeps Still!! You do not get Kicked for Idling! This is to prevent the Server for the game getting shaky and start Disconnecting people during the Race.

This is also where you can look and see who else get's Disconnected during the Race. Basically what would happen is should someone get Disconnected, they will turn into a AI Opponent. And then start racing around the Track. Their name will be coloured Blue. Instead of White. And it will have CPU, next to their Gamer-Tag. For instance, if I get Disconnected, I will be known as CPU - BulgyDragonZord. With Blue, written all over it.

If overall, the Race is no good. Just get someone to complete the Race, and let everyone return to the Menu of the game itself.

Now what happens here is anyone that didn't get Disconnected, will return to the same Lobby that they we're in before. Anyone that did get Disconnected, will return to the Main Menu of the game. Use this to your advantage to figure out who has stay Connected. And who got Disconnected.

You now have a bit of a tough choice. In which you can either Retry the Race with the Group of 20 you have, and see if anyone else get's Disconnected. Or you can invite some other Players or Dummies, if you have any to replace the ones that got Disconnected. Or you can get someone else to Host the Lobby, that possibly has a better Connection. The choice is all down to yourselves as you can imagine.

Should you somehow manage to have 20 Players/Accounts in a Race, that stay Connected. Get the Winning Player to do their Lap round the Track as quickly as possible. As long as everyone stays connected. That Player should get the Achievement, as soon as they cross the Finish Line.
If you can, try and do the Winning People in the order of who has joined the session, to avoid arguements. This may differ though, depending upon which Players have successfully survived in the Lobby and the Race, or not.

With this in mind, I would recommend whatever Team of 20 stay Connected. Keep them all in that Lobby, until everyone that needs the Achievement in that Lobby, get's it. What you then need to do afterwards is split people up, by asking some to Leave. Get a new Host etc, until you all find a way in which everyone manages to get into a Race with no Disconnections, so that everyone has a chance in getting the Achievement.


This Achievement is Brutal. And if your a Host. It can be stressful to plan out. If your like me and your using Dummy Accounts as well as Hosting. it can be a gamble multitasking, by Messaging and getting the Accounts to join or setup the Lobbies at the same time.

It's pretty much all about trying to find a group of people that can remain connected in the Lobby and committed to work as a Team. Once you have 20 that can stick and keep on sticking in each Race. Then the Achievement doesn't take too much time at all to earn. Just the downside is a lot of people will be trying to Connect or get Disconnected in Lobbies, rather than actually racing itself.

I will give you all a strong suggestion when going for this achievement, as well as everything I said above. Which is make sure you all have a lot of Patience. I've witnessed in the past that people think, they can just hop in this gam, when the session starts. Easily get connected, have the achievement and then leave.
Sadly this isn't the case, as this is the kind of Achievement you need to commit to. Make sure you have some time on your hands. And be willing to sit around in Lobbies and Races, to help everyone else as well as yourself get the Achievement.

Above all that. I wish you all the best of luck in getting this Challenging Achievement. You're gonna need it.

26 Jun 2022 12:35

It is important that each of the members read the recommendations that I will mention below and an obligation for the session not to be delayed:

1. It is recommended to be 15 min prior to the session to maintain a stable connection with the host.

2.It is important that in the race track none move from their grill of exit and only advance in ORDER as they are each in the session ( Check the session the turn that corresponds to you );so that the game maintains the 20 players until the pilot arrives to the finish line.

3. Ensure that your connection is good by checking that your NAT is OPEN. (Even with NAT moderate you may experience variations in your connection).

4.Procure that your Xbox is connected to a CABLE directly from the ruter.

5. It is important remember open the network ports,If you do not know to call your local operator since the latter depends on how long will last in the game.

Here is the link for the ports to open:

Good luck and thank you all!

07 Feb 2017 15:23

The trophy cannot be obtained because the servers are not capable of supporting a connection for 20 people online

To receive the Trophy, you need to get together on the 20th, hold the race, wait for the end (so that no one is thrown out of the race during this time), wait for the award and take out the Champagne, and don’t forget to win this race))

22 Jun 2011 15:17

1 Comment
The trophy can be obtained, the game supports 20 people. The connection here is quite unstable, so the lobby host should be a person with very good Internet. Also, no one should move during the race except the one receiving the trophy. At the end of the race, all players must be in the match, because if even one is eliminated, the trophy will not be given. Also, if when you connect to the lobby you are constantly kicked out and you are connected via Wi-Fi, then connect the console via a patch cord, the problem should go away.
By BigBoss_play on 27 Aug 2019 10:35