NBA 2K11

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Win 20 ranked matches total.


How to unlock the Jackson achievement in NBA 2K11 - Definitive Guide

Easiest way to do this is to get someone to boost with. What you do is both change your time zone to something that would make it around 4am.

After that, you go to Ranked Game (found under Quick Game). Have one person search, and if there are no other matches, it will create one, then have the other search.

Once you're in the game, just have one person quit out. Repeat until this has been done 19 times each (you can check leaderboards to see how many wins you're at).

**EDIT** Apparently the wins don't show up on leaderboards for games where your partner quits out. Also from the comments, don't quit out until after tip-off.

For the 20th win, you have to finish the game.

At the end of the 20th win, you will get the achievement for 1 win, 3 game winning streak, 5 game winning streak, 5 wins, 10 wins and 20 wins (assuming you haven't already gotten them).

Assuming you don't have trouble matching up, this should take about 45 minutes or so for each of you to do.

14 Mar 2011 21:53

I was just playing a regular game and the person quit out in the fourth quarter cause they were gonna lose and I didn't get any credit, but it also hasn't given me credit for my loses, it says I have only played one game online when I have played 4 in the last few days alone.
By DeSoto23 on 05 Jun 2011 20:49
It could be a problem with the 2K servers (wouldn't surprise me).
By shadowninja25 on 05 Jun 2011 20:51
i just tried this way but wee didnt get achiev , i think its been patched
By paddycfc22 on 05 Aug 2011 10:12
I can confirm this works. My boosting partner didn't quit until after tip off. We played the 20th game and all achievements popped.
By JaySten on 10 Feb 2012 06:34
Oh and a side note, the wins did NOT show up on the leaderboard. I don't check after we Played the full game though.
By JaySten on 10 Feb 2012 06:35
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I just want to clarify a few things here:

1. Changing your time zone does in no way guarantee that you and your boosting partner will get matched up. From my experience NBA 2K11 uses a server queue system. When you change your timezone, you are really just entering a different server queue.
a.) Being in a different server queue (i.e. region) does not mean that you cannot match up with people in your normal queue.
b.) It takes forever to find a game when set up as America, because there are many more people playing, therefore the server queues are much longer.
2. What time it is in the locale you are changing to makes no difference. (For reason see 1a and 1b).

As for how to get the achievements:
1. All party members change your TIMEZONE & your LOCALE. It shouldn't really matter which, as long as it is outside of North America, though my personal preference was Taiwan/Taipei.
2. One person goes to ranked match, on the away side (I am just passing on this tip from my partner and am not professing that this part is entirely true, nor can I explain why it works). Apparently since most people are on the Home side when they select ranked it adds them to the queue, however when you go away, since there is a lack of players there, it will create a match.
3. As soon as a match is created, the 2nd player begins searching.

This method worked for a friend and I to clean up about 15 games in less than an hour. An alternative, and more fun/efficient method is to set up a four person session, have everyone change time/locale and just search at random - rotate wins and keep them as even as possible - it will all go by very fast.

**If you are using this as a reference for boosting the Crew/Team-Up achievements let me stop you now! Put 2-3 players together and get it legit by toughing it out against the glitched 99 jerks. Getting two teams matched in Crew is nigh-on impossible, and even if you do its likely that all teammates but the captain will glitch out. (I've spent well over 10 hours in multiple sessions trying to matchup. Even with 12 people spread over 6 teams we only had 2 matchups in 3 hours, and they both glitched out with only one person total getting the achievement.)**

Please let me know if there is anything additional you feel I should add or change in the comments.

28 Jun 2011 05:49

1 Comment
One possible addition to your solution might be for people not from the United States.

I have found that the best way to boost online wins is to simply grab a fellow player from my own country (Australia) and boost. There aren't too many people online in our region (and in many other non-US regions) at the moment which makes it a bit easier to find each other online.

Myself and a fellow Aussie boosted 20 wins in 2 hours the other night with no real hassles at all. We just ensured we "preferred" each other and "avoided" other players we encountered.
By Chris8875 on 26 Jul 2011 23:40
I will begin this by saying that I have no qualms with boosting and I think the 2 guides already posted are excellent for those attempting to boost. Me personally, I got frustrated trying to boost this game as I could never get matched with anyone. I went for this and the streak achievements normal, and this guide contains tips for anyone else going for this without boosting:

First, most people online use the "power" teams. By that I mean you will almost always play against the Heat or the Lakers and occasionally the Celtics. A great team against all of these is the Thunder. I got all my wins using them and I was blowing people out without having to adjust the settings too much.

Tips while using the Thunder:

-Don't jack up shots with Durant nor try to drive all game with Durant. My opponents would usually forget about him by halftime and I could find him alone on the perimeter for a wide open shot. This is his strength.
-Use the 1-3-1 defense! This stops so many people online it almost isn't fair. People using the Heat/Lakers try to drive against you all game, and this defense stops them. Plus, when you get the rebound or steal (and you will get a lot of steals with this on interior passes), you have Westbrook and Hardin out on the break for easy lay-ups.
-Speaking of which, swap out Hardin for Sefalosha in the starting line-up. I turned subs on manual/fatigue and never had problems. Yes, Sefalosha is a better perimeter shooter, but you shouldn't be depending on 3's to win.
-Get Westbrook hot early with some of those fast-break lay-ups and he is unstoppable driving the lane later in half-court sets.
-Most offense possesions went like this for me: back down the defender with Westbrook near the top of the key (hold both triggers to do this). The CPU does a good job of automatically cutting to the basket when you do this. Your opponent is most likely playing on-ball, so it becomes sinfully easy to just toss a pass to a wide open man for a lay-up.
-I very rarely played on-ball defense, instead playing one of the wing players to deny passing lanes. People online abuse isomotion and they will get by you if you're controlling the defender. Plus, they would normally be expecting me to be controlling on-ball, so it would throw them off when they couldn't just dribble past the CPU defender!
-Last tip and probably the most important: play with the 2K camera from Myplayer! It takes a bit of getting used to, but once you are used to it you'll be unstoppable. I think it is much easier to play defense in this angle as you can see those passing lanes clearly.

That is pretty much it, just expect to put some time in if you're going for this legit. By using these tips, I quickly got to where I was blowing out almost every opponent by 15 or more and was getting alleys on many plays. I'm not crazy good at the game either, and struggled for like 20 games using the power teams before I switched to the Thunder, then got like 15 wins in a day or 2. Have fun!

20 Jul 2011 22:24

Great solution for the ones that don't want to boost. Thank you.
The big problem in those still is the servers though...
By JungleWookiee on 29 Jul 2011 07:21
Great write up mate - I agree with you wholeheartedly on the 1-3-1 defence and the non-use of power teams.

I actually used Portland for a number of my wins (before I got tired of the servers and poor losers and boosted the rest). I chose Portland because of their massive front line and the way it just stops dead many of the online players that just constantly drive to the basket. I put Roy in at PG as well to provide a bit of flexibility and swung the ball, ran pick and rolls and screen and rolls.

Having Roy, Matthews and Wallace on the move, complimented by guys like Alderidge, Oden and Camby is a tough proposition for many people playing with the Lakers or Heat.
By Chris8875 on 26 Jul 2011 23:38

*Unattainable due to 2K Sports closing the online servers*

This is hardest part of getting a platinum in NBA 2K11. It is at times almost impossible to boost 3 straight wins "Back to Back to Back" and 5 straight wins "You're Officially Hot" as there are so many good players online. This year though, 2K sets up ranked games based on your NAT. The best time to try to boost would be early morning hours or in the early part of the afternoon as there are way too many players online in the evenings. You do need to play the full game for the stats and wins to register to the 2K servers. If you want to boost this trophy (though boosting is virtually impossible due to the massive amount of players on the 2K servers), use the boosting thread.

Without boosting, complete the whole game from start to finish, and win it. Quitters can break your streak sometimes. So, if you are good at this game, keep the game close (max 10 points advantage), so that the other player plays it till the end. Eventually, you'll earn all ranked online trophies. If you want to boost this trophy, use the boosting thread.

More clarfication on this trophy by Chairman Meow:

Basically, though, your online stats board is accurate, so if a quitter adds a win to your leaderboards then it has been officially recorded, counts towards your win streak, etc... I personally never had a problem with quitters not counting towards my win streak, but other people have said they're still breaking their streak so I can't confirm one or the other. Like I said though, after the first day when Ronnie said they fixed the servers (January 11th or so) every quitter counted towards my win total and streak.

BUT! The catch is that apparently the game only checks to see if you've met the requirements to earn a trophy after completing a full game. So, for example, if you win two games in a row, and then earn another win from a quitter, you will not get the three-game win streak trophy, even if your leaderboards say you have a W3 streak. However, if you complete and win your next game, you'll earn Back-To-Back-To-Back with a W4, and then if you complete and win your next game you'll get You're Officially Hot with a W5 like you're supposed to.

The same goes for Lincoln/Hamilton/Jackson. I went like 23-4 or something to start, and at least 7 or 8 of those wins came from quitters, many of them during one long W16+ streak. My 20th recorded win came from a quitter, but when I won my 21st game with a complete game, Jackson popped up for me just like the W3/W5 streak trophies.

According to someone else, though, if you earn a win streak from a quitter and then lose, the game will only recognize your L1 and you won't earn any trophies, even if you met the requirements prior to that loss.

All of the online achievements can be quickly boosted if you know what to do. Ranked matches give you a random opponent, so you can have trouble finding your boosting partner, especially if you live in the US. A way around this is to simply tell your Xbox that you live somewhere exotic. From your Xbox 360 dashboard, go to System Settings>Console Settings>Date & Time>Timezone and select the same timezone as your boosting partner. Choose somewhere random that would be asleep when you want to boost.

All these achievements can only be unlocked in the Ranked mode. Team Up, Crew and Pick Up games do not count. To make this super super easy, just find each other and start the game. Once the game has started and a player has the ball, they have the option to quit the game. Player A has the option to let the match not count, but if they say no, Player A gets a win and Player B gets a loss next to their name. Repeat the process another 18 times until Player A has 19 wins. Now on the 20th match, actually play through the game and make sure Player A wins. At the end of the game, all 6 achievements should unlock at once. Of course these can be done normally also if you can be bothered.

Check the Achievement Trading Thread for others looking to boost this achievement.