Quantum of Solace

50 Achievements



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The name is Bond, James Bond.

The name is Bond, James Bond.

Complete game on 007.


How to unlock the The name is Bond, James Bond. achievement in Quantum of Solace - Definitive Guide

This is a pretty easy game to complete on the hardest difficulty (compared to others). Use cover and blind-fire at close targets, and for targets that are further away you can pop in and out pretty fast. Blind-firing isn't too bad even for far away targets because you still get a crosshair with a dot in the middle.

Don't forget to collect the power weapons, and make sure you don't get flanked because that's what the enemy will try to do pretty often.

Once you unlock this achievement you will also unlock the achievements for completing it on lower difficulties if you haven't already done so.

12 Jul 2010 21:10

no u
By lukasxbox360 on 13 Jun 2011 17:44
Cheers for the info i only really got stuck a couple of times once in the science centre when the plane falls down and in the Eco Hotel at the start. I found an easier way at the start of the Eco Hotel if you kill the first guard who makes a run for it before he passes the gate and grab his gun you can stay in the tunnel and use the wall for cover without getting shut in and flanked. If you try this without getting the gun you will run out of ammo and be forced to run in to get more and the gate close behind you will close.
By Corpus Canine on 06 Apr 2012 16:17
I just can't do the qte's i keep failing. Actually on the very 1st one when uou are chasing the guy through the church and up to bell tower.
By SQAUDY DEMON on 10 Dec 2015 05:52
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007 mode was one of the easiest games i did in hard, staying in cover is you best friend and vital to survive. If you poke up from cover for more then a few seconds you most likely to get killed as 1-3 bullets usually finish you of.

Blind firing from cover is suprisingly accurate and is easy when you use a machine gun or any weapon for that fact. If you know what is coming you can find a good hiding spot where there is either one or two directions the enemy can approach you from.

Two parts which only caused a minor frustration was in the science centre main hall (as the enemys seem to rush you after a while) and Echo hotel in the garage undeground. But finding a good spot with the Mantis or any other sub-machine gun and blindfiring is easy.

Sometimes i found that the enemy would automatically go to cover once they spawned and sometimes that cover would be right next to you, resulting in a quick death. if you find the power wepon (grenade Launcher) keep this for when theres big groups. As blindfiring one shot will take out multiple enemies.

If your carefull enough it should take between 5-8 hours, took me just over 6. Good luck :)

01 Feb 2010 00:39

As it was mentiond before, if you already completed the game once , you are ready to do it again on the hardest, 007 difficulty. It's really not a big challenge.

- The most important thing is to always stay in cover, and move forward in small steps. If you are ambushed, go back as much as you can and slowly eleminate all enemies. (Feel free to use your map, and locate them)

- Take your time! There are no time limited missions, only in a few chapters, but they are not so complicated, after 1-2 retries you will do it.

- Don't waste your ammo, because at some parts there are a lot of enemies and you will need every bullet, if you cannot move forward to pick up the enemy guns.

- Use blind shooting only, if the enemy is not behind cover, or he is in clear sight.

- In stealthy maps, use your map, because it shows you where the enemies are and where they going. It is very useful, but keep in mind that the game will still running while you are watching your phone!

- If you can; avoid the red flashing cameras, or hack them (follow the wire and use the X button on the small, yellow box) to avoid further gunfight.

- During a QTE, grab a pen and a paper and write down the buttons you have to push/smash. Although the sequence not always the same, but most of the times it's very similar, so you can learn most of them. Because on 007 you have a very limited time to react, it's not as easy as you imagine it.

- While hacking, i suggest you to use one of the analog stick instead of the D-Pad, because the old controllers D-Pad is a P.O.S. and you probably gonna miss it a lot of times. (Thankfully, if you fail it, there is no alarm, so you can retry as much as you want)

There are some bosses which needs an exact strategy to defeat them (for exaple the helicopter on the roof) Make a few tries, build up a good strategy, but don't rush it, because you will fail. Let me share a few tips with you:

- Opera house: Go stealthy, avoid cameras, kill guards one by one, and you only have to fight at the end of the map. You will thank for yourself to not alert the gurads.

- Sink hole: At the helicopter wreckage: Don't use the turret gun! Exit from it, and get behind cover (the tail of the helicopter is a great position) Kill everybody slowly. There is an ammobox on the right, so you don't have to worry about ammunition.

- Shanty town: All i can recommend to move very slowly. Especially at the start, where is the truck shooting at you. When you meet Carter, pick up the 8-CAT machine gun and move back where you came from. Carter will do the dirty work instead of you, but take care about enemies who rushing you (especially from the left side, but also cover the roof, where the ladder is) There rest will be a piece of cake.

- Science Center Exterior: Until you are on the ground, just take care about the spec ops guys. Be careful, they are on the balcony too! When you reach the roof, another bunch of bad guys gonna come, and at the end of the level, you have to fight with a chopper. Pick up the grenade launcher (it is in a golden case, somewhere in the millde part of the map) and after you hit the checkpoint, get behind cover. If you good, you can hit 2 times the heli before it goes behind you. Then run to the right, crouch under the little stairs and wait for the heli to go back his previous position. (Be careful, a guy will come from the left where the pipes are, kill him!) After the heli changes position, run back behind that fan thing and shoot it again. As i know, you only have to shoot it 3 times, and after a while it will fall down automatically. To make sure, hit it as much you can, but until it goes down, change your position as much as you have to!

- Miami Airport: As much as you can, go stealthy. At the boss fight, just aim to the red barrel on the right (which is behind 2 blue boxes) and when the guy is near it, shoot it.

- Casino Royale: Same thing. Go stealthy until you reach the air vents. When you are in the pool area, stay behind the desk and shoot everybody. Most of them at the other end of the pool, you can watch their movements in your map. If you go toward, some of them maybe will rush you, probably from the left side, so be careful. When you reach the ballroom, don't enter until you killed the guys. They are coming in two groups. Eleminate them. After it you can go inside. The game will say to survive the ambush, but honestly, there will be only 4 or 5 bad guys you have to take care about, so don't worry, just watch out for the explosions near you.

- Barge: First i though it is very hard, because the bad guys wanna catch the woman, but i was wrong. Take your time, listen to the guy who is guide you, and shoot the guard when they are standing in one position, or hiding behind cover. They just only grab the woman, so you will have enough time to aim and kill them. At the end, be careful, move slowly and fall back, because a lot of enemies gonna rush you.

- Venice: For me, only the first fight was hard. That balcony stuff is a maze, enemies are coming from the bottom and top, so i camped in the first stair (where you enter the building) and slowly killed everybody. When you go down, another bunch of bad guys will attack you, so look both of your left an right side! (Here, you really have to save your ammo, because if you rush in for weapons, you can easily get killed!)

- Echo Hotel: The first 2 area in this level a big parking lot. As you enter, go to the left in the ticket post, and take cover next to the door. Some enemies might come close, feel free to shoot them with blind firing, but you can easily kill them from this position. Operate with headshots, becasuse there are 5 waves of enemies, and i suggest you to always run back to the post and wait for them until they come at you. If you want, you can try lure them out, but sooner or later all of them gonna come at you. On the 2nd parking lot, there is an 8-CAT, grab it. The last fight is a really hard fight. First time i ran to the left and took cover in the little black corner, but it's a very bad position, because bad guys from the balcony can easily kill you from left side.

Here what i did: I grabbed the 8-CAT, threw a grenade to the far right corner of the room (at 13 o'clock as you enter into the room) and killed every bad guy with the LMG. It's really accurate, after 2-3 times i could easily shoot all of them. From this position, you are safe from the balcony guys. You can wait for them to change positions, or if you are brave enough, you can change position, but i don't recommend it. After you killed every one of them, just shoot the 2 gas tanks on the second floor and bamm, you beat the game.

Good luck!

28 May 2015 13:04

The difficulty achievements DO stack so if you beat the game on 007, you will receive all 4 achievements. I suggest playing on 007 right away because it is not that hard.
  • Make sure you use a lot of cover and when you see an ammo box, make sure you get ammo.
  • Don’t rush into areas with shooting aimlessly, move slowly from cover to cover.
  • Know where your enemies are by looking at your map. Press the Back button to view your map. Green arrows are enemies that don’t know you are there and are not on alert. Yellow arrows are enemies that don’t know you are there but are on alert. Red arrows are enemies that know you are there and will shoot you if they see you.
  • Know the surroundings of enemies. If you see a gas tank or an electric box and you don’t have a good shot on the enemy, shoot the gas tank or box. The gas tank will kill the enemy and the electric box will make the enemy get out of cover and prevent him from shooting at you.

Look here for a complete single player walkthrough written by Frankie B1.