

51 Achievements


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Complete all operations' bonus objectives


How to unlock the Achiever achievement in R.U.S.E. - Definitive Guide

I have just determined that you do not have to win the operation you just have to finish it. I just received the achievement on a mission I failed.

Anzio (Jan 1944, Italy) - There are 11 secondary objectives in this operation, 4 of which are hidden to start with.

(1) Kill all enemy units in 15 minutes
This objective requires you to go on the attack straight away and don't defend, the way I did this was build 3 supply depots then an armor base in the right corner and a barracks in the left corner, I sent my wolverines up to the armor base and had them wait there.
Then I made 5-10 infantry on the left and hid in forest while pumping out Lee tanks on the right with whatever money I had left then attacked with Tanks and wolverines behind them. Make sure you use terror and fanaticism to your advantage. When the enemy was engaged by my tanks I sent my infantry in and took his HQ and any building around it that I hadn't already destroyed.

(2) Lose less than 20 units - See (1).
Make sure you use Fanaticism and Terror to your advantage.

(3) Preserve all your AT guns - See (1).
Put your at guns in the forest near the crossroads and keep your wolverines behind your tanks.

(4) Capture the enemy HQ - See (1).
Just make sure your infantry capture the HQ and the tanks don't destroy it.

(5) Destroy 10 tanks - See (9).

(6) Don't lose any buildings - See (1).
If you attack fast enough the Obice shouldn't get any of your buildings, if you need to use camouflage. Supply depots and construction trucks count as buildings as well.

(7) Kill 10 infantry units - See (8).

(8) Hidden to start Kill 20 infantry units (Kill 10 infantry units for this to appear) - See (1)
If you can't get this from following number 1, Start the level building an infantry base and 3 supply depots. Build 5 infantry and send them over the bridge with your at guns and wolverines, make sure they are not in the forest keep moving your wolverines around so the artillery wont get them. At this point use camo and radio silence on your base and make an armour base and pump out Lee's.
They will either send their infantry to attack you and your lees and push forward and kill the infantry or like mine, they started building light tanks out of their barracks, when this happens you hopefully have about 15-20 Lee's they had about 30 tanks and 30 infantry at this time. I sent everything I had, tanks wolverine at guns and infantry at him using terror and fanaticism to my advantage while still making lees.
This rattled him and he made an armor base but he couldn't produce enough medium tanks in time so his inferior units couldn't stand against my superior units with the aide of ruses and I rolled through his base getting the 20 infantry along with a few others.

(9) Hidden to start Destroy 20 tanks (Destroy 10 tanks for this to appear) - See (1)
If you win this operation there should be no reason you don't get this objective.

(10) Hidden to start Kill all enemy units (Take longer than 15 minutes before winning for this to appear) - See (1)
Leave 1 unit alive until after 15 minutes have past, this requires you to fail (1).

(11) Hidden to start Kill 3 Obice or More (Wait for him to build some Obice for this to appear) - See (1)
When you attack he should have 2 or 3 Obice deployed, if only 2 then don't destroy his artillery factory until he makes another one.

Seelowe (Jul 1940, England) - There are 8 secondary objectives in this operation, 5 of which are hidden to start with.

(1) Win in 20 minutes
The easiest way to do this was to build 10-15 infantry at the start and send them straight to the armor base and barracks to start with, destroying the anti tank bunkers and capturing the buildings, a second airfield will be deployed here as well so make sure you take it and make some Fighter-Bombers.
While this is happening you need to make AA base and create about 5 Flak and 5 AT/AA guns, move the Flak up to the forest just in front of the enemies HQ , and the AT/AA guns over to the buildings you captured. At some point you will want to make some Recon units for your AA. Soon he will get Prototype units which approach from the north of your captured bases, this is what the AT guns and the Fighter-Bombers are for. make sure you send all your planes at the Mobile AA he brings first.
With whatever spare money you have you should be building AA guns because he will soon bring the Red Devils Paratroopers. They will come from the same place as the Prototype units. you should be able to shoot them all down while they are in the planes, if any survive to make the drop take your remaining infantry and hunt them down before they can take anything. Now you may have gotten 20 planes if you were able to take out all the Devils. So you can just go in and finish him off.

(2) Don't lose the Whirbelwind - See (1)
Keep the Whirbelwind behind your infantry at the start and then it should be fine to stay in the middle of the map.

(3) Destroy 10 planes - See (5).

(4) Hidden to start Destroy 20 planes (Destroy 10 planes for this to appear) - See (5).

(5) Hidden to start Destroy 30 planes (Destroy 20 planes for this to appear) - See (1)
You should get this if you down all the red devils while they are still in the planes, if not just let them gain money and make planes toward the end, when his planes take off they should fly straight into your AA in the forest.

(6) Hidden to start Kill all enemy units (Take longer than 20 minutes to win for this to appear) - See (1)
Just wait until you fail (1) and when this appears finish them off.

(7) Hidden to start Destroy the Prototype Units - See (1).

(8) Hidden to start Stop Airborne "Red Devils" - See (1)
Don't let the airborne units take any building/supply depots.

Pincer Movement (March 1941, Lybia) -There are 11 secondary objectives in this operation, 1 of which is hidden to start with.

(1) Destroy all enemy units
I found that rushing was the way. Create 2 supple depots then a barracks and armor base. As the Germans are tougher than the Italians in my opinion, send your Pershings to attack the Germans. Build 5 infantry and get them to follow your Pershings capturing the HQ and Artillery Base. while you are doing this the infantry recon and at guns from the center will move to attack your Pershings, your remaining infantry can deal with the AT while your Pershings deal with the infantry and recon.
While this is going on build another 5 infantry and as many Lee tanks as possible and send them around the left to the Italians. Here you are not defeating them only crippling them leaving a barracks, HQ and whatever supply depots they have still alive. Now make some more infantry to get the anti tank base which should not have any enemy around it, your Pershings will also move around to the Italians but stay away from their supply lines as you want them to gain money.
The goal here is to get him to make infantry which are also recon units until you have 75 kills. If he builds any new building you can destroy them or let him build units from them to kill. When your ready make sure you have 5 supply depots then finish him off.

(2) Win in 20 minutes - See (1)
Instead of crippling the Italians finish them off.

(3) Defeat one enemy - See (1)

(4) Destroy or capture German HQ - See (1)

(5) Destroy or Capture Italian HQ - See (1)

(6) Seize abandoned Anti-Tank Base - See (1)

(7) Preserve your Pershing Tanks - See (1)

(8) Get 5 supply depots - See (1)

(9) Kill 50 units - See (11)

(10) Kill 5 recon units - See (1)
These can be recon planes or recon infantry.

(11) Hidden to start Destroy 75 units (Destroy 50 units for this to appear) - See (1)
You should get this if you don't overwhelm the Italians straight away but if you do overwhelm them you can let them build units once you have control of the area.

The Maginot Line (July 1942, France) – There are 8 secondary objectives in this operation, 4 of which are hidden to begin with.

(1) Keep enemies away from Bord-L’Etang
This means the enemy does not come into the town to your north, you can have units in the town ambushing them as long as they don't make it to the town square.
When you start gain the three supply depots near your center base and build an AA base, you are going to want 4 Maginot bunkers out the front of Bord-L'Etang. Send your two heavy tanks and 2 of your laffly out as well to help repel the 1st wave until a bunker gets set up. the 3rd laffly should be sent all the way south as far as you can to make sure he dosent get killed.
After building the first of these bunkers you will want to make 5 AA and put the in the forest to the right of the city to stop early plane approaches. once you have the four bunkers done go to the left headquarters and build 2 bunkers .next to the northern supply dump. at this time start using money to build more AA and put them in the forests surrounding Bord-L'Etang. when you think its under control build a supply depot near your left HQ.
At some point your right HQ will be taken by the Russians, don't worry about this as the russians will be of no matter until later in the game and you have a secret weapon for that. With around 10 minutes left in the game you will gain an armoured recon and an FCM F1 prototype heavy tank. send the recon into the forest right of Bord-L'Etang and the FCM1 F1 to the left to help with the italian assault. When you get the money build an armour base and make 5 heavy tanks, send 3 north to Bord-L'Etang and keep 2 at your central HQ.
At 6 minutes remaining you will get the secret weapon, a Nuclear Long Tom, thank you J. Robert Oppenheimer, ("Father of the A-Bomb.") Anyway you will get a long tom and a tank destroyer, send the tank destroyer north to join your defenses, at this time your should start to gather money, once you get over $200 just build whatever you need whilst keeping above $200. the Long Tom should be kept where it is using the 2 tanks that you left with your HQ to protect it when the infantry come. the long tom will devastate the enemy, try and kill clusters before they get close to your defenses as this can also kill your own troops, in saying that dont be afraid to kill your own troops if the are being overwhelmed and killed anyway.
You must make sure that you have enough AA to stop the planes attacking your long tom. To finish the objective all your have to do is have at least 1 unit remaining when time runs out.

(2) Preserve one of your Laffly
You have 3 of these weak at guns, make sure you move one to the very south at the start so it wont get destroyed.

(3) Kill 50 enemy units - See (6)

(4) Keep more than $200 - See (1)
Requires you to have over $200 when time runs out. With 6 minutes or so left you will get a nuclear long tom, if your defenses have held well you can start saving money, if you are doing good you can build an administrative building earlier on, but be aware it costs $100 to build.

(5) Hidden to start Kill 100 enemy units (Destroy 50 units for this to appear) - See (6)

(6) Hidden to start Kill 150 enemy units (Destroy 100 units for this to appear) - See (1)
Once you get the long tom just hammer away at the enemy.

(7) Hidden to start Preserve the long tom (wait until about 6:30 left on the clock for this to appear) - See (1)
Keep the long tom where it is and destroy approaching enemies.

(8) Hidden to start Preserve the FCM F1 prototype (wait until around 10:00 left on the clock for this to appear) - See (1)
This is a super-heavy Tank it should move to the left to help repel the Italians.

Tobruk ’45 (June 1945, Cyrenaica) – There are 8 secondary objectives in this operation, 5 of which are hidden to begin with.

(1) Defeat one enemy - See (8)
You just need to make 1 of the four enemies surrender.

(2) Destroy 10 tank units - See (8)

(3) Destroy 10 air units - See (8)

(4) Hidden to start Destroy 25 air units (Destroy 10 air units for this to appear) - See (8)

(5) Hidden to start Destroy 40 air units (Destroy 25 air units for this to appear) - See (8)
If you do not get this in 8 you can set up a defense and just hold out with lots of AA guns in forest, lots of Maus/King Tiger and lots of Jet Fighters. Just send Jet Fighters out to attack the planes if they don't come to you.

(6) Hidden to start Destroy 25 tank units (Destroy 10 tank units for this to appear) - See (8)

(7) Hidden to start Destroy 40 tank units (Destroy 25 tank units for this to appear) - See (8)

(8) Hidden to start Destroy every enemy unit (Defeat one enemy for this to appear)
This operation is by far the easier of the multi-player ones. What we did was have the 2nd player build 4 supply depots then put 5 flak in the forest next to mountain on the left and 5 next to mountain on the right. Once this is done build a prototype base and build wirbelwinds and send 8 to the bridge on the left at the river crossing. Then continue building but leaving them in the center just below the town.
Player one will build 4 supply depots then an armor base. He will make King Tigers because Maus are to expensive and SLOW. He will send the tigers to the left bridge with the wirbelwinds, 5 should do here then he will start putting them on either side of the town in the center so that they can defend and he will put one on the right. then he will keep making them and put them in the center with the other wirbelwinds. When both players have got the required units at the bridge on the left send them up towards the French.
Communication is key the wirbelwinds need to keep close to the Tigers but not to far ahead or they will get killed. Keep going north attacking French units and their base. Terror and Fanaticism are a must. A tiger must now be built and sent to this area to keep the enemy from rebuilding here. Now that the French units are removed from their starting positions send your northern force south towards the center but keep them north of the Lake.
At the same time send all the tanks and wirbelwinds that are waiting at your base north towards the lake. Once this area around the lake is clear send all of these units towards the starting position of the Royal and Canadian air forces. This entire time wirbelwinds and tigers will be getting destroyed so you will have to constantly build new ones and send them up. Now the lone tank you left where the French started should move along the top of the map destroying the buildings and units up here, there shouldn't be much but if you want you can send a 2nd tank to help him.
You should be just about to wrap it up so when you think you have them under control or that they have no air units left stop building wirbelwinds and build an airfield and produce 1 recon and then fighter-bombers. when you destroy their last building all the units will be visible and you can finish them off with your fighter-bombers. Don't be afraid if you start losing wirbelwinds when you attack the center, as long as you have 10-15 when you start to assault the British you should be ok.

Triple Alliance against the Axis (May 1940, Northern Europe) – There are 12 secondary objectives in this operation, 8 of which are hidden to begin with.

(1) Destroy every enemy unit
This is probably the hardest objective to do in all the operations. Whether you win this or not depends on what strategy you use and what strategy the Germans use as they change what they do all the time. Each player will start surrounding the Germans however, you can only make a few type of units, and the units are inferior to the Germans upgraded units.
The Italians have access to Medium Tanks, (which are the equivalent of German Light Tanks,) and Anti Tank units. Luckily one of these units is AT and AA so it will help in your defense.
The British have access to Air units, Armored Recon, and Artillery Bunkers.
The U.S. has access to AT Bunkers, AA Bunkers, and Machine Gun Bunkers. They also have Artillery and Medium Tanks.
All teams get 3 paratroopers at the start, however this is the only Infantry you can get so be careful with them.

The Germans start out with a Siegfried Blockhouse Bunker in front of each enemy, an AT base in front of the Italians, an Armor Base and Airfield in front of the U.S. and an Artillery and AA Base in front of the British, they also have a Barracks and Machine Gun Bunker in the centre with their HQ. In the Central forest surrounding the HQ they have AA and AT Guns. This Central forest is Split into 3 parts, they are the part between Italians and British, between British and U.S. and the U.S. and Italians. In the Italian-British part are 2 AT guns and a Recon, in the British-U.S. part there are 3 AA guns and in the U.S.-Italian part there are 2 AA and 1 AT guns.

What needs to be done is the British must destroy the bunkers opposite the U.S. and Italians with their planes so that the Allies can go forward. After this is done you will want to continue building fighter bombers so that you can take out the Maus and Nuclear Long Tom when they arrive.

The Italians will want to build 4 AA/AT guns and then as many Tanks as possible until they have about 25-30.

(2) Destroy 10 tank units - See (10)

(3) Destroy 10 infantry units - See (8)

(4) Destroy 5 air units - See (6)

(5) Hidden to start Destroy 10 air units (Destroy 5 air units for this to appear)[i/] - See (6)

(6) Hidden to start Destroy 15 air units (Destroy 10 air units for this to appear)

(7) Hidden to start Destroy 15 infantry units (Destroy 10 infantry units for this to appear) - See (8)

(8) Hidden to start Destroy 20 infantry units (Destroy 20 infantry units for this to appear)

(9) Hidden to start Destroy 20 tank units (Destroy 10 tank units for this to appear)[i/i] - See (10)

(10) Hidden to start Destroy 30 tank units (Destroy 20 tank units for this to appear)

(11) Hidden to start Destroy the stolen nuclear Long Tom (wait until it gets dropped in by paratroopers at around 13 minutes for this to appear)
Just before the Long Tom arrives you will see planes coming in for the side of the board between the U.S.A. and the British, this will drop in paratroopers which will turn out to be the Long Tom. When you see this happening the British must use a Spy in the middle and send 5 Fighter-Bombers up so they are in the air. As soon as the paratroopers change into the Long Tom attack with your 5 Fighter-Bombers, this will ensure you get the objective and it only fires 1 Shot, if you miss it and you are attempting to win you should restart.

(12) Hidden to start Destroy the Maus tanks (wait until they get dropped in by paratroopers at around 17 minutes for this to appear)

For most of these I give credit to Tully123 and tweekfu, as they advised me on how to get most of the objectives.

The information on how each objective is done is strictly what I did for the operation and NOT a guaranteed method to win as the AI changes its strategy every mission based on what you do, however if you get the objective you are not required to win.

This is just the list of objectives so you can check of what you have done, I will do descriptions of how I earned each of these objectives in time. Anyone offering advise as to how they got it will be taken into account.

26 Jan 2011 03:20

no worries man like i said Tully123 and tweekfu were a big part of me getting these as well... hopefully i can finish off how to get the last operation
By Loguns RAW on 14 Feb 2011 01:32
Good one. I recommend you use bold and italic script to your advantage to highlight new operations and make browsing easier!

I also recommend going through the whole thing one more time while rereading it. There are a lot of spelling mistakes in the later paragraphs and things start to get mixed up. If you clear those out it will be a quality solution.
By Epsilon Theta on 01 Feb 2011 17:35
Yeah thanks it's just a rough working copy at the moment as I still need 1 more objective to get the achievement.

But I will take into account what you have said.
By Loguns RAW on 01 Feb 2011 23:32
Great guide so far, should save people a lot of our trial and error time.
By tweekfu on 03 Feb 2011 05:08
wat u mean they wont have to go through all the trouble we did
By Loguns RAW on 03 Feb 2011 10:27
yeah thanks for helping me with that one when u guys finished it
By Loguns RAW on 04 Feb 2011 03:15
No problem. As I said, if we hadn't found someone as dedicated as you, we wouldn't have the achievement. It was the decent thing to do, to help you with the last operation you needed.
By Tully123 on 04 Feb 2011 06:37
Thanks alot! The only advise I have to give is to reverse the italic and normal font. It seems more logical for the commentary to be in italics and objectives to be normal font. Of course, preview it to see if it looks good. If you don't like how it looks, you don't have to change it.
By MFMegazerox on 23 Jun 2011 05:13
ok thanks i have a look at it now
By Loguns RAW on 23 Jun 2011 05:17
I know you said you can't quit halfway once you have the objective but can you use save/load to get the objectives in one go. For example in the first 1v1 op you need to win in 20 minutes but one of the bonus objectives is after the 20 minute one is failed. Is it possible to leave one unit alive and save your game then kill the unit to get credit for winning in under 20 minutes. Then when back in the main menu load up the save you just made and let it run till the bonus pops up and then kill the unit so that you could get credit for the bonus objective. Just wondering if its possible or did you guys just play the operations again from the beginning.
By TomoyoN on 26 Dec 2011 03:16
ok im not sure we just played from the beginning each time, if anyone can confirm what tomoyoN is asking please let me know and i will add this in
By Loguns RAW on 26 Dec 2011 03:39
Well I'll let you know hopefully soon as all I have left is Triple Alliance and we are just waiting for a person who said he'd try it with us. Getting this 3rd person to play with us was kinda tough and I just hope we can get all those objectives for that mission as it looks tough.
By TomoyoN on 27 Dec 2011 11:41
Beat Triple Alliance but we havn't been able to kill 20 Infantry... Hell we have trouble getting 10 infantry... Anyone have a strategy on getting them to attack with more infantry???
By TomoyoN on 31 Dec 2011 01:34
Okay finally got the infantry and the achievement unlocked so saving and reloading works... Thx for the tips...
By TomoyoN on 01 Jan 2012 04:10
Yeah its hard to get the infantry kills in many of these. Any suggestions? I have all of the objectives except for the 15 and 20 infantry on the last mission.
By Major Bones on 18 May 2012 22:49
what we did for the last one was relocate italian and british bases to the usa to make one large base, if i recall correctly italian made AT guns and pushed them up to the river to kill any tanks already made and intice the enemy to make infantry. british used planes to destroy all bases other than infantry and made a recon so the italians could pick off tanks in the forest. US just made bunkers. it took like 4 or 5 times of this before we got it
By Loguns RAW on 19 May 2012 22:32
Thanks, We will try that. We need a new 3rd though since our old guy disapeared on us.
By Major Bones on 23 May 2012 03:09
Im haveing a tricky time getting the Bonus Obj. in "Pincer movement" - I can't Seem to Locate and destory 5 Scout\Recond unit types - by the time i have rushed one bace - They tend to not make anymore - (Normaly i take the bace on the right 1st and only see the 2~3 Recon units in the center) -

anyone know a quick way to force the AI to spawn more Recon units; or, what of the two factions have Recon infantry?

And - for the 1st mission, I think All im missing is the *Dont lose any Buildings* - I try to Rush them, and take out there Artilirty; but i keep loseing Buildings- Should I just Bunker up and wait out the time limit?
By VampericMist on 21 Jun 2012 16:50
If I remember correctly, leaving the airport will have them produce recon planes.

Use your camouflage Ruse and place anti-infantry bunkers. Also, be sure not to fan your Depots out to much!
By Epsilon Theta on 24 Jun 2012 04:47
on the first mission one of objectives it says to preserve all your at guns , i keep them either behind my base or in the woods and it still says i fail the objective even tho they havnt been destroyed?? help? inbox me
By Huginho19 on 25 Jun 2012 20:33
Yeah Thats one i'm haveing a issue with too >_< My AT guns keep getting K.o'd lol i think thats also one I need -Wish there was a check list, I know I had it on paper, - Just urks me, Im 2 missions Obj away from 100% on this game . _ .

ill try to keep the air port alive - thanks for the tip Theta

--- As for teh 1st mission I Tend to keep Raido silence and camo up - but then i need Ruse's for the Fear\brave ones (Lets my units not run away \ makes theres run(
By VampericMist on 29 Jun 2012 17:54
just found out you have to keep your at guns and wolverines alive or ul fail the objective if one of them gets killed
By Huginho19 on 10 Sep 2012 09:59
Well yes, that is what is says! wink A Wolverine is basically an AT gun on tracks!
By Epsilon Theta on 10 Sep 2012 10:32
quick correction, on Seelowe it's Destroy 10, 20, 30 planes :o) other than that, superb
By yossariano on 07 Jan 2013 18:34
ok thanks i'll change that
By Loguns RAW on 08 Jan 2013 07:11
I've Still been unable to "preserve AT Guns" on the 1st mission, Even if i rush the A.I with 20$ Tanks, Or I hold back and Try to Flank from the top right - They Ive watched a few videos on Youtube, - but They go a bit Fast .

Pro tip anyone :P
By VampericMist on 14 Mar 2013 10:55
It would help if you could provide a reason as to why you loose them.
By Epsilon Theta on 14 Mar 2013 13:40
OK we finally got the 20 infantry on Triple Alliance. The key was to concentrate on destroying all his buildings except the headquarters because the barracks always gets destroyed when you destroy the headquarters.
British must help Americans with Recon so they can bomb buildings on their side,
British destroy buildings on their side.
Italians must hold the line on their side and help with AA and AT on American side.
Took all 25 minutes and all we were missing was Destroy all units which we had gotten several times.
By Nicholas#8183 on 17 Jan 2014 21:20
4 years since the last comment.....I'm a bit late to the game

I just finished the first operation and the only objective I had problems with was preserve the AT guns.

I finally got it while keeping the AT guns back a bit, I did not rush the city, I let them come to me right below where they build the barracks.

But what I did differently was send 2 Lee's to the west and I was able to kill 3 supply depots and a oblice.

Worked for me. Might help someone else.
By Frawstfever on 12 Jan 2021 11:07
Just so I understand a bit better. Are bonus objectives the hidden ones from the start? Do all of these objectives for a mission, have to be done in one go?
By AC1DGro0ve 3o3 on 02 Mar 2011 19:30
the bonus objectives are just the secondary objectives, some of them are hidden to start some are not, those that are hidden to start i have said what to do to make them visible. the objectives do not have to be done at the same time, as long as you win or fail the mission after getting whichever objective you are after, that means u cant get it and then just quit half way through,.
By Loguns RAW on 03 Mar 2011 00:02
Any advice on killing 20 Infantry in Triple Alliance? Most times if we can even win, we never get even 10, much less 20. We try leaving the headquarters because there the Barracks is right next to it, but they never seem to make 20 to destroy.

BTW for all trying to preserve all AT guns in the first mission, I had a lot of trouble with this too. I finally got this by only building an armor base. I saved all the rest of my money and just built as many Medium tanks as I could. I sent them right to his base immediately and got it. I never even moved my AT or mobile AT. Won in like 5 minutes or so.
By Nicholas#8183 on 15 Jan 2014 20:53
I know this is long after but to get the infantry to spawn the Italians must build mostly AT and AA on their side and almost no tanks. Mostly AT so they could destroy their Maus tanks. Doing this, lots of infantry spawned and I think the Italians killed almost all of then.
I can't stress this enough, the British must only build fighters/bombers, not bombers. If they build bombers, the opponents camo and it's extremely difficult afterwards.
I was the British and besides providing recon for the Americans ( I always had a plane in reserve flying at the back of the Americans base ) almost all I did was send my fighter/bombers to the middle and concentrated on taking out buildings. Even though they kept rebuilding them, I kept knocking them down.
By Nicholas#8183 on 24 Feb 2016 22:01
I can confirm that the secondary objective 'kill 20 infantry' in the mission Triple Alliance can be hard to complete. The enemy just won't build infantry unless you 'force' him to do it.

The enemy AI will build infantry only when they are needed to counter certain units and structures. In this case the americans must build AT bunkers and the italians need a lot of their AT flak cannons (called 90 mm cannon). Both units can destroy tanks with ease, but they are unable to shoot infantry soldiers. So if you build enough of those anti tank units and structures, the AI will start to build soldiers to counter them.

My group wasted several hours playing normally until we changed tactics and build AT equipment. Only then did we get 20 infantry and more to destroy.
Also it is okay to fail the mission, because it will likely happen if you spend all your money on AT equipment and nothing else, but even with a failure your secondary objective will be saved. But DON'T quit, you must finish the mission with a victory or a failure.

Also it is okay when a player gets annihilated, he will get credit for secondary missions regardless. One of my guys got completely destroyed in the last minute and he still got his achievement. So if you loose, stay in the game as a spectator, but don't quit out!
By Arsenal Mega on 12 Jul 2023 21:13
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Another tough trophy because operations are hard enough to complete in the first place let alone with all the bonus objectives. Thankfully the game lets you stack objectives provided you succeed in the mission. It is therefore possible to work on certain bonuses each time you attempt the mission.

Anzio (Jan 1944, Italy) - There are 11 secondary objectives in this operation, 4 of which are hidden to start with.

(1) Kill all enemy units in 15 minutes - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(2) Lose less than 20 units

(3) Preserve all your AT guns - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(4) Capture the enemy HQ - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(5) Destroy 10 tanks - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(6) Don't lose any buildings - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(7) Kill 10 infantry units - See (8)

(8) Hidden to start Kill 20 infantry units (Kill 10 infantry units for this to appear) Start the level building an armor factory and 3 supply depots. Keep pumping out as many Lee tanks as you can afford and a few anti tank guns. Make sure to constantly keep up radio silence and camouflage. Have the anti tank guns outside radio silence's range and the AI sends troops to destroy them which you can take out with your Lees.

(9) Hidden to start Destroy 20 tanks (Destroy 10 tanks for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(10) Hidden to start Kill all enemy units (Take longer than 15 minutes before winning for this to appear) - Follow the Nemesis strategy but don't take his HQ until 15 minutes have passed

(11) Hidden to start Kill 3 Obice or More (Wait for him to build some Obice for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

Seelowe (Jul 1940, England) - There are 8 secondary objectives in this operation, 5 of which are hidden to start with.

(1) Win in 20 minutes - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(2) Don't lose the Wirbelwind - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(3) Destroy 10 planes - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(4) Hidden to start Destroy 15 planes (Destroy 10 planes for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

(5) Hidden to start Destroy 20 planes (Destroy 15 planes for this to appear)

(6) Hidden to start Kill all enemy units (Take longer than 20 minutes to win for this to appear) - Do the strategy explained in Nemesis and simply leave one of his buildings until 20 minutes have passed.

(7) Hidden to start Destroy the Prototype Units

(8) Hidden to start Stop Airborne "Red Devils" - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Nemesis

Pincer Movement (March 1941, Lybia) -There are 11 secondary objectives in this operation, 1 of which is hidden to start with.

(1) Destroy all enemy units - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(2) Win in 20 minutes - Simply go for total destruction when you first attack the Italians following the strategy in One vs. All and make sure you get an infantry in to take out his HQ and remove his barracks so he can't get it back.

(3) Defeat one enemy - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(4) Destroy or capture German HQ - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(5) Destroy or Capture Italian HQ - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(6) Seize abandoned Anti-Tank Base - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(7) Preserve your pershings - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(8) Get 5 supply depots - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(9) Kill 50 units - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(10) Kill 5 recon units

(11) Hidden to start Destroy 75 units (Destroy 50 units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

The Maginot Line (July 1942, France) – There are 8 secondary objectives in this operation, 4 of which are hidden to begin with.

(1) Keep enemies away from Bord-L’Etang - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(2) Preserve one of your Laffly - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(3) Kill 50 enemy units - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(4) Keep more than 200$ - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(5) Hidden to start Kill 100 enemy units (Destroy 50 units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(6) Hidden to start Kill 150 enemy units (Destroy 100 units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(7) Hidden to start Preserve the long tom (wait until about 6:30 left on the clock for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

(8) Hidden to start Preserve the FCM F1 prototype (wait until around 10:00 left on the clock for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in One vs. All

Tobruk ’45 (June 1945, Cyrenaica) – There are 8 secondary objectives in this operation, 5 of which are hidden to begin with.

(1) Defeat one enemy - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(2) Destroy 10 tank units - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(3) Destroy 10 air units - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(4) Hidden to start Destroy 25 air units (Destroy 10 air units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(5) Hidden to start Destroy 40 air units (Destroy 25 air units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(6) Hidden to start Destroy 25 tank units (Destroy 10 tank units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(7) Hidden to start Destroy 40 tank units (Destroy 25 tank units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(8) Hidden to start Destroy every enemy unit (Defeat one enemy for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

Triple Alliance against the Axis (May 1940, Northern Europe) – There are 12 secondary objectives in this operation, 8 of which are hidden to begin with.

(1) Destroy every enemy unit - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(2) Destroy 10 tank units - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(3) Destroy 10 infantry units - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(4) Destroy 5 air units - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(5) Hidden to start Destroy 10 air units (Destroy 5 air units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(6) Hidden to start Destroy 15 air units (Destroy 10 air units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(7) Hidden to start Destroy 15 infantry units (Destroy 10 infantry units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(8) Hidden to start Destroy 20 infantry units (Destroy 20 infantry units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(9) Hidden to start Destroy 20 tank units (Destroy 10 tank units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(10) Hidden to start Destroy 30 tank units (Destroy 20 tank units for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(11) Hidden to start Destroy the stolen nuclear Long Tom (wait until it spawns for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

(12) Hidden to start Destroy the Maus tanks (wait until they spawn for this to appear) - Earned while doing the strategy explained in Best Friend

There are simpler tactics for complex additional missions:

Seelowe (5) Destroy 20 planes. We rush with infantry and tanks, destroying the entire base except the airport. We will surround it with troops, and planes will periodically fly out from there. After this, we place anti-aircraft guns along a line, approximately in the center of the map, 10 more of our clients will arrive. By the end of time they must score 20.

Pincer Movement (10) Kill 5 recon units. We rush both opponents with infantry, we completely destroy the left one, the right one has only half of the base (where the barracks are). We plant infantry in the nearest forests and begin to build aircraft (reconnaissance aircraft and bombers). The enemy will constantly build a scout jeep, our task is to grab it and bomb it.

Triple Alliance against the Axis (8) Destroy 20 infantry units. Italy builds tanks and rushes to the center of the map, to the enemy HQ. It must be destroyed at any cost. Britain is building bunkers and helping with bombers. America is using artillery to distract the largest number of the German army. If we succeed in destroying HQ, we slowly finish off all the other troops and buildings, EXCEPT the barracks, from there the infantrymen, so necessary for this trophy, will run out in droves.

02 Nov 2017 02:22

1 Comment
Regarding the hint from zappydemon: the indicated tactics are not simpler, but simply alternative.
Personally, the tactics proposed on the Seelowe map did not work for me, I started with it, as the most obvious one, and tried it twice. By destroying the enemy's base, you will deprive him of resources; the enemy will not be able to build planes for a long time. Personally, I didn’t get 20 (with the complete destruction of 10 reinforcement aircraft). Therefore, we had to look for another way.
By por9idok on 03 Jan 2018 22:00
To receive the trophy, you need to complete all additional objectives (bonus objectives) in all 6 available operations, including cooperative ones, which require access to PSN and partners.

I'll tell you some of the features of obtaining them. It is not necessary (and in some cases impossible) to complete all objectives in one playthrough. It is also not necessary to win the operation to qualify for the task; it is enough to complete the operation to the end.

In single-player operations, you can use saves to your advantage. For example, in Operation Anzio you have the objectives "destroy all enemy units in 15 minutes" and "destroy all enemy units". These objectives (surprisingly) cannot be completed simultaneously, in fact the "destroy all enemy units" objective is a consolation prize and can only be obtained after 15 minutes of play. Therefore, you defeat the enemy (see the hint for the corresponding trophy), leaving him with one unit, for example a bunker. Save at about 13 minutes. Destroy the bunker and receive the completed task “destroy all enemy units in 15 minutes.” Load the save and wait 2 minutes, then destroy the bunker and get the completed task “destroy all enemy units.”

The game does not have statistics on completed tasks in operations, so you will have to track all the statistics yourself!

Below is a list of all additional tasks from all 6 operations with some explanations. Taking into account the fact that the game is entirely in English, I present the list of tasks in the original so as not to get confused.

(1) Kill all enemy units in 15 minutes
(2) Lose less than 20 units
(3) Preserve all your AT guns (prevent your Wolverine Tank Destroyers from dying)
(4) Capture the enemy HQ
(5) Destroy 10 tanks
(6) Don't lose any buildings
(7) Kill 10 infantry units
(8) Kill 20 infantry units
(9) Destroy 20 tanks
(10) Kill all enemy units
(11) Kill 3 Obice or More

(1) Win in 20 minutes
(2) Don't lose the Wirbelwind
(3) Destroy 10 planes
(4) Destroy 15 planes
(5) Destroy 20 planes
(6) Kill all enemy units.
(7) Destroy the Prototype Units
(8) Stop Airborne "Red Devils"

Pincer Movement:
(1) Destroy all enemy units -
(2) Win in 20 minutes
(3) Defeat one enemy
(4) Destroy or capture German HQ
(5) Destroy or Capture Italian HQ
(6) Seize abandoned Anti-Tank Base
(7) Preserve your pershings (prevent your two tanks from dying, given from the start of the mission)
(8) Get 5 supply depots
(9) Kill 50 units
(10) Kill 5 recon units
(11) Destroy 75 units

The Maginot Line:
(1) Keep enemies away from Bord-L'Etang (prevent the enemy from getting closer to the specified vehicle, it is better to take them away from the front line, down the map, towards the end of the operation)
(2) Preserve one of your Laffly (prevent the specified equipment from being destroyed)
(3) Kill 50 enemy units
(4) Keep more than $200
(5) Kill 100 enemy units
(6) Kill 150 enemy units
(7) Preserve the long tom (prevent the specified equipment from being destroyed)
(8) Preserve the FCM F1 prototype (prevent the specified equipment from being destroyed)

Tobruk '45:
(1) Defeat one enemy
(2) Destroy 10 tank units
(3) Destroy 10 air units
(4) Destroy 25 air units
(5) Destroy 40 air units
(6) Destroy 25 tank units
(7) Destroy 40 tank units
(8) Destroy every enemy unit

Triple Alliance against the Axis:
(1) Destroy every enemy unit
(2) Destroy 10 tank units
(3) Destroy 10 infantry units
(4) Destroy 5 air units
(5) Destroy 10 air units
(6) Destroy 15 air units
(7) Destroy 15 infantry units
(8) Destroy 20 infantry units
(9) Destroy 20 tank units
(10) Destroy 30 tank units
(11) Destroy the stolen nuclear Long Tom
(12) Destroy the Maus tanks

Almost all tasks can be completed during the operation (using hints for the corresponding trophies), simply by keeping a list of tasks in your head. Three additional tasks caused me serious difficulty.

One of the difficult tasks is Operation Seelowe (5) Destroy 20 planes. Using rush tactics during the passage, you will not be able to destroy 20 aircraft. If I took up defensive positions, the enemy overwhelmed me with numbers. Therefore, I continued to use the rush on the enemy, but left his HQ (for a short time) and the airfield. Keep your infantry away from the enemy's HQ so that resources flow to him, otherwise he will not be able to build planes. You cannot let the enemy have a base (HQ) for a long time, otherwise he will start building buildings instead of planes, so wait a little and then capture the HQ, leaving one airfield. There is also an important point - to have time to place about 15 AA guns against the Red Devils planes, there are only 10 of them in the story, but they can fly away if they are not quickly shot down. After the loss of the base, the enemy will make planes for some time, in the end 1 piece every 2-3 minutes, it’s realistic to accumulate 20 pieces.

Another difficult task is Operation Pincer Movement (10) Kill 5 recon units. I never found a suitable tactic. He managed to destroy 5 scouts when he captured Italy, and left the HQ, airfield and barracks with the Germans. He made extensive use of RUSE radio silence and camouflage. As a result, in another attempt, the enemy built 4 reconnaissance vehicles from the barracks, and before that I destroyed an Italian reconnaissance plane.

The third difficult task is Operation Triple Alliance against the Axis (8) Destroy 20 infantry units. To scrape together 20 infantry units, my comrades and I used the following tactics. Italy only built AT and AA guns, depriving itself of the ability to fight infantry. Almost all of the German infantry was heading towards Italy. Britain built only attack aircraft (without upgrades) and, flying around the center of the map, destroyed infantry from the aircraft. America built everything in a normal combat mode (see the hint on completing joint operations) and helped destroy infantry from a long distance with artillery. As a result, 10 minutes before the end of the operation, we managed to recruit 20 units, although all 3 of our armies were eventually almost completely defeated.

03 Jan 2018 22:03