Naughty Bear

Naughty Bear

67 Achievements


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Got 28 Platinum Naughty Cups.


How to unlock the Nutter!!!!! achievement in Naughty Bear - Definitive Guide

I take no credit for this Solution - It goes to lilysintrigue

But thought it would help us
You will need a certain amount of points in each primary Episode challenge, and a certain amount of points in each additional Episode Trial Act Challenges to attain a Platinum rating. Please see the break down below for the amount of points you need in each level to get the Platinum Rating. You will know you have attained a platinum rating because the narrator will say "You Nutter!", and your trophy icon will go Blue. All of these totals have been verified and confirmed by me, and are the actual points I had when the narrator said You Nutter!
Please see the helpful tips below to help you in getting a platinum score in each episode.

1) I suggest scaring as many bears as you can, trap them, and eventually drive them insane until they pop, (you will know they are insane by the bubbles above their heads), simply keep scaring them until they kill or Pop themselves.

2) Perform as many Ultra-Kills as you can (Ultra-Kills can be obtained only after you have scared or beat a bear until you get the option on the screen to kill with the RT, and they will net you an good amount of Points.

3) You will want to perform as many object kills as you can too, (Object Kills can be tricky, but fairly easy, simply sabotage an object, and when a Bear comes to fix it run up behind them and it will give you the option to perform a kill.

4) After you have killed all the bears, I recommend sabotaging every thing you can, and then destroying it, as you will get more points that way.

5) Destroy any and everything you can, (Pinatas, cups, barbecue pits, Unibear statues, All machines, windows, basically anything that will break!

6) Destroy all specified objects in each level for a great amount of points to: Presents, Rosettes(the award/nominate pins the bears have on them), Camera Birds, etc..

7) For the Top Hat Challenges, wear the Oil Baron hat, as you will get more points with it.

All of these totals below are rounded to the nearest million, (you may possibly need to earn a couple thousand or so more to get platinum)

Episode 1:
The Party - 1.70 million 1-1 Killer Challenge - 1.8 million
1-2 Friendly Challenge - 1.3 million
1-3 Insanity Challenge - 1.50 million
1-4 Top Hat Challenge - 2.27 million
Episode 2:
Top Teddy - 1.9 million 2-1 Untouchable Challenge - 2.1 million
2-2 Speed Run Challenge - 1.3 million
2-3 Killer Challenge - 1.9 million
2-4 Top Hat Challenge - 2.20 million
Episode 3:
Big Ted is Watching - 2.8 million 3-1 Killer Challenge - 2.75 million
3-2 Invisible Challenge - 850,000 - 900,000
3-3 Insanity Challenge - 2.40 million
3-4 Top Hat Challenge - 3.30 million
Episode 4:
Night of the Living Ted - 4 million 4-1 Untouchable Challenge - 3.75 million
4-2 Speed Run Challenge - 2.20 million
4-3 Killer Challenge - 3.95 million
4-4 Top Hat Challenge - 4.4 million
Episode 5:
The Oil Baron's Ball - 4.71 million 5-1 Speed Run Challenge - 3.48 million
5-2 Friendly Challenge - 3.72 million
5-3 Killer Challenge - 4.58 million
5-4 Top Hat Challenge - 4.76 million
Episode 6:
R153 of Robo - B34R - 3.69 million 6-1 Invisible Challenge - 1.13 million
6-2 Friendly Challenge - 2.78 million
6-3 Killer Challenge - 3.68 million
6-4 Top Hat Challenge - 4.4 million
Episode 7:
When Aliens Attack - 4.1 million 7-1 Speed Run Challenge - 2.42 million
7-2 Killer Challenge - 4.1 million
7-3 Insanity Challenge - 3.69 million
7-4 Top Hat Challenge - 4.74 million

30 Jul 2010 08:32

i have found multiple of these scores incorrect when i went through this game
By PickleRick#6827 on 12 Jul 2011 21:46
2-3 Killer Challenge - 1.95 million for platinum
By SAMF on 22 May 2012 02:23
I am not trying to knock this guide, as listing the point requirements for the platinum cup is a perfect addition to my guide above, however some of them are incorrect, an example of this is 4-2 speed run challenge, 2,400,000 is the amount of points required, not 2.2. I would strongly recommend you to scrutinize the veracity of other peoples material before posting it in future, as listing incorrect point requirements is not conducive to obtaining a platinum cup and will only serve to frustrate people.
By Virulent Soul on 30 Jul 2010 09:42
Thanks for pointing that that out, you are correct that I should have scrutinized more in this case, however i took on face value, when the author said that these were the scores he achieved to get the platinum cusps
apologises though.
By Dewbers on 30 Jul 2010 11:54
When you say oil Baron, do you mean Prospector Naughty? Cause there is no oil Baron hat
By Maniac Thanatos on 09 May 2011 00:41
I just got the platinum for 6-4 Top Hat Challenge and it's 4.4 million not 4.2
By Thai42o on 15 May 2011 18:31
Thanks Thai42o, good to know and well played too !!
By Dewbers on 18 May 2011 20:24
Yes Maniac i have checked and it is Prospector Naughty
By Dewbers on 18 May 2011 20:25
I have been using this guide and it is off on a lot of the scores
By Dropkick Hope86 on 30 May 2011 12:13
Thanks for the update Dropkick, If you let me know the changes I will amend the solution.
By Dewbers on 30 May 2011 20:14
Do you know if the DLC levels count towards this? I have 24 platinum cups so far but 4 of them are in chapter 9 dlc.
By Dropkick Hope86 on 03 Jun 2011 13:36
hey on episode 3-1 you actualy need to get 2.75 just so you know
By BloodyNinjaBoy on 02 Jul 2011 06:11
Thanks BloodyNinja Boy
By Dewbers on 02 Jul 2011 21:35
4-3 killer challenge went platinim at 4 million for me
By Figbender on 18 Jan 2016 22:17
2-2 Speed Run Challenge is 1.45
By ELEMENTooFAILED on 25 May 2016 03:59
This list is wildly inaccurate and almost all of the point totals are 100,000s of thousands off. I would aim to get at least 150k more then every single post score here. None of the skins give you an additional points either.

Can confirm DLC DO NOT COUNT, only play those for points not Cups.
By My Ringtones on 03 Apr 2024 23:46
Appears the DLC levels might count. Ive just got the achievement, but I only have 27 Platinum cups from the main 7 levels, and one in chapter 9 but it unlocked for me. Worth a try if you're struggling for the last couple, as some of the DLC chapters are easier.
By SmudgeEFC1985 on 03 Jan 2017 15:27
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This achievement looks near impossible at first. But its far from it.
What you want to do is always select a bear that doesnt blend in because you will earn more points for being seen and it will break up the points so you don't repeat the same actions for less points.

Now at the start of a level try to sabotage a couple of items then go around and break every other item. Then start scaring the bears and they will run around and see the broken items.... This will yeild MEGA POINTS. now grab traps and set them. Wait until a bear gets caught and he will scream for help... Try to lure any near bears or allow another bear to try to free the trapped bear. Always scare a bear trying to free another then scare the trapped bear and then use the prompt to kill him. Rinse and repeat.

Switch out weapons between each kill and trap.

Also grab freeze balls when you hit 75x to 100x multiplier.

Only break the bear statues when you have 100x.

Allow bears to escape in the car or boat for more bears to return which will allow for more points.
be sure to yell as you run around as bears will hear this and you earn points for it. Also hit uninjured bears here and there one time as this also awards points.

After all bears are dead go around and break anything you missed and also destroy the optional items at this time. Remember EVERY POINT COUNTS!
try to get plat on the first stages and challenges first. I got all plats on every level and challenge from 1 to 4. I got 4 on the 5 level and challenges and the rest were obtained on the other levels.

Remember that dlc plats do not count... I have not tried the pirate levels but its confirmed by me that the "free" dlc plats will not count towards nutter.

Goodluck everyone!
GamerMaxChannel has a 17 hour long video in which he gets every platinum cup including Top Hat & DLC. He gets the 28th cup at 8:24:52


28 Jan 2023 18:36

I am currently working on a list which shows the required points needed for both gold and platinum. As it still needs finishing please feel free to tell me any scores you reach that have not already been worked out. You can find the thread here: LINK

The way to get platinum will depend on the level type. This method won't work for speed levels and I feel you will struggle with untouchable levels doing this to. However for the main episodes: killer, insanity and friendly, you can do the following.

Start the level using the costume you prefer (for me it's Master Miyagi or Master Naughty if you don't have him, or Colonel Ketchup or Captain Naughty if you don't have him). The Ninja costume is best since you make no noise moving as well as being unnoticed by other bears.

Start the level by sabotaging all objects that are out in the open (things like the barbecue, coolers and power boxes). Go into the rooms of the houses when there are no bears inside and smash up everything in there. Now you've set this up, attack one bear or shout boo. This will get them all started. When they are running around going through the houses they will see all the smashed objects which gives a large amount of points. Whenever you see them trying to repair the outside objects or escape in the car/boat pull them out with rather than killing them. If they are trying to ring for help, let them do it to bring more bears. Try to keep in the grass but near to where lots of bears are. Every now and then run out and hit one with your weapon or shout boo. They will all see it, hear the cry of help and give you plenty of points.

You can also do this on insanity. Just make sure they are not injured or your hit will kill them! Using traps and waiting for bears to come free them is a way to keep getting context boo's in. While they are all running around discovering what you sabotaged and that you scared them make your way to a freezer. You should have got 100x bonus and straight away move to the statue/frogs and fluffs (you simply need to learn the maps to know where they are). Killing these when on a 100x combo will give a huge amount of points. When they are all insane you can kill them with a context. At 100x combo you get 50,000 for finishing them off like this even if you do it to 7-8 bears in a row. If during a level a Unibear appears stop what you are doing and go and kill it. You will get a lot of free points for this.

In Untouchable, this method will also work. However you have to be a lot more careful since one hit and you will fail (this includes if you walk into a trap you laid out but not a mine). In Invisible, you can adapt this as well but you will have to get context kills rather than boo's since they will see you if you just boo them.

In Speed run you just have to storm in and smash everything as you are hitting them and booing at the same time. You don't have the time to do the methodical method I outlined.

In Friendly DON'T HIT THEM. Just use the method above without any melee attacks (context kills and traps are OK).

In Insanity you are allowed to melee them but you MUST NOT kill them in any way. Even if another bear kills a bear it counts as a kill for you which means mission failed. Whatever you do use a neutral costume (I used Naughticorn for the speed) so that the bears don't start killing each other (which happens if you play as the ninja or soldier or robot). - thanks Bucket for pointing this out. -

The following are 3 parts of a YouTube movie that I put together demonstrating what I've written above in episode 5 where I got over 6,000,000 points with a platinum cup needing only 4,800,000. It highlights how there are plenty of points to be gotten so you should have no difficulty reaching the target. Simply adjust the method in the movie to use on the other levels as well.


You will need a certain amount of points in each primary Episode challenge, and a certain amount of points in each additional Episode Trial Act Challenges to attain a Platinum rating. Please see the break down below for the amount of points you need in each level to get the Platinum Rating. You will know you have attained a platinum rating because the narrator will say "You Nutter!", and your trophy icon will go Blue. All of these totals have been verified and confirmed by me, and are the actual points I had when the narrator said You Nutter!
Please see the helpful tips below to help you in getting a platinum score in each episode.

1) I suggest scaring as many bears as you can, trap them, and eventually drive them insane until they pop, (you will know they are insane by the bubbles above their heads), simply keep scaring them until they kill or Pop themselves.

2) Perform as many Ultra-Kills as you can (Ultra-Kills can be obtained only after you have scared or beat a bear until you get the option on the screen to kill with the RT, and they will net you an good amount of Points.

3) You will want to perform as many object kills as you can too, (Object Kills can be tricky, but fairly easy, simply sabotage an object, and when a Bear comes to fix it run up behind them and it will give you the option to perform a kill.

4) After you have killed all the bears, I recommend sabotaging every thing you can, and then destroying it, as you will get more points that way.

5) Destroy any and everything you can, (Pinatas, cups, barbecue pits, Unibear statues, All machines, windows, basically anything that will break!

6) Destroy all specified objects in each level for a great amount of points to: Presents, Rosettes(the award/nominate pins the bears have on them), Camera Birds, etc..

7) For the Top Hat Challenges, wear the Oil Baron hat, as you will get more points with it.

All of these totals below are rounded to the nearest million, (you may possibly need to earn a couple thousand or so more to get platinum)

Episode 1:
The Party - 1.70 million 1-1 Killer Challenge - 1.8 million
1-2 Friendly Challenge - 1.3 million
1-3 Insanity Challenge - 1.50 million
1-4 Top Hat Challenge - 2.27 million
Episode 2:
Top Teddy - 1.9 million 2-1 Untouchable Challenge - 2.1 million
2-2 Speed Run Challenge - 1.3 million
2-3 Killer Challenge - 1.9 million
2-4 Top Hat Challenge - 2.20 million
Episode 3:
Big Ted is Watching - 2.8 million 3-1 Killer Challenge - 2.65 million
3-2 Invisible Challenge - 850,000 - 900,000
3-3 Insanity Challenge - 2.40 million
3-4 Top Hat Challenge - 3.30 million
Episode 4:
Night of the Living Ted - 4 million 4-1 Untouchable Challenge - 3.75 million
4-2 Speed Run Challenge - 2.20 million
4-3 Killer Challenge - 3.95 million
4-4 Top Hat Challenge - 4.4 million
Episode 5:
The Oil Baron's Ball - 4.71 million 5-1 Speed Run Challenge - 3.48 million
5-2 Friendly Challenge - 3.72 million
5-3 Killer Challenge - 4.58 million
5-4 Top Hat Challenge - 4.76 million
Episode 6:
R153 of Robo - B34R - 3.69 million 6-1 Invisible Challenge - 1.13 million
6-2 Friendly Challenge - 2.78 million
6-3 Killer Challenge - 3.68 million
6-4 Top Hat Challenge - 4.2 million
Episode 7:
When Aliens Attack - 4.1 million 7-1 Speed Run Challenge - 2.42 million
7-2 Killer Challenge - 4.1 million
7-3 Insanity Challenge - 3.69 million
7-4 Top Hat Challenge - 4.74 million