Neon Abyss

Neon Abyss

35 Achievements

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Sovereign of Eggs

Sovereign of Eggs

Get 50 eggs in a single run.


How to unlock the Sovereign of Eggs achievement in Neon Abyss - Definitive Guide

There is an item called "Knife and Fork" that each time you kill an enemy with melee damage it has a chance to drop an egg.

I also bought a weapon in the shop called "Thunder" (looks like an electric guitar) that deals melee damage to the enemies.

So killing enemies with that weapon caused a lot of eggs to drop. There might be other weapons that deal melee damage as well, but this is what I found super early in the game in my third run.

14 Jul 2020 18:28

OK people,
for anyone who is still interested in this achievement and can't get it to work i managed to get it yesterday after trying a bunch of different methods.
Here is what worked.
Firstly ,you need to have unlocked the cube that appears randomly in the shop to refresh the items for sale.
Play on easy difficulty and try to gather as many coins as possible in the first few levels ,only spend them on something that will make it easier to accumulate more coins as you play.
The exceptions being "lipstick" which replenishes the shop and "firecrackers".
If you get the lipstick item early great as that means you will only need one shop later with the throw-able cube, if not you will need two.
Once you have plenty of coins (i'd recommend at least 300) you want the shop on the level to have the throw-able cube,keep re-rolling the shop items until you get the "frostfire gun and the "firecrackers"
If you don't get these items before your coins run out you can quit to menu then continue from start of level and try again until you do.
Once you have frostfire and firecrackers together you can now start to accumulate the eggs.
In one of the larger combat rooms leave a creature alive at one side, move away so you don't kill it and start generating items with the frostfire/firecarackers combo.
Pick up all the eggs that appear (you will fill up on everything else too,especially more coins),I picked up at least 200 eggs.
Now that you have a huge trail of eggs head back to the shop with the cube (if you had the lipstick item),if not continue on to next levels where hopefully the shop will have another cube.
Use the cube again until the "double yokes" item appears,buy it and apply and hopefully the achievement will pop.
If you get to the stage where you have all the eggs and need a second shop with a cube but it doesn't appear ,quit to menu and continue from level start and go back to shop until the cube is there ,i think it's random each time if the cube is there or not.
By Wolly Wampa on 10 Mar 2022 11:57
Sigh -.-
By Jamal2807 on 30 Jul 2021 20:33
^i feel ya.
By Shadykilla420 on 02 Aug 2021 17:55
Morbid237 said:
the tracking for this might be off, I got this one in the 3rd level of a run, no way had I collected 50 eggs.
Sorry, I deleted your comment by accident. Was going to say the same thing happened to me. Popped whilst fighting a God, I definitely hadn't got 50 eggs.
By Beanpotter on 18 Jul 2020 17:14
Even if I got 50 eggs or more, it was not unlocked.
I've tried it many times but it doesn't unlock.
Probably broken after November 27th.
By romaneconti on 11 Dec 2020 20:55
win10 version broken aswell
By KinectNinja on 29 Dec 2020 21:37
Yeah pretty sure this is broken too. Dropped a shit ton of eggs after getting 99 keys, keys can be used as bombs, and using kwys has a chance of dropping eggs. Spammed key grenades like woah. Line of eggs was out the room. Plus all the others i got during the run. Only possible thing i can think at this point is maybe it might still unlock if you had 50 at once, but i mightve had that, idk.

Anyone contacted devs about this? Quick look at win 10 unlocks seems to show it working fine there.
By Shadykilla420 on 06 Jan 2021 18:37
this sucks i was wanting to play it
By MasterNero14 on 11 Jan 2021 15:11
Looks like someone unlocked this the other day. Is this achievement working now?
By GH6991 on 23 Mar 2021 01:09
Wondering the same.
By DubstepEdgelord on 23 Mar 2021 23:17
Nope, they unlocked it a few months ago. Last achievements was just a grind.
By QBalu on 24 Mar 2021 13:41
Comment for updates
By Seitzz on 10 May 2021 16:00
How had is it to become discontinued
By Cr4shPl4yzYT on 12 May 2021 00:40
How it's possible that this achievement is flagged as discontinued? Two people clearly unlocked it on March and May, months after the update that seems to have broken it. The question is: are they cheaters or it's not broken anymore?
By MagicShadow91 on 12 May 2021 15:51
The only thing I could think is that they didn't update the game, or its really patched. Will test this on a dummy soon to see if its fixed.
By DubstepEdgelord on 19 May 2021 23:46
Must be pre patch version. Did a run last night with rainbow where eggs never hatch. Had 62 eggs at once, plus a few more during the run and nothing. Ill post a screenshot of it here when ta decides to upload it to the site. Long story short, current version is still broken.
By Shadykilla420 on 24 May 2021 18:51
Bugged for me also
By vinacha on 28 May 2021 07:57
An update happened for me this morning. Any chance it did anything?
By DubstepEdgelord on 16 Jun 2021 14:25
Im about to do a run to find out.
By Shadykilla420 on 17 Jun 2021 23:32
Idk. Update brought new enemies and bosses and all kinds of stuff. Got fork and knife on 1st or second stage, a bunch of melee eggs plus all the others. Played through and beat cursed athena and prometheus, but no unlock. Maybe i was shy a few eggs. I wasnt counting this time, but i got alot.
By Shadykilla420 on 18 Jun 2021 04:18
Second run starting with fork and knife, got light dancer partway through. Was getting eggs in every other room. Still nothing. Doesnt seem like this update fixed it. Maybe someone else can confirm too.
By Shadykilla420 on 18 Jun 2021 06:00
Ohhhhh man ! I was so hyped when I saw that update sigh 😔 well looks like they r still updating the game maybe there weren’t aware of that discontinued achievement
By Jamal2807 on 18 Jun 2021 18:12
Looks like the update was more for the Alter Ego DLC that was just released
By BigNev44 on 18 Jun 2021 23:48
64 eggs at the end without achievement. Still not work.
By QBalu on 21 Jun 2021 20:15
Yeah im done till other people unlock it. I always lose count partway through. Pretty sure i had 50 eggs last night though. Weird thing though, pretty sure you can only hold 20 eggs at once now, cuz i had the rainbow where eggs dont hatch, and once i hit 20 it never added anymore eggs when i picked new ones up. Presumably to limit the abilities attached to eggs like lemon jelly which lets you jump more times the more eggs you have.
By Shadykilla420 on 29 Aug 2021 17:49
Only 3 possibilities i have are other guys used unpatched version, any games started fresh since new update will unlock it fine, or theyre cheats.
By Shadykilla420 on 29 Aug 2021 17:51
If anyone else wants to try, you can now try certain items from the upgrade tree anytime for 25 faith gems. Under tier 6, one of those comes with knife and fork. This should make it easier to attempt at least. Just need to hope for a light dancer or thunder after that for easy melee kills, or actually try to melee as much as possible, but that can be tricky.
By Shadykilla420 on 29 Aug 2021 18:52
Don’t think it have been fixed tbh. The devs posted that they are looking into a fix first in December last year, then again in January, Mars, April and finally in July this year. Looks like they are just trying to stall out time and are to cowards to just admit they don’t care about it.

I tried to buy both dlc’s to see if that would trigger something. But the achievement still refuse to unlock. And after seeing how the dev replies and how they try to just drag out time hoping that everyone will just forget about it. I am gonna do exactly that. At least until either some real methods of unlocking it, or an actual patch comes a out.
By HolyThugRabbit on 30 Aug 2021 13:14
Bummer. I had really wanted to give this a try. Oh well, plenty of other games to play.
By Clockwerks on 30 Aug 2021 14:19
If you have a pc around you can use. Then everything is perfectly obtainable on the win 10 version.

It is a really fun game. Just a shame that the devs are updating the game frequently but do not care about fixing the broken achievement.

Guess fixing broken things is not as fun as adding new things😒
By HolyThugRabbit on 30 Aug 2021 15:30
I think I got lucky with this achievement. I got this while I was cheesing coin bomb and fishing. I don't know how many it was but I had way more than 50 eggs then towards the end I got double yolk and got it.
By iOlumide on 31 Aug 2021 04:43
Thanks for the info alma. Ive had similar setups with no luck. Might keep trying though with that.

Edit: tried again. Had hacking tool and keys can drop eggs item. Got mad eggs again and nothing. Never found double yolk during the run like i was hoping though. Fwiw alma started playing in august, so maybe itll unlock normally for anyone new who starts it. Otherwise either he did get lucky and somehow got it to pop, or the egg counter works but is significantly higher than the description. My best guesses assuming the above information is true.
By Shadykilla420 on 31 Aug 2021 19:24
I don't think it has anything to do with start dates, I started a few days ago and have had a few runs with over 50 eggs and still don't have it, I'd guess that the devs screwed something up and it now only pops if you have some absurd amount of eggs.
By So many Bears on 27 Oct 2021 04:39
Just had a run with 26 eggs, picked up double yolks and it still didn't pop, so we can rule out 50 at a time too.
By So many Bears on 27 Oct 2021 08:07
Is the PC list shared with Xbox, or are they considered separate games?
By GH6991 on 18 Jan 2022 02:36
windows list is separate
By doomedtolive on 29 Jan 2022 04:22
There was a patch for the game today and 7 people have unlocked this since, maybe it's no longer bugged?

Edit: It's fixed, just got it on my first run back without needing 100s of eggs.
By So many Bears on 16 Aug 2022 04:11
Yeah it's defo fixed. Pick this game back up after the patch and got it today, Nice to see the devs sort things out
By onidemon666 on 22 Apr 2023 15:59
I got it by getting the owl headdress item which gives you an egg when you jump and the egg disappears when you land. About 3 rooms later the achievement popped so I guess each egg counts even though they disappear
By SprinkyDink on 13 Jun 2023 19:16
Did something change? Looks like someone was able to unlock the achievement a couple days ago.
By Clockwerks on 24 Aug 2021 14:29
Hmm. I might look into it again. Heard reports that one games are hackable now. Think maybe even with false timestamps. Could be the case with all unlocks since november unless they somehow got their hands on an unpatched version. That most recent profile does seem like it could be legit though.

Getting irritated with hoping to get lucky enough to get 50 eggs in one run for nothing though.
By Shadykilla420 on 27 Aug 2021 15:54
This must still be really buggy, I have picked up more eggs than I could count many times and no achievement, but I can't find the double yolk or owl headress so hopefully that will pop it.
EDIT: I can't believe it, after wasting a few hours not getting it i said fuck it and kept resetting until the shop had owl headress, then after only a few reloads it was in there, then i bought it, jumped 50 times and it popped.
By DubstepEdgelord on 26 Jul 2023 05:47
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OK people,
for anyone who is still interested in this achievement and can't get it to work i managed to get it yesterday after trying a bunch of different methods.
Here is what worked.
Firstly ,you need to have unlocked the cube that appears randomly in the shop to refresh the items for sale.
Play on easy difficulty and try to gather as many coins as possible in the first few levels ,only spend them on something that will make it easier to accumulate more coins as you play.
The exceptions being "lipstick" which replenishes the shop and "firecrackers".
If you get the lipstick item early great as that means you will only need one shop later with the throw-able cube, if not you will need two.
Once you have plenty of coins (i'd recommend at least 300) you want the shop on the level to have the throw-able cube,keep re-rolling the shop items until you get the "frostfire gun and the "firecrackers"
If you don't get these items before your coins run out you can quit to menu then continue from start of level and try again until you do.
Once you have frostfire and firecrackers together you can now start to accumulate the eggs.
In one of the larger combat rooms leave a creature alive at one side, move away so you don't kill it and start generating items with the frostfire/firecarackers combo.
Pick up all the eggs that appear (you will fill up on everything else too,especially more coins),I picked up at least 200 eggs.
Now that you have a huge trail of eggs head back to the shop with the cube (if you had the lipstick item),if not continue on to next levels where hopefully the shop will have another cube.
Use the cube again until the "double yokes" item appears,buy it and apply and hopefully the achievement will pop.
If you get to the stage where you have all the eggs and need a second shop with a cube but it doesn't appear ,quit to menu and continue from level start and go back to shop until the cube is there ,i think it's random each time if the cube is there or not.
*Achievement now fixed in latest game update and obtainable now by normal means*

10 Mar 2022 12:01

Thanks it worked
By KringleMeem on 16 Apr 2022 04:27
Thanks! I did work. Was a bit of a rng pain, since the cubes where rare and far between. Getting two in a single run took a dozen runs or so.

But the achievement is unlocked! So thanks! Great find!
By HolyThugRabbit on 17 Apr 2022 18:28
Thanks to you! You gave me a great advice.
By romaneconti on 24 Apr 2022 17:18
Thanks for sharing this! I only found one reroll cube across all my runs, but I was able to get the same result by grabbing the items needed from the claw game rooms. Still, your solution is perfect, I just wasn't having any luck with the reroll cubes!
By WolvenCurse155 on 13 May 2022 11:35
How has this got such a low ratio, I cannot get it to pop. Had so many runs with more than 50 eggs. Just finished one run with around 100 and still nothing popped
By Dropkick Hope86 on 01 Jul 2022 02:21
I had around 300 eggs and still nothing. This achievement is fucked
By Dropkick Hope86 on 03 Jul 2022 00:53
Ratio is low because it wasnt broken at first. They broke it with an update, and now its pretty much only attainable through means such as the ones stated in this guide.
By Shadykilla420 on 30 Jul 2022 18:26
This achievement has been fixed in the latest update and is easily obtainable now.
By Wolly Wampa on 16 Aug 2022 14:20
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While the achievement description is accurate, just to clarify: you do NOT need to have 50 eggs/pets on you at once, and you do NOT need to hatch 50 eggs, whether successful or not. You just need to collect a total of 50 over the course of an entire run.

As you might expect, this achievement is reliant on quite a bit of luck. However, there are many things you can do to increase the odds of success:
  • Play as Ming, who is unlocked in the fifth skill tree. He starts with two eggs, giving you a leg up right from the start
  • Play on Easy so you don't have to worry about dying on a good run, and don't hesitate to use the Save Reload Exploit to save a good run
  • Plan to take the run at least to Athena/Ares to give yourself the maximum number of floors to find eggs
  • If you have lots of unused/extra gems you haven't spend in the upgrade tree, consider spending them on the Knife and Fork item from the statue just before the abyss. This item is extremely useful, because every time you kill an enemy with melee damage, you have a chance to get an egg. If you don't buy it for use before starting, keeping an eye out for it throughout your run
  • From the skill trees, you absolutely want to have unlocked the orange paint on blocks. These adds lots of extra drops to each floor, whether it be eggs directly or more resources to find eggs. You also should have all of the different types of barrels, and at least the two types of switches (the one you can use if you take no damage, and the other you can use if you have full health). These bonus rooms have a chance for eggs or more resources. Lastly, absolutely have the Gashapon unlocked, which is the egg vending machine
  • Turn off all game rooms. The gamble of money isn't worth it. Better to spend money on stuff at the store to get you more eggs, or to buy resources to open more chests and walls
  • Fully explore every floor, and do so before using any consumables (money, grenades, keys). After you've killed all enemies and opened up all rooms, make efficient use of your consumables to open as many chests, walls, etc, as you can. For example, use grenades first one grenade barrels, since you're guaranteed to get a grenade back plus more, and so on
  • Aim to raise your Wisdom on each floor. The Athena rooms are good because you can get another item, which could be a game changer, but also because you want the Athena Token so you get another floor to look for eggs
  • Prioritize spending money on eggs at Gashapon pods and shops. Those are guaranteed eggs that you should never pass up
  • During each run, prioritize getting a weapon that deals melee damage. This is important so that if you buy or find Knife and Fork, you've got the pair you need to make this achievement far more likely
  • The absolute best item to find on a run for this achievement is Double Yolks. It doubles how many eggs you have. Obviously this item is useless if you have no eggs, but if you can find it late in a run, it's basically a guarantee for this achievement
  • Other extremely useful items are the Rocket Mod, Popcorn, or Mine. Basically, anything that gives you unlimited explosions so you aren't entirely reliant on grenades. Having an unlimited amount means you can break every wall, open every stone chest, and blast apart all stone blocks, drastically increasing the likelihood of finding eggs. Also keep an eye out for the Hacking Tool if you're consistently low on keys, as it gives you 99 keys. 
Even with all that in mind, you're still at the mercy of RNG to a pretty large extent. On my successful run, which was one of my final runs after unlocking everything else, I played as Ming, got the Rocket Mod really early, got the Hacking Tool, found Knife and Fork on the third floor and bought the Lightdancer on the same floor, and then on the sixth floor I found Double Yolks in the item room. I had 6 pets and 16 eggs following me on the sixth floor, and picking up Double Yolks unlocked the achievement for me. Obviously I had a great run with nearly perfect luck, but not every single one of those things needs to happen together to make this achievement happen. Keep at it, and use the gems you earn from unsuccessful runs to buy the Knife and Fork before the next run. If you start with Knife and Fork, consider playing as Anna on Easy and using her melee attack with rb.png to kill all enemies to increase the amount of eggs you get.