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Best Friend

Best Friend

Complete all cooperative operations


How to unlock the Best Friend achievement in R.U.S.E. - Definitive Guide

this is quite difficult to get, the first operation which you have to complete with 2 is the more easy one, rush both to the right and take down these 2 enemies, afterwards it should be quite easy to defeat the 2 remaining ones.

At the other one which you should get with 3 people is quite difficult. you can see the guide by RUSETFB in the link, green should take down the long tom, light blue defend blue and take down some air transport and blue surive and build priests to destroy everything.

I do not own the credit of this video.

05 Sep 2011 17:20

This is a guide for the Triple Alliance operation from the perspective of the British (green). I will only be covering the British's role in the operation; the second most important role, first being the Americans. Your job will be to help protect them, as well as taking out enemy buildings, enemy AA units, the Long Tom, and Maus tanks. You should be able to complete all optional objects naturally, except for the infantry kills, a second run will be required for that.

As soon as the operation starts, you'll want to grab the closest four supply depots, then make an airport (I'd always put it in the lower left corner, near the bridge leading to the landmass between you and the Americans).

Once the airport is deployed, construct a recon unit and as many fighter-bombers as possible. Immediately send those units (1 recon, 3-4 fighter-bombers) to the Americans. Place the fighter-bombers around the center of his base, near where the enemies cross. Set the recon up so it can see the buildings directly across from the Americans.

Once that is complete, (you'll always want to be constructing more fighter-bombers when you have the necessary amount of funds, as well as extra airports when your current fills up) and once you have 4-5 extra fighter-bombers at your airport, you'll want to send them to destroy the AA & Artillery base directly across from you. As well as that, if the enemy ever creates an airport in that sector, you'll want to deal with it in the same fashion. If at any point a tank or other unit crosses the bridge towards your base, take them out immediately.

After you've destroyed the enemy AA & Artillery base, either deploy a Spy RUSE or have your recon scout the area. You'll want to destroy any AA units they’ve managed to construct. While doing this, the enemy will receive Maus tanks. If at any point the Americans run into trouble with them, immediately send your fighter-bombers to aid.

There should be three enemy AA units in the central forest surrounding the enemy HQ. Send your recon so the circle just barely passes over that, if that gets destroyed, use a Spy RUSE. You'll want to take these three units out; three of your own fighter-bombers for each should do the trick.

Once you're clear of all enemy AA units, continue to aid the Americans, destroy enemy bases, or occasionally help out the Italians. At some point the enemy will receive a Long Tom (a deadly nuke that will destroy your HQ, buildings, and friendly units). You'll know this is happening when the second wave of enemy transporter planes comes from your left - the first dropped of the Maus tanks, which may be completely destroyed already or still scattered about - to the enemy HQ.

This is your most important job, you'll want to make sure you have at least 4-5 fighter-bombers in reserve and a Spy RUSE. As soon as you see the paratroopers deploy, use the Spy and get ready to command your fighter-bombers. Send all your units to destroy the Long Tom (should take three hits to destroy; there may be enemy planes flying around, so the more units you send, the better). The Long Tom will most likely fire off 1-2 nukes, but do not fear, all is not lost.

Once that is destroyed, you are in the home stretch, you shouldn't have any trouble now. This is the cleanup stage. Continue to aid the Americans and Italians, destroy enemy buildings, then units, and always destoy AA units if there are any around. Eventually, you will have completed the operation. Congratulations, that was a pain in the ass.

Just a few tips:
- When it comes to destroying enemy buildings, first priority are AA & Artillery, second, airports.
- The enemy will usually always try to take your supply depot furthest right, don't worry about that.
- If any enemy unit crosses the bridge towards your sector, take them out.
- When using recon planes, try to keep them as for away from enemies while still being able to scout effectively.
- You will mainly be covering everything between you and the forest surrounding the enemy HQ. The Americans will cover the opposite side with their Preists, which the Italians will be protecting.
- If ever the Americans or Italians (esp. Americans) are being attacked by Maus, stop what you're doing (unless you're destroying the Long Tom) and aid them.
- When sending fighter-bombers to aid the Americans or Italians, don't just sent them straight up the middle, send them around the outskirts of the map (to avoid enemy AA and planes).

Hope this is helpful. Again, this is just a guide for what the British will be doing. Not a guide for the optional objectives or the American’s and Italian’s roles. If you want a guide for optional objectives, there is already a fantastic guide in that achievement's solution.

06 Oct 2017 06:58

This will require you to complete 2 missions with other people. I will provide a tactic that will ensure you at least manage to win each operation.

Tobruk ’45 (June 1945, Cyrenaica): This operation requires you to team up with another person. You will be fighting the French who focus on tanks and the British who focus on planes. It will be the same for your team as one person can only build tanks and the other AA/planes. I will break this down into how each person should play, however one point to note is that you should try to always keep Blitz up around your base as the maus are really slow movers. Camouflage and radio silence are useful but if your AA units have been set up right you will not need to waste RUSEs on them.

Person with Planes: To start off, build a few supply depots then spam AA units and put them in the forests to the left and right of the town and to the left of your base and right of their team mates base. After this get some recon in the air to see what is going on. Get a prototype building up and get the Wirbelwind ready for production. You will basically want to follow your teammate's maus with 2-3 Wirbelwind to give air cover so keep an eye on his movements and make sure to provide cover. There will come a point where you should have $100 spare, at which point I recommend an administrative building (eventually you want 2) to help cover expenses once the supply depots are empty. Your final job is to build a lot of fighters and fighter bombers so you can provide aerial protection when you are storming the bases. Once the French are taken care of and you reach the British base, send all the planes you have over his base to distract his bombers/fighter bombers so that your teammate can get his maus in to take out the airfields.

Person with Tanks: You want to build some supply depots and then build a prototype base and research maus tanks. As the British come at you with planes, you will want to focus your tank defence over on the left side to protect your teammate. Build an AA/AT base and research the AT gun and put 2 in the woods left of the town and 2 in the forests next to the 2 supply depots. Now build 2 maus tanks and send them over to the path of the left. Slowly work your way forward where you will come to some French buildings. Make sure your ally is giving you AA cover. When you can, build 2 more maus and send them north of the town where the 2 supply depots are. From here you can send them northwest by the mountain where you will come to some secondary HQ's that are easy pickings. Again you need to make sure your team mate has Wirbelwind AA cover. It's possible to completely destroy the French base with just these 4 maus tanks. The entire time this has been going on you want to build as many maus as you can afford and start collecting them to the right of your base. When you have 6-7 and your teammate has Wirbelwind's there, send them towards the British. While doing this link up your 4 maus that took out the French and come around the back so you are attacking the Canadian's/British from both sides. I'd highly recommend a recon unit as they camouflage their buildings. To help with funds when you have a chance build an administrative building (you will want 2 eventually).

Note that the AI will have lots of units scattered about after you take out his buildings, so make sure you have recon units scouting the map to find them and you use fighters/AA to shoot down his remaining planes or you will fail objective 11 and possibly 1 as well. Following this method should earn you all 8 secondary objectives. - special thanks to Jjos for helping with this method -

Triple Alliance against the Axis (May 1940, Northern Europe): This operation is in my opinion the hardest of all and in order to attempt it you will need at least 2 other people. I'd not even try to do this with random people as you'll only waste your time. Thanks go out to the people who've shown me how this works - Eagle Soars and Agent Ace (ps3trophies.org username unknown) -. The way the game has been split up means you'll have a person as the British (whose power is the airforce), the Italians (whose power is the anti tank units and cheap tanks) and the Americans (whose power is their artillery). Note that the AI plays differently each game and it took a few tries doing the identical thing until the AI worked in our favour (we had the AI rush the US twice, we had some problems with the Italian stack being nuked before it was destroyed etc) so don't be put off if you don't make it first time.

Person who is Italy: As the Italians, your role will be to build up a large army to attack the German's base once America and Britain have done their jobs. When the operation starts build 2 supply depots (the one near your base and the one over the river but not the one nearest the Nazi's!!). Now build an artillery and anti tank building and a tank building. Build 4 of the $10 AT guns and put them in the little forest strip close to the unoccupied supply depot. Shortly after starting you'll get 3 paratroopers which you'll also want to move into the forest. This will protect you from any attacks that come your way although by not taking the supply depot you should face no attacks. Now you will want to work on building up a large army. To start with build 4 of the AT/AA guns. These will be important as they are your only protection against aerial assault. After this just build tanks tanks and more tanks. By the time you're ready to attack you'll have near to 30 tanks. You'll want to send them over the bridge all as one group and wipe out the Nazi's buildings and units through an overwhelming unit advantage.

Person who is America: The Americans will face the brunt of attacks early on from the ground and later on from the air. For this reason your first job is building up defence. Take the supply depot near you base and the one over the river but leave the one nearest the Nazi's base. Now put some AT bunkers close to this uncaptured supply depot. After this you'll want to build 4-5 AA guns and put them close to the mountain. Finally you'll need to start pumping out priest artillery. If you move them right up to the mountain you'll be able to attack their headquarters from where you are. Obviously attacking with one priest will have little effect and he'll simply camouflage. To begin with, just take out what you can see so the Siegfried bunker etc. Once you've got 7+ priests all hugging the mountain attack the HQ. You have to hope that you manage to destroy the HQ before he uses camouflage. If he does then attack any units around his HQ so that you'll also hit it. With his HQ down he can no longer replace any destroyed buildings or collect any money so this is vital. You'll want to have radio silence and camouflage on the American sector to help counter the aerial and artillery assault you'll face. After building the priests, turn your attention to building tanks with any remaining money you have so you can assist the Italians.

Person who is Britain: The British have without a question the most important role. The aerial cover they provide is key to winning this operation. As with the other two people, you will want to avoid the supply depot nearest to the Nazi base. Due to the amount of money you'll need to cover the planes it is advisable to build up a secondary HQ either side of your main base near to the supply depots. Now with a large income you can focus on your air force. You'll want to create a recon plane and have it at the American base so their artillery can see hidden stuff but make sure you keep it in the range of the American AA bunkers or it will be shot down in seconds. You'll want to make sure you're using the upgraded fighters and fighter bombers. 4 fighters and the rest fighter bombers will do the trick. Your job will be to support the Americans in defending as well as defending yourself (don't worry about the Italians they won't be getting attacked and if they do they can defend themselves).

When the Long Tom appears you'll want to send your fighter-bombers in instantly to take it out before it can get off more than 1 nuke (the last thing you want is the Italians to lose their stack of 20+ tanks). Remember to use the spy ruse to see it. Don't worry if a lot of planes get shot down. Send in fighters first to attract their planes to those instead so the fighter-bombers have a clear run. When the Maus tank spawns you'll also want to assist in its destruction. Again using the spy ruse to see it then sending over fighters followed by fighter bombers does the job. Other than that you'll be keeping the Nazi air-force in check until the HQ is destroyed and they have no money to build more planes. At this point you'll provide support for the Italian assault by taking out the AT guns and artillery they use as well as the Siegfried bunker and finally help in the clean-up of units and buildings.

Using the above method you should be able to entirely clear the map of enemy units with more than 5 minutes of time remaining. Doing this method will net you every secondary objective however (8) is hit and miss. One game we got that, another time we didn't even destroy 10 infantry. To encourage him to build infantry you could destroy everything but his barracks or aim for a points victory and turtle for 25 minutes keeping everything but your AT guns hidden so he sends in infantry to destroy them.

The trophy is given for completing two cooperative operations: Tobruk '45, Triple Alliance against the Axis.
Video walkthrough of Tobruk '45.
Video walkthrough of Triple Alliance against the Axis.

I went through Tobruk twice with different friends. The tactics were also different and different from those shown in the video. The most effective, in my opinion, is the tactic of a two-way rush to enemy bases. Anyone who plays tanks must immediately build 2 tank factories above the islands on the sides of the map (and turn on Blitz). Anyone who plays with planes must first build fighters, and cover friendly tanks from the planes produced by the enemy. The attack must be carried out on both sides of the map at once, destroying all 4 enemy bases, then finishing off the center. You need to build the cheapest tanks first, then you can move on to medium ones. If everything is done quickly enough, the enemy will not have time to develop. If you see that your opponent's air force is almost destroyed, you can start building bombers to help tanks destroy buildings faster. Such tactics, however, will not help in achieving the additional objectives of destroying 40 tanks and 40 aircraft; for this it is better to use the tactics from the video.

Triple Alliance against the Axis requires 3 players to start the game. We used similar tactics to those in the video. America is building an anti-tank bunker, an anti-aircraft bunker, some tanks to protect against infantry, and a bunch of artillery vehicles. It is artillery vehicles that will be the key to victory over the enemy. Italy is building anti-tank guns and tanks. Britain is building several artillery bunkers and attack aircraft (without upgrade). There is no point in building bombers, because... The Germans have many anti-aircraft guns (FLAK). Airplanes are generally assigned a defensive and support role; there is no point in poking into the center of the map, except to help American artillery destroy the enemy Long Tom (which will appear around the 13th minute). The main task of Italy and Britain is to hold the defense to the best of their ability, America must constantly maintain radio silence and camouflage, and having accumulated small artillery forces, begin to destroy enemy buildings with artillery, starting from the base in the center, and later hammer away at the equipment. Of course, you need to constantly produce more artillery, increasing your power. We have a situation like in the video - while the Germans concentrated their forces on Italy (mainly) and Britain, America methodically destroyed the enemy’s buildings and equipment. A British reconnaissance aircraft should help here, as well as RUSE Decryption. It is important to quickly destroy the Long Tom nuclear cannon, Britain must apply decryption to the center of the map, and American artillery must destroy it (airplanes can help, but they will not survive this sortie, if at all). Any nation can cope with Maus tanks, Italy will have the hardest time, you can help it with British attack aircraft

18 Jul 2017 18:18