

42 Achievements


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Two time!

Two time!

Perform two special tricks in 1 jump.


How to unlock the Two time! achievement in Pure - Definitive Guide

You can actually do it on Sandy Moutains (it works without oponents) with Jay Valdes. Build an ATV with 100 Tricks, and build your boost until you come across the second vertigo jump (the first one being just after the start). Once your here, start preloading while boosting, and as soon as you jump, use Air Guitar (Up + RB LB). Before the first trick ends, hold them again to make a smooth transition (hey, every millisecond counts !) and do another Air Guitar.

I was first going for two Sidewinder but Air Guitar worked at my first try !
This worked perfectly.
By Green Arrow Sr on 04 Jul 2009 14:41
Thanks dude - after trying forever using a couple of ways, your method finally worked.
By elSmitmyster on 13 Jul 2009 01:11
Thanks for the advice. Couldn't quite get it with double Air Guitar but seemed very very close to landing it. I managed in the end accidentally setting off a Sidewinder as first try, then followed with an Air Guitar. Think my main problem was getting the first trick started early enough.
By Rapjackal on 09 Sep 2009 10:44
i followed this, and i too got it first try.
By The LagginWagon on 26 Aug 2010 17:07
First try! Thanks a lot!
By dertswa687o on 11 Oct 2010 23:02
Thanks man! It took me a few tries and ironically i tried to do air guitar and finish with sidewinder but I ended up doing them in reverse order. The kicker....I $!!T you not when I say I just landed sidewinder into air guitar on the 2nd vertigo jump on Sandy mountains. I used a ton of boost into a preload. After I failed the air guitar input immediately after preload / jump, I mashed D/DR + LB + RB and did sidewider. Immediately after the sidewinder animation ended, I input air guitar and it actually landed it. I did it with Jay Valdes. For some reason, it seems like he got more air and was easier to build up to boost...as compared to when I used Takeshi.
By NJDuke007 on 15 Jun 2011 01:29
I started with Air Guitar, finished with Gyro. I tried many (many) times other methods, and this worked perfectly.
By CuteAzz on 11 Oct 2011 16:36
Wow, I got this with time to spare. I did the double air guitar like you suggested, but I think the only reason I landed was because I hit the side of the cliff to the left, which might have given me a bit more air time. First try :)
By Antunee on 12 Oct 2011 20:19
2 hours straight trying this, no luck :( I tried holding UP+RB+LB during first Air Guitar, tried inputing UP+RB+LB as soon as first Air Guitar is done, tried jumping at left side, right side, middle. I tried everything. This one is going to be a problem... Don't have a clue what else I could do.
By LanEvoIX on 27 Jan 2012 02:20
I did two Twisters (of course, I was trying to do Air Guitar). Anyway, I bounced around about five times and fortunately landed the trick. Purely lucked based in my opinion.
By Mr Granstaff on 08 Jul 2012 16:57
great guide, thanks, only took me half a dozen tries and I suck at the game!!!
By Hurler Ronan on 18 Jul 2012 23:05
Lol started getting frustrated and doubting it was possible.
It feels great hitting to riffs in one jump +1
By coinfrenzy on 02 May 2013 10:15
Literally got it on my first try. Same situation as NJDuke with a Sidewinder into Air Guitar. The walkthrough made this sound like it would be a lot harder. Thanks man!
By indolentpwnstar on 17 Sep 2013 01:41
Got it after few tries, thanks man!!

Guide with Takeshi didn't work for me
By Sterxy on 14 Oct 2013 18:06
100 Trick 100% Preload 2 Air Guitar in a row doing the first right off the jump still doesn't work.
By Hydrak1ller on 10 Apr 2014 07:30
I tried Air Guitar and Rockstar and got it first try.
Air Guitar: Up+LB+RB
Rockstar: Left+RB+LB

Once I did my Air Guitar I was already holding down RB+LB and holding to the left. Once I started doing my Rockstar, I moved over to the left kind of over the rocks. I don't know what happened exactly, but it seemed like my ATV was stuck in the air for an extra second because I was holding left and once I finished my 2nd special trick it just kind of landed.
By VRETENAR 906 on 02 Jun 2014 09:53
OMG Pure luck.tried 100 times,never enough time to land then I did air guitar then sidewinder,crashed as normal and achievement popped anyway.pure shit of a game
By Diesel Foley on 04 Nov 2014 23:17
Hahaha xD
Same here, got so tired of it all I just steered the hell to the left and thought f*ck it, let it glitch and sure as hell, first "try", flew into the cliffside crashlanded and flew around on the bike for a sec before crash respawn and the cheevo popped laugh
Good luck folks!
By SciKo on 27 Aug 2017 16:40
I second YOOPER's comment. I did exactly that and it worked first try.
By SincereSeeker6 on 18 Sep 2021 03:27
Yeah crashing into the left cliff seemed to work for me as well, idk what even happened when it unlocked.
By DubstepEdgelord on 15 Mar 2024 05:48
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I've never seen anyone get this achievement cleanly, and whether it's even possible I still don't know. Make sure you have an A class ATV with as close to a maxed out tricks stat (100 is the max) as you can.

Go to the Sandy Mountain level, build up special, and do Blind Faith (LB + RB + UP) as soon as you leave the giant ramp (it's one of the shorter specials). As soon as you can afterwards, perform Gyromaniac (LB + RB + BOTTOM-RIGHT). You just have to get lucky with the landing to be honest, and this is why you have to use Gyromaniac. My ATV landed half way between on it's side and a perfect landing, and I managed to not crash and I got the achievement.

You just have to get lucky and hope your rider can stay on the ATV when it lands to be honest.

30 Sep 2008 19:42

YO man thanks ABsolutly works ur tha best dude
By elmo frenzy on 02 Oct 2008 10:56
Thanks man, got it first time doing exactly what you said!
By Hubcap3D on 20 Jun 2009 03:08
I found Rockstar (LB + RB + Left) to be easier to stick the landing, that's how I got it.
By EmbodiedRelic66 on 05 Feb 2010 04:22
I tried this solution about 8 times. The 8th time i did crash, but still got the achievement.
By VR JAN on 17 May 2010 17:14
I finally got this one. In a really weird way. I did a Blindside as soon as I left the jump, then I did a Rockstar, but thought I messed up already because of how long I took to do the second special. I completed it just before I landed, but I literally landed with my back wheels on the ground and my front ones to the sky, yet I still landed it somehow. Achievement unlocked. Surprised look. Happy face.
By KamhiX96 on 26 Jul 2010 20:35
I got it first try with using Takeshi Yukio I first did UP RIGHT + SPECIAL = TWISTER then DOWN + SPECIAL = SHAOLIN FUNK this way I could even land it properly.
By super METAL hea on 27 Feb 2011 13:39
I spent ages trying to do this and couldn't do it
I came on here, read some tips and got it almost first time. I used someones advice for pre-loading for a lot longer than normal, I boosted waaaay before the ramp and pre-loaded almost the whole way there. I also used the tip for pulling a special as soon as you leave the ramp, really try and be quick, like someone said, every milli-second counts!
I did a Rockstar then a Gyromancer, I even landed it clean, didn't bail at all
By Thinreaper on 14 May 2011 08:42
Just got this achievement with a clean landing! :) Jay Valdes and two Air Guitairs ( LB + RB + UP)
By THE CraigxX on 04 Jun 2011 10:48
I just used blind faith twice and it worked as well
By noth1ngness69 on 11 May 2013 12:49
And I only got 43% ready thingy
By noth1ngness69 on 11 May 2013 12:49
Tried many times but then switched to using blind faith twice (LB + RB + UP) and got it on the first try (Japanese character).
By Zudatron on 25 Oct 2009 05:20
I just *FINALLY* got this achievement, after spending about 3 days on it. Yes, I am that lame. Through my trial and error, here's what I learned.

All of the above is true. I do not believe the trick you use or the rider matters. However, some of the videos you'll see on YouTube show people stopping by a rock right before the jump. Instead, you need to really really boost a good ways back for this, and I also preloaded longer than I ever have before. That really doesnt make sense to me, because 100% is 100%, but I started preloading long before I normally would have.

I hope this info helps! It's a b!t@h of an achievement to get. Probably the hardest I've ever done. Nearly 150+ attempts.
By oilyturkey on 30 May 2010 10:29
I ended up getting it cleanly with Suzi Andrews' Lazy Girl (LB+RB+UP) then Rockstar (LB+RB+LEFT). A very helpful tip is that after executing the first Special, you can hold the button combination for the second one and it will automatically transition into the second Special without you needing to try and time it.

Play in Trial mode so there are no opponents to get in the way.

Also it is possible to earn a Special on Lap 1 before the jump but you don't have much room for error:

1) on the first jump you can do 5 tricks (RB+A+Up, A+Up, RB+A+Down, A+Down, B+Any)
2) as soon as you land take the big hill on the left and do 2 tricks (RB+B+Up, B+Up)
3) Boost and jump the very next hill and do 3 tricks (RB+Y+Up, Y+Up, A+Any)

This will earn you the Special right before the jump. If you still need a little more nitro you can make use of the terrain here to get another trick in.
By LausDomini on 22 Jun 2011 06:28
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I originally posted this on X360A but since it was well received I thought I'd add it here too. Sorry for the wall of text but I put this together with the level of information I would have liked when I was going for this achievement.

Rider - Takeshi Yukio
Engine - DASA Racing 449cc 4 Stroke (A Class)
Stats - 96, 87, 22, 85 & 100
Track - Sandy Mountain
Special Tricks - Blind Faith (UP) and Rockstar (LEFT) in that order
Do this in Trial Mode so you're the only person on the track. Before anyone says this has to be done in World Tour or Single Event, believe me it doesn't. I unlocked my achievement in Trial Mode. When you go over the Vertigo Jump go straight on instead of up the steep path to the left. Follow this route. The jump before the Vertigo I got a double Y button trick in. After landing I used some boost to get moving quickly, lined myself up and then put the boost back on at about a 3rd of the way round the bend that leads to the Vertigo and kept it on til I was in the air. You need shit loads of boost and a 100% preload else you can guarantee you won't land your 2nd trick. Not much more to say other than swear excessively when going for this achievement (and try to avoid breaking things in your house). It's annoying. Simple as. Let the anger out and try again.
Again, credit goes to CheshireMulisha who got this achievement before me using the same rider but different tricks. He used Sidewinder (I think - whatever the UP/LEFT special is with Takeshi anyway) followed by Blind Faith (UP). I don't know exactly what his stats were but they were similar to mine.

07 Feb 2011 00:33

YU. Just got it. =)
By Sick One on 22 Feb 2011 18:28
Got it first time with this guide. Rockstar seems a good choice for the second trick as there's no rotation of the ATV so it's much easier to line up the landing.
By IntoTheDark7 on 18 May 2011 07:07
You can write a 1000 guides on this but this achievement is 99.9% luck. Here's a video I made showing you how to try and get it yourself.
I'm using the Japanese driver Takeshi Yukio on Sandy Mountain. I used the trial mode so there are no annoying opponents driving into you.

08 Feb 2011 09:26

This is without a doubt one of the most infuriating achievements to get. The only place you can get it, I think, is Sandy Mountain, off of the large vertical jump about a quarter of the way into the lap. What I did was go to Trial Mode, and Freestyle race (the blue fire and yellow star tokens help immensely, they give you boost & specials respectively). I chose Takehsi Yukio, and my ATV had the following stats:

Max Speed: 86
Acceleration: 93
Handling: 26
Boost: 82
Tricks: 100

I will say this though, straight away, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO END WITH GYROMANIAC. It's all very well claiming that it's 99.99% luck, but trying to nail the 0.01% that you supposedly need will drive you mad.

What you want to do is take the precdeding corner as straight as possible, boost almost all the way, preload, and hold the LB+RB buttons as you approach. This way, when you move the analog stick up to jump, you will automatically go into a Blind Faith. Keep LB+RB held, and hold the analog stick to the left for a Rockstar immediately after. This way, you can easily position the ATV for a good landing, which is near impossible with the Gyromaniac others are suggesting.

I tried Blind Faith + Gyromaniac almost 50 times, and failed every single time. Blind Faith + Rockstar worked on my very first attempt. I was heading quite far over to the left on landing when I pulled it off, so if you keep it in the middle you should be able to get this without too much bother.

11 Jan 2012 11:25

I got this achievement after reading one of the guides here. I used Takeshi, went to Sandy Mountain (cause it really does have the biggest jump in the game), then tried Soulblitz's tactic may times (Blind Faith, Gyromaniac) but it wasn't working. I then did Twister, then followed with Gyromaniac and it worked.

It seems when you do Twister, you don't descend as quickly as with some of the other Specials, which gave me more time to do Gyromaniac. The key is to pull off Twister AS SOON AS you preload off the jump. You have to be quick. Just before twister finishes, Hold RB+LB and the direction for the second Special (I used Gyromaniac). This should activate the second special as soon as your character is able to.

So basically, once you've unlocked Twister(which any character can use), you can try for this achievement.
IMPORTANT: The secret here is to perform the first move ASAP immediately after leaving the ramp with boost. Do not wait to get altitude to perform.

Use a bike with maximum trick (100), use Suzi Andrews as a pilot in Sandy Mountain. Make the first trick LB+RB+UP as mencioned before and then shortly thereafter hold LB+RB+LEFT until perform second trick.

Good Luck

13 Nov 2010 20:21

ive tried others solutions any none of them worked for me.. but yeah... the map to use is the same as everyone else is using "Sandy Mountain" and try to attempt it on the second big jump. the rider that i used is Rosa, my ATV i used was of course a class A engine and the trick was at 97. the tricks i used was RB+LB+ DOWN and RB+LB+DOWNRIGHT. if you fell their is a shorter special move then go with what you feel but make sure you end with the Gyromaniac which gives you a better chance to land wrong but stay on your ATV.

22 Feb 2011 19:01

This is the guide i made today, I hope that this guide helps.
Its important that you first use Gyromaniac and then blindfaith.
Also build up a lot of boosting, but Its always a bit of luck, because you have to land in the 'correct' way.

13 Jan 2011 19:32

I read every solutions about this achievement but they're all "missing" something.
Yes they're correct on the place (Sandy Mountain), the quad (A, max style etc ), the character and the tricks (I don't really know if that's important), but even with that, almost no one gets this achievement on their first try.

Here is my solution for that:
On Sandy Mountain,

1) While boosting before the jump, you have to set your target from right to left, not straight ahead (Like if you'd like to not fall on the race, but crash yourself on the left cliff).

2) instantly launch your first trick and continue to move your quad to the left (above the cliff, not the race road)

3) Continue with the second trick and then move your quad to the right in order to not crash on the mountain and get back to the race road

4) it's done. What happened?

In Pure, when you jump, the higher you are, the faster you fall. Jumping on sandy mountain on the left side (above the mountain rocks) is a way to reduce the distance between you and the ground... and the fall will be slower than if you where correctly placed above the road. Even with this trick the timing is really strict, and that's why people are getting so mad with this one.

Here is the video I made (a loooong time ago) for both achievements (Two Times and Zero to hero). Sorry for the bad quality but maybe it could help to understand what I wrote above.

Okay, Why am I posting a solution for an achievement that I have since 2008?... I don't know, maybe because I just read anoter bad news about Disney Interactive which reminds me of Black Rock Studio (RIP) and then...

10 Mar 2014 15:12

difficulty : 9/10
The stats I used on my setup that worked are
maz speed 100
acceleration 83
handling 23
boost 93
tricks 97

trials mode freestyle
sandy mountain

jay valdes

air guitar X2
getting the boost right is important just before you turn to straighten out over 2nd vertigo ...couple tries might be needed ..
with my 4th retry other 2 went off course I lined up perfect preload with LB/RB pulled in soon as the trick starts you can keep holding for the 2nd trick to automatically start...

09 Dec 2013 00:07

This is the most difficult trophy in the game. This can only be done on the big jump in Sandy Mountain. I did this by doing 2 x Twister with Jay Valdes. Although many people have said that the easiest way to do it is 2 x Air Guitar with Jay Valdes. I recommend that your ATV be customised so that its speed and trick attributes are the highest. Here's a video showing how its done.

Credit for the video goes to glitcher999.

Note: Of all the Special Tricks in the game, each riders unique stunt seems to last a about a second less than the standard shared stunts so your chances at this achievement are greatly increased if you use Up on the with both and first and then go straight into another stunt.

Your best bet for pulling this off is on the second large jump on the Sandy Mountain track. Hit it with a bunch of boost and 100% pre load while holding down both the and . Since you press Up on the to pre load once you're airborne you'll engage your unique Special Trick right away, When it's near completion press the in another direction while still holding down the and to engage another Special move.

Also, it will be very helpful if you have an A Class bike with a high Trick rating. Level 2 shocks will make this much easier so use 'em if ya got 'em.

This took me nearly 20 attempts to pull off!

Start by building an ATV with a trick rating of 100 at the Garage section at the main menu.

Choose character: Jay Valdes.

Go to the Freestyle part which you’ll find in Single Event in the main menu.

I did it on the Sandy Mountain track at the jump indicated in the video.

Be sure to press the boost button to preload and gain speed and do two special tricks in quick succession to net the achievement.

For reference: I pulled Sidewinder first, then Blind Faith.

You must do this without crashing, this is the hardest part!

LB+RB + Up Left - Sidewinder
LB+RB + Up - Blind Faith

Good luck!

17 Aug 2022 23:12