

58 Achievements


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Split Affinity

Split Affinity

You completed the game once acquiring only Typhon Powers and again acquiring only Human abilities.


How to unlock the Split Affinity achievement in Prey - Definitive Guide

not really a guide but a suggestion

if you go for the No Needles in Prey achievment make a save right before the end
then reload and purchase a couple typhon abilities, then on a separate campaign play through only purchasing human abilities

unfortunately the typhon campaign and human campaign have to be saved under different campaigns (1,2 or 3) so reloading no needles and purchasing human will not unlock this achievement

EDIT thanks to Heraizen -- can be done either way round, human then typhon, or typhon then human, personally tho i would suggest if doing no needles way then do typhon and a full human campaign because basic inventory space, only 1 upgrade to eah weapon, no hacking or leverage for getting places quick is so annoying

11 May 2017 21:31

Would also like to note that you can do Human then Typhon, doesn't have to be Typhon first.
By Heraizen on 11 May 2017 22:18
thanks, edited that in
By RA1NBOWGASM on 11 May 2017 22:20
Can you do this through the Escape Pod earlier in the game?
By Vanek on 13 May 2017 02:29
No as that's not classed as completing the game it's classed as failing the game
By RA1NBOWGASM on 13 May 2017 06:57
It's not working for me. I finished the game without acquiring any ability, the reloaded to get also this achievement, first acquiring Human abilities and then Typhon powers, but the achievement keeps unlocked.
By JetLagFox on 15 May 2017 21:24
@JetLagFox: That doesn't work. You have to do one full run with powers no matter what you do. This just lets you save out on doing a third one.
By misfit119 on 15 May 2017 21:31
Fun fact - 159 neuromods to max out Typhon skill tree and 218 to max out the Human one.
By Jayowski on 18 May 2017 10:14
Wait, so completing the NoNeedle run negs the one-side-only run?
By SaintAllLuck on 19 May 2017 18:28
no, run no needles and complete the game till it gives you the load option, releaod the save just before you do the action that proceeds to the credits, purchase some typhon abilities then proceed to the credits, then on a different campaign slot do an entire plathrough only purchasing human abilties, turns 3 playthroughs into 2
By RA1NBOWGASM on 19 May 2017 18:55
I did "only human abilities" on Campaign 1, and then "no abilities + only Typhon abilities" on Campaign 2. Two save slots. Managed to get those 3 achievements this way
By on 25 May 2017 13:05
Is there a % progress tracker on the achievement? I just completed a human abilities only play through and was expecting the progress to go up to 50% but it has stayed at 0%.
By RomanAround on 28 May 2017 08:56
no there isnt a a progress tracker for this cheevo it will stay at 0% after first playthrough
By RA1NBOWGASM on 28 May 2017 13:04
Was literally going to ask the same question as Romanaround, thanks for that.

Didn't read the solution but luckily I did no needles, then reloaded w/ Typhon rather than Human so I could leave Human for my 2nd full play through.

How much easier is it with Human abilities btw? Significant?
By NoHeroes94 on 25 Jun 2017 19:07
The game with human and no typhon abilities is SOOOO much easier and faster than opposite way round
By RA1NBOWGASM on 25 Jun 2017 19:08
did you complete the game no needles, reload the game at the end purchase several typhon abilities, then ON A DIFFERENT CAMPAIGN play through the entire game start to end credit sequence with only typhon abilitie?
By RA1NBOWGASM on 07 Aug 2017 22:12
once you use a mod of either type it marks that campaign as that type even if you reload an earlier save E.G half way through game install a human mod then reload to before i installed the mod the save file will still be marked as human
By RA1NBOWGASM on 07 Aug 2017 22:43
well not that i approve or even recommend it apparently you can glitch to the end dont know if that voids the cheevo tho
By RA1NBOWGASM on 07 Aug 2017 23:17
My 1st playthrough was male good Morgan - Good human ending
My 2nd was female evil Morgan - Evil alien ending (I recommending doing it and no abusing the saves, its really fun)
My 3rd will be no needles
By SPΛΙΝΤΞRCΞΛΛ on 29 Sep 2017 19:30
Asking the obvious question: Which are the Typhon Powers and which are the Human abilities? Combat focus is a human ability despite using Psi points, correct?
By NBA Kirkland on 16 Nov 2017 01:40
does “split affinity” need to be done on back to back playthroughs? Or does it just need to occur on two playthroughs in general?
For instance: I just completed a Typhon only gameplay, does this next one HAVE to be only human powers ? Or do I just need to do human only at some point in the future? Thanks and hopefully that made sense.
By TKBird on 10 Sep 2018 18:09
you just need one campaign slot to have human and one slot to have typhoon, you can do any play through between them without affecting the achievement
By RA1NBOWGASM on 10 Sep 2018 20:41
So I did a playthrough of acquiring human abilities then a playthrough after acquiring only Typhon powers and it didn’t unlock. Are you allowed to use your human abilities that you earned in the previous playthrough, or does it have to be a playthrough with only human abilities and then a clean playthrough with only Typhon abilities? Like can you carry you abilities over to the next playthrough?
By SkydivingFalcon on 10 Oct 2018 01:50
you know when you start the game and it asks which campaign slot do you want to load 1,2 or 3, you must have one human only slot and one typhoon only slot. no new game+, completely seperate slots im afraid
By RA1NBOWGASM on 11 Oct 2018 17:45
Any suggestions for the Cargo Bay area if you've already unlocked Typhon skills but still want to save everyone? Set up turrets then run?
By MugenKairo on 07 Mar 2019 07:51
What a miserable achievement. This game has been a nasty ride, defintely not the best work from Bethesda here
By Sneaky G Wizard on 06 Apr 2022 09:00
defintely not the best work from Bethesda here
To be fair to the publisher, this is on Arkane as there are similarly annoying "no upgrade" achievements in the Dishonored games too.
By Talvalin on 06 Apr 2022 09:39
Fair point. It's just been a very long time since I needed such an intensive walkthrough because of such convoluted achievement requirements
By Sneaky G Wizard on 06 Apr 2022 23:02
Two years ago i did a no needle run and reloaded en used a typhon ability. I also made a start back then on a human mod run. Finished that one yesterday but no achievement. Decided to do a new typhon run just in case on a new game + file of the no needle run. Finished it and still no achievement. Safe to say im done with this games not doing a 4th run.
By evil terrorr on 27 Jun 2022 16:33
4th run, Jesus. I understand that
By Sneaky G Wizard on 27 Jun 2022 16:46
Finished campaign on slot 1 using quicksave/load method right before entering shuttle at the end; first time using 1 typhon unlock, reloaded after finishing, then did 1 human unlock. I understand that you need to finish it on 2 slots, but now I'm not sure which option to go for on slot 2, human or typhon xD will do quicksave/load at the end shuttle and update the thread to confirm if it unlocks once done, won't be too soon though
By CpL KaNe ZA on 14 Aug 2022 09:01
wif you purchased a typhoon unlock on save 1 before you reloaded and then did 1 human unlock that save file will now be marked Typhoon, so save slot 2 should be human unlock
By RA1NBOWGASM on 14 Aug 2022 10:13
Doing two run throughs is a reasonable approach. First campaign was with only human powers to learn the map and get most of the achievements including the collectibles. I even went back to an earlier first campaign save after finishing it to use my numerous neuromods to get all the Typhon power related achievements. Second campaign was with no powers until the end and doing the last moment save cheese for a Typhon power.
By Gilbert Prime on 12 Dec 2022 23:46
I managed to get the achievement from my "no needles" playthrough. If you're playing on the PC you can save right before the end (as suggested above). Copy the save game to a diffrent campaign slot after that, reload the save games from the two slots, choose a different human/typhon ability with each campaign, and finish the game. That's it.
By Pandur on 22 May 2017 09:01
If you don't want to do another full game run for this achievement, I did a no needles run using a combination of normal play and speedrunning, using this video:
I pretty much used the tricks to get to the lobby, then played normally until I reached the Arboretum. Then I used the video the get the nullware device quest, and just followed that quest until the end. Took me about three hours but it included a lot of random messing around. You're obviously free to pick up and try any tricks you're comfortable with. The ones I used I felt didn't require much skill or accuracy. I then reloaded the save to purhcase the typhon ability. This method should work for any end game achievement apart from"I and Thou" and "I and It".
By F4cile on 09 Mar 2018 15:10
Late to the party, but if you throw a few nullwave transmitters as soon as you open the door, that should essentially neutralise the Typhon's powers long enough for the turrets to do their work.

Additionally, if you've got the materials then you could just build more turrets then required (5-6 maybe) and that should do the job.
By Talvalin on 17 Mar 2020 06:15
I got this today. First I did a No Needles & Awkward Ride Home playthrough on slot 1 and saved at the end before boarding Dahl's shuttle. Once the end credits started I quit the game and restarted. I reloaded my save and installed a few typhon mods, beat the game again, and watched the post-credits scene. Then I started a new game on slot 3 and beat the game with the nullwave transmitter using only human mods. The achievement popped before the credits appeared. This was all done on Story difficulty. Thanks for the tips everyone!
By Greek Ingenuity on 18 Jan 2022 16:57
For future reference, I was able to use RA1NBOWGASM's technique with New Game Plus (added by the E3 2018 patch) and still get "Split Affinity." My playthroughs are listed below if anyone wants to take advantage of NG+, which is recommended because more neuromods means more fun.

Campaign #1: I finished the game while going for "No Needles" and unlocked that achievement. Throughout my run, I made sure to hoard as many neuromods as I could, and I made a save right before triggering the end credits.

First Reload: I loaded the save file that I had positioned seconds away from the game's end. I then installed a couple of random human skills and replayed the ending cutscene. This counted for the human playthrough of "Split Affinity."
Second Reload: I loaded the save file again, but this time I installed all of my neuromods. I only upgraded Typhon powers and replayed the ending cutscene. The plan was for the abilities chosen here to be carried forward with NG+.

Campaign #2: I selected New Game Plus and imported my save--the one with Typhon powers--from Slot 1. I chose Slot 2 for this new campaign. It's important to note that the only things you keep from your previous playthrough with NG+ are the abilities you bought, early access to your psychoscope, and your research (which are located in Morgan's office locker). All of your equipment and unspent neuromods are reset. In any case, I used my OP Typhon powers to cruise through the story. I hoarded more neuromods but made sure not to buy any human powers. When I finished this playthrough, "Split Affinity" unlocked.


In summary: I went with No Needles and used RA1NBOWGASM's technique to get human powers out of the way. I then used NG+ to make a powerful Typhon-based playthrough for the other half of "Split Affinity" instead of starting from scratch. Like in the original solution, you can do this vice versa if you prefer human powers to Typhon. In that case, you should buy a few random Typhon powers during your "First Reload" to get that requirement done. Then for the "Second Reload," spend all of your neuromods while carefully choosing your human powers. Afterwards, import your save with NG+ to start "Campaign #2" but with an OP human build.

Special note: I also recommend making a save near the end of Campaign #2. That way, you can reload after unlocking "Split Affinity" and spend all of the neuromods that you have hoarded a second time. This will leave you with a massively OP character for your third playthrough (NG++) and make mopping up those last achievements a breeze.
By Dresden N7 on 25 Jun 2018 11:56
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The best way to do this is on your No Needles run and keep a couple of neuromods to use after you finish it. Save just prior to finishing the game. You can then reload the game and used the save neuromods to give yourself at least one Typhon power and finish the game again. Then repeat but give yourself at least one Human ability. You will get this Achievement along with Know Thine Enemy and Know Thy Self.

20 Apr 2020 00:00

1 Comment
I did this aswell with the No Needles run and finished it, reloaded it and used a human ability + finish. Next I started a new game in another slot, saved, exited and moved the last save from the previous slot to the new slot and finished it again with a Typhon ability. This way you do not have to go throught it again.
By Akula135 on 19 Apr 2024 09:45

This will require two complete separate playthroughs. One will be “Typhon Powers Only” and the other will be “Human Abilities Only”. Many of the other achievements require either Typhon powers or Human abilities, so make sure to unlock those during their respective playthroughs. See the roadmap for additional details.


This will require two complete separate playthroughs. One will be “Typhon Powers Only” and the other will be “Human Abilities Only”. Many of the other achievements require either Typhon powers or Human abilities, so make sure to unlock those during their respective playthroughs. See the roadmap for additional details.

In my opinion, it’s better to first go through the game for fun, fully exploring the world and saving all the people at the station, but:
- just in case, make a save in the arboretum before meeting Alex in person,

And on the second playthrough:
-play without abilities, killing all the inhabitants of the station,
-make a save in the arboretum before moving to the residential area.
-then follow the instructions for the “awkward silence on the way home” trophy
-at the end, make a save in the location "Tallos Bridge", add one Typhon ability, get "mixed feelings"
-reload the save (I didn’t even need to copy it to the cloud and replace it with the current one) and finish the game without abilities.

a save in the arboretum on the first playthrough will help you get a trophy for completing a quest related to a nightmare without any hassle
saving in the arboretum in the second playthrough will help you quickly get trophies related to Typhonian skills, and most importantly, those related to killing or freeing people

09 Jun 2017 01:20

1 Comment
We do the second playthrough in a new slot through the New Game menu (not New Game+)

If you accidentally throw in the ability of people playing as Teflons (or vice versa), it’s enough to just load an earlier save, before the error (I checked it specifically).

The game creates a special save file when viewing the final statistics (Campaign0, Campaign1, Campaign2 - depending on the slot). Probably, to check for achievement, these files are being checked.
By DonSleza4e on 16 Oct 2022 10:17
Glitch for endless crafting of materials for creating first aid kits, ammo and neuromods:
Most likely it will be fixed in the next patch. Use it. Game version 1.01

If anyone has problems finding Technician Dahl, in the quest: "Consultant"
Here are two places where it can be found:

07 May 2017 11:55

The sequence doesn't matter. Start a new game in a new slot.
By Kok on 11 May 2017 15:43
The same thing only in Russian
By vitolive on 07 May 2017 13:27
You won't be able to cheat the game by reloading saves. As I did. I played through the game without neuromods and before the final action I threw the save onto a flash drive. After that I received the 'no neuromods' trophy. Delete saves from the system and dump them from the flash drive. load the game and pump one of the neuromods into Typhon skills => watch the ending to the end. After that, in the new slot, start the game only with human skills. You still need to play through the game several times.
By Mikey_Sorrow on 10 May 2017 16:27
It is not at all necessary to start a new game in a new slot; you can do it in the old one. Verified.
By TheMrMercenary on 27 Aug 2017 01:28
The 12 minute speedrun in the tip above is very easy to learn and the first time I practiced it I completed it in 40 minutes. The next playthrough was even faster, since I had already gotten the hang of it. Therefore, if you don’t want to go through the game many times, you can get trophies for leveling up and a trophy for completing the game without killing using this speedrun.
By YuriStXb on 10 May 2017 20:03
NG+ is not suitable. You need to start a new game. A clean character is required.
By EvaEva on 03 Jul 2019 14:16
You can do your first playthrough without abilities.
1) Be sure to save the game on Talos Bridge 1 before ending the game, finish the game, get the trophy for 1 playthrough without abilities No Needles / No injections .
2) Load this save, teach the Typhon ability
3) Make a new save and finish the game.
4) We start a new game in a new save slot and now throughout the entire game we take only people’s abilities, upon completion of the second playthrough we get:
Split Affinity / Mixed Feelings

To make your life even easier, use Speedrun
BUT!!! , I haven’t checked whether it’s possible to get both trophies using only speedrunning. Obviously, you need to first get the opportunity to upgrade the abilities of both people and typhons in the story, and then speedrun to the finale

!!!Or!!! You can take DarkLord_UFA's advice and make it a little more interesting in terms of your first playthrough and enjoyment of the game.
By EduardoElrick on 10 May 2017 13:55
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