Persona 3 Portable

Persona 3 Portable

36 Achievements

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A Cut Above

A Cut Above

Defeat Elizabeth or Theodore.


How to unlock the A Cut Above achievement in Persona 3 Portable - Definitive Guide

If you need alternatives for Fusions:

We're (I'm) assuming you have all of the Social Links maxed out and are on January 30th or earlier. If you're not, especially on the S.Link front, strongly consider tackling this on New Game Plus. Note that equipment carries over, but items do not - if you've already obtained the Armageddon x10 reward from the Hanged Man Void Quest battle, you'll have a decent chunk of grinding to do so you can purchase one (or two, if you also haven't beaten Margaret). You can't obtain any of the Void Quest rewards (except the Gem x5) more than once on the same save, and sadly that persists through NG+. Farming the Infinity items you'll need is very easy even without the x10 Void Quest reward.

First up, your Persona. Just do Orpheus Telos; it innately Resists everything, which is as far as your defense can go. If you Null, Absorb or Reflect any attack during this battle, not counting using Infinity to block Megidolaon, the super boss will one-shot you. P3P makes obtaining a god-tier Orpheus Telos laughably easy, unlike the FES version. While any element (or pair of elements, if you prefer) works, I'm just recommending electric. Because Thunder Reign has always been and will always be hysterically overpowered, and if you've fought either The Reaper or Margaret you probably have him in your Compendium already anyway.

If you don't, no sweat.

Jatayu (Sun, lv55) (see below to save a couple pennies) + Throne (Justice, lv51) = Odin (Emperor, lv57)

Level Odin up and ensure that 1) he has Thunder Reign (obviously), and 2) he's given you the Elec Amp Skill Card. Once you've checked those boxes, save your Odin to the Compendium if need be and then fuse:

Odin (Emperor, lv57) + Surt (Magician, lv52) + Eligor (Tower, lv31) = Loki (Fool, lv58)

Despite what I just said above, I'm selecting this fusion so that, if you prefer, you can have both Thunder Reign (Elec) and Ragnarok (Fire). You'll have to level Surt up until he learns Ragnarok, of course. For our purposes, Loki just needs to inherit Thunder Reign. If it doesn't show up in the list when Loki is displayed in the Fusion window, simply cancel Surt and Eligor and then reselect them to roll the dice again. It shouldn't take more than a couple of tries; probably a decent amount more if you want both Thunder Reign and Ragnarok.

Once you have your Loki with Thunder Reign, fuse:

Decarabia (Fool, lv50) + Loki (Fool, lv58) + Susano-o (Fool, lv76) = Orpheus Telos (Fool, lv90)

Same as before, deselect and reselect the last two Persona in the Fusion menu until Orpheus Telos has inherited Thunder Reign. Orpheus Telos has no native skills, so feel free to be OCD and do it as much as you want until it shows up in the skill slot you prefer. Thunder Reign (and Ragnarok) is the only skill he'll have that you can't change the position of at your leisure afterwards.

Now that you have Orpheus Telos with Thunder Reign, you'll want to (nearly) max out its stats and get it to lv99. We'll start with the leveling, technically, since that segues into acquiring the other 6 skills we'll need to prepare for the battle. I'll leave the particulars of actually killing enemies in Monad up to you, but personally my Odin had Maziodyne and Deathbound which paired well with a Parvati that had Mabufula/Mabufudyne and a Lucifer that had Maragidyne and Victory Cry. Since Orpheus Telos isn't what we're using to kill, however, it won't get EXP - which is where Growth 3 comes in.

Now before you exit Tartarus and use the Antique Shop to purchase a copy, let me say that you're actually going to want ~9 copies. And instead of buying them with Gems, do this fusion a couple of times:

Cu Chulainn (Tower, lv40) + Saki Mitama (Lovers, lv39) + Taraka (Hermit, lv38) = Jatayu (Sun, lv55)

With the Sun S.Link maxed out, simply fusing Jatayu is enough to level it up enough to earn the Growth 3 Skill Card. Slap a copy of that onto Orpheus Telos, and then make the following Persona and slap copies of Growth 3 onto them as well (if needed):

Take-mikazuchi (Emperor, lv24) - Elec Boost Skill Card
Atropos (Fortune, lv54) - Mind Charge Skill Card
Zouchouten (Chariot, lv14) - Sharp Student Skill Card
Asura (Sun, lv85) - Unshaken Will Skill Card
Siegfried (Strength, lv59) - High Counter Skill Card
Attis (Hanged Man, lv67) - Enduring Soul Skill Card
Messiah (Judgment, lv90) - Equipment: Armor of Light & Shoes of Light
Alilat (Empress, lv84) - Equipment: Divine Pillar

Of particular note here is Messiah. If you've already got your armors, no sweat, you know what I'm about to say. If you don't: When you fuse Messiah, make sure you get the message (and icon) about the Heart Item. Heart Items are awarded to you when that Persona learns its last skill, and in the case of Messiah it has multiple items that it can give. The best way to handle this is to closely monitor Messiah's level and EXP bar. Making use of saving and reloading as necessary, get Messiah as close as possible to learning its final skill, Megidolaon, and save it to the Compendium. That way when it levels up you can dismiss it, purchase it back, and it'll need that same amount of EXP again - instead of having to fully level it each time. You can also save scum if you get the items for Aigis or Koromaru and don't actually use those characters (or get multiple copies, since they don't have good shop resell prices).

Once you have all of your equipment, all of your Skill Cards and Orpheus Telos is lv99 - reminder that using the (Fe)MC without a party will yield more EXP per fight for our purposes here - it's time to slap together the beast. The final skill list should have:

- Thunder Reign
- Mind Charge
- Unshaken Will
- Enduring Soul
- Sharp Student
- High Counter
- Elec Boost
- Elec Amp

If you're doing the Thunder Reign + Ragnarok combo, drop Elec Boost. Mind Charge will outperform Fire Amp, however you can choose to gamble and have Fire Amp replace Sharp Student (reduces odds of getting critically hit) or High Counter (if you want to 100% opt out of the RNG-reliant short fight strategy). Enduring Soul is your safety net and Unshaken Will is basically mandatory.

Next order of business is Margaret's Void Quest. If you've already fully cleaned that out, you'll still want to do a bit of farming here but you can pump your stat cards into Orpheus Telos. If you haven't finished Void Quest, then your objectives for are:

- Clear every door once
- Earn Armageddon x10 from the Hanged Man door, which is done by letting one of the Maya enemies self-destruct
- Earn the stat increasing cards from the Power/Magic/Endurance/Speed doors, which is done by completing the fight twice
- Earn the Homunculus x20 by completing the Luck Door twice
- (Optional) Pray to RNGesus that you get Infinity x10 from the Strength & Fortune door, allegedly from allowing at least one party member to die from an unlucky roulette wheel effect

With that done, farm doors for Gems. You'll get 5 for each completion, and each door will yield a different type. I would suggest having the following items before going into the fight:

- Bead x15 (Opal x1 + Garnet x1)
- Soma x2 (Random chests, else: Precious Egg for Ruby x2 + Pearl x1)
- Homunculus x20+ (Diamond x1 + Sapphire x1)
- Armageddon x1 {mandatory} (Malachite x99 + Ruby x10)
- Infinity x10 {at least 3~5 are mandatory, 10 is the maximum because after 10 rounds you die} (Malachite x4 + Pearl x4)
- Dis-Poison x10 (pharmacy, bought with normal Yen)
- Megido Gem x30 [Garnet x2] {Margaret fight only, but letting you know here 'cause I'm good like that}

And presto, you're golden. You've got your Persona, you've got your armor (and weapon, maybe; Lucifer for MC and Kartikeya for FeMC at the antique shop, but it takes two days to make so if you're on Jan 30th it's too late - but you don't need it), you've got your Divine Pillar and your items. Pick up the Ultimate Opponent request, put together a full party, head into Monad and use Split Up to just have them take you to the... bottom? I've always thought of it as going down but clearly the stairs head up. Whatever. When you speak with the super boss just accept having your party sent away; you don't actually have to venture to Floor 10 solo.

Quick note: I've only ever fought Theo. I assume Liz has the same weakness and resistance pattern, but if not I'm terribly sorry but you're going to have to YOLO a little.

The battle rules are as follows:
- Theo/Liz will attack twice per turn
- Every turn their Persona will change, even if they use two physical attacks and you never see the Persona. Pay attention! Use a notepad if you have to
- If you don't use a calculator to keep track of damage done to them, you're gonna mess up and die. Grab one of those while you're at it
- If you Null, Absorb or Reflect any attack ([High] Counter is the exception), you die
- If you take more than 10 cycles (80 rounds), you die
- Theo/Liz will instantly heal all of their HP one time once they take 10,000 damage. The only exception to this is if surpassing 10,000 damage happens during their second attack of a turn, by using a physical attack on you and High Counter procing. Do not count on this actually happening, but it is possible
- After fully healing, if they are once more brought down to a certain threshold they'll 1) heal themselves and 2) nuke you from orbit. Obviously, you'll die

The Persona pattern is:
Uriel / Surt
Gabriel / Jack Frost
Michael / Thor
Raphael / Cu Chulainn
Sandalphon / Metatron
Lilith / Alice
Abaddon / Nebiros
Beelzebub / Masakado

So, attack rotation should be:

First Round Only:
Thunder Reign (Uriel is summoned)
Thunder Reign (Gabriel is summoned)
Thunder Reign (Michael is summoned) [Fire weakness hit on Gabriel]
Mind Charge (Raphael is summoned)
Thunder Reign (Sandalphon is summoned) [Elec weakness hit on Raphael]
Physical Attack (Lilith is summoned) [Sandalphon blocks Elec]
Physical Attack (Abaddon is summoned) [Lilith blocks Elec]
Infinity or die (Beelzebub is summoned)

Repeat From Here:
Mind Charge (Uriel is summoned) [Beelzebub blocks Elec and Physical]
Thunder Reign (Gabriel is summoned)
Thunder Reign (Michael is summoned) [Fire weakness hit on Gabriel]
Mind Charge (Raphael is summoned)
Thunder Reign (Sandalphon is summoned) [Elec weakness hit on Raphael]
Physical Attack (Lilith is summoned)
Physical Attack (Abaddon is summoned)
Infinity or die (Beelzebub is summoned)

You'll need to skip attacks every now and again. Some of them are quite painful to skip, like a Mind Charge'd Thunder Reign versus Raphael, and that's where Enduring Soul comes in. If it's too good to pass up, let the one-time full restore cover you. Otherwise, don't risk it. Always use a Bead when you're at ~320 HP. Always use a Soma if you would be about to use a Bead, but your MP is half or less. Always remove Poison instead of going for the Mind Charge. Poison is the only status ailment that can affect you with Unshaken Will on, but also Poison is extraordinarily dangerous while being double tapped every turn.

As mentioned above, if RNGesus blesses you and Theo/Liz uses their second attack to physically assault you, High Counter procs, and that puts them over 10,000 damage taken - immediately use Armageddon to win! If not, do not stop and wait. Keep pounding them. They're going to heal up, yes, but it's actually quite easy (at least on Normal or below) to do more than 20,000 damage in 8~9 rounds. Once they take more than 10,000 damage the second time, they will not heal - immediately use Armageddon to finish the battle.

11 Feb 2023 01:13

Excellent guide. Thank you so much. :)
By BloodGodAlucard on 14 Feb 2023 22:47
After experienced (and beat) her/him, i'd like to add the fact that, as long you didn't die during her ultimate Megido, you can revive yourself (if playing on easy or enable it), so no need to really pay attention to your HP. The combat will continue as normal.
By Learnyy on 29 Apr 2023 22:15
Juts beat him on easy with half the setup but it took around 9 cycles, had my orpheus telos only at level 96 with elec boost, unshaken will, mind charge and thunder reign. I had omega Drive equipped,ultimate weapon and regular equipment for everything else.
By raultono 10 on 10 Jul 2023 00:26
I got 10 Infinity items my first-time beating Fortune's door. I was playing on easy, no one died, and I only got positive effects from the roulette (the trick is to stop it when the effect you want is at the 12 o'clock position).
By TheRedNeo on 18 Nov 2023 04:45
Cannot get Armageddon with above 10 times in Hanged man's door.
By X2poet on 16 Jan 2024 08:38
Cannot get Armageddon with above 10 times in Hanged man's door.
By X2poet on 16 Jan 2024 14:19
There doesn't seem to be a consensus online for whether the Void Quest rewards have some element of RNG to them, or if they're buggy and randomly skip rewards (and those become unobtainable without a save prior to earning the reward). I personally couldn't get Infinity x10 to drop even reloading the save.
By Darrcyphfeid on 16 Jan 2024 23:55
i can confirm you can get infinity x10 from the strength/fortune door, by letting a teammate die from a bad effect, but i dont know if it's rng-based and i just got lucky. if you do try to go for it, defeat strength first so you dont get overwhelmed by both, and then take the big damage until someone on your team dies (sorry yukari, for being my guinea pig)... also, i forgot to equip the divine pillar and instead went in w/ the barbaric bracers. it worked out pretty well, as i was dodging pretty often, but it was quite risky, so i would suggest not forgetting the divine pillar! other than that, thanks for the great guide!
By An Alphy on 13 Mar 2023 00:15
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Folks, prepare yourself. This is one of Persona 3 Portable’s hardest fights by far. It requires a lot of preparation, a lot of luck, and also, a lot of equipment… and even a specific Persona. This is definitely very, very tricky. So tricky that we couldn’t do it justice with a few words here, so we have prepared an incredibly in-depth guide on how to beat Elizabeth/Theodore, AKA the “Ultimate Opponent.”

There is pretty much every single bit of information you need in that separate guide, that will guarantee you beat one of the hardest bosses in the game.

Just as an FYI as well. If you’re the male character, it’s Elizabeth. If you’re the female character, you’ll get to choose early on when Igor asks what you imagine his assistant to be. The two are the same, whether you picked Elizabeth or Theodore, when it comes to this boss fight.

Oh, and this should be one of the last achievements you get, in New Game Plus. Head here for the Elizabeth/Theodore boss fight tips guide.
Folks, prepare yourself. This is one of Persona 3 Portable’s hardest fights by far. It requires a lot of preparation, a lot of luck, and also, a lot of equipment… and even a specific Persona. This is definitely very, very tricky. So tricky that we couldn’t do it justice with a few words here, so we have prepared an incredibly in-depth guide on how to beat Elizabeth/Theodore, AKA the “Ultimate Opponent.”

There is pretty much every single bit of information you need in that separate guide, that will guarantee you beat one of the hardest bosses in the game.

Just as an FYI as well. If you’re the male character, it’s Elizabeth. If you’re the female character, you’ll get to choose early on when Igor asks what you imagine his assistant to be. The two are the same, whether you picked Elizabeth or Theodore, when it comes to this boss fight.

Oh, and this should be one of the last trophies you get, in New Game Plus. Head here for the Elizabeth/Theodore boss fight tips guide.
Link to detailed guide
Mandatory Fusion spells (Armageddon 1 pc., Infinity 6-10 pcs.)
Recommended equipment (Armor of light, Shoes of light, Lucifer Blade, Divine Pillar)
Featured Person (Orpheus Telos)
Skills per person
1. Niflheim (or any other elemental skill that deals Severe damage)
2.Ice Amp
3.Ice Boost
4. Unshaken Will
5. Sharp Student
6.High Counter or Diarahan (if there are few Beads in inventory)
7.Spell Master
8. Mind Charge
Fusion spells can be bought at the Shinshoudo Antiques store in the Paulownia Mall location for jewelry, you also need certain people in the Armageddon compendium (Helel and Satan), Infinity (Vishnu and Ananta). To get a pack of 10 Armageddon pieces, you need to complete a vision quest in the door with the Hanged Man lasso, condition: The boss will summon Devious Maya, and you need to let her explode when the boss casts Armed and Ready, for this you will receive 10 pieces.
For 10 pieces of Infinity, you need to complete the quest with the Fortune and Strength arcana, and let all party members die from the wheel of fortune, and it is from the wheel, and not from something else, after death it is better not to revive them until the battle is over.
The amount of HP is 20k, removing half of it will heal her to full, so in fact it’s 30k. She doesn't have any weaknesses as such, but if you deal damage every turn from 1 to 4 that is the opposite of what she uses, you can deal extra damage (about 50%).
You should not take items or persons into battle that block, absorb or reflect any damage; if Elizabel wants to deal fire damage and you block it, she will cast Megidolaon for 9k damage. There is also a limit of 100 moves, if you don’t have time to kill during this time, her pattern will change and she can do anything, be it Diarahan or Megidolaon. You cannot use the spell armageddon at the beginning of the battle, she will one-shot again with her megido. Elizabeth and Theodore are no different from each other, the pattern is the same, only the persons are different, they make 2 moves at a time, they can either deal one blow in the melee, and one magic, or two physical.
1 turn, uses the Surt persona, blocks Strike damage, absorbs Fire, gets extra. 50% Ice damage, casts Maragidyne.
Turn 2, uses the Jack Frost persona, blocks Pierce damage, absorbs Ice, gets extra. 50% fire damage, casts Mabufudyne.
Turn 3, uses the Thor persona, blocks Slash damage, absorbs Lightning, gets extra. 50% wind damage, casts Maziodyne.
Turn 4, uses the Cu Chulain persona, blocks Pierce damage, absorbs Wind, gets extra. 50% lightning damage, casts Magarudyne.
Turn 5, uses the Metatron persona, blocks any magical damage, takes damage only from physical attacks, casts Mahamaon.
Turn 6, uses the persona Alice, blocks any magical damage, takes damage only from physical attacks, casts Mamudoon.
Turn 7, uses the person Nebiros, has no block to anything, but has increased resistance to all attacks, will try to impose negative effects, including poison.
Turn 8, uses the Masakado persona, blocks absolutely all attacks, casts megidolaon for 9 thousand damage.

18 Jun 2023 03:56

Under no circumstances should you start completing tasks with Margaret if you do not intend to go beat Elizabeth during this walkthrough. Easily accessible Armageddons and Infinity can be obtained only once for all games plus this save. Now you get the spells, you won’t defeat Elizabeth, they won’t be transferred to the game, plus you’ll be guaranteed hellish farming.

26 Mar 2023 23:21