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RAGE Nightmare

RAGE Nightmare

Finish the Campaign on Nightmare difficulty


How to unlock the RAGE Nightmare achievement in Rage - Definitive Guide

When playing on nightmare, not a whole lot changes from other difficulties. The enemies act exactly the same, they take the same amount of damage and Id doesn't throw more enemies at you to make the experience tougher. The only difference you should notice is that you take more damage, faster than the lower difficulties.

There are a few things to keep in mind while you are playing. The first thing is, when was the last time I saved? The reason I bring this up first is that the only time the game auto-saves for you is when you hit a load screen going from one area to another, meaning that if you die 45 minutes into a dungeon (or whatever you prefer to call the different levels) and you haven't saved, it will make you start all over from where you entered the area. Save OFTEN, you shouldn't die very much (I only died once and had a hand full of defibs) but it's still very irritating to have to replay large portions of the game. It may have been a little excessive, but I saved pretty much every time I cleared a room.

The second thing to know is what type of enemy are you facing. Against the Ghost clan and Mutants, it's always a good idea to have a large number of wingsticks on hand, they are one hit kill and it makes it much easier to keep these enemies at a distance when you are hitting them with wingsticks. Having sentry bots is also a big help against these enemies. They give your enemies a distraction and usually do a lot of the work for you, in fact i would recommend using these against all enemies if you're finding yourself in a bind or start to get overwhelmed. When facing the large mutants, throw down a sentry bot to keep the smaller mutants off of you and either use rockets or pop rockets on the bigger threat. When it comes to enemies that are less melee focused and more weapon focused, the pistol with fatboy rounds is immensely helpful. Against the shrouded it's usually a one-shot kill if you get a headshot and against the enemies that eat up your ammo, such as the authority or the gearheads, it's two headshots for a kill (as oppose to burning an entire clip on a single enemy) . When facing the various faction's larger boss characters, I always kept a shotgun with pop rockets handy, it usually takes 4-5 hits to take them out, but they really can't shoot at you when you are peppering them with this ammo. It's also a good idea to stick up on grenades against enemies that primarily fire weapons as oppose to use melee combat, you can usually clear entire rooms with one or two well placed grenades and if it doesn't kill them, it draws them from cover to make for easier shooting. This is also great against the shielded authority soldiers, throwing a grenade behind them will either kill them or force them to turn and expose their back for you to shoot. The only other useful thing I can say regarding the different enemies is bring plenty of sniper ammo and be ready with your shotgun when facing the Jackals, they mix long range combat with lots of melee enemies as well.

The final thing to keep in mind is how you're spending your money, in order to continue to afford the ammo you need to best defeat your enemies, you can't waste your cash. Avoid vehicle combat as much as possible. There is no bigger waste of money than having to buy ammo and pay for repairs that you have because you drove in circles fighting for no reason. To help keep costs down, always loot your enemies and search areas after you clear them to find more ammo. The guns I found myself using the most were the double barrel shotgun, the pistol (with fatboy rounds) and the authority mg. Most of my ammo costs came from buying buckshot and various components to make sentry bots and pop rockets, so keep that in mind as well.

Hopefully this is helpful to your Nightmare run-through and if you see anything that was helpful to you and isn't included, or have questions feel free to comment. Also, if you down-vote, please specify why in the comments, thanks!

24 Oct 2011 19:23

nice solution. i'm gonna give this a go so you're tips will come in useful
By the games masta on 25 Jun 2012 21:42
thanks, hope you find it helpful :)
By vikingbloodlust on 26 Jun 2012 00:58
Some additional tips from me to add: If you need to make cash do 4 rounds of 5-finger fillet and then cash out before the final one. $40 each time in a minute. The last mission is a doddle; you only need the pulse cannon and the authority mg - plus take as many sentry bots as you can - they are far more effective than the turrets, and keep spamming new ones as soon as they die.
By Jodmeister on 26 Jun 2012 12:45
I used the mini games to make a lot of money. After you got the rocket launcher (It's Alive) buy max ammo and this is a walk through the park. So spend 2 days and make money
By Loddos on 04 Aug 2013 14:24
when I complete the game at this difficulty, does it make me unlock the achiviements of the lower difficulties as well?
By Stunk Gaming on 06 Sep 2022 15:13
If you change the difficulty halve way through the campaign you think ittl still count?
By IbizaismyMecca on 12 Nov 2011 22:33
i can't confirm as i haven't tried (and don't intend on playing this again) but i wouldn't risk it. If you consider yourself someone who knows their way around a shooter, i would just recommend starting on hard and getting it out of the way
By vikingbloodlust on 15 Nov 2011 07:06
This game's nightmare mode is a joke, really -- if you breezed normal you'll breeze nightmare, too. Ignore all side missions except for hanging onto all of your feltrite from the beginning of the game, so you can insta-finish Jacob's quest in the Wellspring bar to get the defib charge enhancement, otherwise beeline from story mission to story mission.

Spam EMP grenades at the Authority (because they basically equal HE grenades in effectiveness against them and will fuck them up real good) and spam wingsticks at everything else, and this will be a breeze.

I did not bother with engineering anything besides wingsticks, bandages, and the occasional lock grinder. Work on maxing out Av2x rounds for the Authority MG, so that by the time you find it in the Shrouded bunker you'll be on easy street. The final mission is all advanced wingsticks and the pulse cannon you get from Portman, the ammo for it is spammed all over the level and nothing can withstand more than 6 shots from it. Don't bother with the plasma ball thing it does, though -- takes far too long to charge and reload.
By Mobius Evalon on 11 Sep 2012 09:50
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Beat the game on Nightmare difficulty.

****The achievements do stack****

Be sure to just take lots of cover and stack up on bandages. I found the best method to be using a lot of Wingsticks and a lot of HE Grenades. The grenades can stun heavies and are pretty much a 1 hit kill on everything else, plus they are super cheap. Your advanced turret is your best friend and so is the left analog stick. If you get overpowered, RUN around!

Boss fights are pretty simple. None are to hard just do the same above and be sure to use cover ALOT.

Happy achievement whoring!

07 Oct 2011 07:57

As Abba said its all about "Money, Money, Money".

This is really easy if you flash the cash. Find the game Tombstone and preferably a nice Turbo Controller (leave it for an hour each time) and play it over and over with $25 bets. By the time I completed the game I'd got over $100,000 on the one play through.

Buy all upgrades for health and amour.
Buy as many Sentry Bots as possible, especially on disc 2. I started each level with at least 10 and let them do all the donkey work.
Start each mission with Max Grenades and 1000 ammo on the weapon of choice (Shotgun and Sniper for me)
Have a Rocket Launcher with 100 shells as backup for sticky situations (Only use this in TV Bash .. I got $1,390 in one episode).
Lots of Bandages also.

Easy when you know how.

31 Jan 2012 06:35

Here is a link to a full walkthrough of the game on it's hardest setting with full commentary. There's practically no deviation from the path and the defibrillator is not used.

This isnt the hardest game ever made, but this is for anyone who hits a hurdle.


Hope it helps.

24 Oct 2011 23:04

Just got this achievement and its actually fairly easy to get if you have the right stuff!
First off you're not going to be able to rush into combat, you'll need to take your time and be patient. Below is a list of everything that I found very useful.
1.) Fat Boys (Stock up on a bunch of these cause you're gonna need them! Also much easier and cheaper than making Fat Mammas)
1.) LOTS of Bandages (At least 15-20)
2.) HE Grenades (Stock up on these they're very helpful)
3.) Rocket Launcher (Kills bosses and heavily armored enemy's extremely fast, also saves you a lot of ammo)
4.) Pop Rockets (Stock up on a lot of shotgun ammo and explosive packs, then make some pop rockets! This ammo is just as effective as the Rocket Launcher)
5.) Steel-tipped Bolts (Ammo for the crossbow, pretty effective against the authority)
6.) Medium Armor Upgrade (Wont need this until you get to subway town)
*If you have the money you can also buy the Heavy Armor Upgrade
And that's it, hope this helps whoever needs it!

Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty to unlock this achievement.


This trophy requires you to complete the whole game start to finish on nightmare. Nightmare isn't as hard as the likes of COD's Veteran but it can be challenging in places. The best advice I can give you is to take cover wherever possible, cover will save your life plenty of times. Try not to use your firsts on enemies or get up close and personal with them as they will only whip your ass. If you stock up on hundreds of bandages and grenades then its so easy. Here are some tips:

Bandages - Always have bandages on you, these are a saviour on nightmare, these work like health packs and restore your health upon use, you get the schematic given to you early on in the game so make some bandages whenever you get a chance.

Supplies - make sure you have always got an RC car bomb and lock grinders and EMP grenades on you as some cards require you to have these items in order to reach them. There also useful in nightmare.