

61 Achievements


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Complete all Legends of the Wasteland


How to unlock the Anthology achievement in Rage - Definitive Guide

This achievement is obtainable either via Xbox LIVE or by playing splitscreen while the game mode is found on the third disc. There are nine Legends in total and they must be completed one after the other as only one mission is available to start with and only the next mission will unlock after completion of the previous mission. The Legends are basically just remixed versions of missions you played during the course of the campaign with a noticeable increase in the number of enemies and all can be played on Normal difficulty (though you can play the Legends by yourself, the game warns you that no achievements will be awarded by doing so).

The objective of each mission is straightforward so specific strategies for each one aren't completely necessary. Just remember to LOOK EVERYWHERE as valuable ammo types (Fat Boys, Pop Rockets, Feltrite Rounds, etc.) are normally hidden in various places. Grenades and bandages are found laying around as well and seem to be much more necessary for this game mode. Remember to vocalize with your teammate and be sure to share found items with them. There are numerous hidden caches in each mission that you should keep a vigilant watch for, many of which are locked behind doors requiring a lock grinder (these are hidden in the missions as well and cannot be engineered like they could be in the Campaign).

Lastly, simple strategies can go a long way in making a difference for each Legend. Have a teammate lay suppresive fire while you sneak around to the side and flank your opponents. Don't be stingy with grenades when faced with multiple opponents and DON'T try and be a hero and go off by yourself. You only get 2 defibs before your teammate will have to revive you if you fall, and that will take a few seconds. Save valuable ammo types for the bigger enemies (of which there will be several) and don't forget to utilize sentry turrents when an extra bit of fire power can help (such as in the second Mutant Bash TV mission, in particular). Good luck!

14 Oct 2011 18:58

Dammit I was just about to write a guide for this! Nice one though man.
By Dingo Salad on 15 Oct 2011 01:02
I don't think I left anything out, did I?
By Zacry072 on 15 Oct 2011 01:13
How long will this take to do on average?
By azGRIMES on 30 Oct 2011 05:57
Depending on how good you and your partner are, I'd say 2 hours at the least. Maybe even quicker. My partner and I had a handful of game overs and probably got it done within 2-3 hours.
By Zacry072 on 30 Oct 2011 05:58
honestly are there just people that go around giving out negative votes or what . very nice solution Zacry072
By Majinbro on 10 Dec 2011 08:51
I appreciate the support :).
By Zacry072 on 10 Dec 2011 15:33
Fortunately you don't have to play all of them on Nightmare, just on Normal. But good tips nonetheless. My partner and I didn't really use a strategy for it, we just sort of barrelled through it and collected stuff as we found it. Took us two tries on that mission in particular.
By Zacry072 on 10 Jan 2012 18:48
you dont have to have all 25 car parts in that mission you just have to escape with as many as you have. me and my partner had 20/25 and still completed it
By ACEs 8s 24 on 14 Apr 2012 15:51
Maybe something should be added about the "elevator glitch" on level 8?
By MRT4P on 01 May 2012 14:45
What would that be? I'm unaware of it.
By Zacry072 on 01 May 2012 14:46
Do you think it would be possible to all of these split screen but just by myself as in player 2 is just stood there for whole thing or is too difficult for that kind of thing?
By Dooplocke on 13 May 2012 10:36
You may be able to do that, but I wouldn't recommend it at all.
By Zacry072 on 13 May 2012 14:34
@Dooplocke add me if you need someone to do these with I also was thinkin of doin them solo but if we can both do them together why not. I'm uk based and on every night from 1900 GMT
By grundogLFC1892 on 22 May 2012 10:31
The lift glitch is a biaatch!
By sonnyliston1 on 25 Jun 2012 23:04
I can't finish Grab & Go because of the fucking elevator glitch.
By FF7 King on 16 Jul 2012 19:28
I'm still not sure what this lift glitch is. I've only ever heard about it on this thread.
By Zacry072 on 16 Jul 2012 19:28
Expanding on the "2 defibs", do not use your defib unless both of you are incapacitated, and you should coordinate with your teammate so that you don't both defib unless it is truly necessary. Extermination is VERY difficult and you won't get through it unless you ration your defibs.
By olde fortran 77 on 03 Aug 2012 13:48
@ Dooplocke - This is almost impossible to complete with two controllers because in the Mutant Bash TV mission your 2nd will be repeatedly killed as you are forced to move him into the arena to progress.
Youre much better off setting up a session of four, two teams of two in case you get no shows.
By o DEEVIUS o on 24 Aug 2012 09:11
aynone wanna work on this eventually, hit me up, no rush...
By Ant McGrittz on 18 Dec 2012 18:55
Elevator problem in level 8. if the NON-HOST goes on first it didn't glitch for me and my mate.
By FoolsAndKings on 07 Jun 2013 19:09
I still need to complete the last level, but it appears no one is ever online...

Anyone who wants to complete it with me, I'd be up for boating almost anything in return.
By Comedian Josh W on 28 Oct 2013 14:31
added you on live josh
By ziplobthud on 12 Nov 2013 17:00
Looking to grab these in 2024. Please DM me if anyone is interested.
By CCBrawler on 06 Jan 2024 17:06
The Legend I struggled with the most was the gathering 25 car parts one under a time limit. Usually (as said in the solution) we would stay together but in this particular mission, we found that in order to beat the time limit easily, after we cleared one area, I would gather ammo/bandages then press on ahead whilst my partner gathered car parts. On average, I would have dealt with half the enemies in the room so by the time he caught up with me, it was relatively quick and easy to finish everyone else off then move onto the next room. Saying that though, I have only played through these on normal at the minute so not sure how much harder/less time there will be on Nightmare.

Hope this helps.
By Koi No Yokan on 08 Jan 2012 18:11
what is this lift glitch all about its been mention twice?
By BootlessScotty on 28 Jun 2012 11:13
Yep, had to splitscreen Grab and Go, we tried 2 times online, both times my co-op partner was the first to the last elevator at the end of the mission, both times there was a invisible barrier blocking him from getting on.
By EarthboundX on 31 Jul 2014 02:04
Does anyone have trouble with the pilot loading? Everytime i try get it loaded it kicks out the second player
By ColumnedJet9 on 30 Jul 2017 11:01
I second what Fools and Kings said. Level 8 can be done online but the Non Host Player Must get on the elevator 1st at both locations or it will glitch.
By OldSchoolBlood on 09 Jan 2018 15:47
Ran into the same issue regarding Grab and Go, both my partner and I were forced to complete it alone via splitscreen. Other than that, the Legends were all relatively simple. Only had to replay Rusty’s Resupply a second time because we weren’t aware of the lever at the end.
By Ethigy on 29 Nov 2018 08:33
Just started playing this on game pass. Looking to get all multiplayer achievements. Message me if your interested. I can work around your time zone 🙂
By Don Peanut MUFC on 05 Aug 2019 22:40
anyone here still want to run through LOTW and races? Just finished ultra nightmare runthrough and only have these left? Also is it possible to obtain these achievements split screen? if so does it need to be with a different account?
By Pseudonymous on 10 May 2020 02:53
Need someone who can help me with these Legends of the Wasteland achievements. Hit me up if you're interested in 2023.
By KingRoombaTC on 27 May 2023 12:04
Looking for someone to do these with and the races just finished ultra nightmare campaign and have these left drop us a message on here or Xbox GT - Dominating Spud
By Dominating Spud on 23 Aug 2023 12:05
Anyone have any luck getting a party for these? I hosted an event here on TA but me and the other participant were unable to join each others game. Thanks for any help.
By CCBrawler on 27 Jan 2024 16:16
If anyone still needs this I'm down to help. GT: Meshuggala
By Meshuggala on 12 May 2024 20:13
ive been doing thease solo w a friends GT as 2nd Controler, But haveing A Hell Of a time getting Extermination done (solo) - Anyone want to Team up and get the last 3 fin.? X_X

when ever i find some one online to play with they dont seem to know wtf they are doing
By VampericMist on 15 Jul 2012 05:26
I've been running into the elevator glitch on Grab and Go as well. http://rage.wikia.com/wiki/Grab_and_Go

The non-host player gets stuck outside the elevators, or gets teleported off of them once they start moving. Makes it impossible to finish, but this seems to only be a client/host bug. Do the mission split screen and you won't encounter this problem.
By Mobius Evalon on 13 Sep 2012 06:31
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In case you haven't been able to find anyone to go through these with, they are all manageable with a second controller in splitscreen (though some are tougher than others).

In general, I kept the second controller a fair ways back, and tried to be relatively cautious. When needed I would run up with it to revive player one and/or clean anyone up that was needed. A few areas won't start unless both people are there, so you will both be under fire. This is where you are most likely to need to use one of your defibs (you have 4 between the two controllers). I revived player two when there was a lull, as he provides a decent distraction. If there is some cover you may want to stick him behind something so he lasts a bit longer.

Life in Prison: Nothing too special here
Season 1: Pilot: There are a lot of arenas where you are forced into close quarters. I mostly used the shotgun and blasted the ones messing with player two until he died, then backed up as I shot the remainder, and revived player two in between waves.
Water Service: This is one of the trickiest, due to the time limit, but definitely doable after a couple of runs for familiarity. You will need to be more aggressive on this one and kill the enemies quickly. I ran up and blasted a few with the shotgun to take them out quickly, then once I went down, followed up with player 2 to mow the remainder down with the assault rifle, revived player 1, and repeated as needed. You will need to use both controllers to disarm the bombs. One holds A to open the access panel, then the other points at the bomb and presses A to disarm.
Trophy Hunting: Lots of mutants, so use your shotgun and refill your ammo frequently. There are two arena fight at the end with some larger mutants and regular mutant minions, I would focus mostly on the small guys and get them out of the way so you can focus on the big guys. A decent place to use turrets or grenades if you have them.
Rusty's Resupply: Another timed level. You don't actually need all the parts so you can grab them if they are handy, but they are just for high scores. Again you will need to be more aggressive to hit the time limit with just one active shooter.
Unwanted Guests: This is the easiest level to do solo in my opinion. I would recommend doing this level fro the nightmare and no incapacitations achievements if you need them. They are all authority enemies, so most are long range. There are a few authority mutants, they mostly come one at a time, but there is a group of three that will come shortly after you cross the open area where a few guys jetpack in. Pop out of doorways, shoot a little, then fall back. There is a heavy enemy near the end, so use a little more care with him, toss a few grenades, etc.
Extermination: This is very similar to Season 1: Pilot. There are more enemies though, so make sure you are keeping your ammo topped up, backtrack and hit up ammo tables before starting each room if possible. You will likely run out of ammo on your favorite weapon and have to use your backup, or switch controllers.
Grab and Go: Nothing too special here, but beware of the glitch if playing online, make sure the non-host goes on the elevators first.
A New Toy: There are a couple of close quarters fights against heavies (sometimes multiples) in this one, so use your grenades freely there.

06 Mar 2019 19:41

There are 9 Wasteland Legends missions, and as this is co-op they test your teamwork skills to the max.

The missions you have to complete to unlock this are:

  • Life in Prison
  • Season 1: Pilot
  • Water Service
  • Trophy Hunting
  • Rusty's Resupply
  • Unwanted Guests
  • Extermination
  • Grab and Go
  • A New Toy

To survive this co-op mode, I just want to say one thing: TEAMWORK! Don't rush, leaving your partner behind, and do not compete in who can loot a room the fastest. There is no I in Team, but there is in difeat if your spell it wrong.



There are 9 Legends in total that need to be completed for this trophy, you can complete them all on normal to make it easier for you. You can do this online or in local split screen. You can do the missions by yourself if you really want to using 2 controllers as there really not that hard. Trophy will unlock when you complete 'A New Toy', The legends are listed here:

- Life in Prison
- Season 1: Pilot
- Water Service
- Trophy Hunting
- Rusty's Resupply
- Unwanted Guests
- Extermination
- Grab and Go

I have a theory with regards to the lift glitch in co-op. As we know, it sometimes won't let Player 2 in. A potential solution to this is to let Player 2 enter first followed by the host but this sometimes doesn't work either. After being hit by the glitch today in co-op, I came up with an idea. I theorised that the game won't register people on the lift until all enemies on there have been killed. When you encounter the Heavy at the end, I suggested that we both run straight into him and onto the lift whilst he is still on it. It's suicidal I know but it worked, and we were both able to get on the lift without any problems at all, then we just spammed Rockets and the Shotgun and took him down.

- A New Toy

This trophy may not unlock upon completing all the legends, if this glitch happens to you then please see the roadmap for a solution.