Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

41 Achievements


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Got Walkthrough?

Got Walkthrough?

Find and break every sarcophagus.


How to unlock the Got Walkthrough? achievement in Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands - Definitive Guide

There are 21 sarcophagus locations in the game that are required for this achievement. This youtube video is pretty good. I take no credit for the video, just found it and shared it.

26 May 2010 16:46

In the unlucky event that you miss one of the Sarcophaguses on a certain level and realise like i did,go back to the dashboard go on whatever youve saved the game on be it a hard drive or memory card find where the games been saved and delete the save that just says Autosave leave Autosave back up intact.Now when you restart the game the game will load from the back up save which will take you back to the start of the current level that your on allowing you to get the ccoffin you missed unless the one you did miss wwas before that level then if so im afraid your gonna have to start the game again.
By THT1COUNTSASMYN on 12 Feb 2011 02:51
Good guide, easy to follow !
By I3EAR iN MiND on 14 Sep 2012 11:15
I followed the steps and achievement unlocked, curiously when I broke the sarcophagus 20, then the gamesave saves the previously broken, congratulations for the video!clap
By Skyerel on 20 Nov 2013 07:17
Mother FUCKER. I followed this walkthrough slavishly for days on end. Broke the last sarcophagus... no fucking achievement.
By RJ Rouge on 18 Apr 2020 20:33
I played through the game but missed a few, so I decided I get it on my 2nd run. after 19 I got the achievement!?
By JimmieWorld on 23 Oct 2021 02:05
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I have recieved permission from the author of the above article(CrustyDirtDemon) to post his complete walkthrough on this site so people don't have to be redirected.

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Collectable Guide

There are 21 Sarcophagus collectables in PoP:TFS, all of which can be obtained in one play through. Each and every one of the sarcophagi emits small blue orbs if you are close enough and makes a distinguishable sound. SO PAY ATTENTION. If you happen to die after smashing a sarcophagus go back and check that it’s still destroyed, just to be safe. ALSO BE VERY AWARE that you can not REPLAY any sections of this game. AND for the most part upon entering a new area a door will close shut behind you making it IMPOSSIBLE to back track, and if you missed a collectable you will have no choice but to start a new game, or wait until you finish your current play through and go back to get the one you may have missed on a new game. I have labeled the LOCATION of each sarcophagus to make it easier for you to be AWARE of when a collectable is coming up or near by.

-The very first sarcophagus will be pointed out for you right before exiting the stables. Simply climb up the rocks then jump to the wooden beam behind you, the jump and wall run up to the sarcophagus.

-Location: The Fortress Courtyard. Impossible to miss, as this collectable is directly underneath a pressure plate that you must activate to continue on.

-Location: The Fortress Courtyard. Shortly after the last collectable you will come to and outdoor walkway. This walkway has spikes that come out of the floor and wooden spikes rotating around the spiked floors. You should see the collectable and the bottom left of your screen before proceeding into the first small area with enemies. Kill or ignore these enemies and pass one set of spike floors and then drop off the ledge. Drop down to a grab point and make your way to the right. Pull yourself up at the end and smash the sarcophagus.

-Location: The prison. Before finally exiting the prison you will use a pressure switch to raise a gate. Run past the spiked floors and shooting arrows and roll under the closing door. BEFORE exiting look to your right for the stone slabs on the wall that you can climb. Climb up and proceed to your right to snag this sarcophagus.

-Location: The Sewer. Shortly after entering the sewer you will find your self climbing up a frozen water spout. From here you jump onto a wooden beam. NOW from here you may notice that there is another beam slightly higher than the one you are currently standing one. From the first wooden beam jump and grab the frozen water spout. Shimmy up this spout and jump off it to the beam above the first beam. From here simply jump the gap and break the sarcophagus.

-Location: The Sewer. Before exiting the sewer take the side path that leads left. Use your water freezing ability to swing from on spot to the next and smash the sarcophagus.

-Location: The Royal Chambers. You will eventually enter a room that has a water spout to the left hand side of the room. To the left and right of this spout is a pressure switch. Freeze this water spout, climb up and jump off the spout and hit the switch. Rinse and repeat on the opposite switch and a secret door revealing the sarcophagus will be opened.

-Location: The Royal Chambers. Midway through this area, you will come to a section of frozen water jumps. There will be a waterfall to your right and left, along with two spouts in-between these waterfalls. Make your way up to the second spout and swing to your right. Jump off the spout you’re swinging on and in mid air let go of the LEFT TRIGGER to un-freeze the water. You will pass through the waterfall and pull yourself up on a ledge that hides this sarcophagus.

-Location: The Royal Chambers. Near the exit to this area you will come to a room with a water wheel. Directly to the right of this wheel is a ledge you would normally grab to continue on. Instead of freezing the water which stops the wheel, WALL RUN up from this ledge and grab the rocks on the wall. Jump off the wall to the pole, and jump from the pole to the ledge on the wall. Shimmy left and you will reach the sarcophagus.

-Location: The Throne Room. As soon as you enter this are look to your left and you will see the climbable rocks. Climb up them and proceed to the balcony to claim your sarcophagus.

-Location: The Terrace. You will come to a section where you have to slide down multiple banners to reach the bottom. On the way down you will see the sarcophagus. Once you reach the lower level with the enemies either kill or ignore them and wall run up to the ledge on your right. Wall run up some more and smash that sarcophagus.

-Location: The Rooftop Gardens. Shortly after entering this area you will reach a cut scene showing your brother fighting of enemies. Make your way towards where he just was and look behind the palm tree to find the sarcophagus.

-Location: The Rooftop Gardens. Eventually you will find your self on a large octagon shaped platform fighting off loads of enemies. Kill these enemies and DO NOT use the power of flight to reach the enemy across the gap. INSTEAD look to your left at the waterfall. Jump through it and climb up the wall to reach the sarcophagus.

-Location: The Aqueducts. After fighting a bunch of enemies on a semi-circle platform, some vultures will appear. DO NOT jump to these vultures yet. INSTEAD go to the left hand side of this platform (left if you’re looking at the vultures) and jump down and in mid air freeze the water spout. Make your way around these spouts until you see the sarcophagus hiding behind a waterfall. Drop off from the frozen spout and claim what’s yours.

-Location: The Ruins of Rekem. Upon making your way through this area you will jump off a frozen water spout onto a wooden beam. From here you can either go left or right. BUT WE WANT TO GO LEFT. Use the LEFT BUMPER to make the platform on your left appear. Jump to it, and proceed into the alcove to smash your sarcophagus.

-Location: The Ruins of Rekem. After leaving the area VERY shortly after the last sarcophagus, you will slide down a banner to solid ground. In front of you are a door, and to your left is a railing and a waterfall below it. Hop over the railing and go through the waterfall to find this not so well hidden sarcophagus.

-Location: Rekem’s Throne Room. Upon entering this area you will get a cut scene that shows the stone THRONE. You will most likely see the sarcophagus through the semi-see through wall (the ones you use LB to make solid). Approach the throne and turn left. Climb the rocky wall and proceed straight. At the last pole you’re swinging form jump off and grab the ledge against the wall. Shimmy left and use LEFT BUMPER then solidify the wall. Wall run to your left and drop down. From here wall run up and grab the first ledge, wall run up once more to grab the higher ledge. Shimmy left and wall run and jump over to the opposite ledge. Shimmy right and drop down to the ledge below. Use LEFT BUMPER to solidify the platform below you, and then drop down. Once on the solid platform walk to the middle of it and use LEFT BUMPER again but this time to UN-solidify it and fall through thus reaching your sarcophagus.

-Location: The Rekem Reservoir. After killing the “Titan” that comes out of the ground and all other enemies in the area, proceed over to the waterfall on the left. Jump through it and over the gap. From this small alcove roll under the small gap to find a well hidden sarcophagus.

-Location: The Rekem Reservoir. Shortly after the previous sarcophagus you will reach a platform with a STONE LION FOUNTAIN. Drop off the left side of this ledge and drop down the rocks below. Climb down these rocks and then wall run left to grab a ledge. Shimmy to the left on this ledge and you will find probably the most well hidden sarcophagus in the game. WOOT WOOT…

-Location: Solomon’s Vault. You will enter a room with a giant STATUE of KING SOLAMON. And you will get a cut scene where the girl “Razia” tells you that you need to make him face the door. BUT before we do this find the pressure switch on the wall. To get here you will need to wall run from the bottom floor and jump opposite to a poll, swing from this pole to the next pole and jump off to the ledge. From here shimmy right, and then wall run thus activating the pressure switch. IMMEDIATELY after activating the pressure switch jump off and get your self under the closing gate as quickly as you can. (this may take a few attempts to get your timing down) Inside the gated area will be your second to last sarcophagus.

-Location: The King’s Tower. Upon making your way up this tower you will use the power of flight to travel using a bunch of VULTURES. Upon reaching the last vulture you will need to in mid air use the LEFT BUMPER to solidify the ground. DO NOT PROCEED UP FROM THIS LEDGE. INSTEAD look to your right for another set of VULTURES that you can jump to. Follow this string of vultures to the top of the area and claim your last sarcophagus.


20 May 2010 17:13

A side note to this guide is that if you're like me and did a second playthrough to get the sarcophagi you missed the first time, the game keeps track of which ones you destroyed in the previous playthroughs; they will still be there, but you don't technically have to break them. I know this because the achievement popped for me before I had reached the ones in Solomon's Vault and King's Tower.

It's probably safer to just get them all again though.
By soft pillowcase on 28 May 2010 02:24
Thanks! =D
By Convicted Greed on 06 Jun 2010 20:55
the same thing happened to me. the cheeve popped after the last rekem reservoir. but i never got the last two on my first playthrough. strange.
By SativaChampion on 14 Jul 2010 04:23
the same thing happened to me. the cheeve popped after the last rekem reservoir. but i never got the last two on my first playthrough. strange.
By SativaChampion on 14 Jul 2010 04:24
Does anyone know if you can run through the game and collect the only ones you missed and still get the achievement
By Saiyan Titan on 01 Sep 2010 20:50
Definitely glitchy getting the achievement to pop. Played through it twice and did not get it, then cleared my cache and it popped on the first sarcophagus in the third play through.
By neilban on 21 Sep 2011 05:41
Worked like a charm for me, one of the best text only guides i've seen for collectibles. Most of them require to look at some video referances to be sure, i did not had that once with this guide. And my game is even in Dutch (so the placenames can be confusing) but still got it with no problem. And i had the luck that no glitch appeared :D Thanks for (re)postting it here on TA
By VenomXNL on 02 Aug 2012 22:12
Such a shame Crusty died :(
By tractakid on 28 Sep 2012 23:55
I broke a sarcophagi, died, and then continued on. Am I screwed? Or will it stay counted?
By Fooga on 15 Jan 2015 12:08
Fooga - it depends on if you got a checkpoint after smashing the sarcophagi or not. If not, it likely didn't save the progress. If you did it should be fine. No way to know 100% unless you go back and check.
By Alluring Vesper on 25 Jan 2015 14:57
I ended up just using the backup save and re did the entire section I was at in about half the time. Thankfully this game was extremely linear.

Thanks for the guide!
By Fooga on 25 Jan 2015 21:54
YOU DON'T NEED TO COLLECT ALL 21SARCOPHAGUS IN ONE SAVE! I finished the game casually (aka: not going for every sarcophagus), then I played again trying to reach every piece I didn't take earlier... result: no achievement. So I started for the third time taking EVERYTHING. On the fourth sarcophagus I had the achievement. EXPLANATION: you simply have to reach every piece (no matter if in your first, second od third playtrhough), but then you have to hit a checkpoint! Otherwise the game doesn't count the artifact as taken. If you die between the sarcophagus and the checkpoint, get back to the artifact and destroy it again! Better safe than sorry...
By fbsarts on 15 Sep 2010 13:52
Some of your instructions are wrong for instance :

-Location: The Ruins of Rekem. Upon making your way through this area you will jump off a frozen water spout onto a wooden beam. From here you can either go left or right. BUT WE WANT TO GO LEFT. Use the LEFT BUMPER to make the platform on your left appear. Jump to it, and proceed into the alcove to smash your sarcophagus.

Their are no water spouts in this area their are however parts of the level missing that you have to press LB to make them appear that's what you meant.. you should change this to make it easier for people to read..
By ShadowPanda#3487 on 28 Apr 2011 01:08
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if you miss one like i did, beat the game and max out your skills with enemy tides and start a new game. you can go thru again and get the one you missed, you do not have to get all 21 again in a single game. (you also start the new game with all your maxed stats, making enemies a breeze.)

02 Jun 2010 07:40

Did it now AND YOU DONT HAVE TO GET ALL 21 IN ONE PLAYTHROUGH, the guide is good....
By Szakal oO on 20 Jan 2011 22:08
Thanks for that.I just missed one and was wondering weather to start again....til I saw this ;)
By KICKB0X on 06 Jun 2010 12:04
no prob glad to help.
By Daddyfatchops on 07 Jun 2010 04:07
Is there something special u=you are supposed to do to play at your maxed out character?? Because when I start an new game its back to starting from scratch.
By umainbearman on 22 Jun 2010 21:01
You appear to be back with no skills, until the 1st time you meet the genie (when you get the time power & start to 'skill up' the 1st time you play-through). At this point you will get all your skills back, apart from the water one & the flying one. which will come @ the 2nd & 3rd meetings.
By Doc Buddha on 29 Jun 2010 11:24
yeah doc buddha is right. I freaked out at first but you just have to play through the game a little to get your skills back. maxing out isn't required, it just makes going through the game faster, obviously.
By Daddyfatchops on 29 Jun 2010 20:16
Thanks, you give me hope for getting 100%. I missed the 7th one, not too deep into the game, but I was worried about having to play the whole game again just for 1 collectable. It's a fun game, but one and a half times thru will be plenty for me.
By bogeygolf316 on 06 Aug 2010 00:26
I voted negatively because this is incorrect. I just played through the game and missed two at the start of the ability of "memory." I collected every other one in a previous playthrough, started a new game with maxed skills and rushed to this spot. Upon destroying the sarcaphigi (?) no achievement popped. so yes, you have to do all 21 in one playthrough. Looks like i'll try again tomorrow.
By Canadien Bakin on 20 Aug 2010 02:50
I have played through the game a total of 4 times now and still have yet to get the achievement to pop....only thing i can think of is that i didnt do it all in one playthrough as i did return to the dashboard at least once each playthrough....guess ill find out here shortly as i do playthrough 5
By misterman08 on 22 Aug 2010 05:41
I missed 7th sarcophagus in my first playthrough. I reached max skills. I started a new game and I didn't have my skills. I broke 7th sarcophagus and the achievement did not pop up.
And I don't want to play this game again- is there anything I can do?
By Anita23 on 01 Sep 2010 14:59
shit i just played through a second time and still didnt get the cheev,is there a way to know which one u missed,i could have sworn i got every one,or do i have to finish the game to the end????? for it to pop????
By BLUESTEELRUNS on 03 Sep 2010 00:31
I'm sorry you guys are having trouble but I got this achievement right when the game came out.... there might have been an update to where you do actually have to get all 21 in one shot... I apoligize for the confusion. If someone could find out if there was an update i will edit my post. I traded this game in about 3 months ago haha.
By Daddyfatchops on 13 Sep 2010 04:01
YOU DON'T NEED TO COLLECT ALL 21SARCOPHAGUS IN ONE SAVE! I finished the game casually (aka: not going for every sarcophagus), then I played again trying to reach every piece I didn't take earlier... result: no achievement. So I started for the third time taking EVERYTHING. On the fourth sarcophagus I had the achievement. EXPLANATION: you simply have to reach every piece (no matter if in your first, second od third playtrhough), but then you have to hit a checkpoint! Otherwise the game doesn't count the artifact as taken. If you die between the sarcophagus and the checkpoint, get back to the artifact and destroy it again! Better safe than sorry...
By fbsarts on 15 Sep 2010 13:51
hey if i beat the game and forgot them and restart with my stats again
By TKOxKILLERWHALE on 04 Nov 2010 03:08
thank you old man thomas. I didn't know how else to explain this to everyone. All I was trying to say is you don't have to get them all in one single playthrough. If you missed 3, find 3. If you missed 20, well start over haha.
By Daddyfatchops on 26 Mar 2011 14:39
Thanks Daddyfatchops, it really helps for this solution, much appreciated. =)
By DeafAussieGuy on 13 Apr 2011 06:09
This is great to know. I didn't get the achievement but I'm sure it's very early on where I missed a sarcophagus so it feels great knowing I should get the achieve without doing the entire game again.
By boldfoxrd on 30 Aug 2014 00:20
Did it last night after missing one of them. The moment that I destroyed the sarcophagus that I missed on the first play through , the achievement popped. I think why people are not getting the achievement right away, is because they are still missing one or more. They all show up again on the second play through.
By Old Man Thomas on 24 Mar 2011 16:21
Good guide, I can verify that if you did miss one (like I did on the terrace) and and go back for just that one the achievement WILL POP (you DONT have to get them ALL AGAIN) I think people are missing more than what they thought they were or they died after getting some of them before it saved and they didnt go back and collect it again.
By SMOKINRAM10 on 02 Aug 2012 18:27
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One random tip here, if you do miss one, you can go to your xbox dashboard, system settings, memory settings and you should have an autosave and an autosave backup.

You can safely delete the autosave and then the next time you launch it asks you to restore the backup, which is usually at the reflecting pool the last time you saw the chick, Razia. You may lose 30 min. of progress, but it's better than a replay!!!!!!

10 May 2011 08:07

Credit of this video goes to AchievementHunters/Rooster Teeth. *BEWARE* If you miss one sarcophagus, you will have to redo the whole game since there are no "start from this level". Otherwise pretty simple to find.

Credit to ugli - You don't always have to redo the *whole* game.
Say you miss just the second one. You only need to play the second playthru till you get that. The collectibles stack on multiple playthrus.

28 Sep 2010 22:23

There are 21 sarcophagus locations in the game that are required for this achievement. This youtube video is pretty good. I take no credit for the video, just found it and shared it. By MytJAKE (Xbox360)


02 Apr 2020 15:04

1 Comment
n the unlucky event that you miss one of the Sarcophaguses on a certain level and realise like i did,go back to the dashboard go on whatever youve saved the game on be it a hard drive or memory card find where the games been saved and delete the save that just says Autosave leave Autosave back up intact.Now when you restart the game the game will load from the back up save which will take you back to the start of the current level that your on allowing you to get the ccoffin you missed unless the one you did miss wwas before that level then if so im afraid your gonna have to start the game again. By THT1COUNTSASMYN (XBOX)
By Scheibler_Gabi on 02 Apr 2020 15:05


There are 21 sarcophagi scattered throughout the game and are hidden well so will take a while to find but see this video if you get stuck (credit to PhDF1 for this):

Remember: Look for a blue shine and blue particles in the air which will signal that a sarcophagus is nearby. To break a sarcophagus simply keep hold of & let go.

NOTE: If you do happen to miss at least one sarcophagus then you will have to start the game again from the beginning. But you won't need to collect every sarcophagus again, just the one(s) you missed.


30 May 2010 21:15

If you accidentally missed a sarcophagus, then the second time you only need to break it. It is not necessary to break all 21 again for the trophy.

07 Jun 2010 22:29