Neighbours Back From Hell

Neighbours Back From Hell

11 Achievements


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Home Run

Home Run

Finished all episodes from the fourth season


How to unlock the Home Run achievement in Neighbours Back From Hell - Definitive Guide

Above the Clouds (The video only shows 6/7 pranks, follow this guide for all 7)

Start by grabbing the Spade and a Balloon from the bowl. Head left and grab a Mouse from the mouse hole, and then wait for the neighbour to go downstairs. Wait at the top of the stairs, and when his mom enters the shower again, head downstairs. Use the rake next to the shower, take the Wire at the bottom of the screen and the Sponge and Chalk to the right of the shower. Take a Board with Nails from the pile, and use the Mouse on the rocks to the left of the stairs to get a Snake. Go left and upstairs when you can and grab a second Mouse. Wait until the neighbour goes downstairs again and go right. Use the Spade on the see-saw, and the Balloon with the snake charmer. Wait at the top of the stairs until she starts another shower, and then go down.Wait for the neighbour to go upstairs, and go left. Use the Board with Nails on the shoe cleaner, and the Mouse with the elephant. Use the Sponge and Chalk on the floor, and then go upstairs when it's safe. Use the Wire on the conductor at the back, and use the Snake on the alms plate. Finally head over to the right of the shower and interact with the tied up dog. Hide in the basket upstairs and wait for the level to end.

Burning With Ambition

Start by taking the Matches and Fuel Tank from above you. Wait until his mom enters the shower, and then go right and take a Bellows from the pile and Asbestos Nappies from the counter. Go left and up and use the Penknife on the Flowers. Go downstairs and feed them to the cow to get the Cow-pat. Next go up and right and use the Matches on the manhole cover (this can glitch, if the cover is still there after the explosion, use the matches again). Go right and use the Bellows on the coals. After the mini-game, use the Asbestos Nappies on the coals, and use the Fuel Tank on the water trough. Now go left and hide in the basket. When the neighbour takes his shoes off and goes inside, hop out and use the Asbestos Nappies on his shoes. Go left and use the Fuel Tank on the hole in the ground, and then go downstairs and use the Penknife on the cow's saddle. Make sure the mom is still in the shower and go right, using the Cow-pat on the ice cream machine. Go left and make you way back to the basket you can hide in, and wait for the level to end.

The Enlightenment

Pick up the Urchin and go upstairs to grab the Bone from the altar. Go back down, and when he rushes upstairs, pick up the Cricket Bat and the Suntan Lotion. After he goes left with the dog, sneak upstairs and take the Fishing Net, and go back downstairs. Use the Fishing Net on the telephone pole to get the Tongs, and use them on the valve near you. When Olga goes into the shower, grab her Bra. Go right and use the Urchin on the stall, and then take a second Urchin. Head upstairs and use the Cricket Bat near the elephant, and use the Bra near the watermelons. If she's still asleep, go left and use the Bone near the dog and the Suntan Lotion on the diving board, and then go right again. Loop around to the bottom left and use the Urchin on the chair, the Bra on the light, and pick up the Octopus. After the neighbour has used the hat with the Urchin, go back to the stall and use the Octopus. Avoid them both until the level ends.

Neighbour Over Board!

Take the Urinal Tablets and then go left and grab the Compressed-Air Cylinder. Go right and then downstairs and get the Coin from the drawer, the Bent Nail from the painting and the Sausage. Wait until the neighbour is finished the with the scuba gear and is heading upstairs before you come up. Once he goes left, you're going to need to move very quickly here, so just move the left stick in short bursts rather than use :R2:. Give the Sausage to the dog, take the Callus Rasp from the bag and grab the Fire Extinguisher. You should make it downstairs just as she's waking up. Wait until she sits back down and falls asleep again, go upstairs and sneak to the left. Use the Urinal Tablets on the candies, and use the Callus Rasp on the washroom signs. Use the Bent Nail on the children's fishing rod and quickly go downstairs (if you run out of time, leave the Bent Nail for your next loop). Use the Callus Rasp on the right side of the lifeboat and then go right and use the Compressed-Air Cylinder on the life jacket, and then the Fire Extinguisher on the scuba gear. Go left and grab another Compressed-Air Cylinder,and then go right and wait for her to fall asleep again before sneaking past her. Give the Compressed-Air Cylinder to the kid and use the Coin on the payphone (now's your chance to use the Bent Nail on the fishing rod if you missed it the first time). Now just stay out of the way until the level ends.


Take the Rusty Dagger from the skeleton and wait for the mom to go to the right. Go up and grab the Pot with Paint, and then head back down and wait at the bottom of the right staircase. When they both go left, go up, take the Ruby from the nest to the left of the statue and take the Resin on the right. Go up one level and use the Ruby on the statue, take the Crowbar and use the Rusty Dagger on the spinning wheel. Take the Corn Cob by the entrance, and wait for the mom to go left. Go down a level and use the Crowbar on the platform to the right to get another Ruby and a Coin. Go back up and use the other Ruby on the statue, and wait for the mom to go left again. Go down and quickly hide in the statue to the left. After the neighbour goes up, quickly use the Dagger on the whip to the right of the entrance and head downstairs (this is incredibly tight, you'll likely get caught here, what matters is that you take care of that whip). Next, use the Corn Cob on the bird near the boat, and the Coin on the meter near the boat. Go left and use the Resin on the mechanical bull, and use the Crowbar on the mine shaft entrance to get an Explosive. When the mom leaves, go up and use the Pot of Paint on the bench, and then quickly go back down and hide in the mine cart. Wait until the neighbour heads right, and then go back up and use the Explosive on the cigar box. Go back down and hide again until the level ends.

Eat and Be Eaten

Take the Cement Powder and go down, and take the Chili Pepper, before going left. Take the Chicken Drumstick, Piranha Teeth, and Tequila, and then go up and use the Cement Powder in the water. Pick up the Preserving Jar to the right of the bull, and wait until it's clear to go right and up one level. Take the Statue's Hand and Flowers, and then quickly go down and hide in the statue. As soon as the mom goes up one level, give the Chicken Drumstick and Piranha Teeth to the plant on the right, and use the Tequila and Chili Pepper on the food in the top right. Hide in the statue again until the mom goes back up one level, and then go down and left, and use the Preserving Jar on the log to get termites. Use the Statue's Hand on the lever for the mechanical bull, and when it's safe, go upstairs and use the flowers on the bull's trough. Go back down and hide in the mine cart until the neighbour comes back from the boat and eventually goes upstairs to the bull. Use the Preserving Jar on the boat, and then wait until he moves right. Go up and grab the Wasps' Nest, and then go back downstairs and use it on the piñata. Now you can hide and wait for the level to end.